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tv   Hannity  FOX News  February 26, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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not a man. greg from salem, alabama. >> joe, get rid of the ice cream and bring back ice. >> well done, bill from albuquerque, new mexico. save the ice cream for vacation. he's always on vacation. >> good point. and we're going to have a special ice cream. joe biden investigation tomorrow. >> so pay attention. charlie from rutherford, new jersey. you looked so young in that flashback. that's one piece of advice you give yourself ten years ago. oh, god, maybe eat more ice cream. this is my world. a
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and we start tonight with a fox news alert. my opening monologue jus t moment. but first, a hazmat team wast seen at donalddo jr's homegh in florida tonight after an envelope reportedly sent with an unknown white powder inside. >> pretty scary. anyway, joining us now with the latest is matt fan. what's the lates.t in florida? >> sean donald trump jr says an> envelope with a suspiciousth white substance arrived to his home in jupite ar, florida earlier today, causing a massive emergency response from law enforcement workers in white hazmat suits were photographed insids ine and aro the exterior of trump jr's home. fire and rescue trucks from palm beach county were also on the scene. a spokesperson for trump jr tells us the results of the substanc e came up inconclusive, but officials do not consider it deadl officiy. . >> the daily beast initially reported that trump jr opened the envelope, causint,g white powdery substance to fly out. donald trump j ther told the da. beast that this is the second envelope containing white
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powder. that's the second envel mailed to him t years. >> trump jr said that his haters will largely gloss over this incident and that the media will, quote, barelyoh? flinch. >> sean wright matt finn i've been there had this happen.ence i had a very scary experience once. turned out to be nothing turne. but when you don't know it, it's chilling. thank you. all righs chillit. also tonight, joe biden continues to lag far behind. formeratt. president trump in t polls. look at this new harvard harris poll. donaldbehind now leads biden nationwide by six points. bie big reason for that is biden's disastrous open borders agenda. that is obviously wreaking havoc in every town, every city all across the country. a according to a new monmouth poll. while most americans say illegal immigration is a veryy serious problem and it getsr because another poll released just last week found that just 26% of americans approve of joe biden's job on immigration. and frankly, even that number seems high.
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now. since day one in office, singbiden has worked to undobide every single trump era policy that was handed to him the most secure border ever inherited in the moderp n age in our history. but anyway, with the stroke of a pen within the first 100 days, while joe biden joe ked donald trump's to exclude illegal immigrants from the censutos, he strengthened aka he stopped bol border wall construction. he ended trump's interior enforcement role and theruction. in mexico policy that was working and assigned asylum agreements with el salvador, guatemala, honduras and what exp title 42 expire. now he can reinstate all those policies just as simply just jus as easily as he did them with the stroke of a pen. and noa w, after years of aiding and abetting the rampant lawbreaking, our southern border, or now, after three years of lying, the white house announced a biden. wow. i don't know where he's going
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to visit the border for just the second time, although the first time, i would argue, wasn't really a visit. and it's going to happend arguws thursday. and how convenient. well, it is the same day urin the former president trump will be touring the border himself. by the way, wee border have a mr announcement on this front later in the show. but wait . us the biden white house. they've been telling all of us,n the american people, just likejo they tell the american people. joe does. avre in ane hour than the average american does in an entire day. >> anyone believe that or. i never spoke to hunter, my brother or anybody for that matter, about the farm business deals. but i think they're thei, myre biggest lie was about our border. the border is closede . border is secure. they said it over and over and over again. shalerndl remind you. >> take a look. sounds to most folks likesis. a crisis. well, look, it's way down now. and we y down gotten control precisely that. >> the border is closed. nor could i have been clearer>> and continued to be so.border >> which is? c
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the border is closed. the united states will continue to enforce our laws and secureg our border at the border. >> we are working to make the border more secure.>> you we're confident this borderer secure. >> we we have a secure border,n and that that is a priority forr any nation, including ours and our administration. >> we agres r e that the border is secure. they've been pushing lie to you, the american people,yo for three long years. only recently has that now f evolved into blaming republicans for joe lying and saying he's done everything i've done, everything i could possibly dublicanso, said. why won't republicans help me? now he and kamala harris, they now blame republicans for their failed policies. is this some kind of cynical joke either side? >> do you bear responsibility for what is happening at theesin border with the
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president himself? >> it's called a crisis. t elit certainly is a and, well, we don't bearisea responsibility for a broken system. and we're doing a tremendous amount within that broke n system. but fundamentally, fundamentally, congresa broks is only one who can fix it. our national border security. >> oh, i've done everything i can do, really? >> you caused the problem. you didn't have the problem when you got into the white house. now, this strategy doesn't appear to be working. dona trump now surging ahead of biden in nearly every key swing state. that would be michigan and wisconsin and north carolina. arizon w northa, georgia. but first, he was a lot is fox news white correspondent peter doocy.
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peter, you know, please fact check me for three long years haven't we been told over and over by the president, the vice president? department of homeland securitys secretary and every spokesperson they've ever had that the borden r is closed.r h the border is secure. did we hear that fors? three years and now all of a sudden it's republicans fault and that it's a mess now and a they won't help him? t over we did hear that over and over. sid a lot's changeoverd the 14 r 15 months since i asked president biden before he flewwa out to arizona one day why he was going to a border state and not visiting the border. and he told me it was because t there were more important thingsold rtan going on. tal now, recently you talk to people at the white house, you talk peoplwhite ho people is campaign. they would list the number one issuissue in this election that is coming up as being the cost of living or, the economy. but this trip seems to be an admission that they have realized they cannot win reelection without, fixing what is happening at the border
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and there is a lot of talk among democrats about how this is not a political issue. they've got to get the politics out of it to fix get the it. but what we're going to see on thursday, at least probably fromat we arg to trump and from, but what we're going to see from president biden is going to be very political. he is going to be talking about how itt ho on republicans to get a little bit of urgency behind them and pass this bipartisan senate deal. but i was talking to some republican governors coming out of their meetingg to with the president at the white house on friday fri and they said they p didn't really see a point in president biden continuing to focus on that bipartisan senate deal because, yesenat, republicans helped negotiate it, but it's dead right now. donald trump put enough pressure on republicans to kills bill. essentially. he didn't like it. he got enough people. on's the leader of the partysu got enough people with him. that package is dead. so what lawmakers want to see
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wee other things that president can do.w be and we know possibly before the state of the union next, he is considering some executive actions like restricting who can ask forasylm asylum and where at the border. but the place that he is going to go, according to our teams down there is, a sector,sect the rio grande sector, where things are pretty dead this timethings year deadline only te or 400 encounters a day. it's other places at the border where they're getting 2000, 4000 to the border patrol cannot keep up with the volume of people coming across something that was kind of funny tonight to see president bide n at the ice cream shop in new york, where he was fundraising and taping a late night comedyy . he said that he was always going to ghe waso to border. he didn't know that his good friend donald trump was going to just happen to be there the same day. >> john oh, i had no at all.ty
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so like east palestine, a year after the train derailment, oh, a year later he comes. he's three years late and. it's three years of documented d lies about how the border was closed and secure in spite of what our eyes were showinte w us and we were showing this audience and the american people saw for themselvese pretty unbelievabl. well, guess what? we've seen you down in texas on thursday. peter doocy, thanksee yo you. all right. now, while biden finds time to visit the southern border, uh well, you, the american people, you have been feeling beendeadly effects of this failed border policies now for years. ice is now confirming the suspect in the murder this august of medical collegee nurs nursing student lincoln riley entered the uniteduden states illegally from venezuela and was previously arrested in new york city. we had a chance to deport him. it didn't happen in the sanctuary city of new york. now saying in a statement that he was arrested by border patrol in september of 2022,
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crossing into the u.s. in el paso. former president trump did react to the news of riley's murder, blaming it on yes, biden's border invasion. also breaking tonight, another illegal from venezuela arrested in virginia, charged with assault against a minor. and remember, the cops being beaten in times square? well, they were also from venezuelcopsa alone in the couny illegally. they, of course, got let go by alvin bragg, who's now going after donald trump over a stormy session we knew about in 2016. oft they gotbragg. to flee the sanctuary city of new york to head to the sanctuary of statek to h of california afr flipping the people of new york, a double bird. d. and by the way, since when could states and cities actually codify into law policies law that are federal on the federal level illegal now? because joe biden and joe biden alone, we have nearly 10 million illegal, unvetted immigrantsunvett roaming this
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country, including thousands from our top go political force, tens of thousands from china overo po 12,000 from russ. we got iran, the number1 stat one state sponsor of terror. there are satellite states syria, egypt, know the muslim brotherhood, afghanistan, where we're now seeing the reemergence of training camps of al qaeda. joe biden's border crisis, one of the biggest national security threats we have ever faced. it is also exacerbating the violent crime surge that is happening all across the country. and according to border patrol data, under former president trump, only 11 criminal non-state onl assassins were arrested for homicide or manslaughter. so far under biden, that numberu has surgedgh to 165. similarly, under biden, the number of criminal noncitizen arrested for assault and domestic violence that has more than doubled. and meanwhile, new york city is reeling from the consequences city re of joes open border crisis. take a look at our screen.
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we have brand new video out tonight that appears to be an illegasis.l immigrant bike club outside a shelter in queensr that taxpayers are paying for. and last thursday, while a 17 year old was stabbed in a brawl near times square. d yep. in an illegal immigrant shelter. now, even whene sq trump took ss to secure the border, democrats are laying the groundwork for this open borders disaster that we've been watching unfold for over three years. you might remember this. take a look. >> i thinks no question criti that we've got to critically reexamine ice and its rolecaay s and the way that it is being administered and the work it is doing. and we need to probabl y think about starting from scratch. >> i don't think ice today is working as intendedcratch.. you should get rid of the agency. i believe that it has become a deportation force and i thinku you should separate the criminal justice from the immigration issues sep and.g >> i think you should reimagine ice. it's too aggressive aninice.d or
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the top, and i think it's lost its course. replnd so, therefore, we should replace it with something sensible, something practical. they stillething have to be a lw enforcement agency, but one that's a little bit more humane. >> wumane need to rebuild our immigration system from top to bottom, starting by replacing with something that reflects our morality. ral. >> we can replace it and we can replace it with a humane agency that is directed toward safe passage. what do you had a blac. k other, the criminalization that you might recall, your vice president then senator harris, compared ice to the kkk, just in case you forgot. >> take a look. co a what we would call today a domestic terrorist group. why why? why would we call them domestic terrorist group? >> because they try to use fearf and force to changorevironm political environment. >> and what was the motivation for the use of feaen r and force based on race and ethnicity? >> right. city.are you aware of thepercepi
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perceptions of many about how p the power and the discretion at is being used to enforce the laws? and do you see any parallels? >> i do not see any parallels between. i'm talking about police officers and agents. >> i'm talking about perception. i do not see a parallel between what is constitutionally mandated as as i talkit to enfog the law. >> are you aware that there's a perception? >> are. >> are you aware that there's a perception ice in the same category as the kkonk? them i >> is that where you're asking me a perception comparing to the kkk on the 2020 campaign trail? biden did preview his plan for this lawlessness and open borders, you might remember. >> take a look at this. who is here without documentres and that is his only offense. should that person be deported. that person should not be the focus of deporting. >> we should fundamentally change the way we deal with this. what exact changes would you bring to ice as an agency? >> i would hopd yoe i.c.e agents
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accountable if in fact, they stepped over my executiveto order. you only arrest for the purpose of dealing with a felony that's committed. and i don't count drunk drivin n as felon. the first hundred days of my administration, no one, no10 one will be deported at all. from that point on a, the only that will take place are convictions of felonie feloo >> the united states of america. so to be clear, only felons get deportedclear,. and everyone else here is. wow. i thought i' d. tell the whole story. the chaos at the border and its deadly conflicr t when so sadlyl were all preventable. but asl they were pretty much everything. this administration, once agai l ,is a day late and a dollar short. here with reaction is texas senator ted cruz. senator, you've been down there more than anybody. i think the thing i resent the most is they are just flat ouret lying. republicans in the house did pass h.r. one. this compromise bill would
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have allowed 5000 illegal immigrants still into the country. it was not a compromise ice. >> that's not a border security bill. your reaction? , your realisten, i listened tot rhetoric from the campaigns and the crisis we're seeing unfolding is what joe biden campaigned on. it's wha ut he believes and what it is, what he intends to continue doing ever to y day. the biden body bags are building up and more more people are dying. more and more children are being brutalized. peop dyingn are beingen sexually assaulted. and i got to say, biden, kamalac harris, chuck schumer, the democrats in office,care they do not care. this is deliberatethis i. >> you know, look, you talk about the lake and riley, a beautiful 22-year-old nursing beau. t in georgia, murdered and i'm here to tell you right now that is the direct result of policy and political decisions by joe biden and by democrats. you look at the venezuelan murderer, number onecrats., he l illegally to this country. >> the biden administration bid
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you know what they should have done? they should have put him on a plane and sent him back to venezuela immediately. but they didn't. joe biden decided to let him-- go just to release him. so they released the murderer. but then the murderer goes to new york city and what happens? he's arrestecityd for endangeria the safety of a child. and then what happens? the democrats in new york city, they let him go an nd they don'm inform the federal officials. >> they don't want him deported because new york citofficiy is proudly a sanctuary city. so they let him go again and he comes down to georgia and he murders that young woman you just played joe biden. they're saying, well, we're not going to deport anbiden,e y illl who commits drunk driving. well, let me ask every american who lost a friend or family or loved one to drunk driving. it >> why is it the democrats are proudly saying, we want who criminals who drive drunk here? what they're sayine drung it is is offensive. it is harmful. it is dangerouhas. and it is a cynical politicst that puts partisan gain above
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protecting the lives and thes. safety of american citizens. >> you know, senator, you know ,you've been down there soe so often. as a matter of fact, when they had kids in cages in the middle of a pandemic and covered they were overcrowded, they wouldn'tthey allow my cameras in there. you were gracious enough to film and give us the video cm so we could show the american people that we have been talking about this for three years. we hbeens forowing image three years. but wait a minute. now all of a sudden, the bordewr ,they told us for three years was secure and closed. now it's the republicans fault. okay. does that does that, i guess, verbal jujitsu work? that i >> because that's incomprehensible to me. yeahs . >> look, i don't think it's going to work at all. nobody who has a an iq above room temperature is going to believeroom democrats latest claim that, oh, the border crisis is republicans fault. >> loo blamek remember when joen became president, he inherited the lowest rate of illegal
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immigration in 40 five years. >> joe biden and the democrats deliberately broke this system. they caused the highest rate of illegal immigration in history. and i'm here to tell you, when donald trump is reelected and i believe he's going to be reelecteimmigratald trumd in non he comes back into office in january, we're going to see,b the numbers plummet again, because what it takes is aer president willing to enforce the law. and you talk about going to the border. i wangs at southern border yesterday. >> i was down on laredo yesterdawordy. i did a town hall down in laredo. i actually did it with then mayor in laredo and the democratic county judge in laredo. >> and what's interesting is ind texas, democrats and republicans going to workr together reasonably. >> nobody in south texasasonabln defend what's happening at our border. >> there aren't democrats who ca born defend because when you see the dead bodies, when you see the women and children brutalizwhen ye, when you see the people dying of drug overdoses, there is no defense and i got to say, yesterday when i was down on the border,
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they asked myee, do you have anything to say to joe biden? i said, come to the border. he announced today he is coming to the border, but i'm here to predict he's going to do hiat he di here tod in el paso,h is hide every illegal immigrant and put on a photo op. imm that's fundamentally deceptive. oh, like he shows up in east palestine a year after the train derailed. day late dollar short. you're late. thesr e three plus years late now. but it's the republicans fault. it was his policies. and then he lied for three years. can't maket up, senator. >> only in d.c. do you get this kind of lying. we appreciate you being with us. and we have a big announcement, by the way, as it relates to the bordeg anr coming up by e end of the show. now, coming up, as biden's blunders, they continue to get worse and worse while democrats ,they're now scrambling to defend their, well, cognitively presidential candidate. straight ahead, the day you get your clear choice, dental implants.
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back guarantee. get your new favorite pair of jeans today and tailor available on the apple app store or android. >> now, apparently democrats are so worried about joe biden's clear and obvious cognitive decline that are just pretending that it is not happening. they don't wan sot you to believe your lying eyes and ears. >> now, here'sto belie south caa congressman jim clyburn trying jir joe'sn excuse fo decline. >> take a look. there's something wrong with trump . and we know there's something wrong with trump. all of that meandering he was doing today. but we never see any reporting on that. if joe biden commits a gaffe, ed a guy who started all of adulthoodood into and everybody know his stuttering is caused a lot a of his speech impediment, and we know that has nothing to do with his brain. edimen he stumbles one timet. and everybody says he's too old
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to be the president. look, we had a president of the united states. i saw the records the other day in the top ten, and some people got him in the top three. franklin roosevelt was in a wheelchair. >> it didn't bother his brain mumbling, bumbling, stumbling, dazed and confused. >> now, even compare biden even to 2020. and it was bad then too, today.a and it is frightening. the decline that has taken place california governor gavin newsom, he says joe biden his age is an asset. i don't think he believes this for a second. take a look. >> it's because of his age that he's been successful. age it's because of the wisdom and the character that's developed over years that we have the chips in science act, the infrastructure bill, and the fact that in the safer communities act. and because we've seen these bipartisan accomplishments because of his capacity of understanding, because of his so the opportunity
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to express that for four more years, what a gift it is for the american people. and as, what a democrat, what dt get for me to make the case for the leader of ouader or party, joe biden? >> oh, okay. i don't think many: ay will buyu that now. governor newsom also made probably his most repulsive and despicable comment this week when he said republicans give more rights than familiess to trying to get in vitro fertilizatio tn in ivf. by the way, we're going to deal with that later in the week. now, despite left's denials,l all you need to do is watch joe. this is hineed ts blunders. we could run an entire hour of joe's blunders. >> take a look down heret of in front of this portrait. you the man behind me here. he. he said, and ire, he want to mae sure i get the quote exactly right. he saie exacd, the better angel he said, we must address the council and just the better angels of our nature. and we do.
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and we do well to remembergels,e what else he said. he said, we are not enemies, but we're friends. the middle of the civil war, he said, we're not enemies who are friend. we must not be enemies. folknos. >> and i've been around. i know. i don't look it. i've been around a long while and he botched that up to the american people. you're not fooled. they're turning on joe biden. quickly. look at this poll showing that former president donald trump has a positive favorability trump h rating whi joe he's 11 points underwater. here with reactionrati is fox ns contributors kellyanne conway, charlie hurt. kellyanne, that did not seemkela on top of getting, quote, wrong. you could barely hear through the mumbling, mumblingd joe biden even give the quote, but he got it wrong. le givt me get the right here. >> you know, it's a typical dayy for. clyburn and newsom seem really nervous about. the hand that the
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democratic party is dealt now that we're almos democrat a supd close to the conventions this summer. sean, it's not dea joe biden's childhood stuttering. it is octogenarian mutteringis that is bothering everybody. people know what see with their own two eyes. and i would just tell you this is baked in his approval bakedis and his favourability ratings, the two separate measures, both of which are horribl boe. joe biden. he has the worst he pattern consecutive on an approval rating of anyn president from either since world war ii. and guess what? he lost to the last ad of 44%e approval rating in this country wahes in august of 2021 before the chaotic and unnecessary afghanistan pullout. he never recovered from that, particularly among independents. neverwant to tell you somethin? if people thought the economy was great, if they felt they were safe in the neighborhoods, the border was secure. we didn't have the israeli-hamas war. >> we weren't at war in ukraine. we didn't feel just so fee l in everyday life is so unaffordable. if they thought joe biden was doing a goodif job on other
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metrics, they would sound like gavin newsom and pretend that his senility and lack of an inability and incoherence and incompetence were assets. but he's got no goodwill built up on any one issue and all the latest polling his approval ratings on foreign policy. eddie israel israel-hamas warisa immigration and ukraine and the economy are all worst measures and the worst ones among democrats where he's been failing within own party. and the recent polling came out n israel, israel, hamas and immigration. one is the new issue relativeldy and one he inherited it and knew was coming for him. >> you know charlie, the numbers speak for themselves. >> i mean, usually for a sitting president to get reelected, they've got to be near. the 50% mark in terms of their approval rating. he's way below that. gallup has him at 38%. and 86% of the american people think he's way too old% thin ton
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for another term or serve another term. those the american people are t screaming at the democratic party that this guy is not qualified for office. but yet they send outnd out james clyburn, they send out gavin newsom and any other surrogate they can find that's willing to say something that is just factually not true to defend him. how's that goingnd to work out for them? >> yeah, i don't think it's going to work out very >>o work for them, especially wn you look at the numbers of what voters care about most of all right now. and it's increasingly it's nots obviously, it's the economy and gas prices and things like that. pric increasingly,egal illegal immigration and crime. o >> what i think is so interesting to listen to jim clybur tn and democrats, t they're so quick to tryy to defend him about all of the mental mess that speech he gives is they're so quick to defend him about his age. th and i think the reason they're so quick to talk about that is becaus
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e literally they would rather talk about that. then talk about any of the issues, because the issues are that terrible as kellyanne just sort of laid out there. you the issue of illegal immigration, the issue of what we're seeing in our streets today, where people are dying, literally dying as a directbi result of joe biden's policies. you knowde, but, you know, in 2020, joe biden and all the democrats, they raised their and they said that they favor giving free health care to, illegal aliens, buy free health care, i mean, paid for by us taxpayers, free health care for illegal aliens. and they invited him in this country. h they let them in.ea and now we are reaping what they what bidend democrats showed everybody watching are you better off>> hn than you were four years ago. what policy of joee wouldour yr you point to that was successful? pretty fundamental. all right, kellyanne, thank you. charlie hurd, thank you. when we come back insteakellyand of taking responsibility for his failed economic policies,
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biden, he's now blaming food companies and greedy food companiecompans and shrinkflati. oh, i can't wait to get reaction from senator john get kennedy. i could actually listen to him for hours on end. straight aheadctio, did you kno, taking zs all at night? relieves allergies while you sleep so you wake refreshed for more productive day. >> get 24 hour continuous relief that does not fade. >> you guys all take zazzle at night. hi, christine. again, i'm here to tell you about an all new special offer my friends at jacuzzi bath remodel that you don't want to miss. you already know jacuzzi has been making water feel great for than 65 years. and now they're bringing you this special tv offer. we're giving you 50% off installation and postponing all payments for up to one year. jacuzzi, bath remodel has a design you'll love at a price you can't afford. and best of all they can
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is too expensive, especially food, and he just doesn't want you blame him for it. >> i thought it was bragging about fat biden-nomics. now, instead, just playing those nasty, greedy, you know, big corporate actions, big oil, big pharma. big, big, big. but no big government. again, the american people, they know better. the wall street pointing out, rightly so, a sad fact that americans are now spending more of their incomes on food right now, that at any other point in the past 30 years, since 1991, to be specific. and that's all because of joe biden. biden-nomics, biden inflation. it was reaction. louisiana senator john kennedy is with us. senator, good to have you back. blame big oil, blame big business. the border is in his fault. nothing says fault that everything is trump's fault. the border is safe and secure. but now it's republicans fault . you know, when you think of this number that the americans spend more on food,
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more their income as a percentage on food than at any other point in the past 30 years. senator, i think those people see and feel the real impact of biden that biden-nomics in real time. will he get away with this shifting blame? >> sean i. i did not think that president obama was a very good president, but compared to president biden. president obama just shoplifted. president stole the old bank. president biden's inflation not only hurts people, but it hurts businesses. >> shrinkflation exists when a business has to needs to raise its prices because its costs gone up as a result of inflation. >> but it scared to raise its prices because it scared pay minute by product. salzman by making a smaller product, unless you work
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more home school by a day drunk, you can see that shrinkflation. >> and inflation are just different sides of the same coin. and any economist, any reputable economist who didn't get his degree from costco will tell you that president biden's economic policies caused both inflation and shrinkflation. >> now, i don't i don't hate anyone and that includes president biden. but when he tries to blame shrinkflation and inflation on small business people, you have to to consider the source. >> so much of the attention right now is on president biden's age and it's that it takes longer than a trip to jupiter for him to walk across the stage. >> but we can't lose sight
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of the fact that he has economic. >> policies have been almost every time wrong, reliably and dependably. well, and his inflation is a cancer on the american dream. >> and american people have figured it out. >> and that's why if you believe the polls, the president is polling right up there with with camelia, as you know, senator, california, for example, is suing oil companies. they have some of the highest oil prices in the country, prices in the country. joe biden has talked about doing the same thing. now they're going after big business. now they talk about corporate greed. now they come up and coined a new term, shrinkflation and. they want to blame everybody but themselves. at what point do they ever take responsibility and say that the buck stops here? i don't i don't think they want to take responsibility for any of their policy. it's their policies that has caused the economic downturn,
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caused 60 plus percent of the american people now to live paycheck, paycheck. >> how do they get away with trying to shift that blame ? >> well, look, it's time that we were honest with ourselves on this presidential action is going to be president trump versus president man. i've endorsed president trump when the media asks me why. i tell them it's not a choice between a republican and a democrat. it's a choice between hope and more hurt. >> and with president biden, all we're going to get is more hurt. >> starting with the cost of going to the grocery store, continuing on with crime in the streets, the the open bleeding wound at the border, the fact that our enemies no longer respect us, the sacrifice of our energy independence. >> i mean, it's been just a conga line of.
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>> it gives me no joy to say that. but that's the way the american people see it. as i've said before, the american people may be poor under president biden, but they're not stupid. they had figured this out. >> do you do you really believe that? now, polls show that and polls show joe is losing a large part of the base of the democratic party. >> do you think that holds? >> i think there are a large part of the democratic party will stay home. that's what happens when a voter is not enthusiastic about his or her. the election were held today. i think president trump's vote turn out and i think a lot of the misgivings about biden are well placed would result in a lower voter turnout for his base. do you think? donald trump can bring in independents that often
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swing elections? >> well, once again, it's a choice between hope or more or more hard. >> and if people think back about how their lives work under president trump and compare them to that today ,i think they'll vote accordingly. all right. senator kennedy, always great to have you. thank you for being with us. when we come back, the left outraged over comments that donald trump made during speech this weekend and the latest updates on trump's court battles. >> lawfare is alive and well >> lawfare is alive and well in america as we continu ♪e. >> there are some things that work better together, like your workplace benefits and retirement savings for an the rightan fee amounts without over or undel r investing across all your benefits and savings options sos you can feel confident in your financial choicetes because
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1-800- 6408653. >> now, rachel campos-duffy live from the border get a firsthand look at the crisise
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shipping and a money back guarantee. get your new favorite pair of jeans today. tailor available on the apple app store or android. and today we have two updates on trump's legal battles out of new york. nos onw, this morning, trump'so, legal team, they appealed judge engoro appealen ruling thd
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him liable for more than $350 million in damages in the civil fraud case. pretty unprecedented des and hao victim at all whatsoever. >> also today, well, manhattan district attorney alvin bragg, you know, the guy that allowedn the cop beaters in times square out with no bail, that guy anyway bragg , he requested a ge order on the former president's criminal casr ident cre set to n later this month. meanwhile, the left is coming afte r trump made comments thismp. weekend at a speech at a gallatin friday where he said his indictments may have boosted his appeal to african american voters. >> here's what he said. take a listen. i got indicted second time and a third time and a fourth time. and a lot of people said thatto that's why the black people like me, because they have been hurt so badly and discriminate d. and they actually viewed me as i'm being discriminated againsint. it's been pretty amazing. i think that's why the black people are so much on my side s now because they see what's happening to mo e, happense to them.
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>> does that make sense that for years democrats have talked about how african-american hannity: fos gr sentences. here's a quick trip down memory lanes de. >> take a listen. study after study after study shows that for the exactse same crime i wasnt. n-amer african-americans are more likely than whites to be arrestedic, to be prosecuted, to be wrongfully convicted, and to receive harshe sentenceces. >> black people are more likely to get harsher sentences for the same acts as people who ar white. >> and there are many studies that show that tht black people, especially black men, get harsher sentences. >> here was reaction. congressman byron donald s is with us, along with the host of alt kicks. tomi lahren is fearless. tomi lahren. congressman, i tried to watch your appearance this weekend to a little difficult because yod everynterrupte 3 seconds when you're trying to give an answer. the issuoue right now is donal
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poump is showing in major polls great inroads, double digit inroads with the african americane digi community in this country. disparate sentencing has been an issue that has been discussed in this country for a long time. the points that elizabeth eli warren herself was makinzag. i did that's how i took thosi eto comments. i thought you was trying to say this weekend you felt the same e way. >> good to be with you, sean. i do feel the same way. and look, i think the reason why you have black voters, but minority voters overalinl looking like they're going to vote for donald trump in larger numbers is because joe biden is an abject disaster. donald trump did a great job as president and every demographic group was doing better during presidency. i you couple that with the fact that the border was a mess. we are being left out around the globe. our enemies are on the mov one people want real leadership back in the white house and no matter what the tweets might
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have said, donald trump did that job. you couple that with the fact with the lawfare that is occurring, but miscarriage of justice, the political persecution, people are looking at this situation and saying, likes ation, man, if he's this d and the government's after him, he's got to doing something joe right because joe biden is an absolute disaster and everybody knows it. >> let's get your reaction. tomi lahren. well, john, i can't claim know what black voters are thinking and feeling, and i would never attempt do that. but i will say this. i think for the forgottefon d american donald trump is going through resonates with just average everydaytrum americans f every color, because we look and we see that joe biden untouchable. >> we see the classified documents. we see potentiallys. see pay to scheme. we see hunter biden on the laptop and we see that the laws hu are not being applied to joe biden, his family, the way that they ought to be. so the forgotten american is looking at donald trump indictment indictments. forgotamericanone, two, three, g at all these felony charges against this president..
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and they're saying, listen, if it can happen to donald trump, it can happen to me becaus ppene i'm not a biden and i'm not untouchable. so i think it resonates with the forgotten american. but i would also say after that mug shot in georgia me., it wasn't donald trump that was saying it resonated with black voters . there were black voters saying it resonated with black voters. so i think he's simply repeating that. i think he's doing well with the black communityhe i ane think he hopes it will continue. you know, people that want to get outrage td about that and they simply don't like donald trump and they're going to get outraged. trey are g to gee says, it doest matter. >> you know that, john, in predominantly minoritynity neighborhoods. congressman, let me ask you, how are the school systems in in a lot of citiemss and smal towns in america? how is the issue of law and order, safety and security? and in a lot of cities,he predominantly minority areas in this country, who has been hurt the most by joe biden's policies? and under trump, didn't he shatter record in termsr of low unemployment forev african-americany records, hispc
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americans, asian-americans, women in the workplacen , african american youth unemployment? didn't that happen? or is my memory of, like joe'sd not. your memory is correct, sean. but listen, schools in the inne r they've been failing.inne they've been failing for a long time, mostly because of democrat control. crime has been a mess when democrats have had fulln bord control. and then you have this open border crisis createercrisisd jn and the democrats, well, you're moving migrant children intoats. these schools who have little to no schooling, so who take those resources leave. >> they leave the poor kids in our inner because cat they're trying to catch up these migrant kids to where thesche brown these theseblac hispanic, these white kidsey are right now and they're already behind because the progressives in thes e states, they kept those kids out of classrooms for two years. this stuffs them ou is a recipr disaster. donand trump has the solutio for what ails america. all right, congressman, i always love having you back
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tommy, great to see you as always. all right. when we come hannity: back, a g announcement right after this break. straight ahead . welcome to fox nation. okay. here we go. a place where history is so sacred. in one night, they showed the world that free people could rise up against unchecked power, willing to risk everything. despite all odds and heroes can shine, pilots are laser focused and determined to perform without excuse. now, these videos, unlike anything you've ever seen. you've got familiar faces and get filthy, stinking, rich port operators around aren't any standing by. what is this 1995 and few mistakes. you should take a drink before this mitchell game series. a place where we look the future. i was determined to be out there and toast to our past. join me for scene stealing hacks for a history of the world and six blasts.
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and close to our past. this is fox nation, where all of america's stories are told. sign up and start streaming today. >> all right. big programming announcement this thursday. we will headthis to pass shelby park, texas, and we will be with former president donald trump at the border. and it's happening preside this thursday night, 9 p.m. eastern. now, joe is going to be down there reallystern. for the kind of the first time maybe you'd like to join us. that'd be awesomthe joe. you're welcome. we'd love to have you. if you can functiof yon for lone enough. all right. that's all the time we have left this evening. thank you foft eveningthank r bt thank you for making the show possible. please set your dvr so you never dvr sor, ever miss ane of hannity. in the meantime, let not your heartepisode in the troubl why? greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your facennot gre. have a great night