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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  February 25, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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♪ ♪ rachel: it is the 8 a.m. hour we begin with this former trump cruising to a win in the pal meadow state handing nikki haley a home state defeat boy it was big with immigration top of mind for voters. >> it was good reason for that. look at this fox cameras capturing video of the illegal immigrants released with ankle monitoring as migrant surge continues overwhelm border securities. steil vester stallone now the latest celebrity to flee california m if >> -- >> more mother and i decided to leave the state of california permanently and we're going to go to florida. >> the third hour of "fox & friends" weekend live from
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columbia, south carolina starts -- ♪ ♪ rachel: good morning everybody it is 8 a.m. here in south carolina. and that's a view of georgetown, south carolina if you're been getting beautiful views of south carolina all morning long -- and it is the day after the big blowout win for donald trump. and i'm here with will cain what's his name again? [laughter] pete hegseth, we had a long night thanks to pete last night so we're kind of sometimes i've had to have a little bit more coffee here. will: thank you for joining me we had the watch party taking in results in real time and it was -- you're right rich it was
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thumping donald trump ran away with it they called it forum at 7 and then took to the stage saying hey, this was big for us we're moving on. no mention of nikki haley in his speech only focused on joe biden at this point. will: hour and a half later and gave a bit of a head fake like a speech and doubles down says she's in this race and former trump declared winner as pete said at approximately 7:01 after polls closed on night of the primary here in south carolina. rachel: lone gop rival if you want to call her that nikki haley staying in the race. pete: not a rival but also there. gorge alexandria. reporter: good morning you mention it was a late night that is relative because we know this could have been much later and it was called we cannily for former trump another sweeping
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victory for him but also the first time that former governor nikki haley lost an election in her home state when we look at totals from last night they were divided 59 pngts 8% to the communities took the stage within minutes of the polls closing i'll tell you there was very little suspense in that room last night full of supporters a lot of confidence trump called it an early night and a fantastic one at that he spoke to the victories that he predicts ahead. >> it was sooner than we anticipated -- it was -- [applause] everyone bigger win than we anticipated. we're doing great and autoworkers are going to be with us 100% because they got sold out by this country. but michigan is up, and we're going to have a tremendous success there, and then we have a thing called super tuesday.
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as you mention he did not mention nikki haley and really seldom mentioned her while campaigning and tim scott also took the stage last night. listen. >> let me ask one survey question and you better answer it loud and clear. is south carolina trump country? [applause] for 60% of the state it is former governor nikki haley addressed her watch party last night she said that the 40% of the vote that she earned it is not 50 but that it is also not a small number vowed to stick in the fight for the nomination through at least super tuesday march 5th when voters in more than a dozen states head to the polls. >> they have the right to a real choice. [applause] not a soviet style election with only one candidate.
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and i have a duty to give them that choice. >> haley also pointed again to recent polls that show she holds better chance than trump at beating president biden in november but you know, her path ahead only grows more challenging from here. we knew last night would be a hard win if she even stood a chance to do so but moving forward more win or take all states so that means that negative short of 51% get to know delegates. guys. >> thank you alexandria. thank you bring in now for a discussion anchor of fox news sunday shannon bream good morning to you first of all, you know, if you'll forgive me i'm going to launch into something and i want your response pete has done this to me my wheels are turning okay. so shannon i just had on the show -- joe cunningham head of no labels and he has -- he said when i asked about a candidate he said kind things
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about nikki haley it was -- it was very interesting. in the way that he sort of put his arm around nikki haley he also said they will not pick a candidate until after super tuesday and nikki haley will stick around through super tuesday and we've been asking three of us on pete fox nation special why is nikki haley running for president there's not many good answers certainly not to become the republican nominee for president that's not the answer so the answer is i don't know if donald trump gets taken down by law fair and trying to be an insurance policy or playing the professional donor game. >> or a saboteur. over switch over to no labels and make this a three person race. >> pointedly is there a third party run and any point that you would switch over to another lane she said repeatedly no i'm completely foreclosing that unless she changes her mind
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friday she was clear on that but speculation it isn't about becoming the no knee but insurance policy point is a good one. i think that is percolating within haley world but there's a thought that it is more about 28 that if trump loses this fall she's going to being the one to be able to stand there and say, i was screaming -- at you guys that i was the electable one he wungts electable and she's continually pointed to not only the 2020 election. but the interim elections the midterms that didn't go superwell some of the special elections and things not faired well so i think thinking is among her team to say if trump is the nominee if he loses you guys didn't listen to me but here i am to help you pick up the pieces. will: shannon could that not backfire there was a pongt where everyone said how long will ron desantis stay in and he was until votes cast and then the writing on the wall that has to be a point to see there's diminishing return here is and
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there will be animosity her bet is we want donald trump to lose in 2024 so we can look good that doesn't look good inside a republican party that's 6, 65% for trump. >> so far she hasn't convinced folks you've seen numbers commandingly gop voters again we have to remember as you guys pointed out in south carolina you could cross over and vote regardless of what party if you didn't vote in the democratic primary earlier in the month so how many showed up in support of nikki haley she's not convinced gop base that she's the alternative that they need that they want. she's got really good fund raising but she has a voter problem and in analysis 59% of the people who voted for nikki haley last night said they're not going to vote for donald trump if he's the nominee you have to wonder who is showing up for her in the primaries. rachel: it is not just like
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democrats saying want to interfere with the republican primary. she's literally been targeting them and trying to get them to the poll which is a whole different thing than the democrat party trying to play dirty tricks. i want you to look at this because one of the cases she maybes for why she's staying in the race is she says well i'm the better general election candidate. nobody wants donald trump and joe biden -- but if you put me up against joe biden i have a better chance than donald trump. this is fox news voter analysis so we analyzed polled people who went to polls yesterday. they say almost 80.of them say donald trump can win the general election only 19% say -- he can't. what do you make of that? >> yeah. they're not -- these folks are don't line up with the other polls that we've seen clearly, maybe south carolina as a microcosm or republicans they're not going to match up with other general election head-to-head polling
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that we've seen. i mean, that marquette lawsuit poll up by 18 points head-to-head with president biden, of course, her team is touting that but doesn't matter if you can't get there and convince people you're the standard bare for their party it doesn't matter. i'm sure you've heard this on the ground when i was in iowa and new hampshire we would visit with people, a lot of nikki haley people told me that it was because of the general election polling they were supporting her. it wasn't necessarily i think her ideas are different from donald trump and line up with her. it was more about winning general election for a lot of her supporters in early states. it was about those polls. but clearly the republicans who voted in south carolina last night, are not buying those polls. pete: they're not a lot of democrats as you pointed out that crossed and voted for nikki haley big news who do you have? >> talk that through with our political panel and governors
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live to the border how chaotic things are down there and two governors jared democrat of colorado and republican kevin of oklahoma both say listen all states are border states now they've got real problems. they were just at the white house with the president i want to know what he told them? do they have concrete solution also jake sullivan from the white house will be here as we mark two years in ukraine, and the white house is asking for tens of billions more in aid. what is his explanation about how this ends, congresswoman nancy mace with us as well too. will: all right shannon thank you we'll be watching fox news sunday 2 p.m. eastern sometime. >> we saved you some cheese. great to e sou you, shannon. pete: 12 minutes after the top of the hour here in south carolina we move to an additional story because -- you know, will you've a lot of californians in your state of texas moving in. will: half of my church in tennessee are californians who
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have left. i'm not kidding like a total exodus of californians well there's a very -- famous californian who is now saying well i may not be going to texas from tennessee but going florida. pete: and his name is -- you know him sylvester stallone but a reality tv show, the family stallone, here's his revelation on that show. watch. >> after long, hard consideration your mother and i have decided it is time to move on, and leave the state of california permanently and we're going to go to florida. we're going to sell this house. >> what? >> yep. is this a joke? >> it is not a joke at all. >> whole time no l.a. time. >> whole time we already have the place it is a done deal. >> no. what do i do? no l.a. -- >> well also last week we did a segment from this reality tv show because -- his daughters were going to travel to new york city and he said -- if you're going to new york city, you guys have to get some
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self-defense training. and he sent them out into the woods to train with navy s.e.a.l.s. before they were allowed to go to -- look at those girls they're gorgeous beautiful young girls you see what's happening in this country with crime. i don't blame him. >> what does he have? >> three, four girls? >> will what do you got? >> one looks like a daughter but his wife. >> i'm just thinking that's all i'm doing is thinking. i think that -- i think that sly -- my suspicion he's got his head on straight. >> red pilling or has been -- i don't know if he hasn't been but you know i wassing this that -- florida is getting the hollywood in californians but maybe getting hollywood californians who have their head on right but maybe it is not a problem. pete: austin is probably getting -- will: yeah. rachel: some is getting away from the craziness another part
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of it too to preserve their wealth. i mean, taxings in california are terrible. pete: that's part of the reason he said and we're selling the house right -- you have to make that investment in new terrain otherwise california will get its clutch in. will: try to get you anyway. remember the law they tried to pass like seven years after you leave we're still throwing hooks at you. pete: they have to fund their welfare state. rachel: another governor actually his wife casey desantis i think she's -- she's a lot of charisma, and she's got her pulse on she listens to that clip and she said -- oh see sent a post she said welcome to the free state of florida in addition to respecting and protecting your god given constitutional right to be free. you can also buy toothpaste without armed guard in cvs to unlock it for you. so they're getting the welcome mat from none other than the first lady of florida. so -- good for them.
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a lot of people making that move. pete: a big bonus you can check out at the register. go to florida to do that. rachel: something tells me sylvester stallone doesn't need arm guards -- will: i disagree. it is not about what he can let me say in our job we've met a lot of celebrities they come in he's maybe the biggest celebrity that's ever walked -- rachel: on to fox. will: cram men everybody was like -- i want to have a picture with sylvester stallone. i don't think he gets to go to cv scrks you get me a toothbrush. rachel: you're saying he can't go to cvs -- >> he's rocky -- rachel: a huge celeb. pete: turning to a few additional headlines starling with this. the u.s. and u.k. carrying out a new series of strikes against the iranian backed houthis in
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yemen yesterday. strikes targeting missile launchers, air defense systems, and more -- on at least 18 sites across 8 >> locations inside country. counteroffense i-comes as houthi ramp up in the red sea they have not stopped or deterred. most recently hitting an american flagged oil tanker in the gulf of aidan. they're not worried about joe biden. rachel: i love how much you love saying houthis. pete: pope francis appear for his weekly prayer this morning. after suffering from a mild flu -- the pope canceling an audience and meeting with deacons yesterday because of his illness the 87-year-old has faced several health issues in recent years including bronchitis, also has a nasty case of marxism. rachel: uncurable unfortunately.
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pete: no immediate plans to step down and we wish him well. wish him well. and millennials and gen-z are less influenced by influencers as they work 9-5 jobs one tic tac users explaining why she chose away from her more than a million followers to work a normal job. >> i see a lot of influencers and becoming a rat race and no longer on influence for income i feel like i have the freedom to create content that i believe in and feels more create i-ly fulfilled. >> is that her dialing down? >> dialing down bunny ears putting on makeup about race to the bottom? rachel: but this is a real thing i talk about it on the podcast there's influencers saying that -- they're kind of done with all of the superficiality of being influencer they're kind of sick of talking about themselves all day. they're getting off of the platforms or at least toning it down.
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and going to get real jobs and they say that they're mental health is improving i think this is one of the most positive social media trends that i've seen. pete: most common sense. dignity of work serving other people is opposed to looking at yourself all day. i can't imagine a conversation with myself all day long. i already don't like myself. will: i do that. pete: you have a running -- will has inner monologue with himself. he wins and loses with himself. rachel: we look over we can see stuff going behind the eyes. will: i'm thinking i can't believe south carolina has such bad cedar fever. i'm getting -- rachel: i thought you were thinking about no labels. kayleigh:will: already taken aly medicine today. first hand look at the beautiful south carolina state house from the best tour guide you can get -- the governor himself. we've got a little bit of a tour
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rachel: welcome back we're back with a fox news alert. family of university of georgia nursing student laikin riley speaking out for the first time since her tragic death. >> georgia governor now demanding answers as an illegal immigrant is charged in her death. madeleine rivera joins us now with more. madeleine. >> good morning will and rachel. her death lays bare crisis i.c.e. and dhs sources say jose crossed into el paso texas illegally september 2022 before we leased into the u.s. via parole. out with a letter to president biden demanding answers regarding his release. he says frankly mr. president, your continued silence and response to the reasonable requests is outrageous. the american people deserve to know who is illegally entering our country.
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due to your administration's failures and what reasks and challenges every state must now face. here's kemp speaking about aybara this morning on "fox & friends." >> from everything we know this was just a -- random, you know, happening at this point and time. don't believe it was targeted. this individual is not going anywhere. i can assure you that. he's locked up right now. there is no bail and he will be tried here in our state. reporter: meantime tributes are continuing to pour in for riley a vigil will be held on the university of georgia campus on monday. riley was a nursing student at augusta athens campus and attended uga until last spring. she was found dead near the fields after never becoming home from a run thursday her family sharing their feelings for the first time saying, her love for the lord was exemplified in every aspect of her life she'll be missed every day but we promise to honor her life moving forward in a very big way.
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a gofundme final help her family with funeral expenses a other nudes now raised more than 80,000 well north of its 35,000 dollar goal. will pete and rachel. >> madeleine thank you. >> cool to hear her family say she loves the lord and it doesn't change the loss and exemplary loss at a college campus should feel safe murdered by illegal captured multiple times released by people in power supposed to keep us secure. rachel: had so much to offer this country studying to be a nurse. we have a nurse shortage in our country right now. disciplined you know she showed that through her academics through her fitness that's why she was out running she was dedicated to her fitness. i'll just say this, no word from -- from joe biden. on this, i mean, nothing. not one word you know that if this death occurred with a different narrative that would
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have benefited him politically he would out there right away. >> it depends on the perp and victim and decide whether they want to spin it up. on to this trump winning nearly 70% of young voters in last night's landslide victory right here in the paul meadow state asking about the issue driving them to the polls, next. marcus is a connoisseur of anything that's free.. so he was happy to read the disclaimer on turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me! file your taxes 100% free with turbotax free edition and get your max refund guaranteed.
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among voters age 18 to 29 although that made up just 11% of the overall elect rat. here now to react university of south carolina senior andré chang in hayden democrats for life in america. hey i have to start with you because you're the curve ball here. look at the pins man i was trying to analyses it on the way in you've got a pro-life pin you have a ukraine pin. and you have a nikki haley pin. wrap it up for me which by the way, you voted for nikki haley. >> yes, sir. i'm a democrat, i've been a democrat since donald trump won this upcoming president rnl primary back in 2016. but i felt like my vote was better spent in the republican primary, and i voted for nikki haley for president and i do agree with her on some things. i agree with her on foreign policy. i think you know we do agree largely on the pro-life issue. but there are some issues that we do disagree on like the border policy. but you know, i still think my
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vote was best spent in the republican primary last night. will: if it came down to nikki haley versus joe biden which way would you vote? >> i think i would vote for her over joe biden. >> trump voter voted for trumple last night in the primary. >> yeah. >> what appeals to you about donald trump? >> it is more than just policy walls. the question of this upcoming -- primary wasn't just you know should the tax cut be x or y percent but where they're held accountable to american people or i believe to an elected in d.c., the administrative state. i think trump embodied underpinnings of our republic. the republican party platform very clear and but you know platform first resolution it is about declaration of independence and self-evidence truth when is i looked at nikki
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haley she's built on nothing but lies and deceit i don't think that's how you can run a country. will: we'll do this in reverse but first this is one fox news voter analysis and put this to you andrej. if instead of donald trump nikki haley wins the nomination. would you be satisfied and still vote for nikki haley so that's near -- nikki haley versus joe biden. by the way, i don't know if we have this full screen graphic where the audience can see what results were but 39% of donald trump voters dissatisfied but still vote for nikki haley and 44% said they would not vote for nikki haley. >> i would do the status by nikki haley if she was somehow able to win the primary. but actually i would argue there is no chance that nikki haley can win practical just like data grounds. but also the only way in which she can, you know, win the primary isn't that she's winning consent of the govern she's not winning votes. the only path for her is if trump is knocked out by litigation and that point that's
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process of e religious that's not process by con consent of the government it would not be legitimate. will: very well put. hayden this in reverse if trump wins nomination, among haley voters by the way your cohorts have said that 26% would be dissatisfied -- but still vote for trump. where 59% said they won't volt for trump that's among, that's among -- those who support nikki haley where would you be if it comes down to trump versus biden? >> he won the south carolina primary here -- i would not vote for donald trump. i don't think i can stomach a vote for joe biden either. i would end up voting for some third party or write-in candidate. will: if say no labels picked nikki haley and trump and biden were on ticket along with nikki
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haley your vote would still go to nikki haley? >> the presidential candidate i would strongly consider voting for her in a general election. if it was -- someone like joe manchin i would consider voting for somebody like him. >> all right. hayden andrej thank you so much for being with us this morning interesting perspective on both philosophical and strategic level of the vote thank you both. all right. hey by the way, coming up on the will cain show this week streams live at 12:00 every day at fox and on the fox news youtube channel we've got jeffrey turker economist, byron donalds with us on tuesday kennedy will hang out with addition of will and pete off the wall you have off the grid you've got will and pete here streaming at the will cain show hang out around lunchtime we would love to have you. a wild competition from the mechanical to wrestling over beer everything you need to know about the florida man games still ahead.
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we want to thank you speaker of the house doing a great job for the state and attorney general who has been in the news lately a lot winning cases oh i wish we
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had such a good attorney general like that in new york. rachel: fox news voter analysis reveals a majority of south carolina republicans about three in every four voters see cases against former trump as attempts to undermine the president and the upcoming election. south carolina attorney general alan wilson was praised by president trump last night for not playing partisan politics and he joins us now alan so great to have you with us. >> thank you for having me. >> quite a shoutout to that really quick trump grateful for attorney generals who are fighting back against this organized effort what he calls election interference. >> absolutely he can appreciate what republican attorney generals are doing around the country. obviously, standing up what the biden administration refuses to do deft southern border of our country to enforce laws not use a criminal justice system to attack its own citizens.
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rachel: absolutely. give us some historical perspective about what is happening or what happened last night in the election. >> last night i think was historical. you had a former governor first daughter of south carolina lose by 20 points that is huge. i know people are trying to put qualify it. but there were three ballot questions on last night's election. there was a ballot question on reform judicial reform and closing south carolina's primaries. the question that performed the worst they were all supermajority questions been 70 and 90% the question that performed worst in the low 70s was should we close south carolina's primaries. well that tells me 5 to 10% of the peel who voted in yesterday's republican primary who wanted -- who were democrat or nonregister republicans who came in and they were using open primary system to vote for someone else. so nikki haley numbers were probably in the mid to low 30s not really at 39 or 40% so it was a bigger win for trump than you probably even imagined. rachel: it wasn't just democrats
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trying to do funny business in republican primary but nikki haley actively trying to get voters into the republican primary to do that and again, you're saying you think among republican voters her numbers are much lower than what we actually saw there. let's talk a little bit about what's going on at the border and what attorney generals like you can do. >> first off at the southern border is making every state a border state in south carolina, over the last couple of years, i've had to go after mexican drug cartels trafficking in hundreds and thousands of grams and kilograms of fentanyl other types of narcotics into south carolina we're having people die, so this is an incredibly important issue for me because south carolina is every much a border state as say texas or arizona because much drugs and crime that's coming in here look what happened in neighboring state of georgia just this week it is tragic and they neat to do something on the southern border we will and when trump gets there it will be closed.
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rachel: one last quick answer what is nikki haley up to because we can she cannot win the republican primary. >> i think she's going until the money runs out and take her opportunity to you know enjoy her moment. you know, this certainly not her time sooner she realize it is better she'll be. rachel: sounds good great seeing you thanks for joining thus morning. >> thank you. rachel: turn now to chief meteorologist rick at fox weather forecast. how are you doing over there? rick: it is a cold morning across northeast don't worry it will change quickly one more cool day take a look at the maps show you what we're talking about. front moved through yesterday dropped temperatures down getting up to about 40 today in new york but look at that 57 in chicago. temps really climbing across much of the central part of the country along with these warm temperatures that we've been dealing with. we also are talking about the tree pollen, it is already coming you're starting to see trees bloom down across the south where you see that little red stripe that is extreme tree
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pollen and sniffling that is why get ready it is about to come for almost the entire country into spring. right now calm day for most of the country we have a big storm developing across the west to bring a lot of snow into the pacific northwest. over the next couple of days and by the time we get to tuesday, wednesday that is a severe weather outbreak possibly including tornadoes across parts of the central plains, even a little bit further north like detroit and chicago be on the lookout for that. all right,all right rachel back. >> no rick thank you for that my eyes itch sneeze like crazy happening in dallas happening here in south carolina, and i always can count on you because you told me it is not just me. i don't have to feel alone. will: thank you. pete: thanks rick. will: turning to headlines developing in the caribbean a couple from virginia fear dead after their yacht hijacked by escaped prisoners last week.
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threehijacked a violent act onboard. three suspects were located interior another caribbean island on wednesday. but there's sell no sign of the couple. nine buses filled with migrants we leased in san diego yesterday that comes just one day after hundreds were dropped off at the same bus stop as president biden met with california governor gavin newsom at white house an bill shared this video showing group of georgia men wearing ankle monitors before getting in a taxi leaving dropoff area i want to see -- are we talking about -- georgia. men from the country of georgia. inch the country of georgia. will: hundreds attending first ever florida man gamed in st. augustine yesterday spectators paying $45 a ticket to take in the competition
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like -- wrestling sumo style running from actual sheriff deputies while tips fences and obstacles even a theft simulation relay in which competitors raced while carrying stolen bicycles copper pipes -- catalytic converters those are your headlines. >> i want to know who won. pete: who was the real -- who was the real man book him for "fox & friends." maybe tomorrow. will: that would be good. pete: stay tuned. headed for the polls yesterday i got a firsthand look at the south carolina state house from the best tour guide you can get. the governor himself. stick around. >> you've been the governor since 2017 right? >> seven years got three left pete: what's the highlight for you? >> representing and serving these people of south carolina.
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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rachel: well as south carolinians headed to the primary polls yesterday, pete headed to the state capitol. pete: that's right there was basically nobody there. some of the doors were locked. rachel: no one was there. pete: some locked some weren't
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and "fox & friends" we snuck in there and then eafnlg found the governor henry mcmaster had a chat with him. watch. >> check out the architecture in this state capitol. "fox & friends" basically snuck in. we're in the middle of the south carolina capitol building over my shoulder is south carolina senate take a couple of steps down this beautiful corridor where are you? south carolina house of representatives. in a few moments we're going talk to the governor of this great state. governor henry mcmaster. let's see if we can find him. you know it is a saturday. so the state capitol is empty also primary day so maybe he's out voting. but we're going to keep checking there's one that's open. no governor. but beautiful room. all right let's keep looking. governor, governor -- there's a clue it says governor's office this might be the right spot let's go see.
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i recognize the dog over there. [laughter] governor how are you doing? >> fine good to see you. welcome thanks for joining us on "fox & friends." >> very nice to meet you peggy hi who is this guy? that is mack part of the constant background noise he chimes in on everything. where goes the governor there goes mack. >> that's exactly right you've been the governor since 2016 years got three left. >> what's the highlight for you left? >> highlight is representing and serving these people of south carolina. >> i'm proud of them and i love history and trying to learn as much about it as i can and south carolina's history is phenomenal. >> you've been a part of the leadership of the state for -- nearly 50 years. i'm looking up at these pictures here, and your career as a u.s. attorney started with ronald
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reagan. >> '81 appointed by president reagan. >> you're been attorney general of south carolina and you have been the lieutenant governor of south carolina. and now governor web and you've endorsed president trump. but what i think a lot of viewers wouldn't know you were the lieutenant governor of nikki haley too. >> who would be the best president right now and the answer in my mind is clearly president trump. he's thinking only of the country and we know what he can do. and we know he'll shut that board because he shut it before and ought to be shut right now the law allows it and put conservative judges on the bench that's one of the most important things a president can do particularly in the supreme court. >> so governor you proudly talked about people and weather and environment here in south carolina, would you mind showing us a little bit of columbia real quick. >> i would be happy to. >> just around corner from the
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state capitol from your office and from university of south carolina and all of them were brothers, five brothers -- six of us. pete: what's name of this beautiful green here? >> this is called the horseshoe and these buildings these are original buildings these go back 1800s. pete: love to get gear from will and rachel a place on campus where i can get game here -- >> that way. >> governor there's really one color we can choose from here. what is this color by the way? what's the official name of this color? >> garnett and black. not red. garnett. >> will is a man child so -- >> he can probably handle that. about the size for him. >> what about rachel kind of looking at these vie visiers what do you think chosen by the
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governor of south carolina for you rachel. >> yes. it's coming. be sure to wear it everywhere you go. [laughter] good sized football for you and that's chosen by the governor. >> going to wear that. will: i'll get in trouble. >> i got this for my wife. clemson, big fan of beamer. >> primary there was nobody there a lot of blocked doors and that was open. >> i went to kristy governor's mansion there. she so i could sleep in the next day she showed kids how to play hide and seek there. did you play hide and seek? >> we have a great show straight ahead from south carolina. ♪ ♪
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