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tv   America Reports  FOX News  February 22, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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>> i thought you said your dog did not bite. >> that is in the my dog. >> john: also had -- a new report that president biden's dog commander has been vamossed from the white house after it bit secret service agents and others at least 24 times. they had to change protocol when commander was around. bidens also had to send away major. and one on the show this morning, there are no bad dogs, just bad owners. >> i believe major was the first rescue to ever be in the white house. i don't recall if he was moved
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out or not, but one of the dogs, they have had three, champ, major and commander, he tripped the president and had like a sprained ankle, i wonder if the 25 incidents are the extent of all of the highjinx. >> john: champ lived with the biden until he passed away 2021. but note to the president, if you want a dog, get a golden retriever. >> jacqui: easier. >> john: now this. fox news alert, awaiting two major briefings this hour as the white house tries to put out fires on the world stage. secretary of state antony blinken set to take questions after russia throws another american in prison. plus, the pentagon set to brief after a new report indicates iran is sending hundreds of ballistic missiles to vladimir putin. john kirby says we have no indication the missiles have moved yet but no reason to believe iran will not follow through with the deal. brand-new hour of "america
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reports" starts now. i'm john roberts. good to spend another hour with you. >> jacqui: i'm jacqui heinrich in for sandra smith. ukrainian president zelenskyy speaking with bret baier. pressing the urgency for allies like the u.s. to provide much needed supplies as support for ukraine's fight starts to wane on capitol hill and russia captures a major ukrainian city. >> john: we are covering this on all the angles. dan hoffman will join us with more on the delayed aid to ukraine, but jennifer griffin is live at the pentagon. jen. >> the gridlock in congress is impacting ukraine's front lines and having a deadly impact. ukraine's foreign minister says soldiers could have held on to the strategic toughen avdiivka if they had enough artillery and
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ammunition. ukrainian soldiers checking their phones for updates on the funding debate in congress while taking incoming russian fire. zelenskyy told bret baier, the longer it takes for ukraine to get aid, the more lives lost and the more empowered putin will be to advance on europe. >> we have to be more quick, that means to lose all the bureaucracy what we have. otherwise we will not have any chance. so to be smart, technology, more technological, and of course, quick. it's not money, it's people -- people's lives. >> since russia's invasion, the pentagon has realized how weak the supply chain for ammunition in the u.s. was, with a single factory making 155 millimeter shells in scranton, pennsylvania. now the u.s. has doubled 155 millimeter artillery shell
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production. more than 28,000 shells are produced a month, up from 15,000 before the invasion. as a result, the pentagon with the help from congress has invested $1.5 billion in new factories across the country with a goal of producing 100,000 shells a month by next year. despite heavy losses on land, ukraine's military sunk the large russian amphibious assault ship in the black sea using ukrainian-made magura v5 sea drones. ukraine does not have a navy but it has used the sea drones and anti-cruise ship missiles to take out one-third of putin's navy. naval warfare experts say the pentagon is learning a lot from ukraine's creative tactics. >> used naval drones exceptional and not seen in naval warfare. taking notes on what's taking place in the black sea.
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>> the house is out of session until february 28th. a bipartisan group of lawmakers led by republican congressman brian fitzpatrick of pennsylvania have put together a new modified version of the foreign aid bill that has much stronger mechanisms to secure the southern border. this new $66 billion package strips out humanitarian and economic aid to ukraine, something they say european nations can provide and provides just weapons, many of which are only made in the u.s. i'm told it strengthens the border provisions with the reinstatement of title 42 and remain in mexico. john. >> john: jen, thanks. dan hoffman, former cia station chief and fox news contributor. dan, start with this deal that russia has made with iran on ballistic missiles. john kirby mentioned it just a moment ago in a gaggle aboard air force 1. here is what he said. >> in addition, and as i warned last month from the white house
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podium, russia negotiations, russian negotiations to acquire close range ballistic missiles from iran have been actively advancing. while we have been monitoring this closely we have not seen any confirmation that missiles have actually moved from iran is russia. but iranians are clearly indicating they will ship ballistic missiles to russia and no reason to believe they will not follow through. >> john: how could that change the game in ukraine? >> well, this is the -- one of the consequences of vladimir putin's brutal invasion of ukraine where we have seen the creation of this centuries axis of tyranny, russia is beholden to china for hydrocarbons and north korea and now iran for ballistic missiles and drones. that's why sanctions don't matter a whole lot. vladimir putin has -- his
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economy is growing faster than expected, according to the imf, and the stock market is in great shape in russia because they have been able to manage import substitution and run a wartime economy. and yes, this would have a huge impact on the battlefield. right now north korea, china and iran are keeping russia in the fight far better than our congress is for ukraine. >> jacqui: what can the u.s. do, dan, to prevent this from happening? there's been for a long time discussion about strikes inside iran, concern expressed that has not been done since the 1980s and also if we get too embroiled there it would take our eye off the ball in south pacific and other areas. what can really be done, or is it really that congress needs to step up and give aid to ukraine? >> well, i think it's both of those things. look, this is an intersection here, we are trying to restore excellence dominance over iran who is providing significant
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financial and military support to the proxies like the houthis who are disrupting freedom of navigation in the red sea and conducting strikes on our military there as well as on merchant vessels. and so there is an argument to be made we should be striking the supply lines, striking iran's revolutionary guard core and potentially inside iran like israel has. those are things that should be on the table and the biden administration should be tasking the intelligence community to map out how such a conflict would play out, and whether it would serve our national interest. iran does not want a wider war with the united states, they would lose that war and the biden administration, we allowing iran to deter us from bringing the full power of our diplomatic, military and economic throw weight to deter iran's nefarious activities, both in gaza, the middle east at large as well as their support to russia. >> john: back to ukraine for a
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moment, bret baier spent the last few days in ukraine interviewing zelenskyy, travelling near the front line with him. a lot of concern in ukraine about the lack of american made weapons coming over there, that's why democrats and some republicans urgently want the house to approve the $60 billion in new armaments for ukraine. bret asked zelenskyy at a hospital where wounded soldiers are being held. what would happen if they don't get the aid. >> we talked about what happens if the u.s. for some reason does not give you the funds. do you have another option, is there another option? >> understand this help is crucial, so without it, sorry, but we will have more and more such heroic guys in the hospital. if you don't have similar powerful artillery with rounds,
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of course, you will lose people. >> john: of course over the weekend the russians took over avdiivka and the pentagon is voicing concerns that if ukraine were to lose against russia, this russia will not stop at ukraine. they are raising the spector it will roll toward nato countries. do you believe that or do you think putin just wants donbas? >> no, i think he would carry on through ukraine. ukraine right now is defending europe at the point of attack. and john, let's be clear. i'll lay plenty of blame on capitol hill but the biden administration and the president himself, the mantra of as long as it takes, that's not real good for the american people who hear forever war, we have been through in afghanistan and iraq. i don't think the biden administration has laid out why we need to be supporting ukraine and why ukraine is winning. 315,000 plus russian casualties already. the russian army has been cut
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down to size, and vladimir putin's invasion of ukraine has been really pretty much stopped at a stalemate, even though avdiivka was taken. we have finland as a new nato member, nato is stronger than ever, european countries contributing to ukraine's war effort and spending a higher percentage of their gdp on defense than they ever have. the biden administration as my old boss at cia david patraeus used to say they have to get the big ideas right and frame the narrative, why it's the united states interest to do this. they still need to give ukraine long range artillery, which they have never done. they have given ukraine too little too late, and that's the challenge for us in the country, the policy has been a failure, and we did not have for ever for ukraine to win this war and there's moral and ethical reasons to give them everything they need now, ukrainian
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soldiers are dying needlessly. >> jacqui: well, as marc thiessen makes the point in a washington post-op ed, it would be more expensive if russia advances to a nato country and put trump in a terrible position if he and republicans would own that problem, if that comes to fruition. dan hoffman for us. thank you so much. president biden's top middle east adviser, send a delegation to paris tomorrow discussing a ceasefire and hostage deal. mike tobin is live in tel aviv with the latest. what can you tell us, mike? >> we just got word that israeli delegation will indeed head to paris for more discussions about hostage release and ceasefire negotiation. meantime, violence has spread to the west bank as three palestinian gunmen opened fire at an israeli checkpoint, near
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jerusalem. one person was killed, several injured. they did fire back. two gunmen were killed, and one injured. and far right israeli national security minister called to tight restrictions and make life harder for palestinians living in the west bank. >> the right to our lives prevails on their freedom of movement. i expect that there will be more and more checkpoints here. that there will be restrictions. our enemies are not looking for excuses. our enemies just want to harm us. >> while the world nervously watches for an israeli offensive no rafah, the last refuge for civilians and fighters, israel bombed it. a mosque flattened and homes destroyed. egypt is fearful an offensive into gaza will drive refugees into egypt. iran-backed houthis continue to
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ramp up aggression, islander vessel caught fire. houthis also fired missiles at southern israel. those missiles were intercepted. >> we have seen certainly an uptick over the weekend in attacks from the houthis on u.s. forces and commercial shipping. >> and i just returned from the red sea, i met up with sailors and pilots of the u.s.s. dwight d. eisenhower strike group, or strike group 2, the front line in the fight against the house and against iran. tomorrow reports as the sailors work to secure free maritime trade in the red sea. back to you. >> jacqui: mike tobin, thanks. >> john: great pictures of mike on the flight deck. a live look at rio, where secretary of state antony blinken is expected to take questions. keeping an ear out for news about americans held in russia, including that new case of a ballet dancer accused of treason. plus this.
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>> and you abuse people? >> disperse. >> jacqui: a young woman chased by an angry mob. campus police are now dropping her case. why? that young woman is riley gaines. so, are politics at play? she's coming up next.
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>> trans rights are human rights. trans rights are human rights. trans rights are human rights. >> john: chaotic scene happened about a year ago on campus at san francisco state university. riley gaines was there to speak about protecting women's sports. but as you can see, an angry mob chased her down a hallway and she ended up barricaded inside a
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room for hours. she says the incident went far beyond what the video shows and she was held hostage for ransom and even assaulted. riley asked the campus police to investigate the claims and found out they are suspending the probe. riley gaines joins us now. what reason did they give you for calling off the probe? >> they said the evidence was unfounded, meaning of course they could not find anything. but it was funny because the woman who he mailed me that email from the san francisco state university police department, she was -- she was in the room being held hostage for ransom with me. i just posted a photo to my twitter of what the violent protestors looked like. so to say the evidence is unfounded, not only is it wrong and could be proven false with a simple google search, it sets a terrible precedent. not just for conservative and speakers on college campuses but for everyone. our department of justice was
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unwilling to condemn violence against women and say they uphold our first amendment rights. >> john: you posted this on x in 2023, it was still called twitter, reposted again when you learned they were suspending the probe. you said i guess audio, video and eyewitness evidence are not admissible in san francisco. i mean, other than the person who sent you the video, has anybody else backed you up on your claims? >> of course there were other people who saw that, also assaulted themselves, who stand beside me and the fact that again they were impacted by this. so definitely. and again, the general public, the overwholing majority of the general public can see just that one short clip, despite the hours, almost four hours that i spent barricaded and locked in this room, they can see that one short clip and see that this is a problem and something that should be totally unacceptable, especially on college campuses. >> john: so let me ask you this
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question. had the issue been flipped, and you were attacked for supporting the inclusion of biological males in women's sports, what do you think the police would be doing about it? >> this would have been a case that would have been solved eight months ago, right. this happened last april. this would have been handled entirely different had this been the other way around, had this been flipped, a bunch of conservative students, christian conservative students been protesting a liberal speaker on campus. but that's not happening. this violence is only going one way and i testified before congress a few months back about the rise in violence among left leaning protestors. >> john: and another case of a transgender woman, biological male playing in women's sports, a basketball game in massachusetts in which a couple of female members of a basketball team, you see one there being thrown to the floor as they were wrestling over the ball, by a transgender student. the coach at halftime said look,
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i've had three of my students injured here, two of them apparently in contact with the transgender student, i'm forfeiting the game, i'm calling it off, we have playoffs coming up at our level and don't want anybody else injured. they did not say we are forfeiting the game because you have a biological male playing sports. we saw with kim russell, know what happens when people call that out. what do you think of this situation? >> well, i think the situation is assinine, he injures three girls before halftime really forcing the coach to forfeit. he did not have the players to continue playing the game. so props to the coach for forfeiting, i hate to say that, i hate to applaud a coach for
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withdrawing his team and him for playing. we need to see more coaches, more parents, see more male and female athletes taking a stand saying no, enough is enough, i'm not getting on that court if there's a boy playing on the girls team. >> john: according to the coach at the charter school, he had four players of the 12 who were out, another three were injured. he only had five left. he did not want to lose more before the playoffs at the charter school level. great to see you, thanks for joining us. appreciate it. >> good to see you, john. thank you. >> jacqui: the pentagon is set to brief as the houthis step up attacks in the red sea. keep an ear out for news there. >> the president has done everything that he can on his own to try to figure out how do we deal with the border. >> we need legislative support for border security measures. >> john: critics say it's all president can do at the southern border we are in big trouble.
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migrants pouring into the u.s. at alarming rates and bleeding nationwide. sitting down with katie pavlich, coming up next. - we're engaged! congrats carol! your youngest finally popped the question. but now, you're really going to have to get those new dentures. after all, you need a smile that matches the moment. so this might be a good time to mention that aspen dental can create natural looking dentures in no time. just for you! and that comes with $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months. helping mothers of grooms look their best. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner.
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>> john: chicago residents sounding off, boy were they ever, at a city council meeting, calling out leaders at the sanctuary city spending more and more on migrants at the expense of the black community. allocate another 182 million for migrants next year and people do not like it. listen here. >> all this asylum seeking lie, all this about refugees, no, no, no, what's happening is they are emptying out the dregs of their jails into the united states, into our communities. they are junking up our country. >> john: garrett live in chicago, even lifelong democrats are not happy about more of their tax dollars going toward migrants. >> yeah, john, we have talked to
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a lot of those folks and when they see how much illinois lawmakers are spending on the migrants, more than a billion dollars so far, and look around the neighborhoods that have been neglected for decades, wow, there is a lot we could do here with a billion dollars. and now that the people they elected want to spend at least another $300 million on migrants? they are outraged. here is some more from that city council meeting. >> downtown has 3 to 4 legal families on every block begging for work and selling kit kat bars after a billion dollars was spent on them. where is that money? where is the money for the south side and the west side communities. >> the growing disconnect between democratic party leaders and much of chicago's black community over the migrant crisis was on display during those comments when at almost the same time, illinois governor was proposing spending nearly $200 million more in taxpayer dollars during his state of the state address. >> listen, maybe some of you
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think that we should just say this is not our problem, and we should let the migrant families starve or freeze to death. but that's not what decent midwesterners do. >> if the flow of migrants picks back up as expected when the weather improves, chicago may not be as welcoming as the migrants had hoped. mayor brandon johnson confirms the city is closing four of the 28 migrant shelters with no plans to open others up, despite acknowledging there is no end in sight to busses coming from the border. john. >> john: the whole thing is a mess. garrett, thanks. now this. >> have you done everything you can do with executive authority? is there more you can do -- >> that's all i can do. give me the power. >> the president has done everything that he can on his own to try to figure out how do we deal with what's going on at the border. >> we need legislative support for border security measures. >> the president has done
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everything he can, right, on his own. >> jacqui: the white house finally considering a potential executive order for the border crisis after months of throwing their hands in the air and insisting they have already done everything they could. it comes as new marquette polling shows president biden trailing president trump by more than 25% on the issue. katie pavlich, you know, the hypocrisy kind of abounds on this one. we hear the white house time and time again saying the president cannot do anything more on his own, now he's being forced to reverse course. but the same time, the democrats discouraging him from doing this are the same democrats trying to force house republicans to take up the senate bill that has the same language on the border. >> well, you could call it hypocrisy, dishonesty or lies. the president's duties is to defend the country. one of the authorities the executive branch has, president, commander in chief, is to
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prevent threats from coming into the country, to prevent unmitigated irregular immigration from coming in and we have seen the opposite. and there was a lot of criticism of republicans saying why did you not work with the president. well, this is exactly why. this proves there was no good faith coming from the white house, that they did not believe president biden given his actions and behavior over the past three years, and when it comes to this executive order, which is necessary, they are talking about 1 or 2. they are not talking about the dozens that he undid to create this problem, and they are doing it for political reasons, obviously, right ahead of the state of the union when he's hoping the country will be watching and election year a top issue, say i've signed executive orders to stop this problem, republicans won't work with me, hoping the country forgets the 10 million already here, which is more people than 40 out of the 50 states in the country in terms of population. hoping people forget the department of justice has been suing states like texas and arizona for trying to defend their borders on their own and
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hoping that these situations as you are seeing in chicago kind of go away. but there are so many aspects to that this that have to be changed for the issue to actually impact him in a positive way. >> john: you can see things are a lot quieter on the border of texas there since governor abbott turned the whole place into an armed camp. >> jacqui: imagine that. >> john: you think where is the border czar, apparently in michigan on a fight for reproductive extremes you are too. people with violent backgrounds continue to stream in the country, ten in the last weekend, so far 6400 plus for fiscal year 2024, an average of 44 a day coming into the country. clearly that represents a national security concern. and doug emhoff, the first gentleman was on with andy cohen and asked what's life like in this whole situation? and he said well, it's very much like living in an episode of veep. >> you might think we already know everything there is to about her, but we happen to have the one person here who can shed
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more light on the veep. have you ever seen veep? >> we are living it. >> so kamala harris is salina meyer. >> honesty about what may be happening. kamala harris had a big opportunity to step up to the plate and help deal with the issue. a number of things she could have gone with guatemala, and el salvador to help, urge or require asylum seekers file claims in their own countries, and now they are coming from all over the world and from china, they are not claiming they are so afraid they have to leave, they take long journeys around to come to the border. she had a huge opportunity here to make a difference, and instead she's been focused on other issues democrats think will be more beneficial, especially the abortion issue. >> jacqui: back to the border executive order, do we think it's going to happen?
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this is not an administration that doubles back and corrects mistakes. they would not even redesignate the houthis as a full blown fto. it's not a white house that does that, and they have liked to push the issue to congress, like to look to the courts, do you think it's going to happen? >> they will do 1 or 2 things that make it look like the president is doing something, we are hearing a lot about how he's going to sign an executive order that requires asylum claims only filed at ports of entry, meaning a line-up at the ports of entry and people would be arrested rather than processed when they come over at a nonpart of entry. but this is about enforcement and interior enforcement, the executive branch has the authority to do it. they could have him sign something but then they could turn around and say republicans haven't done anything about it. >> john: biden at a california fundraiser said the following about republicans in congress.
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issue served with real racists, served with strong thur mon. guess what, these guys are worse. they do not believe in basic democratic principles. you demonize republicans -- >> speaker johnson said these were outrageous comments, and spoke at the funeral for robert bird, a former kkk member, so just to say in terms of him admitting he served with racist, he did, but not only serve with them, he went out of his way to eulogize them at their funerals. >> jacqui: looks like the strategy from the white house and the campaign is to recapture lost parts of the base rather than message to disaffected republicans. >> different than -- >> than the 2020 campaign of unity and coming together. >> john: love the spring look.
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let's force the season. google's new artificial intelligence tool has a minds of its own, churning out woke images. plus this. >> i move that every newspaper in america quits doing any fact checks on joe biden until they fact check donald trump every morning on the front page. it is ridiculous that the "new york times" fact checked joe biden on something. >> jacqui: democrats are attacking the "new york times" for fact checking president biden. more on that. the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation.
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the mark. kelly o'grady live with more. kelly, google is now putting the feature on pause? >> that's right, john. a lot of users were calling out gemini chatbot as too woke and google listened, pumping the brakes on the new software. pausing the image generation component a week and a half after they launched, they said they would release a new version soon. before they halted it we tested it ourselves and difficult to get gemini to generate an image of caucasian male. you got female astronauts, lawyers of color, but gemini worked hard to show anything but white males. and black and female roman emperors, and why they showed examples that did not exist, they said diversity cannot come at the expense of accuracy. the algorithm was making changes and google told fox business, we
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are working to improve these depictions immediately. gemini does generate a wide range of people and that's a good thing, but it's missing the mark. now the thing is google controls roughly 80% of the search market so when you see it in our system, it can have consequences. >> jacqui: nikki haley is moments away from taking the stage in her home state, just days before the primary. we are talking to fox news contributor ben domenech live from charleston. arm animal soun] ♪ meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals
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well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. the will states that mr. marbles will receive everything he needs in perpetuity thanks to autoship from chewy. i always loved that old man. and he gets the summer house. what? shop and get a $30 egift card through february 25th, at chewy. awkward question... is there going to be anything... -left over? -yeah. oh, absolutely. (inner monologue) my kids don't know what they want. you know who knows what she wants? me! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. empower. what's next. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council...
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...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous.
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>> jacqui: this just in a few moments ago crossing the wires right now, the president met with alexei navalny's wife and daughter on thursday in california, that was the russian opposition leader who came to an untimely death in a russian prison and whose body has still not been returned to the family. president biden making time to meet with them during his fundraising trip to california. plus, a live look at antony blinken speaking right now. we are going to see if he takes any questions from the boyfriend of an american ballerina jailed in russia speaking to fox news
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as we monitor those remarks in brazil. moscow is also charging the ballerina with treason for allegedly donating funds to ukraine. her boyfriend believes the information came from her phone. >> she's so funny, funny, joyful, exercises, she's full of life. maybe they found something in her phone, i don't know. and i read the media and say ok, they found out she made a donation. >> meanwhile, the u.s. ambassador to russia says she visited american journalist evan gershkovich in jail in russia, remains in good health and spirits despite circumstances. a russian court rejected the latest appeal from the "wall street journal" reporter which means gershkovich will spend one year behind bars without a trial. >> john: despite polls showing
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nikki haley trailing donald trump by 30 points in her home state, she is not giving up. she is moments away from taking the stage in south carolina ahead of saturday's big primary and gets support from a national political action committee fighting to keep trump from becoming the gop nominee. more on the campaign strategy ahead, but first alexandria hoff is in columbia, south carolina. could democrats make a dent in saturday's republican primary, alexandria? >> john, in theory they could. because you don't have to register by party here in south carolina, as long as you did not vote in the democratic primary earlier this month, you are free to cast a ballot this saturday and we know the turnout was low during the democratic primary. it is a hard sell for democrats, the group primary pivot is working to make it happen. >> if you are a primary voter in a state that allows you to cross over, then you should absolutely
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use the power of your vote to try to stop somebody who is going to destroy our democracy. >> here is their argument. they have say if trump is as big of a threat as fellow democrats claim he is, then voting for nikki haley is a no-brainer. here in south carolina, both parties, both state parties, they are against this. south carolina democrats see the national effort as potentially hurting president biden, the state gop chair. he also slammed this push writing "i'm not going to sit back and allow democrats to tarnish our reputation." and former president trump has long criticized haley for receiving democratic support. >> if you don't want liberals and marxists who meddle in your primary, they shouldn't be able to do, then get out and every patriot you know and vote for our campaign. >> haley, who is really trying to chip away at trump's commanding lead in the state says she welcomes all voters. >> republicans need to remember,
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this is not about pushing people out of our party, this is about bringing people into our party. that's how we win an election, and that's why i do well with everybody, not just republicans, not just independents. >> the group primary pivot told us they do not expect haley to win the nomination but feel keeping her in the race forces her to campaign longer, spend more money and say maybe mess up in the process. john. >> john: don't forget, it's a winner take all state, she could come out with nothing. we'll be watching closely. alexandria hoff, thank you. jacqui. >> jacqui: john, let's bring in fox news contributor ben domenech live from charlton. campaign is reportedly bracing for a blowout loss, and they can't apparently name a single state where she is expected to beat trump, but staying in. why is she doing this, what is
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the strategy here? >> other than that, jacqui, things are going great. no, i just -- i think -- i think that the truth here is that she is -- she's part committed, she put so much effort she has to continue through her own home state and i think through super tuesday in order to try to have any kind of hope of a silver lining that she can take away from this experience. look, it's very odd that nikki haley, and i don't think anybody would have predicted necessarily she would end up being the last obstacle for donald trump when it comes to his inevitable, i think at this point, nomination to lead the gop again into the november elections. but i do think that she is trying to essentially make an argument to her voters and to her donors that she represents a very real status of the opinion of the american people, namely that the american people do not like the fact that they are going to have to choose once
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again between two older and both unpopular political figures in order to pick the next president. and i think she speaks for a lot of voters when she says that. she doesn't speak for enough voters to actually make a difference in this primary. i've been to her events across the state over the past couple of days. i've been to the trump town hall we saw and hosted by laura the other night, and i just think there is no real belief on the part of the people who are even supporting her who are supporting her to the nth degree she's going to be able to win. in truth they are casting a protest vote to make their voice heard before things are resolved. >> jacqui: and you hear the pundits saying perhaps she's going to hurt herself in the future if she has a terrible loss in her home state, but no incentive to drop out and also, you know, just reflect. the timing of this, you know, in 2020, bernie sanders did not drop out until april. 2016, both republicans did not
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drop out until may, bernie went to the convention in july. in terms of the calendar it's not too unusual. but a separate topic as well. >> it really isn't, yeah. >> jacqui: you know, you are hearing now democrats sounding off "new york times," and some ripping them for taking joe biden to task on some of his recent claims on the economy. >> can i make a suggestion. i move every newspaper in america quits doing any fact checks on joe biden until they fact check donald trump every morning on the front page. it is ridiculous that the "new york times" fact checked joe biden on something. >> jacqui: what's really going on here? obviously beef between the administration and "new york times" after the hur report, but does she have a point, tough to keep up with the fact checks on trump. >> how dare engage in a fact check on joe biden. we shouldn't expect the president to actually deal in
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facts. it's just absurd, absolutely absurd, and i think jacqui it's a situation where the "new york times" is basically being penalized for noticing the thing that we have all been noticing, that now can be admitted, that joe biden struggles with all of this. i think you know, you can fact check donald trump all you want but you have to be fair to both sides and i think, you know, joe biden deals in a lot of areas where frankly he is telling fancy stories. >> jacqui: we'll have to catch up later. ckin. not a game. not a game! we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're not talking about practice? no. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we've been talking about practice for too long. -word. -no practice. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. i mean, we're not talking about a game! cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours.
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12:00 pm
>> john: i got a question. does claire mccaskill read "the new york times"? that's all they done is fact check donald trump for six years. >> evidently not. "the new york times" is perfect. >> john: how dare you take a look at the sitting president and say no, that's not what is really going on. >> there's plenty of fact checking that needs to continue. >> john: i'm john roberts. se


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