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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 22, 2024 3:00am-4:01am PST

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somebody grabbed former president trump's hand and held his hand along the tarmac and then answered a question for him? that would never happen. so really quickly, david, before we let you go "fox & friends" can start. the latest quinnipiac poll shows 54% of voters say they do not think that the president has the mental fitness to serve. there is also a physical fitness that's about the same number. about 20 seconds to you. i'm sure that image on the tarmac won't help his case. >> look, everybody has got eyes. hopefully your vision is good. see for yourself. we have a man who is addled, clearly, who is incompetent in many ways. and, frankly, lies to the american people never which way just to get ahead. >> carley: yeah. they are hoping that the state of the union address will be a restart but then robert hur is going to be testifying bulbly a few days later, so we will see how that news cycle plays out. thanks, david. "fox & friends" starts right now.
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>> steve: it is 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. is your phone working? if not we will tell you why on this thursday, february 22nd, 2024. welcome to "fox & friends." major cellar outage reporting affecting at&t, t-mobile and verizon and other networks as well. >> ainsley: that makes sense why everyone was up in arms this morning in our green room. plus, we are learning president biden is considering taking executive action on the border. but, denied he just say this? . >> did i all i can do. just give me the power. >> pete: what did he do? commanders in chomp. biden's vanished german shepard had 25 biting incidents. >> that we know of. that we're aware of. "fox & friends" begins right now
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what do they say? >> mornings are better with friends. >> steve: all right. ♪ i got a chevy ♪ i drive her anywhere from here to california. >> lawrence: look at this crowd? what is happening? you need some coffee. oh, that's what i'm talking about. what's up, "fox & friends"? [cheers and applause] >> lawrence: what's happening? [cheers and applause] >> lawrence: let's go. south carolina. [cheers and applause] good morning, family. we're at the golden egg in surf side beach. and, as you can see, these people love the country. don't y'all? [cheers] [chanting u.s.a.] >> lawrence: unbelievable when you look at the polling, you would think that the folks wouldn't be excited because it looks like donald trump is taking the lead here but they love donald trump. they love their former governor
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and it's going to be a big race here in south carolina, guys. >> ainsley: this makes me so proud. i love my state. grew up there spent lots of time at surf side. it's close to myrtle beach if you are wondering where it is on the map. >> lawrence: this is the best crowd we have ever had at "fox & friends." [cheers and applause] >> lawrence: they do not play. and, guys, these are just the people that y'all can see. outside there are people still waiting to come in. >> ainsley: that's awesome. >> steve: terrific. >> ainsley: all all you people out there. how cold is it outside? [laughter] >> lawrence: it's pretty cold. they are dressed up. and they are dealing with cell phone issues. >> steve: right. >> lawrence: they still decided to show "fox & friends" some love. >> steve: in fact, we will have you poll the audience regarding the cell phone issue in a moment because as we said a moment ago, this morning, a major cellular
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outage being reported. the tracking website down reporting more than 32,000 outages for at&t customers. we are hearing reports of customers with tat are at&t strg to call 911. that is a problem. >> ainsley: more than 800 outages reported for verizon and t-mobile users. it's unclear what caused this outtaj. there has been no word yet from any of these cellular networks. did you have a problem this morning, pete? by the way, welcome. >> pete: great to be here. did i not notice it but a lot of people have and it's coast to coast. not just new york. apparently reports all the way to l.a. maybe international, too. >> steve: l.a., dallas, atlanta, san diego, san antonio, chicago, san francisco and honolulu. so what about surfside beach, south carolina? lawrence, poll the audience. ask for the hands if anybody is having a cell phone problem.
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>> lawrence: let's ask the folks here. okay. who is having cell phone issues here today? who has at&t, raise your hand. at&t. cell phone issue? what about verizon? who is having some verizon issues today? okay. yep. so, pretty much everyone, guys, is having the same issue. thank god for the wifi network that's what we're using. >> ainsley: i was going to say it's the data. lexy, our assistant she came in this morning and said my data is not working but when i get to fox and turn it on wifi my phone works now. >> lawrence: that's exactly right. i think they can make emergency phone calls but they are not able to make just general phone calls of family. so you have got a lot of folks getting up for school. taking their kids out. and hoping we can get control of this situation real fast. >> steve: yeah. we are trying to call some people to find out what is going on. apparently there is a cell phone rob. we are going to be working on in this hour because people getting
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up and wanting to know the news. if your phone doesn't work you are cut off. that's the beauty of cable tv. >> ainsley: your alarm does work. how did you get up this morning? my alarm was working. this is how addicted we are to our phones. everyone is so-search freaking out because the cell phone is not working. >> lawrence: i have to be honest, ainsley, i got up this morning. the phone is not working i go i know everybody on the road a lot. did i forget to pay my bill? is something. >> steve: nice. >> lawrence: okay. got automatic payment on that. so that's good. everybody is experiencing the same issue. >> steve: and we're gonna get to the bottom of it. >> pete: if there was a cyber attack or a satellite malfunction, even a major solar flair. >> if cell phones went out, give it three hours. give it 12 hours. give it 24 hours and a lot of things change in our society. >> steve: the country would be brought to its knees. >> pete: massive vulnerability. >> steve: that's right. talk about other news going on. and as it turns out.
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according to a number of sources talking to reporters, our reporters have heard this. it's in the major newspapers this morning. apparently joe biden is considering some sort of executive action on what is going on on the border. we had heard that for a while. but, it sounds like -- and nothing has been decided yet. but it sounds like they would put in place some of the key parts of that bipartisan senate bill that republicans killed a couple of weeks ago because trump said he didn't like it and some republicans in the house said this will never pass. so, it sounds like essentially it comes down to they are going to try to keep people from crossing illegally into the country. what that means is they have got to go through the ports of entry. and apparently there, perhaps. >> pete: this is their brilliant idea? go through the ports of entry? steve a apparently this is one of the ideas. >> pete: wow, give them a pay raise. >> steve: turn them around on the border. >> ainsley: thing that gets me and lawrence, sure, you, pete,
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the part-timing of this. the elections are heating up. >> steve: of course. >> ainsley: this is one of the number one issues for people around the country, the voters. keep in mind three years ago on day one he took executive action to get rid of all of donald trump's plans. >> pete: keep in mind two weeks ago. he said he couldn't do it anymore. nothing more that could be done. here is joe biden january 30th of this year saying my hands are tied. watch. >> have you done everything you can do with executive authority? was there more you could do. >> i have done all i can do. just give me the power. i have asked for the very day i got in office. give me the border patrol. give me the people -- give mee the people, the judges. give me the people that can stop this and make it work. >> steve: lawrence? >> lawrence: bottom line is he broke it he should fix it. when you are out here talking to the american people, when you are looking at the polling, the
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number one issue for voters is the border. and it's such a reversal for the president to say he doesn't have the authority to do anything. when you look at the talking points they are gonna to blame the bill in the senate. yes, it did get some sort of support. the bottom line is it still wouldn't have stopped the massive amount of crossing. you are talking about 5,000 people per day. >> talking about people not immigration judges decide this but just officers. also gave the ability to the president of the united states if he didn't want to declare an emergency, he could stop it. so, a lot of people are saying, you know what, joe biden, you decided that you were going to be continue vicive against donald trump on day one. you decided you were going to get rid of remain in mexico. you decided you were going to decrease what our border agents were doing and make them just process people. so you got to fix this with your executive order. >> steve: lawrence. you brought up a great point.
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the border is like the number one and number two issue with republicans that we have seen so far in iowa and new hampshire. because those were both open events. open prime marry. the reason joe biden hasn't been in any hurry to fix it with democrats the top issue is preserving democracy followed by guns and then the economy with republicans it's immigration and the economy. because we are not to the general election stage he is taking his time. >> ainsley: not the case in chicago. big city council meeting yesterday. chicago is known to be a democratic area. people up in arms over what is happening in their state, in their city when it comes to the migrant crisis because the governor and the county and the city council, they have decided to pour hundreds of millions of dollars into this migrant process because they have 35,000
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migrants that they are trying to feed, that they are trying to clothe. they are trying to provide homes for. listen to this. this is some of the people that were at that meeting that were angry. >> all this asylum-seeking lie, all this about refugees that, no, no, no, what is happening is they are emptying out the jails and to the united states and to our communities. they are junking up our country and, yet, we feel some kind of way about it because it's our country. we are going to get our city back, we are going to staff our people. we are going to get them out of our communities because they don't deserving to be there. >> downtown has three to four illegal families on every block begging for work and selling kit kat bars after a billion dollars was spent on them. where is that money? where is the money for the south side and the west side communities that should be the argument? not another dollar for the illegals. if the crisis is so bad, the
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city council members who are so concerned should donate their salaries to the cause like a real public servant should. >> pete: sounds like america first to me, lawrence. fed up with putting other countries and other people first in the process. steve, you mentioned the polling and democrats. the vulnerability for democrats is independents who also see immigration. >> steve: of course, right. >> pete: they will get their base, they will lose reasonable americans. >> steve: that's why in the polling we have done so far, they were both republican events. the iowa caucuses, the new hampshire primaries. they were republican events. now, as we move to the general, then you have got to pay attention to the independents and the democrats but, lawrence, to my point, my point was it has not been a gigantic issue for the presidency right now at the white house because they see that border is way down the list. >> well, so there is two points on that. first, every -- you have black residents and brown residents, black and hispanic residents
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that we have been showing right here on this show all across the country. got the woman that was in boston they shut down the rec center that her kids use god to keep them out of trouble. yeah, then you had chicago where they shut down the schools. these are all democrats that are upset with the president. the second point on this and it is a fair point to say democracy is the number one issue for democrats. >> steve: right. >> lawrence: part of democracy is having a country. if you have people coming across the border, you are not going to have a country very soon. you will have people that are involved with your country that are not american citizens. so you can't have democracy if you have an open border. so you are gonna see a shift very soon as the problem is brought to democrat cities. remember, when you talk to some of the democrats in south carolina, it's not a sanctuary state, so it may not hit them just yet. greg abbott is only sending the folks that are illegal to sanctuary states and cities. they don't have that in south carolina. >> ainsley: you know, lawrence, if you look at some of the
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polls, voters are concerned also about joe biden and his mental state and his physical state. if you look at this recent poll, it's a quinnipiac poll says do you think joe biden has the physical fitness to serve a second presidential term or not? 62 percent said no only 35 percent said yes. what about mental fitness. 64 percent said no. 34 percent said yes. then when you look in the hypothetical medicine to head. biden is actually up by 4 but he was up by 5 just a few weeks ago. >> ainsley: which poll is that quinnipiac, too? >> steve: everything we have been talking about quinnipiac poll. with independents joe biden is leading jleading donald trump b primary the former governor there, nikki haley, actually beats joe biden in the head to head with the quinnipiac poll.
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of course, that's the difference between the primaries and the general. >> pete: as long as she could beat donald trump. she will have plenty of democrats over in the primary. >> ainsley: sorry to interrupt you. real clear politics, that's the poll that does the average? >> steve: right. >> ainsley: trump 45.6. and biden at 44. in that average poll, trump is winning. >> pete: yeah. i mean the reality is in white house is in panic mode over the country's perception of the president of the united states. >> steve: those images. >> pete: hear all the leaks in washington is there someone else there kamala harris. steve. >> steve: back up plan. >> pete: we have worked together many years. i'm a guest host today. if i had walked on today and you had said hey, pete, do you think you are ready to host today? are you ready? are you ready, that might have raised some alarm bells for me. steve, i have guest hosted a lot with you. >> steve: for a decade.
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>> pete: so why does kamala harris keep getting asked this question? >> steve: is she ready? watch this. >> what do you say to those concerns specifically if he had to pass the powers to you one second, one miners heaven forbid and request with all due respect are you capable and yesterday to step into the role and do whatever is necessary? >> i'm absolutely ready but thank god our president is in good shape and good health and is ready to lead in our second term. >> steve: just trying to reassure folks. >> ainsley: all right. listen to this story. a man connected to a woman's murder in manhattan is arrested after allegedly going on a violent crime spree out west. >> pete: a top prosecutor in arizona is refusing to extradite the suspect. citing new york city's soft on crime policy. >> steve: all right. it's a little complicated so brooke singman is joining to us explain it all. >> good morning, you guys, that's right. we have the new report here with maricopa county attorney rachel
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referring to hand over murder suspect she wants to keep the country safe. something she believes manhattan d.a. alvin bragg will not do. >> we are going to keep him here. these are mandatory prison sentences. having observed the treatment of violent criminals in the new york area, by the manhattan d.a. there. alvin bragg, i think it's safer to keep him here so that he cannot be out doing this to individuals either in our state or county, or anywhere in the united states. >> he is believed to have bludgeoned a woman to death in a new york city hotel before fleeing to arizona nine days after the murder he allegedly stabbed a woman during a carjacking near phoenix, then walked into a mcdonald's, dragged another woman into a bathroom, stabbing her several times. is he also connected to a 2023 kidnapping and assault in florida and a family offense in texas. the manhattan d.a.'s office thinks it's all just political though saying on x, quote: it is deeply disturbing that d.a.
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mitchell is playing political games in a murder investigation. new york's murder rate is less than half of phoenix, arizona because of the hard work of the nypd. it is a slap in the face to them and the victim. maricopa county attorney rachel mitchell will join us live in the 8:00 hour to discuss all of this. guys? >> steve: what a story. and they were able to figure out he was at that hotel because they found a burger king receipt in a pair of pants. >> ainsley: what does that say? don't want to extra did it him in new york because too soft on crime here. >> pete: thank you, brooke. >> ainsley: major cellular outage we have been talking about this morning. it's impacting impacting tens of thousands of americans. tat is hit the hardest. tracking website down reporting 32,000 outages at peak at 4:30 a.m. hearing reports of customers at&t struggling to call 911.
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outages for verizon and t-mobile users. it's unclear what caused this problem. no word yet from many of those major cellular networks. coming up kurt the cyberguy will join us to react. and the u.s. pushing for the release of a u.s.-russian dual citizen arrested in russia on treason charges. she is accused of raises funds here in the u.s. to support ukraine. the ballerina's boyfriend believes vladimir putin could be using her as a political pawn. >> is it a good thing to go? she was like so calm like, yes, i'm russian. i'm going home. i'm fine. but do you think eventually there is going to be some kind of prisoner swap for her? >> the fact that russia made this public makes me believe that that's a possibility. >> ainsley: if convicted the 33-year-old who lives in california could spend the rest of her life in russia in prison. meanwhile, in washington. the biden administration is set to announce a new round of
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sanctions against russia tomorrow following the death of the kremlin opposition leader alexei navalny. the funeral for the texas 11-year-old girl found dead in the river is now set for next friday. audrii cunningham reported missing after she did not get on the bus last week. a family friend who was the last to be seen with her is now charged with capital murder. last night family and friends gathered at a vigil in remembrance of young audrii. two suspects arrested months after a secret service vehicle was broken into right outside of the home where president biden's granddaughter lives in washington. the secret service says a 19-year-old and an unnamed juvenile were taken into custody earlier this month. they allegedly made off with at least $1,000 in gear from an suv that was used for members of the first family. and those are some of your headlines. >> steve: it's good they finally caught him. in the meantime republican lawmakers calling out james biden, the president's brother
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saying he offered contradictory testimony in his brother's impeachment inquiry yesterday on capitol hill. >> pete: joe's brother walking back claims that he was not part of a business deal with his nephew hunter. >> ainsley: doug luzader is live in washington. doug? >> ainsley, pete, and steve, good morning. this went on for more than eight hours yesterday. james biden said he was never in business with his brother. he also said he was not part of a specific deal involving the president's son hunter. but that claim was immediately challenged when lawmakers confronted him with a copy of an agreement with his signature on it. james biden said he didn't remember signing it. arizona congressman andy biggs had this reaction. >> what's your overall assessment of james biden's testimony today? >> interesting. >> was he truthful? >> he contradicted himself. >> now, james biden has insisted that his brother had no ties to the family's business deals and in a statement he said i have had a 50-year clear if a variety
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of business ventures. joe biden has never had any involvement or any direct or indirect financial interest in those activities, none. i have relied on my own talent, judgment, skill, and personal relationships and never my status as joe biden's brother. the missouri congressman jason schmitd questioned that. >> we have numerous whatsapp messages and emails provided to us by the irs whistleblowers that show james biden was intimately involved along hunter, tony bobulinski, rob walker and others in selling access to his brothers to foreigners. for james to sit there today. and say his brother had no involvement in these business dealings, and no knowledge is complete hogwash. >> now, democrats have called for an end to this impeachment inquiry saying the evidence just isn't there. hunter biden himself is up next. he has a deposition scheduled for next week and steve,
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ainsley, and pete. that will be under oath. >> steve: and that will be big. all right, doug, thank you very much. also, this is big. we heard months ago commanders biden, the president's dog, that the family has had for a while, mysteriously left the white house. we had heard stories that he had bitten some people. now, according to information out of the u.s. secret service, apparently that dog has bitten at least 24 members of the secret service and whatnot at the white house, wilmington, rehoboth, camp david and nantucket where they go for thanksgiving. >> ainsley: lawrence, this doesn't included executive staff and other white house workers. that's just the number for secret service alone. >> lawrence: yeah, average day americans, if their dogs bite someone one time, they get put down. i mean, one of the things that we always teach and you all know i train canines is responsibility, to have control of the dog it. looks like they just allowed the dog to bite everyone.
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>> pete: yeah, how do you get to 25? i don't understand that and you are right. just like the cocaine in the white house, we'll probably never know, lawrence, how many people were bitten. we can't get to the bottom of it. >> lawrence: i'm not. >> ainsley: if you don't put them down, sanctuary area, not a sanctuary city but like an area. brian. >> pete: sanctuary city. >> steve: another family member has currently got the dog. >> lawrence: i'm not surprised. he doesn't have any control of his son. i'm sure he doesn't have control of the dog as well. >> pete: send commander down to the border. >> steve: apatiently at least one guy needed six stitches which is sad. >> ainsley: set your dvrs for 6:00 so you don't miss any of our show. upper tens of thousands waking up and can't use their phones because of this major outage. we are monitoring it for you. >> steve: another u.s. citizen maintained in russia. >> pete: ben domenech coming up. ♪
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♪ >> ainsley: this is a fox news alert. one person dead and 11 others injured after a gunman opened fire near israeli check point out of jerusalem. and as tensions rise in the middle east, russia has reportedly received hundreds of plisms from iran. trey yingst is live in tel aviv with the latest. trey?
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>> ainsley, good morning. the shooting took place just outside of jerusalem, leaving one person dead and at least 11 others wounded. initial reports indicate three minutian gunmen opened fire on a line of cars at a check point. the attack does come 139 days into the war between israel and hamas, and we understand a 23-year-old israeli reservist who had just finished serving in gaza engaged the shooters killing two of them. a third was later tracked down. this as c.i. a director bill burns is expected in paris tomorrow for talks about a broader cease-fire. israel also facing new fire today from lebanon and yemen. this morning a ballistic missile was launched by houthi rebels toward the southern israeli city of elot. the yemen based houthis aren't the only ones being supplied ballistic missiles. it does come as follow separate reports about iran. providing missiles to russia. this weekend marks the two year anniversary between ukraine and
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russia. fox's bret baier sat down with volodymyr zelenskyy for wide ranging discussion about the ongoing conflict you were upstairs meeting with the soldiers wharnsd did he say? he lost his leg? >> russians they come to my soul. >> spirit. >> yes, spirit. bret, i can't add anything, you know, more hero than this benjamin hall to discuss the war and ukraine and the challenging parts of covering the conflict there. ainsley? >> ainsley: all right, thank you, trey. we will hand it over to steve now. steve? >> steve: thank you very much, ainsley and trey. meanwhile, u.s. ambassador to russia lynn tracy met with detained "wall street journal" reporter russian jail for a year in good spirits despite another extension of his imprisoned.
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32-year-old first accused of espionage which we dickless. his parents joined us in december to talk about his ordeal. >> evan is in a prison, the prison that designed to isolate and break you down. he wrote to me in the letter every day like swimming against the stream. >> we want the u.s. government to focus on bringing an american journalist back home. >> steve: all right. and evan is not the only american being detained in russia. paul whelan, remember him? a corporate security executive and retired marine has been jailed in russia since december of 2018. and we have just learned that russian american ball reena karelina raising $51 to support
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ukraine. i mentioned that the ambassador to russia talked to everyone yesterday. here's what she had to say. stand by. >> when the kremlin uses lies as bargaining chips, real people suffer. the plight of u.s. citizens wrongly detained in russia remains a top priority for me, for my team and for the entire u.s. government. it is unacceptable that evan gershkovich and paul whelan still languish in russian prisons on baseless charges. >> steve: all right. joining us now is ben domenech, fox news contributor. he is down in south carolina right now. ben, you know, we see them as political prisoners, essentially. what does vice president see them as? >> well, there are two categories here, steve. it's basically prisoner who can be traded, as we saw with brittney griner and viktor bout,
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the arms dealer, a pawn that can be used to that end. and then there are other prisoners who putin basically keeps in his back pocket with the possibility, the very real threat that they will, you know, experience some kind of, you know, very suspicious circumstance when it comes to their death. as we saw with alexei navalny. this is a situation that unfortunately this administration has only contributed. to say it used to be that there was a situation where if the united states of america said this person is important, don't touch them, they are americans or they have an american wife and children as are vladimir, jailed in a siberian prison does. you don't touch that person. it used to be that that was something that had a lot of power behind it. the threat of a response, and consequences should they be mistreated. now, under this administration,
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joe biden kind of threat that there would be devastating consequences, everyone understands that's a hollow threat. is he not actually going to do anything. and it's the kind of indictment, i think, of this current white house and this administration that is unfortunate but very obvious to all of our enemies around the world, particularly vladimir putin. >> steve: what's also obvious, ben, the fact that essentially we, through ukraine, are at war with russia. i mean, why is russia going to want to help us out? and, to your point, when he sees somebody, i could grab that "wall street journal" guy who wrote an unflattering report about me yesterday, and say he is a spy and hold him for who knows how long. ultimately, the best way that the united states can punish russia is to continue to fund ukraine to make sure that they have got enough weapons to put russia down. >> well, i think that's part of this. but i also think there are a number of other steps that can be taken as well.
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the simple fact is that we have not gone after the russian central bank the way that we could. we have not gone after the resources that are enjoyed by russian oligarchs around the world. we still allow their children to party hard in the west. don't deport them or strike their visas there are so many ways that we can continue to pinch them, and i hope that this administration considers those as opposed to continuing these hollow threats that as we understand them will never be delivered on. >> steve: those three americans we have mentioned and others need to come home as soon as possible. ben, thank you very much for joining us today from south carolina. >> good to be with you. >> steve: all right. meanwhile, fox news alert. you are just waking up? there is a major cellular outage. people can't use their phones. we will tell you what we know coming up with kurt the cyberguy. ♪ this is a tempur pedic mattress. and it's designed, to help make aches and pains, a thing of the past by relieving pressure points and supporting your body in a way no other mattress can.
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there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go. believe it or not baby... you could earn your... master's... for under 11 thousand! master's degree for under 11k in less than a year.
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earn your competency - based master's at university of phoenix. the first time you connected your godaddy website and your store was also the first time you realized... well, we can do anything. cheesecake cookies? the chookie! manage all your sales from one place with a partner that always puts you first. (we did it) start today at ♪ >> carley: a fox news alert. major cellular outage this
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morning impacting tens of thousands of americans. as of 6:18 eastern time, the number of outages impacting at&t are now just over 28,000. local reports say at&t is now coming back online saying this is the second major outage within a week. users also report more than 800 outages for verizon and t-mobile users. >> verizon spokesperson telling fox business the cellular issue was only when verizon users tried to call people with at&t, still unclear what caused the problem. we'll be looking into that. the company behind stanley cups is now facing multiple lawsuits after announcing the presence of lead in some tumblers. complaints reportedly filed against pacific market international in california, nevada, and washington. the suit alleges the organization, quote: marketed its products to the public for years as a safe, practical item, especially sustainable for young women. almost a dozen attorneys general
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are warning the white house of, quote: catastrophic consequences because of the faa wants push for diversity, equity and inclusion in hiring. meanwhile, boeing letting an executive in charge of the max program go. this comes after the 737 max 73r panel failure last month. despite that boeing says the 737 max is the, quote: safest airplane that can be out there today. those your headlines. ainsley, over to you. >> ainsley: great to see you. i haven't got to see you this morning. >> carley: hi. >> ainsley: listen to this story. a heart broken mother of this manhattan teenager that was killed while the teenager was subway surfing now there filing a lawsuit against tiktok and meta and the mta. his name is zachery. he was 15 years old. he was killed a year ago while he was subway surfing in brooklyn brooklyn bound train. after his death, his mom found videos of subway surfing all over his social media accounts.
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criminal defense attorney jonna spilbor joins us now. good to see you. >> ainsley: does she have a case? >> okay. so, listen, this is a noble cause. and it is a novel, legal theory, but it is far from a slam dunk. here's why. >> the plaintiff's attorney is basically trying to apply what we know as a products liability cause of action to this type of case. at its core in a products liability cases you have got to prove there is a product, it's defective and that defect is causing harm to the public. take that theory and apply it to the social media platforms and the defect that's alleged here is that the social media platforms have this highly addictive content and that's what is causing the harm. this is an interesting legal theory but it's also a very big untested legalese. and i don't know if it's going to be successful. >> ainsley: you know, jonna, apparently, the subway surfing
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is going train car to train car and some sort of a little porch in between each train car. but he did that and then, according to everything i'm reading, he got on top of the train and then it was going over the bridge, the williamsburg bridge and he apparently hit some sort of a pole. so, how does the mta avoid that. i know they started these psas, many people have seen the psas all over the new york area. at the beginning of last year five people died because of this. then they started running those psas in september and one person died since they started releasing those. >> the mom is saying they should lock the door to these train cars. they shouldn't be able to go train car to train cars. for safety reasons, is the mta allowed to do that? >> here i think the mta is going to be the least liable. i liken it to this. if you are driving your car 100 miles per hour when you shouldn't be driving your car 100 miles per hour and you hit a tree, it's not the car's fault and it's not the tree's fault, right? and in a case like this, and i
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hate to say it because i'm heart broken for this mother. when you do an activity that it just so obviously dangerous and frankly stupid, who is to blame for it? i think there's a better shot at finding liability against these social media platforms, especially sings they are in the crosshairs of the government right now as it is than it is to blame the msa for simply having a subway car that they fail to lock for other reasons. >> ainsley: when they're young do things they shouldn't be doing. >> crazy. >> ainsley: we have all been there. i have a brother. i know what this is like. i feel horrible for that mom. >> me too. >> ainsley: you can't get on top of a subway car when it's movies. james bond movies they think they can do it. we did reach out to tiktok and metaphor a statement and they have not responded. we have a fox news alert toe tell you about. tens of thousands of americans are waking up and they can't use their phones, reporting a major outage. kurt the cyberguy coming up. plus, former president trump
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calling that $355 million civil fraud fine completely political. lawrence is asking diners what they think about that amount of money. that's next. ♪ arantee. you got this. we got you. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ ( bell ringing) customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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♪ >> ainsley: this is a fox news alert. we are following this major cereal outage this morning. gerri willis from our sister network fox business is live with all the details for us. everyone is talking about this at fox. >> ainsley, a big story this morning. major cellar outage this morning. it's impacting tens of thousands of americans. as of 6:32 a.m., 35,065 people experiencing out tagets, local reports saying ta at&t is coming back on line saying second major outage within a week. users also report more than 800 outages for verizon and t-mobile users so everybody impacted here. a verizon spokesperson telling fox business the cellular issue was only when verizon users tried to call people with at&t. still unclear what is causing the problem one woman commented this way i have at&t i have the same issue. i tried turning it off and on
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and nothing is working. we are hearing that some of the problems may be from at&t's first net, which is a system for first responders, a a lot of our reporters in the field use this. it's a network and a platform that allows first responders to talk at any time. we're hearing now on twitter there is issues with that 911 services are being impacted. san francisco fire department also talking about this. back to you guys. >> steve: thank you, gerri. i got a note from somebody in canada watching from quebec say i'm having a problem too. >> ainsley: hopefully someone will fix it today. >> pete: someone has some splaining. >> steve: they do. >> pete: former president trump slamming ruling town hall with laura ingraham. if i didn't run i wouldn't have any of these lawsuits. you know that none of them. they would have gone onto the next. look, nikki has no chance. if she ever did, she would go after her the same way.
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these are vicious people. i don't care about the revenge thing. i know they usually use the word revenge. there will be revenge? my revenge will be success. >> ainsley: how do south carolina voters feel about it? >> steve: "fox & friends" co-host lawrence jones is getting a hero's welcome this morning. he is at the golden egg in surfside beach because the primaries are two days away. lawrence, take it away. [chanting u.s.a.] >> lawrence: you know, family, i love my texas but south carolina is giving it a run for its money. [chanting u.s.a.] >> lawrence: you know, guys, we're used to getting up at 3:30. you were up here waiting for us at 3:30. who are you supporting this election and why? >> i'm supporting donald trump because he's probably going to win the republican party. [cheers and applause] and because we need better border security. >> lawrence: that's your number one issue is the border? >> yeah. >> lawrence: she is supporting trump. we got woman woman here. she sun decided.
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she likes both candidates. let's figure out where she is going. all right, ma'am, you are undecided. who are you leaning toward right now? >> i guess trump, but i'm worried. i'm worried -- i'm kind of buying in to what haley is saying about the getting trump elected. they hate him so much they are going to do everything they can to stop him. >> >> lawrence: that concerns you? >> that concerns me. we have to have a republican win. >> lawrence: thank you so much, ma'am. i want you to meet my little friend right here. he was up here up and early. tell me how are supporting and why. >> donald trump because if somehow biden gets four more years in office, this country will not make it. and, also, trump for the border. because it's just not right right now. >> steve: thanks little dude. i appreciate you. [cheers. [? >> >> lawrence: big crowd here. more. more time on the couch.
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>> steve: ask that kid if he is going to vote. >> ainsley: not allowed but starting early. right? >> lawrence: fox news alert. kurt of the cyberguy joins us on the major cellular outage affecting thousands. ♪ and wake up ready to go. how could you? ( ♪ ) wake up to a new you. with mucinex nightshift, it's not cold & flu season, it's always comeback season. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. jorge has always put the ones he loves first.
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