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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  February 22, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> harris: breaking news, senator tim scott who has been talked about to be possibly on the president's short list and then he confirmed it short list for vice president under donald trump somebody he would pick. he just voted in his home state. >> we look at success we had economically. we saw low -- one thing we're hearing around the state, particularly voters of color, 40% of african american men have said they had more money and are looking at donald trump as a viable option. this november, look at success we had during the crisis, one thing that was successful, we found way to help nonprofits and churches stay open so they could be the first line of defense. >> what is your relationship like with nikki haley right now? >> i think it is as it was
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beforehand. didn't talk a lot before then and don't talk a lot now. i look at comments coming from the haley camp and calling me judas. you have to have attitude of forgiveness to play this game long-term. she was a good person before and i look forward to having support from her in the days ahead. >> senator, do you believe that after the primary on saturday she should step aside for good of the party? >> i think for good of the country. bottom line is this, i made the determination that america wanted someone that was more forceful, more provocative and more rambunctious to clean out some of the challenges in our
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nation. so many things we see in the biden administration are challenges economical ly. only person standing in the way from donald trump or biden is nikki haley, getting out of the way is important for america's future. >> on immigration, do you support impeachment on mayorkas? what are your thoughts on that? >> the house had the guts to impeach mayorkas, being the secretary, is to fire joe biden. senate, we have no expectation there will be successful next step in that process, we know democrats control the senate. if we want to change the prajectory as relates to immigration, illegal immigration, we have to do so having a commander-in-chief who respects our border and wants to close our borders. how much does donald trump have to win by on saturday to prove
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nikki haley is not a contender? >> that's a good question, honestly, let me think about that. if you won in iowa, new hampshire, and you win in south carolina, i think a win would be sufficient, i would expect a 20-point plus win in home state where she was a governor and state representative, if that doesn't send a clear message, i don't know what does. >> and it has been decided that embryos are -- >> i will let nikki haley go back and forth on that issue. time for two more. >> trump said you campaign better for him than for yourself, do you agree with that? >> whole concept of james 4:10, and i live on and we have conversation publicly and privately how to exalt yourself and promote yourself while remaining humble. i struggle with that on the campaign trail now having a
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conversation about future of america and president trump being that leader is very easy, no internal conversation about are you doing too much self-promotion. i'm far better encouraging and being excited and motivated for president trump because i don't have that internal debate. do you agree with donald trump comparing paying his taxes on the case in new york compared to the death of alexei navalny? >> every person fears for their business because of oppressive courts in new york, they are considering leaving the state. it is insane you would see that judgement -- >> what about the comparison to navalny? >> do you have anything to say about that? >> senator tim scott just voted and we assume that was for the person he is now a surrogate
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for, donald trump, in nikki haley's home state of south carolina. two things happening there. early voting because the primary is not until saturday and also kind of a spot news break-out news conference with senator scott. we'll break it down, this is "outnumbered," here i'm harris faulkner here with kayleigh mcenany and emily compagno and joining us is author of "love mom" dr. nicole saphier and coof had host of bottom line, former wisconsin congressman sean duffy. that was really a pop-up and kind of reminder that the game has started in south carolina. >> sean: the game is on for sure, i think donald trump is a candidate that can who can best deliver the message, defend me and attack. tim scott was doing that well and to trump's point, he does it
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better for trump than he does for himself. he is so strongly opposed to nikki haley, she elevated him from the house to senate and he's left her. >> harris: he explained where he was and we shared eye contacts, doctor, he said people are good. the end of the day, politics is what it is, he hopes she will come through and support donald trump. she took that pledge. everybody on the debate stage took that pledge. if she gets out, just like desantis did, will she honor that pledge? >> dr. saphier: what is best is for peep toll come together and unify. what is wonderful is what he just said, talking about why he dropped out, he said, the people spoke and they want someone provocative and rambunctious that wants to close the border. we are in a unique situation
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where you have an incumbent running and people want someone with a successful track record and president trump has that, you are able to compare two presidents and people were doing better under president trump's presidency. >> harris: when i interviewed nikki haley, i pointed out, there have been 372,000 people who have moved into her state who are voting age and never lived there when she was governor, they don't know life under her policies or anything like that, just to say, if they didn't do that, are they more motivated now? with more intensity to vote, how do you reach out to those people? that is a lot, 10% of the electorate. >> kayleigh: she will try to convince, we will see what happens saturday, polls show her behind. senator tim scott had a lunch-time interview with the "wall street journal" yesterday and here is one thing he said
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that was interesting. i had hoped country was ready for faith in america experience, we're more optimistic and looking toward the future. when i learned, people want that, they really want a bull in a china shop for a little while, they want someone to take on the system as president trump did. why i find that interesting, tim scott recognized the moment and place where the republican party is and place where the republican voter is. that is what it is about, winning over that voter. he decided to drop out and endorse donald trump. he was showing, i have chops to be your vp. winning over independents and suburban moms, vp pick must be someone most effective voice for donald trump as he is embattled in court battles and he just proved he can handle that. he filled a question about ivf and new york civil fraud case.
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>> harris: and put it on nikki haley who got in hot water, her comments about it and had to come with clarification, which we are clear on today. >> emily: what this illustrated beautifully, donald trump surrounded himself not with facsimile robots, independentic thinkers committed to the republican party. it shows brand versus party and brand versus value that the gop is fighting against democrats about. what i mean, every time you put a surrogate up, they say, biden is great and everything is fine, over simplified and not thoughtful, they are facsimiles of each other because they have the brand down. and the gop, we are committed to ideals and we have tim scott,
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intellectual and clear where he stands on issues. he does not say what does trump think, and say it. he says, this is what i think and you can trust me and the army of christ is rising up and tapping into that, too. there is an independence while being part of ideals. we need that brand, to your point about nikki haley and pledge everyone signed, we need voters to sign that pledge. >> harris: trump did not sign it. just saying. president biden is considering taking executive action at his border crisis, after over seven million illegal immigrants have entered this nation under his wa watch. ' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks!
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>> harris: president biden is considering taking executive crisis to curb the crisis at the border. his crisis. i thought he said he couldn't do that. 7.2 illegal immigrants crossed the southwest border under president biden's watch. last month he claimed he's done everything he can do without congress. >> have you done everything you can do with executive authority or is there more you can do -- >> i've done all i can do. give me the power, i asked since the very day i got in office. give me border patrol, give me people that can stop this. >> harris: lucas tomlinson is live at the white house. lucas. >> lucas: good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, critics say president biden has had three years to bring back trump-era policies he scrapped on his
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first day in office. the statement is saying, quote, no executive action now matter how agresive can deliver policy reform and additional resources congress can provide and republicans rejected. with texas governor greg abbott sealing his border from mexico, migrants have turned and come to the southern border of the united states from west africa, central asia, southeast asia, migrant encounters have skyrocketed since president biden took office. that is more than three times greater than the trump years and obama's second term. threatened a government shutdown until the border is fixed. >> we have 7.3 million people coming into this country illegally. and joe biden wants to make it
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an even 10 million, that is insane. no country would ever tolerate this. and so my position to my colleagues on capitol hill is clear. you either secure the border or you get no money for the gove government. >> lucas: aoc is against executive action and said trump impersonation is not how you beat him. ladies. >> harris: i heard that from aoc, interesting. thank you. you want to be like trump because his policies work. if you're joe biden and too much like trump, what happens? >> sean: democrats are angry about joe biden considering -- >> harris: will they not vote for biden then? >> sean: they will, they will get political pushback. it begs the question, do we think the senate democrat border was border security?
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of course it wasn't. they didn't want border security. 8500 migrants a day coming in, 3 million a year that biden is talking about and then he's willing to shut down the border. that is complete insanity. in 2018, all former first ladies alive called out family separation at the border, including melania and michele obama. where are they now, this is silence from them, this is a political issue being bounced around because they like the policy and no concern for the kids at the border. >> emily: it strikes me for three years we've been inundated with tragedy that affects every family throughout the country because of fentanyl and sexual
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assault and human trafficking. only thing that moved the needle of the person in the white house was threat of losing votes. think how many familieses testified in front of congress and pled on air to say please not me, not my 60-year-old mother that got punched in the face multiple times. the stories go on. only thing the president cared about was losing votes and he wants to diminish that everything is about the vote for him, that tells you all that you need to know. it is a tragedy and all within his ability to fix. >> harris: and willing to buck the u.s. supreme court to pay off, bail out people with debt on student loans. what makes us think they would follow a border bill? i don't think he would. >> sean: a border bill would have hamstrung the next
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president. recall that joe biden signed over 90 executive orders to undo -- >> harris: we remember, it has not been that long ago and they had a chart two last summer. it would have taken democrats coming to the table and they were kicking the legs off the table and tipping it over. on the screen there, amount of illegals coming over under biden's watch equals that or more than 36 individual states. take wisconsin, as example, take that off the map of the united states and put the population of people who came across the border in place of wisconsin. >> kayleigh: great way to think about it, biden needs to problem to go away, has to go away. it is number one in most polls. cnn reports section 212 f gives the president authority to
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suspend entry of all kaliens. trump tried this in 2018 and was shut down by federal appeals court. that would give biden to use expansive power congress has given you. he might do that. he might call national emergency, interesting and give him power and free up funding or as one aide said, he might be floating ideas around and they might not do anything, signal to progressives, don't worry, we might not do anything. use all executive power you have, progressives will come home, make this problem go away. >> harris: every time he uses something trump did, trump will call out, thank you, that was my idea, that is why he doesn't want to do it. remember the russia collusion hoax? democrats in the media and left leaning are bringing it back in time for this year's election.
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i wonder if they will put it to theme music now, russia, russia.
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and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) >> kayleigh: liberal needia and democrats spent years telling you trump colluded with russia? >> this cloud about collusion with russia will be over his head. >> about to find out if the new president will do what russia wants. >> the presidency is a russian op. >> the president is a russian operative. >> authorities are seeing if the e-mails are connected to russian disinformation effort. >> it is obviously russian operation. >> hunter biden, this laptop is likely russian disinformation. >> ongoing russian disinformation effort. >> ongoing russian
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disinformation effort. >> kayleigh: press won pulitzer prize for that russia line in 2016. the left is bringing back the russia collusion narrative. not just former president trump being accused of being agent of russia, it is all house republicans. >> house republicans have been acting as agent or asset of russia for vladamir putin. >> it is clear they have all been dupes to russian disinformation propaganda effort. >> american public needs to know what is going on and how russia is interfering with the republican party and donald trump. >> there is a growing pro-putin faction in the republican party and it is led by donald trump. >> donald trump loves russia so much, he should move there. >> kayleigh: you know, doctor, it would be great if they got a new script. different election, same play book.
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>> dr. saphier: from the basic level, break it down to the fact putin invaded ukraine under president biden, not trump. if they had a tight relationship and he believed president trump was working for him, you would think the invasion would have taken place when president trump were in the white house, then maybe we wouldn't be putting trillions into the ukrainian effort. hard to get behind that bandwagon. watching this coverage, condescension that comes, they are saying anyone listening to donald trump is stupid. their condesension on their soap box that someone will go vote for president trump because they are not intelligent, how about they are hurting financially. they have had three years with joe biden and joe biden is hurting americans where they feel it. >> kayleigh: cross-fire
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hurricane, 2020 the laptop and earmarks of russia information campaign and here we are again. >> emily: i want to point out how "washington post" summed to up. they said revelation from this week's smirnoff filing, they say it is that the trump-led effort to pretend this has not happened puts republicans in embarrassing positions. end of the day, whole point as we've been skurnscoring, per democrats, it will be how this relates back to embarrassing position for trump. they missed the entire point and missed the entire manufactured point. they are always going to bl bla international figures without taking blame to those who lied about it, including hillary clinton. >> sean: and it was joe biden's son who was making millions in
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russia and joe biden shut down american lng exports that help russia. they used russia collusion to engage intelligence community to go after donald trump and his allies. they are trying to engage the intelligence community to go after every republican. all false, intelligence came after republicans and weaponized our government against our own people. >> harris: what is interesting and you filled some of this in why it is interesting to me, they already have the court cases. they have 89% of every story is negative on trump and as pete hegseth said last hour, that is 100%. they have a leveraged media against him, why do they need a russia collusion story to be brought back from the other side
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of the dirt? i don't understand. how badly are democrats losing? i see polling and all of that, are they going to lose factions in their party because this president let the border get out of control, let two wars fester without knowing what to do and which side to capitulate in. is it that bad to bring back russia? >> sean: kicking him off ballots, prosecuting him, january six has not worked, rush collusion did, they are bringing it back. >> kayleigh: never forget the "washington post" and "new york times," won pulitzer prize, where is retractions and firing? did not happen. google apologizing after images with inaccurate races and genders in an effort to be di diverse.
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>> emily: google is changing gears and publicly apologizing after new ai software created images of black, native american and asian people when prompted and refuses to do the same for white people. "new york post" is calling it after racially diverse images of founding fathers and other historically white figures. kelly is live with more details. hi. >> hi, emily, google controls roughly 80% of the search market
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and historical inaccuracy and pushing specific narratives, to google's credit they paused image generation product. we tested the product for ourselves and asked it to generate image of a pope, we got a black pope and native american pope and users found gemini told them it was inappropriate to assume all popes were white. it is difficult to get gemini to generate, you had lawyers of color and those exist, gemini showed everything, but white males. google acknowledged and said they will release a new version soon and told fox business, we are working to improve these types of depictions and image generation does generate a wide range of people, it is missing the mark here. elon musk jumped into the fray not giving his ai competitor a
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pass, woke mind is doing the same thing with search results for google. google is sinnon mus with finding out things, google it. we can think we are doing our own research, it is impacting what we know, emily. >> emily: thank you so much. all right, bringing this conversation to the couch, sean, what say you? >> sean: google apologized, but they are not sorry. google anything and look at results, i go six pages to find anything from a conservative page. they will push same thing on their ai product and look at algorithms and humans craft the algorithm to give certain
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output. garbage in, garbage out, they are sorry they got caught. >> dr. saphier: it is about accuracy and one thing i ran into during covid, i could find research paper to argue any point either way. if you want to say something works, find something that says it works and find me one that doesn't work. if you want to know if something works, if i'm in the hospital and look for chemotherapy medicine, i don't put show me papers that show this works. i want all papers that show me anything about this medication and you can go in and figure out what is accurate or not. if you put in this algorithm, i want culturally appropriate image of what a pope could look like, that is what you get. if you put in please deticket pictures of historical references of popes, you expect them to be accurate and not put
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identity politics into the search engine. >> emily: i love you said garbage in, garbage out, in stark contract to the doctor's objectivity, check out the person that designed it, tweets, sin 2018 from the head of gemini. things like this, white privilege is bleeping real, don't be a bleep and act guilty about it, do your part and recognize levels of egregiousness. racism is real, people fear their -- this one, not jesus only cares about white kids. >> harris: what? >> emily: garbage indeed, father of that program, nothing neutral about it. >> harris: glad you put it that way, artificial intelligence as
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of now learns what we teach it, it is a learning language program, chatgpt, open evidence looking at medical things, learning what you teach it. i googled george washington had slaves because he is depicted when you google his image, he's got my tan. that wouldn't make sense, 317 people at the time, he owned 123 of them. that is on google, too. google is not able to cross-reference maybe he wouldn't have looked like the picture in images? no. the guy doing the picture is doing tweets and person doing information, they are not in the same place, ai has not learned to cross reference and say that has not make sense.
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>> emily: students and youth are looking to it as resource, looking at truth and it is anything but. >> kayleigh:rise that tries to factually document what happened throughout time. not all histories good, we can improve upon history and make a better society if we know the sins of the past. this is someone trying to erase history, do we want silicon valley to do that? they tried to enter a poem and ai would not generate a poem about trump, but it would about biden. >> frightening. newly released documents revealing president biden's dog bit secret service agents at least 24 times. in stark contrast to everything
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>> after saying he had done all he could to address the border crisis, joe biden thinks he can do more. what is he planning? tom homan is here. general keith kellogg and new threat from russia iran partnership, will weapons help ukraine win the war? why did college police in san francisco drop the investigation into the riley gaines hostage incident? she'll tell us, join us at the top of the hour. ♪ >> emily: newly released documents obtained by fox news digital are revealing president biden's dog commander attacked secret service agents two dozen
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times. according to records, the 24 bites took place between october 2022 and 2023, eight months, all before commander was removed from the white house, camp david and wilmington, delaware and. this is a chest after commander bit him in the chest. an agent was bit so severely, they had to stop tours to clean up the blood. the recent dog bites challenged us to adjust operational tact tactics when commander is present. welet will continue to keep the president in our sight, must be
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creative to ensure our own personal safety. our tax dollars and intent to keep president and agents safe, away from foreign assaults and attacks that aren't homegrown. the concept secret service has to plan away from the dog to keep him safe and them safe is unacceptable and it went on for so long is the worst part. >> kayleigh: it went on for so long, some did not breakthrough the shirt, others were severe, you mentioned rohoboth beach. commander was on the left forearm and the agent got six stitches for the wound. my favorite white house press shop told daily mail, biden staff said commander's -- greet
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commander with a smile, secret service agents tend to be colder. it is secret service fault. >> emily: listen to what karine jean-pierre had to say when pressed on commanders threat to agents. >> as someone who spends a fair amount of time in the oval office with the president, did you ever have a troubling encounter with commander? >> not at all. >> he never nipped you? >> were you ever wary of being around him? >> absolutely not, i've seen commander many times and i was never worried or never been bit. >> emily: well, 24 agents have, thank you for sweeping it under the rug. >> harris: i'll go out and pretend it is not a big deal, that is irresponsible.
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you said something, you said agents were told to stay terrain feature aways, that tells me if there is a table or planter, you need to get behind it when the dog is around, something to separate you from this animal, which bricks up the point, if the animal with the president, you are now down, what could happen to a president? their job and you are right to protect the president of the united states, if for some reason you are behind different things around so you don't get bitten or attacked by commander, what happens to the other commander? commander-in-chief, who is watching his back? this is a lot to take, selfish behavior. not caring about the people who protect you, not protecting the protectors. >> emily: what compromises the united states is distraction and biggest distraction of our secret service comes from biden's dog cage is
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unacceptable. >> sean: biden is the biggest distraction, if you are a dog owner, i have an 11-pounder and you with a deep, firm voice i tell him to stop. i'm in charge. >> harris: you're the alpha. >> i am and joe biden is not an alpha, especially with commander. we see the same in the oval office. they both seem to be angry, commander is angry and so is joe biden in last stages of his third year in presidency and maybe we could pardon commander. you helped sniff out hunter's cocaine, come back to the white house and we'll call it good. >> emily: canine secret service trained canine, physician that attended to the human said he had never seen injuries so badly on a human, the point is dog
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bites are severe and canine assets are incredible. when we talk about secret service being put in compromised position, puncture wounds, lacerations, never damage, possibilities as we're putting on screen for injury of our secret service agents that i want my tax dollars and intentions to protect. >> dr. saphier: i was raised around dogs and we have two dogs, i've seen the other side of it, physicians saw that dog bite. i've seen dog bites and seen a little girl's face ripped off, it is horrific, dog bites have to be taken seriously, 4.8 million in the united states every year, 30 to 50 fatalities from dog bites should be taken seriously after one bite, the dog should have been removed from being around other people, so unfair to the dog. >> how will he control xi and
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putin. >> we have this information for a foya request, holding other americans to one bite, rules for thee issue not for them. more "outnumbered" in just a moment. there's nothing better than a subway series footlong. except when you add on an all new footlong sidekick. we're talking a $2 footlong churro. $3 footlong pretzel and a five dollar footlong cookie. every epic footlong deserves the perfect sidekick. order one with your favorite subway series sub today.
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>> kayleigh: last but not least, dr. saphier's new book "love mom" is coming to a store near you. first person stories from moms in the fox news family and beyond. "love mom" will hit bookstores on april 16th and available to order at fox news books, or wherever books are sold. dr. saphier, i was honored to have you interview me. tell us more about the book. >> what a privilege for me to be able to share not only my own story as i started to become a
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mother, obviously a lot of you know that started out when i was still in high school, a transformative time in my life and made me who i am today, but some of my favorite moms in fox, kayleigh, don't miss the moments, the book is full of scripture, quotes, stories everyone can relate to and barnes and noble loves it so much they are doing a sweepstakes, so you enter to win prizes. i love prizes. perfect book for mother's day and i'm so grateful i was able to do this. >> emily: what was the highlight you recall from writing the book? >> such a reminder we are not in this alone and all have the same strength and struggles and able to pull from other people. when you rely on other people it makes you stronger. >> kayleigh: don't forget to dvr the show. here is "america reports".


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