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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 23, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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>> ainsley: it is 7:00 a.m. here on the east coast. it is friday, you made it through the workweek. it's february 203rd. this is "fox & friends" live from south carolina. it is a showdown here in the low country. nikki haley and donald trump calling go head to head in the south carolina primary which takes place tomorrow. >> steve: speaking of south carolina. the state -- the senator from the great state. tim scott is going to join us live. and lawrence is just down the road talking to the voters there at eggs up grill in columbia, south carolina. pete teeth talk to him in a moment. the u.s. to release crushing sanctions, more of them on russia today. general jack keane on the implications coming up. >> ainsley: and, one store is making you shop now with an escort. >> pete: what? >> ainsley: to deter all the shoplifting. pete. >> steve: not that kind of escort. >> pete: okay. i wanted to make sure. >> steve: second hour of "fox &
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friends" starts right now live from south carolina. cue the band. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> steve: how great is this an opening. band from south carolina state university. and they are amazing. by the way, they are just outside that door on the other side of that wall. and ainsley and i just realized, this could be the first time we have ever done "fox & friends" where we are sitting in front of
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a bar. >> ainsley: go back there, pete, and make us some drinks. >> pete: right there? i could have reported from there all morning. we got the music right here. >> steve: one thing about the marching 101 who are outside. it's also kind of raining right now. we have got 55 degrees, a light rain. and god bless them they are out there. >> pete: what kind of guests are we then? we have huge venue here. senate's inn in colombia, south carolina. amazing band of young people and they are in the rain? >> steve: we are going it open the door and let them. in. >> ainsley: close to the vista area. beautiful place, tons of restaurants. that's where all the hotels are. and the university of south carolina down the street keep driving run into the huge stadium out there. >> steve: i was at the liberty tap room last night. and the place was filled with people who were there to watcher the women's basketball game. >> ainsley: that's very popular establishment. we have lots of mechanismries. i went to college here.
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>> pete: most of which you remember. >> steve: maybe that's why there is bar behind us. just saying. >> ainsley: we have a lot of fun in south carolina. we are a day away from the south carolina republican primary. >> pete: and, overnight, former president donald trump's legal team filing several motions to have his classified documents case dismissed. >> steve: okay. so what is going to happen? mark meredith actually got in the car, drove down to charleston, south carolina, he is joining us out on the streets. >> steve, ainsley and pete, it's not a bad street to be on. good morning to you guys from charleston, south carolina. as you mentioned the news overnight, lawyers for former president trump filing multiple motions in florida regarding the documents case. his lawyers basically claiming that presidential immunity should have allowed him to hold on to those hundreds of classified teecials long after leaving office. the documents case down in florida. that is set to go to trial in mid may. so these new motions could certainly delay that timeline. in d.c., trump lawyers are still waiting to see whether or not
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the supreme court is going to rule on whether or not trump can be prosecuted over efforts to overturn the 2020 election on the similar claims of immunity. we are still waiting to see whether or not the court is going to basically delay this issue or this trial any further. meantime, in new york, a manhattan supreme court judge has denied trump's request to delay enforcement of his recent ruling, which would require him to pay some $355 million. this is all part of that civil fraud trial that just wrapped up. the judge writing in the email to trump's lawyers, quote: you have failed to explain, much less justify any basis for a stay. i am confident that the appellate division will protect your appellate rights. so, the fine is going to be enforced. we'll see how much trump talks about the legal cases he is facing as he campaigns today he will be in rock hill to get out the vote event in south carolina tomorrow. of course, facing off against nikki haley in the republican primary. there's a real clear politics average poll showing where trump is dominating against haley in this contest right now. can you see it there on your
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screen. haley is indicating though, that she believes this will be a closer contest. and she has already vowed to stay in this race long after the polls close tomorrow right here in south carolina. lawrence, i will send it up to you in columbia. lawrence? >> lawrence: hey, mark. thank you so much. so there is two questions that were proposed. you got the folks that are upset about donald trump being prosecuted. and then you got the folks that are voting for nehemiah. let's go to the prosecution of donald trump first. sir, how do you feel about some of these court cases against donald trump right now? >> well, ultimately, it's a total witch-hunt. and the problem with it is if our candidates can't speak their minds freely without having a risk of being persecuted by the political class, then we can't have candidates at all. there's a huge problem right now with candidates going in, speaking their mind against the political class the donors and corporations and then they get punished for it. can we really have a sovereign country if you can't speak against the wealthy and upper class of society? absolutely not.
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>> lawrence: such a valid pointed. guys, earlier in the show we were talking about some democrats that are crossing over in this republican primary. i met two friends here. and they're actually democrats. but they also are gonna cross over. why are you crossing over, sir? >> well, i believe that's important to have a say in who our next president is. and i believe that in the republican primary, it's beneficial to cast my ballot. i believe that nikki haley is a great choice in that she is simply not donald trump. she believes in the constitution. she believes in democratic principles, believes in the rule of law and i believe an election we should have candidates who are pro-american. >> lawrence: i then pose you the question, in november, if joe biden is on the ballot, who would you vote for and you said who? >> joe biden without a doubt. >> lawrence: without you, ma'am? who are you supporting? >> i definitely would say i identify as an independent, so, definitely staying educated on what is happening. and for me as a little girl in south carolina seeing nikki haley become the first female governor was so inspiring.
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and i would love to see her become the president for the same reason to show young girls, especially from conservative states that you can do anything and can you reach your goals. >> lawrence: thank you so much, ma'am, guys, we have been following those voters. the democrats that are crossing over in the republican primary. as you noticed, the interesting part at the end is who are you going to vote for in the general election? joe biden was the answer to that. so just because they're going to vote for her in the primary doesn't mean they are going to vote for her in the general election, guys. i will send it back to you. >> steve: it's the main difference between the primaries and the general. sometimes you vote for two different people for a variety. >> ainsley: let her stay in the race. it's fine. bowers the longer she stays in the more they are talking about me. >> steve: got to get up to 1215 delegates. neither one of them have poor than 100. >> pete: interesting how donald trump -- his presence has changed the entire equation. you don't normally have this issue with the problem of open
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primaries where a bunch of democrats are jumping into the republican primary. they have their own race or there isn't such polar situation one dan kat candidate in donald trump. they vote for nikki haley. >> steve: do you know when this happened gigantic way operation chaos which rush limbaugh essentially launched back when it was barack obama and hillary clinton running against each other. >> pete: 2008. >> steve: exactly. a lot of people who actually wanted to vote for george bush or no, it would have been john mccain, instead they voted for hillary clinton to keep barack obama out. of course that did not work. and it won't work here. >> pete: doesn't look like it according to the polls. stay tuned here in south carolina. >> steve: big question is what will the number be? because she has got to do better than she did in new hampshire where she got 43%. if she can do better than that -- >> >> steve: that would push her to super tuesday. >> ainsley: if is he beating her
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by 30 points and even if he gets just double digits. 11% like i think he did in new hampshire, double digits. >> pete: i'm baffled do you push to super tuesday. she has a lot of donors but not a lot of voter. the problem is you need delegates to win. it doesn't matter how much money you have in your account. >> steve: right. so far, neither one of them have more than 100 delegates. >> pete: there are 50 at stake here. and if the projections stay the way they are, they will all go to donald trump, which would put him over 100. steve: that's why you got to tune in tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. >> pete: that's exactly right. start with a fox news alert. the u.s. expected to impose hundreds of sanctions on russia today. >> steve: that's right. this comes just one day after president biden met with the family of putin critic and political prisoner alexei navalny. >> ainsley: jacqui heinrich live at the white house with the latest on this. hi, jacqui. >> good morning to you guys. we are told that the sanctions package coming today will hit 500 targets inside of russia. mostly going after its war
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machine can with additional sanctions against the kremlin for its role in alexei navalny's death. the tranche is being billed as the most crushing single round of sanctions yet, intended to close some gaps in the sanctions regime that russia has so far been able to evade. particularly with respect to russia's defense sector. up until now, the biden administration has tried to target russia's economy, including capping oil prices and central banks and enacting trade restrictions to block the flow of equipment that russia's military uses. it has not been totally effective. china, india and brazil buying russian oil at record rates and russian spending on its war effort has stimulated its economy according to the "new york times." yesterday, president biden met with navalny's widow yulia and daughter in california. the president mistakenly referred to yulia as yolanda. >> as we state the obvious, he was a man of incredible courage and it's amazes how his wife and
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daughter are emulated in that yolanda is gonna -- she is going to continue to fight that underway. so we're not letting up. >> so yesterday putin reacted to biden calling him a crazy sob, brushing it off as internal u.s. politics again saying he would prefer a second biden attorney having trump back in the white house. >> president biden the u.s. president biden has made a rude remark but again. rude? >> rude, yes. i don't want to quote it but he is the united states president. he called you a crazy son of a [bleep] >> listen, we talked not long ago and you asked who would be preferred as future president of the united states. i said that we would work with any president. but i suppose that, for us, for russia, biden is more preferable. >> biden shared no similar affections for putin in his remarks fundraiser the other day. he referred to russia's nuclear threat as existential one, guys?
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>> steve: all right, jacqui heinrich north lawn of the white house. thank you very much, jacqui. meanwhile we have got a fox news alert. it's troubling. pharmacies all across the country are having trouble processing some prescriptions because of a cyber attack targeting change healthcare. one of the largest healthcare tech companies there are. >> ainsley: the company says it is addressing the breach, but some hospitals already reported problems. >> pete: carl szabo v.p. and general counsel for net choice and university scalia law school and he joins us now. thanks so much for being here, karl. so what happened here? how extensive was this cyber attack and is it still ongoing? >> yeah. we are still finding it out. most cyber attacks take about 280 days to actually trace where they're and what happened we have learned this is likely a foreign encounter. the main concern that i'm seeing is these cyber attacks continue to increase and the government is just going to try to pass the
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buck. less than 0.05% of cyber attacks get prosecuted. that means 99%, 99% of cyber attacks go unprosecuted. so the cyber attacks are going to continue and somebody is dropping the ball and in this case it's the government steve carl, this is separate from the cell phone outage. according to united healthcare, they are blaming a nation state. okay. if you say nation state that sounds like it could be north korea, it could be russia, it could be china. our intel community would know who it is. with you the question is does our administration have the fortitude to go after them? >> yeah. unfortunately, the answer is no to that question. i mean, this isn't new. we saw sony get hacked by north
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korea. we saw the colonial pipeline shut down just a couple years ago with these ransomware attacks. we are seeing ransomware attacks against our hospitals. what we need is law enforcement to go out and do its job. we need less talk. more prosecution. and we need the government to stand up. it's like going to convenience store a blaming the store for being empty or not securing their stuff enough. no, we need to go and prosecute the criminals. >> steve: yep. >> ainsley: so, carl, explain what this exactly means. if you are an elderly person or taking care of your mom, you need to go to the pharmacy to go pick up her medicine and it's not there. i mean, this could be a matter of life and death, correct? >> yes. it absolutely scares me. my brother has a rare disease. he needs his medicine all the time. and the thing is, we need to take it upon ourselves to protect ourselves. simple things that we can do and i talked to community centers all the time about this. make sure you secure your purge email. use unique passwords activate
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two factor authentication. until the government steps up and starts doing its job, we need to secure ourselves steve carl, quick exit question. they say it's a nation state. i know you are speculating but who do you think it is. >> it's the usual players. this is why america needs to continue to be the leader in technological dominance in the world. we gave away our energy independence. we cannot give away our technological independence. >> ainsley: we didn't hold china app. countable when they flew that spy balloon across our country. ahold them accountable to blame here. >> pete: 0.0 is a tough stat to compete with. >> steve: smart guy. >> pete: definitely. toss it over to carley shimkus who has headlines for us. >> i certainly do. good morning to you guys, turning onto your headlines, starting in new york city. several people including several migrants behind bars another 10
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on the loose after a massive brawl broke out in times square. one victim, a migrant teen had to be hospitalized after being stabbed in the back the sparked alvin bragg slamming the prosecutor who are refused to extradite suspect. disturbing a member of my profession would choose to play political ghams a murder case. the maricopa county attorney said yesterday she doesn't trust bragg's office to bring the suspect to justice. >> making sure he stays in custody. is he facing a lengthy mandatory prison sentence here. >> the suspect was arrested in arizona after he allegedly stabbed two women and stole a car. this just in. senate majority leader chuck schumer and other lawmakers are in ukraine visiting president zelenskyy. the trip comes as congress is working to pass a foreign aid package that would include an additional $60 billion in
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military assistance for ukraine. this is senator schumer's first visit to ukraine since russia invaded almost two years ago. the leader of nassau county, new york, is issuing an executive order that will ban transgender athletes from competing in female sports at county run facilities. former ncaa swimmer riley gaines was on earlier. the outkick contributor says this issue is all about transparence. >> what we're advocating here and what mr. blakeman here is advocating here for is transparency. if you want to have a co-ed team or a team that would invite males onto your female team, then be transparent about it and there is no issue. >> the executive order is believed to be the first of the kind in the u.s. and take a look at this. a playful fox swipes a rescue worker's phone after they leave it behind -- after they leave behind in the woods of england. of the camera captured the
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animal sniffing around. the fox which had a little injury was captured and received treatment. the phone was later returned to its owner. that's a cute, curious fox on fox news, guys. back over to you. >> steve: indeed. we are the fox news channel. come on, what other channel is going to feature that just saying. i bet gutfeld is going to have that later today on "the five." >> pete: you think so? animals are great. >> ainsley: glad the phone was returned. >> steve: carley, thank you very much. meanwhile, check in for the day ahead on this friday and adam klotz joins us at the map. adam, you know, a lot of people down here in south carolina are wondering if tomorrow is going to be a good day to vote. >> well, yeah. i have got that forecast for you guys. this is what it looks like across the country. see one large weather feature and that is what is running up along the east coast. everyone else is looking fairly nice out there. there is a bulls eye. a only spot in the country looking at risk of severe weather. it's on the very low end. it does cover most of south carolina. damaging wind. possibly some hail with this system. that is something to pay attention to.
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that is for today. thunderstorms moving across the carolinas today. really though, south carolina, kind of rainy. this is going to clear off for folks on saturday. mostly sunny conditions. and then you look at the temperatures across the rest of the country, looking fairly mild. those are your weather headlines. for now, tariffing it back down to you guys in south carolina. >> steve: all right. thank you very much. >> ainsley: this is a crazy story out of san francisco. where, if you go to this paint store or hardware store, there's a sign on the window that says you have to wait right here until an attendant can come out or escort can come out and walk you through the store to help you find what you want. all because of shoplifting. >> steve: yeah. they say it's the worst they have seen ever, the people at this store. they put up this sign it says attention shoppers, due to the rampant shoplifting, fredrickson has introduced a one-on-one shopping experience. wait here and a clerk will be right with you to help you with all your shopping needs. we're sorry for the inconvenience. well, you know what? you are thinking well, it's a
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real hassle, here's why this could be a good thing. look at all the stuff, okay, that's some of the some of these stores have been robbed out there. a million things in a hardware store. i went in hardware store in virginia the other day. i said hey where is such and such? they said down that row. i went and looked down that row for a while. actually if you had concierge with you, it's it would be a good thing. it's too bad and because everything is walking out of the store without people paying for it. >> pete: they are forced to create a difficult customer experience because the authorities in san francisco won't hold people accountable. you know, you mention that, steve. kind of embarrassing for me. how often did you go in hardware stores you don't know what you are looking for and don't want to admit it yet. you wander around and kind of guess close and then maybe you ask a small question. but if you have to have someone escort you throughout the whole store, they will see how naive you really are from the beginning, hardware stores is a
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lot of -- >> ainsley: a woman i like it i'm going to walk in and say where are the light bulbs? where is the screwdriver and which one do i need and how do i do this? >> pete: what type? i don't know. >> ainsley: two types flat head. >> pete: flat head and the phillips. >> ainsley: here is the thing i was thinking about this morning when i read t the story. the hardware store not only losing a lot of money. pay to hire more people. it would be nice to have that service. >> pete: more people just go amazon and hit click and easier than walking around with an employee escort and these small businesses lose out as a result. >> ainsley: exactly right. >> steve: sometimes you have got to help ask people to help. sometimes dvr our show you don't know how to do it ask one of the kids to do it. just ask them. love to have you dvr "fox & friends" start every morning 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. monday through friday, 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on saturday and sunday. >> ainsley: guide will pop up,
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scroll down to "fox & friends," then you hit that button again and it should pop up. at least that's how my tv does. then can you record. >> steve: i'm going to ask the guy at the hardware store to set it up, just saying. >> pete: he might be able to help you. >> steve: mike tobin is on the uss eisenhower frontline protecting global trade from houthi attack. >> off the coast of yemen there are no are training missions. >> pete: there are no training missions. plus, the u.s. set to release crushing sanctions on russia today. general jack keane joins us next. ♪ puytren's contracture, there's a simple test you can take—from anywhere. try to lay your hand flat against a surface. if you can't, you may have dupuytren's contracture. talk to a hand specialist about your options, including nonsurgical treatments.
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when i was your age, we never had anything like this. what? wifi? wifi that works all over the house, even the basement. the basement. so i can finally throw that party... and invite shannon barnes. dream do come true. xfinity gives you reliable wifi with wall-to-wall coverage on all your devices, even when everyone is online.
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maybe we'll even get married one day. i wonder what i will be doing? probably still living here with mom and dad. fast reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall-to-wall wifi on the xfinity 10g network. >> pete: we're back with a fox news alert right now the u.s. navy is at the forefront of the battle with iranian backed islamists in the red sea. in a fox exclusive, correspondent mike tobin jumped aboard the uss eisenhower to get a firsthand look. on board the uss eisenhower in the red sea off the coast of yemen there are no training missions. every time one of these f 18 super hornets launch they launch into a weapons engagement zone. meaning we are close enough to the hostile that they are in the range of a hostile weaponry, in range of what the houthis fire.
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so [inaudible] f 18s getting ready to launch side winder missiles air-to-air contact. underneath the wing, 500-pound box for air-to-ground contact or air-to-ground targets. what they're looking for are targets of opportunity or dynamic targets. what these sailors and pilots cannot do is get comfortable. because the houthis despite u.s. contact, have gotten more bold. they fired ballistic missiles. they have fired drones. they have even fired an underwater drone. now, these sailors and pilots are expected to be able to handle any threat. but the reality is they are shooting missiles out of the sky. drones out of the water. and there is no room for error. all of this with the goal that frankly the navy was founded for, protection of free trade in the sea.
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this time the red sea. >> pete: mike? that's a great report. thank you so much. to another fox news alert. joe biden meeting with alexei navalny's widow and daughter in california yesterday. >> i had the honor of meeting with alexei navalny's wife and daughter as to state the obvious, he was a man of incredible courage and it's amazing how his wife and daughter are emulated in that. we are going to be announcing the sanctions against putin, who is responsible for his death tomorrow. >> pete: called navalny's wife by the wrong name but i digress. as detained in russia. putin makes a show of flying in a nuclear capable strategic bomber. former secretary of state mike pompeo asked if sanctions from the biden administration will be enough. >> but the only thing that
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vladimir putin understands is power. and this administration simply refuses to use it. here to react fox news senior strategic analyst and retired four star general jack keane. general, thanks for being here. so we hear about more sanctions. but, it -- you know, just as objective observer so far, general, it doesn't feel like russia has been pinched significantly enough by the sanctions already. do more sanctions actually have an impact? >> yeah. well, it is sort of an open secret that our sanctions haven't been nearly as effective as they were expected to be. and as we announced them to be. there is two reasons for that one is the administration itself. all administrations, pete, suffer and are challenged by making sanctions effective. it takes detailed work every single day to track exactly what companies are doing. what countries are doing. even though they committed to the sanctions. and this administration has had an open valve here in not being
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as effective as they should be. the second reason is russia's allies and friends have significantly helped to bail them out here. mostly china. my sources have indicated that china is the number one provider of their consumer goods, they are also, while they don't provide an end state in terms of a weapon itself, pete, they provide much of what is needed to create a weapon. and that has significantly helped the weaponization of russia itself. to give you a sense of it. russia's g.d.p. growth is in excess of 3%. that is staggering when we are supposed to put them on their heels and in the tank. >> pete: yeah. >> also, spending 9% of g.d.p. #% of their g.d.p. is on defense. they're on a war footing. that's almost twice as much as what the united states is spending. we have got a lot of work here. listen, i applaud the sanction. we got to do something. we got to make certain that they're effective. my point is, this pete. why did they kill navalny?
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why did they kill the other opponents? they kill them because they don't want these leaders to turn the population against putin. the best way to accomplish that and avengal value any's death is to push putin back out of ukraine, have him lose the war and i guarantee you that will finally begin to turn the population against putin frontle and ukraine, who is it right now? who has an advantage or is it a status quo stalemate on a frontline? >> yeah. russia is conducting offensive operations in four places in the south. and they have had some success
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in about two of them. but here's what's happened. in conducting those operations, they have actually culminated. they can't go any further. the casualties they have taken are staggering. and what would normally happen, like they took and vivica. no force penetration and grab some territory away from the ukrainians. they are largely in the deference husbanding their resources, pete. they are running out of ammunition staying in defense. what we are going to see first is lack of air defense systems will mean bombing campaigns on ukrainian citizens. and the casualties will rise and bombing campaigns as we have already seen in these four offensive operations because of a lack of air defense systems. so, yeah, what ukraine is in the
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defense, russia is conducting some limited offensive operations that are not able to take advantage of. >> pete: well, general jack keane, thank you very much for the update. appreciate it. great to see you this morning. >> yeah. you guys have a great weekend. thank you. >> pete: likewise. all right. the exfbi informant charged with lying about biden's business dealings is rearrested. and hunter will testify before congress next week. that ought to be -- congressman ruffle frye will be part of all of it and is he next as we fire up the band here in columbia. south carolina. when you have chronic kidney disease... ...there are places you'd like to be. like here.
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>> ainsley: the exfbi informant charged with lying about biden's business dealings has been rearrested and then charged again. this time in california. this as hunter biden's lawyers suggest that the claims made by mr. smirnov might have tainted the case against the president's son. our next guest will be in the room when hunter is deposed before the house oversight committee next week. so, what will you press him on? south carolina congressman russell fry joins us now to answer that good morning to you, congressman. thanks for joining us. >> great to be here. >> ainsley: great to be home in south carolina. he represents the myrtle beach area. we will talk about that in your predictions a little bit later. tell me what is going to happen? behind closed doors. so we won't get to see it. >> right. so i think, you know, the way that these things typically work staff on both sides of the aisle get an opportunity to ask questions. as we saw with jim biden this week and it lasted about 8
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hours. so really with both the legislative purpose of the oversight committee and we what we are trying to tighten up and of course the impeachment inquiry it's going to be so important to understand the structure of these businesses. i mean, there are 20 llcs, millions of dollars flowed into the coffers of the biden family. and so what was the structure? who did what? what were the expectations. what widgets did you produce or services did you provide? >> ainsley: do you agree that this ex-fbi informant that was accused of lying and arrested and rearrested what he said could have tainted this. >> no, i do not. there is so much corroborating evidence. we have bank records that show transactions. we have multiple witness testimonies from associates of the biden family on how the structure went. and so, that case is somewhat independent of what we're doing. but there is so much evidence out there that really show the pattern of conduct of this family. >> ainsley: he had no experience. what was he doing on the board of burisma. >> right. >> what was he doing getting money from china? >> he admitted that himself. he said i'm not qualified to be
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there. and then. >> ainsley: abc interview. >> right. what was he doing and, of course, you look at the timeline of this, and the trips to ukraine, and the calls from dubai back to washington to, you know, interfere, intercede on the pressure that was coming from the prosecutor. >> ainsley: let's talk about fani willis from georgia. she hired that special attorney who she ended up having a relationship with to prosecute donald trump. and it turns out that apparently he donated $4,300 to her campaign. i think we have the breakdown. it was 2800 in march of 2020. and 1500 in june of 2020. where did he get this money? was it cash? how did she spend it? and this seems very corrupt, right? >> i mean, you take her at her own word, flight that checks were cashed. there is no receipts. she used cash. you know, at a bare minimum, i'm certain that within the state of georgia, there are campaign ethics and disclosure laws. that probably is at the very minimum a problem for her. >> ainsley: let's talk about
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your campaign. because, when you ran, you ran against tom rice. >> right. >> ainsley: he was one of the guys who wanted to impeach donald trump. he is a republican. that didn't go over well clearly in your district 7 because you won that race. >> right. it was a crazy, you know, crazy campaign. you know, we jumped all. in it was seven way primary. and at the end we were able to fry some rice. >> ainsley: you fried tom rice. what are your predictions for south carolina tomorrow. >> this has always been a trump state. it will continue to be. trump invested very early and heavily from a grassroots perspective. he has always done well here since 2016. i think he will win by a mile. >> ainsley: nikki haley you think she will lose by 30 points. >> probably. the polling shows that consistently, every time that people think that count president trump out. he continues to grow. the momentum continues to grow he is going to do well here tomorrow.
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lawrence did well in a diner in myrtle beach and that crowd was insane. y'all love your republicans. >> yes, they do. and it's a great, my hometown surfside beach golden egg great to see that huge crowd there yesterday. >> ainsley: it's so fun there so many memories. we had something you probably know called first week. we would go the first week of summer to the myrtle beach area. if you even remember it? >> yep, i do. >> ainsley: it was right after school got out and we would have to take chaperones. chaperones after to meet our president and get approval. it's a great area. thank you so much for coming on. >> thank you for having us. >> ainsley: drive myrtle beach for us? >> yeah. >> ainsley: thank you. about a three hour drive. showdown. nikki haley and donald trump spend one more day campaigning before tomorrow's primary. and lawrence is at the eggs up grill, the one here in columbia, and is he talking to voters. that's coming up next.fed ♪ again? so congested! ♪
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♪ ♪ steve all right. nikki haley and donald trump spend one more final day campaigning before tomorrow's primary. inflation is one of the major issues front and center to everybody. nearly 40% of americans say they are behind on monthly bills according to that you survey by
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lending tree. >> ainsley: check back in with lawrence who is having breakfast with friends in columbia, south carolina. hello, lawrence. >> hey, good morning, family. they miss you here. ainsley. let's talk about this financial situation. guys, as you know, inflation is hitting everyone. but it's really hitting the young people. what's going wrong in the country right now when it comes to the economy? everyone knows gas price are high. when gas prices goes up. everything goes up. big part economy miss money going to foreign countries instead of helping things at home. that's a lot of money going overseas that could be henning americans here. $150 billion to ukraine when a border wall cost 10 billion. i think we could get a lot of things at home before we help overseas people. >> lawrence: such a valid point. how is life for you? what is going wrong? what is going right? >> i think a lot of it is just seeing the small things as prices go up. as did you go to the grocery store and you go to get slightly
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less for the same price. >> lawrence: go ahead. >> i think a lot of it just where we are spending our money abroad. we are not investigating in america. we shut down the keystone pipeline. we're forcing ourselves to become more and more reliant on overseas rather than being able to do the stuff ourselves. >> lawrence: so powerful. i was talking to this one gentleman, because he is in this dichotomy right now. undecided voter as you all know. big primary here in south carolina. you said the deciding factor is going to be what for you vs. donald trump vs. nikki haley? >> i'm still weighing things out. it's just a matter of the flip-flopping that nikki has done versus all the legal issues that the president has. i don't want that to overshadow what a presidency would be. i mean, he did a lot of great things in his first four years is that going to overshadow what he is able to accomplish moving down the road. >> lawrence: roger that is he going to make his decision when he gets to the polls.
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this last lady i'm talking. to say you say you are supporting donald trump. why? >> he's the one that can get it straightened out. and i voted for him for the very first time ever that i voted 2020. so, he is the only one that can straighten this mess out. >> lawrence: thank you so much, ma'am. go ahead. >> i want him to do something about george soros in this country. get him out. >> lawrence: thank you so much, ma'am. guys, speaking of the former president. we're going to have exclusive interview with the former president later today and it's going to air on "fox & friends weekend" tomorrow morning guys. i will send it back to you guys. >> pete: awesome. >> pete: see it there, lawrence, looking forward to it. tomorrow on "fox & friends weekend" will and rachel will be with us feature the interview with lawrence and president trump. looking forward to it. >> steve: carley shimkus at our command post and she has got some headlines. >> carley: i certainly do. check out this video a security guard is going viral for dancing her heart out during a recent
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taylor swift concert in australia ♪ t-shirt >> carley: can't blame her there. she says she just couldn't help herself and had to join in on the fun with the other swifties in the crowd. and look at this video of a worker at a minnesota brewery getting bowled over after a vowel misfunction and spewed beer everywhere. he gets back up and stops the leak with a help of a co-worker. thankfully he wasn't hurt. we hope he was thirsty. the back channel brewing company releasing a beer called blow back england itp. what a moment for him. have you heard this? pizza hut music viral sensation on tiktok. customers can't seem to get enough of it. ♪ that's right. pizza hut has chicken wings.
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nine different signature flavors to choose from. they can be a saucy or seasoned as you like. and on top of a perfectly crispy chicken wing. >> carley: the song is sung by comedian craig robinson who was the spokesperson for the company. i didn't even know pizza hut had a main line but i guess they do. [laughter] now a good hold song. >> steve: we just had the pizza hut what was it called goodbye pie remember a couple weeks ago where they had the hot honey on it. >> carley: so good. pizza hut and dominoes. >> ainsley: carley, a girl went to camp with her dad lived in columbia here. i would go over whenever she was visiting her dad. she said she would call her dad, he was a radiologist call his phone line all the time just to hear the lady say radiation therapy. >> steve: listener, stay right
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