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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  February 25, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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and acting in their interest because we believe it's what god would have us do. i simply can't stress enough the urgency of this situation. it's more dire than ever before. this is your moment. this is your opportunity to make a life-saving difference. it's your prayers and gifts that give hope to the people of israel. call, scan, or visit our website now to make your life-saving donation. we begin with fox news alert.
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a big implications and the republican presidential race after yesterday's south carolina primary. former president donald trump handily beat the state governor nikki haley making it a clean sweep for him in the presidential contest so far. her first ever loss in her home state. hello everyone welcome to "fox news live" i am arthel neville. hi eric. eric: thank you for joining us i am eric shawn. both mr. trump and haley aren't looking ahead to 72 hours from now on tuesday. and then in two weeks this super tuesday states but former president said the parties ever been more united. arthel: haley vowing to stay in the race despite failing to rack up a single win as of yet. the numbers show just how steep or uuphill battle is. trump has more than six times as many delegates up at alexandria hoff is alive and columbia, south carolina with all of the details. hey alex.
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so it's high arthel and eric. both campaigns have moved on quickly from here in south carolina. the road only becomes more difficult for haley from here. the way the states in the upcoming elections are set up many of them are winner take all but that means trump is likely to rack up more delegates from here. let's look at the breakdown of results from last night that divide trump earned roughly 60% of the boat about 40% went to former governor haley. the former president had a strong showing in rural and suburban communities he took the stage within minutes of the polls closing the race was on the similarly called. there's been little suspense inside his election headquarters last night a lot of confidence they are right trump spoke to the victories he predicts ahead. >> this was a little sooner than we anticipated. [cheering] and an even bigger when then we anticipated. michigan is coming up, we are
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doing great. the autoworkers are going to be with us one 100%. the president got sold out by this country but michigan is up we are going to have a tremendous success there. i may have a thing called super tuesday. >> according to exclusive reporting by fox news at digital former president trump said he is really not thinking about the fact nikki haley sticking in the way she took to the stage last night about an hour and a half after polls closed. she is already michigan today send her supporters are came out in south carolina and beyond it deserve a voice. >> i am going to counted to. i know 40% is not 50%. [laughter] but i also know 40% is not some tiny group. they have a right to a real choice. not a soviet style election with only one candidate. and i have a duty to give them
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that choice. >> haley has argued throughout her campaign polls show she has a better chance than it trump a beating president biden in november. there was concern among trump that state party officials democrats would come out in large numbers yesterday to participate in the open primary voting against trump. i turned out not to be the case in a big way. fox news a voter analysis says 80% of voters who came out yesterday did identify as republican. >> are at alexandria hoff i will take it back. thank you for that report from columbia, south carolina. the college town of athens, georgia shaken by the killing of nursing student gentoo. sources telling fox news the murder suspect is a venezuelan national who came to the student and legally back in 2022 was later paroled into the u.s. it's the latest example of an impact southern border crisis
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spreading to states across the country. arizona congresswoman debbie lesko on that in just a moment. but first live team coverage for you. lucas tomlinson lexus mcadams in texas. she is large and athens georgia with the latest there three days after the nursing student 26-year-old josé -- jose antonio ibarra is in the gel behind me he is a long list of charges for the murder of riley appeared were hearing from her family for the first time in a statement to fox digital, riley's family thanks the public for their prayers, thanks law enforcement says in part quote she was an amazing daughter, sister, friend, overall person in general b berlin for the lord ws exemplified a promise to honor her life moving forward in a very big way. learning her funeral suffer
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friday march 1 in woodstock, georgia. you ga students go back to classes tomorrow. people who live in the college town in erie here in athens. >> as a woman have to be extra extra careful and super scary. >> a vigil on campus tomorrow afternoon in riley's honor. and a fundraiser for her memorial that is already raised over $94000. that is well over the goal of $35000. the price keeps growing by the minute. meanwhile jose antonio ibarra made his first appearance yesterday the judge denied him bond riley died from blunt force trauma the corner said the official autopsy report results will not be complete until tomorrow at the earliest. we are also learning more about jose antonio ibarra's older
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brother that was arrested during the investigation of riley's dstaffare having a fake a green. you ga officials come from the older brother use the fake green card to get a job at the dining hall on campus as a dishwasher bird they say he was unable to provide further documentation and was later fired. arthel: i'm going to get into that a little bit more with phil holloway he's coming up a little bit later in our newscast. soap madison thank you so much for the latest there and athens georgia. >> new questions on how the illegal venezuelan migrant, the suspect was released into our country in the first place. in the southern border and how many criminals, murderers, felons and others may be slipping into our country. a lexus mcadams is at the border in eagle pass, texas with the very latest f on their print alexis what do we know with the latest in terms of how we got into the country question ricky ?you pass through basically whee
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you are now. boston through el paso, texas. that something investigators are still looking into exactly trying to figure out how we cross that we know he is from venezuela entered here in 2022. he is one of hundreds of thousands of migrants of cross into the united states illegally in the past couple of years. this is the mug shot. the latest picture we have of him that is josé -- jose antonio ibarra ice and dhs in 2022 was released into the u.s. on parole. that means he gets a court date gets let go the accused killer is expected of t murdering a 22-year-old girl hezbollah. ttom coleman is a former directr says the president must secure the borders immediately, listen.
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>> another senior citizen comes when you bury their child i've met thousands of angel moms and dads you never get used to it. .i could not sleep last night. imagine what her family's going there. because this government has failed them. >> at the time, jose antonio ibarra cross into el paso that sector was slammed with illegal crossings. you can sit there on your screen that's a regular day out there and el paso pretty much picked up before it did in eagle pass at that time from 20 total one until 2020 the bite administration use of parole to across the southern border illegally they were so overwhelmed. that policy was later struck down but already hundreds of thousands of migrants have entered illegally paid back at your life today on the southern borders out here although it slowed down a little bit here compared to what is picking up now in california. other areas we checked out we saw 50 migrants including men
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women and children crossing and not too far away. there's so much razor wire and fencing in the texas national guard we saw them some biker in the rio grande the keep on coming. arthel: president biden feeling the impact of the border crisis. georgia republican governor brian kemp was not at the white house reception. he is demanding answers for how in the illegal immigrant was able to murder laken riley on the you ga campus. lucas ahmanson is live at the white house with the latest. that is right, governor camp among a handful of governors skip the winter meetings at the white house with formal dinner last night. about his dealings of the southern borders" your actions
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and those of your administration results every state in the country from experiencing the disastrous impact of the unsecured southern border. more than 9 million illegal immigrants across the border since you took office. governor camp appeared on fox and friends earlier today. >> we have raised the issue of the problems with an unsecured southern border for well over two years now. really at the start of the biden administration. however minute many million people come into our country. >> the governor of colorado but met with biden at the white house both appeared earlier today on "fox news sunday" to talk about solving the issue. >> used absolutely has the tools that he needs to secure the border. we want to reinstitute remain in mexico policy. >> we need to secure the border
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for the two governor of oklahoma or colorado. and of course we need more border patrol agents. congress needs to fund them. congress needs to fund additional border security. >> montana governor inside when president biden is the teleprompter would only ask two questions take two questions from the governor said it presit biden answer three questions. speak right lucas tomlinson there the white house with the latest from there. we appreciate that. eric? eric: reddick say the rights of illegal migrants are put over american citizens. they point to the school but killing of laken riley as a turning point congressman and de lesko joins us. it's a major hotspot in this crisis she is a member of the congressional border security caucus. congresswoman it is heartbreaking but is such an outraged your reaction to her killing? >> i am absolutely devastated.
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my constituents are scared. they are scared because biden and the democrat open border policy have allowed this man to come into our country. give him parole and killing innocent young woman. here in scottsdale, arizona there are venezuelan daines, organized crime breaking into people's houses. using wi-fi and cell phone blockers to get around cameras. these are organized criminals and this is what biden and the democrats are allowing. you know that on day one of president biden stop the construction of the border wall. he got rid of remain in mexico needs to reverse that into the truck policies that work. eric: jose antonio ibarra is accusing not been convicted of his crime but we know about him as he came in in september
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through el paso takes a bus to new york city he is arrested in new york city report say writing a moped with the child come the child did not have a helmet presumably left his five year old son. splits up with his wife thomas brothers as he goes to georgia to try to find a job and comes back in december for some immigration. we get part of the system here and then he is released and allegedly commits its horrible murder. what should happen him in the first place? >> again biden sick could secure the border now if he wanted to but he is not doing it. all i can imagine is the democrats and biden care more about adding more democratic congressional seats than protecting american citizens. this is horrific.
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as you know the bite administration implemented i think it was in september of 2022, the new parole system to let more venezuelans, haitians, cubans, nicaraguans into our country. all president biden is doing and the democrats is incentivizing more people from all over the world. chinese and nationals that could be spies, terrorists, people from all over the place are flooding into our country. we don't know where they are. i suggest qassem call somebody y on the terrorist watch list but he had been roaming around the united states for almost a year. this is got to stop. i think that u.s. house of representatives has the power of the purse. this is the only leverage we have. americans want us to secure the border because of biden won't and i think we should do it. eric: you w know the president says and you it is your fault the gop is blocking the bipartisan bill let's listen to
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coreen and jon pierre when she was asked about all this of the white house. we have that soundbite? do we? >> we have said over and over again this is a system that has been broken for decades. we have worked with the public and senators and also democrats in the senate to try to come up with a fair and tough piece of legislation. we have done this for months and house republicans have gotten in the way progress critics say they blame president trump for boasting he torpedoed the bipartisan bill and the republicans are useless against biden for political purposes against him for the election. >> that is a total joke. it is a laughable joke. there was not even any negotiations in the senate in december of 20231 at 302,000 illegal immigrants across the border compared to 74003 years previously under president trump. as the policies of the biden
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administration and the democrats. the only reason i can think they want these wide-open borders is because more and more people will fled into democrat cities which will be counted in the census. the democrats will get more congressional seats. the only logical reason i can think of it. we have to care about national security. for the biden administration he stopped and reversed the truck policies of remain in mexico. stop defending the border was on day one. he claims it is the republicans fault, are you kidding me? awhat's right now, finally executive orders what would you want the president to do? what would you like to see cusconstruct but those trump ors back and where the chances who asked to do that? >> if he reinstates the trump border policies like remain in mexico that would greatly reduce the number of people that are crossing the border.
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if you would construct the wall there are openings in the areas on border fence there's a wide openings people are crossing. he could do those two things it would automatically reduce it. is biden going to do it? no it's not going to do it we need to change the president of the united states that is the only thing that's going to secure the border we need to elect a president trump who has a proven record of doing this already progress right now and american family is morning laken riley's family and friends she's a dead allegedly at the hands of a migrant who was in the system. he will supposedly get a fair trial in her memory has laid out some of the issues but arizona congressman debbie lesko thank you. >> thank you. arthel: may her soul rest in peace and her family find some sort of solace. we mount new video of a migrant teen stabbed in one of the
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busiest tour spots in the world. we are talk about times square. we will have that story coming up next. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement.
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>> new military action against the iranian backed rebels in the terrorists in the middle east. u.s. and britain have lunch 18
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new strikes against the houthis tartarget this happening yester. central command says include underground facilities and houthis defense systems. they have been disrupting a key trade route forcing thousands of ships to avoid the red sea. the pentagon said the goal of the joint strikes is to restore freedom of navigation in the red sea despite weeks of our strikes the iranian backed terrors they have continued their attacks. >> nypd has released surveillance videos of an attack on a migrant teen in times square. the police are still searching for multiple suspects as appears to grow over the presence of notorious violent venezuelan gangs here in the big apple. cb cotton is live in fox square. i understand at least one of the suspects was in court this weekend. what more can you tell us? >> that is right too. of the suspects was
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arraigned we learned about this case. prosecutors say this happened in broad daylight it was 23 people versus one some of the attackers are reportedly migrants two. according to court docs one of these suspects is seen in that yin theyellow vest he was arraid yesterday. a $50000 cash bail and told the judge he does not have strong ties to the community he's on with it in the states for three years. his gang assault, and criminal possession of a weapon das office since he broke a broomstick and half as he beat the 17-year-old with that. a migrant teen was stabbed. this was the night officers found at the scene the team is expected to recover but according to court docs has a long was a punctured and collapsed. five other people haven't been charged nypd says there are still 16 operating suspects. officers released in these photos asking for the public's help. ted williams former d.c.
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homicide detective says the number of attackers in this case could indicate the long-standing feud or division heat says innocent lives could have been hurt. >> divisions are being created and some of these divisions of organized crime divisions. that are taking their orders from the country in which they came from. one of these said commentaries about violent crime and specifically violent crime there in new york is that you are looking at a lot of innocent people, bystanders who could very well be hurt by gang activity that may have no association with whatsoever. x arthel during yesterday's arraignment it was very interesting prosecutors seem to paint a picture this attack
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wasn't calculated saying these suspects wore masks on the right opportunity to charge after but there's a lot more to watch with this one. back to you. >> ted williams is spot on. new york living at such public living any of us could be vulnerable at any time. cb cotton, thank you. sue for what's next in the case against jose antonio ibarra charged in the killing of laken riley. we will look at how this tragic place could play out in corporate for georgia police officer sister district attorney phil holloway joins as the next and if laken riley's friends and family will get justice. not flossing well?
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believe it or not baby... you could earn your... master's... for under 11 thousand! master's degree for under 11k in less than a year. earn your competency - based master's at university of phoenix. arthel: fresh art marker to your date of its invasion of you go with a major strike last night. it destroyed multiple buildings in eastern ukraine including a
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railway station at a church. one civilian was wounded in ukraine's a president zelenskyy promises to fight on an end this war" his country's terms but senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot is alive with the very latest from there. >> hi arthel but the war in ukraine entering year three and a rush out wasting no time doing more damage. three under missiles blasted that town in eastern ukraine along with a railway station in church, apartment buildings were hit as well as shops. this, after overnight assault of drones and other missiles we heard the sirens here and most of them knocked down. meanwhile president zelenskyy wrapped up a pretty wide ranging press conference among the key messages he said this year will be a turning point for the war in favor of ukraine there is no chance for the country to exist without a favorable outcome. he is a positive about u.s.
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military aid coming through and negative talking to vladimir putin who he called death and he acknowledged a figure for ukraine military losses bringing the toil of 31 31000 was the evidence of that today. this is a true tale of the war in ukraine and just one portion of one cemetery and one in town the six months since we have last been here 200 more graves have been added. 200 more families destroyed with the horrors of this war. some graves advance eat some freshly dug many with personal favorites of the fall in this family given their loved one a birthday celebration with slayers. >> he was everything to meet my father, my brother, my husband, my friend. >> 's fassume that lived with te pain of not knowing of their loss for many months. >> he died in may 2022. but he was missing for year end a half progresses man remembered and that painting liberating.
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>> is very kind to everybody. the mother blames the u.s. >> americans learned weapons that they want them to die getting more crowded living behind room for more graves, more sorrow. >> as fertile russian losses zelenskyy but those at 180,000. a lot of death, a lot of sorrow all around. >> too much senior foreign affairs correspondent greg greg palkot thank you very much. >> virginia couple enjoying their retirement by living on their yacht. that's after three skate prisoners hijacked their boat. they were docked at saint george when the fugitives ransacked their boats these suspects were
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caught after fleeing to another caribbean island. police say they found blood in signs of a violent ransacking on board their sailboat. sadly the couple still missing. >> back to the tragic murder of nursing student laken riley she was found dead on the university of georgia campus on thursday sources was later released into the u.s. years before this heinous crime rate let's bring in phil holloway it's a former district attorney for georgia police officer, phil i will start there as a police officer where does this case go from here? and where does the illegal status factor in? >> great to be with you i'm sorry has to be such an awful and tragic story. from this point they case has to
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go to the district attorney's office that the prosecutor of course she cannot do anything until the police completely wrap up their investigation. there was a burst of periods we saw a video of his brought before magistrate. but for the time being he has been denied bond and he is going to stay in the athens clarke county jail until the district attorney's office decides what they are going to do with it. are they are going to resent the case and undoubtedly they will. some of my law enforcement sources are raising are they going to be able to get the u.s. attorney's office to bring some type of contemporaneous charges? we have seen that happen in recent years. some in law enforcement have about this particular prosecutor's office, is she tough enough on crime or is she more like a sorest type district attorney. these are things that still
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local officials that they're going to have to make it. it's important to remember that just acting in the president of the united states could seal the border through an executive action. he has that authority right now. arthel: phil, phil, phil let me keep the politics out of it because you are an investigator and i have some serious questions about this for the opposite is a big problem with the border, absolutely. you mentioned trying to get federal charges brought us when to ask you that so i won't now because i was wond wanting the . but listen, today she is talking about. here is the story to set up for our listeners. the same day federal prosecutors charged the suspects brother with possessing a fraudulent u.s. resident card we are talking a green card name is diego and he has been arrested three times in athens, georgia since entering the u.s. and 2023, late september for driving under the influence of alcohol
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and driving without a license in late october for shoplifting. and december for failure to appear for a finger printable offense. according to the justice department the brother wasn't processed for expedited removal but claimed a credible fear of return to venezuela so he was consequently released from immigration custody. this is pending a ruling on his asylum claim on april 30. though phil, what is a bigger problem here? >> i'm going to take issue with what you said before. this is not political its factss not politics the fact you have this immigration case with green card fraud and all of this is part of the problem. it's part of what needs to be fixed. you cannot isolate the two things rate law enforcement officers are actively investigating all of the issues you just raised about how this whole thing took place.
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how did these individuals get here? why did they get here? what has a broken down in the system that allow them to be here, to be able to commit this heinous crime? it's just faxes not politics the border needs to be sealed the state legislature here in georgia, the governor on the state representatives as speaker of the georgia house have indicated there's going to be legislative action to stop the sanctuary cities in this century jurisdictions here in the state of georgia. i think that's an appropriate thing to do. you really cannot separate one thing from the other. this is all part of the same big problem that needs to be fixed right away. >> absolutely i did not mean to say this was not a political issue and definitely a problem for the current demonstration did not need to imply that i just meant i wanted to get the facts on the story from you as an assistant a former assistant d.a. et cetera but let's keep moving on. we are on the same page here i've got a minute left with you,
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phil, the brother again he could face a 10 years in prison and if convicted the murder suspect the sibling heat will go to prison here in the u.s. is my understanding. so given the horrible ironing taxpayer dollars would house these illegal criminals, should there be special consideration for them to be expedited back to venezuela it le let them pay for incarceration? >> here is the thing, there's only life in prison or potential of the death penalty. those are the only two possible sentences in georgia for the offense of murder. and of course he has other charges as well that are pen pending. so the likelihood if he is convicted of ever going back to venezuela or anywhere else are very, very slim. if the prosecutor in georgia can secure a conviction, he is going to die in a georgia prison. that is his fates if he can be convicted of this murder he will
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die in a georgia prison. so the immigration authorities regardless of who the president is or what happens at the bo border, the immigration authorities are not going to have to deal with the accused murderer. his brother on the other hand is a question for the department of justice, how aggressively and how vigorously they want to prosecute him is obviously a question for the u.s. attorney's office. but the accused murderer i. see if i fail, this is just horrible it is just horrible let's not forget the soul of 22-year-old laken hope riley. thank you very much. >> pat happy to be here. if after yesterday's primary in south carolina up next comes michigan is on tuesday. but a major voting block muslim voters in michigan they seem to tent biden. what they are doing and how it could affect the presidential race. analysis here next on fox news
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eric: south carolina's in the rearview mirror heading right toward us is michigan. the primary there in just 72 hours. to say both republicans and democrat voters will head to the polls. president biden could be running into a bit of a buzz saw from urban muslim american vow to strong support of israel against the barbaric terrace of hamas, has turned out to be hurting him among the muslim voters were there about 200,000 in that state. enough to sway the key swing state squad member michigan democratic congresswoman, she is urging fellow muslims there not to vote for the president. >> right now we feel completely neglected and unseen by our government pretty if you want us to be louder tn come here and vote uncommitted. >> progress withthis now in arin
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congressional candidate and congressional district 12 that's tempeh and amazing is also founder and president of the american islamic forum for democracy. welcome. in your view how deep and why it iisthis resistance against the president and some of the muslim voting block like we just heard? >> eric, thank you for having me. let's be clear these are the loudest most obnoxious voices in the air of commuting the muslim community but they represent an islamist political movement they do not represent the majority of muslims certainly i wish there was more of a a louder voice from the rational as the rest of us on biden inflation in the hemorrhaging board of the national security issue. but the bottom lit line is she speak for airmen muslim communities as much as hamas speaks for palestinians. they are the byproduct her and others are the seeds of racial division they are really the racists in the room to use every
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opportunity they can to inflame america, divided america they are radicalizing the democratic party in exploiting this time of elections to do that. and from biden on dan to greg stanton in her own district who has been silent and complicit never putting her in her place and allowing this anti-semitism to ferments. we see the reality is the militants the radicals the progressives aligned the red/green axis is driving the democratic party. the rational centrists are not saying anything. >> sent here is welcome to come on fox news of course to respond to what you just said but in terms of the issue of the president and how they are slang if they are the muslim community, our people listening to that? will they be voting uncommitted as she wants them to do in the primary on tuesday? >> i have to tell you i have a number of friends, family we have been reaching out to communities for decades.
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i'm one of the old loan voices. not only in that middle east especially not here in america they muslim brotherhood type groups are apologists for islamic movements they cannot call to surrender the vast majority of american muslims and syrian americans really care about our economy, the ability to feed their kids and to bring stability to the economy of their families and stop the crime that's coming across the border for the drugs they want to look at parental rights. they want to talk about fighting against woke is him and stop the division of race this type of movement speaks for rather than the rational center were most arab americans and muslim americans are very quick summons obviously listening to her here's an editorial now and arab american news in dearborn which is part of the district that urges voters to vote uncommitted and not vote for the present here's an editorial recently in
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the arab american that says biden, who won by narrow margins and republican rival donald trump quickly return to square one and his political and legislative career as a self-declared zionist arab and muslim americans are likely to back trump but couldn't sit out the election and not vote for biden and other democrats that will cause them to lose in michigan. do you think this issue will cause the democrats and the president to lose in michigan? >> well, i don't believe so. the majority of arab muslims do not listen to the radicalism of arabic news. that news outlet has been an apologist for many of the dictatorships in the middle east and the bottom line is most of us who came here to escape that militancy of islamic's, hamas and dictatorships share the values of the vast majority of americans that are concerned about the economy, concerned about a kiska security concerned about the boarding and parental rights of family values and
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others. the bottom line is they might want to use the issue to divide and stoke their anti-semitism but at the end of the day it's really more telling about the silence of biden and others in the democratic party to this radicalism rather than how it's going to affect the votes for they are calling for uncommitted vote it's not like they're going to ask for them to vote republican. and i think ultimately we will see in the general election there will be a lot of independence in arab and other communities that are tired of the stoking of racism and his skin deep identity politics rather than a rational politics and ideas that are destroying this country. steve are finally the present has been increasingly critical of israel sang the reaction because it is over the top. sanctioning settlers and the like. some critics say it people do vote uncommitted it is like you are actually giving a vote for hamas. what do you think of that and do you think that is a potential
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message by not back in the president? >> this is exactly, eric, why i have devoted my life to fighting against political islam and their worldview. at the end of the day we have a lot of reform we have to do in our communities to talk about what our priorities and not let the extremists in our community speak for us and really stop this gas lighting and deal with the core issues that are american and not be foreign first be a palestinian, be it islislam but be american first. >> yes zuhdi jasser is running for congress and the fourth congressional district in phoenix, just south of that has written a lot about this issue. see what happens on tuesday what percentage the uncommitted and gets in the primary. we will be back, thank you. fox news continues i♪n a moment. e with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo.
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9:55 am
arthel: a highly contagious >> bug is quickly spreading across the country hitting parts of the northeast particularly hard. madalyn has the details for us. boy, this is not good to hear. tell us what do you know? works not at all. doctor states, to see a spike in norovirus cases during the winter months. the northeast is getting hit hard right now.
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the positivity rate in the region is more than 13% up from 10% and mid december that is higher than any other part of the country. nationally the rate is hovering around 12%'s. this doesn't track with seasonal trends are on the same time last year about 15% of norovirus test in the northeast were positive. medical experts say this is because the virus thrives in cold weather plus more people are staying indoors making the virus more likely to spread. symptoms of the virus include vomiting and diarrhea it is extremely contagious it only takes a very small amount of particles to make a person sick. you can get it through direct contact with someone who is ill or eating food or touching surfaces contaminated with the virus. >> that is why it is so important to keep your hands are washed and clean. make sure your food is cooked well, done and properly make sure you wash any fruits or vegetables that you are going to eat making sure again that you are cle cleaning any contaminatd surfaces.
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>> user they say the symptoms go away one -- three days but if your condition gets worse at definitely see a medical provider. spieth speed okay madeline thanu very much. eric, wash her hands, wash your hands will affect seriously i am a journeym journal of pope i dot to hear all about. we will have more news for you.r >> happyou birthday. that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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