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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  February 24, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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donald trump or. >> may be. >> will have a lot of time to analyze this. >> is lot of our colleagues to think we are crazy and she's not running on a no labels ticket. >> ait saturday night. [laughter] we can do a low crazy. alright thank you very much panel. as you look at the states coming up and super tuesday, again there is a long list of them 11 out of the 15 you do not have to be a republic republican you caa democrat, independent all kinds of folks. thanks for joining in our special coverage of the south carolina primary, big win for former president donald trump regrets have a lot to talk on the big weekend show which is coming up and it starts right now but thank you for joining us tonight everybody. have a good night. >> good night. ♪ ♪ ♪
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hello, everyone. i am katie pavlich, charlie hurt, guy benson and welcome to the south carolina republican primary edition of the "big weekend show". big story tonight, another went for president trump. ♪ >> our country is going to be respected again. respected like never before. >> america will come apart if we make the wrong choices. >> this is a joke, your fire, get out. >> i'm going to continue to fight, i'm not going anywhere. >> we are going to fight for our country, our rights. >> i said earlier this week no matter what happens south carolina, i would continue to run for president. [cheering] i'm a woman of my word.
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>> you are result from a former president meeting nikki haley in her home state with 61% of the vote to haley's 39%. team coverage from across south carolina in the white house begins with alex half in columbia with the term campaign. >> good to be with you, we are with them but the party has shut down, this was an early night and there is little suspense in the room and jumped election headquarters here, a lot of enthusiasm and competence and we have seen the confidence for several weeks now. a former president has been in the date on and off not dedicating nearly as much time as his opponent, the former president took the stage minutes after polls close to a lot of enthusiasm and call it an early night but fantastic one thing the republican party has never been more unified. auto hillary supporters are saying that but that's what he said and he maintained one 100% focused right now is campaign on
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the general election and the president said this about the states he seeks to conquer next. >> michigan is coming up, we are doing great, autoworkers will be with us one 100%. they got sold out by this country but michigan is up and we are going to have tremendous success there and then thing called super tuesday and i think we are leading 91 to seven. [cheering] overall. the crowd stage tonight, south carolina governor henry mcmaster, lindsey graham. he didn't get the warmest reception but tim scott did, he's one of the crowd after the former gop competitor and here's what he had to say to the crowd. >> let me ask one survey question and you better answer it loud and clear. is south carolina trump country?
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[cheering] >> a lot to choose. so waiting on the vp pick, is being teased a bit as it was tonight. the term campaign put out a memo saying they predict in the next two to three weeks the trump will have secure enough delegates to secure the nomination. >> looking ahead, great to see you. charlie hurt, president trump again, your thoughts about the evening? >> very early. obviously there are still divisions in the party and as you would expect early in a primary but the real unity and the republican party is on the issues and these are the issues donald trump brought to the table so while obviously there are lack of unity when it comes to trump personality, as we go forward, much of that will get
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taken care of. this is a seminal moment think for republicans because what we've seen, we had no idea what was going to happen two months ago when we started looking at this. the question was, did republican voters want to stand fight? and continue to do what donald trump brought the party around to do whatever it is, eight years ago or did they want to surrender and say we are exhausted, we want to move on? it turns out they want to fight and that's what we are going to do. >> these issues we are seeing in the fox news analysis, nikki haley made the case that she was a person women would vote for. donald trump beat haley with women and other issues like immigration the he's the one who came out on top dementia trying to make this argument she can unite the country when she can't unite her own party and we saw tim scott, he asked is south carolina still trump country? the answer is yes but it's also donald trump's political party.
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the republican party is and i remember heading into a debate putting out a memo saying desantis needs to make the argument he's the guy to take carried the torch forward but republican primary voters decide if they still want trump to carry the torch and no one has been able to figure out how to land a punch because he is still an incumbent and in order to take out an income but you have to convince voters the needs to be a change and we seen desantis try to run to the right and that didn't work. nikki haley trying to run left and she's zeroing in on foreign policy but when she was un ambassador, she wasn't involved in decision-making, policymaking, she was involved in pageantry. trump took up soleimani and i isis, he's the guy who dare invade green under his watch so nobody has been able to figure out how to take trump on, he's the guy. >> there is -- >> there is this guy but -- >> we are seeing nikki haley is getting 39% of the vote right now, 63% reporting so that could
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go up and she wanted to get 42% of the vote to prove she was building momentum when better than new hampshire but there is an issue of bringing voters back home because a number of them voting for haley say they will not vote for donald trump in november but the president is confident the party is unified behind him. >> the room is full of energy and our party is full of energy like never before and i mean it, does never been unity in our party think of it, who got a lot of primaries in the state. the fact that with got double the number of votes in history, never been anything like that. >> your response? >> it's like 61 -- 39 so he can talk about the party never been more unified but lindsey graham get loudly booed at the victory for a man he endorsed more than a year ago.
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whatever you think of lindsey graham and i know elements like him for various poster positions he's taken, he's been a loyal trump so for this cycle day one and he comes to the microphone tonight at the unity rally and get booed by the ballroom. that is an issue. there's not great unity in the party yet and i think as you look at the images on the sc screen, the left side as the trump rally, you can see the placard assess fire biden that is the message that will unify the republicans. trump had a big slogan behind him at an event lesson better off under trump, those are the unifying factors affecting trump and his campaign need to focus on, i think attacking nikki haley, attacking her supporters of whom there are quite a few serves no purpose. they brought her get out and get on with it but this is not a coronation as she likes to say, voters are having their say, she is sticking around for a while and if the goal is to truly fire
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biden, i think trump is best served being a little disciplined and saying about this in the bag and all likelihood, let's focus on the real problems neck after new hampshire president trump attacked nikki haley, her supporters said we don't want you and she raised a lot of money in response to that. tonight he saw president trump focusing solely on the general election what they're not talking about the haley cam campaign. trump has always said he's running a general election campaign but they are looking forward to the november 5 date which he repeatedly talked about tonight where they haley campaign is looking to super tuesday. >> one thing important to remember is before the rise of the internet and conservative media, a lot of people didn't understand how little unity there was in the publican party that gets amplified more a lot of voters went along with mitt romney, in the past although they didn't want to go in that direction, they felt forced to
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end a lot of the maga wing as they like to call it, is now feeling we went with your guys, you can go with our guide now which is a legitimate thing especially since the ideas of donald trump's ideas are better but as you go forward, you prosecute the case about immigration, drilling for oil, the economy, having a strong around the world and all of these concerns are going to fall by the wayside and trump is doing a better job and for example tonight is talking about tim scott, what a good person he is, he doesn't like to talk about himself and says i don't have that problem. [laughter] hilarious. the guy can be so funny. if he is focused on the general election and keeps up the humor, we won't be talking about these unity issues in five months.
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>> it's always interesting to look at the mainstream media when they talk about trump supporters and the way they are handling the crime to the nomination, listen to what bob costa said about supporters. >> you have to be in the thrones of some sort of toxic dilution in a toxic cult to believe donald trump has ever been in any sense, emotionally psychologically, intellectually or ethically fit to be president of the united states. >> from ports to same trump supporters are occult. >> the irony is let's say nikki haley got the nomination, she would be during the same for her. they called john mccain racist romney was a sexist if you are republican, you have a target on your back so they are going to criticize donald trump but we see especially with joe biden of fracturing coalition of the people that propelled him to victory in 2020 saying we
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thought you were going to be better, you weren't and trump is going in and these were good under my watch, they are not now so yeah. his view is -- >> i like him as a sportscaster, 74, 75 million people in this country voted for trump, i'm not sure that's a great look what we saw. >> a deplorable moment and there will be more but packed our is still ahead on the "big weekend show" straight ahead. illegal immigrants now charged in the murder of a nursing student on the university of georgia campus. brando, just how important illegal immigration will be in the presidential election. ♪ >> i think she's one of our better surrogates. she's saw. 99% the i am enjoying this primary. ♪ >> gavin newsom making nikki haley tuesday in the campaign fight and biden's she's in
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trouble with campaign donors. ♪
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♪ ♪ , welcome back to the "big weekend show", nikki haley vowing tonight to stay in the race despite another sizable bus from the president trump. mark meredith live in charleston, south carolina. >> good evening, wrapping up nikki haley state offstage for quite a while tuesday hands and meet people putting of the law on the line for her. they came up short. nikki haley losing her home state in the haley campaign spent a lot of time last several days trying to lower expectations, realizing it was former president trump was the favorite to win and he did that. she mentioned trump speech, i thought was interesting, she pivoted back to the speech we heard the last couple of days even after she admitted she lost the race so almost like returned to the message we would hear she
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goes on from south carolina because that's what she's going to do, heading out of south carolina going to michigan for events starting tomorrow night into the weekend super tuesday state and haley made it clear she wants to stay in the race. here's what she had to say in the last hour. >> i said earlier this week no matter what happens in south carolina, i would continue to run for president. [cheering] i'm a woman of my word. not giving up this fight when a majority of americans disapprove of both donald trump and joe biden. ♪ to match and thus the message we are going to hear over and over, one job nikki haley has made clear she's not considering his potential running mate to donald trump, something she spoke to fox last night and in her speech tonight she did not make an indication she would run third-party. i had a haley campaign advisor text me and said she still
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republican, she's trying to stick to that and we will see what happens. >> we will see what happens, thanks, mark. in the meantime, democrats are loving nikki haley, just ask california governor gavin ne newsom. >> i hope she stays in, she's spot on. 99% so i'm enjoying primary and hope it continues so i wish her luck. >> gavin newsom loving nikki haley, why is she still in this thing? what is her motivation, do you think? >> gavin newsom is laying on fit because he has seen the republican party of what trump has two thirds of the party, haley polls and about a third of the boats and he loves that. gavin newsom is not going to support nikki haley if she were to somehow pull this off in november, they will support joe biden, joe biden was in california last week with gavin newsom raising money.
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haley's strategy up until now has been try to take advantage of open and semi open primaries to push democrat voters, independence to vote for her to hopefully get her big pretentious and that hasn't happened and she's trying to make an argument of electability republicans need a change of heart by super tuesday when she can turn things around and she will be the one to be joe biden. if you look at the fox news butter analysis, people think trump can be joe biden so electorate she needs is not the argument she's a only one who can be biden in november, trump is a significant amount of support behind the attitude so her argument is that she wants to give voters a choice, she said to reporters she wants to provide competitive nature and are race to continue but competing is not winning and so far she hasn't won anything. >> exactly and about this open primary, i want to pull up this headline so this is what it
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says, broke haley super pac target south carolina democrats who didn't vote in biden's primary. registered voters were democrats to vote republican primary in south carolina. it begs the question, where is her past? is not a path for her in the primary or even a convention so where is it? >> there is no path. tonight she said she's an accountant, she knows 40% is not 50% but the party is not unified and it's like okay, what do you want to do with your 40%? ready want to go? who do you propose will reach this? is there a magical third person we are not talking about or should we go with the person that has 60 +% it doesn't make sense and the idea that she's running a campaign based on hoping donald trump gets thrown in jail or dies, that is the lowest druggist political philosophy ever heard of.
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i think it is bad, disgusting and when she says things like -- it's never about me my political future, what a politician says something like that, you probably ought to listen because it probably is about her and probably is about her political future but i think she's wrong because it doesn't go anywhere. >> even at a convention, let's say trump did have to get out of the race, his delegates are still bound to him on the first vote so there's not even a path there either. >> i'm not sure exactly the mentality, election night in new hampshire, kayleigh mcenany our colleagues was wondering maybe nikki haley is in this to make a power-play but she has since ruled that out as we heard in that report so can change and politics but i saw a report her super pac about half a million dollars to michigan, she isn't going anywhere and channeling gavin newsom, jim clyburn,
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democrat from her own state that he hopes she keeps running so the democrats are trolling a bit as well. >> as harris did say joe biden was racist and she was like sure i will be your vp. [laughter] >> she was running against trump and ended up. >> all of these people plouffe money, what are they trying to do? they are trying to hurt trump. >> coming up, illegal immigrants charged in the murder of nursing student in the university of georgia campus. i know butter analysis from south carolina tonight shows how important illegal immigration will be in the presidential election. plus, a new fib tonight from biden the washington post called him out four years ago. ♪
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♪ i would be lady gaga. >> welcome back, the "big weekend show". thanks for watching as we have conversations on and off the air. donald trump has south carolina in the bag. he's leaving haley by roughly 20 points there but when could he lock up the republican nomination officially? 1215 delegates are needed to secure that nomination. at the moment, the current delegate count not including south carolina get promote this will change of course but 63 project, 17 for haley so you look ahead, 184 delegates up for grabs in south carolina tonight and michigan, idaho, d.c., north dakota coming up and march 5, tuesday a whopping 874 delegates
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for grabs on the big day we are looking forward to end a week saying she will fight through them so you got georgia, hawaii, mississippi, washington in addition to super tuesday states holding the contest in the month of march are you following this? is a lot coming in the next month or so. if you do the math is a room here at fox did, it looks like the earliest possible date for trump to fully take the gop nomination would be march 12 and that's not a guarantee but spitball and look at pulling and that sort of thing, early to mid march could be the moment he goes from the overwhelming front runner to the presumptive nominee at which time change substantively. >> we talk about today is whether nikki haley got a few points more or less then 40 points her own home state. when you look forward to super
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tuesday, the only place you might do better in his utah or virginia but pulling there and i am very skeptical especially this early, especially in primaries, pulling states, it's terrible, criminal but even now in utah and virginia, trump way outperforming nikki haley those two places, there isn't a place for her to win and you can't win them out nomination by insistently losing a double digit. >> we were having the unity conversation in the a block to start the show. >> before lady gaga started. [laughter] >> isn't it important for clarification? >> in that part of the song but i think charlie is making the points that we are focused right now what's in front of our faces, south carolina primary, here we are the board, if trump gets this stone of by march 12 or what have you, we are talking
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months, well over half a year until the election comes from a convention's aunt until the summer, there a lot of time for healing to happen. >> we saw this in 2016, a bloodied primary, donald trump essentially locked up in march but it wasn't a done deal until may, ted cruz went to the convention and tried to cause trouble there and that failed and eventually endorsed him for the presidency later on donald trump ended up winning the white house in 2016 against former vice failed presidential candidate hillary clinton but there will be things trump campaign have to look at which they obviously are. if you look at the map and where haley did better today relatively speaking in terms of numbers, in the cities for example among degree holders, there offer republicans trump us to do better with and also with mail-in voting an early vote, he did really well with in person on election day, we all want in
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person voting on election day and every state has their own rules and you have to play by the rules they have, things will not change them and if early voting is available, democrats are banking on election day and they have to focus on how they prevent fraud while engaging in those voting systems. >> at least i know you are not the biggest nikki haley fan at the desk. >> wended together that? [laughter] >> several times but she did say while 40% is nowhere close to the majority, 40% is a lot of people and it is important for the trump campaign at some time soon to take inventory and say in order to win a general election, who will need almost the entire republican party back on side sort of going after and attacking people were not all in for trump would be a mistake. there needs to be a coming together and part of that needs to be some leadership from the front runner. >> i think republicans will come around about the trump train is coming from a nikki haley can try to slow it down but still
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coming and the dynamic starts to change when you get to super tuesday, 900 delegates on the table and you get into when or take all states where trump is able to obtain larger share. trump's head, republican voters have decided we don't care and not only do we care but it gets us going. we saw each time with indictments directed at donald trump pulling increase. desantis previously said it sucked up the oxygen in the republican primary so republican voters have decided this emboldens us, it fuels us. when we get to the general election will see but the trump traders rolling and it will get there, just depending on how fast it happens. >> her voters or people putting their boat into her basket because they are so long trump. >> some of the crap voters
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voting for her in these open primaries, they are probably not going to go to trump, they will go to biden but even a general election they wouldn't go to her anyways. >> brand-new butter analysis showing immigration was the most important issue in south carolina, we seen this in multiple states now. georgia cover brian kemp demanding answers from president biden about illegal immigrant now accused of killing a nursing student at the university of georgia on that campus. madison scarpino is in georgia tonight. >> 26-year-old was a antonio made his first court appearance this morning for the murder of megan riley. the judge denied his bond, a quick hearing only a few minutes and sitting next to his public defender and a translator, he did not speak but he did look around and made eye contact with people in the courtroom. police say he did not know the nursing student and calling the murder of crime of opportunity. police revealed riley died from blunt force trauma. the corner says the official result of her autopsy will be complete until monday at the earliest.
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he barra who again is in the u.s. illegally is facing a long list of charges. including alice murder, felony murder, aggravated assault and hindering a 911 call. please say there is strong evidence against the suspected killer. video footage on campus was vital in catching him. georgia cover brian kemp sent a letter to the biden administration today demanding information about how he entered the country. it reads in part, what is the current immigration status of josé antonio and wife has the information not been relate to my a penetration? it asks what additional information does your administration possess regarding these individuals and the circumstances surrounding the country? former fbi ice leadership are sounding the alarm about president biden's immigration policies. >> you can draw a direct line between the open borders and this death connect this guy
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shouldn't happen in new york or georgia. this guy should have been in mexico and remain in mexico program the trump administration have waiting for the hearing but joe biden first week in office killed this program. >> riley's sister spoke on social media and called riley her built-in best friend and says her death is unfair. there is a visual schedule on campus for 3:00 p.m. monday to honor riley's life and there is a fundraiser for her family that's already reached more than $40000. >> obviously tragic story for the family but an absolute outrage. it makes me so angry at this person had no right to be here, he came into the country illegally, he was released further into the country and was arrested here in new york and released of course because new york and it appears he's claimed an innocent life in the state of georgia. lisa, what else is there to say?
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>> we are a crime of opportunity, an opportunity that should never have happened because the individual should never happen in the country. it's remarkable the presidential politics when we talk about the issue of immigration how much with republicans change their viewpoint on it since trump came down the old and escalator in 2015, mexico is not sending us their best and we get people from china and every country around the world but we went from 2013 which marco rubio was part of to interviewing and recently calling for mass deportations so the republican party has changed and obviously that is underscored by mass illegal immigration has been happening on the southern bo border. >> blood boiling and so enraging and preventable and it's and administration has repeatedly downplayed from the white house, it doesn't matter who's here, we are not worried about terrorists coming over, not worried about crime. they been reached out to to see how they have responded and they have not responded to an answer.
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i'm not looking forward to what karine jean-pierre will do in response to this but the question is, how many more? there are millions of people like this criminal walking around being released into the street and what bill melugin has been putting out the last few days, mass releasing single adult literary aged men into american communities going where they want. they are a danger to you and the family and the biden at the initiation doesn't care. >> and unspeakable tragedy that can be laid at the feet of the biden administration and it will unify the country. >> coming up, out with the old, in with the new possibly. elements of the media might be starting to talk a little louder about biden getting replaced ahead of the general election, is that true? is it possible? we will discuss that coming up. ♪
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♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". tonight president biden is wining and dining governors with black-tie gala. fox news correspondent lucas tomlinson at the white house with the new gaffe from the president. lucas. >> good evening, president biden invited about $3000 for dinner here at the white house and repeated the claim during the coast that he traveled more than 17000 miles xi jinping. >> i spent a lot of time xi jinping, some who i have a great deal of difference within i was vice president, my president told me he wanted to get to know xi jinping because it was clear he would be the head of china and we were having problems with russia at the time and other countries as well so what he said was get to know him, he's
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going to be there and he couldn't because he was the president so i traveled 17000 miles with him throughout the country, our country and in in china as well. >> with republicans want to see president biden reversed the executive actions he signed on his first day in office scrapping the trump era policies. since biden took office, three times more migrants entered the united states and donald trump's entire four years in office. i mentioned the formal dinner at the white house this evening, here are notable absences among the coders. georgia cover brian kemp, florida governor ron desantis, prejudice glenn youngkin, arkansas governor sarah huckabee sanders, texas governor greg abbott, south dakota governor christie no him and mississippi's tape reads. here's the menu the governors attending the former dinner tonight which includes early spring vegetables, basil purée, a choice of entrées, before authentic god. for dessert, lemon meringue t
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tart. president biden spent most of the week on the west coast attending fundraisers in california today he attended a virtual g7 summit with leaders marking the two-year anniversary of russia watching full-scale invasion of ukraine. next week he travels to fundraisers. >> thank you, lucas. guy, i want to start with this mortal plane joe biden is made about the 17000 miles xi jin jinping. the washington post which is not exactly critical of the biden administration has faxed checked this and said try as they might, they found it impossible to possibly out of 17000 miles joe biden could have traveled with xi jinping. >> is like a made up claim and biden makes several of those but it does seemed like there certain laws that get stuck in his head that he really won't let go of, this seems to be one,
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he can't quit this light apparently, for whatever reason. >> what is your big picture analysis, does he stay, does he go? >> i was wondering if i caught gavin newsom measuring the drapes. i said this before but i think the d.o.j. reports the most damaging for biden in that it muddies the watters on the indictments and direct democracy narrative when joe biden mishandled documents since the 1970s and you have the money of the walrus in fulton county as well and that is the biggest attack the democrats have against donald trump and now it's not as solid anymore if you look at joe biden, he copy age thing, he sat on the issues and now he is a crook. >> you also have dementia. >> if joe biden spent 17000 miles xi jinping can prevent him from invading taiwan and continues to say he will do biden's foreign policy is
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completely full of failures and will be in the future as well. >> the out of with his sons miles maybe. >> maybe all the money. >> coming up, the white house might want to read the fine fine print. written probes are becoming a liability for him on the campaign trail. that's next. ♪ they are playing great. meanwhile, i'm on the green and all i can think about is all the green i'm spending on 3 kids in college. not to mention the kitchen remodel, and we'd just remodel the bathrooms last month. with empower, i get all of my financial questions answered. so i don't have to worry. so you're like a guru now? oh here it comes— join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard and real live conversations. empower. what's next.
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden.
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republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous. ♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". guess stumbles and tumbles among the white house working overtime to keep sleepy joe on track for axios says all of his cheat sheets he's bringing to fundraisers are worrying donors. guy, you see everything he tries and he still doesn't get it right. >> i am perplexed by the story the donors are disturbed, perturbed from the front office, where have they been? obviously not watching this network because we've been covering this problem for biden for a while there he's got the photograph apparently the topic of the question coming what we've been discussing that, who
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are these high-end donors just now realizing might be an issue? >> work because what they worry about, biden's reliance on no cards explain his policy positions on questions he knows are coming is raising concerns among some donors about biden's agent then you get into joe biden's day so 7:00 a.m. he's woken up by willow, their family kat, 80 clip it o'clock, 45 minutes of therapy and he's in the oval office by 10:00. 10:00 to 4:00 he schedules public events which the view of. 5:00 many there's no more event, he has dinner at 7:00 o'clock and in bed by 11:00 p.m. but probably a little earlier than that. >> you compare that schedule to donald trump schedule if he's the republican nominee which he will be, it is extraordinary. you think donald trump -- i boil it down to this, it's like gas a
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word joe biden, he's up there like 90% and then bunny they are trying to suggest somehow donald trump makes, claiming donald trump makes them and it's like are you kidding me? an hour and a half speech at cpac today and went to florida, south carolina and rips through another speech there without any notes or fieldnotes and doesn't past the smell test and they are only now figuring out there something wrong with joe? >> he seems a bit old. >> they should be worried about all of it. he's upside down on key issues like immigration, the economy as well, there's the age question which robert hur dropped the bomb with the elderly while meeting man think, the fracturing of your coalition with young voters, hispanic and black is an issue in michigan with the abandoned biden, rashida tlaib and 242,000 muslim adherents in the state and only
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one in 2020 by a margin of 154,000 he has an issue on this internal divide on israel and palestine as well so there is a sweeping concern for joe biden. >> the pro- terrorism vote there. big weekend flops, 2024 additions are up next. ♪
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welcome back to the "big weekend show", time for big weekend flops, 2024 addition, pics for the biggest veils for the week in the race to become president. the mainstream media ramping up attacks on donald trump, how surprising. television coverage with the former president is 89% negative and only getting worse as trump set sites on the general election maybe this is because newsrooms are not intellectually diverse or politically diverse in terms of who they hire and they should try some of that sometime. >> least shocking. >> i wouldn't hold your breath so. the least shocking thing ever. in case you're wondering if democrats would throw in everything but the kitchen sink on top democrats including jimmy ruskin, jen psaki are back on the truck roscoe conspiracy hoax. russian president vladimir putin blackmailing the former president and of course this comes on the heels of donald trump attacking nato allies for not putting more in the defense spending so back on this guy,
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back on the russia hoax. >> didn't we have a special counsel a great extent to look into this? >> starting to make sense. >> so odd. my big flaw of the week as president biden's approval ratings it is not just his overall approval rating, is the issues specifically the white house taking a victory lap on the economy and he is still in the 30s in terms of approval on the economy trailing former president trump on the issue by like 18 to 25 points and all of the latest polling so maybe a premature end zone dance from this administration on the economy because voters aren't there yet. >> but the thing about joe biden has been has resuscitated jimmy carter's presidential record and -- it is unbelievable. for me, no treats for commander biden. the biden family dogs reportedly
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been 24 secretase this agents at the white house and other locations so that dad, grab that grant that and even worse dog owner. >> this is what happened with the other dog, too so clearly they are not doing trading, maybe they need a different kind of dog. >> looking to joe biden for commands, any clear direction. >> i just hope they don't get another dog they sent both dogs and but. >> they are finishing the dogs and it's not the dog's fault. >> not good but in d.c. for most dangerous dog like that have more punishments than this dark has had especially the biden's. that doesn't for us, we'll see you back here tomorrow 7:00 o'clock eastern for the "big weekend show". fox news saturday night with jimmy failla is up next. ♪ >> i'm jimmy faill


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