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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  February 24, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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grandma: billy, i need help with the clicker. billy: one second, grandma. this guy's going to buy my car. caller: billy? you still there? we gotta deal, right? grandma: you need carvana. grandma: what's your plate number? billy: boss... mov grandma: vehicle accidents, right? billy: no. grandma: good. generating offer. carvana can pick it up tomorrow! billy: that's an amazing offer. billy: but do you still need help with the clicker? grandma: i'll ask your sister. announcer: sell your car the easy way with carvana. hey you, with the small business... ...whoa...
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pete: a noncitizen arrested on the status of a georgia campus. what we know about him and his family. will: illegal immigration crisis with a mass release in san diego. >> atlanta, new jersey, chicago. will: third hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now.
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pete: the university opportunistic south carolina drill line on the other side of that -- drum line on the other side of that brick wall playing hearts out for us this morning and they're up early on a saturday and maybe they'll vote later. double check before you say it on national television. will: the nickname of columbia? pete: i don't. will: we have a quiz later and don't want to jump any questions. pete: would voter to do with kris per columbus. will: do you know? rachel: no. will: soda city. pete: why is that? will: the abbreviation for
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columbia or how people shorten is cola and that morphed into soda city. pete: sounds like a good theory. we're glad you're here with us and psychod to be here on site on primary day and folks at polls an hour in and had a couple people on the program predict record turnout. we'll see. whether that is the case and it's an open primary and not just republicans that could be going. rachel: ainsley air hotter having breakfast with a lot of friends and ainsley, good morning. >> yes, you're on. reporter: good morning. hey, rachel. will, and pete. she came up and >> the economy,
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the economy has to get better. i have grandchildren. grandchil. reporter: are you not spending as much, less shopping? >> less shopping definitely. he was just a great president. we need the chicago to come back strong. reporter: thank you so much. great to see you. okay, ladies. tell me your names and who you're will. >> pamela godwin, south carolina women for trump and official lexington county party chairwoman. >> jennifer red nick and lexington county republican party. >> marcy hall, we're just living in valentine and live ago good life. >> joe hawaii reporter: who do y'all like and voting for?
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>> donald trump. >> donald trump. >> donald trump of course. reporter: what do you like most about him? >> pro america, god, family, country. he's a good man, and we need to bring him back immediately. reporter: i'm going to talk to you coming up. she was standing outside for about 30 minutes before they opened up. back to you in studio. rachel: that you can't, ainsley. pete, we were on laura i think gram and talked to people of -- laura ingram and people of south carolina is not saying i don't like nikki haley, she's a political daughter of the state and don't think she can do the job and look at what donald trump has been through and going through right now, what the stamp tried to do during the four years in office and before he got into office and say the only chance we got is donald trump. that's the kind of message that i'm getting from south
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carolineans. pete: i heard she kind of turned her back and went national and then not loyal. you worked for donald trump and said you supported him and now you're trying to run a kamikaze campaign at the very end when everyone else acknowledged reality and you're in your home state down by 30 points about to lose. question is by how much and watch tonight. this selection day and questions of what is this about. will: here is nikki haley and donald trump. >> it's going to take a lot of courage. courage from everyone here. courage for me to run and courage for every one of you to know don't company about what happens in the general election if you don't vote in this primary.
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going for joe biden is the radical left democrats and we are coming like a freight train in november. rachel: nikki haley at a sad little event compared to donald trump. but the main difference isn't just in the numbers but in the way they're delivering their message. she still thinks she can win over people and trying to win over this primary and donald trump's done with it. you can tell from the speeches and energy in the room and who he's attacking is joe biden is he's already on the general election.
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pete: join us in the fox nation watch party and watching fox news channel and joining us here in south carolina will and rachel will be with me as well as well as a number of special guests. jimmy failla, sean duffy and a few other surprises and we'll break down the numbers too . rachel: it's like more of a party. pete: watch for the official result but like watching with your friends. what would will say about these results as they're coming in. what would rachel say? and whatever i'm going to say, but on fox nation from 7-9. check it out. looking forward to it. will: 7-9? pete: is that going to fit on your calendar?
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will: i signed up and didn't know. i have to be on "fox & friends" tomorrow morning. pete: we all do. you'll be fine. rachel: police revealing the man accused of killing that nursing student, that beautiful girl in georgia is not a u.s. citizen. reporter: police arrested a suspect after the murder of laken riley on the uga campus and he has a apartment in athens but is not a u.s. citizen and police are unclear of his status in the came from venezuela and as you said, police also believe that this was a random, solo act of violence and iberra did not know riley.
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>> the evidence suggested this was a solo act. we took thee or four people in custody and however we're only going to arrest one in this case. >> is there a motive in this case? >> like i said, this was a crime of opportunity. no motive. reporter: we also learned the nursing student died in blunt force trauma and iberra facing a long list of charges including aggravated assault and hindering a 9-1-1 call and strong evidence against the suspected killer and video footage on campus and catching him and riley's sister spoke out on social media yesterday and calling her her built in best friend and saying her sister's death is unfair. the district of georgia confirms to fox that the older brother sun documented and can't say the same thing yet about the
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suspected killer. his brother, jose ibarra was also arrested for possessing a fake green card and it was discovered during the investigation of riley's death. back to you. pete: thank you so much. will: madison, we've been talking about this throughout the morning and the important points as we go through this, first of all, when you have illegal immigrants from venezuela and there's a high probability or likelihood they're coming from the prisons of venezuela. rachel: of course. will: secondarily, ibarra we know was detained, first of all got into the united states of america illegally, detained and released and claimed asylum and diverts the detention and asylum process and then ultimately arrested in new york on a criminal charge and released on that . not ultimately convicted but arrested and released.
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multiple opportunities to have prevenvented this and that'll be discussed by tom homan. new york sanctuary city and unwilling to coordinate with ice and if he'd have been qualified for deportation of that crime and never been told of immigration and custom enforcement and also catching the end of that report from madison. sounds like the brother was here illegally, is here illegally and now there's a death of a college girl on a campus where she felt extremely safe along with her pans. it's shattering. rachel: yeah, this shatters the
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vetting process and this many people coming through and ngos who these people are and where they came from and insult to injury and we are funding in and giving money to the un and we're giving money to ngos in other countries and in our own countries to make this possible. there's blood on the hands of our officials on biden administration on alejandro mayorkas that's repeatedly lied to congress about the security of our border and what's happen willing and you saw illegals on an airplane and i've seen the same thing and in the country less than 30 hours, of course we don't know who the heck they are. of course we don't. then a situation like this. every parent's nightmare, i have a daughter almost the same age as this young beautiful lady. there's a nurse our country could have had that is no longer here today.
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killed by blunt force, by a very evil man who shouldn't have been in the country. this is a shame, bill melugin was at the border talking to some of these illegals. he asked them where are they from and where are they going?>h language]. ecuador. new york. going to new york. [speaking non-english language] costa rica. atlanta. new jersey. [speaking non-english language]. chicago. columbia. [speaking non-english language]. they say they want asylum and don't want to work.
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will: why are they wearing massings? rachel: that's what the government cares about is them wearinessing masks not them being illegal. pete: getting a bus or plane or whatever and hopefully intrepid reporters get to there and a lot going to san diego and the state of texas decided to hold the line on their boarder and possible to do but they don't want to. there are massive street releases and as you heard, they're coming to a neighborhood near you. rachel: by the way, i'm heading to the border after the show tomorrow and i'll come back next week and weekend with reports of myself. will: i'll wear a mask they don't bring or get a respiratory disease. we have priorities right but don't know if they're criminals. rachel: that's assuming that masks work, which we now know they don't work this. whole
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thing is such a scam and this is why nobody trusts our government and why people are anxious for a change in the next election. tunning to headlines now the search for a missing 3-year-old continues on day five and the mother and boyfriend are due in court. dozens of people searching a nearby landfill and police use canines, drones and going door to door. hope they find him. police in wisconsin are looking for a group of teens who were caught on camera stealing nine cars from a jaguar land rover dealership earlier this week. the cars are estimated to be worth more than $583,000. officers are blaming an oranged crime group from the chicago area. one teen has been arrested and two cars have been found.
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police are still investigating earlier in the show pete and i had a spice tack larra taste test trying out one of the world east hottest peppers. will: i'm tasting this. pete: in the break. rachel: do you need creamer? pete: my tongue is numb. will: find out, pete and i are on the show. will: things got a little heated for will and pete but they're hanging in there. all right. rachel: will claim this is is his curious george moment.
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ricker well, pete and will, are you doing the hottest, hottest one? rachel: i told you this was the man. >> going to run and going for noncitizen committed the crime. pete: former acting ice director tom homan reacts to that next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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ricker the man accused of killing georgia nursing student laken riley is not a u.s. citizen and that the suspect did not know the victim. pete: jose antonio ibarra in custody on a long list of charges including felony murder, aggravated assault and kidnapping. will: bring in former acting ice director and former -- tom homan. great to have you back on the show. when you see the details of the illegal immigrant, what sticks out to you? >> the failure of the biden administration and multiple failures we talked about earlier and this guy shouldn't have been in new york and shouldn't have been in georgia.
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he should have been in mexico and remain in mexico program that the trump administration had waiting for asylum hearing and joe biden first week in office i canned the remain in mexico program, which was a game changer in the trump administration. one of the main reasons illegal immigration-was a game changer and they failed him by releasing him from custody after he crossed the border illegally, the federal document said an immigrant arriving without documentation is shall be detained. his wifes in possession of stolen property and eyes would have found him and locked him up because he violated the release. this administration doesn't allow ice to arrest anyone.
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this administration failed this family three times and they're living their worst nightmare. my worst nightmare is to bury one of my children. here's another couple that's got to live this nightmare because of failures of this administration. pete: leadership wants to tell us they're seeking asylum, a better life. they're migrants and why won't they recognize our system is set up to excuse illegality and they're is live out their life conducting crimes? >> what the american people need to know, they can call them asylum seekers all at a time want and ten years of past court and immigration court data and nine out of ten claiming asylum
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at the border and don't qualify for asylum and going for them. had secretary mayorkas own report said if you're detained, you're removed 99 persian of the time and if you're not in detention, you need 6% of the time and they release them and most are going to hearings and not detained and never hearing. don't get too comfortable and next administration we'll come and look for you. the young lady fought for her life and didn't want to die. she had a terrifying moment fighting for her life and this happens all the time. we have 112,000 kids dead on fentanyl and more will die this week because of open borders and
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300 known terrific rihannas crossing the boa boarder and 300 million got aways and we have to take the country back and get to november and get the people out of control and secure the boarder and protect the national security and protect young ladies like this that cutting down the wire and talking about alejandro mayorkas and ngos making money and have blood on their hands and making money and not the whistle blowers telling us what's happening to children coming across and they're hiding it. talktous about that. >> ngos making millions and $117
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a night and $117 a night gets you three square as day and medical attention and legal access and ice detention beds paid for by the taxpayer and empty and already paid for and five types as much foot in the hotel room. jot law clearly says they shall be detained and that's what the trump administration following the law. this administration breaking the law every day and it's disgusting that the american people standing up raising hell
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and demanding change. will: tom, everybody is hoping for some change. not starting but continuing today. we appreciate you putting some perspective on this this morning and on your face. thank you. pete: thank you, tom. will: polls open in south carolina and 50 delegates up for grabs in the palmetto state. lindsey graham is live with ainsley at lizards thickens, next. ♪ rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy.
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reporter: we're at south carolina and voting is underway in the great palmetto state and nikki haley and donald trump and crisscrossing the state throughout the weekend and getting final pitch and here's what trump was talking attack and mentioning what's at stake here. listen. >> there's never been anything more important. we want to aim toward november 5. that's what we need. got to be crooked joe biden if it's going to be him. i don't know if he'll make through the starting gate.
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reporter: all right we're here with senator lindsey graham, thank you for being with us, senator. >> thank you. reporter: primary is today and talking so long and here we are. >> what resinates with the south carolina voter? >> who can beat biden? turn around america. everybody in here has couple things in common. they love our country, they think we're going in the wrong direction and i like nikki, i've known her for a long time but i'm voting for trump, not against her. if you win the south carolina primary, you're going to be the republican nominee. reporter: that's usually the way it works. >> that's the way it works. a reporter: a lot of people like nikki and what she's done for the state and love donald trump. there's few nikki haley supporters smear why is the senator and governor supporting trump versus the former governor nikki haley? >> i endorsed trump before he
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got through the speech and let me tell you why. i didn't know nikki was going to run. i loved him and nikki. i believe donald trump is the right guy at the right time. i had a front row seat for four years and i saw what he was able to do and everybody likes trump policies and wants everybody new. there's no trump policies without donald trump. the chinese were afraid of him, mexico saw what he did to china and said yes, we'd be glad to help you with the illegal immigrant problem. when president, we were producing energy and energy independent, he had the back of the cops and all the bad guys were afraid of him. he killed soleimani in iran and put him in a box. he was tough command in chief, he had the troop's backs and rebuilt the military and didn't get us in any wars so the reason i'm for trump, i think he's been the best president in hi lifetime since ronald reagan and i think he deserves another shot and what they're trying to do to him and his family is a bunch of bs. [ applause ].
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reporter: one more question about the state and the election. you and i were talking earlier and you have a theory about why nikki haley is staying in the race. >> there's a lot of people making a lot of money for her spot in the race and the money is coming in and nikki is, again, i like her a lot and we share a lot of common views about the world and it's time. there's nobody like trump and sometimes, mostly in a good way. nobody like ie got to be presin would say maybe i should get out of ukraine. nobody can do what he's done. he comes in with a record of tremendous accomplishment and i think nikki is thinking somehow it won't work for tram and i want her to make her own decision. there's a lot of money coming in. a lot of people making a lot of money and nobody can beat trump.
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jesus could but nobody else. reporter: talking idf and alabama. you agree with donald trump on this. listen to what he says about what's happening in that state. state >> i strongly support the availability of ivf for couples who are trying to have a precious little beautiful baby. i support it. the republican party should always be on the side of the miracle life and the side of mothers and fathers and beautiful little babies. >> you'd be a good translator. reporter: what's your reaction to that? >> i think he's spot on. let me tell you, fertility clinics allow people having a hard time having children have children. closing them down is closing down life.
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so i reason. we need some regulations about embryos but last i checked nobody was born in a freezer. here's how you get to be a person, a human being. a biological woman births babe i didn't say, to my democratic friends, only a woman can have a baby. trump is right to make sure the clinics stay open. hillary clinton is accusing all of us of being against birth control. that tells me they've run out of things to say. we're not against birth control. we're for life. we're for fertility clinics and want to protect the unborn in a balanced way and we understand these are emotional issues so when you hear the democratic party accuse donald trump and me of being against birth control. that's just a desperate group of people with nothing else to talk about. why aren't they talking about what they did for america because they can't.
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what they're doing to america is hurting us and 80% of the people think we're going in the wrong direction. you're right. we're heading in the wrong direction. tonight we begin to head in the new direction, the right direction when trump wins south carolina tonight. issue reporter: thank you so much. i'm apparently talking to a terrorist supporting putin. >> yes, i'm the first to be a terrorist in my family and we're all proud. reporter: thank you, senator. back to you. rachel: i've been accused of being a putin puppet. we're all in good company. thank you, ainsley. by the way, lots of people saying that your accent is coming back strong. today marks two years since the war in ukraine began and our own ben hall was badly injured covering it. he joins us next on the state of the war. plus, we've got lawrence jones, our good friend. he's caught up with former president trump at the black conservative federation honors
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gala last night for a "fox & friends" exclusive. >> it's never been so dangerous and we're sick. looking at millions and millions of people pouring through the border coming in at levels like nobody has ever seen before, the real number is 18 million people by the time this guy ise finished. chdney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪
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pete: we're joined from the london bureau with more. good morning, benjamin. reporter: good morning, pete. at the beginning everyone thought russia might take control of the country quickly and pushed back and a year ago people thought ukraine might win with u.s. support and in the last couple monarchies there's been a real change. the russians pushing forward. in the last few weeks they've taken the city and now on the offensive in four different
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directions and 40,000 troops in one place, 100,000 in another and the fear is that they may well make real gains in the coming months in they don't get that support from the u.s.. the new york post said ukraine is desperate for help, ammo and no more time to spare. they are looking for congress to put that bill and vote on that bill to try and get to 60 billion that was potentially coming their way and chuck schumer is inside kyiv and hoping to spread the news about why this is so important. what he said earlier. >> without the aid, ukraine will lose the war. with dire con defenses to the united states in the west and told by just about everyone we saw. american ukrainian, military, political, diplomatic. if ukraine >> that's what so
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many people say and it is american support that will move this in one way or the other and we've seen a 500 time administration and those responding to the death and rather than what's happening on the battlefield and looks at sanctions and say those do nothing. the sanctions simply haven't worked or stopped the russian the aggression the russian economy getting more powerful and the gdp going towards the military and pushing in a way and away than before. i think what many of the people are trying to say that support the $60 billion is not how useful that money will be, the weapons they'll buy but trying to explain why it's so important for america to back ukraine and that is perhaps the message
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that's not getting across. pete. pete: benjamin, how has russia circumvented all this and gotten more powerful? they've avoided it all. how? >> time and time again, go back decades and countries that put on the anxiouses find ways around sanctioners and have countries that are allowing some of the technology to get through and turkey as a prime example. they're selling to china and india and more. once you turn a economy into a war machine, putin doesn't mind if the people don't have so much. he's pumping it all into this war and at moment, he's looking for the next ten years, not months. he's doing that in the sanctions and frankly aren't doing much dirt to hold him back.
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pete: benjamin hall, god bless you, brother. former south carolina congressman trey gowdy is coming up next. don't go anywhere. save for college and our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for... it was always for you. seeing you carry on our legacy— i'm so proud. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. setting up the future for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. i did have hearing aids from another company. i was just frustrated... i almost gave up. with miracle-ear it's all about service. they're personable, they're friendly. i'm very happy with them. we provide you with a free lifetime of aftercare. meaning free checkups, cleanings, and adjustments. i see someone new.
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will: foreign president trump campaigning in south carolina last night as a myriad of legal cases weigh on his campaign. that includes the new york civil fraud verdict that just ballooned to a staggering $454 million. here to react is former south carolina congressman and host of sunday night in america trey gowdy and someone that brings unique perspective to this. everybody in my hometown of dallas is in real estate and because of that almost everyone pointed out how odd this is what is happening in new york. everybody in real estate does a dance with their banker over how much the different properties are evaluated at. but new york, now this is something letitia james is bragging about, $454 million fine. >> yeah, well i think everybody in life has a tendency to value what they have in a unique way. here's what concerns me the most, will, you had a attorney
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general and a district attorney who both ran for office saying we're going to target a person. not target a series of crimes, which is what prosecutors out to do and target a person and they were re-warred from 25 and both elected promising to target a individual so if i'm a business in new york, i start thinking, look, the weather is great in texas, people are nice in south carolina, why the heck are we in a state where we could risk this and pay hayer taxes and more crime riddled. >> th-will: that's what kevin o'leary said in new york and tournament of a person and making it clear and the fani -- well, donald trump trial that turned into fani willis prosecutor and corruption scandal and nathan wade, her
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special prosecutor she appeared and appointed donald trump and said he made only so many visits to visit fani willis in the neighborhood and have cell phone data suggesting he went much -- many more types to visit fani willis and now we have this, trey, as well. another special prosecutor with the team and john floyd made something like $4300 through two donations to fani willis' campaign. i mean, that seems like another conflict of interest; trey. >> if i'm donald trump, what i want is a delay and i want this after the election. do you really want to kick
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nathan wade off the case and want him to get someone that actually knows how to prosecute a case? no offense to mr. wade, but he's not a criminal prosecutor. i want to be by someone that, i mean, someone who's a real estate closing attorney. not a former prosecutor. will: yes, really quickly, trey. i only have a second or two. i want to watch that and i was appalled by the entire thing and it was an embarrassment for fani willis and losing control and mostly for full ton county. >> i loved being a prosecutor and best job ever and i don't lie seeing bad lawyering or prosecutors act like politicians. it's the one thing where politics is not supposed to be in the middle of it, we've had a really bad, like, eight years in terms of politics and the law inter-tecting and politics always wins and always trams and
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always bad. will: trey, appreciate you being on the show and talking about these case withs us. check you out on sunday night. star studded final hour of "fox & friends" still ahead. our friend sean hannity is hanging out with lawrence jones and walking right over onset and hanging out with us in the final hour. here he comes. what's up, sean. good to see you, man.
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