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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  February 22, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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los angeles, and this is america's late news, "fox news @ night." breaking at night, it sounds like securing the seven board is now a one-man job. after saying only congress could end the border crisis, president biden is now willing to go it alone, using executive action to close the border. and you know the poll numbers are bad when president biden is willing to reimplement the policies of president trump. the senior national correspondent, kevin corke, is live in d.c. on what is really behind the change of heart. >> evening, my friend. mr. biden has claimed he's done all he can do to fix the problem. in fact, he has said that repeatedly. while critics, trace, figley had blasted him for saying that, calling it a flat out lie, a fairly now the president is ready to do more after all. in fact, he says he is considering executive action to restrict the ability of migrants crossing illegally to get asylum here in the u.s. the political calculus is obviously simple, executive action could give mr. biden a
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much needed political win ahead of his state of the union address in march, especially with polling showing him well underwater with the american public when it comes to their view of his handling of the border crisis. but, before you surmise that he's had a political change of heart, consider this, even though 63% of americans disapprove of the situation along the border, yesterday mr. biden -- i've got to get the word right -- the x essential existentialthreat to all of us e climate. >> we all know on his first day in office he turned back every good border policy of donald trump's by the time the sun had set. this did not happen under donald trump. >> it gets worse from there, at least if you are the white house. over on capitol hill, even some democrats are criticizing the president's new strategy. aoc, alexandria ocasio-cortez, writing on x, "doing trump impressions isn't how we beat
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trump. seeking asylum is a legal right of all people. in the face of authoritarian threat, we should not buckle on our principles. we should commit to them. the new suggestion is outrageous, and the president should refuse to sign it." the white house, for its part, says -- and this is important -- "executive action alone simply cannot deliver the policy reforms congress can provide," but as you and i have talked about plenty of times, lawmakers say there are tons of laws already on the books, and it's time for the administration to follow the law we have, trace. >> trace: nothing i can do, kevin. they have to have congress do the whole thing. thank you. let's bring in axiom strategies' erin perrine and politico's washington reporter, daniel lipman. to you first. here's what karine jean-pierre said just last month. watch. >> he has done more than any prior president to secure the border and build a safe, orderly, and humane immigration system, and that's what the president has been able to do.
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>> trace: so he's done more than any president, but he just so happens to want to go back to trump's policies that he took down his first day in office, erin. >> i would be shocked for karine to point to anything, let alone a number of things president biden has done to secure the border. it's been clear since day one that joe biden and kamala harris made the decision to open the southern border of the united states. they rolled back the previous administration's work to secure the border, they lambasted the border patrol agent for doing their jobs, and all of a sudden, now that the political calculus and the countdown to november is on, they want to step up and step in and do anything to say they've done the work. this is not because joe biden actually believes there's a crisis at the border. his policy position hasn't changed. what's changed is the political calculation, because he knows that right now donald trump is beating him by almost 30 points on who can do a better job on immigration and securing the border. he sees november coming, he's trying to do anything, and this
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still won't work. >> trace: she makes a good point. joe biden was saying it was the border patrol agents whipping the migrants. remember that whole false narrative? hears president biden in september and again in january, and i'll get your response. >> we need our congress to act. >> give me the power. i've asked from the very day i got into office, give me the border control, give me the people who can stop this. >> trace: "i need congress, give me all of it." this is why people don't like politics. >> congress does have a 15% approval rating, so clearly a lot of americans don't think they are doing their job on anything, including the important issue of immigration. and the biden administration does not have complete dictatorial authority to move money around, so they asked for $14 billion for that border supplemental, and they are not going to be able to -- they can
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do some executive action, but not everything on adding border security agents. the problem they face, with these executive actions, they could well get challenged in court, and courts could strike it down, saying you have to honor asylum laws. >> trace: here's alexandria ocasio-cortez. kevin touched on this. "doing trump impressions isn't how we beat trump. seeking asylum is the right of all people in the face of authoritarian threat. we should not buckle on our principles. we should commit to them. the mere suggestion is outrageous, and the president should refuse to sign it." erin, this is kind of, don't steal trump's playbook, and yet the president is doing just that. >> the president is doing a limited motion toward what president trump did, but let's be clear, president trump was very obvious he wanted to secure the southern border, add more agents, build a wall, and technology. that's not what joe biden is asking for here. he's asking for more money to be able to put more people into the
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united states. and this is not the same playbook here. what joe biden is doing is the same as donald trump. they are mad, the progressives are upset right now because they know joe biden is going to have to move more toward the center when it comes to immigration than staying with that hard-line base. if alexandria ocasio-cortez wants to get something done, she could reach across the aisle. here's a brilliant moment, an opportunity to say we want to welcome legal and lawful immigration in the united states. what are they putting forward? nothing other than rhetoric, and saying we want to have an open border, not a solid policy. >> trace: you know as well as i do that msnbc and cnn will no longer let the former president speak. they have to fact-check him and they won't let what he's going to say hit your ears. today, on msnbc, claire mccaskill said this. >> i move that every newspaper in america quits doing any fact checks on joe biden until they
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fact-check donald trump every morning on the front page. >> trace: how dare they, dan? >> if they put trump fact-checks on the front page, it would just always be trump fact checks. they would be no news. people would unsubscribe from the newspaper because we been doing the same fact checks. i did a bunch in 2015 on trump, and i think "the new york times" should be applauded for holding biden accountable and some of the stuff he sent on the economy. every president misstates and they want to bust themselves up, so i think claire mccaskill clearly is not a journalist. so we should be saying it's important to hold the president's feet to the fire. >> trace: it is. erin, dan, thank you. not only is the extremely high number triggering national security concerns, but the very fact that thousands are coming from "special interest countries" has alarm bells ringing. matt finn live with brand-new
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information directly from border authorities. good evening. >> the latest numbers, in fiscal year 2023 more than 335,000 venezuelan nationals were encountered at the border. yet it just 834 were removed, and in fiscal year 2023, more than 24,000 chinese nationals were encountered at the border, but just 288 were deported, drops in the bucket. the border crisis is seeing a substantial shift tonight. for years we have been reporting about migrants coming from all over the world, illegally crossing into texas, but now we see a surge of illegal immigration here in southern california. >> where you from? >> india. >> china. >> georgia. >> china. >> china. >> china. >> china. >> china. >> more than 21,000 chinese nationals have been apprehended in the san diego sector so far this fiscal year, on track to shatter the record of 24,000 total chinese nationals
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encountered in fiscal year 2024. because we have such a poor relationship with china, most of them will be here to stay. >> i came across an encampment of people, probably about 150 people, everyone of them was a chinese migrant. i didn't see any women, i didn't see children. it was all just young men. yeah, i think that's a real serious concern. china is not neutral with us. >> and a "new york times" report reveals there is more than 100,000 chinese nationals here in the u.s. with final orders of removal, yet they have not been deported. >> trace: the numbers keep going. matt finn, thank you. well, as a rule, the "fox news @ night" common sense department doesn't enjoy crunching numbers, but in this case it is worth it. new york city is spending $53 million handing out prepaid debit cards to illegal immigrants. some families will get up to $15,200 a year to buy things at
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bodegas, supermarkets, and convenience stores. but if you read the fine print, the initial rollout is just a kick started. meaning it for us to give the cards to hundreds of migrants, then thousands, then tens of thousands, and $53 million it suddenly several billion. remember, the flow across the southern border remains at record levels, and when they hear through social media that new york is rapidly printing debit cards, common sense thinks there might be some interest. but while new york is handing out money, flexing its sanctuary status, common sense wonders about the others. you know, the people who live in new york, illegally. they are called residents. when the migrants get refuge, many get refuse. one in four new york city kids' lives in poverty. 2 million residents are unable to afford basic necessities, including 420,000 kids. common sense wonders, if they
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want some plastic cash, or at least an explanation as to why citizenship is often overlooked. let's bring in harlan president and executive director of silent voices united, tiffany fulton, and criminal defense attorney, vik bajaj. welcome to you both. thank you both. one in four kids, tiffany, one in four new york city kids living in poverty, and yet they are spending tens of millions on prepaid debit cards to the illegal immigrants. what do you think about this whole set up? >> i have a problem with that, because we have people who right here in our country, people with families and children, and they need that help. so for them to be giving it to illegal migrants, or migrants coming into the country, and giving out this free money, what about people that live here in the united states of america? >> trace: is a very good question. vik bajaj, to you now, because i want to play this video.
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this is body cam video, by the way. a migrant accused of killing a florida deputy is now suing the deputy's estate, claiming he had a disability, or not knowing english. it was the disability here. have you heard of a case like this? is there a case like this? or are the lawyers using these people to try to get a leg up on the justice system? >> let me tell you how and by some going to be here. i'm a defense attorney, so usually in fighting the government against some fruitful or fruitless charges against my clients. this is throwing everything against the wall. you don't have to be a citizen to have constitutional protections, but you still have to have a righteous claim. this individual, interestingly enough, trace, was just declared incompetent by the criminal court. so the criminal case is on hold regarding the manslaughter against that officer who actually died from cardiac arrest during this incident. that's on hold. but the civil case is going. perhaps shortsighted by the
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lawyers, because their client will have to be deposed to prove that case. so it will come out of the bag eventually. >> trace: it really is kind of amazing. tiffany, there are pictures -- we got some pictures, and i know you toured this luxury building that's about to become a migrant shelter, and i want to put these pictures up, because this is what is about to be in the harlem area, a migrant shelter. more concerning, i want to play some sound of an angry harlem resident. watch this and we will get response. >> we are oversaturated. in every borough, that doesn't have the same amount of shelters we have come in every zip code, they have to come and meet us first. >> trace: all they are saying, tiffany, is it's not fair. >> it's totally not fair. i was one of the few harlem residents that went on that tour, and it's a beautiful location. we have a housing project right
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across the street, the st. nicholas houses, where they are getting ready to be relocated or displaced because they are going under renovation. so i did ask the mayor, and i asked all the other city officials who were there, instead of displacing the senior citizens or people that are disabled, if we are going to make this shelter, period, why not make it for the people across the street in that housing project of over 3,000 people, with people with disabilities and senior citizens? why not move them and they are? >> trace: why not? it's a very good question. finally, vik bajaj, tu. says the following. "texas attorney general ken paxton is suing a catholic nongovernmental organization, a catholic charity, alleging it is encouraging illegal immigration and operating a stash house for those entering illegally." can you see a catholic charity for something like that, vik? >> absolutely. a catholic charity may not have to pay taxes, but they have to abide by the law. if you are aiding and abetting
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illegal immigration, which is a serious crime in the state of texas where it is being enforced, not like the federal side, well, then that is still a crime ripe for investigation. the answer is absolutely yes. >> trace: it's fascinating. vik bajaj, tiffany fulton, thank you both. we appreciate your time. now to an update on the news that brought parts of the country to a standstill. multiple federal agencies are now partnering with at&t to find out what caused a widespread outage, knocking out tens of thousands of cell phones. were you among them connect ashley strohmier is live in new york city with more on the history we have learned about good evening. >> hi, trace. a massive cell phone outage raise concerns for tens of thousands of people across multiple states earlier today. at&t confirmed the outage, including some customers on other networks like verizon and t-mobile who attempted to call at&t customers. many users reported their phones were stuck in emergency sos mode for hours, preventing them from making calls, sending text
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messages, or even using cellular data. republican marco rubio warning on social media that the outage, affecting tens of thousands of americans, pales in comparison to what a potential china cyber attack would look like, saying it would actually be 100 times worse, and it won't be just self-service they hit, it will be power, water, and your bank. the bulk of the issues were reported in major cities like atlanta, chicago, dallas, in los angeles. at&t put out a statement that they took immediate action and then businesses like krispy kreme did whatever they could to help calm down some customers by offering free glazed doughnuts. it is still unclear what caused the widespread disruption for over 70,000 customers, and the investigation is ongoing, although experts say it does not appear to be a cyber attack. customers posting on social media, however, saying they want to know what really happened, and called the whole experience sort of frightening. but the good news is, trace, service has been fully restored
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to all customers, but a lot of people tonight are left wondering how in the world this happened, and if it could happen again. you never know. >> trace: i'm one of them. ashley strohmier live for us to new york. thank you. let's bring in matthew belinsky. it's good to have you on here. the rep for michigan, mike rogers, wrote the following on x, quoting here. "today's cell phone outage should serve as a stark reminder of the cybersecurity threat america faces every day. we must be prepared in the event that china, russia, iran, or any of their proxies launch an attack on our critical infrastructure." he's got a point. you look at the southern border and all these people coming across, we have no idea where they're from, and it happens today, and we don't know if it's an attack, we don't know if it is cyber espionage. we don't know anything about it, and it leads me to believe that we are kind of a step behind here. what do you think? >> it does appear to be the case. the only clinician i've heard so far as what is called cloud misconfiguration, an industry term for human error.
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i do there was malicious intent and some sort of hostile power behind this attack, in which case obviously that bodes very poorly for our cybersecurity, or it still shows how tenuous and e systems rely on, that a single point of failure, human error like that, can lead to this level of outage. >> trace: should we have known earlier exactly what this was? >> it's hard to say. it is difficult. this is a very shadowy world in terms of the types of technology that hostile actors use for malicious intent and cyberattacks. so it's hard to stay ahead, but it's kind of like casinos using the form he cheats to come in and teach them with the next version of the cheetahs going to be. >> trace: fair enough. fox business writes, "google will pause the image generation feature of its artificial intelligence tool, gemini, after the model refused to create images of white people, sometimes replaced white people with images of black, native american, and asian people." can we just make nonwoke technology? >> it doesn't appear to be the case. you would think google would
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have some integrity here. however, not just wouldn't create images of white people. when asked to generate images of historical figures, would not even come up with historically accurate figures. george washington would be black, or the image of a medieval english king would be, in fact, indian. it does kind of speak to who is at the wheel in terms of programming the systems. >> speaking of who's at the wheel, he is a student at the university of north georgia who is put on academic probation. listen. >> you used ai on your paper, you get a zero. that was it. >> i have grammarly installed in my web browser but i've only had the free version of it. nall it did was fix my patrician and spelling. >> trace: it's like using spell-check. it's not plagiarism by any stretch. >> are at our school supposed to teach them how they're going to be operating in the real world? she's going to be using grammarly in the real world. we want to believe the students are supposed to have the skills
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sharp end, but her ability to use these tools out in the real world to increase effectiveness and productivity is going to determine her success. shouldn't they be encouraging this as opposed to punishing her? >> trace: that's exactly what i thought. great to have you, thank you. we are going to move on here, because that's what is this? are we showing something live? i've got it. coming up on america's late news, "fox news @ night," and amazon delivery driver hit dead on by an amtrak train, and here it is. he is fine. he lived to tell the tale, but you won't believe the rest of the video, next. later, more and more young voters are moving to the right. evita duffy and clarkson lawson will explain why, and later in the nightcap, a new york woman walks into a pet shop, kicks the animals, slaps the customer, and walks out. nobody fought back, nobody tried to stop her. heck, we are not even sure anybody looked up. are you surprised there was no reaction here? what would you have done?
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let us know, x and instagram. we will read the best responses in the nightcap. and you are looking live at the national religious broadcasters convention. let's take a quick listen as the former president just began addressing faith voters. >> our children hear enough about pronouns. what is with pronouns? if you really study it and look at it, it is sick. it's sick. i will protect the content that is pro-god. we are going to protect pro-god context and content. to that end, at the request of the nrb, i will do my part to protect am radio in our cars. we like to listen to am radio. [applause] because, you know we are listening to. millions of americans value listening to christian broadcasters, and you are under siege. i know what you're going thr through. this is a phenomenon that has
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really happened. when they are on the road, we support you, and we are supporting all of those believers and the people that believe in you, not going to abandon you, and we are not going to abandon those great people i do these incredible broadcasts. they are incredible and brave people. they shouldn't have to be brave people. smart people, they shouldn't have to be brave people. there should be nothing brave about it, but they are brave people because of this crazy government we are developing. more and more it is a fascist government. the biden administration wants to do major harm to you. you cannot let people vote for these people. you cannot let people vote for the democrats. they are really wanting to change our whole system of values. upon taking office, i will create a new federal task force on fighting anti-christian bias. it's become a very big term, anti-christian bias. [applause] not believable we have a term like that, when you think about it. it's like, where did that come
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from? it's a very recent phenomenon. its mission will be to investigate all forms of illegal discrimination, harassment, and persecution against christians in america. as president i will once again appoint rock-solid conservative judges in the mold of justices antonin scalia and the great clarence thomas, who is doing a phenomenal job. [applause] strong. i will stand proudly with our friend and ally, the state of israel. we will stand proudly with israel. [cheers and applause] in our first term, i kept my promise. pga of america and t-mobile are partnering on 5g-powered analytics to help improve player performance.
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t-mobile's network helps aaa stay connected nationwide... to get their members back on the road. and las vegas grand prix chose t-mobile to help fuel operations for one of the world's largest racing events. now is the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business.
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♪ ♪ >> trace: we have brand-new video showing the moment an amtrak train plowed right into an amazon delivery truck, splitting in half. miraculously, the driver lived to tell the tale. matt finn, live with that part of the story. >> this stunning video seems like a wild hollywood stunt, but it's real, and the driver is fortunate to be alive. the crash happened outside of milwaukee in 2021, the newly obtained interior video is going viral now. and amazon delivery drivers truck is sliced in half by a train. such a clean split, after the collision you can see the driver still in his seat, turned around to watch and wait for the train to completely pass. the driver, alexander evans, previously said he is deaf in his left ear, and at the time of the accident he did not initially hear the train's horn. he also claims they were no signals or warning lights that alerted him the train was
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coming. evans escaped the miraculous crash unharmed. his van was shredded into two chunks. the man is fortunate to have walked away from that incident. >> trace: that is unbelievable. thank you. now to the political preferences of young people. young voters appear to be warming to the republican party. in a head-to-head match up with president biden, the fox news poll shows donald trump getting the lion's share of support from voters under the age of 30. let's bring in a little sneak peek. devito duffy, and clarkson lawson. thank you for coming on. very much appreciated. devito, axios writes, "but i didn't try to keep up with gen z and millennials, young voters made up about 17% of the electorate in 2020, and we are especially keen for biden supporting the democrats by wide margins, but this year many are on enthused by the likely biden-state rematch and polls suggest the israel-hamas war has helped trump slice into bidens
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margin among voters 18-34." is that a fair point? do you believe that the trend you are seeing or hearing about, see evita? >> i think the trend is that people are moving away from biden, not necessarily that they are supporting trump. i think they are really disillusioned with the way biden has walked back his student loan forgiveness, and the supreme court didn't uphold it, and you have the economy, really hurting a lot of young people, and of course this war in israel and gaza. young people sincerely believe it's a. they believe that biden is perpetuating it. on a deeper level, you have young people feeling betrayed by the democratic party. they didn't want to be seven in the first place, they didn't even want hillary. you are seeing that play out in the numbers here. >> trace: it's kind of fascinating. clarkson, here's what he young delegate told rolling stone. "i understand the disconnect. i think young people are more critical of the issues that are impacting them now and they are tired of politicians only coming around when it is election time.
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oftentimes we are used as a pawn in this fight." kind of the same thing. they don't want to be lied to. >> well, yeah. one of the main things that really motivates young voters of the ballot box is social issues, and the democratic party has traditionally been great at social messaging. but we are seeing the real world implications of democrat economic policy, and that is where the g.o.p. shines. so i think when young people are now going to their job, getting out of college, and realizing uncle sam is taking half their paycheck and now using that money to fund wars they don't support, they can't buy homes, they are struggling to make ends meet. i think once you start to taste those real-world applications of the economic policies they use to support those social issues become less and less important at the ballot box. >> trace: i'm not really a big social media guy, but my kids are, and i'm wondering -- put this up on the screen, this is a pew poll.
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93% of teens say they use youtube, 63% of teens say they use tiktok. i'm wondering if the social media platform matters in the way people vote. are we noticing changes in those who use tiktok, voting for one side or the other? or is it just kind of all melting together? >> yeah, i think social media is having a huge influence on the way we are consuming media, and not just consuming media, but also viewing the world. i think we are seeing a disavow meant of normal party politics. on both the right and the left, they are moving away from -- republicans moving away from democrats, and they are really starting to wake up to things like the deep state corruption, the military-industrial complex, because of the rising social media and the way it taken way to gatekeeping powers that establishment media used to have. >> trace: it's amazing. you talked about gay men speaking against the trans
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movement. we will get response. >> the biggest clowns that try to talk about transitioning and trans issues are the cisgender gay men. "as a gay man --" >> not know, yes. if you don't want gay meant to have an opinion on issues surrounding the t of lgbt, then take out the g. you don't get to use our sexuality to push forward on the agenda without question. >> trace: you have about 15 seconds to expound on that for me a bit. >> well, yeah. simply put, i will preface it by saying there's nothing wrong with being transgender. i know many lovely transgender people. but there is a stark difference between being transgender and being gay. being gay is a sexuality basic biological fact. i know how to define a man because that's what i'm attracted to you. whereas being transgender is an identity based in a medical diagnosis. those things have no business being in an alphabet together. that is really where the inspiration of that video came from. >> trace: clarkson, evita,
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thank you both greatly appreciated. as president zelenskyy makes appeals for support around the world, new funding package passed by the u.s. senate is now in jeopardy in the house. this as russia makes some gains on the ground. the chief national security correspondent, jennifer griffin, has that story. >> the gridlock in congress of ukraine funding is impacting ukraine's front lines. ukrainian soldiers under fire from russia's relentless bombardment check their phones to see if congress has agreed to send more weapons. >> what will happen further? i don't know. here i'm living day-to-day. i try to do, that is. i don't know it's coming. we will keep working. this is our duty. >> this video provided by ukraine's defense ministry was shot before ukrainian soldiers withdrew under fire from the strategic gateway town of avdiivka. it shows the final ukrainian holdouts cursing russian forces, vowing to never give up and
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continue fighting to save their homeland. >> it doesn't end with them. the russian army taking avdiivka. they continue assaulting her positions. after avdiivka, the villages nearby our next. >> the pentagon and white house urging congress to come back from recess and pass a funding bill. >> they don't have enough ammunition and artillery. they are not able to give it to them, because, frankly, of congressional inaction. >> we need congress to act. we can't just wish this money into existence. we can't just find it under a couch cushion. >> despite heavy losses on land can ukrainian forces recently sank the large russian amphibious assault ship in the black sea using ukrainian-made drones. ukraine doesn't have a navy, but it has used these little drones and anti-ship cruise missiles to take out one-third of putin's black sea fleet. naval warfare efforts say the pentagon is learning a lot from ukraine's creative tactics.
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>> using drones in ways that have been exceptional, and not seeing naval warfare. a bipartisan group of lawmakers led by brian fitzpatrick is working on a new $66 billion foreign aid bill that strips out humanitarian and economic aid and provides just weapons. many of which are only made in the u.s. fox is told it strengthen southern border security provisions with the reinstatement of title 42 and remain in mexico policies. >> trace: fascinating. jennifer, thank you. let's get back in now to former president trump speaking. >> it's so expensive and so impossible to get. so david called me back about five days later and said, sir, i think we can do the building. i said, how much, david? about $490,000. i said, you've got it. does that include jerusalem stone? and he said, the whole place is jerusalem stone!
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we have so much jerusalem stone in jerusalem. we can get it cheaper than brick! [laughter] right to? it's a beautiful building. i don't think they ever have to do anything with it. i think it's beautiful. they will probably someday knock it down and spend $3 billion to build a building that's terrible. but it's a beautiful building. so we not only named the site and did the capital of israel and all those things, that all of the president's failed. many presidents, they all campaigned on it and never have the guts. i realize why now, the pressure from other countries. but we got it built and we got it built in about five months, and it opened and it was a great fanfare, and it is such a beautiful building. it really is. it is just about all in jerusalem. they even sent me a piece of jerusalem stone with a dedication which i probably have in my office. leadership we restore peace through strength. like here.
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♪ ♪ >> trace: former president trump is continuing to
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speak at the national religious broadcasters convention. let's bring in fox news contributor and pastor at first baptist church in dallas, dr. robert jeffress, and turning point usa faith contributor pastor john a menchu crew we appreciate you missing part of the president's speech to talk with us. i want to play this one sound bite. this is president trump talking about courting the christian vote. watch. >> ultimately the radical left is coming after all of us, because they know that our allegiance is not to them. our allegiance is to our country. and our allegiance is to our creator. how any christian can vote for a democrat, a christian or a person of faith, how you can vote for a democrat is crazy. it's crazy. [applause] they've got to stop. >> trace: pastor, you have
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said you invited president biden, he was invited to this and failed to show up, meaning that you think he doesn't care to court the christian vote. >> that is so true. he doesn't care. he didn't show up because he's not concerned about speaking to and/or winning christians. because he's anti-christian. he has an anti-christian bias. and that's a problem in this country. i don't understand why christians would vote for democrats in the first place. i agree with president trump. it's a terrible thing. how can we support a political party that is pro-abortion, pro-mutilation of kids, pro-welfare state, pro-keeping our borders open and our families being unsafe? it is a travesty. we need more christians to understand that we have a voice and we must speak up, and we must resist the democrat party. >> trace: pastor, you have echoed a lot of that sentiment, but it's interesting, because a lot of this fight over the past three years has been about
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religious freedom in this country. we talk about all the time here, and it seems to be diminishing. >> it is, and the president addressed this in more detail tonight than i've ever heard them do so, talking about establishing an anti-christian bias commission, restoring the rights of christians. look, trace, i've known president trump for nine years. tonight was the most powerful pro-christian message i have ever heard him deliver. yes, he talked about his record of success and pro-life, pro-religious liberty, pro-israel, but he did something i have not heard him do to this extent. he quoted something i had said about him, and then he said "it's true, i am a follower of jesus christ. i am proud to be a christian." this reminded me of what ronald reagan did 40 years ago when he spoke to the same group, and he said, "although you can't endorse me, i endorse you."
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president trump went a lot further. he not only endorsed christians, he identified as a christian, and i think in return christians are endorsing him and they are going to vote for him in record numbers on november 5th. >> trace: i've got a few seconds left. i just want to get your take on the fact that president trump was talking about, you've got christians who can't stay on the sidelines. >> no, we can't stay on the sidelines. we are called to occupy until christ comes, but we can't do that from the bleachers. we must get into the arena. and we must embrace christian nationalism. i embrace that term, because god is the one that made this nation great. god is the one that gave us the authority and the powers we have, and we should not allow the left to demonize us and cause us to relinquish our faith and not hold to the cross. >> trace: pastor jeffress, about 15 seconds. >> i couldn't agree more with what the pastor said. it is a christian right but it
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is a christian responsibility to vote your convictions. not democrat, republican convictions, but biblical convictions. i think christians are going to do that. >> trace: pastors, thank you both. we appreciate your time. coming up, you are in a pet store. one prisoner begins kicking cages, slams the woman across the face. do you fight back? do you turn away? are you surprised? because that's exactly what people did. the nightcap will take this up next. ♪ ♪
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous.
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♪ ♪ >> trace: we are back with the nightcap crew. kevin corke, ashley strohmier, matt finn, vik bajaj, matt belinsky, and ev to duffy. costly observation, a new york woman walks into a pet shop and starts kicking cages. she slaps woman across the face, customers didn't do a thing. nobody stopped her. are you surprised? what would you have done? vik bajaj come if that was even the pet store? >> if it was me, i do want to say what i would have done, but i would abide by the law. that's what everyone was so scared. if the intervened, they are a defendant in a criminal case or a civil matter. >> trace: see you can't intervene. >> it is paralysis by analysis. i think you should, but under the law, you just can't. >> it matters how much you have been observing recent modern america. the last few years, people who
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are interfering, good samaritans, have not been treated well. that wasn't always the case. unfortunately, if you've been paying attention, you don't intervene. >> trace: quick answers, we are low on time. >> i agree with both these guys. >> trace: kevin corke? >> she would get popped if it was me. >> trace: evita duffy? >> would have wanted a brave strong man to step in and help out. but it's not going to happen. like every video said, we punish do-gooders in this country now. >> trace: ashley strohmier? >> i would have slapped her back. >> trace: me, too, actually. i'm with you. are you surprised no one stepped in? yes, 29% instagram. 41%. i would have clocked in. someone messes with puppies, you bet i go to john wick. in this case it's a no-brainer, you've got to step in and help. thank you all for joining the nightcap and thank you for watching america's late news, "fox news @ night." i'm trace gallagher inid a los angeles. see you back here tomorrow. withc arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok.
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