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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  February 23, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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because thousands -- hundreds of thousands of americans are dying. >> dana: we're watching screen left migrants apparently that are wading through the river trying to figure out a way to get through but the state of tech as has the razor wire there. photo ops that politicians take at the border and nothing gets solved. >> i have participated in some of those. many others come to the border saying that we've seen it and understand it. i tell you what. i lived it in my entire life. when you are down here living it and you are affected by it. landowners, citizens. this is the federal government's responsibility. i have to say what governor abbott has done along the border and the barbed wire and my county specifically with the help of tech as parks and
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wildlife game warden and military forces. what he is doing along the border is tremendous and we're grateful. >> dana: thank you. let's stay in touch. >> thank you, ma'am. >> dana: a grim tale of migrant crime and violence in chicago. four venezuelans appear in court today accused of beating and strangling a 49-year-old chicago man unconscious. when they robbed him and the moving train took them into the heart of the city. those four are now behind bars. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: happy friday. i'm bill hemmer. today's court case the latest example of chaos caused by migrants flooding into chicago and the surrounding region. police warning of increased criminal activity. taxpayers in the city complain about the massive cost to shelter, feed and care for the new arrivals from around the world. long-time residents are fed up saying it's time for a change and it may happen at a ballot
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box. >> this year we are working to turn chicago red. we are to angry with pritzker and president biden and with our mayor that we have decided that we are going to vote republican this time around. we're so angry that we are willing and going to turn our backs on the democratic party. >> dana: we're going to hear from another chicago resident jessica jackson in just a moment. garrett tenney is live in chicago and more on the horrific train beating and today's court hearing. >> good morning to you. the four venezuelans are scheduled to be in court this hour and expect to learn more about the attack that happened saturday afternoon in broad daylight and that was captured on surveillance cameras. we have requested that video. so far prosecutors aren't are he leasing it saying it's evidence. that attack isn't the latest example of migrants committing crime in and around chicago. just a few days ago police
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arrested five other venezuelan men for stealing more than $2 thousand worth of items from stores in the suburb of oak brook. the group was allegedly laughing at officers when they were being caught. fox news has also learned that in at least two cases this month, migrants are committing crimes explicitly in hopes of getting out of the sanctuary city and sent back to venezuela. this 29-year-old man was arrested two days in a row for trespassing and damaging property at chicago's airport. according to a copy of the police report when officers came up to him he fell to his knees with his hands in the air and told them that he wants to go back to venezuela and will do whatever it takes. if that is beating up a police officer or hurting a civilian, he will do it. in a separate case two days after that incident, officers arrested this 30-year-old man for stealing three suitcases worth $1600 from macy's. he said he was stealing to go
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back to venezuela. all of this comes as we've learned that over the past four months the sanctuary state of illinois has spent more than $6 hundred thousand to transport more than 3,000 migrants to other cities and states across the country. most of those are migrants who initially came to chicago because they said this is where they wanted to be. dana. >> dana: thank you so much. >> all these asylum seeking lie, all this about refugees, no, no, no, what's happening is they are emptying out the dregs of their jails into the united states and to our communities. they are junking up our country. and yet we feel some kind of way about it because it's our country. >> dana: you were listening to our next guest, a community organizer in chicago. city and state leaders are butting heads over funding for the migrant crisis. jessica jackson joins us now.
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your thoughts about that specific crime that there will be a hearing on today. are people concerned overall that this could spread and make things even worse? >> well, of course. of course we're concerned. we're concerned about the safety of our city, we're concerned about the safety of our country. it's definitely a public safety issue. >> bill: i'm seeing a lot of money here, jessica. the city saying $138 million in 2023. i'm seeing 15,000 migrants in 27 city shelters. we have 200 city shelters in new york, by the way. your 27 will grow even more. you had the line about junking up our country. i think that made a lot of headlines. what did you mean by that? >> i meant just what i said. you come into a city like
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chicago. chicago is a beautiful city. a beautiful city. and to see the level of homelessness. to go to the police stations and see those many people laying on the floor and all of that. you go downtown and you got mothers with children begging on corners selling candy. you go to the shopping places. you go downtown, the airport rick it's everywhere. it is in the local communities, in the local neighborhoods. it is everywhere. and it is not a good thing. you are taking all of our resources, taxpayers' money, to do what? to do what? it's not helping the economy. it is not making the city better. you have people here that are willing to work. you have people here that are willing to do. so to bring people in unvetted, you don't know who these people are. no way to trace them. it is no way in the world this could be a good thing and it hasn't been a good thing. it has been a lot of money going
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out the door, going out the window. money that could be spent for economic development for communities like the south side and the west side, who have been under served for years. for years and constantly be told there is no money. it's a process. we have to wait. then at the same time you see money just rain out of the skies to immigrants who have not been here, who haven't paid into the system at all. it is just past unfair. it is unjust and it is not doing anybody any good. >> dana: jessica, what's the -- are you not alone in thinking this way? i think in the last three weeks, four weeks we've been hearing from a lot more -- many more residents in chicago expressing similar feelings. i am just curious how you are sharing information and where you get the information you have. is there a ground swell of frustration that could actually get either the mayor or the
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president to pay attention? >> well, i believe that it is, you know. it's a group of us that have been working for a while, you know, really i'm one of the new ones. you have people like doris, martin johnson, you have a lot of youtubers out here, people that love chicago. and they've been working for a long time. we all work together. we may have different ways to get to what we want to get to, but at the end of the day we all agree that immigration is not a good thing. it is not a good thing for the city. not a good thing for the community. at first it started off with it being about the black community because at first it is what they intended to do was dump them in our communities, that's crystal clear. as time went on you start seeing it's a city thing now, not just us, it's a city thing now. it is a lot of people that are
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on the ground floor that are working with us and we're working together. you just had linda from the west side. there are a lot of us who love the city. george flake moore has been fighting for us for a long time. >> dana: you are not alone. >> no, we have a lot of support. i don't feel alone. we contact each other on a regular basis and encourage each other on a regular important. it is very important we get the job done. we cannot let our mayor think that this is anything other than what it is and that's a democracy. we have rights, we're citizens and we won't have our rights violated like this. we know right from wrong and we'll implement our rights. we're built for this. we're american descendants of
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slaves. we know exactly how to handle america and we'll deal with mayor johnson. it is unfortunate that his run as a mayor has to be this way. if this is the way that it has to be for us to get our justice, for us to get our rights, for our voice to be heard, that's what it is. we're not going to sit back after everything that our parents went through, our grand parents went through. they were the migrants. and they put a rich history into the city of chicago and we're proud of our parents. we're proud of our lineage and we won't let it get taken. we don't have anything against people who come here legally. because they do contribute to society when they come legally. but we're not going to let what we worked for be snatched from us. we have children and grandchildren to worry about. that's our first concern.
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>> bill: thank you for coming on. appreciate your time and we'll see whether or not you can have any luck with your mayor and then maybe you work on the governor. >> we're going to have some luck. >> dana: thank you, jessica. >> thank you. >> bill: ten minutes past the hour. a crisis spanning coast to coast and town hall with alexandria ocasio-cortez getting wrought rowdy. protestors confronting her on the migrant crisis. >> you only represent illegal aliens. >> i am an elected member of congress. >> we have had enough. we have had enough. as we noted and seen the voices that are anti-immigrant in this country, they're very loud but very few. >> dana: i think she is wrong on that. >> bill: i don't know what
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jessica thinks about that. >> dana: we have a debate between jessica and a.o.c. >> bill melugin was showing us the numbers. >> dana: about venezuela and how few venezuelans have been reported. chinese migrant removals. 24,000 were encountered only 288 deported. china is very -- they don't want to take their migrants back and venezuela won't take them back either. >> bill: if you get here you stay her for the most part. >> dana: unless there are changes. >> bill: 11 minutes past. >> dana: former f.b.i. informant smirnov in custody two days after a judge agreed to release him. what happened? he was arrested last week on charges of lying to the f.b.i. what were they worried about this time? >> no question a new twist to a story very much developing. smirnov is the former f.b.i.
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informant charged with making up the story that joe and hub received $5 million in bribes. they fear he is a flight risk. he is in the middle with the orange shoes covering his face. the government says that smirnov should be behind bars. special counsel wright wrote he whats a lot of access to money and planned to leave the country soon. just after he was arrested. the judge in nevada where smirnov was arrested said no, let him out of custody with the gps monitor. weiss went to another court and made the argument that he is a flight risk, needs to be in custody as soon as possible. the california judge agreed and had smirnov rearrested while at his lawyer's office for a meeting yesterday. the court paperwork after the arrest his attorneys said it should be noted the fact that the defendant was attending a legal consultation meeting at
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his attorney's office contradicts the notion he is a risk of flight and highlights the interference with his cherished fifth amendment rights. democrats say smirnov's arrest and charges prove the impeachment inquiry against president joe biden is now weakened. republicans disagree. hunter biden, you see him on the screen, still faces federal criminal charges in both california related to taxes and delaware related to a gun purchase. he will be on capitol hill next week to testify. dana. >> dana: oh yeah, tune in for that. david spunt, thank you. >> bill: want to take you live to pensacola, florida. desantis is about to dispatch institute troopers and national guardsmen to the border in texas. the federal government is suing arizona, suing governor abbott for a couple of years now and now you see what governor abbott has done specifically in eagle pass. if you saw the live picture of
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the drone ten minutes ago, boy, it is roll after roll of wire and all the migrants and cartels have given up on crossing the rio grande at that point. it has forced the cartels to put more pressure on places like california. that's the reason for the flow. so desantis is making that decision today. we'll follow it from pensacola as we move forward. there is this now. check it out. >> dana: american aircraft carrier protecting commercial ships from iranian proxies. a live report from the u.s.s. eisenhower. >> bill: a group of governors meeting with the president. will they press him for more help on the border crisis? >> dana: new stats on the american workforce. half of college graduates are taking high-school level jobs. v. with two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain.
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[shouting] >> bill: this is brand new video in "america's newsroom" at the close of the day of prayer in yemen, the capital city. protesting with the palestinians in grass yeah. the demonstrators venting that your fury against western powers for retaliating against the iran-backed houthis attacking ships in the red sea since the war in gaza began in october and they continue today. wanted to share that with you. >> dana: israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu unveiling a post war plan for gaza marking the first time he presented a fence of how the enclave will be run after hamas is defeated. netanyahu envisions reconstruction in gaza but only
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if it is demilitarized. he also does not rule out a role for the more moderate palestinian authority. that's significant. development there we'll follow. >> bill: let's talk about money and the college education. how much is that college degree really worth? a stunning report raising questions about the value of all that tuition money. it finds that more than half of college graduates are working jobs that do not make proper use of that education. maria bartiromo. fox business and more with us now. good morning. i was kind of surprised, actually. >> coming out of college with a degree that you spent all this money for and worked so hard for and then you are working in some of these jobs that don't even require a college education. it's a major disappointment for the parents, for the student, and by the way, you are making much less than you would if you were in a job with your college education. >> dana: right. there is a great book called "the defining decade" by dr.
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meg jane. if you have graduates have them read it. your 20s is when you have to invest so you can have a better life. you start building wealth and figuring out a way to get the promotions and that won't happen if you are not able to get jobs. if you remember in china, they had the huge problem of lying flat and this is partly because young people were told go to college and after college you will get this great job. there were no jobs. >> a great point. the first job after you graduate is critical. that puts you on a path to the next one and the next one. so you really want to insure that when you have that degree, you want to get the right job to actually put you on the proper trajectory for further success. >> bill: 3 1/2 times nor mohr likely to be under employed ten years later and 45% of college grads have a degree that requires the skills and goes to your point. >> dana: kids that had to go through covid school, right? they already missed out on that
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type of education and they come and get themselves through college and not the jobs. very disappointing. >> raising the question whether or not you want this college degree. there are some areas now that are paying up. healthcare will be a great place to be. we will need health care workers because we're living longer. certain things that will position you well regardless. that college degree should be used the way it was intended. >> bill: let's talk about inflation and the cost of living these days. take you back to late january a couple of days ago. the president saying it will go lower. watch. >> president biden: inflation is coming down. it is now lower in america than any other major economy in the world. the cost of eggs, milk, chicken, gas has come down. there are still too many corporations in america ripping people off. price gouging, junk fees, greed
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inflation, shrink inflation. >> bill: we'll see if he is right or not. it's 30 years since we're at this level. >> this is disingenuous. this is not corporation's fault. it is not something that companies are out there trying to price gouge. what's going on now there is such an enormous amount of money flowing into this economy from the extra covid money, all the stimulus. just yesterday president biden said he is forgiving more student debt. make no mistake forgiving student debt like he is inflationary. inflation may be down from the highs but it is up on his watch. it is up 18% in the three years that president biden is in office. what is happening now because of the federal reserve's efforts to rein in inflation, it is rising at a slower pace. inflation is rising at a lower
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rate but we're still talking about inflation in the double digits. >> dana: if you have a college degree working a high school job and paying 30% more for the basics and you can't buy a home. both parties need to think about how they present a better future for them. >> this is food, fuel and shelter, rent. that's the issue here. it has been the issue in 30 years since food has taken up so much of our paycheck. >> bill: thanks, maria. sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. eastern. see you then. >> dana: she will have more on this. donald trump and nikki haley pull out all the stops in south carolina ahead of the primary tomorrow. we'll break it down. democrats more divided over president biden. will the party throw their full support behind him or is it too late? lt to live with bladder and bowel incontinence.
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>> dana: we were watching a video on migrants being dropped off. bill melugin is live in san diego. what are you seeing? >> we're a part of san diego right now where hundreds of illegal immigrants have been mass street released from border patrol custody. this bus you see right here is an ngo or volunteer organization bus. they have all gotten off a border patrol bus, two of them actually. now waiting to board this bus. i've talked to several of them from peru, india, columbia. the group from peru say they're here to work going to atlanta and minneapolis to see if we can talk to some of them real quick. [speaking spanish] >> new york. going to new york. costa rica, atlanta.
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new jersey. chicago. columbia, no. they say they want asylum. they don't want to work. where are you from? >> senegal. from senegal. we saw a lot of them in lukeville, arizona. where in the u.s. do you want to go to? what city? he speaks french. i do not speak french. where are you from? >> dominican republic. >> new york. >> okay. so you get a little flavor right there, guys, from all around. some going to new york, some going to new jersey. we talked to those peruvian guys going to atlanta, to minneapolis. they have been released from border patrol custody and free
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to travel the country. it appears an ngo group or volunteer group is putting them on their own bus and they will be going elsewhere. we'll try to talk to the ngo after the live shot if we can. the reason this is happening. we have had a big surge of illegal crossings in san diego sector that we've been showing all week. the other reason, san diego county recently spent millions of taxpayer dollars to create a migrant shelter where some of these migrants could stay. they ran out of money. you see the results now. these are mass street releases just dropped onto the streets of san diego and now they are getting help from this ngo to help facilitate travel and go across the country. you just heard it here. they are going all over the place. >> dana: you answered a couple questions. i wanted to know what a street release was. everybody seems to have an iphone fully charged and using it. with all of this happening in
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the last two weeks we've been showing between you and griff jenkins, has governor gavin newsom said a word? >> not that i'm aware of. he is in washington, d.c. today. eventually these images are probably going to cause him a little bit of a political issue. look what is happening in texas, for the filing their border with razor wire and national guard and troopers and kicking out the feds and their illegal crossings have fallen off a cliff. what has happened as a result? a lot of the ill will el crossings are now in big majority are in california and arizona. blue states run by blue governors who really aren't doing any sort of resistance at the state level in terms of trying to stop the illegal crossings. look, here down in san diego, the mayor is coming down here as well. he has been getting mass releases in his city as well. everyone is frustrated that the federal government essentially just says you deal with it. they dump them in a city and say good luck essentially. >> dana: incredible. thank you for the reporting,
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bill melugin. we want to bring in shannon bream who joins us as she does on friday. we had the breaking news from there. the border issue continues to get bigger. as bill melugin just said, gavin newsom will be in washington today. probably going to go to the white house. seems to me campaigning is on his mind but campaigning for president biden's re-election not dealing with the needs in his own state? >> i bet the white house is actually going to get an earful from governors here today. newsom has gone to the border. is this part of a shadow campaign? what kind of conversation will he have at the white house with those other governors and the president today because as bill rightly notes and you guys have noted there are blue state mayors and governors who are saying to this white house, it's a devastating travesty and you have to handle this. regardless of political ideology
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the latest polling has the president at 26 approval on immigration. the white house knows they optically have to do something. but they also have their left flank progressives and others saying don't even think about some of these executive orders you are thinking about. he has pressure on all sides. i would love to hear the conversation with newsom today and see if it even comes up. >> what does the smart money say on the executive order? what would that look like? >> it sounds like one of the things they are considering is making the threshold for getting asylum entry much higher meaning you can't hang out in the country while you await your asylum hearing. that was part of the senate negotiations that border deal they tried to put together. it sounds like that may be part of the package. people would be more quickly turned away coming at the same time venezuela says we'll stop accepting the flights of people you are sending back here and people on the far left of the democrat party saying we will tell voters no tea to show up
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for you if you keep doing these things against our interest. the congressional hispanic caucus upset with the white house as well. >> dana: another thing bill melugin told us an hour ago out of the 384,000 venezuelan migrants have come across only about 300 have been sent back to the country. if they tighten the asylum rule we'll see if it makes a difference. you will have the governor from colorado this weekend. we've done polling about denver and the number of migrants there, the difficulties in finding shelter and tearing apart of a community in lakewood, colorado concerned about the spillover effect. mayors across southern california are saying wait, how are we supposed to deal with this? local government is hard enough if the federal government won't do its job. i imagine governor polis as the
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governor of colorado will have a lot to say. he has been good at defending biden but i don't know how long that can go on. >> one of his issues he wants to talk about is housing and the housing crisis. that's exacerbated when people show up at your community that you haven't planned for and don't know how to pay for. you have interviewed the denver mayor. they are talking 10 to 15% of their budget will be cut away by this. they don't know how to pay for local services and facilities to their own citizens because they are so overwhelmed. we're hearing blue cities now when people show up there. a number of folks wanting to go to the chicago. that's one of the cities as well as denver that are shipping people to other places. when they show up they say where do you want to go and buy them transportation to go somewhere else. >> bill: plenty to talk about. we'll watch on sunday. on a similar note here,
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pensacola, florida, we shared this with you half an hour ago. here is the governor ron desantis on sending state troopers and national guard to the border. >> there are benefits coming illegally. you shouldn't have any benefits for illegal entry into this country or people here illegally. if you are american and you go to fly on a commercial flight and you leave your i.d. at home, they wouldn't let you get on the plane. yet these people come illegally and flying on the planes in this country with no identification. they get a sheet of paper and they are off to the races. they are treating people coming illegally better than they're treating americans. the housing, you know, if you stop paying your rent you will get evicted from your place, right? you show up in new york city and you are in these hotels and they will pay for the hotels at taxpayer expense. so i just think it shows that
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our priorities in this country are so warped right now that we would be doing this. the ngos are a problem. >> it is interesting to watch local and state governors do the right thing on immigration when it is not even their responsibility and the federal government is basically playing politics with this saying maybe they'll do an executive order before the state of the union? >> bill: it really was governor abbott and desantis who made decisions to bus migrants to other cities and that's when america started paying attention. now they'll send reinforcements back to texas. it looks like washington at the federal level has backed off their threats against arizona and texas. it took them three years to get there. >> dana: the biden administration said they would cut the wires down in texas and they haven't done that. that might be telling. the left wing of the biden team
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is mad about that. we also just got this disturbing and sad news. fox news confirms the name of the victim in georgia, her name is lakein' hope riley a student found dead at the university of georgia. this news just in to us and we have a reporter on the scene gathering more information. and you can see investigators continue to gather to see if they can find out who did this and bring justice for that victim. we'll be right back. but when it comes to caring for his teeth he's let his own maintenance take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that. because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care. plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance and 20% off treatment plans. making it easier to get started with quality care. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. with so many choices on
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey.
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he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous. >> bill: the woman found dead on the university of georgia campus has been identified. her name is lakin hope riley, a nursing student. classes are canceled until monday. madison scar pino live in athens, georgia or this late-breaking news. >> a horrific thing for this university and the entire athens community, nursing school that riley went to. we're just getting this confirmation from the university that the victim was 22-year-old lakin hope riley. we're hearing from the athens clark count' coroner who tells us the cause of death is still pending. the examination is happening today but the results, he tells us, will not come in until
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monday at the earliest. here is what we do know. this all started when one of riley's friends called the uga police around noon yesterday saying her friend had gone out for a run and not returned as expected. 30 minutes later, that's when police found riley's body. they say she was dead and had visible injuries. again we don't know exactly what those injuries are right now. they are ruling this as foul play involved. but again still a lot of unanswered questions here as you mentioned, bill. she was a nursing student at august a university. we'll be on the ground hoping to get as much information as possible. they're asking students to call if they know anything about what happened and, of course, you mentioned classes are canceled and counseling is being offered to students who need it as well. >> bill: madison, there were visible injuries. can you confirm that?
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and also how far are you from the center of town in athens? >> yeah, we are right -- this is technically the uga campus but the intramural feels not far from the downtown area of athens. police said there were visible injuries. we don't know any other details other than that. we hope to get some more clarity as the day goes on. just a really horrific situation and a shock to everyone here. >> bill: madison, thank you. we'll stay on it throughout the day. >> dana: ted williams is a former d.c. homicide detective. one of the things they might be able to get if her phone is available or they'll be able to get access to see if there was anything there. that's a pretty rural area. there are probably not many cameras right there or could i be wrong. >> you are right about that. certainly when you look at that area, that jogging area there aren't a lot of cameras there. i think law enforcement will
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have to work backwards from that 12:00:07 phone call they got saying lakin was missing and then at 12:38 they found her remains, her body there. as bill just stated in one of the individuals on the scene stated, they did find some blunt force trauma to the body from what i've been told. they have not and they will conduct an autopsy to tell the manner and cause of death. they know they have a homicide investigation on their hands. >> bill: sometimes the best evidence is on the body, ted. there are visible injuries is that where you'll start, i imagine. >> you are absolutely right. from that body quite naturally they want as much help from anybody who may very well have been jogging in that area and
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may or may not have seen her. but any information they can get will be beneficial and helpful. as you've said, bill, they will start from that body and walk from that body to try to determine who killed this young 22-year-old senior nursing student. >> at a significant university, too. ted williams on that, too. in a moment here back to our nation's capital. the governor of california is at the white house today while the migrant crisis in his home state has gotten worse. we saw bill melugin, street drops as he described them in san diego continue as the first lady addresses those gathered at the white house. what will they get through, if anything, upon the border crisis that continues to this hour? om . just sinex, breathe, ahhhh! what is — wow! sinex. breathe. ahhhhhh!
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>> harris: we're on the breaking news. all classes at the university of
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georgia are canceled. the breaking information as we're getting it. president biden under pressure like never before. journalists at the southern border uncovering new levels of disaster. what will biden be willing to do? plus republican and democrat governors meeting at the white house right now. no doubt the president will be getting an earful over his border crisis. senator roger marshall of kansas, attorney leo terrell and outkick founder clay travis, "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> dana: locked and loaded. the u.s.s. eisenhower on the front lines in the red sea defending against attacks by iranian-backed houthi rebels in the waterway. mike tobin was on board the aircraft carrier. he joins us live in tel aviv. hi, mike. >> hi there, dana. for the first time since world war ii the u.s. has a carrier
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strike group operating from the center of the threat not just protecting power into the fight. the u.s. and the world are counting on these pilots and sailors to defend against surprise attacks, shoot missiles out of the sky and drones out of the water and they have to get it right every time. f-18 super hornet launching from the u.s.s. eisenhower in the red sea. the tip of the spear as the houthi group fires on shipping and u.s. warships. for the first time in decades a u.s. carrier strike group operates from the center of the threat. >> we are in constant self-defense out here when it comes to threats that can be shot at us. >> still the combat air wing frequently goes on the offensive degrading the capabilities of the houthis. >> dana: targeting their ability to see us and primarily focused on their military capabilities.
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>> british ship with her stern sinking is proof that houthis are not discouraged. attacks range from ballistic missiles to drones and underwater drone. always nearby the u.s.s. philippine sea is the sentinel for the strike group with layers of observers who detect deadly threats and respond in seconds. >> just depends what the threat is and what's coming at us that we have to react in self-defense for. >> what are you ready for? >> anything that they can throw our way. >> while the houthis say they fire in solidarity with hamas in gaza the commander of the strike group says they are disconnected from the war in gaza. they care only about safe passage of ships in the red sea through the suez canal. when it's safe again they'll go home. >> dana: it's interesting because of how the history of piracy in that area. to see it with aircraft carriers is quite amazing. stay safe. >> thank you, mike. want to show you a couple things. governors are at the white house
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and see what they have to say about immigration. screen left you have a whole new issue for a whole new town. san diego. not that it's new to that city but the numbers coming into san diego this week are stunning. >> dana: president biden is going to speak and expect he will talk about the new sanctions against russia and putin's regime there. and that will be off the top. we'll have that live for you. meantime in san diego, bill. look at this. we have a migrant drop-off and bill melugin talking to them from all over, peru, etc. many wanted to come to new york. >> bill: big plans. they go everywhere. atlanta, new york a couple of times in there. we'll follow that. tomorrow a reminder nikki haley and donald trump south carolina primary. can she cut into a lead that we're seeing in the polls? we'll find out together when we join you saturday night. >> dana: it will be fun. spend your saturday night with us, won't you? good to see you. harris faulkner is next. >> harris: we begin with this fox news


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