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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  February 25, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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the white house and other locations so that dad, grab that grant that and even worse dog owner. >> this is what happened with the other dog, too so clearly they are not doing trading, maybe they need a different kind of dog. >> looking to joe biden for commands, any clear direction. >> i just hope they don't get another dog they sent both dogs and but. >> they are finishing the dogs and it's not the dog's fault. >> not good but in d.c. for most dangerous dog like that have more punishments than this dark has had especially the biden's. that doesn't for us, we'll see you back here tomorrow 7:00 o'clock eastern for the "big weekend show". ♪
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♪ ♪ if. [national anthem] ♪ ♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪
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♪ will: good morning and welcome to "fox & friends" on this sunday morning, the morning after the primary in south carolina. the republican party spent yesterday with voting, and they did pick their nominee for president. pete: they sure did. good morning. rachel: good morning being. pete: how are we doing? rachel: good. you had us up late. [laughter] pete: we were all on fox nation last night for the fox nation watch part. so you know what we did though, we got to do all of our show prep. you didn't have to do anything. we were watching the results come in together, will,ing you seem unsatisfied. will: i don't need the patients, you're right. [laughter] pete: tell the audience, if they weren't watching last night, will, who won.
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will: polls closed at 7 p.m. eastern time. at 7:01, the race was called for donald trump. [laughter] the polling shows there's about a 20-point margin, 59.8, 39.8% as you see on your screen for donald trump. we heard from him pretty much by the -- right away, by the way. he came out, what, 10 minutes? while nikki haley took closer to two hours, hour and a half before we heard from nikki haley. this is what donald trump had to say about being declared the winner of south carolina is. >> this was a little sooner than we anticipated -- [cheers and applause] an even bigger win than we anticipated. [cheers and applause] i was just informed that we got double the number of votes that has ever been received in the great state of south carolina. [cheers and applause] so that's pretty good.
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so it's a record time. our country is going to be respected again, respected like never if before. the big date, you know, michigan's coming up. we're doing great. the autoworkers are going to be with us 100% because they got sold out by this country. but michigan's up, and we're going to have a tremendous success there. and then we have a thing called super tuesday. and i think we're leading 91-7. [cheers and applause] overall. pete: you know, guys, as we discussed last night, it felt like donald trump going right out and declaring victory, which was victory, was part of the strategy looking back at new hampshire and other states, but nikki haley rushed out even though she lost and tried to make it look like a win because the margin was smaller. in this case there was no doubt. and one fact that i'm sure we'll mention again in the program is that no non-incumbent has ever
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won iowa, new mexico and south carolina is, which is what what donald trump just did in runaway fashion. rachel: yeah. she came in third in iowa and gave a speech as if she'd won. pete: yes. rachel: this time, donald trump was right, his strategy was this is my time, not hers. he was just under 60%. if you know donald trump, you know he wanted to be at 60%. but you can't underestimate what he pointed out, which is this is a record-breaking victory for any republican in this state, twice the amount that anybody's ever gotten. and if that's without really having spent much time in south carolina. nikki haley had a bus tour. she was running -- pete: for two weeks, yeah. rachel: she was doing merrills, and she's from the -- mailers and she's from the state, and she still lost. we debated on your show last night on fox nation, was this a concession speech? was the 2-hour delay a team
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behind the scenes debating do we stay in, do we stay out? even halfway through the speech we thought this might be a concession speech. but, no, she's doubling down. she's staying in. here's what she had to say. >> i want to congratulate donald trump on his victory. [background sounds] and i want to thank the people of south carolina for using the power of your voice. [cheers and applause] no matter the results, i love the people of our state. i said earlier this week that no matter or what happens in south carolina, i would continue to run for president. [cheers and applause] i'm a woman of my word. [cheers and applause] i'm not giving up this fight when a majority of americans disapprove of both donald trump and joe biden. [cheers and applause] he was the right to a real -- they have the right to a real
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choice. not a soviet-style election with only one candidate. [cheers and applause] and i have a duty to give them that choice. [cheers and applause] will: yeah, it did seem like when she came out that she was conceding, you know? the tone, even some of the words she was using, it felt like a real head fake. and then turned the other way. you know, i saw karl rove on the channel last night saying that the republican party -- i don't know if he said it was broken, but it's divided. maybe he said it was broken. he said what you saw -- rachel: i heard divided. will: divided? o.k. 60-40 to split, and nikki haley brought up 40 percent. 40%'s not nothing. and that would be true. but i can't help but think that is a way of spinning what happens. and i mean, i'm being -- because it was nikki haley's home state. like, you know, if you look at any national poll, the embrace
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of donald trump by the republican party is approaching 80-90%. so the idea that the party is divided is not accurate. it's not accurate that there's 40% of the republican party that's going anybody other than donald trump. that's only, honestly, that's a spin to take a negative situation of what happened to nikki haley in south carolina and try to describe the party in a way that a i don't think accurately reflects reality. pete: you're right. and and we're going to get to some of that in the voter analysis because i have a bit of a theory. it felt like the right moment for nikki haley. you're right, they spent about 90 minutes backstage, the right moment to say, hey, enough's enough. we went all the way through my home state, and the first 15 minutes of her speech -- or 10 at least -- was past tense. i want to thank you, supporters. it was a good run. there's a point i turned to will, and guy, i think she's to going to do it. and 9/11 she doubled down -- and
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then she doubled down. you're right, this isn't the soviet republic. we want other candidates and options. and there were other candidates who all saw the writing on the wall and understood what time it was. ron desantis, tim scott bowing out saying, it's not my time. she's -- will: she's playing with rhetoric in a way that doesn't make sense. the idea that it's a soviet republic because you keep losing in primaries isn't really what a soviet republic was with. pete: no. will: and she keeps calling donald trump the political elite and she's the outsider. for the life of me, how are you the outsider? rachel: yeah. she's the consummate insider. she has all the backing of the establishment, blackrock, wall street, corporations, and she is the insider. and no matter how much money they're throwing at her, by the way, she just got another injection of half a million dollars for michigan as well. so there are people behind her. what you didn't9 see in the speech, will, pete, last night
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was laying out the pathway for her forward -- pete: it's 40%, rachel. not 50%. i can do it with 40%. rachel: since she didn't really explain how she can one, it leaves wide open the possibility that she's just a saboteur, and that's, i think, what people are after. will: here's the most important, far and away the number one issue, what are we looking at three states running? take a look at this, 45% said immigration was their top issue that motivated their vote. 30% said economy and jobs, and and 7 said foreign policy were their top issues. pete: and then you talk about immigration, building the wall, topics like that have changed the party, do you support or oppose building the wall along the u.s.-mexico border, 70% of republicans say this -- hold on, 70% of voters said -- rachel: that includes democrats.
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pete: yes. that's why, if you can put that number -- will: we're having trouble. pete: we're having trouble wit, but 7 of voters said that they strongly opposing -- 7% -- republicans, 7% strongly oppose building the wall? maybe that a puts us right about where the number was if the number of democrats voted last night. remember, nikki haley made a big push for democrats and independents. if you strongly oppose building the wall, you're probably not a republican. [laughter] which means if you look at that 20% win of donald can trump, what is it if it's a closed primary? probably closer to 30. it gives you a better indication of where the republican party is. it's not a 60-40, much higher than that. rachel: but this true truly is donald trump's party. in 2016 you wouldn't have seen numbers like that for building a wall because they were still in that compassionate if conservative mode where so many people from the chamber of commerce and people who benefit
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from cheap labor were justifying or were afraid of being called a racist, were justifying this idea that, you know, the wall was somehow racist. donald trump has has a changed that position. and, frankly, donald trump doesn't deserve all the credit on immigration being the number one issue. joe biden does. because he opened the border, and people got to see a what a truly open border looks like, and they said, oh, yeah, donald trump. will: fox news alert, the illegal immigrant accused in the killing at the university of georgia, a student named, nursing student lakin riley, has been denied bond. rachel: this as the family of this beautiful 22-year-old honors her memory. pete: madeleine rivera joins us with an update. madeleine? >> reporter: good morning, will, pete and rachel. tributes are continuing to pour in for lakin riley, her family sharing their reaction for the first time saying her love for the lord was exemplified in every aspect of her life. she will be missed every day, but we promise to honor her life
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moving forward in a very big way. a gofundme page to help her family with funeral expenses and and oh needs has now raised more than $80,000, well north of its $35,000 goal. a vigil will also be held on the university of georgia campus on monday. riley was a nursing student at augusta university's athens campus. she attended ug ga until last spring. she was found the dead after never coming home from a run on thursday. there is outrage over riley's death as well. the suspect was denied bond at a hearing saturday. police say this was a crime of opportunity and that ibarra did not know riley who died by blunt force trauma. ibarra is from venezuela and crossed over israel -- illegally in 2022. georgia governor brian kemp has a letter out to president biden demanding answers regarding the
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release. he says riley's death lays bare the crisis at the southern border, and he's demanding federal alaska. some -- coming up in the next hour, governor kemp will join "fox & friends" and talk more on what he wants president biden to do. will, pete, rachel. pete: thank you, madeleine. we know he crossed illegally under the biden administration, in september of 2022. sounds like he crossed with a woman who either was his wife then or became his wife -- rachel: partner. will: to help the asylum process. pete: because they wanted to sign their asylum claims. that was the reason. everything tom homan said yesterday, crossed border, apparently they have a child. she's out today saying she doesn't sound like him, but if it is, he should pay the price. and, ultimately, sounds like he was bussed to new york city where he committed a crime and then left. will: released because they said detention centers were full. pete: when he first crossed the border, right? if exactly. catch and release.
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commit a crime in new york? is released. and then show up in the future, a date that they don't show up for. rachel: so many people with blood on their hands as far as i'm concerned, everyone from alejandro mayorkas to joe biden, to those people in new york who freed him, and then he made it over georgia and did this. by the way, this girl, just so beautiful, doing all the right things, going to school, studying to be a nurse. by the way, we have a nursing shortage in america right now, doing all the right things. this issue, this -- her death in particular, i think, if you thought immigration was a big deal, you know, a week ago, this week, moving forward, this is going to become an election issue because with parents look at that young woman and say that could be my child. and there is absolutely no reason this should have happened. it's just unfathomable. last night donald trump also a
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talked about illegal immigrants can and this murder. take a listen. >> so, mr. president, we got breaking news of a non-citizen in georgia that just killed this going woman on the campus. kids don't feel safe. what's your reaction to this? >> i just heard about the crime in georgia. what a shame. it's a new category of crime. it's called migrant crime. i call it biden migrant crime. >> this is on him. >> he's let millions of people -- lawrence, they're emptying out prisons all over the world. yesterday they had people coming in from the congo from prisons in the congo. they have them coming in from asia, from the if middle east to. they're crazy. they're destroying our country. we're going to change it. we're going to make america great again. pete: there you go. that was another portion of lawrence's interview on friday. when that news had just broken.
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and, again, as donald trump has a knack for doing, went to the heart of it. this is joe biden's crisis, entirely preventable. as you mentioned yesterday, rachel, or they're not sending us their best. we know that. i'm sure our intelligence agencies know that. they know what's being done in these countries, yet they're being released at our border. rachel: and they're not letting members of congress look at that intel. they're hiding the intel that they know about, for example, venezuela that has been having prison issues and that they're emptying out prisons. our intelligence agencies know this, but they won't release information they know so it can be confirmed by the people who represent all of us. they don't want their hands to be dirty on this, and they're trying to pretend like, well, we don't know who these are. they might be just nice people. we know at least from this case that's not true. florida. pete: sounds about right. let's turn to a few additional headlines starting with this: the u.s. and u.k. carrying out a
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new series of strikes against the iranian-backed houthis in yemen yesterday. the strikes targeting missile launchers, air a defense systems and more on at least 18 sites across 8 different locations inside the country. the counteroffensive comes as the houthi terrorists ramp up attacks on ships in the red sea. most recently, hitting an american-flagged oil tanker in the gulf of aden. and more details released on that undived balloon spotted over the -- unidentified balloon. norad says the balloon was, quote with, or likely a hobby balloon, and it's left american air space. will: did we shoot it down with an f-16? if. pete: i don't know, maybe. will: hobby balloon -- [laughter] pete: you know, a million dollar missile into a $5 balloon. a u.s. official described the balloon as being 50 feet tall, so that's not a small balloon. the object poses no threat to
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pluck safety at all. public safety. sleep tight, everybody, the government's got ya. and to last night's screen actors' guild awards where where one film stole the show. >> okay. >> to oppenheimerer. [cheers and applause] >> thank you. thank you, thank you, sag-aftra. thank you for this. pete: christopher nolan's oppenheimer taking home three sag awards including best case -- best cast, excuse me, in a motion picture which could be a preview for what's to come at next month's academy awards. notably, another big movie of the year, barbie, lost in every category it was nominated for. so sad. and to tv, the bear winning big with three awards including, will -- you liked the bear? will: no, haven't seen it, but a lot of people said watch it. pete: is it about a bear? will: i don't think so. pete: best ensemble in a comedy
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series. will: my recommendation meter is once i hear something three or four time, i give it credence. honestly, if you're the first guy to tell me, if you tell me something to do and i do it, that means i respect you a lot. like, i need to hear it three or four times -- rachel: from different people. will: that's the bear. i've heard enough tree or four times, that -- i know nothing about a it. pete: if i told something one time, would you do it? will: on it, babe. pete: you're on it? will: look at me, i'm wearing silly socks. [laughter] not today. rachel: he did the fox nation thing last night. pete: he did. thank you, both. will: former president donald trump praising senator tim scott during his palmetto state victory e. >> what happened to tim scott? what a dynamo. i'm just very happy he didn't have that same energy drive -- [laughter] because i think i probably would have been out of the race a long time ago. [laughter] will: growing speculation that
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he could be a vp pick. rachel: but first, as trump-biden rematch looks more likely, our panel's going to weigh in on their top issues ahead of november. that's next. pete: yep. ♪ were you worried the wedding would be too much? nahhhh... (inner monologue) another destination wedding?? why can't they use my backyard!! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry. empower. what's next.
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♪ rachel: former president trump touting growing support for minority -- from minority voters as he took home a win many south carolina. but what are the issues thatten mean the most as we head into november? if well, here to discuss is bacari jackson, senior at the university of south carolina and claude wheeler jr. with, a republican voter and second vice chair of the south carolina young republicans. so i'm going to start with you -- by the way, welcome to both of you, and and thanks for showing up so nice and early here. so did you vote in the open primary for the republicans? >> yes, ma'am, i did vote in the open primary. rachel: how many other democrats do you think -- i meaning i asked a member of the republican party yesterday, he said we wouldn't know for months how many. do you know a lot of other democrats who voted in the
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primary? >> i know a few. i wouldn't say i believe it was a widespread crossover, but i would say at least a few voted. nikki haley ran a very coordinated campaign in this primary, but i think some democrats did. rachel: so did you vote for nikki, or was that society against donald trump? >> i would say that the i voted against donald trump. i believe that nikki haley is kind of the last thing between donald trump and him securing the republican nomination, and i just don't believe that donald trump has earned the right to be the standard bearer for the republican party seeing the way that he's governed -- rachel: you're a republican? >> yes, i am. rachel: and who did you vote for last night? >> donald trump. rachel: what do you think about fact that there were democrats voting in this open primary? does it bother you in and how do you feel about a nikki haley saying she's going to stay in the race? >> it doesn't bother me necessarily. actually, it gives me hope to see -- because what'll happen is, you know, hopefully there's
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more conservatives and more republicans that come from that. so i love that aspect of it. rachel: okay. >> but with having democrats, you know, affect our relations, nikki haley from the beginning has ran a race where she has alienate pd republican voters or what would be considered the base if from the beginning. and now to hear he's voting in the election shows it worked. rachel: and she's staying in the race. what are top issues for been both of you are, what, you consider yourself gen-z? what are the top issues for you? for me personally, obviously, the rule of law. and the rising cost of tuition is important to me and just simply criminal justice. >> so for me being a father, you know, the economy's a big one. education's another big one. and the border's very high on that list as well. rachel: immigration is now the number one issue. what do you think about that? you're a democrat.
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a lot of people blaming joe biden for his open border policies, for what's happened including the death of this young college student in georgia who was killed by an illegal immigrant who shouldn't be here. how are democrats -- [inaudible] in the sense of this election? if. >> yes, ma'am. well, i believe that people kind of tie the issues of immigration and open borders to democrats, and i believe that we've overpoliticized the issue. i was sad to hear about the death of the georgia student. as a democrat, you know, i believe in having secure borders, but i simply don't think we can tie that failure to just one person, one presidency in a short period of time. and what i will say is that we can look at the united states congress and see that border legislation was up for consideration, and it was simply just discarded after the former president made his comments. so i don't think that any if party has shown a serious or consideration to securing the border. i believe this is the issue that they want to maintain for elections. i don't think we should be governed by elections. i think we should be governed by
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the needs of the country. rachel: i don't have a lot of time, but i want to give you one last shot on immigration. how is immigration impacting the black vote? >> well, when you go around the different areas, one thing that i notice is that you do see a large hispanic community. and the black community is very forthcoming in taking people in. and so is the hispanic community. but there are barrier withs that causes issue is when it comes to employment. a lot of the benefits that people have this certain areas, these two groups are jockeying for positions when it comes to these things, so what is next? rachel: yeah. very interesting discussion. thanks for joining us this morning. >> thank you. rachel: got it. all right, well, the suspect accused of murdering a georgia college student confirms to be an illegal -- confirmed to be an illegal immigrant who now faces several charges. our next guest has also had a child killed by an illegal immigrant. his message to our nation's leader is next.
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will: an illegal immigrant charged with the murder of a 22-year-old georgia nursing student, lakin riley, is a venezuelan who reportedly crossed illegally into el paso back in 2022 and was released into the u.s. on parole. here to discuss, retired acting i.c.e. director ron vitello along with dan rosenberg who knows stories like this all too well, his son was killed by an illegal immigrant. they both join is us now. dan, i'd love the start with you. i know you've spoken about this in the past. your son was killed in a collision with an illegal immigrant. when you arrive at a moment like this, dan, how does the fact that the perpetrator of a crime shouldn't have been in the country to begin with impact your grief?
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>> well, you know, it makes it completely a preventable crime, you know? there's always going to be traffic collisions, crimes that are committed, but these are committed by people who have no business being here. had he not been here and there was also opportunities to deport him, my son would be alive. and tens of thousands of other people would be too, certainly, you know, laken riley be a news story today. will: i think that's put very well, a preventable crime. we also have domestic crime, it's hard to wrap our minds around the fact that we import crime to add to our troubles. in your situation, don, your grief. ron, i'm going to put up the charges now for this venezuelan illegal immigrant that allegedly killed laken riley in georgia. you can see them on your screen, malice murder, felony murder all the way down to kidnapping,
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concealing the death of another. ron, what i'd love to ask you is probably something many people are asking themselves at home. so we now know how many times that jose ibarra came into contact with the system. that first time he comes into the system and we still -- i haven't heard about his criminal background in venezuela. how does border patrol check if what they have encountered is someone -- you'll never know about their propen i for crime, but you will know about their history of crimes. >> let me tart by giving my condolences to the rudy giuliani family, dan as well with. -- riley family. what happens in the system is when border patrol encounters people like this wherever they are, they do the best they can, right? everybody's a fingerprinted into the system. that system is checked against the holdings that are in the united states, and that's important. those are the holdings that the fbi and the databases that the states produce for people who have been previously arrested. ed -- so do we share stuff with venezuela? yeah, through interpol and other
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mechanisms, but it's not like checking with the local sheriff whether this person has been arrested before or whether the fbi has their fingerprints in a a database somewhere in the united states. so we're really dependent if on agent observation about gang tattoos, other, you know, attributes that the person might have. we may know that they're a criminal, we may know from a different source like intelligence that they're a criminal, but we're really dependent on the holdings of the united states government and in the case of this gangster or this individual from venezuela, we knew that they were from venezuela. they may or may not have had documents. we don't even really know that based on the testimony that they give to agents in the field. and so this is the idea, will, of all the are risk that we face when you have an out of control, chaotic border. these burdens come front and center to the riley family, or to dan's family and to families all across the world. again, a preventable crime. and we know that in the case of venezuela, you know, we let them sell oil on the international market without having a repate
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ration agreement during the most critical time where more people are coming illegally from venezuela than any other place in the world along our southwest border. will: real quick, ron, president trump mentioned prisons, for example, some of the places like the congo being emptied. there's been suspicions that maduro in venezuela is emptying his prisons. from your experience, i know we have the cuban boat lift when castro emptied the prisons in cuba, is that something you've with experienced, men who have clearly been spending time in prison essentially being imported to the united states in. >> yes. it's a constant -- [inaudible] inside the flow when you have a category like this, that threat ruses not just at the border and the communities, but all across the country. we know these people are sneaking in because they couldn't come in otherwise. will: uh-huh. and last question to you, don, and i apologize, i said dan at the beginning, ron followed my
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lead. your name is don, not dan. and so my apologies for that. but, don, i do want to end with this. because of your unique position on this issue and others like it, i'm curious, how often do i you end up speaking to others who have dealt with a crime, a crime at the hands of an illegal immigrant? and how often do you hear about your situation either firsthand or in the news? >> well, about seven years ago, you know, my son was killed in 2010. seven years ago other victims and i created an organization call advocates for victims of illegal alien crime. i wouldn't say especially now because it's much harder to get information out of this administration, but pretty much on a daily basis if we're not talking to somebody, we do have contact with them. i just had a long conversation this friday with a woman who lost her son a few months ago.
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and this case is not an amom ifly. this happens all the time. not always a murder, but there's a lot of death, there's a lot of crime. and everybody that comes into the country illegally is not trying to kill somebody. but way too many are -- ril. will: right. >> -- and there's no way to know when you come in whether you are or not. so i'd say it's a regular basis. and i deal with with this every day of the week and have for 3 years. will and that's a shame. a regular problem for something that we already have enough of in the united states, domestically. ron, don, thank you for being with us, don. thank you for sharing this terrible situation with us. once again, we sympathize with your, with your situation. thank you so much. >> thank you, will. will: all right. nikki haley -- you bet. nikki haley vowing to continue campaigning despite losing her home state to trump. south carolina gop chairman breaks town the state of the race next -- down the tate of
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the race next. >> i'm not giving up this fight when a majority of americans disapprove of both donald trump and joe biden. [cheers and applause] lowe's knows you don't just want a low price... you want the lowe's-est price. did you say lowest, or lowe's-est price? it's basically the same thing. if you find a better price somewhere else, we'll match it. get the lowe's-est price, with our lowest price guarantee. you got this. we got you. every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. the best advice i ever got was to invest with vanguard for my retirement. the second best? stay healthy enough to enjoy it. so i started preparing physically and financially.
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not drop out after losing bigtime to former president trump in her home state of south carolina last night. the primary historically is a reliable tell for who will move on to the general election. if so is it time for nikki haley to call it quits, or does she still have some sort of a path? we don't know where it leads, but a path. south carolina gop if chair drew mckissick joins us now. drew, you're also involved in the national republican party, and i'd like to ask you about that at some point. you saw the margin last night, you know the state. >> yeah. pete: there was a moment where will, rachel and i were watching and it almost sounded like a concession speech. she didn't. why not? >> good question. i mean, what we saw last night was a blowout, you know? no two ways to parse it. 20 points is a blow blowout. not only that, but you saw donald trump get the most votes anybody has ever received in a statewide primary -- pete: is that what it was? >> the most votes anybody's ever received, sr. and we're 10,000
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votes shay of a record. last time in '16 or, we had 765,000. we had 755 yesterday. but, you know, back then we had 17 candidates. pete: that's an interesting demonstration of enthusiasm too. >> compare that to the democrat side of the street. they only had 132,000 people turn out in their entire primary. that's after jim clyburn and joe biden gave them the first in the nation primary. pete: that's right. >> so we turned out six times more than they did with an incumbent president with the first in the nation primary. enthusiasm on our side of the street, no doubt about it. they've got an enthusiasm problem. pete: we tried to figure this out last night, why is she still in it? it looks like sabotage at this point. what is it? >> that's a very good question. i mean, south carolina has a tradition of being what i like to call the graveyard of presidential campaigns. [laughter] so we are the haas opportunity for one state at a time focus before you move on to super tuesday where, you know, it's cost prohibitive, manpower prohibitive, time prohibit ty,
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you've got to do well here to get that bounce, and you have so many campaigns when they don't get that here, they know it's over, can't raise the money, etc. when you're 0-4 coming out of the gate, you haven't won anywhere, you look forward and all the other primaries and every one of them has a 30 to 50-point margin for donald trump, you've got to wonder why you're hanging in. at some point the campaign, the candidates have to do some soul searching, is this good for me, is this good for the party, is this good for us to win, why am i involved in this? pete: absolutely are. let me ask the national republican party, because with i believe you're one of the cochairs of the rnc, is that correct? i know the rnc's meeting in if a couple of weeks. will the party step in and say this is over? >> the problem is that the delegate election and selection process has to take place anyway. even if everyone candidate said i endorse donald trump -- pete: still have to go through it. >> still have to elect delegate for the national convention.
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pete: okay. any prediction on when this wraps up? >> mathematically, it'll be over by the middle of march, no doubt about it. we elect 70% of our delegates by the end of march. by march 15th mathematically i don't see how we haven't reached the 50% tipping point. pete: drew mckissick, thank you very much for your time. >> yes, sir. pete: here we go. we knew how it was going to go, but here we go anyway. thank you. let's tush to -- turn to meteorologist rick reichmuth for our fox weather. rick, what's up? rick: how's the weather in? pete: it's been delight. if. rick: a chilly morning right now, 36 in atlanta, 24 up here in new york. cold air's settled in. it's not going to last long at all. really warm air is in place across the central part of the country, moving toward the east. tomorrow's temperatures, dallas, you're going to be in the 90s. kansas, upper 70s. places like iowa into the 70s
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and eau claire, wisconsin, into the 60s. unbelievable for this time in february. not much going on across the country, but we have a big storm moving in across the pacific northwest that's going to bring a lot of snow, some spots probably 3-4 feet of snow, and by tuesday this storm is here across parts of the plains, watching potential for severe weather including tornadoes, could be our first tornado outbreak of the season. a little farther north than we would normally see it, places like chicago, detroit and st. louis be on the lookout for this. pete, back to you. pete: rick, thank you very much. rick e rec you bet. president all right, still to come, we're trying a south carolina staple. how to make your own by men if toe cheese -- pimento cheese palmetto state style. yum.d no changing who i i am ♪ every night. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select tempur pedic adjustable mattress sets.
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rachel: well, we've been trying the best food in south carolina that they have to offer all weekend long. pete: and now it's time to try one of the south's biggest homemade if staples, pimento cheese. and we're here with one of the state's most renowned makers. will: martha's cheese owner martha garvin joins us now. she just left a girls' weekend in atlanta to come up here and teach us how to make pimento
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cheese. >> nice to see y'all. will: how do you make by men toe cheese? >> well -- pimento cheese. >> well, it's made all kinds of different ways. you can -- it's mainly cheese base, may maize and, of course; pimentos. my pimento cheese, i add a little bit of spice. i use three cheeses. a lot of time you'll find people use one particular cheese like a sharp cheddar. rachel: and she uses jalapeno. pete: you have the jalapeno option. it's really, really good. rachel: how long did you experiment with this before you came up with your recipe? >> quite a few years, probably about 15 years or so is. this was actually started, my mother-in-law started making it or would make it for us, and i just kind of took over and started making it my own. pete: so it's called pimento because of the red --
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>> yes, it's a red -- pete: what is it? if i don't know what a pimento is. is it a vegetable? >> it's a pepper. pete: it's a preponderance pepper x. then what kind of cheese you add to it is what makes it distinct. >> right. pete: got it. by the way, if you love this stuff, check out martha's mena cheese, give her a little patience. she's working out the shipping, but it's really, really good. rachel: where can you find it if you're in south carolina? >> here in columbia i carry it at ted's bakery. down at forest acres, forest drive. downtown i've had it at the farmers' market extraining on lady's street. lexington, i have it at a market. i mainly carry it in smaller produce specialty markets -- rachel: sure. pete: when is how you know it's the real deal, rachel. rachel: why is this so addictive? literally, we can't stop.
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>> you know, i think the freshness of it -- rachel: yeah. >> i really pride myself in grating my cheese -- [laughter] pete: that's a big bite. rachel: it's homemade. >> and i do work out of a commercial kitchen because it has to be approved, but i'm glad you like it. rachel: i'm telling you, it's that good. pete: really good. rachel: martha, we love by men toe cheese. i love the jalapeno addition. >> thank you. rachel: you've been open for three years, we wish you all the luck. i think you might be blow up. will: be ready, martha, they're coming. a big show still ahead, more "fox & friends" live from south carolina just moments away. ♪ i'm gonna tell everyone to lighten up ♪ start your day with nature made.
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