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tv   Cavuto Live  FOX News  February 24, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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>> you didn't hear it from me, but there's a primary going on in the palmetto state today. south carolina's 50 delegates are up for grabs. the winner takes all, they're not apportioned out like for some states. donald trump who has been leading by a country mile, that could be 50 additional delegates he picks up. you never know. things can change fast. and we're waiting to hear from nikki haley, she's voting and might talk to the press. and more from columbia, south carolina, alexandria. >> yeah, the trump team is dedicating 100% to the general election, dismissing any prospect of a loss here in south carolina. the polls have consistently shown the former president up by 26 to 33 percentage points
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in the state, that's a strong margin, but a really strong one is what he's after. he held out a get out the vote rally. here is what he said. >> honestly, we're not too worried about tomorrow. we want to aim toward a time called november 5th, that's what we need. november 5th. got to beat crooked joe biden. >> well, last night, trump spoke for an hour and a half at the black conservative at columbia and he said the teleprompter wasn't working and hardly mentioned haley at all. trump spent little compared to haley and the campaign believes after a win today by mid march he will have secured enough delegates to have the nomination in the bag. he'll be speaking at cpac
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before returning to south carolina for a watch party tonight and we heard from south carolina governor henry mcmaster casting his ballot here. he told reporters he's known nikki haley for a long time and by voting for former president trump today he's voting for president trump, not against nikki haley. neil. neil: a tough way to thread the needle, i guess. thank you for that, alex. mark meredith right now in mt. pleasant, south carolina. >> and nikki haley has been lowering expectations, yes, a native of the state and spent time crisscrossing the palmetto state, but know the odds are against them. she's been in the lowcountry as you mentioned and voting here in the next few minutes and she'll be voting not too far from charleston, proper. she's on the stump and asking americans to do soul searching and furious that trump has not
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decided to do the traditional debates that have been happening in the primary contest. we need to be asking the questions, i would ask him, but he won't debate me. and i look at this selection, it's been a year since i announced i was running. we had 14 people in this race. i defeated a dozen of the fellas. i just have one more fella i've got to catch up to. >> haley is also ruling out any possibility of joining the former president as his running mate if he were to get the republican nomination. there have been the rumblings for months would haley want to be the vice-presidential candidate and she spoke to bret baier and ruled out, that's not going to happen. and no matter what happens with the contest, they believe her message could resonate well beyond the primary election. >> i supported trump the last
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time. i just feel, to be honest, the amount of damage that the country has undergone under joe biden we need a candidate who can serve eight years, i think we'll need eight years to fix the damage that's been done. >> i want to show you, neil, this is surprising to me at least how big the crowd is in mt. pleasant to come out and vote. we're at an elementary school, the line is as far as the eye can see and considering it's just a primary with only a few names on the ballot you would imagine it wouldn't take so long for people to vote, but an indication there's high turnout in today's primary and the polls closing at 7:00. we'll get the results not too long after that, neil. neil: thank you for that, mark meredith. and the g.o.p. fundraiser and doug schoen, pollster. i'd like to step back and discuss with you, noelle, starting with you, the argument that nikki haley has, i'll do much better in a general
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election, we have much better odds with me being the republican nominee taking down the incumbent president than the other guy. i'm enough to remember george h.w. bush making the argument he's too unknown, too wild a conservative to get a shot of beating jimmy carter and yet he wins in a landslide. i can remember henry scoop jackson who made pretty much the same argument about jimmy carter in 1976 and carter squeeked in regardless. my only point here, noelle, is who says? who says at this point in time you're the better, you know, election night candidate for the big election when we just don't know? >> well, neil, you've got to remember who she is surrounding herself with and these are people that are encouraging her to stay in the race. they're writing checks, a lot of big donors and they're coming at her from the anti-trump point of view.
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they are coming to her probably the same types of people that surrounded ron desantis, stating that he would be better in the general. and i think that that is the only argument because trump has already-- you know, his policies everybody liked, it was his bedside manner. what she's trying to say is the message is, i am a more palatable candidate so, you know, ignore trump and put me in there because i'm a sure bet. and you're right, nobody knows for sure. i think that they are just banking on the fact that, you know, there's been so much angst about donald trump's personality. you're right, nobody does know and it seems like in a primary, republican voters did have a chance to voice that and they're not, they're behind trump overwhelmingly. neil: you know, doug, it doesn't always work out. of course, you were a student of history and even in your own party and i think of george
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mcgovern and he had the nomination locked up and many feared he wasn't mainstream, and a running mate thing. long story shortest' wiped out in a landslide so their fears were justified. what do you think? >> i think with the polls now showing trump consistently leading joe biden nationally and in the swing states, a small margin, some within the margin of error, but trump is ahead, the argument that nikki haley and her supporters make largely falls on deaf ears. now, if trump, as mcgovern was trailing badly and nikki haley was ahead, i think the argument would have much greater force, but as we sit here today, noelle is right, people prefer trump's policies and they have doubts about him personally, but as we sit here today, the cognitive problems of joe biden
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are more prescient and powerful to people than are concerns about donald trump, his personality and his legal issues. neil: you know, we're so focused on the republicans and little infighting. i say little infighting amongst two candidates, we forget what don peebles, a player in the democratic party, helped barack obama get elected, had little good things to say about joe biden in a conversation i had with him. i want your reaction to him. >> i think the democratic party should turn the page. president biden wants to be a transitional president and i said on your show that he would be president and kamala harris would be waiting in the wings and learning it become president, i think she's disappointed a lot of people, including me, and i think that the team that's in place now ought to step aside. i don't see how he can beat
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donald trump. neil: he polls well against donald trump at this point, but you both said it very eloquently far more than i did, time will tell essentially, but i do want your reaction, noelle to this division and concern growing on the left that they're hooking up with the wrong horse here. what do you make of that? >> oh 100%. and bravo to peebles for actually stating that. it's actually true. it's like the elephant in the room. everybody, you know, i've got a couple of friends that are democratic consultants and they're disgusted with the fact that joe biden is basically kind of a walking ghost and the sidekick, kamala harris, i'm not trying to be funny, she's just not ready for primetime. they know this. anybody, any consultant with a brain knows that this pair, you need to scrap it and start from scratch and i think don peebles
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actually stated that and for a democrat, especially where he is a -- you know, he's very, very powerful for him to state on that fox, that's a pretty big deal. i think that everybody feels the same way that these two people are not ready for primetime. all kinds of rumors and republicans asking me is michelle obama going to end up being replaced with joe biden, is gavin newsom, what's going on? it's the rumor because nobody really feels confident in joe biden's cognitive skills. neil: all right. that all might be the case, doug, but again, against donald trump, they poll fairly evenly within the margin of error, it varies by polls. i look at real clear politics, average and donald trump a little ahead. if biden were a complete disaster he wouldn't be doing as well as he is. asking said that, there is frustration about how many people turn out election among the democratic base if they
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don't like the guy at the head of the ticket. what do you think? >> oh, i think that's absolutely right and what noelle said is what's going on with other democrats that i've talked to and as a democratic consultant who hopes he has at least a little cognitive ability of my own left, i see the same thing you both have been discussing. the real question, will joe biden at the convention or shortly before maintain his status in the polls as you say within the margin of error of donald trump? will his cognitive abilities allow him to go forward? if they don't, yes, kamala harris is the most likely candidate, but with two, three months to go, if that vacancy occurs, i think there will be a very real question among democratic leaders, including my friend don peebles and many others, whether michelle obama should put her name forward as a candidate. it remains an open question by
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no means decided. neil: yeah, it's wild. anything could happen. that seems like a leap to get there. but, guys, thank you very much. we're waiting for nikki haley. she's voting in kiawah island, or will shortly and we're getting ward 26-year-old man accused of killing an augusta nursing student was indeed in this country illegally and that's fueling fears right now where there's one, could there be others? how widespread is this concern, isolating this case, and what happened after this. # car payments are getting out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles. 30,000 followers tina in a boutique hotel. or 30,000 steps tina in a mountain cabin.
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said, it was named oddyseus. and the stock 20 some add percent even though it had some problems when it landed on the lunar surface, and somewhat on its side, mimics what the japanese did. and it's operating, and sending back stunning pictures of the south region of the moon and it's spectacular to watch, to put it mildly. in the meantime here, we're following other developments that bear a good deal of attention right now, including what we're learning all the time about this attack of this woman allegedly at university of georgia campus. madison scarpino has more. >> neil, fox has confirmed with
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ice and dhs services, antonio ayibarra is an illegal who crossed illegally in el paso, texas in 2022 and released into the u.s. he had his first court appearance this morning just a bit ago for the murder of nursing student laikin riley. the judge denied him bond. this happened when she was going on a run on the uga campus. police also believe that ibarra did not know riley and that this murder was random and a crime of opportunity. we learned from uga police that the nursing student died from blunt force trauma. he's facing a long list of charges, including malice murder, felony murder, aggravated assault and hindering a 911 call among other charges and police say there is strong evidence against the suspected killer. and video footage on campus, neil, was really vital in catching him, police say.
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her sister spoke out saying she was her built-in best friend and this is unfair. another piece of information. the suspect's older brother was also arrested for possessing a fake green card and that happened during the investigation of riley's death, neil. neil: thank you for that. if we get any more details we'll pass those along for you. madison on this story in athens, georgia. we're following a couple of stories, not only nikki haley to make a statement or talk to reporters, after voting in kiawah island in south carolina, the big primary today. 50 delegates at stake and the winner takes all 50 delegates. we'll watch closely. the president to break out the executive pen? it's one thing when he does it on border issues that a lot of republicans have been saying what took you so long, quite another when he applies it to forgiving more student loan debt and they say he really
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doesn't have the prerogative and power to do that because the supreme court told him months ago that he can't, but he does. after this.
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>> all right. this just in from kiawah island, south carolina, where nikki haley a short time entered the voting booth to vote. this is her home state and two time governor and popular in the state, but various polls not nearly as possible as the president, the former president donald trump. i believe she was voting and attending with her parents in kiawah. she might make some statements when she's done voting. in the meantime, take you to the white house, a place where nikki haley wants to be and a place where donald trump wants to return and the focus is on the president's use of executive orders and just a
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swipe of the executive pen to forgive more student loan debt. he keeps doing this, even though the united states supreme court says he can't do this, but he does. what's the latest? >> so far president biden has spent $138 billion in forgiving student debt loans. of course, more than twice the amount that congress is proposing to help ukraine in its war against russia. president biden said earlier this week from the west coast not even the supreme court can stop him. >> early in my term i announced a major plan to provide millions of working families with debt relief from their college student debt and the supreme court blocked it, blocked it, but that didn't stop me. >> many americans are arguing why should hardworking people have to relieve students of their debt when they made the choice to go to college. a short time ago, our camera caught sight of president biden crossing the driveway at the white house to attend a g7 he meetings with the leaders of
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ukraine, germany, canada, france and others. and on the verge of russia's war with ukraine. and here is more from texas congressman chip roy about president biden relieving student debt. >> this is a president who doesn't care about the law. didn't care about it on student loans, doesn't care about this. he's ignoring the law because he wants to advance a radical progressive democrat agenda because radical democrats want to remake america. >> moments ago we learned the balloon spotted over the skies of utah that prompted norad to scramble fighter jets is not a balloon that came from china. appears to be a balloon from an amateur balloonist, but it's headed east, but no plans to shoot it down, neil. neil: all right. i'm glad to give us the update. i was worried about that. thank you, my friend, lucas tomlinson at the white house. and we have john and, the former deputy assistant attorney general is kind enough to weigh in on what the president just did yet again on
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student loan forgiveness. i think we're up to, as he said, our reporter lucas tomlinson, john, to $138 billion worth of loan forgiveness with additional $1.2 billion and i believe half that number before the supreme court had already said cease and desist you can't keep doing this. he keeps doing this. what is the supreme court's recourse if he keeps ignore them. >> the justices are not going to like a president who is trying to defy them. as you said, neil, last year, the supreme court a case called nebraska versus biden stopped a much larger student loan forgiveness program and now biden's trying to play games, he's trying to tinker with the programs. but he's still trying to cancel debt for, i think, actually the real figure if you annualize it all out into the future is more like $450 billion. that's what this penn-wharton
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model says. is he trying to defy us to evade us? the new document called the major questions doctrine it essentially says we're not going to get the president find the tiny statutory holes, the court called them mouse holes and find an elephant in them. a justice scalia saying. and did they intend to give the power to forego collecting $450 billion of the taxpayers' money? last year they said no. i find it hard to believe they're not going to say no again. neil: they say no again and he keeps doing it through these executive actions, where does the constitutional line blur? because it's very unfocused right now. >> yeah, that's a good point, neil. what's going to have to happen is that someone's going to have a bring a suit. that was hard in the last case
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because the supreme court also says, well, no taxpayer can just sue and say, i'm suing because the tax burden has gone up. you have to find someone who is harmed. last year it was the state of nebraska, the state of missouri got involved. you're going to have to find another state that's already involved i think in the student loan business or people who collect loan checks on behalf of the government and they're going to have to bring suit, but it's going to be hard to find a plaintiff who can actually get all the way to the supreme court to challenge it and unless you do that, president biden can get away with this for a year, maybe even two years until the supreme court can weigh in again. neil: so, john, wasn't the argument when they opposed his doing this, this is not the president's call, that the house controls the purse strings of government and they make this move. he's doing that regardless of that very clear directive. so what's to stop others from saying or petitioning the president, i'm behind on my car
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bills, maybe you could issue an executive order to do that or behind on my medical bills, maybe do something for me or maybe lift the income caps for me on any and all of the above debts. you can see quickly how this gets out of control. >> yes, i mean, if you want to talk about the policy of it, i don't see why this government wants to take from the less well off and basically give a tax benefit to the better off, although, all right, the government's been doing that for years on things like forgiving mortgage interest-- nor forgiving, but a lot of people to deduct it. why should the government go around and start for giving people's debt, made the choices middle class or upper class and people who chose not to go to college have to foot the bill. neil: where does it go if it's a couple of years, joe biden could be out of office by then, but the money has already been doled out by then. you can't claw it back, can you? >> the interest thing about
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what happens when a new president takes office. if president trump comes in, for example, if he wins or president nikki haley comes in, they can suspend this regulation and pull it back. you've got to feel bad in part for the student loan borrowers, they've been whip-sawed whether they have to pay it back. and one of the things that the president can do, one of their powers they can reverse the orders for the president behind them. and president biden can have this program, but lasts only as long as as he's the president. neil: and reversing orders that president trump had on the border, and i don't know how you keep up with that. and john yoo, a former justice law clerk, he's the real mccoy on this stuff. we're waiting in south carolina for the 50 delegates up for
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grabs and keep stressing that the winners get the delegates, this is on kiawah island where i'm told that nikki haley just voted or second or third in line and she'll probably talk to reporters and generally what she does and what candidates of all stripes do. we'll have more after this. i m unlimited card. earning on my favorite soup. aaaaaah. got it. earn big with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. hey, grab more delectables. you know, that lickable cat treat? de-lick-able delectables? yes, just hurry. hmm. it must be delicious. delectables lickable treat.
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>> mr. president biden, if you
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stop russian aggression, if you stop aggression of vladimir putin right now, with a very serious, with a very concrete decision to intervene immediately with all the needed forces and prevent genocide and prevent catastrophe and prevent the third world war, you will be the best man in the world. you will be a person who will be a part of big history. the president who stopped the global catastrophe. neil: hard to believe that's been two years, the first time we talked to a young man who was -- we talked to a young mom, and she's returned to talk to us how she fears for her country and maybe a globe that's backing off from helping her country. in the meantime, i want to go to greg palkot in kyiv, ukraine, how they're remembering this anniversary
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and the onslaught of the russians. to you, my friend. >> hi, neil. exactly two years ago today that the war in ukraine started and as we all know, it's far from over. the tanks came in shortly after vladimir putin's strikes, and leaving death, displacement, destruction. one of those fighting on the front line was mayor and former boxer klitschko. here is how he feels. >> failure is not an option for us, because it's a question of our future, future of our country, future of our children. we want to live in democratic world. >> ukrainian president zelenskyy was joined today by other world leaders to lay flowers at a memorial. his words, we are 730 days closer to winning. and others take a closer look and listen. >> each of the flags represents
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someone who has been killed in the fighting the last two years in ukraine and each of these individuals, someone who is hoping that the fighting will end. >> to be honest, it's hard because many of my friends died, many of my friends moved to another country and for more than two years i couldn't see them. >> i speak one -- russia is terrorist state, is very, very bad. >> i pray for ukraine every day and i think you should help us. >> i think you should help us. that's the words from that lady, neil. neil, this is my seventh trip to ukraine since the war started and i've got to tell you the mood is more somber than in any past visit with russia making new advances and assistance especially from the united states in question, people here are worried, they're distressed, they need
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hope. back to you. neil: thank you very much, greg, you're one of the bravest reporters i know. continue to be safe and your crew as well. greg palkot. and you might recall one of the first people we spoke to, she was looking and hoping and pleading for help while in a kyiv bomb shelter, while her husband was joining the front lines. the family reunited now and living presently in the state of georgia. kind enough to mark this day with us now. how are you and how is the family? >> hello, neil, i'm so glad to see you again. we are all right. enjoying peaceful life while we can because honestly, the air here in america reminds me a lot of what's happening in ukraine just before the russian full scale invasion. the lives returned to normal and war seemed far away. by the way the war in ukraine
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started 10 years ago, russia occupied crimea first. neil: that's true. >> and the world didn't react enough and like to stop the russian aggression, and to crimea and based in ukraine and now russia is expanding, getting more territory and some politicians are saying, well, maybe russia will be enough with ukraine and won't go further, but i'm sure it will. the air reminds me a lot of the situation in ukraine, the russians seem to be far away and also, that change dramatically when, you know, the bombs exploded and what scares me here in america is how democrats and republicans are divided and it reminds me how russia was trying to divide us, ukrainians, just before the invasion. european ukrainians. english speaking ukrainians. >> here everybody speaks english the same language, but
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when you talk about politics, democrats and republicans trying to fight each other and so much divided and the only one who benefits from this is russia with its aggression, so it's very disturbing. neil: do you worry olena, the way that things are going in this country, not just in this country, but some in europe feeling the same way, war fatigue and ukraine fatigue and now we hear, concern that the war might be turning and vladimir putin captured an important ukrainian city that it might be going against your countrymen now? >> i don't think, neil, this is the war fatigue and ukraine fatigue. i think we should be more exact on that. this is russia fatigue. people are sick of russia, russia that started unfair, brutal war of aggression in the 21st century, something that seems to be so absurd and unbelievable and just insane. we have right now fascist
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regime in russia who continues genocide of ukrainians and threatening you, all the western countries, and is openly saying they are going to expand and yet, that scares me a lot and it is -- you know, i see here-- i'm in love with america first of all, i see the wonderful people and hear every day the words of support for american people and it's shocking to me to see how russia is getting more weapons from iran and northern korea and some support from china faster than ukraine is getting it from america and europe and that iranian missiles and drones are flying much, much further, kilometers away than western weapons that we are getting in ukraine. so i don't understand why such
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a great country can't do it and these evil regarded regimes have no problems. and people say there's corruption in ukraine and you have corruption in america, doesn't russia have corruption, iran doesn't care about that, and northern korea doesn't tear about that. neil: can i ask you, olena, we have a presidential election in full swing right now, donald trump has been very complimentary about vladimir putin's saying he's a smart guy and knows what he's doing, the former president might be right because vladimir putin is the richest he's ever been and his country is sitting on billions in oil revenues so he's doing something right, whatever you think about that, even though he's taking out dissidents and opponents. does that worry you, the relationship that let's say a donald trump has for vladimir putin and the criticism that trump has had of n.a.t.o. allies that don't pay their fair share, even encouraging
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russia to invade those countries that put up less than 2% into defending their countries. what do you think of that? >> that, neil, let me be very clear on that. i'm just a ukrainian woman and it's not up to me to tell americans what they should do, what they must do. neil: right. >> but i often hear here in america and my children learning in school in america, you should do what is right so i hope that american people will do what is right and before it is too late and to like in russia where it's tyranny and imprisoning people, here is america, politicians to present the will of people and don't be distracted. you people of america, well, you have the freedom, you have this opportunity to make your politicians do what you want. you can call them, you can
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write them and you won't be sent to prison like in russia right now for that and about making a agreement with putin who started the war 10 years ago and two years ago, and getting supplies from the other evil allies and getting more invasion after ukraine is done, which i hope will never happen. after all the atrocities, created in bucha, and women and children killed every moment and missiles over ukraine killing civilian people, after all of that, if someone is suggesting to make an agreement with fascist regime, with putin who acts like hitler, well, whoever this politician is, he is whether psychopath or he's evil as much as putin. that's my opinion. neil: well, you express is very
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strongly, olena. you always say you're just a mom. you're more than that, you inspired a nation and you put a face on this scary and horrific war now two years old, longer if you go back to the crimea invasion as you rightly pointed out. my guess to your beautiful family, your husband and your kids. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. and thank you to all the americans for all of your sport, we really appreciate it. without all of this help we wouldn't be able to resist this long and we just want to defend ourselves and together here we fight for freedom and democracy. neil: understood. thank you very-- i keep jumping on you rudely. we're following developments in south carolina, in the meantime, nikki haley has been voting, i believe voting with her mom and she'll likely come out of there and talk to reporters. we'll stay with it, you are
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>> all right. the more we try to take out houthi drones and the like, the more they counterattack and try to take out ships in the red sea. it's a big cast for the u.s.s. eisenhower trying to protect the ships in the red see. very few get access to that, but mike tobin joins us from tel aviv with more. mike. >> and neil, the mission of strike group two in the red sea really is the sames the reason the navy was formed in the first place for maritime trade. in this case protecting cargo ships from houthi fire. an f-18 super hornet launching from the u.s.s. dwight d. eisenhower in the red sea. for the first time a u.s. carrier strike group operates from the center of the threat while houthis fire on cargo
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ships and u.s. warships. >> we're in constant self-defense out here when it comes to threats that can be shot at us. >> still fighters go on the offensive with the goal of degrading the houthis' ability. >> by targeting their ability to see us, their air surveillance radars and primarily focused on their military capabilities. >> every launch off of this carrier is a launch into combat. what these sailors and pilots cannot do is get comfortable because --. >> serving and sacrifices, but blessed to have this moment and the moment is, you know, my mom, when she was in india, she was a lawyer and one of the first female judges and because of the times she was never able to sit on the bench and so to be able to go and vote with her, to watch her daughter -- cast a ballot for her daughter for president of the united states tells us everything we
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need to know about how blessed we are to be in this country and so it is with great gratitude that i go in today excited. i always love election day. i think there's always, a lot of excitement and energy. you can tell south carolinians are passionate and getting out and voting and that's what we want. we've said for a long time in a general election, you are given a choice, in a primary you're making your choice. we hope everybody goes out on makes their choice, all they need is a picture i.d. to go vote and we hope their voices will be heard today. >> governor haley, two questions for you. and hopefully one for the kids. for the kids what did it feel like to vote for your mom for president and the second one political. who would you have run the rnc if ronna mcdaniel steps down today. >> not the family member of a candidate, and $50 million of campaign contributions went to court cases, 8 million to court
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fees just from january. you look at that, that's 100 million dollars that will get drained from the rnc that should be supporting republicans up and down the ticket. i think having a family member run it or a campaign manager being a part of it should not qualify and i would hope that the people in rnc know they have a responsibility to put in people in the rnc who are going to look out on the best interests of all of the republican party, not just one person. >> ambassador haley, where does your campaign go from here, strategically and in terms of travel across the country? >> to michigan, we're headed to michigan tomorrow morning. we'll be campaigning there and then we're headed to the super tuesday states. so we look forward-- >> governor haley. trump was speaking to a black conservative group and made comments he could not see the black people in the crowd because the lights were on and he's winning over black voters,
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that black voters are embracing his mugshot. that's disgusting and that's what happens when he goes off the teleprompter and the chaos with donald trump and the offensiveness that's going to happen here day between now and the general election which is why i continue to say, donald trump cannot win a general election. he won't. we can make him the primary nominee if we want to, but republicans will lose come november. this is a huge warning sign. we have to stop with the chaos. we have to stop with the drama. we have to stop with the bad sound bites that keep happening over and over again and listen to the american people. it's 70% of americans say they don't want trump or biden, that they think they're the two most disliked politicians in america, it's 60% of americans saying that donald trump is too old and joe biden is too old to be president, i hope the people in south carolina and i hope the people in the super tuesday states listen to that. there is a choice. we can leave the drama and chaos. we can leave the incompetence and go to something that's
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normal. and that's what people want. especially the younger generation. they just want to know what normal feels like. >> governor, earlier this week you said you would be campaigning every day until the last person votes. could you clarify those comments? did you mean you'd be taking this all the way to the convention in milwaukee? >> what i meant was south carolina. we're going to be voting-- we're going to be campaigning all day today and then keep going all the way through super tuesday. that's as far as i've thought in terms of going forward. we've put out the public schedule where we're going to be and we'll keep going. >> what is your strategy to win those super tuesday states? >> it's going and giving people an option. look, my whole goal for running is because you have a majority of americans who are saying they don't want donald trump and they don't want joe biden. so as long as you have a majority of americans saying please give us a choice, i'm going to continue to fight. i am not going anywhere. i'm going to make sure that we give americans a choice. you know, you might go to russia and they'll, you know,
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they'll anoint kings there, but here in america, we have elections and people's voices are heard and how blessed are we that we get to do that. we want the states to be able to vote. between now and 10 days from now, another 21 states and territories will be voting and i think that's a great thing. they want their voices heard. >> after super tuesday is another evaluation point for you then, what every last vote means after super tuesday. >> that's as far as we've thought so far so we'll take it one state at a time. that's our goal, one state at a time. i know everybody else wants to look ahead and that's not how i've done any of this. the past year are one state and one at a time and that's what has gotten us to this moment. discipline, hard work, smarter than everybody else and do whatever it takes, scrappy as we need to be. >> after new hampshire you said that you certainly have to do better in south carolina than you did in new hampshire. so, do you think that you're
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going to meet that goal today? and if you don't, why should voters trust you and expect that you have a path forward? >> we'll find out. we are going to find out today. you all will be deciding that as much as you want. you know what i'll tell you, i think my goal has always been to be competitive in south carolina, you know, for voters to trust me, i think you can look at the, you know, thousands of voters that are going to come out for me today. you can look at the people that are going to show up at our rallies in michigan, super tuesday. people want to see us continue this fight, we owe it to them to continue this fight and i think that it's a good thing when democracy reigns. and good for the republican party for this competition. the only thing lacking in this, donald trump getting on a debate stage. he should get on a debate stage. >> and you've said your attacks on the former president, is there an argument you should have gone after him more aggressively in the beginning. >> not at all.
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14 people in the race and a dozen fellas to get rid of first. taking them out one at a time and he's the one-on-one opponent and you see the contrast between me and him. if i'd done that before, i would have been a chris christie. my goal is to make it one person at a time. >> governor haley. >> this is the last question. >> some trump allies claimed your ability to attract cross-over voters is making the data worse for the republican party and a lot of them would normally vote for democrats. how do you respond to that from the trump allies. >> it's that mindset that keeps republicans losing. republicans have lost seven of the last eight for popular vote for president. if we believe that our policies lift up everyone, guess what you've got to talk to everyone. so when you go to my rallies and you go to my events you see everybody there, you see young, old, you see every race, every
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gender, you see republicans, independents, and conservative democrats, they all come in. i'm not going to push anybody away. donald trump said that anybody that supports me is barred permanently from maga. how you win votes, that's not how you win republicans, that's not how you win a general election and that's why donald trump will continue to lose. it's because he pushes people out of our party and i'm trying to make a republican party where we welcome everybody, because when we start uniting on those grounds, when we start coming together as americans and stop allowing the exaggeration and peacocking of sound bites and stop the insults and stop the hating of each other, that's when america will be strong again. think of it of the two main candidates you're talking about, joe biden refers to anyone who doesn't support him as fascist. donald trump refers to anybody that doesn't support him as vermin. i call everybody who supports me or doesn't support me americans. and that's where we have to get
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back to again. thank you all very much. >> family what do you feel like today? [applause] >> all right, nikki haley, she's in this for the long haul at least until super tuesday and she mentions the state of michigan, where she might have her best chance. and drew, you've heard her she's in for the long haul. what do you think of that? >> well, look, right now i know south carolinians are going to have their say today. so far, 208,000 people have voted in our primary, which is 75,000 more than voted in the entire democratic presidential primary, by the way. we're looking for a record number today. the record was 765,000 back in '16. it wouldn't shock me if we break that record today by a lot, i think it's quite possible, and that comes down to south carolina republicans being able to have their say in who the nominee should be and what they think about the various candidates and what they think about the issues they've talked about, how
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they've talked about these issues. you know, south carolina is a graveyard of presidential campaigns, that's our tradition and i expect we'll probably see that tradition continue. neil: quickly, your name mentioned on a short list to be the next rnc chair, lara trump the president's daughter-in-law is also mentioned in that group. how do you feel about that? >> look, at the end of the day, the party and the nominee always come together on a leadership team that makes sense. we can do our job, which is go win campaigns, and that's what i want to see happen in november. neil: you'd be okay with lara trump? . again, i want to work together with the nominee, the campaign, the party and everybody to make sure we win in november and doesn't matter who that is as long as we win. neil: all right. thank you for your patience and all of this breaking news, drew mckissick, the chair. and voting is on and so is fox throughout. >> ice and dhs sources telling


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