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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 23, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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when i does do speeches he looks like max head rum. >> mat with wife aleeaened and his daughter. after that meeting he said. this watch. >> this one thing i have made clear to me is that melania is going to fight in way way. not letting up. thank you. [shouting questions. >> carley: got the name wrong, joe. that's not a lot to remember in this situation. right? and we see this every day. i can't put this as a one off anymore. he does this all the time. he speaks to dead people more than the admitted six sense and can't gadget the name right. >> carley: big meeting for him and got to nail those moments especially after the robert hur report. thank you for joining us. have great weekend. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪
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>> steve: thank you very much. carley it is 6:00 a.m. on the east coast on this friday, february 23rd, 2024. this is live from south carolina. >> ainsley: that's right. >> steve: "fox & friends" for a friday. >> ainsley: great to be back from south carolina. it's a showdown piedmont to the mid lands to the low country. nikki haley and donald trump spend one more day campaigning before tomorrow's primary. >> two states there was no way we were going to name him the nominee. >> nikki haley is loading to me. she hurting the heart. i don't care let her run. >> pete: fox news alert. president trump filing new legal motions overnight in his classified documents case. this as the judge in his new york ruling denies delaying payment on that $355 million whopper. >> steve: and another alert. remember yesterday when we were talking about the cell phone outage? well, pharmacies are still
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facing massive delays as a separate massive cyber attack targeted a healthcare tech company. man o man what was that about? "fox & friends" starts right now. remember, mornings are better in south carolina, just saying. >> ainsley: that's true. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ainsley: that is south carolina's state university marching band. so glad they are here. they drove 45 minutes.
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got up really early this morning. because that school is in orangeburg, south carolina. >> steve: and we are in columbia, south carolina today which is your neck of the woods growing up. >> ainsley: i grew up right here. >> pete: love it. we are live at senate's inn, which is normally probably an event venue. >> ainsley: yes. >> >> pete: getting our makeup done in the bridal sweet. >> ainsley: come on in groom, you are the groom today. >> steve: sorry, i don't know. >> pete: i will be best man. >> steve: since we are in south carolina, today you are palmetto pete. >> ainsley: no longer pancake pete. but the guy who is flipping the pancakes this morning is lawrence jones hey, lawrence. >> lawrence: hey, family. i actually got dress flted dark. i was steaming the clothes this morning and all the power went out.
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if i look a little crusty you guys know why. but the folks here in south carolina are so fired up. >> ainsley: you look great. >> lawrence: thank you, my friend. a lot of talk about this big race. a lot of reasons why this race particularly is so contentious former governor very popular in south carolina. indication based on the polls. donald trump up by at least 30 points. can close in on the final days? we'll have to see. >> steve: absolutely. great point. she has said she does not need to win her home state. but she really has to outperform what she did new hampshire where she got 43%. can she beat that number. i wai was at the liberty tack r. don't trust the people. a lot of the people don't trust
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the polls. >> ainsley: few people that liked nikki haley but the whole crowd was really for donald trump. >> pete: how long can you bet your odds getting a little bit closer in second place as opposed to actually winning one. i had an interview with nikki haley yesterday asking where are you going to win? she wouldn't name the state. if not south carolina where is it? ainsley: staying in until super tuesday march 5th. >> steve: amass as many delegates as she possibly can. >> pete: or sabotage at this point, steve. maybe somebody is angry. >> steve: i remember a guy back in 2016 who at this point in the race i believe was still supporting ted cruz. >> pete: yeah. listen. a lot of things have happened in 8 years. we know where the base of the republican party is that's what makes south carolina so interesting tomorrow. it will tell us a lot. >> steve: if she would win, you
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would think her home state. we will find out. mark meredith is joining us now from the big town of charleston, south carolina, and he has been fog the action down here. and he, too, on this friday is not wearing a necktie. >> no tech tie. good morning. the race will centered here in south carolina this weekend. former president trump is looking to come to nate in the state as you reference; however, nikki haley still looking for potential upset here she is governor of this state for a little more than six years there was a monmouth university survey of south carolina voters showing trump's lead here in the state, but, that poll was taken without b. three weeks ago and we have seen haley hold continuous campaign events in this state since then. trump, however, says she still has no shot. >> in south carolina, nikki haley is losing to me. it looks like she is going to lose by 25 or 30 points. that's a lot. she is governor. people don't like her too much. she is hurting the party. but i don't care.
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>> haley firing right back urging republican voters to focus on november's general election and polling which shows that she could potentially give the g.o.p. a much bigger advantage of taking back the white house. >> we don't anoint kings in america. we have elections. after two states there was no way we were going to name him the nominee. south carolinians deserve the right to vote as do every other state after that. let's let them vote. we do have a country to save. >> we are going to be hearing more from haley and trump in the days ahead. because you have got super tuesday fast approaching. look at those states in yellow holding contests march 5th. north carolina, tennessee. alabama, calvary haley announced a pretty vigorous campaign schedule. she made earlier in the week she wanted to make it clear even before voting began she wasn't going to be dropping out regardless of what the results
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turn out tomorrow. 50 grabs up. south carolina not a bad place to start the weekend. steve, ainsley and pete, back to you guys. >> pete: no kidding. >> ainsley: something that is very important to south carolinians and to all of us and to you, lawrence is our faith. yesterday donald trump was in nashville. speaking at the nashville religious broadcasters international christian media convention. he was pledging to defend christianity against the left. he says they want to tear down your crosses. so he says when he gets -- if he wins a second term, he will create a federal task force to investigate all forms of illegal discrimination and persecution against christians in america. >> steve: right. he also took credit for the dobbs decision having three justices on the supreme court. thanks to him. and returning the issue to the state. , the democrats would say we love having that issue because for the most part the democrats have won on abortion.
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>> pete: yeah. an interesting quote from trump there, too. every communist regime throughout history star out churches. either cooperating them into creating liberal institutions or tearing down crosses all together. here we are. >> steve: one of my many -- i got here early yesterday and talking to a lot of people. one person told me flat out they are very excited about voting for donald trump tomorrow but they really said they would have preferred him -- the candidate to be tim scott. tim scott is actually going to be with us a going to be live at 8:40 this morning. >> ainsley: lawrence, there is a picture of tim scott, a senator here who actually won that race because of nikki haley. but he. >> steve: she appointed him originally. >> ainsley: he is actually endorsing donald trump. and so is lindsey graham, the two senators here and henry mcmaster our governor here. lawrence, what are you hearing from folks there this morning? >> lawrence: you know, it's interesting. because, steve, earlier today,
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nate the great is going to walk with me for a second. alluded to some people not believing in the polls. and, guys, you have all heard me say this time and time again. there is a rule for that for me. if the polls are inconsistent with what we hear on the ground then we question them. but if we are hearing on the ground is consistent with polls, then we know what is happening. i want to talk to this table right here because we were talking earlier. you got your former governor and you got the former president of the united states running against each other. >> right. >> lawrence: why are you supporting donald trump? >> donald trump is a businessman. he gets the job done. i don't care about his personality. he knows what he's doing. he does not take a salary. he is straightforward and he loves america and he loves the people and he proves it every day. he is the only one that's going to save us. he is the only one that is going to save us. lawrence lawrence i was talking to some of you guys earlier, and you expressed the frustration with nikki haley still being in the race.
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what's frustration? >> we need to unify this country. as long as she stays in the race he we are not going unified. we need to have one concise race from the right. nikki taking all that money from the left side, it's ridiculous. she told herself out and that's just not what we need. >> lawrence: thank you, sir. let's talk with some more folks real quick. sir, who are you supporting in this race? >> donald trump. >> why donald trump. >> donald trump is the best man. joe biden is about got one foot in the grave. >> lawrence: how do you feel about your former governor being in the race right now? >> i think she was a good governor but she is not presidential. she is too liberal. >> lawrence: that's the sticking point? >> yeah. >> lawrence: you don't think she is conservative enough. >> no. >> lawrence: thank you. we will be talking with folks all morning. that's what we're hearing on the ground. there is no dislike of the former governor. she is very popular. i think she is still popular in the state. i think there is a lot of people irritated in south carolina right now about progressives because this is an open primary
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getting involved in this race, guys. i will send it back to you on the couch. >> pete: i heard that 4% of democrats participated in the democratic primary. concern open primary pl places n columbia where there are a lot of democrats they could cross over and vote for nikki. >> ainsley: you just -- can you only vote once either in the democratic or republican primary. >> steve: to your point about a lot of democrats in this county, richland county? >> ainsley: richland county. >> steve: in 2020, 70% went to joe biden and about 30-something to donald trump. we are in a blue part of a very red state. >> ainsley: yeah. which is interesting. because the conservatives, a lot of conservatives live in the piedmont area up in greenville and spartanburg. regionally in charleston you have a little bit of both probably. a lot of northerners moved to charleston. curious to see if they will bring their politics with them. >> pete: speaking of the north,
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one of those cases, now to the legal cases surrounding former president donald trump. overnight trump's legal team filing several motions to have his classified documents case dismissed can. they are claiming presidential immunity protects him from prosecution. and the excitin exciting issuesh jack mitt's. >> steve: a judge is denying donald trump's move to delay enforcement of the $355 million fraud trial fine. the attorney general letitia james is actually threatening to seize trump's new york properties if he doesn't pay up. and sell at a fire sale price. the judge writing, quote: you have failed to explain, much less justify, any basis for a stay. so, essentially saying let's see the money. are. >> ainsley: all right. let's go to georgia. the fulton county ethics board take up complaints against d.a. fani willis as we learn that the special attorney she hired to help prosecute trump donated big bucks to her campaign for the
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a.g.'s office. fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett will join us in just a few minutes to discuss trump's ongoing legal battles. >> pete: yeah, in new york you failed to explain the legal justification for the delay. have you looked at the political -- have you realized this guy is the frontrunner for the republicans in the presidential race you? would think there would be a reason really for any other person. but because it's trump and they have already made that decision, that's what this is all about. election interference. >> ainsley: take a little bit to gather this kind of liquid money. that's a lot of money. >> pete: absolutely. >> ainsley: money he has been slapped with. >> steve: lletitia james said a couple days ago. she has got a building that she could liquidate in mind i think it's 40 wall street in mind or something like that. i read in one of the papers where essentially if he doesn't pay, she would through the power of the court seize it and sell it. but, ultimately, it could be at
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a fire sale price. if he sold it he could get 100 million or 500 million or whatever. she might sell it at fire sale prices and get a fraction of that it's like who is going to sell it the state. >> ainsley: if she sells it for a fraction of that, then would she seize another building. >> steve: until you get to that amount of money like monopoly. >> pete: maybe that's the point. macy that's what they wanted all along. >> steve: maybe. receive if an appeal is taken up by the state supreme court in new york. meanwhile to another fox news alert on this very busy friday. the united states 500 sanctions on the country of russia later today. >> >> ainsley: this comes one day after president biden did meet with the family of the putin critic and political prisoner alexei navalny. >> pete: madeleine rivera is live in washington with more. good morning. >> good morning, steve, ainsley and pete. the u.s. is calling this the largest single package of penalties since russia began its war in ukraine two years ago. under secretary of state for
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political affairs victoria nuland says some of these sanctions will be targeted at folks directly involved in the death of russian opposition leader alexei navalny. the vast majority though will be aimed at what the u.s. has called vladimir putin's war machine. closing the gaps in the sanctions that he has been able to evade. the u.s. has promised to hold russia accountable after the death of navalny. president biden has placed the blame squarely on putin. still putin says he would prefer to work with president biden. >> president biden. >> president biden, the u.s. president biden has made a rude remark but again. >> rude? >> rude, yes. i don't want to quote it but he is the united states president. he called you a crazy son of a [bleep] >> listen, we talked not long ago and you asked who would be preferred as future president of the united states. i said that we would work with any president. but i suppose that, for us, for russia, biden is more preferable. >> white house has slammed a similar previous comment from putin saying the russian president should stay out of u.s. elections president biden
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met withal value any's widow and daughter on thursday. he mistakenly called yulia by the wrong name. >> one thing made clear to me is that yolanda is going to -- she is going to continue to fight -- not letting up. thank you. >> president biden. >> meantime navalny's mother says she has seen her son's body but is being threatened by russian authorities to have a secret funeral. steve, ainsley and pete. >> steve: all right. madeline, thank you very much. live report from our nation's. >> ainsley: her name is yulia, not yolanda. >> steve: add to the list. >> ainsley: 7 peefn, including several migrants are behind bars and another 10 on the loose after another massive brawl broke out last night in times
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square. one victim a migrant teenager had to be hospitalized after being stabbed in the back. the investigation into what sparked the fight is ongoing. and, a protester ripping congresswoman alexei owe aalexandriaocasio-cortez over ht a town hall yesterday. [shouting] you don't care. all you care about is illegal aliens. >> saying all you karen about are the illegal migrants. the crisis might even get worse. venezuela is now no longer accepting deportation flights from the u.s. and mexico because of u.s. sanctions on the socialist country. meanwhile, we are now learning only 288 chinese nationals were deported last fiscal year. that's despite the fact that ice encountered more than 25,000 chinese nationals. not many going back. the university of georgia is canceling classes after a nursing student at a nearby college was found dead with visible injuries.
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a friend reported her missing after she didn't return from her run during the morning yesterday. authorities later found her body in a forested area on the athens campus. police suspect foul play but they say there is no immediate danger to students at the moment. chiefs super fan lisa lopez gal von, who. >> steve: she was shot. >> ainsley: she was the one that was shot during the kansas city parade she is going to be laid to rest today. the team's kicker provided her family with a jersey she will be laid to rest in feesm set up a go fund me to pay for his medical bills. he received $85 in donations before it was taken down. an exfbi informant charged with lying about biden's business dealings was rearrested yesterday california judge deems him a flight risk.
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he holds dual citizenship. released by a nevada judge earlier this week. accused of lying about president biden and his son hunter taking bribes from burisma while joe was vice president now to news that is truly out of this world. an american made spacecraft landing on the moon for the very first time since 1972. intuitive machines owe disi can't say lander was able to touch down yesterday. even after a sensor malfunctioned. launched from houston texas. it took one week to reach its destination. there were no humans on board this time. there are reportedly plans for a manned mission in the future. in the meantime the six-leg robot lander is getting ready to drill for water on the moon's south pole and those are some of your headlines. >> steve: that is cool. >> ainsley: wow, look at that. >> steve: meanwhile, another fox news alert, maybe this impacted you, pharmacies across the country are reporting delays to prescription orders because of a cyber attack against one of the
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largest healthcare technology companies in america. >> ainsley: todd piro is live for all the details for us. todd? >> todd: this is not good. the company that handles orders and patient payments across the country change healthcare is experiencing a network interruption related to cybersecurity issue. and our experts are working to address the matter. we took immediate action to disconnect our systems to prevent further impact. end quote. one hospital in colorado revealing, quote; this outage dispensing pharmacy prescriptions resulting in delays in processing and in some cases inability to process. refills have also been impacted. walgreen's says they're also affected by the attack but they are working through it. the company saying for the small percentage that may be affected, we have procedures in place so that we can continue to process and fill these prescriptions with minimal delay or interruption. united health group filed a cyber incident. change healthcare could have had their system breached.
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identified a nation state associated cyber threat actor had gained access to some of the change healthcare information technology systems now, changes change healthcare predicts the outage will be resolved some time today but we will see. back over to you. >> steve: what a day yesterday. between that and cell phone outage. crazy. all right. thank you, todd. >> ainsley: y'all remember to set your dvrs at 6:00. off at 9:00. definitely dvr all three hours. watcher it some time later in the day if you are running out the door to work or take the kids to school. >> steve: even though i'm in south carolina at home my dvr is recording it. >> pete: take notes on performance. >> steve: only when something goes haywire. >> ainsley: something funny and go back and look at it? >> steve: did i say that? let me check. i did. >> pete: special attorney hired by embattled d.a. fani willis
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donated, not surprisingly, to her campaign. >> ainsley: we are asking gregg jarrett what he thinks about that live south carolina. marching band 101 plays us out. ♪ ♪ this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way
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with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. get started for $49 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today! >> carley: overnight in california. a suspect wanted for assault is arrested after leading police on a wild chase through three counties in the bay area. police were able to puncture the tires with spike strips and the driver eventually gave up and was taken into custody. listen to this. due to the recent surge in burgs amid smash and grabs in the bay area, one store has found a labor intensive way to curb shoplifters. customers at frederickson's hardware and paint will have to shop with an employee escort during certain hours. oh my goodness. >> we have to keep our employees safe and the customers safe. but when they are coming in to
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do smash and grabs. that was the final straw. >> the store has been in business for over 100 years. they are trying to stay in business, steve. but, to match an employee with each customer is going to be like we said very labor intensive and expensive. >> steve: i would like to go into a store just to kind of browse. somebody just going to stand next to me. >> carley: why are you following me? get away. >> steve: that's crazy. >> carley: see you later, steve. >> steve: all right. carley. indeed. new overnight. attorneys for president trump have filed motions urging a florida judge to dismiss the case, charging him with illegally holding on to classified stuff. his lawyers argued, quote: president trump made this decision while he was still in offers. the alleged decision was an official act and, as such, is subject to presidential immunity. what does greg jarrett, fox news legal analyst think about that? he is joining us now in south carolina. good to have you, sir. >> good to be here.
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>> steve: the former president says hey, that stuff's mine and i had the authority. >> his best argument and he cites this is the presidential records act, which does give a measure of custody and control to fformer presidents over recos classified documents that wars the longstanding legal opinion of the department of justice in the bill clinton case and it was endorsed by a federal judge. suddenly, whether it's trump, all that goes out the window. and they raid mar-a-lago and charge him. >> steve: right. so what happened? anything? ?the trial is still on for, wha, may 20th? >> as far as the classified documents case the judge has decisions to make. the fact that he is yet again raising immunity may incentivize the supreme court to actually take this case they haven't agreed to take it yet.
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since it ask in washington and florida they may decide to do it. other thing is the special counsel is illegal legitimate. similar argument hunter biden is making because it violates the appointments clause without senate confirmation in the constitution. so there are a variety of issues that going to have to hash out. >> steve: that case is in california. talk about the new york civil fraud case where he was found liable to close to half a billion dollars worth of stuff. >> right. >> steve: the judge has rejected a delay. and they want the money. so what happened? >> gregg: the judge is wrong to reject the delay. the amount of money here is so outlandish and bears no resemblance to any measurable harm which the law requires, that the judge should grant a stay for a bare minimum of 30 days to allow trump to appeal. this is a judge who, and i watched him carefully, wore his anti-trump bias on his sleeve.
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for goodness sakes, he found trump liable for fraud before anybody ever testified in the case. and, of course, the lenders said we weren't defrauded. we weren't deceived. we made a ton of money. >> steve: so, greg, they say the state wants the money. they want to find money she, the attorney general has said i'm willing to liquidate some of his property. she would sell it at a fraction of what it's worth, essentially just to get the money back. and maybe that is part of, you know, ainsley mentioned this a moment ago and it's a great point. maybe that is a way that they're trying to get at him, sell his prized possession off at fire sale prices. >> unless the appellate division of the supreme court, which is the trial court level, issues a stay on their own, because it is such an outrageous amount of money, in terms of a penalty, you know, he may have to post a bond and collateralize some of
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his real estate to meet the amount. the interest already is 98 in a million dollars, that's 87,000 a day and growing it interest on $355 million judgment. that is already at half a billion dollars. so, you know, the other part of this is, the supreme court has a habit of taking cases like this, outrageous judgments and knocking it down. they do so sometimes under the eighth amendment. part of the bill of rights excessive fines that the founders were so worried about. >> steve: can you imagine getting up every morning thinking okay, it's friday i have to pay $87,000 today in interest. that would be crazy. >> it's absurd. good to see you, bud. welcome to the low country. >> steve: thank you very much. i had some shrimp and grits last night. >> did you? were they good? >> steve: fantastic. there are grits over there by the scrambled eggs and bacon. >> i'm going to have them.
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>> steve: coming up. >> a new york company bans trans from competing against girls. riley gaines is going to join us. she is next to talk about that. or more - can be overwhelming. ♪out
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pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. ♪ >> ainsley: two universities canceling class today after a nursing student was found dead with visible injuries after going on a run. brooke singman has more for us. brooke? >> hey, good morning, ainsley. students are terrified after a nursing student was found dead on the athens campus just yesterday. >> as a woman. i have to be extra, extra careful and be extra protective and it's super scary. i know people who run or walk these trails all the time. our ecology classes we do ecology and biology lab we come here all the time for these labs. were surreal that this could actually happen to someone.
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>> we now know the female who died was a student at the university of georgia until last spring before enrolling at the agus tan university. both schools have canceled classes today. a friend reported her missing after she didn't return home from a morning run. her body was later discovered in a wooded area on campus near lake her rick. police suspecting foul play after she was found unconscious and not breathing with visible injuries. police have not yet disclosed her name. ainsley? >> that is so sad. i feel so horrible for her patience. you send your child off to college victor tri this week for fairness in women's sports. one new york county is banning trans athletes competing in female sports at the county run facilities. listen. >> for years of fighting for fairness now we are going to throw it all away. this is not a partisan issue.
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it's a common sense issue and fairness issue and quite frankly, i interpret this as bullying on the part of those biological males who would rather compete against females than a co-ed team or an all male team. >> former north korea swimmer riley gaines is the director of the riley gaines center at the leadership institute and outkick tributer and she joins us now. hey, reilly. >> good to see you, good morning. >> ainsley: good to see you. what's your reaction? ?i'm sure you are elated. >> i am. refreshing to see strong leadership. that's what this has been lacking especially coming out of a blue state like new york. i thought this was incredible. i could not be more grateful for his leadership. it's important that we have female only sports and spaces there stont eliminate co-ed teams. what we are advocating for and
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mr. blakeman is advocating for here is transparency. if you want to have a co-ed team or team invite males onto your female team then be trarnted about it and there is no issue. couldn't be more grateful for him. i saw independent woman's voice ambassador coach kim russell in the background there she has been on the program many times to talk about this from a coaching perspective. so i thought it was incredible. >> ainsley: yeah. i think this was the first of its kind enacted by a local government. that area in nassau county is on the way out hamptons rhode island. pretty moderate. not surprising here. but you are right. usually new york you don't hear things like this. caitlyn jenner has even said. you know, i don't play against women when i'm playing golf because she says i would kill them. she said i would -- that drive. the ball would, you know, go down the golf course so fast and i would win. >> i would win every tournament. she says it's about fairness for her. this is all about fairness for you, right?
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>> that's what it is about. this isn't -- it's often labeled anti-trans piece of legislation or an anti trans movement to eliminate male participation in women sports or female spaces. look, make no mistake. my personal stance, i'm not standing against anything. i am standing for something. and what i'm standing for is common sense. i'm standing for fairness. i'm standing for truth. i'm standing for realitiment and most importantly, i'm standing for women. that's what this is about. that's what this movement is. caitlyn jenner said it perfectly. this is about fairness. this is about safety. this is about privacy and locker room aspects. it's about equal opportunity. that's what title ix was passed to create and protect for women. and mr. blakeman said t that is all being reversed. weirdly enough, under the guise of progress. >> ainsley: last april. you were at turning point. you were speaking for a turning point event. and you were held hostage for ransom. you had to hide behind -- you had to barricade yourself behind
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a door. you were held hostage for hours because she's activists were attacking you and threatening you. san francisco has now suspended that investigation. they say that the charges run founded what's your reaction? >> i think this is abysmal. the charges, look, there is an abundance of evidence that what i'm claiming happened happened. there are audio evidence. there is video evidence. there are eyewitnesses who were there at the time. heck, the officer who sent me the email saying that the charges were unfounded was being held for ransom in the room with me. so i think this sets a terrible precedent not just for deserves or conservative speakers on campus like myself. this sets a terrible precedent for every single american, female, regardless of race or sexual orientation, because what our department of justice has now done, by saying they can't do anything, they can't charge
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anyone involved here they are encouraging violence and violence against women for that matter and the infringement upon our first amendment rights, our freedom of speech at that i think this is an aobomb nation, really. that's how i feel. >> ainsley: how terrified were you that day? >> i mean, my life was being threatened. you can only imagine the things that for hours being held for ransom through the middle of the night in san francisco by hundreds of protesters, you could only imagine the obscene and profane and heinous things that were being yelled at me. how i was being assaulted and ambushed. >> i truly, in that moment, i feared for my life. >> yeah. well, i'm glad you are here today. reilly. thank you so much for your help and come on our show. >> of course well thank you guys. >> ainsley: you are welcome. more chinese migrants are crossing the border in san diego and lawrence is talking to voters here in south carolina about the border crisis.
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that is coming up next. ♪
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>> pete: get this story chicago's board of education in a unanimous decision votes to remove school resource police officers from all public schools in chicago. now, many parents are wondering who are going to keep the kids safe? here to react is a mother who mass three kids in chicago public schools. help us out here. so the teacher's union supported this. they wanted all -- here's a part of what the teacher's union said in chicago. they said removing resource officers from schools is something black and brown youth organizers have been fighting to accomplish for years. which the chicago teacher's union was proud to support. they want the cops out. what does this mean? >> first of all, thank you for having me. i'm a mother of six children. >> pete: of course. >> three are still in chicago public schools. i have never realized one important word that comes to mind and that is choice. this word in particular has been
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under attack. i constantly say my prayers as i drop off my children. and it's very disappointing. and it's unfortunate because not everyone is in agreement to this result. we need our police officers to have that bond, that special bond with our students and our staff. we're all a community. they talk about restorative justice and how -- what are they doing in providing to allow this bond? there is high schools that is very disappointed n. and saddened by this result. they really enjoy their sros in their buildings. they feel safe with them there. we lost three chicago public school students a week apart with the violence. what about our south and west
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side schools where there is so much crime and, you know, there were a lot of people at this board of ed meeting during public education speaking. elected officials especially one in particular that used to be part of the board of education. and he spoke passionately saying that this 7-0 and taking away the opportunity from the to be able to vote on this. we are talking about differentiation. right? we are talking about we want to differentiate with our academics. now they are not allowing us and giving us the power as parents and teachers and principles to decide what schools truly need. >> pete: that's exactly right. those that supported the school resource officer said let the schools choose whether we want the cops and they said no, no,
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no. we are making the decision for every school district across the board and, you know, it also contributes to a negative perception amongst police that gets per ppe pet waited in these schools. thank you so much for speaking out and i wish it wasn't this situation. thank you. >> thank you. >> pete: all right. >> steve: all right. meanwhile, let that is a crazy story. >> pete: unbelievable. >> steve: so is this. now to the number of chinese migrants crossing our southern border in the san diego sector is now more than the number of mexican nationals. look at that china is beating mexico. >> pete: all young males. take a look. and in fiscal year 2023, 24,000 chinese illustrate legals were encountered. but only 288 were deported. so how did the voters feel? >> ainsley: lawrence is having breakfast with eggs up grill right here in columbia, south carolina. is he going to talk to them about it. hey, lawrence. >> hey, good morning, family. so, there's been a lot of talk about the border, of course. there has also been a lot of talk about young voters getting
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involved with this presidential election. let's talk to these young ladies. why are you getting involved in this election. >> for me personally getting involved in it. it's super important for young people to be involved in current events and what's going on. for me, i'm a college student. when i go to the grocery store. when i just do daily activities i see that politics really shape what we do. i think that it really is important for young voices, you know, for me personally i'm excited to go vote tomorrow. it's something i have looked forward to for years. i think it's something that is important to be involved in and i enjoy being involved in it. and i think that i have really seen the demographics of our generation stepping up recently to be involved. >> lawrence: what about you, ma'am. >> second everything she said. pollization in everything we see in vote makes me want to get involved. and help make the society cohesive environment. really important when thinking about who to vote for this time. >> lawrence: real quickly, sir, who do you plan on supporting in this election? >> trump. >> why trump? >> i'm graduating high school,
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going into the workforce. and the economy we have seen what he can do how he shaped it four years ago. >> lawrence: send it back to you guys. big guests coming at the top of the hour. send it back to you. >> ainsley: all these young voters. >> steve: sharp coat. >> pete: stole the jacket i wore patriot award. looking good entrust your heart to entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor if entresto is right for you. meet the traveling trio. the thrill seeker. the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase. woah, a lost card isn't keeping
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