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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  February 25, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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♪ pete: it is the 7 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" on the east coast, and we are live from south carolina, and we're glad to be here. we start with this, former president trump cruising to an easy big w in the palmetto state last night if ending his lone remaining -- i juan even say rival, just opponent, nikki haley, to home state defeat. >> an even bigger win than we anticipated -- [cheers and applause] and i was just informed that we got double the number of votes that has ever been received in the great state of south carolina. [cheers and applause] rachel: this as voters reveal that immigration is now the top issue driving their vote. finish. will: and one heck of a view. why a texas county is declaring a state of emergency ahead of april's total solar eclipse. the second hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. ♪
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♪ ♪ hey, carolina somewhere greener, somewhere warmer. ♪ up mt. mountains, down by the ocean where it don't matter -- pete: the sun is rising over south carolina which could also this morning be described as trump country. will: you know that song, pete? rachel: i love that song. will: do you know that version of that song? pete: i do not. will: that's what i with was getting at. that's it. rachel: because he's new country. will: he's new, new country. that was new country in the '90s. that's the original version. who does it now? is it brad paisley? if. pete: i don't know names. will: it's a dude. rachel: he's a country song. pete: he is, and i live with that. my knowledge is insufficient. rachel: i'm the original country guy at the --
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will: slowly here's what's happening, i'll be sitting over there and he'll be sitting over here, i'm drinking diet mountain dew and wearing colorful socks s and he's got belt buckles -- [laughter] so slowly we're just going to switch seats. pete: you turn into your husband or wife, and that's what's happening right now. rachel: so true. this is the palmetto state. can we rename it to the pimento cheese state? we're dying. it's like crack. so good. pete: amazing host to us, great food, more great performances on the show today. rachel: sure do. pete: but the reason we're here is because of the great people of south carolina who voted overwhelmingly for donald trump yesterday. 60% is what the former president received, 59.8, nikki haley at 39.5. indications that there was a sizable amount of democrats and independents that came out for nikki haley, so what that was
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amongst republicans is probably even to higher. and that means the delegate count this morning stands at a very staggering difference. you're looking at the points on the board, and and what do you need? you need about is 1100 on the republican side. i don't know the exact number, there it is, 1,215 is ultimately. trump's at 107, nikki haley's at 17. that's with no states victorious at this point , and she didn't win again last night, but we were watching, i guys. she's staying in the race. rachel: welsh you know, he won that race last night with virtually, or you know, not even campaigning. i mean, really if you look at how people normally have to campaign to get record numbers that he just got, double the amount that anybody has ever gotten in a south carolina primary, and he was hard lu here. she had a bus tour, she was running ads, she was on the ground with can, she was doing, you know, meetings with constituents, with voters. he didn't hardly do anything, and he just took it away.
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will: and here's what donald trump and nikki haley had to say last night after the results came in in south carolina. >> this was a little sooner than we anticipated. [cheers and applause] an even bigger win than we anticipated. michigan's coming up. we're doing great. the autoworkers are going to be with us 100% because they got sold out by this country. [applause] but michigan's up, and we're boeing to have a tremendous success -- going to have a tremendous success there. and then we have a thing called super tuesday, and i think we're leading 99 1-7. 91-7 overall. [cheers and applause] >> i want to congratulate donald trump on his victory. [background sounds] and i want the thank the people of south carolina for using the power of your voice. if i'm not giving up this fight when a majority of americans disapprove of both donald trump and joe biden.
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[cheers and applause] they have the right to a real choice, not a soviet-style election with only one candidate. [cheers and applause] and i have a duty to give them that choice. [cheers and applause] will: despite losing by 20 points in her home state, nikki haley vow dog stay in the race. -- vowing to stay in the race. here's what she stands to look at in the coming months. here's super tuesday, the calendar of the states that will be up for on the famous super tuesday. you can see utah, colorado, california, texas, north carolina just to the north of here. and this leads us all total question that we -- to the question that we discussed last night, which is why is nikki haley running for president. and it is the operative question moving forward. rachel: yeah, absolutely. pete: it sure is. and when you look at that map, we just had the chairman of the south carolina republican party on, and he said the reason that
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south carolina is the state that traditionally picks the nominee is because you need to win it in order to have the money to compete in super tuesday. if you're going to compete across those, i don't know, 12, 15 states all across america, you've got to have money to run ads because you can't be in all those places. normally someone like nikki haley, who's lost, lost, lost, lost to none of the above in nevada and then lost and lost -- rachel: in her own state. pete: -- wouldn't have any if money left. but at this point she's attracting democrat donors, saboteur donors who don't like donald trump who want to fuel a campaign that, i don't know, creates uncertainty or at least forces him to have to continue to campaign and spend money while he's spending money in courtroom as well. so she continues forward. we were watching her speech last night, it sounded like a concession speech for the first few minutes until she pivoted to the particular talking points that she's used, and here we go. she's moving forward with no path. rachel: i just did an interview earlier, haas hour, with two --
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last hour, with two african-american young men, one of them a republican, one of them a democrat. the democrat kid vote for nikki haley. i asked him about that. he said, yes, that there was a very coordinated, organized effort to get democrats to the polls. and the other gentleman was frustrated by that but said in some ways it doesn't matter because, obviously, these numbers are overwhelming. this is such a clear victory for donald trump in a state that she should have won. it was her state. pete: what that means though, will, is 20 was the minimum he was going to win by. if you take the democrats out of this open primary,s he probably won by 30 points especially when you look at the voter analysis. there were 7, 8,9 10 is % of democrats -- will: to the question of what better describes your view of the carjacks against donald trump, they're legitimate, 23 felt that was the case. -- 23%. political attempts to undermine
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donald trump, 76%. felt that's the best way to characterize the case against -- pete: and that a describes why, as you see court case after court case, the big data point we talked about felt like the raid on mar-a-lago. if you're going to raid your political opponent for something that the sitting president is even more guilty of, as a senator taking classified documents, you're trying to pick our nominee. and in state of state, voters have rejected it. rachel: and donald trump has done a good job in the last week, he's been taking what happened in russia, the death of navalny, and saying, hey, that's how they persecute their opponents in russia. i'm being persecuted here through lawfair, through these unjust, you know, prosecutors and that this is all coordinated by the democrats. obviously, many republican voters agreeing with that. the other issue that donald trump has been championing, boy, since 2016 when it really wasn't even considered to be that popular of a view is illegal
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immigration. and we have some fox news voter analysis on that issue. 45% of people saying it is the most important issue. the economy at 30 and 7%, foreign policy. so that's some views of what people who went to the polls yesterday think about the issue of illegal immigration. will: on the note of illegal immigration request, pete, you brought it up several times this morning, do you favor or pose if building a wall on the u.s.-mexican border, 70% say strongly favor. 14% somewhat favor. 8%, somewhat opposed. 7%, strongly opposed. pete: i mean, if you're somewhay opposed to building a wall and you claim to be a republican right now, you're probably not. rachel: yeah it's the guy who said earlier to me he was a democrat who voted for nikki haley -- pete: very ea revealing right there. will, i liked some of what you said on fox nation -- i liked all of it. will: just some of it? pete: one particular portion of it was this is more a vote that
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reflects -- it's not a rejection of nikki haley per se, it's a are recognition that this is donald trump's party. everything we discuss and debate in the republican primary orbits around him. but this does hurt her political future. the longer she goes among republicans, i think that's something a lot of republicans will remember are. what do you think? will: that might be the case. you both felt strongly about that last night. i don't know how long memories last because what you're really asking me is how does that impact her or should she try again in 2028. i think it was sean duffy or maybe jimmy failla last night, on the con v. side she's getting greater name recognition. so is it positive or negative in the end when it comes to republican voters on the quality of that name recognition. what i meant by this isn't about a navally, very quickly, is -- nikki haley -- and i don't know, there are a lot of things about a nikki haley's policies. not so much her personality, about her policies that i think for one individual voter deserve next. but what i'm guessing what the
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public is doing, i don't think the public at large is rejecting nikki haley as a person. i think that the public at large whether where or not you're on the left or the right votes based upon one not concept, person. donald trump. when i meet nikki haley votessers or -- voters, they say something about donald trump do -- pete: what do you mean -- will: donald trump voters say something about donald trump. pete: that's exactly right. we heard that from a lot of south carolina voters. i like nikki haley, but -- rachel: and people here are very nice. they are very kind. they'll say nice things about her but, you know, until i met the democrat this morning, i didn't really meet a nikki haley voter. [laughter] he was the first nikki haley voter i met here. i'm kidding. there were a couple others. pete: a hand hand aful. we move on to a fox news alert on another story. the family of university of georgia nursing student laken riley speaking out for the first time since her death.
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rachel: while the illegal immigrant accused of killing the 22-year-old is denied bond with. will: madeleine rivera joins us now with more. >> reporter: good morning, will, pete, and rachel. there's sorrow and outrage over laken rival ily's death. the suspect, jose antonio ibarra, is from venezuela and crossed into texas illegally in september 2022 before being released via parole. police say this was a crime of opportunity and that ibarra did not know aislely who died by blunt force trauma. georgia governor brian kemp is turning his attention to president biden demanding answers regarding ibarra's release. in a letter e, he says, frankly, mr. president, your continued silence in response of these reasonable requests is outrageous. the american people deserve to know who is illegally entering our country due to your administration's failures and what risks and challenges every state must now face. if meantime, tributes are continuing to pour in for
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reallily. -- riley. a gofundme page to help her family with funeral expenses and other needs has raised more than $80,000, well north of its $35,000 goal. a vigil will also be headology -- held on the university of georgia campus on monday. riley was a nursing student at augusta university's athens campus. she was found dead near the intramural fields after never coming home from a run on thursday. her family sharing their feelings saying her love for the lord was exemplified in every aspect of her life. she will be missed every day, but we promise to honor her life moving forward in a very big way. governor kemp will be joining "fox & friends" late err this hour. we'll hear from him regarding riley's death and his letter to president biden. will, pete and rachel. rachel: february 14th was -- pete: madeleine, thank you. a number that a came out of the fox news voter analysis, 45, an issue like this could raise that even further, especially amongst republicans.
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but it has an opportunity to pull through to the general election -- general electorate consciousness. here's the cover of "the new york post" this morning which says free to kill. what does that mean? well, how many times was this killer freed? this killer was not -- did not have to remain in mexico. then when e he was detained in texas, which he was in september of 2022 when he crossed with his girlfriend and daughter, we're not quite clear, a woman and a daughter, was let go. then he took a bus, made his way up to new york. at which point he committed a crime and was released. and then he moved his way down to georgia where he committed a heinous crime and now an innocent woman is dead, and all of this could have been -- rachel: this really puts a spotlight on the vetting process or the lack of it. we do know he was in new york, he was let go, horrible. what do we know about a him before that? where did he come from? was he let go out of a prison? was he a gang member? we don't know. the vetting process is totally -- i hate using the word broken because -- pete: bonkers.
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rachel: it's bonkers, exactly. there really is none. there's so many people coming across the border. they're also coming from countries that don't keep good records, that aren't going to give us the true information, so that's a problem. if i want to say one other point that has just been strike ising me which is she is not the first. there are two other -- i'm just going to give you the names of two other young women that were recently killed by illegal immigrants, same age. kayla hamilton, elizabeth medina and, of course, laken riley. these girls are our future. these are our daughters. and and i think about do we havu know, national, i mean, people are raising money for a funeral at the university, but we've had people die here, george floyd, for example, 40 public funerals, 4 televised funerals. 70 days of riots. for policies that they thought were unjust to, you know, to criminals, to black men.
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what about this girl? what's -- what are we doing as a nation to highlight what happened to her and the policies that caused them? i just think it's really interesting. people want to move on, or will we actually, will this be a moment that changes policy? will: good point. turning now to your headlines, the body of russian political prisoner alexei navalny being handed over to his mother according to a spokesperson for the family. funeral plans are still penning as it remains unclear whether or not russian authorities will allow a ceremony to take place. russia denies murdering navalny whose cause of death was listed as natural on his -- pete: they had to wait long enough for the poison to get out of his system. will: right. memphis police are searching for two suspects accused of ramming a stolen suv into a little caesar's and robbing the restaurant earlier yesterday morning. both suspects were wearing masks and gloves. they stole an unknown amount of
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cash. just, like, going to go through all of that and hit a little caesar's? [laughter] and a county in central texas declaring a state of emergency ahead of april's total solar eclipse. bell county officials saying the declaration will help them prepare as the local population is expected to double with an influx of tourists. meanwhile, a delta special flight is sold out as people pay more than $1,000 to view the eclipse in it entirety from austin to detroit. pete: that's interesting. will: yeah. you'll be in the eclipse the whole time like that? rachel: does that mean you're in the dark? pete: you have to wear special glasses? will: to see it, look at a it. pete: you have to, right? and is that town so uniquely positioned, that county, that -- will: i guess. pete: these are all open questions. will: have are you with ever -- rachel: [inaudible] will: you ever been in an eclipse? rachel: are you the resident astronomer? pete: he's going to drop
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knowledge on us. will: i've been in five of 'em. [laughter] if i was in an eclipse, i didn't know it. pete: one of the many beautiful things of god's creation which moves it to our next story. it is the second sunday of lent, and our series continues with a reading of prayer on this sunday from the hallow app. so if you would at home, close your eyes, bow your head and enjoy the prayer. dare lord, in this season of -- dear lord, in this season of lent we've entered into the desert with you with. you remind us here that nothing in this world will satisfy the deepest longings of our heart. you alone can fulfill our every desire. we ask you the come into our lyes right now so that -- lives right now so that we may if experience your with life anew and have it more abundantly. carry us through all of our joys and challenges, and at every moment supply us with your unfailing grace. this morning we recommit ourselves to you. we place all our confidence in you, trusting that you will sustain us and lead us to
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eternal life. and so we pray, o jesus. we surrender ourselves to you. take care of everything. and amen. i know a lot of people out there are joining on hallow from this lent. amazing, different folks reading different devotionals each day as we recognize the month that leads up to jesus christ giving his life for all of us on the cross and being raised from the dead which is what we celebrate on that'ser sunday. rachel: absolutely. that was a great moment. pete: pretty cool, right? glad to partner with hallow on this. we'll do it all month long. more "fox & friends" on it way. god. we take this moment just to give you thanks. we thank you for this time to come together as a family, as friends,
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and as a country. help us, lord, especially this lent, to grow closer to you. amen. join us in prayer this lent. on hallow. stay prayed up. lowe's knows you don't just want a low price... you want the lowe's-est price. did you say lowest, or lowe's-est price? it's basically the same thing. if you find a better price somewhere else, we'll match it. get the lowe's-est price, with our lowest price guarantee. you got this. we got you. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid before it begins. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. mommy: how are we ever going to find a car to fit our budget? daddy: and that fits all of us. kiddo: carvana! mommy: i don't want to spend more than 30k kiddo: budget. daddy: i want something we can go camping in. kiddo: style mommy & daddy: and we both need parking assist. kiddo: here! daddy: oh, carvana!
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evangelicallic and born-again christians up 45 points over haley, 72-27. here to discuss is the executive director of south carolina faith and freedom coalition, john harker. john, thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. pete: obviously, a huge base of evangelical christians here in south carolina. they cut for donald trump last night. did that surprise you? >> not at all. when you look at the ground, there's no question that voters of faith were leaning into trump heavy. they are thanking president trump for the dedication, k34eu789 commitment to values that is we all share. he made promises to evangelical christians and people of faith in 2016, and he delivered on those promises. whether it be supreme court justices or the wall. pete: absolutely. did you see more enthusiasm in 2024 than even in 2016 or 2020 for him among evangelicals? has it grown or stayed the same?
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>> absolutely grown, no question about it. in 2016 there was a little bit i know you're saying it, but you haven't delivered. and after, you know, something like moving the embassy to jerusalem, symbols like that that are significant, that truly another -- there's another president that would have had the courage to have done that. christians know when donald trump says he's going to do something, he will do it. he will keep his word. and so you saw very loud, very vocally members of faith say, yes, we want more. finish. pete: part of your organization's job is to get evangelicals registered and out to vote. i don't have the stats on me right now, but some stats show often times evangelical christians don't vote at the percentage percentage that they should. where is that number right now, and what should -- it should be 100% for people voting, but what would you like it to be? >> well, 100%. and, you know, it varies from church to church and denomination to denomination,
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but the bottom line is even if you have 100% registration, you've got to have the voters actually turn out to the polls. pete: yea. >> and this is one of the things that we see a problem with. sometimes there's engagement, sometimes there's not. and in this election when you have an administration if like joe biden where they want to have abortion on demand until the bay -- day of delivery, when they want to have, call transitioning kids with irreversible procedures that prevent normal childhood development and call that health care, when you have values like that that are under attack, this election we have to get out and if save the heart and soul of our country. pete: you lay it out that by, it is put up or shut up for van young christians in 2024, and thaw certainly stood up last night in south carolina for donald trump. john, thank you very much. appreciate you being here and what your organization does. all right, georgia governor brian kemp demanding answers from the if biden administration after the man. accused of killing a university
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of georgia student is confirmed to be an illegal immigrant. if he'll join us live with his demand to get the border under control coming up. because i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. let a turbotax full-service expert do your taxes as soon as today. so... - we're engaged! - we're engaged! congrats carol! your youngest finally popped the question. but now, you're really going to have to get those new dentures. after all, you need a smile that matches the moment. so this might be a good time to mention that aspen dental can create natural looking dentures in no time. just for you! and that comes with $0 down plus 0% interest
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tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. ♪ rachel: an illegal are immigrant with has been charged with the murder of 202-year-old -- 22-year-old georgia nursing student laken riley. pete: georgia governor brian kemp now demanding answers from the biden administration on the culler's immigration status -- killer's immigration status writing, quote: these tragedies are not unique to georgia. federal action to secure the border is the only way to holistically address this ongoing crisis and insure laken riley's horrible fate is not replicated across the country.
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will: governor kemp joins us now this morning on "fox & friends." governor kemp, thanks for being with us. we, of course, want to get your thoughts on this horrific crime. i also tonight want to presume, but i think it's probably reasonable you have some information that not all of us would have access to. i'm just curious, have is you at this point heard what could have been this killer's motive? it does seem described as a crime of opportunity, but it also does seem what random, on the campus of the university of georgia? what was, to your knowledge, driving this criminal? >> well, first of all, i just want to offer my condolences, thoughts and prayers to laken's family. i talked to his parents, john and allison last night, and as you can marge they are just struck with grief. they're heart broken and they're also, like i am a, they're upset and they're mad and outraged at this incident that happened. you know, i don't really know too much about the criminal investigation. i'm letting the locals handle
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that. we've put a lot of resources with the georgia bureau of investigation to be able to help them do that. from everything we know, this was just a random, you know, happening at this point in time. don't believe it was targeted, but, you know, i don't -- i'm not positive on that. i think we need to let an investigation if continue. i mean, the good thing is local law enforcement working with state resources got this guy off the street and got him locked up. and now we've just got to search for answers. and that's the thing that's so frustrating about this, guys. this is what we've been asking for, and this is what we've been talking about for over two years now. and in a recent september letter that the republican governors wrote to the president and the administration, you know, who are these people, where are you sending them, and we have yet to receive that information. and now something like this happens. rachel: has anyone from the administration reached out to you? >> not to my knowledge. i haven't heard anything
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especially since we sent the letter. but as you know, i've made five trips to the border hike a lot of other republican governors. we've raised the issue of the problems with an unsecure southern border for wolfe two years now -- well over two years now, really at the start of the biden administration because the change in policies that had led us to where we are where we now have, you know, millions of ooh people, 7.5, 8.5, however many million people that have come into our country. and then you have people like these two individuals that came into the country and committed crimes, and nobody was notified of those. and why were they not sent back? why are we allowing people to come here that are not u.s. citizens and break our laws and then not send them back home? if i mean, it's so, it's so frustrating. i mean, this individual from what i've heard with rumors that are leaking was supposedly supposed to be in new york. these are the answers that we need to get from the biden administration.
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pete: governor, i mean, being the governor of a state's a very powerful position, but you're also at the whims of the federal government at this point. what can you do? if they're going to let him go at the border, if they're going to let him go in new york city, then he makes his way down to your state, are you basically defenseless if the nation is unwilling to enforce any of its laws? how are you to know this guy's there, what his intentions might be? >> well, that's the point. and that's the point that i along with a lot of other people have been making now, that every state is a border state. i mean, we are beyond frustrated. you look at what greg abbott's done, he's having to secure his own border at the state. i mean, the democrats are mad at him for doing that, but he's, you know, had his last straw. the people of texas have. we've had national guard at the presence at the southern border since 2019. we're going to send more resources down there. but we can only help if you have a above of a border state that'f a border state that's willing to
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do that. this is an issue that the president can take action on. and i know he's trying to blame inaction in congress. that is passing the buck. we know that there's things that he can do. the republican governors that were at the border just weeks ago stand ready to help him do that. we stand ready to send national guard resources, and let's secure our border and and make sure this doesn't happen again. buttal they need to notify us -- also they need to notify us where are these individuals, where are these 7, 75, 8 million individuals that have come into our country? what cities are they in? how are we tracking them? how many of them have committed crimes? is it going to lead to another violent crime or murder like this in instance? rachel: and you can't deport if him, crept? -- correct? federal law prevents you from deporting this individual? >> well, i mean, this individual's not going anywhere, i can assure you of that. he's lock ared up right now. this is no bail, and he will be tried here in our state.
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i know his brother who had a fake green card, to my understanding, has been detained by i.c.e. and the federal authorities, so i would, you know, reach out to them as -- i mean, hopefully, he'll be with deport pd or detained and and not released again. pete: yeah. well, georgia, one of the states where where you actually cooperate with i.c.e. a lot of other states won't do that at all, which i.c.e. has to chase them later on. governor, thank you for your time. rachel: thank you, governor. pete: we'll be right back in just moments. our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for... it was always for you. seeing you carry on our legacy— i'm so proud. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. setting up the future for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership.
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will: nikki haley vowing to stay in the race despite losing to former president trump in her home state arguing she wants to provide americans with a choice in 2024. but as more republicans rally around trump, could a switch to the no labels ticket be a possibility for haley? if national director of no if labels joe cunningham joins now. joe, great to have you with. represented, by the way, the first congressional district in south carolina. >> that's right, will. great to be here, thanks for having me. will: well, you heard the lead e-in. there's -- lead-in. there's been speculation about nikki haley as a potential no labels candidate. there's also a lot of talk about joe manchin, mitt romney. who will be your candidate on the no labels ticket? [laughter] >> well, i mean, the truth is we're talking to a lot of
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spectacular poem right now, and we're -- people right now, and we're not ready to unveil those folks just yet. this has been a project to essentially give americans another choice. if they're unhappy with the presumptive nominees. which, you know, it appears it's going to be trump versus biden right now, but we don't know. nikki haley, she's remaining in the race. you can't count her out completely. and hats off to her for staying in and for sticking with it. but we're looking for great quality people, folks that have broad a appeal to independents, democrat, republicans. and, yeah, i mean, nikki haley's somebody we'd definitely be interested in. will: what's your timeline on selecting a candidate? >> so we won't be making a decision before super tuesday. we've said from the onset that after super tuesday we're going to look at who the presumptive nominees are, and if the vast majority of americans are unhappy with those and we feel like we can put forward a ticket or offer a ballot line to candidates who can win, then we're going to offer that ballot line. will: and the ballot coverage
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for no labels at this point, we've read it's pretty extensive throughout the country. >> we're in a great spot right nowing or you know? we're on 16 states currently. we have a pathway to get on all 50 states plus washington d.c. important for folks to remember at this particular time when ross perot was running, he was on zero states. and so, you know, we're right on track if not ahead of the game. and, you know, we're just securing ballot access right now. that's what we're focused on. and what i want to say too, will, there's a lot of folks who may if view a third party, a third ticket with some skepticism. here's what they need to know. in a competitive three-way race, in every state in our country with the exception of two, all electoral votes go to the candidate who wins the most number of votes in their state. so, for example, in south carolina, michigan, georgia, in a competitive three-way race a candidate can win all electoral votes with as little as 34, 35%
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of the vote. you don't have to get over 50%. will: joe, if you end up and your candidate is nikki haley, there'll be those that say you're this to help get joe biden elected president, to disrupt donald trump. others will say if your candidate is joe ban chin, you're there to -- manchin, you're there to help donald trump. i am curious though, you have received pushback from the democratic party, from supports. there was a report that a letter was received that suggested not only should you be worried about skeletons in your cross set, but if you have -- closet, but if you have a thumbnail in your closet, you should prepare for invests. the suggestion that it could come from the doj. s what is your reaction to your presence in the political race as no labels? >> as a lifelong democrat, i'm aa shamed at some of these attacks we've received from far-left groups. i was up in the federal courthouse in delaware here just last week where this group tried to hijack our no labels web site. and our web site is no if folks want to
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learn more. but these operatives tried to hijack our web site and mislead our supporters and mislead voters. we sent a letter to the department of justice to invest these types of groups for violation of our constitutional rights. i'm appall filed that. and every single -- appalled by that. it's not an attack on no labels, it's an attack on the two-thirds of americans who are wanting another voice and another choice this november. and that's what we're going to be prepared to offer them. will: before we go, i just want one follow-up on that. is this something that you ever not just neglected to anticipate, that you've ever seen before, the behind the scenes attacks on your presence in the political race? >> it's incredible, you know? we're getting attacked from the left, from the if right which generally means that you're doing manager right. we're standing up for the common sense majority, you know? anybody who wants to put their country ahead of party, that's who we're standing up for and who we want to be the voice for. will: we'll have a longer conversation hopefully soon on the will cain show. appreciate you being here.
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travis green and forward city music join us live to perform one of their latest hits. the faith and friends concert series continues live from south carolina next. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm david, and i lost 92 pounds on golo.
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i noticed within a week that the release supplement really knocked out my sugar cravings. i didn't feel the need to go to the store for candy, or go through the drive-thru after work. i feel so much better these days, and i have golo to thank for that.
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♪ ♪ if. will: travis green is a five-time grammy-nominated recording artist and the pastor at forward city church which he founded with his wife just down the road from us here in columbia. rachel: that's right. it's where he recorded his latest album, strike the ground, which, by the way, is available right now and is great. pete: love it. travis and his wife jackie green join us now. great to see you both. >> glad to be here. rachel: dr. jackie green. >> oh, thank you. [laughter] pete: sorry. so you guys came to us in new york and now we came to you. >> we're going to have to keep going back and forth like that. pete: i love it. first, tell us about the church. everybody here is a part of your church. >> yeah. we moved here from charlotte, north carolina, a few years ago which is probably the fastest growing church in our region. thousands of people have joined, a ton the of energy. and as you said, my wife is a doctor -- [laughter] dentist. and, you know, retired dentist
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now because full time in ministry. >> yes. i am currently loving on people, continuing to want to see them move forward. i wrote a book which is my heart to other women who struggle with identity and trying to find their place in living in all that god made for them. just trying to continue to encourage them to go forward. rachel: what's been the secret with all the a attention on your church, all the people joining? >> i think one of our secrets that we have, probably the greatest worship team -- >> it's a really good team. >> we have dynamic worship, great teaching. i do a lot of teaching, my wife do a lot of teaching. we're just passionate about reaching people, the unchurched and overchurched, so people who know nothing about god and people who know a lot about the bible beau. we try to reach hem and be authentic. >> that's it. will: and you guys are about to perform -- >> i think you're performing with us. >> no. [laughter] i am going to tell people they need to check you guys out, the new album, strike the ground, is
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available right now everywhere. so go get strike the ground -- rachel: do you know they have to hour hourly up and do this because they actually have to go cochurch. [laughter] >> very buzzy is. church, three kids, her book is out to, i have a book coming out in may, are you praying for the wrong thing, so we're just trying to reach people. pete: come join us when your book comes out. rachel: we have a few million people. that's right. pete: take it away. ♪ thought i knew what i wanted 'cuz i wanted it bad -- ♪ but i'm glad that you knew what i needed -- ♪ and you had a plan instead. ♪ and i know i can be unsure sometimes. ♪ so i can trust how i feel, i trust what i know. ♪ i know one thing for sure,
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that you are, you are our god. ♪ your track record or is good, your promises are sure. ♪ every time you come through like you said you would. ♪ you are, you are our good, hey. ♪ so glad. ♪ -- and i had my doubts til i found ya. ♪ there's joy in my waiting, yeah, that's when you worked it out. ♪ and i know you're never behind, you're on time. ♪ and -- i trust what i know, i know one thing for sure -- ♪ you are good, hey, your track record is good ♪ your promises
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are pure. ♪ i know, i know you'll come through like you said you would. ♪ because you are, you are -- >> remember a time you felt me, it's always working for my good. ♪ came to surround me, tried to convince me, i wish it would. ♪ through every valley, refused to leave me. ♪ show me a -- [inaudible] ♪ i made a promise, i won't be -- [inaudible] ♪ look what the lord has done. ♪ look what the lord has, has, has -- ♪ you'll never, you'll never, you'll never, no, never if -- ♪ you'll never, he'll never, he'll never, he'll never, no, never, never stop. ♪ if you want to see his track record, just look at me.
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♪ we have history he can if muck you want to see his track record, look at me muck you want to see, yeah. ♪ look at me, you want to see, you want to see his track recor- ♪ look at me, look at me, hey, he put his name on me. ♪ i was a bad guy, i was a -- ♪ i put his name on it, he put his name on it. ♪ i was a -- [inaudible] i put his name on it. ♪ he put his name on -- hey. ♪ i was a sinner, thought it wa- ♪ i put hid name on it, he put his name on it. ♪ i put his name if on it, he put his name on me ♪ [cheers and applause]
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