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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 22, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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>> ainsley: this is "fox & friends." we start with a fox news alert. a major cellular outage impacting tens of thousands of americans right now. kurt the cyberguy is going to join us. >> pete: plus, joe biden considers executive action on the border after constantly saying time and time again he didn't have the power. he couldn't do it. south dakota governor kristi noem reacts. steve and two days until the republican primary in south carolina, lawrence is having breakfast with friends at the golden egg at surfside beach. all right. ladies and gentlemen, put down your phone, it's not working anyway. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, mornings are better with phones. ♪ >> steve: all right a fox news alert. if you are waking up this morning and looking at your phone, you could be having a problem with it and you are not alone. there is a major cellular outage being reported nationwide. >> pete: as of now, it appears at&t users are the hardest hit with website down
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reporting nearly 40,000 outages. those are reported across the u.s. at this time. >> ainsley: kurt the cyberguy joins us now. 40,000 doesn't sound like a lot when you think how many people live in our country. those are just the ones reporting it. ththis is affect ago lot of people. >> steve: and awake. >> kurt: that is true. this is a rather large story. waking up this morning try to use your phone, likely it's not working. we are showing the outages in terms of the map all up and down the eastern seaboard. central part of the u.s. houston big part of the reporting here stretching to the west. here is what we know at the moment. at&t has a global network operation center. underground bunkser that works on disasters and outages of this magnitude we're trying to get as much as out of them. here somewhat we know in terms of a cyber attack. if you start to think how could
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something like this happen. what we know reports started at about 12:46 a.m. when tens of thousands of people started to say hey, my phone is not working. that's a large number for the middle of the night. and what they are trying to do is find out what the problem is and the good news is, if this is some form of a cyber attack against our country, and there is no physical damage done, cyber attacks are a one off. once the enemy has done something like this, august of these cell phone companies, at&t, verizon, t-mobile, they have the ability to re-start this network despite how large they are, if there is no physical damage. and then at that point, a cyber attack can't happen again. >> steve: if it is a cyber attack, impacting, you know, we have got 440,000. a lot of people are up and a lot of people haven't reported to down detector. it could be in the millions. if it is a cyber attack, will
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they ever tell us? >> kurt: on this scale i would imagine we are going to find that out. because this just doesn't happen. you just don't have multiple wireless networks go down simultaneously. steve right. >> and have this level of outage. and the widespread effect, i mean, it will be big. the transportation system alarm systems, emergency communications, despite all of our just basic phone service from hundreds of millions of americans, it is affecting with this. now, as you know, and you have done this and talked about it already this morning if you got iphone and haven't done this already, there is a way to work around this if you have got a wifi network around you like the wifi network at home, which is to simply go to your phone, hit settings, go into cellular and turn on a feature that's called wifi calling. when you do that, your phone is going to be able to use the internet network at your home or your work. and be able then to make phone
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calls over that backbone instead of relying on cellular communications. that's an immediate short-term fix. >> ainsley: kurt, a lot of us have gotten rid of our land lines. this is a perfect example, right, if you needed to call 911? >> yeah. you know, it's funny as gen z, gen-y are looking at how novelty it is to get an old landline phone at this moment in a story that we have been working on. i think we will see a resurgence of that after this. fact is, yeah, if you have hard line phone, sure that, will work. most of us are on the go constantly and cellular communications are not just for phone calls. it handles all kinds of stuff. 680 pedibytes of data. massive amount for just at&t alone. so, we'll continue to monitor this. we're going to get more information. we are going to find out more specifically how this happened, we are going to find out who it's affecting and when we can expect our phones to work as we
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expect them to work. >> pete: a quick update here, a verizon spokesperson telling fbn the business network on background only experiencing issues when trying to contact folks on at&t, which operates first net. so that's sort of preelements my question which is if it's affecting all networks, is it something bigger but it appears to be pretty at&t centric. >> still, if it's just one carrier, this is a huge concern, at&t, one of the largest carriers has to do with our national security as well if it's just them it's still going to have a widespread effects. what we are seeing are simply reports from the other wirlz carriers not being able to connect through that could be the research. but, also, it could be that maybe it's just t-mobile. maybe it's at&t and t-mobile and verizon is in the clear on this one. we will get details and get it firmed up and have more
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information for you shortly. >> steve: all right. kurt, thank you very much. we were able to scramble you. gerri willis told us like 10 minutes ago it could be involving first net is having a problem which is used by a lot of first responders. and we have no idea if it's been a cyber attack. that is pure speculation. we will know more throughout the day. >> ainsley: we are talking more about the election. two days until south carolina primary. traveling down there today. live down there tomorrow and saturday as well. lawrence went ahead. he left yesterday and he is in surfside beach, which is around the myrtle beach area, just below myrtle beach. he is at the golden egg. if you are in town in that area, go visit lawrence, you can be on "fox & friends," too. lawrence, what are people saying about the cellular service and more importantly what are people saying about the election? >> lawrence: yeah. let's ask some of the folks about the cellular connection. hey guys whose phones are working who has at&t? >> i do. >> lawrence: if your service is down, raise your hand.
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service is down? whose service is now back up? >> i'm t-mobile. >> lawrence: yours is back up. so, guys. >> lawrence: you can't hear some of them but what they are saying is about a few of them their service is back up. some of them have t-mobile. so theirs has been up the whole time then a few with at&t, verizon that are still down, guys. >> steve: all right. thank you very much. >> ainsley: they are having eggs. they don't care there right now do they? >> steve: they are on tv until 9:00. >> ainsley: i see people taking out their phones to take pictures. >> steve: camera still works. go ahead. lawrence. >> lawrence: it's so true. they are so fired up. as you can see, they keep chanting u.s.a., u.s.a. they got a lot of thoughts about the current state of politics in america right now, guys. >> steve: the eyes of the world are on south carolina and that's why you are there. and that's why we are going tomorrow. in the meantime, let's talk a little bit about politics. >> pete: joe biden taking a page out of the trump playbook.
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get this one. he is considering executive action to reign in the illegal crisis. >> ainsley: as the white house plots its next move, thousands ever migrants that may pose a national security risk are easily making their way into our country. >> steve: all right. lucas tomlinson is live at the white house with the very latest. lucas, you know, apparently they haven't decided anything. but it sounds like the president might use that phone and pen just like the guy who used to work for to do something. >> that's right, steve, good morning. this is something, of course, that republicans have been calling for for years, including former dhs chief chad wolf, bring back some of those trump era policies that president biden scrapped on his first day in office. and, as you mentioned, this is not something the white house has confirmed. a white house spokesman telling fox news, quote: no executive action, no matter how aggressive, can deliver the significant policy reforms and additional resources congress can provide. and that republicans rejected. you will recall last month
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president biden said he can't do anything more to fix the border where more than 7 million migrants have entered the united states under biden's watch. >> give me the power. i have asked from the very day i got in office. give me the border patrol. give me the people -- give me the people to -- give mee the people to stop this and make it work. >> texas governor greg abbott sealing his state's border with mexico. the smugglers have turned to california for the main effort to get migrants into the country. in recent days here are some of the migrants encountered. et let's see that chart again. that part of the world. west africa. 2500 migrants entered. uzbekistan, 2500. vietnam, the country of georgia, afghanistan, senegal, russia 850. cam ruin 750. nepal, romania, ethiopia, tag stan and kyrgyzstan.
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humanity history and just in the last three years over 7 million migrants have come into the united states, guys. >> steve: it's those images of the migrants that is streaming in that's got the white house worried. lucas, thank you very much. you know, when you think about it, joe biden, you know, he has said he wouldn't do this because he was trying to pressure congress to pass something, which would have been great, but, you know, this is not the year. but, if he does this, this is going to inflame latino groups and the progressive wing of his party. we have been hearing about how the white house is going to try reset the campaign at the state of the union address. if i had to guess, that will be the night when he announces whatever the heck he is going to do regarding our southern border. >> pete: or he would announce it now so that two weeks interest from now he would attempt to tout it.
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>> ainsley: i have been doing so much for our border. it's republicans' fault. >> steve: he would say that anyway. >> pete: it's all a sham. they are saying actions biden might take would include an executive order that would restrict the ability of illegals to claim asylum if they try cross illegally. so, i mean, it's amazing. they are saying go through the ports of entry, although they have allowed anyone to come through any other aspect of the border and now they are saying we could use this code that trump used to actually deem that to be illegal and deport people when before they said they didn't have the power? it's because they didn't want to. >> ainsley: you were at all these diners in iowa and new hampshire. now you are in south carolina. this is a number one issue. one of the number one issues. this and probably the economy for republicans. >> steve: with republicans. >> ainsley: lawrence, go through what you found in iowa, new hampshire, and then we would love to hear from some of the people in south carolina. >> lawrence: yeah. let's see what they are saying here. hey, folks. who thinks that immigration and the border is the number one issue?
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[cheers] >> lawrence: yeah? yeah? you know what be, guy? let's go ask them why. let's ask the cowboy, all right? how are you doing, brother? >> all right. >> lawrence: tell me why is the border the number one issue for folks? >> biden done screwed it up and got some millions of people coming over here and getting all our money that we paid into, you know, taxes and stuff, and i don't think it's fair. >> lawrence: when you see the numbers now of chinese migrants that are taking flights, when you see people that are from terror watch list countries coming in the country, what runs through your mind? >> they are coming over here trying to take over our country. i mean, most of them are fighting age men. i mean, that ain't right. >> lawrence: such a good point, guys. what about you, sir? what do you think is going wrong with the border right now? >> well, the migrant migration here is just overflowing our country, you know. they are supposed to be coming in the right way. just like my families did, you know? i mean, they are being lied, to
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you know. whether they are deported it's going to be harder for them to come back to this country. you know, we need trump. is he going to make our country great again. and is he going to thrive our economy. [cheers and applause] >> lawrence: thank you so much, sir. guys, if you pay attention and i have been flagging this for people. if you talk to the white house on background, and you hear some of their surrogates. they will try to tell you that the numbers are down in texas on the southern border. what they fail to tell you is that texas is putting the razor wire out there. they are putting the shipping containers there. they are pushing the migration back because of what greg abbott is doing. that's why the numbers are down. and that's why the cartel is sending them now to california and arizona. that's not because of the administration, it's because of what greg abbott is doing, guys. >> steve: the constant flow of people across the river would have to stop completely if this executive order that is being dripped out right now is true, where you got to go through a port of entry. if you go through the middle part, you don't count.
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>> pete: they might say it and not do it. that's what they do anyway. >> steve: ultimately let the border patrol do their job. kristi noem is fired up about this. >> ainsley: also have more on this story. a man connected to a woman's murder in manhattan, here in new york, is arrested after a allegedly going on a violent crime spree out west. >> pete: a top prosecutor in arizona is refusing to extradite the suspect. citing new york city's soft on crime policies. >> steve: which are now famous. brooke singman joins us with more. brooke? >> yeah. maricopa county attorney mitchell refusing to land over the murder suspect she wants to keep the public safe something she believes manhattan d.a. alvin bragg won't do. >> we will keep him here. these are mandatory prison sentences. having observed the treatment of violent criminals in the new york area, by the manhattan d.a. there, alvin bragg, i think it's safer to keep him here so that
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he cannot be out doing this to individuals either in our state or county, or anywhere in the united states. >> he is believed to have bludgeoned a woman to death in the new york city hotel before fleeing to arizona. just nine days after that murder, he allegedly stacked a woman during a carjacking near phoenix. then walked into a mcdonald's, dragged another woman into a bathroom, stabbing her several times. is he also connected to a 2023 kidnapping and assaulted in florida and a family offense in texas. the manhattan d.a.'s office thinks it's all just political saying on x, quote: it is deeply disturbing that d.a. mitchell is playing political games in a murder investigation. new yorkens murder rate is less than half of phoenix arizona because ever the hard work of the nypd, it is a slap in the face to them and the victim. maricopa county attorney rachel mitchell will join us live next hour to discuss all of this. guys? >> ainsley: i will tell you as a woman, brooke, can you relate to
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this. he needs to be behind bars. he bludgeoned a woman in a hotel. he stabbed a woman. good for her holding him in arizona and not bringing him back to new york. >> steve: thank you, brooke. 7:16 here in the east. carley has got more on why some phones aren't ringing. >> that's right, guys. we are going to start with a fox news alert. update to the major cell phone outage impacting americans nationwide. more than 46,000 at&t customers are now reportedly effected. we still do not know what caused these outages, but we are going to bring you those updates as we learn more. search efforts intensify in wisconsin after an amber alert was issued for a missing 3-year-old boy. look at him right there. he was last seen on tuesday morning by a caretaker. police are asking the community for help in finding him. >> we urge anyone with any information, no matter how insignificant it may seem, please come forward and share that with law enforcement.
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immediately. every piece of information could be the key to bringing elijah home. >> residents of two rivers, which is southeast of green bay, holding a candlelight prayer vigil for the missing little boy. god bless him. opening statements begin today in the involuntary manslaughter trial of rust armorer hanna gutierrez read. the jury was sworn in yesterday new mexico prosecutors are expected to present evidence that she loaded at least one live round into a gun handed to alec baldwin during the rehearsal in 2021. the gun went off killing cinematographer halyna hutchins and wounding the director. she could face 18 months in prison if convicted. former crypts toe ceo sam bankman-fried making a brief court appearance wednesday. he wants to switch lawyers before his sentencing next month. despite a possible conflict of interest bankman-fried could
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face in prison stealing grls ftx customers. listen to this starbucks selling pork flavored coffee. got to go to china to get it. the company launching to celebrate the lunar new year as meat represents wealth. some users are calling the creation surprisingly delicious. okay. the chain says the latte is made with expresso, milk, and pork flavor sauce. barista finish it off with an actual piece of pork meat layered on top. that is something. [laughter] >> ainsley: yes, it is. >> yuck. >> steve: sounds interesting. now, if it were bacon-flavored. >> ainsley: you would love it. >> bacon! >> pete: that is bacon on top. >> steve: call it bacon. >> ainsley: what people would be interested. >> carley: every now and then those combos that you don't think work actually do. if you think of it like bacon
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and coffee in the morning. >> steve: right. >> carley: i'm into it. yeah. >> steve: there are 75 starbucks within three blocks of us from here. it would be great if somebody would make one and brings it over. >> carley: i'm about to order some food from flame diner. coffee and bacon and whip up our own barista thing during the break. >> ainsley: stir in the bray con. french vanilla but i will go for it. >> steve: lawrence is at the diner. he can ask the people at the breakin' egg. what do they think. >> carley: we're making it american. >> ainsley: that's right. thank you so much, carley. >> carley: you are welcome. >> ainsley: check in with adam klotz for our fox weather forecast. >> fairly chilly on fox square. the big weather feature moving across the country is a rain system. we are watching sweep from west to east. currently across portions of the midwest. this is going to be the one to watch here the next couple of days. at least a small risk of
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flooding from indianapolis, down to lexington, including places like pittsburgh, charleston west virginia, all areas that are going to get in on this. pay attention to the time stamp up in the top left-hand corner this is going to be moving today overnight ultimately moving across the east coast here where you are going to be seeing rounds of showers and how about in south carolina, this system will be moving through on friday, friday night, and maybe lingering a little bit into saturday. those are your weather headlines. for now, tossing it back inside to you guys. >> >> steve: all right, adam, thank you very much. we say this a lot. you miss a little, you miss a lot. set your dvr so you record each and every episode of "fox & friends" and make sure you do it monday through friday from 6:00 to 9:00. and saturday and sunday from 6:00 to 10:00. >> ainsley: we would really appreciate it. thank you. all right. a fox news alert. tens of thousands of people waking up this morning without their cell phone service. because of a major outage. and we are monitoring that. >> steve: meanwhile, iran is sending hundreds of ballistic
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missiles to russia. >> what could go wrong? former secretary of state mike pompeo on the rising threat coming up. ♪ men tell us when they use just for men® to eliminate gray, there's a great “before and after”. then, there's the 'after the after' — that boost you get when you look and feel your best. and that's why more men choose just for men®. sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common.
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terror nation has sent russia hundreds of ballistic missiles. at least four of them with more expected in the coming weeks. >> mike pompeo joins us. iran would provide 400 missiles which have hundreds of miles of reach. >> well, good morning, pete, thanks for having me on. you know, look, the alliance isn't new. but one of the partners, iran is wealthier. they have the capacity to build these missiles because the biden administration simply refused to deter them. we gave them $6 billion in exchange for hostages. there's now more american hostages held by the iranians in gaza this is a threat that is very real. i just left kyiv a few days ago, pete, make no mistake about it. this increased fire power coming from russia kill ukrainians and put all of europe at risk.
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we have to demonstrate our resolve. we have to convince iranians the cost of putting our young men and women at risk. we lost three service members a couple weeks back. we have to convince the iranians you can't ship these missiles and mofl in product and can't continue to move your terror around the world. whether that's in gaza or yemenese in the red sea. this is unacceptable. and the biden administration lost this very deterrence. >> pete: that what in the world have we done to convince iran to stop doing these types of things? and these sanctions on raush russia prevent their ability to conduct the war don't seem to have limited them at all. >> these sanctions pete have been enormously ineffective not because the sanctions couldn't work but because we have created massive loopholes allowing crude oil around the world. all of the things, pete, you know, if you write something down if you make a rule you have to enforce it. we simply failed to do it. this administration began by trying to get back in this silly
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nuclear deal gave billions of dollars to the iranian regime come back to haunt the middle east and europe come back to haunt the united states of america as welling. this is the world's largest state sponsor of terror and firing missiles into empty warehouses in syria is not going to convince them to change their ways. >> pete: do you anticipate military increasing? does iran have the ability to send more sophisticated weapons to russia should russia want them? >> that's a good question, pete, pretty sophisticated capabilities. not only the missile capabilities you talked about this morning. a very capable set of drones that they have already provided. communication networks as well large power military capability. if we don't deter them and convince them that the cost is higher, they will stay at this, and more americans killed as a result of this, pete, simply unacceptable and not inevitable. >> pete: stick with russia where
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they are in the business of using americans as political pawns including "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich. thankfully recently the u.s. ambassador to russia had an opportunity to meet with him. this is lynn tracy. here is a portion of what she had to say. when the kremlin uses lives as bargaining ships people suffer. u.s. citizens wrongfully detained in russia remains a top priority for me, for my team and for the entire u.s. government it is unacceptable that evan gershkovich and paul whelan still language in russian prisons. >> pete: what more can we do to get these americans out? >> i pray for evan and pray for paul. paul was there when i was in office secretary of state. we have a whole bunch of tools that we can use but, pete, if you talk about a minor incursion into ukraine being okay, if you allow afghanistan to fall in the way we did, and get 13 american service members killed, those are the kind of things that
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encourage this very kind of hostage taking. and then when you pay a billion dollars to get each of our folks out of iran, i'm thankful they are home to their families, but you have now set a market price for taking american hostages. you have to demonstrate american power. all of its tools. and those are the things i'm glad the ambassador met with them. you should talk and meet with these wrongfully detained persons. the only thing vladimir putin understands is power. this administration simply refuses to use it, pete. >> pete: or retrade butchers for wnba players who we are glad too have back but we trade butchers for them. mike pompeo, thank you for your time. >> yes, sir, pete have. a good day. >> pete: a fox news alert as well. more than 50,000 at&t customers are reportedly without service right now. more on that, coming up. plus, donald trump confirming this vp short list to fox news. you see it includes governor kristi noem. she's next. ♪
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for a limited time, save up to $500 on select tempur pedic adjustable mattress sets. >> ainsley: this is a fox news alert. we are following a major cell phone outage this morning that's impacting tens of thousands all over the country. gerri willis from our sister network fox business is here with us. >> gerri: that's right. good morning, a major cellular outage this morning impacting tens of thousands of americans across the country. as of 7:16 now, over 51,000 people are experiencing outages as the at&t here is really the center of the problem. local reports say at&t is now coming back online in some places saying this is the carrier's second major outage within a week. a current outage map on down
4:38 am shows this is impacting folks in multiple places, indiana, atlanta, chicago, l.a., houston, san francisco, so all over the country. at&t's global network operation center, which handles major outages apparently assessing the situation. still no word on what is causing the problem. that's a question we all want. kurt the cyberguy joined us earlier saying a widespread outage like this is very uncommon. listen. >> still, if it's just one carrier, this is a huge concern. because at&t, one of the largest carriers has to do with our national security as well. >> steve: right. >> kurt: so, if it's just them, it's still going to have a widespread effect. and what we're seeing are simply report from the other wireless carriers, not being age to connect through. that could be the reason. >> gerri: users also report more than 800 outages for verizon and t-mobile users users, a verizon spokesperson telling fox business the you're issue was
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only when verizon users tried call people with at&t. one woman commenting this: i have at&t and i'm having the same issue. i have tried restarting my phone and turning it off and on but nothing is working. this story still developing and get updated and give it to you as we have it. >> president biden turned to the power of the pen to cancel another $1.2 billion worth of student loan debt. and it doesn't end there. after months of blaming congress for not giving him the power to fix the growing border crisis, now he is eyeing executive action to asylum seekers as well. south dakota governor the great kristi noem is with us. governor, i got ask you, the supreme court said that he couldn't do this, and, yet, he is still going to give billions of dollars to student loans. some would say he is buying
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votes. what do you say, governor? >> is he buying votes. that's exactly what he is doing. the timing of this to follow through on what he has threatened to do for so long is incredibly hypocritical of him to say that he cares about this country and continue to accumulate debt and hand out money to get himself reelected. i just hope everybody in america realizes we are still spending more money than what we bring in in this country. when he does stuff like this he is literally borrowing this money from china and then giving it to people so that they will support him and put him back in the white house so he can continue his reign of control. so it's really the worst of the worst. and americans are waking up to it with all these crises we have going on at the border. our national security, people's gas and groceries being unaffordable. people are struggling right now and this president just is not even aware of what the reality is on the ground. >> you know, governor, you were the first governor of another state to stand with my home state of texas on the border. now he is taking executive
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action. he fixed -- he broke the border with executive action. is he going to be able to fix it? is it too late? >> he could fix it. he could fix it today. he could reinstate the policies that president trump had in place. we would be in a whole different situation. i have deployed national guard to the southern border to stand with texas five different times. we have another group that is going to be going down, starting in april, it's an engineering unit that will be actually building border. it will be building the infrastructure needed to really stop a lot of these military aged men that are coming in to this country for very nefarious reasons. so it's been effective. i was proud to see texas do that we're proud to continue to help them because what joe biden was doing, and the reason i made this decision for the fifth time, was because he was threatening to take our national guard under title 10 and federalize them. that meant the president was so threatened by the fact that states were defending their own states' rights that he wanted to activate our soldiers so he could control them to stand down. i think it would be the first time in american history we had a president that actually paid
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soldiers to not protect our country, to stand down and to allow this invasion to continue to go on. so i was there the next day. the day the confrontation was supposed to happen to make sure that texas knew that we were going to be there. that we have cartel presence in south dakota as well. they have infiltrated into the country that far in removing drugs and trafficking that it impacts my people every day and we will continue to defender our state's rights to defender ourselves. >> lawrence: yeah. hey, governor, i talked to my friend karen here. she -- i asked her i said, "who are you considering for vice president?" she told me -- who are you considering for vice president? >> well, the person we want for vice president to help trump get us ahead is going to be -- and she needs to go ahead and declare it right now, governor kristi noem, are you going to be our vice president for the united states of america and get behind donald trump because you're the woman that can do it. >> lawrence: let's see what she says, governor. you are hearing it from the
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people. [applause] >> bless her heart. you know. >> lawrence: what do you say, governor? >> i think president trump needs to pick who he wants and who will help him win. i told him before that he needs to pick somebody who will help him win. i am all in to do what i can to help the team. he needs somebody that is actually not part of the swamp, i think. he needs a business owner. somebody who has been a commander-in-chief. somebody who makes decisions when things get tough. those are his qualifications. he could have somebody around him that trusts him and he trusts. and will fight. you know, he has got a lot of jobs to do when you are president of the united states. he needs to have people on his team that fight for him every single day. and so when he picks whoever it is, the vice president, i will support who he picks and i'm gonna make sure that i'm someone who still continues to defend and fight for his policies. >> lawrence: governor, thank you so much for joining the program. we appreciate it. >> thank you. you have a wonderful day. >> lawrence: let's do a show of hands. you got it governor.
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who wants tim scott to be the vice president. [cheers] >> lawrence: okay. okay. vivek ramaswamy? byron donalds. >> cheers] >> tulsi? [cheers] >> ben carson? >> kristi noem? [cheers] >> lawrence: all right. guys. so you can see a lot of kristi noem a lot of tim scott. who would be open to nikki haley being the vice president? [mixed reaction] >> lawrence: i guess that was a no on that. send it back to you, ainsley. >> ainsley: i love south carolina. some of them out there before you even got there give my people my best. kisses and kiss that southern soil. >> lawrence: i will. >> ainsley: here is a cyberguy kurt nutsson back with us plus, is a 6 figure salary the new middle class? jacqui deangelis is crunching all the numbers for us.
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♪ >> steve: apparently making a six figure salary still not enough. a $100,000 income now only considered lower middle class in high cost cities across the
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country. a new report revealing the 15 major cities where soaring inflation has taken a huge chunk out of your pay stub. here to react co-host of t the g money snow jacqui deanless. jacqui, when i was in high school i thought if i could make $50,000 a year i would be rich. >> carley: i know a low six figure salary amazing. now we are finding in this lower middle class. san francisco and san jose number three. what shocked me that new york city was not on this list. but we can talk about that another day. if you wanted to be regular middle class, you, you 152,000 n arlington. not just about food and shelter huge cost for the american people. also things like transportation, child care, all of these costs are soaring.
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>> steve: sure, the insurance, the electricity, the whole ball of wax. ultimately though, not only -- the reason joe biden, i think, is in trouble, regarding the election, whether it comes to the economy, and inflation, is the fact that every time you go and buy groceries. >> yeah. >> steve: it's a fortune. 100 bucks used to buy four bags of groceries. now it's two bags of groceries. >> i walk to the grocery store and buy four things and like 50 or $75. literally i got nothing. what is happening is people are having to take this extra 20% paying more for groceries and find it from somewhere else on their budget. if they don't have it on their budget, it's going on a credit card which is why some of this debt is spiraling out of control the way that it is right now, steve. i will ask you. this because we look at wages, and that's the biggest component of why food prices are up. i would say to the average person, are your wages up in the last three years 20% to keep up with food inflation? most people would say absolutely
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not. real wages are down. >> steve: i know. great item in the "wall street journal," the headline is it's been 30 years since food ate up this much of your income. >> yeah, absolutely. >> steve: jacqui, thank you very much. >> thank you, steve. >> steve: let's come on over here. make sure you watch her on "the big money show" 1:00 friday on fox business. we come over to lamore success' chalet in the kitchen lamore, you are great at saving people money. people my food costs are too much. you have great ideas. >> at lo of times when you grow to the supermarket fresh fruits and vegetables more for your buck. convenience comes at a cost you want to meal prep the night before or on sunday, 10 minutes the night before will save you a ton of money. so less than a few dollars, a week's worth of the yogurt
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parfaits and granola at home meal prepping not only good for waist line but wallet. >> steve: correspondent now lives in virginia they kneel doo meal prep every sunday to save money. >> this way you are throwing out less food because you know what you are using. speaking of throwing out foods. how many times do you throw away. >> steve: i threw away cilantro. >> basil. ginger and tumeric worst culprits. right from the freezer section. simple pop of the tray you get the exact amount that you need and leave it in your freezer. >> steve: i have never seen that get. >> get it right in the freezer section. >> steve: take a closer look. >> little ice cubes. this one is ginger, tumeric, dill, wellness shots. over here a diy at home chinese takeout next to my house used to be very inexpensive now it's $17
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for one dish. >> talking about groceries the one nun thing that costs a lot is meat. i will looked at steaks, looked at them, didn't buy them. the meat, let me think new york strips $25 a pound. >> very expensive. what you want to do. >> steve: i didn't buy them. >> you want to swap some lentils, beans, chick peas. one cup of kidney beans 43 grams of protein and really great way, again, and then for chick peas, the water from the click pea cans, you can make mayo out of it and scrambled eggs it really is great. >> final tip, get rotisserie chicken look what you can do. >> dark meat for dinner and whatever side you want. take half the chicken breast. fajitas out it. other half of the chicken breast chicken salad and with the bones make a soup. >> steve: listen, costco. >> that's what this one is. >> steve: 5 bucks. can't beat it. limore, thank you very much. >> thank you, guys.
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>> steve: carley, tell us about amazon and amtrak. >> carley: boy will i. wild video shows the moment a train cuts an amazon delivery truck in two. dash cam video obtained by tmz capturing the horrifying 2021 crash in wisconsin. the train was going around 80 miles per hour when it sliced that truck in half. the driver says he is deaf in his left ear and did not hear the train's horn. incredibly he was not hurt. what a moment. dozens of firefighters in los angeles helping rescue a horse trapped inside a backyard sinkhole. oh my gosh, let that horse out. the 1200-pound animal named lucky was buried neck deep in soil. crews put a harness on the horse and lifted it out after a few hours. responders saying lucky is, in fact, lucky to be alive. those videos are both crazy, steve, over to you,. >> all right. thank you very much. carley, limore, thank you again.
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