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tv   Cavuto Live  FOX News  February 24, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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neil: all right, well, this is it, the south carolina primary is on, and the voters are out. you are looking live at three of the more beautiful palmetto state locales in surfside, greenville and columbia where folks are casting their ballots. 50 delegates at stake here, and the winner takes them all. nikki haley expected to vote about an hour from now, and she's promising to stay in the race no matter what happens in her home state, yep, even if she loses big to donald trump. always fair, always balanced, we'll hear from voters for both candidates. but first, we've got fox team coverage on the campaign trail with alexandria hoff tracking the former president in the state and mark meredith with the former governor of the state. we begin alexandria in columbia. alec. >> reporter: hi, good morning, neil. former president trump has spent very little time or money here in south carolina. the expectation the is that he hasn't really needed to with such strong the polling numbers, but he still wants to see a
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strong showing out here today. last night trump was in the state, he delivered remarks at the black conservative federation gala here in columbia. he spoke for an hour and a half, seldom mentioning nikki haley, listen. >> we sort of don't even talk about her anymore. it's amazing when you do badly in the polls how you don't mention people, isn't it? it's an amazing phenomenon. but we have a big deal tomorrow, and it's so important that everybody get out and and vote, because we want to win by big margins because the big day is november 5th. >> reporter: yeah. the trump campaign says that today is the day that they are shifting their focus 100% to the epogen election. trump -- general election. spectrum by, or trump wants to show his remaining competitor it might not be worth it to hang on for much long or. earlier yesterday he did a get out the vote value rally. he's going to speak at cpac this afternoon, then return to columbia tonight -- [audio difficulty] wide margin victory --
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[audio difficulty] he will have compiled enough delegates to secure the nomination. i do think that turnout's going to be a big questioned today. a lot of people said they didn't know that a primary was happening, neil if. neil: all right. thank you very much for that,s alex. in the meantime, as she touched on here, you need 1215 delegates to close the deal here, so whoever win here gets all 50 delegates. let's say it's donald trump, he's a little over 100. still a long way to go, and that has been sort of like the campaign credo of nikki haley, that this is a long and involved race. mark meredith is in mounter pleasant -- mount pleasant, south carolina. mark. >> reporter: within the next hour we do expect to see the former ambassador, nikki haley, cast her ballot in today's primary. the con contest, no doubt, person for her he. it's her home state and she was twice elected governor. while haley may have the name recognition in this state, it is very clear from the if haley campaign, speaking to them, that they know it is going to be an
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uphill battle today. as alex was mentioning, former president trump still remains the favorite today going into concern he's got the republican establishment of the state behind him. still, haley is urging voters to consider whether or not truly trump could win over independents dependents come november if who could end up swinging this election. >> it's going to take a lot of courage, courage from everyone here. courage for me to run and courage for every one of you to know don't complain about a what happens in a general election if you don't vote in this primary. >> reporter: as neil was referencing, haley as faced a lot of questions about whether she should or would drop out of the race. she kind of says that's a flat if out ridiculous idea based on the small number of delegates awarded so far, and the haley campaign has said it's way too soon to call this contest closed. >> we know that the road is difficult, we know that the math is challenging, but this has never just been about who can win a republican primary.
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no matter what all caps rants trump goes on on twitter about the polls, he will not defeat joe biden in november, and he will drag the entire republican ticket down with him. >> reporter: perhaps what's most fascinating is the last several days the haley campaign has been trying to lower expectations for today's contest but with also looking forward to what they're going within to do next. tomorrow he's -- she's going to head up to michigan, so they're already looking at what's going to happen between now and super tuesday, planning a new ad buy in multiple states no matter what happens tonight here in south carolina. neil? neil: if i know it's a big deal because you're wearing a tie louisiana. [laughter] laugh you've been mr. casual -- >> down here, you've got to have that southern charm. whatever it takes. neil: thank you, mark. look forward to talking to you later in the show. we thought it'd be a good idea to talk to someone who's keen on nikki haley, someone else who's keen on donald trump. sara owens hikes donald trump right now, kind enough to join
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us and give us her take as to why. sara, very good to have you. why donald trump? >> well, i'm trying to figure out where to start. there's so many good reasons. one, he knows what he's doing. he's done it before. two, he has a relationship with foreign countries such as china and russia. whether they're good relationships or bad relationships, a relationship is a relationship at this point. in our nation's turmoil. also he, as someone who's in there, nikki haley is -- [inaudible] and as someone in their 20s, i'm just with, i don't support that. i do not. that was a big turnoff for me as someone in their 20s. neil: interesting. so the economy for you, sara, how much does that factor in, the way things are going right now, what you want to see out of east of these -- either of these candidates? >> the economy is a big, big thing for me. i'm a small business with person, so when the economy is
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doing horrible, i am doing horrible. and donald trump, when he was in office a years ago, that was the best our economy had been in ages. and so i have no reason not to trust that if he's in office again or when he's in office again, that the economy won't be good. neil: now, how long have you lived in south carolina? >> my entire life. neil: so you were there when, obviously, nikki haley was a two-time governor. what do you think of the job she did as governor? >> i honestly, i was so young when she was governor that onreally -- [laughter] much of it, to be very honest. [laughter] but i never heard anything bad. neil: go ahead. okay. so right now your state's doing great, it's a strong state. it's obviously an important state politically. after this state do you think that whatever is going on the party can gather around who ultimately becomes the nominee?
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it looks like strong chance it's donald trump, but obviously nikki haley's trying to change that. do you think the party can be united behind whoever it is? >> i think that if they put their personal feelings behind themselves, then they can. they truly can. but it seems like there is a lot of just little arguments back and forth that they need to get over and put behind them in order to rally together behind whoever wins. neil: that's well said. sara, i wish you well. we'll see how the day unfolds. sara owens voted for one donald j. trump today, a registered south carolina voter. there's been a lot of early voting as well, better than 200,000. we're going to get into that a little bit later. now a donald trump, you know, not necessarily. keen viewer, this one is for nikki haley, not necessarily keen on the former president. i hope i'm pronouncing that recollect are -- correctly. you're for nikki haley are.
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why not donald trump? >> thank you, neil, and you pronounced it beautifully. there is no comparison for me. moral clarity is really important. i don't think we need somebody who can't string a sentence together and takes, you know, the side of dictators over our military. every time he speaks it is just -- i'm scared somebody's going to come after the united states. and selling golden shoes online is his way of fund raising? if that, to me, is not moral clarity. that is not a man who can lead are our country and be president. finish. neil: you know, bhavna, you mentioned he can't string a sentence together. others might quibble with you and say joe biden is the guy like that. is it just the old guy thing, two old men who look more likely
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to be their parties' nominees right now, or is it something deeper the many. >> no. i think the problem is they're both at the same stage of life, and, listen, my parents are in their 80s, and they would agree that at their age there is a stage and a season for everything, and that time has passed for them. if the staff and the teleprompter are running the machinely for the united states, t not a good look. it doesn't matter if it's donald trump or biden. and in that matchup, trump is going to lose. democrats are going to have it. so if we want a new age leader, somebody who has vision, who can serve two terms and can bring our country back and right the ship, it's nikki. it has to be nikki. neil: it's interesting, people who tend on -- depend on their living are looking at a prompter. joking this there.
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laugh let me ask you -- >> you don't need it, neil. i don't need it either. neil: right, right. no, you clearly don't. let me ask you a little bit about the from friction between these two candidates, nikki haley and donald trump. donald trump and a lot of husband supporters are saying, nikki haley, you've got to get out of this race. you're not going to win today, you're going to have a devil of a time gathering any delegates on super tuesday less than, what, two weeks away. so just pack it up, maybe save it for '28. what do you say when you hear that? >> neil, that's not how the system works. this is not a coronation. it is not preorr -- preordained and decided. and since when does a man get to tell another man, or a woman for that matter, to get out of the way? hey, get out there and debate her. may the best person win of -- win. neil: do you think that donald trump has been saying he is the
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favorite in the republican party, a little tighter poll wise when it comes to a general election whereas with they'llly in a general election seems to do better versus joe biden, but she has a heck of a hurdle getting there. are you worried finish i don't know if you're a republican registered voter. i think you are, but does that worry you, that donald trump -- whatever your thoughts about hia general election? >> most certainly. it's the new marquette poll, it's 59-41 if nikki is the nominee. of with trump as the nominee, it's a dead heat with the plus or minus 3. there's just no comparison. if you pick donald trump, you are picking biden. if you pick nikki, we're going to get the white house. and i'm, i think, or you know, that's a really interesting question about being a
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republican, registered. i've lived in south carolina for 35 years. i don't think i've ever voted democrat. but i am a very independent person, and i think that the republican party right now, it's lost. it's missed all the poem that are in the middle. -- all the people that are in the middle. and there's still time. we need to be brought back in. neil: well, we'll watch closely. you did very well without a appropriator, young lady, so i very much appreciate that -- prompter -- happy voting today. >> thank you so much. neil: i assume you've already voted or you do plan to later today? >> you know, neil, it's great, this is the first time we've had early voting, and i did vote on tuesday. and it was wonderful. and i looked around to see, like, who was, who was voting with me, and thank you for calling me a young lady. i'm 56. but it was a lot of people my age, i tire's, a lot of --
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retirees, a lot of women. and i think that is who we are looking at. we are looking at the women, because moms want the country for our children and our grandchildren. with we want the candidate that is going to look out for us and and put our needs if is which if our future -- and our future generations' needs first. not their self-serving business interests or political rivalries as trump has said that is his first day, that's what he's going to do. neil: all right are. he's since tried to clarify that, that success will be his revenge, but we shall see. very good having you -- >> very nice to meet you. neil: we'll see how it all sorts out later on today. in the meantime, lucas tomlinson is taking a look at the president might be doing an about face on the border, but it's something that maybe some will like. others will say, wait a minute, this is a bit of hypocrisy. lucas, what's going on?
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>> reporter: that's right, neil. republicans are demanding that president biden go back to some of those trump era policies that he scrapped on his first day in office with those ec etive actions. i'll have the latest after the break. m! kevin...? i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too! starting with the sound system... that's caaaaaaaaash. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? life doesn't stop for a cold. honey... honey... dayquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu symptom relief with a honey-licious taste. dayquil honey, the honey-licious, daytime, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever, power through your day, medicine.
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>> the president has suggested over and over for the last couple of weeks that, gosh, golly, i wish congress could act, give me some authority to do manager. he knows that's not true. >> [inaudible] just give me the power. i've asked from the very day i entered office, give me the border patrol, give me the -- [inaudible] give me the people who can -- [inaudible] if. >> president biden could use his executive authority now to stop it, but he refuses.
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neil: all right. that pregnant pause because he has decided to use executive power, and a lot of republicans aren't too keen on that because he's what he is doing with that power and these executive orders. they're way other my head, but i know i go to lucas tomlinson is, he's been following this at the white house. the president is reversing himself on something he said he couldn't do, that had to wait for republicans to give him the authority to do it. they don't like what he's doing, it's a mess, but where does it stand? >> reporter: well, neil, president biden is here at the white house this weekend hosting governors from about three dozen states. he spoke to them yesterday. he blamed congress for the mess at the southern border and the crisis. he made no mention of any if potential executive actions he could take and many demanded he do. >> petty politics intervene. the speaker of the house has refused to vote on the bill even though, again, there's significant support. everybody, every republican -- talk to your republican colleagues. there are the votes in that, on
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that floor to pass that bill. >> reporter: republicans say biden can go back and reverse those executive actions he did on his first day in office and and bring back some of the trump era policies. three times more migrants have is arrived at the u.s. southern border under biden's first three years in office hand donald trump's entire term. here's peter doocy at the white house briefing room yesterday on this matter. >> reporter: as a candidate, president biden was telling people to come to the border. >> we're a nation that says if you want to flee and you're fleeing oppression, you should come. >> reporter: what has changed since then? >> i don't have the context of this quote that you're giving me, but what i will say is this: the president took this issue very seriously of what is happening at the border and if what -- the immigration system as a whole. >> reporter: congressman chip roy alleges that the white house is doing this on purpose to bring more than 7 million migrants to the southern border in order to get votes in the future. >> of course he's going to head
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into election season and try to constrain the numbers, but it's all going to be a fiction. he'll come in with some orders, he'll move the numbers around so there aren't big groups of people in eagle pass, del rio or drop the numbers down in california, but meanwhile, they'll keep running a whole lot of people through the ports of entry. >> reporter: and, neil, the white house and pentagon are also monitoring this balloon that is traversing the country right now, keeping an eye on that. pentagon official says this is little timmy's science experiment, he's got a healthcare of a budget, and president biden is set to meet with g7 leaders virtually to discuss ukraine, today being the 2-year anniversary of russia launching its full scale invasion. recall last year president biden went to kyiv to mark the anniversary. neil? neil: amazing. it never stops. lucas, thank you very much. lucas tomlinson at the white house. well, donald trump did not get his wish. he has $450 million he has to pay as part of that civil settlement right now.
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it's hardly settled. he wants to appeal if it. he wanted more time to at least put up this dough. he's not getting it. if fallout -- the fall fallout, after this. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards you're so much more than just a landowner. you're a gardener. a groundskeeper. and a landscaper. that's why you need versatile, durable kubota equipment.
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neil: all right, this civil penalty that donald trump has to pay is a lot more than the $354 million you heard. it actually balloons by another $100 million with back interest, and now the word from the judge in the case work at the behest and the recommendation of the attorney general of new york, letitia james, donald trump is not going to get any special dispensation to push back paying this money, money he's going to have to put up anyway as he continues to appeal this. madeleine rivera has more from washington. >> reporter: good morning, neil. the clock is ticking for former
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president trump to address rough wily $454 million in fines and interest in his new york civil fraud case. on top of that, he's racking up more than $100,000 of interest each day until it is paid. trump now has 30 days to appeal after the judgment was finalized friday which they have promised to do. and according to new york attorney general's office, trump has to post bond or deposit sufficient funds with the court. the amount will line lick -- likely be at least the full amount of the judgment and maybe some additional funds. this comes after judge arthur the edge ron rejected efforts to delay the judgment with engeron saying they have failed to justify any basis e for a state. -- stay. trump took a swipe at the judge's decision. >> well, nobody's ever heard of such a thing. he comes out with a verdict, and you're supposed to put up a bond. you have to go to a bonding institution, it takes a period of time.
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it's a sham. it's a horrible thing. >> reporter: new york attorney general letitia james is determined to make trump pay p. she is potentially eyeing properties from his sprawling real estate portfolio like 40 wall street and trump tower if he can't cover his fine. >> if he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, then we will seek, you know, a judgment enforcement mechanism in court, and we will ask the judge to seize his assets. >> reporter: also on friday trump's attorneys asked a federal judge to delay the enforcement of the $83 million verdict in the e. jean carroll defamation case saying the damages are excessive and will likely be reduced or eliminated on appeal. neil. neil: madeleine, thank you for that. want to go to andy mccarthy, form former assistant attorney, fox news contributor. legally, can the state attorney
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general -- do this, enforce this and seize the buildings of donald trump's to enforce this? >> well, neil, if it gets to the point where trump is out of appeals and he doesn't pay what he owes, then she could start executing on his property. but, you know, we're a ways from that. and the whole point of the process of appeal where they force you either to put up the money if you're liquid enough and pay that into the court or get a bond where the bondsman will demand that the bond will secured by properties so the bondsman could execute on the property if you fail to fulfill your obligations, the whole point of that process is to ensure the court that if you, if you're given an appeal, that if you lose the appeal, you'll pay up. so we're a ways away from her executing on property. neil: andy, you know, this isn't just trying to get bond money or
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collateral to cover a relatively small fine or an amount. this is almost half a billion dollars. >> right. neil: surely, they know he's good for it. so, i mean, there would seem to be some wiggle room here, but they're having none of it. and then this is the issue of almost a cabal this looks like with the state attorney general working hand in hand with the judge. at first i thought this was an outside judge ruling on this. no, it's still engeron. it just seems a little unseemly. >> yeah, i think it's an unseemly rush to get all this done, neil. as the report we just heard made clear and quite connectly so -- correctly so, there's interest racking up on this judgment every day. neil: right. >> so if you give trump two weeks or 30 days so he can work out a bond or whatever he needs to do to appeal, it's not like the state is going to be left holding the bag. every day the interest accrues. neil: $87,000.
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87,000 a day. go ahead. >> i think it's, i think it's more than that. i read $112 this morning, but i think that9 cans for the -- accounts for the interest on top of the $355 million. neil: wow. >> it's not like they're going to be prejudiced if they give him a reasonable amount of time to put together, you know, a package so that he can appeal. which, if he pays, he has a right to do. if this had been a straightforward proceeding that wasn't so freighted with politics, neil, i would say, you know, look, they have a reasonable position. his, what they provedded at trial, according to them, is that he inflated his assets. and as a result, they're entitled to go to court and say, look, he's not a public company, and we've already shown he inflated his assets, so we we don't know if he's good for the judgment money or not. if they wanted to take that position legally, that wouldn't be an unreasonable one. but i think this case has been
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so freighted with politics that it looks like they're being vin kicktive. and when they -- vindictive. and when they decline even the most reasonable thing like, you know, put together a package so that he can appeal and in the meantime they're not being hurt because the interest is accruing, you just have to look at this and say this is simply vindictive politically. neil: yeah. and if it wasn't donald j. trump and it was someone else and you're seizings assets from them to cover, in this case a building to cover this cost that he isn't shirking, he recognizes he has to do it and will provide the funds to do it, it just seems a little bit more than a legal maneuver here. that's what might be grounds for an appeal. what do you think? >> well, i just think on on the part of the judge, you know, the court is supposed to be the institution that makes sure you get a fair shake even if the government so are pressive.
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and -- so pressive. and here engeron knows this is not the only thing on trump's dance card. we've got this other $83 million he's got to post as well. neil: yeah, the e. jean carroll post. as andy was wrapping up there, we're learning right now via griff jenkins, bill melugin, from i.c.e. and dhs sources that the 26-year-old suspect charged in the murder of that student at the university of georgia campus is a venezuelan national who crossed illegally into this country, specifically into el paso, texas, in september '22, and he was released into the u.s. via parole. we'll have more after this. some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. not one based on paul. you don't want to ride with paul. or sarah, not today anyway.
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neil: you probably heard that joe manchin is not running for president. he told me why, but more to the point, who he's still not sure he's sporting for president: take a look. >> i'm hoping joe biden would come back to what he said is he was in 2020, the person i've over in forever, and be more centrist, or center-left maybe -- neil: he's not. he's not doing that. >> well, he'd better hurry up. neil: let me ask you a little bit about what it's time, a lot of people said decency, it might be a good idea to return to
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civil discourse here -- >> listen, you know what would be something? neil: well, it'd be a concept, because nikki haley is speaking today to supporters, she was bringing up criticism that president trump had of her husband, and it got fairly motional. i want you to respond to this. >> sure. >> i wish michael was here today, and i wish our children and i could see him tonight, but we can't. he's serving on the other side of the world. where with conflict is the norm, wherists hide among the innocene among the innocent, where iran's terrorist proxies are now attacking more than troops. neil: she was responding to donald trump's criticism of her husband not campaigning with her as if with nefarious intentions.
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it sickened a lot of people, and she responded this way today. do you think someone who makes those kind of charges has the moral fiber to be president of the united states? >> the charges that donald trump has made on nikki's husband and not even having the civility or decency to say my heart and prayers go out to the haley family, just common decency that that most americans have, absolutely not. neil: he doesn't respond to these events as a typical human beings might. now, that might vary, he's still very popular in the republican party. if he becomes president -- obviously, without your support as things stand now -- do you have any fears for the country? how -- would he be worse than joe biden who economically and some other matters people would tell you has been a disaster?
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what do you say? >> let me just say this, whenever our president is elected, duly elected by the people which joe biden was done, which donald trump was done in 0167, i'm -- 2016, i'm going to do everything i can to help my president be successful. neil: want to be clear, you would apply that to donald trump who you said i love my country too much to vote for donald trump -- >> i'm not going to vote for -- neil: -- are worried, some are saying it would be a vendetta tour and that's something to worry about. do you subscribe to that? >> you'd hope that the we could have reason, sit down and make sure he doesn't use the vengeful, vindictive tone he's been touting right now and use a common decency that we all have and have to have in this type of civility, in a civil country that we have. so, or you know, let's see what happens there. i do not -- i will not support someone who's told me what they're going to do and how they're going to govern. but if they're in that position, i'm going to try to work with
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them to bring them back to common sense civility. neil: all right. i'm not sure in the end where joe manchin was going with that. he doesn't sound like he would support donald trump as president, do everything that he can so that donald trump doesn't e peat some of his bad behavior. that's in the eye of the beholder. donald trump has said repeatedly what he really offers for americans is success, that it will not be a vendetta campaign, that that's all trumped up, no pun intended, by the media. lee carter, francesca chambers back with us, "usa today" white house correspondent. francesca, let me ask you about that a part of it where donald trump has been saying this has been blown out of proportion, i'm not going to be vindictive, i have nothing toot with a vendetta -- to do with a vendetta, my success for the american people is my best revenge. i'm paraphrasing there. joe manchin has clear doubts about that. how is that resonating among voters, do you think, nationally? >> well, here in south carolina
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this is something i've heard repeatedly from nikki haley's voters, reasons why they're supporting her in this race, and we heard her say tuesday to all americans when he was compelling them to come out and vote that voters deserve a choice in this election not just in the republican party, but she believes they deserve a choice between trump and biden and other options, in this case herself. but i'm hearing from voters here and in the early primary states that they could consider voting third party in this election if that's an offense because they're just frustrate by the fact that their choices are these two, two men who are, you know, one is 77 and one is 81. the age factor is a real concern for many americans. neil: you know, lee, that's been the conundrum of candidate donald trump, right? if i mean, if you think about it, very popular with the base in the party who like his policies and his performance in office, obviously, before covid and everything was thrown up in the air, but not necessarily everything about his personality and his peaks and his -- piques
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and his anger and and all of that. but in the republican party, that has not been an issue or a problem, the latter. in a a general election, it might be. how do you see this sorting out? >> well, i think it's really interesting because in 2016 we look at the moderate voter which represents about 36% of americans, and they broke for donald trump. in 2020 they broke for joe biden. what's going to happen today? i think a lot of what we're seeing with moderate voters is that they're disengaged and disenfranchised. they don't like either choice, and that could mean that they're going to stay home or, as francesca just said, they might go to a third party. that's why we're seeing the numbers that you have for kennedy and others, because they don't want to hold their most and vote for either trump or biden. they're not willing to say, you know, i'm going to take a chance on these guys because they've seen what heavy done. and they, in many cases, can't forgive some of the thingss that they've seen.
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joe biden has promised to be a moderate, a unifire, and he hasn't delivered on that -- unifier. donald trump propsed to be, you know, to deliver a lot of things that he hasn't delivered x a lot of people aren't willing to take the chaos that comes with donald trump. that said, when you look at some of the issues that matter the most, the economy, 55% say they prefer donald trump to joe biden. immigration becoming the number one issue now that surpassed, surpassed the economy, and now that is braching significantly for donald trump. breaking significantly. if so the question is going to be are people going to go out and vote, number one. number two, what's the issue that's going to drive them to the to polls? inflation and the economy? is it going to be immigration, or is it going to be increasingly what we're seeing people get more and more concerned ab a, abortion, and now what's happening in alabama with ivf. neil: you know, francesca, when i raised the issue of staying in the race as nikki haley has and intends to con no matter what
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happens today, we do bring up this friction that it's causing among trump supporters and that she's even dividing the party. she obviously doesn't believe that's the case. i want you to react to nikki haley framing why she's sticking it out. this is nikki haley. people talk about momentum, that if you do poorly in your own state where you were a very popular two-term governor, then it's lights out. >> we're going to close that gap in south carolina, and the day after south carolina i'm headed to michigan. and three days after that michigan votes. and within ten days of south carolina, twenty states vote. what is everybody so afraid of? why don't we let those states vote? neil: what do you make of that? how is she hurting the party ticking it out? if -- sticking it out many. >> well, nikki haley has said that she plans to keep fighting until super tuesday and then this week setting an expectation maybe even beyond that, potentially even to the convention. the trump supporters that i talked to yesterday had mixed opinions about this. obviously, or they'd like to see
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donald trump be the nominee of the party, but some of them said that, you know, she's welcome to stay in the race as long as she wants and that's her choice. but there is a sense among some republicans that the longer nikki haley's in the race, the more that drains donald trump's war chest and makes it harder for him to start facing off against joe biden. he is in the state of south carolina, rather, he will be again later on today holding another event, an election night event, and that means he's not in battleground states. so there's an argument that it would be better, but, of course, haley's camp argues he has the better chance in polling of beating joe biden anyway. neil: all right. we hall see. ladies, thank you. breaking news we're getting concern alexei navalny, of course, who died in a siberian prison. a lot of people say that vladimir putin was behind it. then there was the holdup on getting his body released. now we learn that navalny's body has, indeed, head -- been headed
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to his mother. we don't know whether the rumors are true that he's going to be buried on the grounds of the same siberian prison in which he has been held for the better part of a couple of years. right now though, his mom finally has her son's body.♪ we'll have more after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (♪) your ancestry is so much more than names and dates. (♪) c'mon! it's the story of your family - then and now. a story that made your name mean something.
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neil: it took a lot, but alexei navalny if's body has been handed over the his mother. she had been request requesting it. when she first showed up, they couldn't find the body or said it was not to be had. the body has been handed over to the mother. we don't know what funeral arrangements are other than the plan at least on the part of vladimir putin to make sure he is buried at the siberian prison grounds. so we'll be following that and the reaction to all of this in the united states with up to 500 new sanctions against russia not only on this 2-year anniversary of the war in ukraine, but
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vladimir putin and his continued role in that and the navalny death. griff jenkins has more. >> reporter: hey, neil. here we are at the 2-year mark, and there's little evidence that existing sanctions are stopping putin's war machine. but the white house, neil, says this new package of sanctions which you mentioned hits some 500 targets, touches on 26 countries and includes people connected to navalny's death. >> the u.s. government has designated over 4,000 entities and individuals in response to russia's war on ukraine over the past two years, the strongest set of sanctions ever imposed on a major economy. and we will continue. we will continue to take actions to insure mr. putin pays a steeper price for his aggression abroad, the repression at home. >> reporter: but, neil, it doesn't appear putin is feeling the pain. sanctions so far haven't stopped the network of back door entities helping russia evade
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sanctions with china, india and brazil buying cheap russian oil in record amounts, propping up russia's a economy. retired general jack keane had this observation -- >> to give you a sense of it, russia's gdp growth is in excess of 3%. that is staggering when we're supposed to put them on their heels and in the tank. >> yeah. >> also they're spending 9% of gdp, 9% of their gdp is on defense. they've on a war fight. that's almost twice as much as a what the united states is spending. we've got a lot of work. >> reporter: meanwhile, russia appears to be advancing on the offensive with ukraine desperately in need of more u.s. military aid, neil. neil: thank you for that, griff. speaking of ukraine, you might remember this young mom, we were talking to her just as the invasion was on. she was scared, she was worried. two years later she's back with us, and she's still concerned and very worried. after this. >> russia's coming, and they are just killing us.
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous.
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neil: all right, let it be said that this was the week that artificial intelligence didn't look so artificial anymore, not when nvidia was making money hand over fist. it's a stock that's essentially been doubling every couple of months. they've got all the major is averages into record territory, the nasdaq just pulling back from that. this is a stock that, again, has seen its revenues and demand for it products and chips that really power the whole a.i. phenomenon. luke lloyd on whether that's justified, strategic wealth partners' investment strategist, with us. >> hey, neil. it really amazes me how narrow-minded some people are being with artificial intelligence in general and just
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focusing on nvidia. if you're thinking you missed out on this wild ride with nvidia and a.i., you haven't missed out at all. i wouldn't chase nvidia thinking it's the only option. a.i. is projected to add 30% to corporate profits over next decade, and if you add up i all the companies in the s&p 500, they're all worth ash -- about $43 trillion. if you add 30% to corporate profits, that could be worth tens of trillions of dollars in market cap over the next decade. that's outside of nvidia. so the question we all have to answer, anyone with an investment account, where are the areas that are going to best benefit -- neil: where are they then? because we know that microsoft, amazon, you know, alphabet, meta platforms, they all buy these chips x they're all committed to buying billions of dollars more, but there must be other players because they've been huge runups themselves. >> it is everywhere, neil. and and i'm not talking about even just wall market i'm not talking about everyone technology stock out there.
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i'm even talking about small business, main street america that's going to implement a.i. today bottom line to add productivity to their business. it's the whole entire stock mark, right? when you allocate to the stock market, get that diversification, you can get a.i. plays essentially anywhere. we're looking within technology, stocks really, truly implementing technology this year, artificial intelligence solution, stocks like accenture, stocks like intuit and tax software, right? those kind of philosophies and ways of thinking is where you want to position your money this year. neil: luke, thank you very much for that. i apologize for the truncated time. full disclosure, i own nvidia, i have for many, many years when my son was a gamer. just want to get that out here. we're also following what's happening right now in south carolina. nikki haley is expected to vote pretty soon. she also is expected to talk to reporters. we're following both. stay with us. this way has people who start early.
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