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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  February 25, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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we have to say is empty words are costing us life, the life of young individuals and the next generation in their mental health, we need to see tech companies step up and take action to design products that are not addictive and taking advantage of the brains of young people across the country we need to demand better and see results in right now were not seen them in the status quo cannot maintain. trey: ungrateful for both of you for sharing your expertise on a sunday night. >> thank you. trey: thank you for spending part of your sunday with us. we hope you have a great week ahead. next week find us online at gowdy america or trey gowdy podcast, good night from south carolina.
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where i am. they were then processed by border patrol. we want to come back out here live and show you guys just another live look at the southern border here in eagle pass, texas right now. the migrants suspected of murder in this case remains behind bars, which we'll get to. more on that in a second. but right now, the president of the united states, you guys, says he's eyeing executive action, trying to figure out what he can do to try and clean up this big border mess here. but as you can check it out over my shoulder in eagle pass, texas, the governor here was sick of waiting for action to be taken, so he put up razor wire fences,
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you name it, to try and block the border himself. we'll send it back to you. all right. thank you very much, alexis, for all of those details. down at the southern border. all right. so i want to put something up on the screen that was sent to me by a georgia lawmaker, a republican named houston gaines. he had posted on social media about this atrocity, and he sent this is not from new york. this is from georgia. so follow me here. this alleged killer entered the country in 2022 illegally. then in new york the following year, he was arrested and released in new york. after that, he went down to georgia, where he was cited and you can see it right there on the right side of your screen, cited for shoplifting. he was then supposed to show up for court on the left side of your screen. i believe that is that is the bench warrant that was then issued for his arrest because he was a no show. of course, in court for the shoplifting in georgia. so you've got an illegal border crossing, you've got criminal actions and arrests in new york, released, flees the state, basically goes to
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georgia, commits shoplifting and then doesn't show up for his court date. there's a warrant out for his arrest. and then within a few months, allegedly, he killed this innocent young woman. failure after failure after failure at every level of government. but starting at the very top and starting down at the border where alexis just was and katie , i want to start with you on this as you might be able to tell, i'm still very angry about this and i've had some people pushing back on social media saying, well, all this is not representative of all immigrants or illegal immigrants, and they're not disproportionately guilty of crimes or more violent than any other part of the population. fine fine. that's not the point here. the point is, this girl should be alive and there is no excuse for the parade of failures that i just outlined. that absolutely contributed to this heinous crime. no, they allow illegal immigrants in this country to break the law by coming in illegally. then
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they gave this guy a bus pass to go to new york city, which was likely paid for by taxpayers through an ngo grant. he comes to new york, gets in trouble for injuring a child, a sanctuary city is let out of jail, is not prosecuted here. and then he goes to georgia and now there is a young woman dead . and all of the media that i've been reading with the associated press, for example, the local atlanta paper, are just taking the fact that he was illegally in the country out of the storyline. and they do that because they don't want to face the reality of what is happening here. the biden administration has repeatedly said that the border is secure, that community is are safe, that they're not allowing criminals into the country. that's not true. it's happening all the time. people are being assaulted. people are being killed, and the media is lying to the american people by omission, by not including this . you also saw this story from the associated press about another young woman, mollie tibbetts, who went running in iowa, and she was also killed. well, they failed to mention that the man who killed her was also in the country illegally,
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right. they brought up that example in as an example of women running alone. and that it's dangerous. and then they didn't mention his immigration status at all in either of these murders. they both happen to be committed by illegal immigrants. i'm sorry. that is a relevant fact, because it underscores why those murders should have never taken place. the people who committed them in this case allegedly should never have been here in the first place. and lisa, let's also quickly look at this graphic here. we have the number of seconds devoted on the network news to this story, at least so far. a brief mention on abc. nothing on those other two. i feel like maybe the press recognizes this is a dangerous story for the democrats and for president biden. the press sides with democrats almost all the time because immigration is a top issue in this election. and here is a biden era illegal immigrant taking advantage of left wing policies in new york and a very liberal part of georgia. he's out walking free,
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apparently to commit a crime like this. the narrative for their preferred party is damaged here, and it's a it's important to point out that this isn't a reflection of a broken system. it's a reflection of a choice. yeah. and this is a choice that the biden administration has made. this is a choice that democrats have made. america is like a house getting robbed. and instead of doing something about it, we're like, oh, put your feet up, right? and someone could make the argument, oh, well, you know, illegal aliens aren't disproportionately worse than americans in crime, yadda yadda. but we're increasing the probability of bad things happening when you let 7.2 million illegal immigrants cross the southern border during joe biden's presidency, greater than the population of 36 states, your increasing the possibility when you have a record number of people on the terror watch list being apprehended at the southern border, you're increasing the probability when you're letting chinese nationalists come into the united states. so we're increasing the probability of things going wrong in america. and it's not a broken system.
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it is a choice by this administration. and i think the only reason why this has become such a big issue, because it's just gotten so bad. i think americans in the abstract, like the idea of having empathy towards illegal immigrants, but now it's impacting their communities, now it's impacting their sons and daughters. now it's increasing crime. you know, now it has come to their house, their neighborhood, and again, it is a choice by the democrats. president trump, the former president reacting on fox and friends the other day, i don't think we've heard anything from the sitting president. but here's the former president, of course, running to be president again. watch this. i just heard about the crime in georgia. what a shame. it's a new category of crime. it's called migrant crime. i call it biden migrant crime. this is on him. he's letting millions of people. lawrence, they're emptying out prisons all over the world. yesterday they had people coming in from the congo, from prisons in the congo. they have them coming in from asia, from the middle east. they're crazy.
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they're destroying our country. we're going to change it. we're going to make america great again. so, charlie, we put the graphic up a moment ago about how the networks are really staying away from the illegal immigration aspect of this crime. they cover the crime. but as katie said in the ap story, it's like, oh, little detail, basically unmentioned in a lot of the coverage we just saw. the former president's reaction. i wonder what the white house is going to say if they're going to say anything at some point here. yeah, well, they haven't said anything because obviously they don't care and truly don't care. they want this to happen. they they want this is as lisa says, this is a choice. they want to have going on what's going on right here. and i think it's really interesting. and i think you're exactly right, guy. they, uh, the reason the media avoids this is because i think at some level, they realize that this is a catastrophe for the democrat party in 2020. you had a what, 12 people running for the nomination? every single one of them supported free health care for illegals. and that kind of
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message turns on an invitation for people to come here. joe biden changed all of the border laws so that, uh, to, to create open borders and has allowed 7 million illegals into the country under his watch. they have sanctuary cities. they don't care about crime in their cities, in the places where they control. every single one of these are direct lines that can be drawn from the policies of the democrat party, and specifically this administration, to the death of lake and riley and as as appalling as it is. and my heart breaks for her family that they are being thrust into this. but i'm sure that they probably at the end of the day, they're, they're, you know, the biggest thing out of all of this will be that they don't ever want this to happen to anyone else. and, and the saddest, you know, another sad thing about this is at the when i would love to live in a country where this guy, if this guy is found guilty, he was executed the next day, i would volunteer here. unfortunately,
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that's probably not going to happen and the american taxpayer is going to have to pay to keep this guy incarcerated in our country for the rest of his life. and if you look at those numbers you were citing at the border, you add the known gotaways. you're getting a lot closer to 10 million under this president. all right. we'll leave that conversation here for now, but it will continue. trust me. coming up on a packed hour here on the big weekend show, trump's win in south carolina, having some wondering, okay, why is nikki haley still in the race? plus many in the news media melting down just over the idea that trump might be on the ballot in november. also ahead, i mean, this what he's done in three years has been a master class. i have great confidence moving forward. so the answer is absolutely all in in terms of the next four years. joe biden, a master class. oh that's interesting. 38% of people, i guess, agree with that. that's all gavin newsom. they're laying it on thick about president biden. but are some in the press maybe
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getting ready to crown him as biden's likeliest replacement, if that were to happen? and later, comedian shane gillis has a cancellation clap back on snl. i'm here. i, uh, most of you probably have no idea who i am. uh, i was actually, i was fired from this show, uh, a while ago, but if, you know, don't look that up. please. question. what would you get with almost 750 bucks? easy. i buy a smartwatch like that guy. makes sense. use that gps for your poor sense of direction. excuse me. my grandfather was a homing pigeon. my internal compass is genetic. must have skipped a generation. uh, i'm a walking gps. okay, which way is north? okay, that's up, not north. i should get the watch switch to progressive. and you could save hundreds to spend on
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whoa on the radio. whoa now, now, don't count. welcome back to the big weekend show. former president trump is basically saying nikki, who after his 20 point win over nikki haley in the south carolina republican primary last night, fox news correspondent alex hoff is live in columbia with the update. alex well, hi. good evening to you. you know, nikki haley's path forward, it's only become more challenging from here, not only because of the delegate math that she's leading into. there's a lot of winner take all states coming up, but also tonight we are learning that the coke backed group americans for prosperity, well, they have decided to pull their funding for her campaign. they've been a major donor so far. but right now they are saying that they
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don't believe an outside group will be able to widen her path to victory. so that could change things. but the former governor says she is pushing forward tonight. she's holding an event that kicked off a short time ago in troy, michigan. so she is looking forward. last night, haley pulled in about 40% of the vote here in south carolina compared to trump's 60. and she told supporters that that number and the voters up ahead deserve to have a voice. i'm an accountant . i know 40% is not 50, but i also know 40% is not some tiny group. they have the right to a real choice. this not a soviet style election with only one candidate. and i have a duty to give them that choice. well, there was little suspense
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inside of trump's election watch party last night here in columbia. we were there for that. a whole lot of confidence that that would be an easy win. it proved to be true. and the trump campaign, they said that they already really shifted their focus to the general election. by that point, though, trump still wants to see more high margin victories. listen michigan's up and we're going to have a tremendous success there. and then we have a thing called super tuesday. yes, a super tuesday coming up. and you know it's interesting he did not mention nikki haley at all in that speech last night. fox news digital did ask the former president exclusively what he thinks about nikki haley remaining in the race and he said, quote, i'm not thinking about it. lisa all right, alex, thanks for the breakdown. all right. well, trump doesn't seem to care about haley when asked by fox news digital if he want her to drop out, he said, i'm not thinking about it. and he also said i'm not sure she is in this race. so the big question
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tonight is why is haley still running anyway? we know what the mainstream media thinks. listen to this is underscoring the fundamental weakness of donald trump, and it should be a five alarm fire for the party. the republican primary voters, including again, the majority of republican primary voters in haley's home state, don't want or don't seem to want a young, experienced conservative governor who delivers solid speeches and doesn't appear to be unhinged. and they want donald trump. 7% are disastrous for donald trump, disastrous others in the media are melting down about the possibility of a second trump turn. politico writing, quote from nationwide abortion bans to classroom culture wars, assaults on climate science and political weaponization of the military, his return to the white house could make trump 1.0 seem tame. charlie, i have to imagine, as you heard, all that you're like, yes, yes and yes, yes. what do you think a trump second turn would look like? oh, i think well, i would hope that he would learn a lot
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from his first time. obviously you know, when he got to washington in 2016 or 2017, um, you know, i think that even he had failed to sort of fully grasp what the swamp really was like and all of the pitfalls, even people that he i think he thought that, that were, you know, he could trust to help him execute his agenda. a lot of them worked against it. i mean, the whole the whole apparatus works against him. and what we're seeing, the fact that they want to put him in jail, the fact that they want to bankrupt him and his family is all evidence that of what a threat he is to the establishment in washington and that goes for both parties. you know, the fact that a central platform of the republican party today is, is dealing doing something about illegal immigration is owing entirely to the fact that donald trump brought the issue to the party and of course, what he's done to the democrat party. he's stolen their blue collar voters , he's stolen he eats into african american and hispanic voters in ways that i think
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democrats can't imagine, because they're racist. and they view those. they think they own those voters. but donald trump, just through basic common sense and all these issues, they're like 80% issues. if you took the politics out of it, like 80% of americans would agree with his platform. and washington sees that as such an existential threat. they would literally. and now, of course, we now you have democrats talking about how they're not going to certify the election if he wins . well, we'll get to that in a bit. guy i want to get you on this. so this is what the south carolina gop chair had to say about trump's victory. let's listen. what we saw last night was a blowout. you know, no. two ways to parse it. you know, 20 points is a blowout. uh not only that, but you saw donald trump get the most votes anybody has ever received in a statewide primary. compare that to the democrat side of the street. so they only had 132,000 people turn out in their entire primary. so we turned out six times more than they did those. of course, on fox and friends. um, you know,
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guy, should democrats be worried about those numbers? yeah. so there's an interesting enthusiasm story to tell here. and look, yes, a 20 point win is a big blowout for trump. i would point out that roughly a week and a half prior to the election, the real clear politics average had it 33 point margin for trump. so it did close a little bit. 6040 is closer than that, but still not close. we've made the point last night that those 40% of voters do matter. looking ahead to a general election. but on the sort of enthusiasm question inherent in what you asked, there was all this chatter after iowa about turnout being down on the republican side and somewhat after new hampshire as well. well, that was not the case in south carolina last night. and what's interesting is, of course, if you have an incumbent not really being challenged, there's not going to be necessarily a huge turnout because the outcome is already known. there isn't a serious challenge to the incumbent, but still, to have 132,000 people turn out in the democratic primary and have almost 760,000 turnout in the republican primary. that's a big difference. one other
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point, because you could say, all right, well, there are totally different circumstances in the year 2024. fine. in 2016, the republicans were in the middle of a really rollicking, competitive republican presidential primary. and last night's turnout in south carolina was higher on the republican side than it was in 2016. for sure. katie i want to get you on this real quick. so this is a headline in an atlantic article. it says this how democrats could disqualify trump if the supreme court doesn't. it goes on to say in interviews, senior house democrats would not commit to certifying a trump win, saying they would do so only if the supreme court affirms his eligibility. but during oral arguments, liberal and conservative justices alike seemed inclined to dodge the question of his eligibility altogether and throw the decision to congress should. i mean, is this laying out sort of a groundwork of what we might see? i mean, democrats have already tried to keep him off the ballot in certain states as well. he's facing four criminal indictments. they've gone that route. i mean, these are the people who
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say that they care about democracy, that democracy is the most important thing in this country, that democracy is up for, that it's going to die. if donald trump were to win. and yet, when it comes to getting him in office, they don't want anyone voting for him. they want to take that ability, that right away from millions, tens of millions of americans who want to vote for donald trump and who voted for him before. let's not forget that the democrats never supported donald trump as a legitimate president in the first place. the 2017 during his inauguration, 70 democrats refused to show up and you had a number of democrats, including some of them who then went on to impeach him, claiming for the sake of democracy that they were not going to certify the election. so they're on that train. and that's just what they say is almost projection. it's almost as if they're threats to democracy. narrative isn't real . it's almost like they're a threat to democracy. yes actually. exactly right. well, coming up, cannons, moats and more simulators, are we really on the doorstep of the next
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were arraigned in manhattan criminal court. 316 year olds and a 22 year old man who were all charged with gang assault, assault and criminal possession of a weapon. prosecutors asked for the suspects to be held on cash bail because they've only been in the country 1 to 3 years this was the knife the nypd found at the scene. next to it is part of a broomstick, which officers say broke in half after a suspect used it to beat the team. the 17 year-old is expected to recover, but according to court docs, his lung was punctured and collapsed. officers releasing these photos asking for the public's help to identify 16 remaining suspect. the da's office says the facts of the case indicate there are some type of ongoing violent dispute between the suspects and the victim during yesterday's arraignment, prosecutors painted a picture that this attack was calculated, saying the attackers wore mask and waited for the opportunity to charge after the teen. the suspects, who've been arraigned
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are due back in court this week . 214 year olds have also been arrested and their cases have been moved to family court, where details of their involvement will remain sealed. katie all right. thank you. cb switching gears a little bit, the whole idea about preparing for a doomsday scenario is front and center in the netflix movie leave this world behind. and now some billionaires are building ridiculous bunkers that include fiery moats and water cannons. sounds like a lot of fun. and now you can escape reality and live on mars. kind of nasa is looking for four people to join a year long mission locked inside its mars simulator in houston, texas. guy benson is shaking his head. it's in america. you're not leaving the earth. i need to befriend one of these billionaires with the moats. that's where i want to be. in the event of a doomsday, because i'm not a prepper. let me just confess. if something were to happen, like. see? clear, you're not a prepper. i'm not at all. how can you tell if something bad were to happen, i'd be probably the
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first person to die right? i would have my phone, which i have no electricity. i'm like, well, i can't order sushi and i just would expire, like i would. i would be useless in this scenario. so i'm really rooting against it. personally. we know that you would be good as a prepper, a doomsday. yeah, i'm just amazed that like billionaire. so there's a netflix show about this. yes. so that's probably why the only reason we've been doing this for decades is this is like how we live, right? i mean, prepping is kind of the whole point of being alive these days. but i do think, do you have a bunker? i trust me, i've got water sources, i've got i could survive a very long time. it's, it's harder than i think a lot of people realize you're playing coy at. the question is like i have just under it's like, no, no, it's like when somebody asks you what to describe your gun collection. it's like, yeah, sorry. you want to talk about fight club? you don't you don't want to find out how big my collection is. but but i do think it's kind of interesting that this is how bad it is in biden's america that you have like an illegal alien getting beat up
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by illegal aliens in times square. this is like, this is where we are today. like a bank robber gets mugged when he walks out on the sidewalk. this is what you get with these people. so lisa, things are so bad. apparently here on earth that people are trying to leave and nasa is doing the simulation. so would you live on mars for a year? i'd dabble. you dabble? yeah. why not? i don't think there's dabbling. i think you have to go. yeah, sure. why not? no, but they're building bunkers. because the world's bunkers. yeah, i actually, i am a prepper. i have, like, three years of food . i have a thing to make a fire. i have a go bag. i don't know where you go, but get him prepared. um, and, you know, it's actually like when at&t, when all the phones were. i was thinking about this. and because i could barely survive that. so i'm like, well, i think if i were retired and i didn't really have obligations, so maybe people could come visit me in the martian emulator in houston, texas, i might do it for you. yeah. did you know if they took out the east coast power grid? they said it would result in the deaths of 90% of the population on the east coast? oh and me first, as i said, in a year,
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unless. unless so, i don't live that far from katie. i would come straight to your house because you have all the guns. this side of the table. probably wouldn't survive very long, but i think this side, you guys would have it. we'll come hang out with you guys. but i don't understand the whole thing about mars, isn't it? like for light years away. okay, but this is a simulation, isn't it? like a light year, like charlie bajillion miles. i'm just saying it could be fun. why not try? why not? you know, people are trying all kinds of things. we've got billions of dollars. you can build a bunker. i just don't understand how we go. like light years, i just don't. you really can't. i'm willing to dabble. maybe someday. all right, coming up, gavin, the galvanizer and the california governor is laying it on thick to get voters on biden's side. but as the media calling his bluff, that's next. it looks good on the sky. looks good on that neon buzzin on the wall. but, darling, don't match your. some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you with allstate, because you know that just
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because it fits in the cup holder doesn't make it to go. and you know how to break without breaking everything. and you're definitely not doing okay. i don't even know what this is, but you definitely not doing that with allstate. you're connected to a rate based on you. it's two things a young man want to be cowboy or a gangster, and a gangster is out of style. i got back to my roots. we come from a long line of cowboys. my grandfather, my great grandfather, my aunt even rode horses. when i see all of us out here on this ranch, i see how far our legacy can go. attention. this is an important message. if you suffer from lower back pain, hip pain, and shooting pain down your legs, you could be experiencing a
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to the big weekend show. it may not be the french laundry, but it'll do the glitz and glam of this weekend's white house. governors ball has gavin newsom sky high on biden's 2024 run. i mean, this what he's done in three years has been a master class. i have great confidence moving forward so the answer is absolutely all in in terms of the next four years, joe biden yet newsom is still on the list of democrats and media who say they have no qualms about biden's mental fitness ahead of the 2024 election. also seeing all the reporters barking at him, yelling at him, saying, hey, right? and then he's got quick, fast, snappy, defensive replies. i would challenge our thinking on this and that. people don't take it in the way we do, and i think it's fair game, absolutely, to talk about trump's age just as much as his it is to talk about biden's age. and i think the question will be how they view, you know, trump's legal issues compared to biden's age. but it
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seems not everyone in the media is on board. some are speculating that biden will be replaced. business insider list includes newsom, kamala harris, gretchen whitmer and cory booker. so so, katie, um, i mean, i think it's fair to say that joe biden is putting on a master class, but i don't think it's the same master class. i think it is. yeah, exactly. it's a different kind of master class. look i, i'm not so sure that republicans want to go down this road of potentially running against someone other than joe biden. he's a great candidate to run against, given all of the issues he has with the, you know, the topics at hand, illegal immigration, the economy, and also, of course, his age and not just his age, but also the special counsel report that put into black and white what americans have been watching for three years, which is that he's a bumbling old man sometimes who can't. he gets confused. he needs note cards for basic tasks, talking to donors as well, who are
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becoming concerned. and so we'll see if you know something happens at convention. i'm not so sure if first lady jill biden is keen on replacing him. his family seems to be behind his second time, but gavin newsom definitely is at the front of the line when it comes to getting in. if he wants to step aside. so lisa, one of the people who seems pretty confident that joe biden will be replaced is joe rogan. listen to this. but it seems like when they release information like that, they know what they're doing. they're slowly chipping away at it and by the time probably, i would say like may rolls around , it'll probably be gavin newsom. that would be my guess. when you just look at california, the most beautiful states, arguably the most beautiful. yeah. in america, resources for days, everything. and it's just him, pelosi and maxine waters and adam schiff. they just the whole state up. i mean, granted, i kind of like a world where joe rogan and kid
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rock are sort of our our great political thinkers. but, i mean, does he have a point? do they have a point? he might need his mouth washed out with soap. i'm, you know, um, there's a lot of beeping. it's probably a thought bubble that, you know, is being put out there and introduced to the public. but i don't know if it matters who the democrat nominee is. as long as they have the democrat machinery behind them, particularly in this era of mail in balloting. i mean, you look at pennsylvania alone in 2020, i think three, almost three out of four, every mail in ballot went for biden, biden winning pennsylvania by less than 2% of the vote. and you have this internal fight going on right now within the republican party of how we should handle mail in balloting, where trump still kind of against it. you've got the rnc with bank your vote, encouraging it, and then even in the state of pennsylvania, you have republicans there trying to raise money to encourage mail in balloting. so i worry that what it could come down to is we went on the issues and even trump is better and wins against biden, but when it comes down to the logistics, the machinery of the election, we might lose. so, you know, guy, a lot of
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obviously a lot of people focus on how donald trump inspired people to be to vote against republicans is and there is some truth to that. but it also, in a weird way that what gets sort of overlooked is the fact that because of that unifying of the of the democrat party, people don't talk about how terribly splintered the democrat party is. and i think those splinter things that you're referencing would really come out in a nuclear way at a brokered convention if biden were to step aside and you had different factions showing up at the very last minute. and this just clawing for power, um, it would be, i think, volcanic and maybe very damaging, i think to their party, which is why i think many of them are skeptical that they want to go that direction, even with all the concerns they have about the incumbent, i still can't get over the clip that we played in the montage here at the beginning of the segment with someone, i think on cnn, talking about how quick and snappy and amazing biden's responses are to questions like
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what questions he almost never takes questions, and why? what are you talking about? what did you see? he's like she said, i think, oh, the voters don't see things the way we do. the voters see things very clearly based on every single poll. last point, gavin newsom, i think it's very obvious what he's doing. he is going so over the top, master class all of that. so no one can accuse him of not being all in for biden. so if biden loses, he can sort of say, look, i did my very best, but i told you so. and if biden were to be persuaded to step aside for whatever reason, he's mr. magnanimous who's been the good soldier for every step of the way. he's pretty transparent. i think this newsom and that's how i read his behavior here. stevie wonder can see it. yeah. he's so, so unctuous and greasy and oily. he's like, he's like he gives edginess. yeah. he gives like used car, car salesman, bad name. okay. coming up, comedian shane gillis finally gets his shot on saturday night live. so what does the what does the liberal media do? they use the comedians debut to bash
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blink the lights to let you know tonight. welcome back to the big weekend show, the taste of victory is sweet. saturday night live brings back comedian shane gillis after firing him, but not as a cast member. as a host, every little boy is just their mom's gay best friend. there's literally zero difference. i was gay for my mom. she would pick me up from school, i'd hop in the van, i'd be like, girl, tell me about your day. i thought she was cool. i would listen to her music. i'd be like, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, let's go girls. i would dance for her. just to be like, look at my little dancer. and then there was this banger, a parody of a liberty mutual insurance commercial that was cut for time and posted on snl social media. the movie me and doug, we're on it quick. you know, somebody's paying for coverage. they don't need. liberty
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mutual, let's you customize and save so you only pay for what you need. the la times called out the hosting choice in an op ed writing this. snl's olive branch to shane gillis reflects a dangerous failure to learn from the hate movements that blossom during the trump era. so guy, do you buy the cut for time? but i don't know. so i actually watched that whole fake ad for liberty mutual. and it goes on. it gets it gets very dark. uh, the emu lemieux, in fact, uh, she shoots and kills that customer. and it turns out he's like a dirty cop. and like, there's cocaine involved. it's a dark and hilarious sketch. i guess they didn't air it. and then they do the little liberty jingle at the end, to which it was very funny. i think they should have aired that, um. i'm happy that they brought this comedian back to host and these scolds. this is the la times piece about these scolds. oh, that's it's dangerous. what a miserable way to live. okay if this guy wrote or said something that was bad and they maybe went overboard
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firing or whatever, is there no path back to redemption? you can never do anything ever again. like, i'm glad that snl ignored that mentality and brought him back, maybe belatedly, because he did a good job. but charlie, aren't comedians supposed to push the boundaries and be controversial? you would hope. i mean, i didn't see the it just from what we saw right there, it's sort of hard to get how funny it was. but, um, yeah, but it's like, you know, this is the problem with these people. it's like the like the la times, their entire existence is based on the first amendment and the right to free speech and as soon as somebody else exercises their free speech and says something they don't like or they don't agree with, they are the first ones to try to take it away from people. and it's a really demented way to go through, as you say, to go through in a miserable way, to go through life. although, like shane gillis won this round. right? katie because, i mean, he's coming back as a host. well, look, americans, people all over are itching for more
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comedy. they want to laugh at things, especially in times that feel very heavy. and so that's why you've seen the success of dave chappelle, greg gutfeld, kat timpf, jimmy failla. people really want to laugh about these things, and the oversensitivity and calling jokes about certain people, uh, hate movements. i think people are getting really tired of that. there's a reason why you've seen comedians refusing to go to college campuses, for example. it's just not worth it to them. they're going to go to an audience, and there are many of them that exist where people want to laugh and not take things too seriously. and comedy is a great way to joke and to really establish what's happening in the country. almost a historical record in a way that can be funny. and so people want more jokes. they don't want to be scolded, as guys said. and so he won that one, and i'm sure that he'll be back somewhere else, even if snl doesn't have him back. i mean, real quick, charlie, have we lost our sense of humor as a country? well, yeah, i think without a doubt. but also, it's not just the humor, it's also the truthfulness. i mean, you
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know, the whole point of court jesters is that they tell the truth and it's in a funny way, and they get away with it and they don't get beheaded by the king. well hope not. all right, stick around the big four is next. it's a nice grilling to get it all you got it. so now hold on. the grand cherokee is the most awarded suv ever. and because of that, it means even more when you can keep a grand cherokee in the family. it's yours now, while still looking forward to the road ahead. don't blame you. don't want to miss it. during the jeep president's day sales event, get the 2024 jeep grand cherokee starting at 38,290 msrp. so so would you get two nashville hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders? nice what about you? three classic tenders for big butterfly shrimp. four of a kind. i win hot. oh, okay. is it always a
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for the biggest stories everyone will be talking about this week. i will go first. former texas congressman beto o'rourke is endorsing a plan to snub joe biden in the michigan primary in hopes to pressure the president into calling for a ceasefire in gaza. the plan aims for voters to cast uncommitted on their ballot, so the commander in chief receives less votes. in tuesday's primary. you know, um, can i just can he just go away? is it . but he has to make sure the pro hamas voters, is it beta or beta for it's robert beta beta, it's robert francis robert francis, it's robert francis. don't anyone third. yeah. all right. katie. all right. well several several democratic states, including washington, illinois and new jersey, have given more than $500 million of the $1.9 trillion covid relief package to illegal immigrants. so while they're looking for more money as joe biden continues to have the border open, they're spending more of
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your tax money that is allocated for something else on these people. so remember, everybody, americans tax day is april 15th. keep paying up because it needs to be spent on people who broke the law to get in here. yeah that was a slush fund. it always was. and that's evidence of it. republicans warned about it. all right. i got this story here. bombshell phone records expose fulton county da fani willis and her squeeze. special prosecutor and maybe former now flame nathan wade. the cell data involved here indicates that wade visited willis neighborhood, right around where she lived before he was hired, contradicting previous testimony about the relationship. starting in 2022, her defenders her office says that doesn't prove anything, but the cell phone records don't lie, and apparently, guys, she would maybe allegedly host him overnight a few times based on when he arrived and when he left, and they testified that never happened. so this could be a problem for what trump might call naughty fannie. some sleepover. all right. it's promoted as the most insane athletic showdown
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on earth. it's the florida man games, a competition that pokes fun at the state's reputation for bizarre stories involving antics that would normally land someone in jail or the hospital . competitors fought hard in events like beer, wrestling and evading police. i wish to participate. okay, it looks like fun. i could see charlie participating. i could see you doing that. yes. right there. lisa yeah, you? i'm very good at beer pong. yeah. this is this is your new state, right? surprises no alligator wrestling in this school. what do you think? how is it? no alligator wrestling in the florida man games? i would i would skip that part. and pythons too. i mean, you got to get the animals involved. i don't i don't dabble with dangerous animals. it's a man. i mean, you can be whatever you want, but yes. no, i'm saying there is no florida man without alligators. i think that's been proven. we'll look into it. yeah, and we're done. guys, we're out of time. it does it for us. we'll see you next weekend. life, liberty and levin starts right now. it's raining hard. i'm shannon bream, a solemn anniversary two years since russia invaded


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