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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 22, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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failures, it tends to back away. >> neil: the chinese -- china doesn't spend all of their -- not nefarious intentions here, but they don't share a lot, and does that worry you? >> i'm not sure it worries me. i think that there are enough people in enough powerful places that they can figure out to a general level what's going on with them in. but i do always want us to be the leader, right? i want us to be doing the things that break the boundaries, that push forward faster and better and safer than anyone. because i think a lot of those other countries learn from us, they follow us. they do try to emulate what we do. and that's very important for me, being a united states astronaut. >> neil: all right, well said, clayton. i wish we had more time, my friend. thank you for your heroic service to this country. that will do it here. "the five" is right now. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody.
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i'm jesse watters on the judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., dana perino, and greg gutfeld. 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> have you ever seen the -- >> you are living at. >> jesse: kamala saying out loud with the entire country knows by now. the biden white house is one big season of defeat and we all can't wait for the series finale. in case you haven't seen it, "veep" is a vindictive vp who calls her weight of the top. does that sound familiar? >> you know what i would like to tell people but obviously i can't? i should be president because it is my [bleep] turn. >> are you ready to step into the role and do whatever -- >> i'm absolutely ready. but thank god our president is in good shape and good health. [laughter] >> because words have many
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meanings and what we mean to say when we speak those words can mean so many different things, we can confuse our own meaning and misspeak. >> the significance of the passage of time. so when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time. >> jesse: and for today's episode of "veep," joe biden kicking commander out of the white house, forcing the presidential pooch to live with some relatives after coup joe turned the white house staff into an all-you-can-eat buffet. documents show commander biden bit and attacked the secret service members at least 24 times. that is just secret service. forcing the white house tour to stop as janitors mopped up blood from the floor. commander also terrorizing biden's beach house, where one unlucky soul got six stitches after suffering a severe, deep, open wound. commander's rage was a real treat for the media. >> listen to his name, commander. he's in charge. >> they weren't just a little
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nicks, either. >> i have been in a similar situation. it's rough. i didn't mean that as a stupid pun, it is difficult. the dog has to go. >> jesse: i'm pretty sure dr. jill biden would fit right in with the cast of "veep." the first lady come who can't pronounce bodega, compares latinos to breakfast tacos and once stood in front of a huge sign that said hunter high, well, she is apparently the secret sauce that keeps her husband's mojo running. listen to this top historian. >> she is the vital part. dr. jill biden is it. she likes power. she wants to stay. she wants some sense of revenge. >> jesse: a lot to bite into, greg, here. >> greg: i love that doug says, it's just like "veep." does he know that in "veep," the vp is an 88? at least he didn't say his marriage is like the walking dead. he could have done worth no mic course. he obviously doesn't watch the show. the dog, we need to call it what it is, it's an incise erection.
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the work of extreme maga republican dog trainers. is the dog a german shepherd? you see what i'm saying? by the way, it is not just one dog. the dog before commander was major, and it also had to be shipped out three years ago. so it is not the dog, it is the owner. joe takes care of pets the way he takes care of unwanted grandkids. if you ask me, they put the wrong dog out to pasture. speaking of, he claims they sent the poor dog to a friend, perhaps out in the country upstate where he can play. what does that sound like to you? they epsteined the dog. how soon did we discover that the poor dog is founded a kennel with a bed sheet wrapped around his scruffy neck and how convenient for that. you might think it is a challenge to indict an entire administration based on this dog story. i accept that challenge. if a president can't control his dogs that attack brave americans, how can he govern a country that's being invaded on
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both borders? as we know, the president has a very high threshold for other people's pain. he laughs it off. he blames others. he is okay with rampant violent crime come okay with merciless venezuelan gangs, and allocate with attacks on the secret service. it's this cruel ambivalence, jesse, that i can't stand. >> i know you can't, greg. as someone who suffered a severe dog bite, i can't imagine what it is like to have blood dripping off of your limbs, onto the white house floor, dane. >> dana: i'm sorry, i was so distracted. [laughter] >> jesse: have great hair. >> dana: oh great hair. >> jeanine: all the way across. it is like you just put them up. >> dana: back to the story. >> greg: it is incredible. >> jesse: thank you. >> dana: on the "veep" front come in remind me when doug and kamala kissed with their n95 masks on, remember that?
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that would have definitely happened in "veep." first of all, if any of our dogs that somebody, they are out. maybe you get a warning, but the second time, they take your dog, okay? so one, either nobody told the president this was happening. that would be a problem. or two, he knew about it and didn't care. in one of the things every president should want to do is protect the secret service at all times to make sure they are comfortable. anything from everything you need, make sure you don't leave them hanging on christmas day, let them spend christmas morning with their family before you go on vacation, whatever it might be. but i wonder if the white house either keeps the truth from him and doesn't tell him things, like, sir, the border is not closed. and, sir, inflation is actually a problem. and, you know what, people are really concerned about crime. and if you think about it that way, maybe he doesn't want to get bad news. maybe his temper comes back at you, if you give him bad news, or he knows all of it and doesn't do anything about it, making a real dog's breakfast of
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the policy. >> jesse: harold, is this an impeachable offense? >> greg: [laughs] >> harold: it's good to see you back. that here is fantastic. >> jesse: thank you, harold. >> harold: a couple of things. dogs are -- this dog is a protective dog. we should all have a commander in our lives. that would protect us like this. i just -- we all love dogs, i can't attack dogs. he is protecting -- i've never heard him say he bit joe biden, so they clearly need some more training and he has to figure out how to make this right, but none of us would attack a dog and i'm not accusing come i'm not going to attack this -- >> dana: is not the dog's fault. >> harold: are not going to attack the president. my dog has bitten me before. >> jeanine: well, what is your dog? >> harold: are you now discriminating against dogs? >> jeanine: your dog is a little dog little dog. >> harold: we all need a commander. the vice president, i hope we have vice presidents at all time who are confident in their abilities. she is. i hope we have vice presidents
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at all times who are so abstinent. i think people looking come i think vice president harris is substantive. she needs to have more come out because i think there is a lacking on the part of a lot of americans, even some democrats you don't how substantive and what her leadership qualities are. she has to do that over the next several months if the ticket -- he is integral and indispensable to the ticket. finally, i think the president is getting some criticism today, the last few days, that is unfair about his position about the border and other things. i would agree with those who say, look, he should have exercised some of this authority earlier. but i am a believer, when some but he comes onto my side, i welcome them. and even if they come around to my side, it takes them a longer lack of time, i say this again and i say this several times, if we and when we have a republican is president and she decides she is going to sign a gun reform law, set of laws that restrict those who can own guns because
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we want people who follow the law and who don't break the law to do it, and if democrats say, we are not going to let her have that credit because republicans have been opposed to this, i would criticize those democrats as critically and repeatedly as i've criticized republicans who don't want to accept a win that will help the country and make the country safer and hopefully make our border safer. in the process. >> jesse: judge jeanine, you are a dog owner. your thoughts on commander? >> jeanine: first thing i want to talk about is the vice president's husband, what is he, the second male? >> dana: second gentleman. >> jeanine: second gentleman, okay. we cannot possibly grasp the meaning of the analogy between his wife and "veep." they because if he saw that show, he would never say "we live it" because she has an idiot who doesn't stop laughing. and i may be he thinks there is an analogy to be made. one thing i disagree with, harold, although i love you, you said, we don't understand her leadership qualities. that's a quote.
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it's up to her to make me believe in her leadership qualities. and it's not my fault. it's her fault. okay, which is the same scenario with joe biden. joe biden blames the victims. he actually blamed one agent who said -- joe biden said he lied about major attacking him. now, when a dog attacks 24 people, two dogs attacked 24 people, the dog is living in a dysfunctional environment, okay? there something wrong. he is either getting involved in hunter's cocaine, the dime bag, something is going on, or, you know, there is just not a happy place. and it is just a reflection of the environment that he is in. and, you know, it is not just secret service, so if you want to blame the secret service, it is the executive staff, it is the white house workers, closing off the east wing for 20 minutes from a tour because there was so much blood on the floor, i mean, you know, i've had -- i've had
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doberman pinscher's. i've had bouvier to philander, very serious guard dogs vehicle i've had serious guard dog had them trained to be guard dogs, never had a problem, never. never had a problem with these dogs. but if i did, you could rest assured, they would have sanctioned me and i would have had to euthanize the dog. so the bottom line is, there is something going on in that family that is not right. they can't even train a dog, and we are supposed to have them run the country, and as it relates to jill, jill liking power and, what, craving revenge, i mean, think about it, the woman was a teacher at a community college and now she is basically the right hand of running the united states because joe can't do it, and so she is. plus, she gets the oscars and the dolces and all of that stuff, so she is in giving that up. >> jesse: the oscars and the dolces are dresses, for those.
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while coming up, rise of the woke ai, erasing the white men from history. ♪ ♪ i'm a flight nurse on a helicopter that specializes in trauma. i've been doing flight nursing for 24 years. as you get older, your brain slows down and i had a fear that i wouldn't be able to keep up. i heard about prevagen from a friend. i read the clinical study on it and it had good reviews. i've been taking prevagen now for five years and it's really helped me stay sharp and present. it's really worked for me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs
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and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ ♪ >> dana: google is shutting down its woke ai chabad. in less than two weeks, facing backlash for its historically incorrect response to users prompts. one phone image depicted a founding father is a black man come another prompt produces images of black and female figures when asked to show ancient roman emperors. google addressing the criticism saying "working to improve these kinds of depictions
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immediately." gemini's ai image generation does generate a wide range of people and that is generally a good thing because people around the world use it, but it is missing the mark here. jesse, the executives seem to be surprised that this was happening. and it seems to me, almost like when bud light didn't realize that they were doing this big partnership with dylan mulvaney and they lost all this market share and something like this you have to be on top of it. >> jesse: yeah, when i first saw the picture of the black biking, i immediately thought it was some scandinavian guy in blackface and i was deeply offended. so then i google aied the swedish bikini team, dana, they were all black. then i google aied baywatch, and david hasselhoff had this enormously magnificent afro. and then i google aied nhl hockey player, and i got a picture of michael jordan on skates with no teeth. and then i started digging deeper. and i started googling ai the
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jamaican bobsled team, all black. >> greg: they are. [laughter] are you making this up? >> jesse: and then i googled terrorist, and the terrorist was the unabomber, ted kaczynski. and then i googled a fox news host, and it came out to be harold. so i dug deeper. i google ai-e doj, and it was just a glass of tropicana. so i google aied deeper o.j. simpson and o.j. was white, dana. >> greg: very confused by all of this. >> jesse: a picture of a blond wig and a dress. but what you are really looking at here is, what's my point? >> greg: yes butte >> jeanine: yes. >> jesse: i'm asking you guys, what is my point? [laughter] this is a war on the white man, harold, and like the war on christmas, i am down the struggle. the 1619 projected the internet, and it is probably because of
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this one engineer who is with some geek squad guy who probably had white guilt and they hired him to basically rewire the internet based on his insecurities, and he is basically erasing all the white men and then spreading everything else into the black people, and i figure, why would this be happening? because they told us that white european heritage was evil and oppressive. so why would they be infusing black people into white european heritage? that doesn't make any sense. so i must think to myself, jesse watters, is it really because the left actually does feel like the white european heritage is glorious and they want to spread it around to black americans? why didn't they just make the black history as glorious as it is? than i thought to myself, jesse watters come into hundred years, will jesse iv google his
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great-great-grandfather, what will i look like, greg? >> jeanine: you got enough hair. >> dana: harold, what do you make of all of this? jesse paints a very interesting picture. >> harold: i'm trying to get the thought process, jesse had a lot of thoughts there appeared a couple of things. clearly made a mistake here. and they've got to figure out how to get it right. but the history of our country is a glorious history. it's a big history. it's a sprawling history. sometimes it's a little ugly. sometimes it's beautiful. and sometimes it challenges us to try to make the present better. and the future better. may be they thought they were doing something to make it better. i can't quite put my hand on it. may be some more thoughts from you, jesse, will have us come up with something positive they were doing, but hopefully get this right because this is something we are going to rely on a whole lot in the future, and harold v come i want him to know harold iii, his great grandfather was a good guy, and we won't have it right if they
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don't get this stuff right. >> dana: i think, judge, what we talk about ai, artificial intelligence, and makes it sound like it is made up in a lab by itself, generating itself, but it's not. there are people behind the ai, creating it. so there is an executive function here, and that is why -- is that why google stopped it? could they face legal problems? >> jeanine: you know, i don't know if they could face legal problems, but i think they are losing their credibility. jesse was referencing, i think, the fact, you know, whoever is feeding this information to google -- and pretty much the world, we get our information from google, right? well, the guy who is in charge of providing that for gemini ai, if you follow his tweets, his tweets go like this, white privilege is a real, do your part to recognize bias at all levels, jesus only cares about white kids, and this is america, where racism is the number one value. now this is the guy who is
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feeding the information to the aia, and this is -- we shouldn't be surprised at what they are trying to do is create a level playing field, but as they do that, they are erasing history, and it is very consistent with what they did with the statues. that recognized history and where we were and how far we have come. but this left-leaning agenda is fake news. it really is fake news. and it doesn't show the hurdles that we have had to overcome to get to where we are. so, for example, if you had -- i wrote it down here -- if you say to ai, i want a diner from 1910. ai, according to this guy, this engineer, is going to have white people, black people just sitting at the bar and a diner. well, that's not accurate because in 1910 they had jim crow laws that were horrible and awful, but we should show it for what it was. >> dana: right. do you remember, greg, i'm sure you do, when elon musk said that
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ai has the potential to destroy civilization, and he was mocked for it? but this was part of that. >> greg: remember, ai isn't racist, or biased, it is the people who create it, so you are never going to escape it because bias is baked into the human system. i actually asked gemini, does jesse watters where a toupee? i picked this because gemini is designed to be inoffensive. and to them, whiteness is seen as offensive. in their brain. but this -- they go, determining whether jesse watters wears a toupee is impossible to definitively answer. no public statements and jesse watters are reliable sources confirm or deny the use of a toupee. that is how they operate on everything, except race. and then they said they were missing the mark on this? they produced black nazis. i guy putting world war ii german officers, they got black
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and asian nazis. that's not missing the mark. they are not sorry over the mistake, they are sorry they got caught. they are powerful entities that have to be monitored by us because they are circulating ideas and beliefs that are divisive, and the temptation for these power-centric identity-obsessed ideologues is too great to be trusted because it is so powerful. so it is not the system, it is the people. you can't control bias. i'm going to go on a little tear. if you look at the news, the news as you know is bifurcated. and that was because we came to the realization that news was always biased but pretending that it wasn't. so realizing that it wasn't untapped, frustrated market, fox arrives and explodes, provided balance in a highly balanced system, but the fact is you can't change bias even in that system because it is baked in periods on the only way you can fix it is by catching it. and a solution will be a
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specialization. the ai will be no different than any aspect of your life guided by preferences and beliefs. so for example, ai melds with the robotic world, you don't want to have an artificial housekeeper that supports hamas, right? you don't. or if you get an ai brain ship, what if you suddenly want to watch joy reid? no, you are going to have to commit yourself. so the whole point is we are going to end up catering ourselves by selecting the type of ai that we want to. it is just going to be like fox news versus cnn and msnbc. it is going to be the ai world. >> dana: i am all for bringing back the hard copy encyclopedia for households. >> greg: but the point is, you are going to have to monitor it. >> dana: that's true. >> greg: how do you know history is even -- >> dana: maybe i won't publish a set. >> greg: a tiny set. oh, dana's little encyclopedias. that is a zillion dollar idea. dana's set of little encyclopedias. kids would go crazy.
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>> dana: go crazy for it. >> greg: i am your agent pits before sean desmond, i hope you are paying attention. can't be trusted to lock up the bad guys and an arizona prosecutor is refusing to have a murder hand a murder suspect over to alvin bragg. ♪ ♪ a car is a car... is a spa. an office. hi! hello! a cinema. so automated. yes, the definition of a car changes... but one thing stays the same. it's a mercedes-benz. (bridget) with thyroid eye disease i hid from the camera. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: prosecutors spar as one refuses to put the bad guys behind bars. arizona prosecutor rachel mitchell is refusing to extradite a man accused of bludgeoning a woman to death with a broken iron in a new york city hotel. she is blaming manhattan d alvin bragg's lacks treatment of violent criminals and argues it would be safer to keep the criminal in custody in phoenix. right now the perp is being held without bail in arizona where he has been accused of stabbing two women and mitchell is bowing to keep it that way. >> i am putting the victims
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first and making sure that he stays in custody. since we have serious offenses here, we have the right to keep him where he is. we are not saying that he will never be prosecuted in new york for what he did. but we are saying we are going first, and that way when we secure a prison sentence on him, that has to be honored when he is extradited to new york city. >> greg: but no bail bozo alvin bragg says mitchell is just playing politics. >> her reasoning, not because that is what the law dictates, not because that's what advances justice, not because of a concern for victims. not at the request of the nypd. but rather, plain and simple, old-fashioned grandstanding and politics. >> greg: judge. >> jeanine: what? >> greg: no concern for
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safety. he is the last guy to provide any analysis on safety. >> jeanine: looked, the whole country is disgusted with alvin bragg. he proves it every day when he allows immigrants who are illegal, you could say they are asylum-seekers, i call them illegal immigrants, and how about this, illegal aliens, that is what they are, okay, he lets them go after they assault police officers, and then chooses to remain silent when the press asks him about it for two days. but here is the bottom line. there is a uniform extradition code that d.a.s have come and basically what you do, i remember, i can relate to what the premeal prosecutor assange from arizona, she is saying i got the body, i got the habeas corpus, i want to go first. you are lax on crime and i'm afraid you're going to let him out or a manhattan jury is going to convict. according to my state, and she is right, her state apparently allows them to keep the body in arizona until they try the case, and then, once they try the
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case, without anybody being sentenced or serving out the sentence, send them to the next state, watch a detainer for them to come back after they are convicted in new york. but watch let me tell you what s going to happen here. this is an agreement ultimately between two governments, an agreement between hochul and hobbs and arizona. these d.a.s can posture come alvin bragg wants to talk about arizona, keep his mouth shut because he is an embarrassment to any real d.a. or any law enforcement organization. under her law in arizona, she can stand her ground, but neither of them have a real say. all you have to do is an extradition hearing, say, look,y come okay. i market into evidence. a copy of the indictment, have to get an indictment. my governor said we want to extradite him. and lead the judge says, okay come extradite him. but there's got to be an agreement between the two
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governors. >> greg: herald, you are an attorney, some would say a lawyer. doesn't this make sense? because bragg has pretty much lost the trust in his ability to keep people safe? she is kind of doing new yorkers a favor. >> harold: she's not. whether you like alvin bragg or not, whether you think he is prosecuting crimes efficiently or aggressively or the right ones, is not the point here. as a prosecutor can't say we are not going to extradite here in new york to alabama because that prosecutor doesn't like the fact that alabama has different abortion laws than new york. you cannot extradite to a state because the state may have supported donald trump and you supported joe biden. i would agree, this is an agreement between the governors. it's an abomination come in many ways, what this prosecutor is doing in arizona, she seems to be a good person who is trying her hardest to ensure that the laws are followed, but we're not talking what extradition between countries. this is the united states of america. we are not extraditing a criminal to another state because the prosecutor in the
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state doesn't like the prosecutor in the other state. >> jeanine: no, no come under arizona -- you are wrong. >> harold: she said that. >> jeanine: under arizona law, the prosecutor must start in maricopa county because they have the body. >> harold: that's not -- >> jeanine: that's the law. >> harold: if this is where it starts, judge, then it's never going to stop. because you are going to have states, the politicization of this will not stop. you yourself stated, this is between the governors. >> jeanine: it is between the governors. >> harold: in the process -- >> jeanine: she is not just saying it based upon politics. she is saying based on arizona law. >> harold: what i'm prosecutors says we are not going to extradite because the prosecutor is jewish -- >> jeanine: the slope goes there, greg.looks wrong. i don't think alvin bragg prosecute crimes as much as he should come up with the voters new york elected him. extradite the person -- this is
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a bad, bad slope. >> jesse: you want to slope, i will give you slope. remember the movie "training day?" denzel washington was a dirty narcotics detective who inadvertently ended up murdering a high-ranking russian mafia guy and needed to pay the mafia a million dollars cash in order to take the bounty off his head. so what does he do? he concocts this nasty search warrant where they kick in the door of this drug trafficker, steal all of his money for the bounty, and then frame ethan hawke, the clean cop, for the murder. and ethan hawke doesn't want anything to do with it because he's clean. >> harold: it's a movie. >> jesse: you've seen it. what does denzel say to him? everyone in this crew has to be a little dirty so everybody else can trust you. bragg is a dirty cop. letitia is. fani willis, weiss, jack smith, all of these people are dirty and all of the good people, they don't want to touch them because they don't want to deal with them. you've seen crime scenes.
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>> harold: she should run for d.a. if that is what -- >> jesse: you ever seen a crime scene, harold? i have. you see the local people come in first and walk the scene and then the fbi comes in, they want jurisdiction. than the fbi is trying to fight the u.s. marshals for jurisdiction because they all want to fight the crime but they all want credit. in this case, the new york jurisdiction doesn't even want to tackle the crime, and they want credit for not prosecuting. >> greg: right. >> jesse: how are you going to deal with people like that? >> harold: she should come here and run for -- >> greg: it's a fair point. if we thought new york really would prosecute, but we don't know that anymore. i understand harold's point completely. but we don't -- i don't believe the system works anymore appearance before the thing is, why do you believe that? because he shows us every week. we just had this big story about how these guys, the migrants who beat up the cops in times square, where did they go? they hightailed it to arizona, they get caught, okay?
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just a point of reference, in case you forgot. rachel mitchell, back when the republicans were looking for somebody to be a straight shooter and a professional prosecutor to look at the questioning of christine blasey ford during the judge kavanaugh confirmation hearings, who did they go to? they went to rachel mitchell. she is one of the most popular elected officials in arizona because she is so by the book. she is super professional, and i also think she would have declined to prosecute daniel penny, and that is why i love her. >> jeanine: good answer. >> greg: next up, joe biden blows up the all-you-can-eat buffet. and it's not what you think. ♪ ♪ life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady.
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>> jeanine: biden inflation taking a big bite out of one of the most beloved bargain dinner deals. red lobster is scaling back its all-you-can-eat shrimp promo after customers ate so much the restaurant suffered a $12.5 million loss, and that's despite them bumping the price $5. the company learning a lesson about the cost of doing business under bidenomics, rolling out endless lobster experience, but only for 150 lucky people across the u.s. all right, jesse. how much is this endless shrimp fiasco go to show you the bidenomics food deal just doesn't work? >> jesse: well, i'm not totally sure bidenomics has everything to do with people just being gluttonous. gluttony is a sin, as you know, judge, and there's a lot of sinful americans out there. there has to be a moral stand we need to take when you go to a red lobster and you actually participate in the
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all-you-can-eat buffet. the all-you-can-eat buffet is just a hook to get people in. it's not an invitation to actually have people eat all they can eat. >> jeanine: well, they don't stop you. >> jesse: you should stop yourself, judge. people need a little self-control. >> jeanine: all right, greg, red lobster come all-you-can-eat went from $23 to $25 and still hasn't done the trick. >> greg: red lobster went to in the red lobster. i am not a fan of buffets, for some reason of an abundance of food in a tray makes me feel less appealing and less tasty, it's why i avoid orgies. >> dana: oh, my word. >> greg: what i find so hilarious about buffets, that is the healthy food that is the most dangerous. it is raw food like sushi and greens at the salad bar or sliced fruit are always the ones that get you sick, but it is the fun stuff like steak and shredded pork that is always the
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safest because it is hot, it is cooked. i have never been to a red lobster because i didn't grow up around one. unfortunately. >> jesse: greg, i think orgies avoid you. >> harold: let's get off that topic. >> jeanine: red lobster lost $12.5 million and yet they have not stop the endless shrimp. >> dana: i'm not going to blame americans for taking them up on the deal. i'm going to blame joe biden at bidenomics. what have we done? okay, part of the thing is food prices are higher for everybody across the board. that's not just homeowners or people trying to make ends meet at home. this is also for restaurants. why is that? partly it is the inflation. also energy costs. everything is up. energy costs are up, so getting your goods from point b to point, everything costs more. people, when they think about -- when you read that people are upset about inflation or the economy, it's about that kind of thing. the food issue is a really big
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deal. i also heard about an all-you-can-eat buffet thing where they only charge you extra for what you leave on your plate. >> jeanine: really? >> dana: now that is a good way to go about this. >> jeanine: isn't that a great idea, harold? if we don't eat it all, we will see you. no, we will charge you more. >> harold: i four things, may be the shrimp is good. >> dana: hash browns are good. >> harold: may be the shrimp's underpriced. that is a problem. or you said, maybe we just overeat as a nation. and four, maybe people should be using more ozempic so they go out and eat more and then they do all the stuff to make themselves lose weight. >> dana: i'm not sure that is how that works. >> harold: i know one thing. joe biden has nothing to do with this. >> jeanine: food is higher than it has been in 30 years. >> harold: then why can't they keep food in the buffet? people are buying it like it is nope tomorrow. >> dana: because if you pay one price and you go to red lobster, you can feed the whole family weather then it is less
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expensive than if you went home and try to do it because people are like, wow, i cannot spend as much on food every week. >> harold: they should be charging more -- >> dana: exactly p at >> jeanine: they did, they went from $20 to $23 to $25 and still lost $12 million. >> harold: it's still ran out. the story would make sense if you told me people were running out of blood red lobster not paying their bill. they stayed, ate all of the shrimp, and paid their bill. this is not joe biden's fault. >> jeanine: of course not. ahead, and amazon driver escapes certain death. "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪
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this year, i got serious about my taxes. i met with a turbotax expert because i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming. all on my own. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. i'm too tired to smile. make your moves count. intuit turbotax. let a full-service expert do your taxes for you, as soon as today. (♪)
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous.
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♪ ♪ 's beef to welcome back. is this a great opportunity or is it being taken advantage of? a mom going viral on tiktok after leaving a chore list for her toddler's babysitter and extra cash for the task. several chores like sweeping and mopping the floors and organizing the fridge. the chores arrange and pay from $3 to $15. judge, i know you have some thoughts on this. is this people being capitalistic on both sides? what do you think? >> jeanine: this is a wonderful thing.
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if the babysitter wants to make money, she can make money, going to make them other happy, as long as the kid is sleeping. if the kid is dragging around somewhere and you are trying to make cash for cleaning up. but my producer disagreed with me. >> dana: yeah? >> jeanine: he said to me, this is like they are saying it is really optional but they will never hire you again. i don't think that is the case. i love this. >> harold: you think about this when you hire babysitters? >> jesse: i asked a babysitter to wax my car. [laughter] >> jeanine: what do you pay? >> jesse: i didn't pay her anything else extra because when the baby is napping, she's got free time. and the car needed waxing. [laughter] >> dana: this is a great, like getting extra credit at school or working overtime and i would have done all of the chores. >> jeanine: me too. >> dana: more money. >> mr. exclamation point, what are your thoughts on this? >> greg: i have a chore list for the babysitter, but it is weird because i do not have any
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kids. but i need changing, too. [laughter] >> jeanine: that's it. >> greg: that's it. >> jeanine: i have a babysitter for my dog. >> jesse: it's called a dog sitter. >> jeanine: they are my babies. >> harold: "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ i hear it all the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900 to receive your free rosland guide to gold,
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gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochures. with rosland, there are no hassles, no gimmicks, and our shipping is fast and reliable. remember. keep it simple. make gold your new standard. call rosland capital today at 800-630-8900, 800-630-8900. that's 800-630-8900. subway's tuna is off the hook! it's 100 percent wild-caught. this tuna is fishing for a compliment and i'm taking the bait. alright, i'm all punned out. i'm o-fish-ally finished. get it? try subway's tasty tuna today.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: time now for "one more thing." judge? >> judge jeanine: have you ever sang your heart out in the shower before make believe crowd crowd? this security guard living that fantasy. best taylor swift impression as she pretends the crowd came to see her perform. and you can tell what song she is dancing to. i can't. but my producer could. thank you i will be on hannity tonight. >> jesse: so many people have
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been asking me jesse, when is your book coming out? i would remind everybody about a month away for people saying i have been promoting this book a little too much. i say i have been promoting it not enough. here we are again. this book is probably my best work. i'm not talking about in written form. i'm just talking about my best work in general besides the physical work that i have been doing all migrate years. jesse watters has written some people say the greatest book of all time. some people being me. >> greg: you should do your own blurb on the back of the book. >> judge jeanine: there is a qr code. maybe over 60. open up your camera and hold it right there to the screen no. offense, judge. hold it to the screen, it will take you to a place are you can buy it. >> jesse: i should probably promote my show tonight i haven't been here in a long time. >> greg: that's true. >> jesse: johnny went out in vegas where i just was and here is a little sneak peek.
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>> i wonder if the king of late night is performing here. >> who is the king of late night david long-term? >> jesse: sorry, greg. >> greg: i'm really losing the facial at th tat. kat timpf and tyrus tonight at 10:00. let's do this. greg's itchy marmoset news. this was originally going to be greg's sexy marmoset news. the zoo wouldn't allow me to marry sexy music to this marmoset. i'm going to do it myself ♪ yeah, baby, oh, yeah. just like that. yeah, just get low. don't stop. don't stop. it's a baby marmoset. small squirrel-like monkey out of brazil. yeah right there, baby. right there, okay. very now you are ready go. soft and silky hair. they love getting scratched. by the way you can mail order that device from various websites. come in a brown box.
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[laughter] >> jesse: all right. that is one crude dude. >> harold: happy early 25th birthday/100th birthday one of 5 million people born on february 29th, leap day. her community in sam springs got together to commemorate the big day for her. and, you know, what i wonder what it's like not celebrating your birthday once every four years. of the actual birthday itself. happy birthday to that young lady. 25. >> dana: you could do whatever you want and everybody would feel sorry for you. get extra parties and presents and things. >> greg: i'm holding back a joke. >> jesse: have you never done that of about. must be really good. >> dana: i had one about a hippopotamus called hotus and i admire the san antonio zoo coming up with this great idea. vote for hotus. >> bret: welcome t


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