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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 23, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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so call now for more information and a free no obligation consultation. call now to receive our best offer of the year! a free shower package plus $1,600 off! with the purchase of your brand-new safe step walk-in tub. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> p i am judge jeanine shapira. jesse watters, shannon, and greg gutfeld. it is 5:00 in new york city andt this is "the five." donald trump is holding a rally in south carolina ahead of tomorrow's primary and he isgoin going after joe biden. >> we are going to win this state anwind we are going to tel crooked joe biden you are fired, get out of here.] >> we have to take over. they are going to destroy thisr. country. we will end up in world war iiiv >> you would have no inflation.a under crooked joe, energy pricee reached the highest level inne: history. >> he might want to hold tightei to his short stairs and lace of
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his sneakers. his potential replacements are in town. younger and more appealing blue state governors showing uptoda today, forcing the president to come face-to-face with the wou people who would love to take his job this very year. gavin newsom making himself at home. ththe california governor chattg up with alejandra my orchids. biden to oblivious to realize what is going on and praised one of his possible replacements. >> if i were smart, i wouldrigh leave right now. i want to thank governor newsom for his leadership. and by the way, i am not sure how many can leave l.a., whether or not they are going to come back to las all kidding aside. >> and gavin newsom couldn't
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blow his cover yet. he went on cnn to praise the president. >> we have to mind the gap between performance and perception. >> is he able to do with the way ?ou do >> i was just with him. he is making a case. >> biden's age and decline is te causing more alarm bells to ring fos bir democrats in the media. they say he needs cheat sheetssu to answer prescreened questionsg during private fund-raisers and it is freaking the m out. biden is looking like a fossil in public. video shows him hanging on for l dear life to nancy pelosi while walking on the tarmac together. don't you point this out. the media is giving a new liberal commandment to democrats.
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thou shalt not fat check joe biden. >> every newspaper in america quits doing any fat checks on joe biden until they fact-check donald trump every morning on the front page. it is ridiculous "the new york times" fact-checked joe biden on something. trump trump vomit's lies. >> the amazing part of this is if a republicaren were to say that, that "the new york times" has to fact-checfactk everythine anthat donald trump says, i mean that joe biden says, they would criticize us. >> the president should be happy this time when governor newsom came to visit, the president wao there. remember when he went in ju july 2022 and the presideneckits out of the country.can this time, at least he can keep an eye on him,on i but thisso
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fact-checking thing, the w "washington post" has given bottomless pinocchio's to president biden. l he has saiikd things like gas ws more than $5 a gallon when he became president. he used to drive a semi truck. he said you had to sign adona noncompete to work ated t mcdonald's. weng are supposed to let everything go?pr someet of these are unbelievabl. let's fact-check everybody and make it clean. >> he had nothing to do with hunters' business and had nothing to do withhu it.e ta the idea of nancy pelosi walking hand in joe biden on the tarmac, he has his special sneakers and they have the shorter stairs ans a secret serviceec guy at the bottom.d 86% of americans think he is too old tocond serve a second term d they are tellingare us he is ry
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quick and he has the alacrity and the competence to be the president. >> they did a write up aboutso h what his schedule is. he wakes up when his cat walks across his face. he takes off his breathingin machine. and then he does physical therapy.ud hege does physical therapy where he tries to remember how to walo and then he gets into the oval : at 10:00 when a bunch of aides and advisors update him on how his policies are doing and he eats with kamala harris and then he is scheduling and our call with hunter biden every day.y is everybody is concerned because donate $1 million to this guy and he doesn't remember youi
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name, imaginvie giving a guy $1 million and he calls you jerry and your name is gerald. he says hi, nice to meet you and he needs ao re note card to resd to your question. >> jerry is short for e.>> gerald ford, jerry ford. >> i am cooking, greg. watch out. we were in the green room watching trump. he was like, i call hillary, beautiful hillary now, i took the cricket off and gave it to joe. he is crooked now because itgoin makes more sense although sleepy was still good., th the camera, the red light went out. you listen to jay tapper, this o guy is begging for gavin newsom to get in this race.
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he is just flirting with them. it is a big flirt. >> the truth is, joe biden has a cheat sheet. he knows what the questions are be, who the questioners are and what the answers are. if you are raising money with r donors and you havaie to know wo the donors are, what they look like and what questions they are going to ask, you are just stupid. i am not going to slam joe biden for using note cards. i read that from my notes. i use notes because i have so many thoughts that i have to harness them. this is who is the opposite.ri >> you write your notes. someone else writes his. gre >> the governors are the most well-dressed circle of vultureso you will ever see in history. how many hesitated on buying a round-trip ticket.
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meanwhile, the first ladiesin broughdot measuring tape and window treatments.olic it won't be long before joe is up g at the glorious farm upsta. this is the strangest election in history and it has barely started.da you have one candidate walkingte towards the light and another who has to keep walking intoe w, court. you have all these people waiting inpeopng the wings hopig their star gets crushed by a light. focusing on biden's age is becoming a distraction from biden's actions. trump is not much younger, but to your point, the energy level is quite obviously different. if you talk about how old biden is, you are missing out on the state of the country. it is not biden's condition, it is the country's condition. that is why they are having
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problems with the fact-checkings if the fact-checking is not about age or cognition, it is about lies of the economy, saying trump caused more job loss not since herbert hoover. he increased jobs up until covid and he almost saved half of them when covid went away. this woman, claire, saying you should be fact-checking trump. where haere s she been since 20? they were fact-checking every opinion, every burp, every joke. that is all they did and then they suspended it when biden came in. the cnn fact-checkersa disappeared, just went away and now they are going to have to da it because, kudos to the times for fact-checking him, they have to do it because they know they have to get joe out. >> i have seen you riding thingn down. donald trump said bidenomics
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don't work. speech.he talked about maganomi, which works. >> the dow closed at record highs. we have an economy doing a lot better than some of the middle nyclass will many of i the midde class. there are a number of politics.t there is no question presi president biden -- it is good to be back around the table with you. hav president biden will have to t answer to o this as we get clos. to the t the last two elections we had ii this country, democrats have fared well. termin 2022, the democrats fared well and a few months ago when bashir was reelected, virginia flipped in the state house and senate.ab ohio had aor referendum onri reproductive we were watching trump in the
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green room. he made it clear he is against the decision in alabama and believes women and family shoulp have a plethora of options to be able to build out a healthyh family, to groiw their families, which will help them. they will have to answer questions but it is a smart move on his part. when i was in congress, the governors would come.whil the politics would evaporate while they were in that room. te you had 50 executives with the chief executive talking about how you solve problems and whether it is the border, defense spending, social issues. it is positive.on finally, you have to fact-checkn based on the clip we showed, i can defendhow you not fact-checking a public figure, certainly the leadine g public figure in the country.
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>> bad news. new bombshell cell phone data that could sell doom for the embattled d.a. and her lover. ♪ ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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♪ and i know that you know if we get together ♪ ♪ emotions will ♪ ♪ >> >> did fani willis lie about when her relationship startedd with the man she hired to prosecute donald trump?th they claim nathaann wade made at least 35 visits to the neighborhood where the
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fulton county d.a.ulto was livi. they say that she stayed overnight at her condo back in 2021 but they say thes relationship began ithn early 2022, after she brought him onto the trume nep data seems to contradict what they wil testified under which you were making phone pho calls from the same location as the condo before november 1stan 2021 and it was on multiple occasions, the phone records would be wrong? >> they would be wrong. >> did anyone else stay with y you? >> never. i don't think anyone ever spent the night.anyo >> just because he was there doesn't mean that there was boot knocking going on.
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>> think about this. he gets to her house at 3:30 in the morning, 1045 at night,>> s leaves at 3:30 in the morning,g. gets to his house at 4:00, and then texts her about 5 minutes after 4:00. i don't think they are texting a case. here is the bottom line, this case just blew up. fani willis has the appearancenc of impropriety, conflict, and she perjured herself. her boyfriend perjured himself. they lied under oath. they said they did not have a p unrelationship until 2022. robin said no, it started inre k 2019. she is not a great d.a. i never thought she was that smart. she does not knosmarw how to cot herself in a courtroom but sheoe doesn't realize that cell phone analytics can identify the
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location of your phone, not the area, but the location based cellupon the cell tower. that is how we prove crimes. we have been doing it for yearsy and 2021, before they hooked up, they texted each other more than 1,000 times ore a month. they called each other more than 2,000 times a month. more to the point, he is going to her house, he is sleeping there, he is leaving, going home, she calls her friend alook liar. this man has no experience as ac felony prosecutor. she has no experience in a courtroom. they are ridiculous. she was able to fund a lavish lifestyle she took part of with this claim that i paid him back in cash. que the only question now is whether or not the judge is going to call it for what it is and this
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is perjury. he got paid, willis got laid and the taxpayers got laid. >> can you text someone thousands of times, talk about business, and it is not t romantic? possible? >> it was a booty call. she texted 11, come over, heer. comes over, he leaves at 4:00.l. it is a booty call, but they lied about. hasn't everybody? that is the whole clinton drama. they lied abou sext d he has destroyed evidence in past cases and she has lied 16 times to the judge's face. anything could happen. the thing is, they have disqualified themselves, the
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judge might say, listen, it is personal, i need to stay in fulton county as a judge. i want to save my career iny fulton county and just let them go on their way. ifay you are going to lie that o many times about this and cover it up, you are not going to be prosecuting the former president with any integrity. that is why they should be disqualified.di >>sq they have one of these h witnesses who was a former lawoo partner, there is a question of attorney-client privilege but it is public again next friday. the judge will have to make tough decisions. >> both of these attorneys willn have to respond to this new d data. i have not reached the same conclusionause that because they were communicating that it was a
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romantic relationship, but if t the data shows it and they misled the court, this courtl will have an enormous set of pressures to render a judgment and they have to take that into consideration. i imagine the judge will not be swayed by how he has to function over the next several months or years if this turned out to be true. i have heard many be critical of miss willis and mr. wade. i did not think this case wasy compelling, but when you look a the number of plea agreementseee they have gone from a host of people, including smart and experienced lawyers, they did aa pretty good the issue at hand is whether or not they told the truth sitting inin that courtroom and today, d doubt has been cast and they are going to have to answer these questions.
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>> they were playing yacht see. >> they love you. s >> they wereha working on a cas. when booty calls. >>a cl this is all going one wad that lasisodt segment on the sh, there is that one clue, it is ththate phone records and then s over. they did not juslselt falselyea testify, thelly really falsely testified. it was amazing they did it. cou they assumed they could get away with it. this removes any ambiguity. t they perjured and they will losh the case, probably lose theirhe jobs and they could lose theirhr freedom because they broke the law. why? ththey assumed they had a free pass. if you analyze their claims, yo. could be called racist. they had a judge that seemedevio terrified of his previous employer. it was like dwight interviewing michael scott. even in the testimony, she was in control because the judge was
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too scared to rein here p when you step back, it is how the major critics of the left have been targeted. whether it is of the january 6 protesters, musk, bannon, fox, there are lesser known names being targeted. it is probably time to returnht. fire. it is time for some deep pockets. start targeting those who absolved themselves frompo fighting crime. liversthe fact is, this is goino continue. they are going to keep targeting people and trying to put them behind bars. >> we will find every booty c call. >> i have no reason to live.e as >> you are as pure as the driven snow.
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>> women of the bible have spoken. ngcoming up, stores in san francisco don't trust people to shop in and walk alone.we w we will explain next. ♪ ♪ i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects.
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stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. i didn't have to change my treatment. i just gave it a lift. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save.
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♪ ♪ ♪ blowing my mind ♪ >> san francisco stores usingsan the buddy system to stop crime. customers at fredrickson's hardware and paintwe will have o select power tools with an employee escort. customers can come and one at a time and have to wait with at others at the blocked offame entrance. don't blame the store.e they are just reacting to the surge of burglaries inin t the bay area. >> we were given a choice. we have to keep our employees safe in the customers safe anden
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when they come in to do grabs, that was the final straw.ot ther ee is no consequence to ita they are not even thinking about that. >> have you ever bought power tools at fredrickson's and sons? >> i call ahead so they close the store so i can shop unencumbered. having somebody shop with you adds to the embarrassment. it is like how they lock up my appointments at walgreens.ever i don't need the awkward stairs. every solution, which is added to more solutions, are because we don't address the obvious solution which is a crime requires punishment, not incentives. prison reform and social justice is backward science. they got us toght? believe thate prisons mean more criminals. more criminals need more imprisonment.
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i hope we look yea back at thisa temporary insanity. where we suspended law and order for the sake of localism and nearly destroyed this country. my fear is we will end up up le russia. it will get so bad that we will sacrifice our freedoms for safety and security because that is what we are seeing. every step we take is met with a limiting freedom of the citizen and not the criminal. we w will welcome the other i s security of a giant state. >> the country is going to have to wake up and rise up and say, knock it off, everybody. >> it is amazing they haven'tt reached that point now. there is no question, the root cause is the criminal. the consumers are bearing theso burden i. if i want to buy toothpaste, i have to have a shopping buddyit
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with me and they have a staging area where the other people ares waiting, staring you down,n an saying get it over with. w i don't want anyone watching men shopping. maybe i wantdcomp to compare ag. it is absurd, a scenario where people are going to look back and say, you deserved it because yoou du stood for it.e do i don't know what we do. until we get legislators that want to change the bail and increase the crime statutes,in instead of raising and lowering the age and dealing with real crime, we are going to be stuckn owwith this. with illegals coming through, we don't know who they are, we are stuck. >> they keep voting for the politicians, they keep doingese these dumb things. >> there is no monopoly on dominant w i could not agree with you more.
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the way you stop crime, you have to deter it. you have to have greater police presence, you have to alter and reverse the penalties. we don't have penalties for people who did the smash and grabs. the experiment anyone wasci tiundertaking in cities and locales around the country to saund y if we were softer on cr, we may reduce crime, i neverit i subscribed to that. some did. it is not working. you have to have a reversal for small business owners, foritie customers, communities, for people to be able to conduct business in a way that keeps investment in community. they should reverse it all and a go back to doing what you normally do, having consequences for people who smash and grab and take property that is not theirs. >> your thoughts on escorts. >> i wonder why people arerise
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surprised when things happen. you talk about proposition 47 in california. if yous. downgrade, there is not enforcement, oregon is another example. they legalized all kinds of drugs back in 2021.e they have tripled the amount of overdose deaths they have in the governor has declared a 90 day emergency over the drug policy.e ti don't know how people don't get to see the consequences. >> gavin newsom thinks he can bt president. is going to be tough when we are all looking at san francisco. it is not going to be easy. >> well said. is that commander on your chest? >> it is just a little frenchy. >> can i pet it? ♪ ♪ remember the things you loved... ...before asthma got in the way? fasenra is an add-on treatment
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for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's designed to target and remove them and helps prevent asthma attacks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. get back to better breathing. ask your doctor about fasenra. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ ( bell ringing) customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one.
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you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. hi, i'm jason. i've lost 228 pounds on golo. ♪ i don't ever want to go back to wearing a 4xl shirt or not being able to climb up stairs without taking a break. so i'm committed to golo for life.
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♪ don't you know ♪ >> welcome back." it is hard to believe we survived without them, a widespread at&t outage led to a near civilizational meltdown. >> i had to pull over andan connect to wi-fi to text her to let her know i am on my way. i was listening to spotify and had to figure out what radio station to listen to. it was a little obnoxious. >> are we too dependent on these things? >> sometimes a do a test.nn oni will not put in gps to find ou t if i can get somewhere. this is wh thay you need to mare someone like sheldon green. he loves being in the woods. he knows how to do the survival stuff, how to find direction by
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following birds and stuff. if you have someone like that t around, find you one of those guys. >> you are supposed to follow birds if you are lost? is >> he knows. y that is why i am tagging along with him. >> i read in a book because i e love self help, every day you t are supposed to get lost. not really lost, but don't have your phone, get a little lost, a little uncomfortable once a day. >> would you get lost today? >> i can't talk about that on television. >> i am lost most days even with >>my phone. it was a culture test and we failed it. get ready for the grid goingfo down.wn i have been talking about that for ten years. they are going to take the grid down.
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we have a system that is a nightmare and everybody is so dependenrentt on these phones. methey went into some of theseca places and started screaming at the employees, fix it, fixt, it. >> did you suffer? >> my driver was 2 minutes late. it was hard. i had to let himnute go. wife is pregnant, fourth kid. anyway, they will make it.imeo i am brace forced time outse i because i cannot do it so when technology goes away, i embrace it. i am a woodsman, i can live offi the land. when something is goineng down,i go to the nearest whole foods and hide in the bathroom and when it closes down, i am the safest, and then i squatted and they cannot geit me out, according to the law. >> what's old is new. folks have been choosing to watch to watch nostalgic shows
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over new ones. suits was the most stream to show the last year with moreear. than 57000000000 minutes wat watched. other topics are friends and "gilmore girls." other shows like yellowstone did not crack the top ten. >> i watch yellowstone. >> i was always working. >> you have been streaming this? >> i will watch the office, seinfeld, friends, and martin. >> you like martin? i like that. >> he watches it so he can say he has black friends. tell them we are friends. if we ever have a falling out, i have no black friends. i >> i loved it.
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shows now are not creative oryo interesting. you could not make the office now. it would get you in trouble. everything is a remake of an olo movie or show and now woke. i like the older shows but a lot of what a loi watch, i am not se you can get on tv.ere >> there is a turning away froms the woke because there are a lot of good writers that cannot be creative. there is a show on showtimeba called the cursed, which ibls amazing.he i am a big colombo guy.ol omi have watched every episode,o u even the weird ones and you he to watch every single rockfordit files. it is amazing. >> love boat. >> why not? >> they don't have characters there to fulfill a requirement and there are no lectures..
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>> a sentinel friday is out next ♪ ♪
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like like renaissance festival. first question, a good question. what product would you stockpile if you found out it was going t be discontinued? i have two in my head. >> this is every makeup thing ig have ever liked. i use q-tips and so many ways all day long that if i found out those were going away, that isw what i would stock up on.>> >> j it is always the lipstick d the nail polish. the best once they get rid of. i would stockpile sardines. >> wow. >> potato chips. i love potato chips. do which you eat a lot of chips. >> the cheddar onion rustles are my favorite. >> obviously it is the hair products. >> i am so obvious.
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whoever came up with that, you should get a nobel prize. if you could go back to being ao kid for a day, what is the first thing you would do? >> first thing that came to my mind was steal.s you can get awaya with stealing when you are really old and really i would steal candy. >> that is a sad testament on>> your life.d: i harold? >> i use to love go cart rides. >> you can still do that. >> i don't feel right. >>. the parents would be very suspicious of the grown man andh a go-kart. >> slide.t going to the part and going down the slide again ann and again.
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>> everything, being forced toha take naps and go to bed early, e wish someone would force me to do that. >> i said talk to my parents. figure out what it was like asking questions i forgot to ask. >> you tell your parents whatou g companies to invest >>na it is always transactional with it is always transactional.are you are a terrible human being.i is there something you like that nobody wouldth believe you do? >> read. >> >> i actually read a lot. q i have a nicuie library.ow. >> what about you, judge, somethin g you >>li cotton candy, i would eat d eat and eat it. they would not believe it.
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>> i get up and read the bible every morninbug. >> i believe that. >> now we know you are running.g >> i am a huge def leppard fan and i love seeing them in concert. >> i am glad you support animals with disabilities. i meditate. i use to meditatd i e a lot unti got a head injury. meditating is great. >> you walked into the door. >> i got a concussion and i n couldn't meditate for like aa ye year. i could not concentrate.ussi >> i got a concussion. >> who pushed the door. >> it was not a big deal. >> did someone do it intentionally? >> no.l. they are here and they are
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wonderful. "one more thing" is next. we all know that words have power. they set things in motion and make us happy or sad. but there's one word that stands out, because when people say it, lives are changed.
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it's not a big word. it's itsy bitsy. it's only three little letters. but when you say it, the life of a kid like me can be changed. so what is this special word? it may surprise you. it's yes, yes, yes, yes to becoming a monthly supporter of shriners hospitals for children®. that's right! your monthly support allows the doctors and nurses at shriners hospitals for children® to give the most amazing care anywhere and change the lives of kids like me and me and me. because people like you have said yes. now i can play football and i can play catch and i can walk. so what do you say? will you say yes? right now? it's so easy. all you have to do is pick up the phone or go to right now and say yes. when you say yes to giving just $19 a month,
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only $0.63 a day. we'll send you this adorable love to the rescue® blanket as a reminder of all the kids you're helping every day. my life is filled with possibility because of the monthly support of people just like you who called the number on your screen and said yes. yes, yes, yes. your yes is making a difference in my life and the lives of so many other kids like me. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you for giving. please call or go online now. if operators are busy, call again or go to to say yes right away.
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>> a this time ball four "one more thing." >> norwegian weatherman had a rough time covering a storm. [laughter] quick that is so norway. i am not going to promote my book, get it together. i don't think it would be right. i am going to go straight to promoting my show at 8:00. welfare queen expose. that is not the welfare queen. that is me. >> tonight, what a great show, and all-star panel. that is tonight at 10:00. let's do this.
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this is in lee county, florida, got the robo dog, got the recognition it deserves, at a local parade where it put its dance on display. we had to cut this short because right before the moment when it turned on the crowd and killed them all, there was one person in the crowd who had been time traveling to warn them, but m mr. connor was bitten. >> can you say banderas again? >> banderas. >> florida is my home state. i was there a few weeks ago. i went to this wonderful restaurant. the chef said he was a huge fan and gave me a copy of his cookbook and he said you have to promise you will bring a copy to my favorite person on "the five" and i said i will do it.
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here you go. >> you are evil. >> everybody get the book. this one and my book. >> it is a package deal. >> a canadian woman demonstrated why it is important to check your shoes in the winter. check out this gecko she found hidden in one of her shoes, who was trying to simply find some alone time. that is disgusting. all right, harold. >> congrats on a great inte interview. what a well-rounded family. the hilarious viral moment that a man stuffed his son into a giant balloon. he had to call and his sister for reinforcements. they were able to pull it up to his neck and they had to inflate
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it. he enjoyed a minute of bouncing around the kitchen before his bubble burst. >> what kind of balloon is that? that is not a regular balloon. >> i think it is a magnum. >> xl. >> congratulations. >> i thought he was taking his hat off. that is very strange. >> they seemed to enjoy it. family time. >> get off social media. shove your relatives and a giant rubber ball. >> shannon, we loved having you on. we will see you on sunday. that is it for us. have a great night and a great c weekend. jesse watters. >> jesse: welcome to


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