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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  February 23, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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it. he enjoyed a minute of bouncing around the kitchen before his bubble burst. >> what kind of balloon is that? that is not a regular balloon. >> i think it is a magnum. >> xl. >> congratulations. >> i thought he was taking his hat off. that is very strange. >> they seemed to enjoy it. family time. >> get off social media. shove your relatives and a giant rubber ball. >> shannon, we loved having you on. we will see you on sunday. that is it for us. have a great night and a great c weekend. jesse watters. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse
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watters primetime". tonight. >> is he able to do what you do with the command? >> what is newsom doing at the white house? new york city turning on aoc. >> have you had enough? >> phone records reflect you were making phone calls from the same location as the condo they would be wrong? >> jesse: not so fast, fani, prime time got the phone records. plus... >> get in my belly! ♪ >> jesse: few weeks ag gave gavin newsom advice for one of his guys. go undercover and walk your state. see how your policies are playing out. >> like an episode of undercover bossplayin and ga who never misses a show,
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followed orders. >> "under the undercover gov has bs everywhere. he went undercover a as a garba man, even though he borrowed someone else's gloves. underc agavin's not afraid to gt his hands dirty. >> he's hauling everything from crates to car bumpers. >> gavin went undercover as a landscaper, planting trees at the redwoods national park. >> gavin went undercover as a fisherman. clearl treesy, he confused. gavin thought he was going to get a rod to hold. r and then he stared down a salmon. have you ever seen that kind of focus? the intensity. i can't even imaginefocus? whate going on through his mind. does he feel bad for the fish? el is wondering how it turns into sushi. intobut he's got the aviators who work there. finally, gavin went undercover as president. he hosted the crown princess of sweden, where he welcomed her majesty with a warm smile and handshake. sources tell prime time that gavin's camp considered this a coup because the princess visited him
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instead of bidens campdere. >> and now that gavin has ins his foreign policy chops after a five minute meeting with a scandinavian royal, he was read-minutwithy for washington. today, gavin waltzed intscanneo the white house and thought he was president. >> he beeline straight to my work, gives him the old days doing a little guy back slap, getting good secretary everything on good little man. how tall are you anyway? you're cute. m you?i can see my reflection r head. and then he starts scolding. con look at him, pointing, dressing him down like a kid. k >> he's doing what biden should have been doing for three years . it's about time mayorkas got a little tongue lashing. ke gavin hasn't looked this much in charge since two bargaining in china. >> he was there with a bunch of governors, but biden prepared a special thank you for the governor of california for building the nation's first high speed rail line in california, nevada . and i want to thank governor newsom for his leadership in that. and by the way, i'm not sure
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how many people with me in l.a. can do it in 2 hours to gett su there and whether they're going to come back or noret. >> las vegas biden did stick the landing, but he was getting a little dig in a cabin sayingoe people are going to leave l.a. and never come back. the primetime sense is tensione. . >> as a matter of fact.sens there's tension rippling through the democratices party. behind the scenes, donors are furious that biden forgets their names. >> now, imagine raising millions for a politician who you've met imagin a dozen times. >> and when he sees you, he calls you the wrong name. t and he needs note cards to answer your questions. that's what donors are moaning e about. and you've heard about the russiaotn political prisoner that putin murdered. biden just met his wife and called her the wrong name. her name is julia. biden called and her yolanda. >> yesterday, we showedjuli you biden walking acrossa. the tarmac holding nancy pelosi's hand for dear life, covering about 50 yards and about a minute and a half. >> the media needs zanny every
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time biden walks. every time i watch him go down a flight of stairs, i get that same anxiety you get when you're lik youe watching your kid trying to catch a pop fly. >> think about all the time houe and attention. >> the white house focuses on keeping biden upright. making sure he's not tired.upri >> helping them remember namesg, that attention should be on us, the american people. n shouldthis white house should be focused on taking care of you, not ant elderlyeeing president. the white house just isn't th out there even from their own side. what is there a pathway forwardl for you with biden? >> oh, absolutely not. you cannot keep killing people with our money and just keep thinking that, oh, we are stupid enough to elect you again. >> if you don't want a trump presidency, thenu are you not worried about what he could do domestically to this country? i'm willing to let go of joe biden and oppose joe biden and make him a one term president.
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hpunish joe biden by making him a one term president. why does our democracy, why why is having a trump presidency ima more important than those people's lives? why is our democracy more important than thousands of men, women and children dem being killed? >> now we know hunter likes to be punished, but i'm not sure about joe. a new gallup poll shows biden's approval rating has droppeupd to 38%. now gallup's the gold standardgd . 38 approval in an election year is fatal. at biden's been telling democrats, watch me, and they have. they hbut as anyone watching whs coming their way. we're goin g to show crookedca joe biden and the radical left democrats that we are coming like a freight train in november. >> we're going to win thisthen state and then we're going w to tell crooked joe biden, you're fired. >>e fire get out of here. >> biden's a pony and the press wants to change
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their bet. cnn is now begging the undercover governor to rip the mask off and run. a cnn poll of polls today finds biden's averagofe approval rating. his average approval rating is just 39%. stvoters do not seem to see in president biden what you see . i mean, we got to mind the gap between performance and perception , no doubt about it. >> is he able to make the case the way that you e al are? we are making the case. is he able to do it the way you do with the alacrity, he the speed, the command? >> well, i was just with him. he's making a case. now, gavin. isn't just being courted. >> the media is throwing themselves at hithemsem, and hes it. >> his 81 year old president biden have a better chance of beating donald trump than and do you disagree with. 86% of americans who think he's too old to run. the the question and the framing, but i also appreciate my president and his performancident ane. >> now, the party doesn't need the good soldier act anymore.
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it needs a savioy r. russia's winning rates are still high and the borders worse thana ever. plan? >> does dr. jill have a plan? don't you think that that'spr a ruse which had him runninges for president? i think. i think he's gonna run. noi gforce hink they're goin to get rid of him.hi i think they're going to move him out. they're going to force him to step downthat i. that's what i think. if i had to guess and it's just speculation, i'd say they're setting up gavin newsom for it g. at is wh >> that's what i say. that's what i think. now, the hurt report du the grave and joe biden is one fall away from going in. question is, will anyone g dan holloway as the host and frank ambrose podcast. he joins me now. dan, is joholle biden going to e the nominee? >> well, that i don't know. but what i do know is thatm batching him perform on pea day to day basis kind of feels like watching the movie zoolander. >> remembe wr that the files are inside the computer. they just don't understand how anything works anymore.
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shouting landerer at this guy. e >> i really don't know. do you have your cheat sheet with you, jesse? .do youyou know, you're supposed to sit on your seat. >> you know what? you're right. jen holloway.. >> are you going to ask me a question? bo oh, boy. and then, you know, gavin'sy.he the perfect guy to step in there. he looks like the the white rich villain from ever?y disney movie i've ever seen. >> so could you could you, like, make this guy up any u worsbakes gue? >> get more? well, i mean, he's basically teed u p to take it over. >> kamala is not even in the running anymore. kamawhat kind of fire fight aree going to see on the left if they just leapfrog the first female black vp and give it to the guy who's tall, white and handsome? >> that's a good question. and i don't know, honestly,tion you know, i don't know if you noticed this today, but he kind.yo of like semi endorsed nikki haley for the for the gop today, which is pretty interesting. who dir d? >> gavin newsom. he did. yes. she would be a better candidate
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than trump. she should. >> her.ould go all in on >> yeah. oh, so they're playing games in our primarye than. jesse: we're playing games in their primary. i mean, i guess that's what politics is all about, isn't it? >>s yeah, absolutely. >> and you know, speaking of haley, by the way, i don't know if you've noticed hal how audaciously she's been playing into the military spouse thing lateln't y almostho to an offensive degree, particularly becausew , you kno, she doesn't have a great track record with that. listen, morata, you can't playhd that card when you cheated on your husband while he was deployed. i'm sorry. you're just done with thatu have che forever. >> is that even true? yeats. okay. not sure if that's true,esse: . is what it is. happy friday. dan. seems like you've had a fe ems likew already. we love you. no, no, noh t me. >> fox news alert. police just announced the suspect arrested for the murder of a nursing student lakeland riley in georgia, not a u.s. citizen. national correspondent matt finn has the latest. matt jose, tonightia police
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announced the murder suspect in custody is jose antonio>> rei abreu. he is not a u.s. citizen. police did not confirm the exact status of the suspected killer, but he is believed to b.e from venezuela. the suspect is charged with a long list of crimed with lons, r felony murder, murder with malice kidnapping.rder wit and hindering a911 call. police say so far the evidence suggests this was a solo a few people were taken intos custody fosor questioning, but only one was arrested. police say a brother is the suspected killer. >> a 22 year old nursing student, laken wylie riley was a dean's list student attending the agusta, athens campus of the university of georgia. riley's body was founde in with visible injuries in the inea of lake herrick yesterdayju . that lake is a part of the campus. riley's friends called police afte rir she did not return home from a run. >> and now we have this devastating news, jesse. all right. thanks so much. surene.. >> ahead, news five balloons and fans calls.
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great. go t t o deal right now and see how much you can save. >> fox news alert there is another balloon. the military says it's flying over the western part of thethe country, drifting east as we speak. balloos. 't havureis don't know who's behind it or why it's in the sky. is it chinese? probably. but here's what we do know. it's a micro balloon,tw the payload being two cubic feet about the size of a microwave. the chinese spy balloon, in compariso .n. 30 feet long, the size of two school buses. we als b.o know it's over 40,00o feet in the air, very similar to the chinese version c versi,a according to norad's. it's not a threat and it's not maneuverablet . but that's what they said last time. we'll continuetime. tracking th
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spy balloon and let you know if >>e president shoots it down. >> illegals are being mass released on our streets and bus to a city near you. >> film allusions in san diego with the latest. >> jesse wild day out here in san diego. r: by our count, at least eight border patrol buses, mass release, many hundreds upon hundreds of illegal immigrants to city streets here . we'll get right to that video. take a look. this is one of the first buses that pulled up earlier vide of . again, mostly adults from all around the world, released from, ts f border patrol custoda trolley station here in san diego. we talked to people from china, from senegal, from mauritania, from haiti, from peru, from afghanistan, colombia, india. , you name it. we probably heard it down here.d we didn't meet anybody fron'm mexico, though. and take a listen. they are going all over the united states. they're doing thisun on ecuador> i don't leave us in losoi angeles. wellng to new , you. new york. going to new york. they don't listen.
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they don't listen. costa rica don't leave us. and they'll start the needlesria at random. atlanta, u.s., don't they? jersey. engli new jersey. i don't know. boston will start us the needle. chicago. chicagsh o. if they don't this on. colombia. colombia. get in the heart. no, no. i see. you know, they did am, they sa they want asylum. they don't want to work. and fox news reached out to california governor gavin newsom's office to get his reaction to these mass release>>reached s happenic diego, one of these cities. his office respondede by blamig republicans for what they describe as chaos at the border: . they also added that, quote, california is a mode lrship of partnership for a safe and humane border. end quotfor e. te >> we'll send it back to you. >> biden could end this today with an executive order. sources inside the whitehinkin house says he's thinking about it plagiarizing it. trump's border policy would help him. not sure what he's waitingplagir because biden's migrants are at war with the party's most loyal base black voters.
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and they're promising to make jussie smolletset a dream comeak true. >> turning chicago into magnet country. >> you see him when he just ran out of the skies. dre to immigrants who have not been here, who haven't paid into the systemam true. at we're not going to let what we work for is snatched from us. >> we are so angry that wee wiln are willing and going to turn our backs on the democraticturnc party. >> we are working to turngo chicago red in new york. >> aoc was giving a speech about climate change. the crowd said enough is enough. stop talking about the weather and start deportinghg. all right.! all righ allt. how do you know all right. well, clearly, i don't because i'm an elected member of congress, so keep it up.
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>> jake julius is a podcast and founder of rattlesnake tv. >> jake, does aoesnakec understs what's happening. does. >> i don't really think sheyo does. and thank you for having me, jesse, but iu for having m musti from australia, from an outsider's perspective, i've always lookea, i have ysd at nes the time i was a little kid as the most amazing city, te ofi the big apple, the statue of liberty, and dreamed of going there. dread of, i'm off.of so i can understand why being ae new yorker, and especiallyrs a generational new yorker, why you'd be so angry at these policiest . when did you come here? and obviously you came here the right wahey. >> yeah, well, i mean, i came here on a plane and came herespi the right way. but and i'm also speaking immi lawyers as we speak. so, yeah, i did it the right way, but i've been here forr about aba month now in miami. >> all right. so you've been in this country a month. has s anything shocked you?e to >> the only thing that really shocks me, to be honest, jesse,
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is the fact that americans honey will still self-flagellating with themselves and say that they're racist in their such a white supremacist country. if you go to places like south korea and japan and you seed se the cultural homogeneity that these countries have, and then you try and tell them that we're going to bring busloads t of migrants in illegl immigrants, for that matter, and we're going to pay for them. y foand subsidize them.nd we're going to pay for their food and we're going to pay for their accommodation and give them debit cards. >> you see how the japanese respond. why do you think americans hatej themselves and don't really mind letting their bordersesy do be overrun? well, i think it's because generall themsy it's a culture u people are morally quitere good and we we want the bestor for people. and we've always had good cultures. we come fromeople. the christian cultural heritage of turning the other cheek, and we come he the christian cultural heritage that has built the greatest civilizations that the world has eveeatestr kd so i think that we are good people and we want to see an australianau as well, and britiw for that matter. we want to see people thrive and benefint tt and unfortunatey
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sometimes people use it against us. >> right, but compassionbenefitn also be dangerous. darghter]joe biden and hunte what there. >> well, i'm glad you're here. gl herget in any trouble on the road and we'll keep you because we like you. >> i juskeept think i'll justl h think, what would jesse do? that's right. that'll keep you alive.that's >> thanks so much. thank thanks. 's fanny's calls. straight ahead, tv has a big new deal. it's the new season of the voice with a double chair. buckle up. even in the premiere, a deal or. no deal? island war adventure. same question. ho deal?u >> check your local listings. life doesn't stop for a caughtn- honey. dayquil severelicious, day hone cold and flu symptom relief with a honey licious taste day,e dayquil honey honey licious daytime coughing, aching stuffy
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think about him. he likes wine. hadon't really like wine to beei honest with you. i like grievance. has he ever visited you at the place you lay your hea evedu let's be clear. because you lied in this doesn't tellr head. you which ou lighting right here. >> and you lie right here. >>, no, no no. this is the truth. and it is wa lie. as we suspected, fanniefani and loverboy perjured themselves. trump's attorneys got their hands on lover boy's cell phone data lover boy was asked about that cell phone data. >> remember, cell phone records would reflect that you were making phone calls from the same location as a condo before november 1st of 20, 21. and it was on multiple occasions. the phone records would be wrong w. >> the phone records reflected that. yes, sir. they'd be wrong, baby. no, they w. >>ll, what reason would he have to visit fannie's condo if they weren't sleeping together? >> you would have been there, as you indicated, for many reasons, right? yes. in thi woulde thers year, two ro and went to visit her.
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um, maybe went to talk about a document that i received. o >> you gave your condo everything about a document that you received? absolutely a documen. receiv oh.? to wade would have just been reviewing documents at fannie's condo about how many times itnd. would review documents when i say free, what do you think? prior to november 1s t of 2021, e you were at the condtho more tht ten times? >> no, sir. so be less than ten times. yes, sirha times. what did fannie have to saye to lover boy? >> if anything else? he was the yea didr condo, according to you? >> yeah. very lonel i lonely period in m. >> i don't think anyone ever spent the night very late. >> cell phone data prove that loverboy visited venice condo 35 times that year. fannie mae really must enjoy reviewing document s together. enjo >> cell phone data also shows fannie and loverboy called each
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other 2000 times that year. >> and texted each other 12,000 times. go t to be about the documents. but we also have the locatioe n data. priv >> the private investigator just startedat his review and already found two calls on september 11thptembe, 2021, wade arrived at fanny's around 10:45 p.m. and left at 3:28 a.m.a.m. and when he got home he textedwr her. >> he probably wroteote, , i've never reviewed documents like that before. you are the best . 2 >> on november 29, 2021, called wade02 at 11:32 p.m. he shows up at fanny's at 12:43 a.m. and didn't leave until 45 in the morning. >> that's four hoursg of reviewing documents that a boy wadedocume. so prime time has decided to hear fanny's alibi. is a and it can't be it's ack black thing because it's a
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whitnge thing to kick founder clay travis joins us now. >> where do you think they were doing overnight?doin >> for hoursg and hourshour and hours? w >> first of all, i wore my pink jacket in honor of this true love affair. >> i a.t is a modern day capules and montagues. part of the sun is rising in the distance. i submit that he might have been examining her. ,i'm just going to throw that out there, jesse. i don't know very many legal document reviews that happen from 1250 to 450 in the morning in the condo complex of of a woman. here's the big takeaway, though. i mean, this is scandalous. >> this is absurd. as you just said, 2000 phoneomee calls. i if someone believes message, a voice message, jesse, i lose my mind. >> send me a text message. >> and he was doing that to
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12,000 text messages between the two of them. but here is scandalousth and ridiculous as this is, is the big takeaway. they're both going to geto ge removed from this case in atlanta. t vei believe that fani willisi is going to have to get kicked out of thbee d.a.'s job,e even in fulton county, which we know is often a corrupt municipality. and hd i think bot of attorneys are going to get disbarred. >> jesse and i say that as someonsae who is still an attorney, bard in good standing, so far as i know,n tw in two different jurisdictions in this country. >> and i thinkdifferen they're o get their own mug shot, just like trump got his mug shon t in fulton county, except unlike the charges they brought againsounty.t trump.charge i think these perjury charges, based on the idiocy that they spread and shared on the witness stand, this is why your attorney tells you not to take the witnessstan. stand, raise your hand and sayio under oathur that you promise nr to perjure yourself and tell the truth. this is ane not easy perjury c.
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they're dead, too, right? yeah, they're dead to rights in a normal courtroom. >> and this judge has had theses document s already, and they quizzing this judge is so soft. >> clay, i could easily see him not doing them because he's a a . but we'll wait and see. now, let me ask you this. wh.y? remember when bill clinton said i did not have relations, ,all she said was no one ever oe slept over that was there was no sleeping well. and he left at 4:55 a.m.. did she perjure herself? well, i think look, you also remember bill clinton, yaleton a trained lawyer, very smart guy, said in his depositionwyrt in te monica lewinsky case. that depends on what the meaning of the wor d is, is. >> i suspect that they will try wa defend themselves by saying this wasn't a relationship yet . they were just hooking up. i don't think that's going to fly up. very well, because ai
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was saying, i give credit to the attorneys here. they clearly already had these cell phone records in this textd message relationship, and they went ahead and aggressivelyld b questioned. it would be one thing if they said in there, heyvi how many times did you go visit? and, you know, there are a fewof off,f one way or the other, 12,000 text messages. it's har texd to explain away.ay >> well, i mean, a thousand phone calls is impossibleelatio to explain. it says to me as a relationship >>s they were in heat, 12,000 texts. but yeah, they were in heat. >> how about when they say, well, what if cell phone therwise records showed otherwise? >> and where it goes? at&t cell phone records would be wrong. >> jhat's the national defense that's prosecuting trump. hey, you and i are roughly the same generation. you remember shaggy? it wasn't me. nathan wade and fani willis are basically in the shaggybe o defense. they could be on a tape sleeping togethen a tar and theb
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just be like, not me. you know what? maybe that's going to be everybody's defense to be honest. and i just argue that everything's made up. nothing's real. >> i mean, as far as excuses go, that one might work better than most. i'm just hopin -g your blazer i. >> i.t be that blazer. this blazer. n said did you see? i don't know if you talked about it yet, jesse, that joe biden said the secret to aseo rg good marriage. this is not a joke. it's good. this blazer is goo. blazed tel personified on television. >> you're welcome. i just want to apologizeeve al to close wife in advance. it's -- it's not it's not goings to be for hours. clay, have a great. oing >> hey, it ain't going to be 4 minutes, trust me. okay, nate, this is the biggest welfare queen. welcome to fox nation, where history is held sacred.
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fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening to south carolina primary preview as the carolina primary preview as the state votes fo i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous.
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous. fat and get lean absolutely free. >> that's both. 2215215 by now is eating youngdi americans alive. they have no financial independencecs. they can't get ahead with the cost of living on entry level salaries i . does anyone else just work their ass off for the lastoff fo
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three or four years for like a college degree? and now you have a job that you hatecolleg and and you still cad life and you just feel lied to because you thought that if you just went to college and got a degree, you'd be able to afford a house. but ye yot you're still barely can afford groceries or clothes or literally anything that makes you happy at all. and you had to spend the whole entire weekend in your back because you literally don't have any money to go do anything other. like if you buy food or, youl dt can't have anything about it. >> no one. boswell'd cat s straight outno e of college, but we sympathize, you know, if if you pay six six figures for a sociology degree from southwestern kentucky state university, you've been scammed. but this young lady is doing the right thing. she's working, budgeting, not asking for handout have bes. but other young women are getting ahead the old fashioned way. welfare. kenny millere , 27-year-old unmarried mother of three, gets food stamps and free and just qualified for another program in d.c. strong families stronger futures is the program
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. and kenny's then got nearly 11 grand lump sufuturem to prove for her young children and thenr blew most of it bowling out in miami. she took her family on a $6,000 vacay, buying all of them0 new clothes for each day of thee trip where they ate steak every night. >> she braggedy that she used more of the money on a mommy makeover so she wouldn't lood sk like a working mom. which, to be fair, she isn't. she's justifying the spending spree, saying she taught her kids that if they work hard, they can livy woe large.e she even talked to the i w washington post, quote, i wanted to blow iante t. i wanted to have fun. and it might just seem like it's just 11,000. >> but these programs are everywhereograms a. dc gave this grant to almost 150 people, 1.5 million gone. >> emily wilson, host of the emily saves america, joins me now. emily, think about this answer r before you answer it. who is the sucker here?
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is it the college grad who's struggling or the welfare queen who's living large? >> well, obviously, the girl in the first video you genuinely have to have sympathy for. you can see this girl didsympat everything she was told. this is what you do to succeedhf in americaor. in and now she's done it all and she's realizing like, oh, everythingerything i was told is basically a lie. meanwhile,ile th the second woms to be best friends with . they got to be on the same thy. ary. >> i'm sure wade was in miamise that same weekend. but if you're watchingsure in d. and you see this woman who is unmarried three kids now on her third welfare program bragging about this lavish vacation off of the money that you just gave her to take care of her childreny , wouldn't you cut the program? you >> well, yeah. you would think you would cu tht that program. you would think you would.
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after you see the homeless getting worssse and worse, you would cut that program. but you know, the democrats, i believogram.e, funnel it all k into their own pockets. so why would they want to do that? these are th the same people that when we got stimulus checks to pay our round, get food, went out s and bought flat screen tvs and louis vuitton bags. >> what about the woman that did go to college and she's struggling at an entry level position? ba >> i don't like to usually say this. i always say going to colleggs >> jessee is a good thing. but now there's a college everywhere. now college y can start a university. >> it doesn't matter. then they bill you for a degree. that's worthless. >> are some people better off not going to college er off? yeah. i mean, i didn't go to college.d idn't i think i'm a million tims better off. i immediately entered the workforce. i think it prepared me betterre for life. i wasn't told to hate america and thd i wasn't coddled all day. i went in and my bosses were like, hey, do your job and shut. up. and until you become the boss, we don't really care about your opinions. so i think it did well for me.. and unless you're becoming a doctor, lawyer becomin, you d need a gender studies degree.
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you're okay. you'll live without it. why didn't you go to collegewh t for me, it wasn't an option. afr i really couldn't afford it, so i went straight into the workforce and thank god, because i would justuld be be it right now like everyone else. >> and now you're crushing it and you're on jesse waters from timew you are . i live in the dream. i, emily, have a great weekend . >> have a good weekend. thanesse: hak you. the all you can eat buffet is a beloveu d american pastime. >> in 1946, the first and bottomless buffet debuted in vegas, where i just was. entry cost $1 and customers were encouraged to eat until they, quote, appeased the howling coyote in their innards. >>d now buffets are everywhere. >> all you can eat all you cane eat. >> all right. when you're ready, take this plate overy, tak. >> please don't take the steam train that man eat all our shrimp and two plastic lobsters . >> he's no man.
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he's a remorseless eating machine. >> once again, the simpsons predict the future because bottomless binge eaters have nearly put red lobster out of business in june. the restaurant made its $20 endless shrimp promotion, a permanent menu option, and by the third quarter, earnings ha d taken a huge hit. >> so they raised the price the of $25, which did nothing. and by the end of last year, they'd lost nearly $13 million because of people likemillio th. >> this is how much shrimp uniquely red lobster for lobst their endless shrimp deal to not only break eve tn, but toprt profit. that unless shrimp costs $20, you have 18 shrimp on your first order on your second order, because the number of goes down to two. we get six times two is 12 shrimp. >> so just after2 order, we have consumed 30 shrimp. at this point, you're profiting . >> and in the green, just aftero two orders and indulging, individuals are putting up some staggering numbers. it's a sport for some.
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>> i mean, they wear their shrimp body count like a badgt e of honor. >> my name's here, and i need i 41 shrimp. my nam atee is david and i 51 shrimp. >> my name's noah, and there's a shrimp number 69. hi. my name is connolly, and i had 74 shrimp. >> i reached my goal. i'm taylor a, and i 100% another shrimp. >> red lobster lost 13 million on never ending shrimp. and now they're rolling out, never ending lobster. million but only for 150 select individuals, not the entire country. >> prime time welcomes food enthusiast eric badlands booker, whose record at red lobster 70 shrimp. >>, all right, eric, isn't thee like a point where it's like you're taking advantage? adv noan, no, no. to ha this is this is like a sportve you got to have, like, a game sy plan. if they going to say endless shrimp, you know, we wanto th
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to put endless shrimp to the test. okay. you know, is thitest s like you have to go in there with the mindset. okay? t, okathe mindset is, you know,s you just come to capacity wisely, you know, get yourget stamina. good. you know, say it, get oda good strategy. as far as strategies, i'm just saying, you know y, avoid dumb cheddar bay biscuits. okay. no carbs, no carbs. all right. s, n and just, you know, avoid any com layer drinks, no soda,o ur all right. and go train your waitress. okay. you got to be likeess., you kno, like wolf of wall street, like matthew mcconaughey. you got to be like, hey, i want to i want shrimp. okay. and seven and a half minutesd aa later, you're going to bring me another one. okay. you can evenlfnutes late do tha. oh, yeah. you know, if you have wha wherttle gas, you know, say, eric, do you see maybe wheree th there's a lineere here in civilized society where you're not to punot tot red lobr out of business? >> it's just a way to,y to you t
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,a lot of food. >> but you don't have to go and destroy the company. >> hey, hey. you know, i know they tried. you know, they used to have thisto hav only guinea shrimp. he became, like, seasonal leader, but they put it on a menun th permanently. come on, now. you know it's time to eat, basically. >> so you're. you're saying this is a chance folenge.u tas asr you take thisl challenge when it's on the menu ? oh, yes. oh, yes. you know, i'm sayingyeoh they sh endless shrimp. i'm there, you know, saying i might come whet con n the sunp and leave when the sun comes down, you know? all right. had the magic come out and just say, that's it. >> okay. : i love you, but you disgust m, eric, and you're welcome here. any time. red lobster. i'm not so sure. you're welcome there. appreciate you. y i love you, too. have a great weekend. please staouy out of red lobste. sink or swim is up next. nsodyn
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live coverage. this is democracy 24. >> your freedom to go and sink or swim time tonight. joe concha charlie arnold and it is getting fiercelyreadye competitive. it is a lo lot ot of accusation a lot of mind games. oh yeah, this is going to be ye. close. i can tell you that would be a good one. help on the way, which republican governor toldlp on th primetime this week that they're sending additional national guard troops down time" thrn borde the southern border. wa was it kristi noem or brian kemp on kristi noem? o'brien kemp ooh, norm kemp, wea have a contrast already today i announced i was deploying national guard down to mexican border forounced the fifth time. >> dangerous. so, no, i really did notthe show the show this week. i had zero idea about that one. >> laura she's throwing it to go behind to launch a comeback. >> let's go with that.
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comelet's w by the way. there you go. they still counts the tax man. we got a very, ver stilly fascig social life. >> you could tell that truth. which formertell. president saii this about taxes. tax rates are too high todays au and tax revenues are too low. and the soundest way to raise cut revenue is in the longd run is to cut the rates. now, was a jfk or the gipper. ooh, i'm going jfk. john f kennedy you go and the gipper. >> that's right. let's say what's popular president of all time tax rate e >>s too high today they're too lowos and the sound and way to raise the revenues in the long runrev, is to cut the rate now. >> well i'm off to a really hot here who's a bad boy commander biden is attackedsecr secret service agents at least 24 times but which whiteet s house press secretary has shown support as commander saying she's never beens shown worriedd him and she's never had any issues before. >> was it the binderd or. >> psaki ooh, i'm going
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bandcamp on this one and one time bandcamp. i'm goinp ong jen psaki. 's we have the same answer here, so i don't know if that he'll probably have this reall y comeboth los many times. i was never married and i didn't realize under , god, we're going to have to make o one extra credit to make it interesting. >> okay, charlie needs to one right now. star-crossed 2 liars. >> new revelations continue to drop this week about fani willi>> jessear-cros. which one of them said under oath that the cell phoneth record thats proving they lied must be wrong. t loverboy or was it? >> i'm going to be wrong.ani? must wrong. >> we just talked about this. >> all right, i'm going. nathan said that you were making phone calls and thank you. good,se when you get this part disbt of 2021 and it was on multiple occasions to phone records will be wrong. yes, it may be wrong, baby. that'swrong. all right.i wa it's not for me. i'm jetlagged.
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i was in colorado earlier this weeks ino and then vegas for tonight. >> i was in vegas for 12 days. really haven't even been here this month. you can't blame me. this is true. carly has excuses. charlie has excuses. they b can i say something, by the way? in the process? excuses. >> cay. haot and this is my call. it's got a ring to it. you go you gt to let charlie. i'm dressing down for the next episode. that was the problem. i lookeddown too nice. t yes, that's true. and it just backfired. coul nice and i please promise o dress down? there you go. i'm promised a win. next tim you we we got some dang anymore. nice job. cheers. i just watched at the time i twice in the same season, but it happened usually. >> let's do a triad.o >> what are the cheers? in case you missed the five,ot i have to promote my book. >> get it together now. available for preorder where bookerw availas are sold? usually we have a little qr code. can camera your phone up to it. >> it'll take you right to amazon. there itu writ is. does it matter how old you are or how you take your camera up there? stick
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but on the camera setting, stick it right into the screen and it takes re sc you to it. you just hit a button, click. it's all yours. iturs. even be signed stillsomet and text messages. >> jackie chesapeake, virginia nancy held joe's and told them that her nephew gavin was replacing him on the balloint. and then biden forgot. corey from jacksonville, corya come on. jesse >> jesse fanning was digging into wade's briefs. it was fani was all business for hourst of document examination. linda from washington fannieamin wasn't lyingatio when she said nobody slept over, no one slapped. >> she did not one perjure hers. that is the bill clinton excuse rod from ohio. >> i grab a beer with eric badlands booker. >> i don't think you could grab anything near that guy. it's all for us tonight.anything i'm waters and this is m


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