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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  February 23, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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about immigration. screen left you have a whole new issue for a whole new town. san diego. not that it's new to that city but the numbers coming into san diego this week are stunning. >> dana: president biden is going to speak and expect he will talk about the new sanctions against russia and putin's regime there. and that will be off the top. we'll have that live for you. meantime in san diego, bill. look at this. we have a migrant drop-off and bill melugin talking to them from all over, peru, etc. many wanted to come to new york. >> bill: big plans. they go everywhere. atlanta, new york a couple of times in there. we'll follow that. tomorrow a reminder nikki haley and donald trump south carolina primary. can she cut into a lead that we're seeing in the polls? we'll find out together when we join you saturday night. >> dana: it will be fun. spend your saturday night with us, won't you? good to see you. harris faulkner is next. >> harris: we begin with this fox news alert at the white
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house. president biden meeting with more than 30 of the nation's governors. republican and democrat and they are in town for the national governor's association winter meeting. and they will have a lot to talk about. no doubt the story that's breaking on the right side of your screen right now, new levels of the disaster in biden's border crisis. just over the past hour, we have seen a massive drop-off of illegals in san diego. that city is becoming the new epicenter for the crisis. president biden, we're told, is weighing executive action on the border. he will put back into place some of former president's trumps measures to quell this. is it too late? well we'll see some of that meeting and bring it to you live as it makes news. the united states is piling on new sanctions on russia. tomorrow marks two years to the day of russia's invasion of
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ukraine. sanctions also are in retaliation for the recent deaths of critic alexei navalny. one administration official calling the new penalties crushing. are they really? why would they work now when previous attempts with sanctions have done very little to stop putin's murderous path? i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." under secretary of state victoria newland says hundreds and hundreds of sanctions will target those responsible for the death of russian opposition leader anavalny most will close gaps in existing sanctions. the new measures the largest tron much of penalties since russia's invasion of ukraine. it comes a day after president biden met with navalny's widow and daughter in san francisco.
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critics say the sanctions aren't going to do the trick. >> it's an open secret our sanctions haven't been nearly as effective as they were expected to be and as we announced them to be. it takes detailed work every single day to track exactly what companies are doing and what countries are doing. even though they committed to the sanctions. and this administration has had an open valve here in not being as effective as they should be. >> harris: did you catch how the general put it? an open secret how ineffective the sanctions have been. everybody can see it. in "focus" now republican senator roger marshall of kansas, member of the homeland security committee. first let's begin with white house correspondent jacque heinrich. >> today's announcement is being billed as the single most crushing round of sanctions yet. but until now the administration's approach has been focusing on the long run, areas that wouldn't have an
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impact for quite a while. going after its central bank and capping oil prices. even with an eye to the long run it hasn't had the impact that they said it would. china, india and brazil have been buying cheap russian oil in record amounts and the u.s. is not only avoided friction with countries partnering with russia but failed to confront countries like turkey and uae serving as middlemen for technology banned by u.s. sanctions. russia used the money to prop up its war machine and stimulate its economy. >> to give you a sense of it, russia's gdp growth is in excess of 3%. that's staggering when we we're supposed to put them on their heels and in the tank. they are spending 9% of gdp, 9% of their gdp is on defense. they are on a war footing. that's twice as much as what the united states is spending.
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we have a lot of work. >> today's sanctions will hit 500 targets including people connected to navalny's death. the industrial base and include export restrictions on nearly 100 firms or individuals. we have heard a lot of bluster about how punishing u.s. sanctions would be. >> together with our allies and partners we will keep raising the economic costs and ratchet up the pain for putin and further increase russia's economic isolation. >> remember two years ago when russia was staging on the ukrainian border the president refused to impose preemptive sanctions. when i asked him why he was waiting for putin to make the first move to deter him biden told me what a stupid question. now here we are. >> harris: i remember that day. a brilliant question. too bad he didn't have a really good answer. thank you very much. kansas senator roger marshall,
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member of the homeland security and budget communities on set with me today on the mezz. i ask the simple questions will sanctions work at this point on vladimir putin? >> no, especially if they are biden sanctions. for two years i've been calling on this administration to maximize the banking sanction. he continues to exclude energy. next there are 300 go ships iran is using to run russian oil to export to other countries illegally and finally, joe biden is artificially keeping the price of oil up through his policies in america which is funding russia. >> harris: why would he do that? how does that help him in an election year? everything is coming through that calculus. >> this is just the next chapter of joe biden's national security foreign policies. he can't get anything correct. this is one more chapter again
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excluding and not doing anything with the energy sector on banking sanctions i think is just grossly wrong. >> harris: when you say the energy sanctions and the energy sector, how would that really break the back of someone like a russian dictator vladimir putin? >> russia is basically a fueling station. large 80% of their economy is driven by oil and gas. so if we would put sanctions on the energy sector and anybody doing business with russia, it starts having economic impact on them. >> harris: this sounds like what we didn't do to iran when they were playing footsy on can we get the deal back from this administration. meanwhile they are selling their oil, as you mentioned, through the go ships on the open market as very high prices. no sanctions stopped iran. why would we think they would work on russia? >> right. nobody respects joe biden.
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he has brought us war through weakness and this is the next chapter. we can't look at foreign policy in little silos. iran is connected to russia, china, north korea. those are our enemies, let's face it. we should put sanctions on anybody doing business with russia. >> harris: before i move on, senator marshall. you said biden brought us war through weakness. do you think it will get worse in the middle east with where we are now? our men and women are getting hit north of 200 times. >> i think it will until he stands up and hits the bully in the nose. a that's the only thing iran will respond to. what president reagan did in the 1980s when iran attacked. he bombed their oil platforms and sunk three ships without going inside the territory proper. >> harris: so in other words, what we're doing is not enough. >> totally inadequate. appeasement is not working. peace through strength. let's go back to the reagan and
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eisenhower policies. >> we report evidence biden is weighing executive action to the border crisis after a month after he said he didn't have power to do it. i can't do it without congress. word of some sort of action that will happen conveniently or him politically right before the state of the union. it's drawing immediate fire from both the left and the right. speaker mike johnson says the president could have done this from day one and the hill is putting it plainly. it is a tough political choice for president biden. meanwhile our own bill melugin found this hidden gem buried in the ice fiscal 2023 report revealing only 288 chinese nationals were deported from the united states since october. despite more than 24,000 of them crossing the border. chinese nationals. what do you make of that? >> it's exploding.
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probably 40,000 chinese nationals have been led into the country, caught and released. >> the number is bigger? >> probably over 40,000 would be accurate over the last three years, mostly the last year and a half. that's what are they doing. they bring the precursors from china, fentanyl over here and managing the money on the back side of the fentanyl crisis as well. you wait and see human trafficking will be exploding as well. the chinese are intimately involved in all this process. fentanyl and human trafficking. >> harris: also we found out they were setting up police stations and we know about the spy balloon where it hovered for almost more than a week before the white house wanted anybody to know and there was a man on the ground in montana who saw it. god bless his soul. what are we up against when you hear 288 sent back, deported, versus 24,000 who have come in the shorter period of time that i talked about in the widen period of time that you talked
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about more than 40,000. >> this is the tip of the iceberg. think about the 500 billion of intellectual property china steals every year. 90% of the counter fits are made in china and now they have their own amazon platform advertised on the super bowl which we protested to bring the products in as well. they are taking over our country in so many ways but we continue to invest in china. >> harris: i want to remind everybody what they are seeing on the left of the screen. a lot of breaking news. senator, glad to have you here in person. governors meeting at the white house today. democrats and republicans. the president, i would imagine, has a long list of things to talk about, not the least of which is the biden border crisis. i just wanted to remind everybody that's coming through. in fact, let's show everybody this. blue state governors at the white house right now as their states grapple with illegals. in new york city two violent
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attacks in times square allegedly involving ill less in the state. like a mob of them. in chicago four illegal immigrants suspected of robbing and strangling a man on a commuter train are arrested and are in court today. >> we're so angry here in chicago, which has been a democratic stronghold for most of its eternity. this year we are working to turn chicago red. we are so angry with pritzker and president biden and with our mayor that we have decided that we are going to vote republican this time around. that's just how angry we are. >> harris: so look, it's never too late to do something great and i don't know if the president is thinking like that. my mom used to say that, okay? but i don't know, we haven't
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seen something great. if it will be timed with the state of the union i don't know it will be great. it will be what he decides he can do. >> let's see if this president can execute a simple plan. he has the legal authority to shut down the border and have to work with the mexican government to do the remain in mexico policy. president trump proved you can do that. >> harris: he flipped the switch so quickly on former president trump's policies that were quelling the tide that we see now is out of control without those policies. so if you can flip it one way, can't you flip it the other way? i don't know who he thinks he is talking to. we aren't that stupid. >> over90 executive orders he wrote when he took office to flip the switch on. he can flip it off just as easily. >> harris: all right. quickly you saw the woman from chicago who talked about particularly black americans
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there going and looking for some other options besides democrat. a quick thought and we'll go. >> safety and security is the number on issue for americans. people are concerned, crime is out of control. we have become a lawless society. open borders, cashless bail, defund the police. we need to go back to law and order. john adams wrote the constitution was written for a moral and religious society. communities need to get back in charge. >> harris: she told me if republicans go to chicago she will meet them at the door. thank you so much. blessings to kansas, by the way. i miss home. all right. breaking right now you see the white house governors are getting ready to hear from the president. he is off to the side there and the vice president kamala harris joining him. i can only imagine what the conversation will be like when they hit the border topic. we'll go right to it. for now breaking news as well. a young woman's body was found on the campus of the university of georgia.
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all classes canceled. students in fear. >> as a woman i have to be extra, extra careful and be extra protective. it is super scary. this is like this could actually happen. >> harris: they are looking for a killer and we've just learned a little bit more about the victim. her name in particular. new york judge denies former president trump's request to delay his massive fraud penalty, a former political rival coming to trump's defense. and leo terrell is here for all of it. stay close. veteran homeowners, car payments are getting out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans. it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food.
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[music playing]
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>> harris: here is more on the breaking news we have been covering this morning. it is getting a lot more attention nationally as you
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might imagine. all classes were canceled at the university of georgia after a woman was found dead on campus. that was yesterday. police are calling it a homicide and hunting a killer right now. we can confirm the victim was lakin hope riley. she is 22 years old. student at nearby augusta university college of nursing. they checked every vehicle in a parking lot near the woods. students were praying for the victim last night. ♪ >> harris: that takes your breath away. we're waiting for more information from investigators. let's go to our reporter, madison, in athens, georgia now. >> we're here outside of the uga
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intramural fields. a popular place for students to run and where police found the 22-year-old nursing student dead with visible injuries. we're still waiting to hear what the cause of death is. the medical examiner tells us the examination is happening today but police tell us that there hasn't been a homicide on this campus for 20 years. right now still no arrests and no suspect. >> monday i was out here running. it has the lake and really beautiful and peaceful. now i feel like it has been tainted and scary a little bit. it was a shock to hear about it especially here. >> riley was a nursing student at augusta university and attended university of georgia until last spring. ugs police department got a call around noon yesterday from one of riley's friends. the caller said riley had gone out for a run at the intramural
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fields at had not returned. 30 minutes later police found riley's body in a wooded area near a lake. the university is asking students to walk in groups and be aware of their surroundings. >> we're not going to leave any rock unturned on this investigation. that's why i brought in additional resources, tbi athens police department. we'll follow all leads. >> classes at uga and the nursing school has been canceled. they're providing counselors and asking people if they have any information related to this incident. they ask you to contact the uga police immediately at 706-542-2200. >> harris: righting that number down and get it up on social media for "the faulkner focus." we saw that beautiful vigil.
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heartbreaking last night. any other signs from students in the nearby area of things that they will be doing as they gather? >> so you can see this lake a little bit right behind me. l like i said that's where they found the body. we saw someone at that sign place some flowers down there. as of right now that's all we're seeing and keep you guys updated if there is any more vigils or ways they are honoring her. >> harris: thank you. let's go straight to breaking news. the president of the united states with the governors association. >> president biden: all the governors for being here. i know you just -- did jill already speak, my wife? what the hell am i doing here then? jill enjoys traveling to your states and to advance priorities like education and workforce development. thanks to kamala la for her leadership and incredible partnership across the board.
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members of our cabinet including former governor -- are they both here today? governor -- and my secretary of agriculture. he will be here tomorrow. my republican friends, i got bad news for you. i actually like working with you. [laughter] >> president biden: we minds me of days in the senate. before i begin i want to say a few words about an important anniversary we mark tomorrow. two years ago shortly before dawn russian troops marched across the border in ukraine. and putin believed he could easily bend the will and break the resolve of the free people of ukraine. that he could roll into ukraine and he would roll over them. two years later he remains wrong. he didn't do that. wasn't able to do that. kiev is still standing. ukraine is still free and the
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people of ukraine remain unbowed and unbroken in the face of putin's vigorous onslaught due to their bravery and sacrifice but also due to us. remember the united states pulled together a coalition of more than 50 nations to support ukraine. we unified and expanded nato. putin is betting on we'll walk away. i will speaking to some of the heads of the european union and nato today. that's why i'm announcing more than 500 new sanctions in response -- [app [applause] in response to his brutal war of conquest and response to navalny's death. because make no mistake, putin is responsible for navalny's death. yesterday i met with his wife and daughter in california.
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alexei was a very courageous man and his family is courageous as well. i assured them his legacy will continue to live around the world. we in the united states will insure that putin pays the price for his aggression abroad and repression at home. [applause] let me be clear, house of representatives must pass the bipartisan national security bill. the bill provides funding for ukraine and passed overwhelmingly in the senate. there is no question, none, none, if the speaker called for a vote in the house it would pass easily today. instead they went on vacation. it's just -- well. look, folks, all kidding aside history is watching. the clock is ticking. ukraine soldiers and civilians are dying. russia is taking ukraine territory for the first time in
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many months. here in america, the speaker gave the house a two-week vacation. they have to come back. they have to get back and get this done. failure to support ukraine in this critical moment will never be forgotten in history. it will be measured and it will have impact for decades to come. i want to thank all you governors here for -- i urge you if you agree with me, many of you do, to urge your congressional representatives to force this bill to be brought up. america -- to prove america can be relied upon. america stands up for freedom. we never bow to anyone, particularly putin. look folks, now on another important work we're doing. i want to thank you all for delivering historic results for american peoples. governors know the measure of success isn't how many partisan points we score but that we fix the problem.
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we fix the problem. we disagree on how to fix the problem many times. we're all here for one reason, to fix the problem. to get things done for families, communities, for the country. that's why i kept my commitment to be president for all americans whether you voted for me or not. in fact, we have invested more in all we passed in red states than we have in blue states. that's a fact. billions of dollars more we passed was invested in red states than blue states. i came to office in weather the pandemic was raging. economy was reeling. we've turned things around with your help. the american rescue plan provided $350 billion to state and local governments. many of you put that money up for cops on the beat bringing down violent crime across the nation, which was done. to bring half a million teachers and other school personnel back into the classrooms. to prevent foreclosures and evictions to keep 8 million families in their homes. the bipartisan infrastructure
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law the most significant investment in our nation's infrastructure in history. [applause] eisenhower interstate highway bill did it as much. but over 46,000 projects already. 46,000. we're just getting started. it is just the beginning. modernizing roads, bridges, railroads, ports, airports, public transport, high speed internet. everywhere. i've spoke with governor evers and waltz rebuilding the big bridge. by the way, as you know, over a billion dollars and it is important from wisconsin to minnesota. governor bashir and governor dewine we're building a bridge between kentucky and ohio. [applause]
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by the way, tens of thousands of trucks and commerce cross those bridges every day. and we're finally getting it done. we're building the nation's first high speed rail line in california and nevada. i want to thank governor newsom for his leadership in that. [applause] by the way i'm not sure how many people leave l.a. can do it no two hours to get there whether they come back or not. las vegas. but all kidding aside, we're making the biggest investment ever in climate change ever. i visited your states working together to respond to boost resilience to extreme weather. spent a lot of time and make -- i'm not complaining about it. just pointing it out. a lot of time with a lot of you governors over the last three years dealing with the impacts of bad weather. i have flown over your states particularly in the southwest and west, northwest, for i don't
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know how many times in helicopters looking at timber burned to the ground. we've lost more timber and forest than the entire state of maryland makes up in square miles. promoting clean energy and made in america. made in america. one of the things that i didn't know, maybe you knew, but i've been around a long time in congress, i didn't know when they passed the legislation relating to the right of labor to organize in the 30s that there is a provision that said if the president provides -- if congress gives the president money to invest in america to build things in america, to spend money in america, to spend money for america, they should do two things. one, they should hire americans do it and two they should use american products. guess what? didn't happen in democrat or republican administrations for the longest time. guess what happened?
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we no longer -- we no longer disclosing just factories in the states. what was happening the last 20 years in all of our states, including my state of delaware? people were -- businesses decided labor is cheaper overseas and so we export the factory and import the product. we are building the factories here in america now. not overseas. [applause] so far my invest in america agenda attracted $650 billion, 650 billion in private investments bringing factories, jobs back home to your states and restoring a sense of pride. how many times you see people in your states say that factory only employed 500. >> harris: we want to go to bill melugin who can show the pictures of the border crisis and many of those governors,
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five democrats in states having problems were scheduled to be there today. new york's governor hochul is in the room. pritzker from illinois due to be there. we can't see everybody at this point. we know what's happening in chicago. those blue state governors could be sitting right in front of the president at this point. we know kathy hochul had a decent seat. bill melugin is live in san diego where illegal immigrants are lining up today. a massive drop-off today, bill. >> good morning to you. just moments ago another border patrol bus drove away after mass releasing a huge group of adult men from all around the world here who crossed the border illegally. an ngo on scene here listening to her talk to them. she said welcome to san diego, you are at a transit center. if you wait a moment another private bus will pull up here and you will get free transportation to another transit station which will then take you to an airport and you
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can go wherever you would like. we've talked to these people all morning. they are from around the world. we'll see if we can talk to a few of them again. [speaking spanish] . >> i'm from moritania west africa. >> why did you come? >> because i'm not free there and i am homosexual and they are muslims and they don't accept that. >> so you claim asylum? where do you want to go in the united states? chicago. got it. good luck. [speaking spanish] >> guatemala. >> virginia. >> columbia. last -- los angeles.
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blue states and cities. we were hearing a lot of new york, new jersey, more chicago. this bus drop-off was unique as it is all single adult men. two other buses before this had some women on it as well. but we are now in the hundreds that have been mass released on the streets of san diego today. there is an ngo or volunteer group assisting them making sure they know where they can go next. sounds like they will be taken to another transit center where they will go to the airport and free to go all around the country because they have been released from border patrol custody. by law they can go wherever they would like. >> harris: when people say republican governors are doing this. they're coming from san diego, i've been down near the point where you can cross over there. there is structures that goes into the ocean down there. so i'm just wondering who is paying for all this and how are they getting around?
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>> most of them are crossing in the jacumba area. they are mass released like this after a processing center. as for who is paying for this, look, we don't really know. it could be potentially their families will help them out with travel around the country. volunteer groups will help them. we don't exactly know. all we know these men all have plans to go to different cities around the country. some plan to request asylum. many tell us they are here to work. we've now had well over 200 people released here just in the last hour or so by border patrol. san diego county is heating up when it comes to illegal crossings. texas is slowing down. california and arizona both starting to heat up. >> harris: we sent resources there. governor abbott in texas put up razor wire. the governors are pushing back
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and they go to the next opening. we've seen that with fentanyl from eagle pass to nogales, arizona. if you have a moment, find out who is paying for this? i bet some of them know and can fill in some blanks. your language skills are excellent, my friend. thank you. >> thanks, harris. >> harris: tammy bruce, fox news contributor, david car lucci former democratic new york senator. blue state governors today, david, with the president. we had it on the bottom of the screen thinking he might talk about that first. we understand he has moved on to some other things. we will fold back in, we're monitoring the president at the white house with the governors. those blue state governors are about to feel some stuff. those people aren't being trucked in by republican governors. >> this is a problem that i think everybody recognizes now. democrats, republicans alike recognize there is a problem at the border.
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this is a problem that will continue. it has to take -- >> harris: why can't he use executive action right now? >> it's a magnet. people want to come to new york and chicago. >> harris: why can't the president use that executive action right now? he said he couldn't do it at all and said now he can do it before the state of the union. >> he has tried different things. >> harris: why doesn't he do that now? >> the court said your executive action is not constitutional. >> harris: we know that's not the case. >> he is talking about some ideas now. the only way we fix through illegal immigration is through legal immigration. >> harris: i get the big umbrella picture. it is a disaster down there. >> it's a human disaster and bill melugin being able to speak directly to these individuals has great hair and great mind and great language skills. i think that what we're noticing here, you see this expectation now. not just getting into america. they're in america now.
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they want to go to virginia. they want to go to new york, chicago. there are these plans. you have individuals who perhaps are claiming like the man who said he was homosexual escaping the muslim world. we have legal immigration plans for refugees for someone like that. but this seemed to be easier from moritania. the money not just going from san diego to virginia but from china to mexico, from moritania to mexico. what that is about is important. i think this is where the american people see that this is chaos. it may be ordered in a bus but this is not the way that a nation that has sovereignty can continue to function. >> harris: while the president is talking at the white house, his poll numbers are speaking loudly, too. president biden talking with the nation's governors, the new gallup survey finds 59% of voters disapprove of his performance.
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marquette poll has former president trump leading biden head-to-head 51 overall, 54% of independents who figure to be critical in this election. 66% of democrats would choose biden. ongoing concerns with biden's mental acuity. axios, biden cheat sheets at fundraisers are worrying donors and made another gaffe after meeting the family of navalny, the russian opposition leader who died in prison of mysterious circumstances and waiting to see if they offer up anything. >> harris: he was a man of incredible courage and amazing how his wife and daughter are emulating that. yolanda will continue to fight. we're not letting up. >> harris: he met with navalny's wife yesterday. that's what you saw there.
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david, what do you make of where we are right now with the poll numbers? they are being driven now by different things. not biden's border crisis, not anything going on necessarily with israel and hamas. russia and ukraine. it is a calderon now. >> different issues, right? the big thing with biden is age. the big thing with trump is the criminal charges against him. we saw the marquette poll and the quinnipiac poll that has biden ahead. it is neck-and-neck. with the margin of error this far out anything can happen. but when i look at this, yes, biden has his problems. we've seen the comments he just made. those are far better than the comments trump has made when he talks about navalny and how he is comparing himself to him as this martyr and really criticizing the united states in saying that cozying up to putin. even with biden's gaffes and
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slipping on names, i think it's far better than what trump is doing. trump is proving to be his own worst enemy giving biden so much room. >> harris: you say polling numbers don't matter this far out. they're mattering this far out. >> harris: a snapshot since afghanistan. it has been a while now. the trump versus biden. >> i don't have a poker face. that's apparent. this has been a trend. a trend every since the law has been used. the justice department has been weaponized against president trump. that's how the american people are seeing it. what he is experiencing is baked in and not neck and nick. he is leading the incumbent president in the swing states and why biden reversed his tailgate emissions dynamic because of his problems with michigan. this is what you have -- they
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are trying to scramble around like whack-a-mole trying to get him even with trump. after all the indictments, the more that happens to him americans, not just republicans, that's why he is leading in these general polls and it shows you the trend and how americans don't like what they are seeing. >> harris: the stubbornness in some of those states like michigan. battleground states. it isn't just energy. it is going to be the arab population there particularly those who are against israel and called this president -- called this president a killer. >> it's outrageous. >> harris: calling the president someone who has waged genocide by helping israel. >> may i say. if he had articulated an argument that's an american argument. >> harris: why hasn't he? >> he has not articulated the principled stand why we support
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israel. there is a vacuum. you have people not convinced and they are here in america, maybe americans, maybe immigrants, but whether you are muslim or christian or jewish you understand the value of what israel stands for and the value of supporting the jewish people around the world. >> harris: quick. >> we see what's happening in michigan. an effort to not vote for either candidate, right? in the primaries. >> harris: they will sit home? >> that's what they're saying now. >> harris: 27% undecided on your side of the aisle having folks including people in chicago, illinois. >> that's why i say trump is his own worst enemy. the comments and gaffes he is making. >> harris: i'm talking about biden. they are angry with biden. >> we have a quinnipiac poll that shows biden ahead. >> harris: the new york judge overseeing president trumps's civil fraud case has denied delaying his huge penalties.
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why more and more people saying the massive penalty can do harm far beyond donald trump. turbotax makes all your moves count, whether you bought a house or started an award-winning tv show. that's right, we guarantee one hundred percent accurate taxes. she's good. that's connie. hey connie. hi there. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities
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>> harris: the judge in former president trump's civil fraud case has denied trump's request to delay that $354 million fraud
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fine by one month. the ruling could cost donald trump some or all of his new york properties. new york attorney general letitia is prepared to seize trump's assets if he doesn't come up with the cash. remember her campaign promise? >> no one is above the law including this illegitimate president. and so i promise to go into the office of attorney general every day suing him, defending your rights and then going home. >> harris: well, now defending trump the one-time rival he marked as low energy but jeb bush. the u.s. is the business capital of the rule. two business decisions against trump in new york and musk in
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delaware call it into question. in both cases judges have ordered massive punitive judgments on behalf of dubious or non-existent victims. the lows to those states will be significant. the damage to the legal fabric of the country will be even worse. leo terrell, fox news contributor and attorney. first of all, jeb bush coming tough with his words. >> you know, harris, ever since i've been on your show we talked about the political impact of the legal system being used by the democrats. jeb bush has no reason to come to donald trump's support but he understands the legal system is being hijacked by the democrats. those who they do not like, they have found a new weapon called the courtroom. harris, when you look at this judge in new york, when he denied donald trump 30 additional days not to raise $4 thousand. $4 hundred million in penalty and interests.
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who is harmed, harris, by giving another 30 days? no one is harmed because there is no victim. donald trump is being targeted solely because he is running for president and he is not a democrat. >> harris: you know what? when we ran that video of letitia james on the stump when he was running. you know who that reminded me of? fani willis in fulton county, georgia. i can't imagine a more toxic cocktail right now for the president and for anybody else in big business because jeep bush mentioned musk as well getting hint. we go from stump speech to prosecution. what's going on? >> there is a rule of law being hijacked. the democrats, harris, know that this is an election year. fani willis, letitia james, both democrats, using the power of law to go after their opponents. in this case it's donald trump. it is a pattern and practice.
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but what we have to worry about is how this can be used against any adversary. you cannot use the legal system against any adversary because that's what makes us unique. our rule of law. >> harris: you know, the other thing that really -- you mentioned the dollar figures and all of that, speaking of rule of law, critics are taking on president biden now after his remarks on cancelling another $1 billion plus in student loans. let's watch. >> early in my term i announced a major plan to provide millions of working families with debt relief for their college student debt. tens of millions of people were about to have their debts canceled. my maga republican congress stepped in and sued us and the supreme court blocked it. but that didn't stop me. >> harris: all right. social media users pounced. biden explaining he is happy to break the law to give away your money. another with one of the nobody
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is above the law people debunking that again. a republican congressman wrote this. the decay of checks and balances is not a flex. leo. >> what joe biden can do through the front door by way of executive order he is doing through the back door. even nancy pelosi agreed the president doesn't have the executive power. he is taking existing rules and regulation and revising them. he is revising the rules and regulations. what he could not do by executive order gone and changed the way educational loans are being repaid through a policy regulation change and that's what he is trying to do. >> harris: democrats using the courts is going against the u.s. supreme court on this whole loan bail-out. leo, always great to have you on the program. have a wonderful blessed weekend. i thank everybody for watching "the faulkner focus." a lot of breaking news. "outnumbered" after the break.
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