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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 27, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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that's where president trump will be. and go and see what the actual problem looks like. this is just for show. they are under incredible pressure right now politically because of what is going on because of these sanctuary cities are demanding that, you know, that something be done now for a change, only because texas governor pushed people to these sanctuary cities. and we put our national guard and our dps officers and stopped the flow and now the flow has transferred to other places dollars and now a problem for some these democrats. that's the only reason fn reason he is going to, this is election year and trying to appease some the members of the party pushing back right now. otherwise, he wouldn't go. this is by design, this is his border crisis. and this is the way it is supposed to be working for them last three years. >> todd: not a border crisis at seth meyers studio 30 rock but he visited there and spent a lot of time. congressman ronny jackson we prevent your time. thank you. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ >> it does indeed, todd, thank you very much.
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it is 6:00 exactly on the nods here on the east coast. it is tuesday, february 27th, 2024. this is "fox & friends" live from new york: today is tuesday, it's election day in michigan, the primary polls open in the swing state in one hour. nikki haley hopes to cut into donald trump's lead with 16 delegates up for grabs today plus, a "fox & friends" exclusive. rachel campos-duffy talks to migrants crossing our border. >> trump or joe biden. >> joe biden. >> trump or joe biden. >> joe biden. >> trump or joe biden? >> joe biden. this as a growing number of americans favor a border wall. >> >> lawrence: late night laughs biden cracks jokes about his age. >> this isn't a gotcha show 81 years old. >> who the hell told you that. [laughter] that's classified. >> brian: lefall right of the "x
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& friends." that's what we have in the clip. we will have more of that coming up shortly. "fox & friends" starts right now. remember, your mornings are better because you chose to be with friends. very good of you. >> lawrence: buckle up primary day in michigan. in one hour voters will head to the polls of the first swing state race 2024. >> ainsley: angry over the war in gaza and expected to take their protest to the ballot box. >> brian: see if they are uncommitted. looking to send a message to president biden voting uncommitted. >> steve: how many penal actually doing doo that? madeleine rivera live in d.c. with more on the big day. hey, madeline. >> hey, good morning, guys. there are high stakes for republicans and democrats in michigan. on the democratic side, we'll see how big that protest vote is against president biden. those backers are hoping for at least 10,000 uncommitted votes about the same as donald trump's margin of victory over hillary clinton in 2016. >> i think there will be a
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sizeable number of votes for uncommitted. i think that it is every person's right to make their statement about what is important to them. >> meantime, former president trump is the heavy favorite to win michigan. race past super tuesday. >> i can tell you that we raised a million dollars. in 24 hours after the election in south carolina that we are continuing to see the dollars come in. because americans. that voice. i will continue to fight for them. as long as we think that there is an option. >> the republican contest is in two parts. the winner of today's primary gets 16 delegates. the winner of saturday's party-run convention gets 39. lawrence, steve, ainsley and brian. >> steve: all right, madeline, thank you very much.
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>> thank you very much, guys. >> steve: how effective will this group called "listen to michigan" be? hey go, out there, send a message and vote uncommitted. now, their goal, as madeline just mentioned a moment ago is 10,000. to put that into perspective. in the last two presidential primaries, in michigan, they have had 20,000 uncommitted. so it's a relatively low bar. also, we should point out that the organizers for this group say they don't want to hurt joe biden in the general election. they just want him to change his mind about gaza. >> ainsley: that group, the listen to michigan group is run by rashida tlaib's sister. they want people to come out and say uncommitted. gretchen whitmer says they have a right to do it. she said a vote for uncommitted a vote for donald trump. >> brian: most intriguing thing is gonna be the biden lack of vote. a couple things working against him in michigan. a state he won by under 200,000.
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145,000 last time that donald trump won about 10,000 in 2016. it's gonna be the union workers that have going to decide to go to a different direction and arabs, muslims, as well as palestinians that said i think his hands are off the wheel when it comes to this. he should have been condemning and actually in some cases not even backing the israelis. so, see what happens when michigan and the president, i'm very curious to see how much he beats nikki haley by. because, if he is strong in michigan because he is up in the general between the three polls i saw, 8, 5, and 3. if he is up in the general head-to-head with joe biden and crushes nikki haley there, that's going to be the beginning of a 5 alarm fire with joe biden in the white house. >> lawrence: any issue seal the deal for the president that's immigration and seal the border. news from the former president saying he is going to an actual place on the border. he went to el paso before. what he didn't know is that
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donald trump announced two weeks ago that he was going to the border. >> brian: he says he didn't know. he says he didn't know. >> lawrence: i actually believe he didn't know. but i believe his staff knew. >> ainsley: of course. he is running for president and his opponent is going to the border. he has been criticized for not going to the border. it's one of the number one issues now. >> steve: here he is, joe biden. >> why the border now? why go now? >> i have been planning to go thursday, what i didn't know is my good friend, apparently, is going. >> will you meet migrants while you are there, mr. president. >> i'm not going to announce ahead of time. secret service doesn't like me announcing where i'm going. >> steve: you got the current president literally 1,000 feet from where we are sitting right now ativan lewin's ice cream yesterday. it's interesting. did he sit down interview with seth meyers for the 10th anniversary of the set myers show. and, you know, he had a wide ranging conversation about his
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age and about gaza and about the election. and i would imagine the most exciting thing for him though was that free ice cream cone. >> lawrence: he looked very silly. when you look at the polling right now for the people that favor or oppose building the wall, it's at about 53% of americans favor and 46. >> brian: he has done the impossible. he made the wall popular. >> ainsley: first time ever more people in favor of it. >> steve: at monmouth. >> lawrence: look back in september of 2017, 06% of the americans opposed the wall. 2019 trump is still in office. 52% of americans opposed it. now we only have 46% of americans that oppose the wall right now. >> ainsley: look at number one they asked how serious of a problem is it? if you look at very serious and somewhat serious? that's 84%. the majority of americans that were polled think that this is a problem. and then only 10 percent said not too serious. and only 5 percent said not
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serious at all. >> brian: think about this, when donald trump takes office try to get sanctuary cities thrown out. the court said. try to build a wall. they don't want anything with building a wall. $1.4 billion to build like 500 miles. now the majority of the country wants sanctuary cities gone. even in new york, the democratic mayor says we got to get rid of it. now you have a majority of the country says of course we have got to build a wall. think how things has changed through circumstances not through fancy 30-second ads. also if you look at brownsville according to bill, where the president is going? 300 people. that's nothing. the former president is going where the problem is the other one is going to go there and see german shepherds no, offense. the last time he went to the wall. they cleared up el paso and they had a police car and german shepherd preel tend to find drugs in it. that was the president wants visit to the wall. enough to he is going to a problem on the southern border that is not a problem. if he cared about it, he would go to san diego and see the buses emptying out with all the
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illegals into california. >> steve: here is joe biden sitting down with seth meyers across the street talking about his age, talking about how donald trump, hey, donald trump doesn't even remember his wife's name. and other stuff over on msnbc. watch this. >> this isn't a gotcha show but i do want to ask about it that says you are currently 81 years old. >> hot hell told you that? [laughter] that's classified. >> that's classified. >> all scbloks aside according to recent polling this is a real concern for american voters. how do you address that concern going forward as you come up to the 2024 election? >> a couple things. take a look at the other guy. about ace old as i and he can't remember his wife's name. [laughter] >> number one. number two, it's about how old your ideas are. look, i mean, this is a guy who wants to take us back. he wants to take us back in roe v. wade. he wants to take us back on a whole range of issues that are 50, 60 years. >> lawrence: this is so interesting. on two point on this, first of
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all, there is no one who believe donald trump and joe biden's mental acuity is the same. this is a guy doing three rallies in a day and doing court cases. i don't think the average voter is going to buy that. >> steve: the polls show that. >> lawrence: if you look at the line from joe biden right there, he wants to take us back. this is-here we go again with they are going to put you back in chains. >> this is the playbook of the democratic party. the problem is the minority groups that they are talking to right now are suffering. they are being kicked out of their rec centers. unemployment numbers not the best. inflation hitting them. the whole racial politic that's is getting ready to play on this election, i don't think is going to work for average day minority voters that, are struggling right now under bidenomics. it hasn't backed off of that by the way. >> ainsley: they talked about january 6th and abortion and taylor swift, seth meyers said do you think she will endorse you again like 2020 and he said
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that was classified. >> steve: he was cagey about that. >> brian: i don't have any problem doing the late night shows. i think he should be a part of the mix. he has to sit down with some real interviews and actually ask some real questions. i would love to see him just on the hunter biden investigation just like someone come up to him and say hey, listen, you got a guy there that says he was in business in with your sown tony bobulinski that met with you two or three times. has anybody asked about that. hunter biden said on one of the calls on a chinese official i have my dad sitting next to me and he knows how to hold a grudge. were you sitting next to your son? i mean, if you have to go into a series of interviews. >> steve: he has been asked about that. >> brian: he never answers. >> steve: he said i never did business with my son. >> brian: that's a nonanswer. play out the clock and show how bad donald trump is. >> ainsley: glad answering questions about the cease-fire because that's something that we are all concerned with. but doing it with a ice cream cone in his hand. i'm glad he addressed it.
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do you think benjamin netanyahu would be sitting there with ice cream cone? to our friends in israel this is major deal. the proposed six week pause in fighting. also allows for hundreds of trucks to deliver aid into gaza every single day. would aflour the release of hostages on both sides as well from gaza. >> brian: whether the pause or the end, that's a key. no way they're ending without finishing off rafah. the whole thing is a big deal. but it's just different of the prime minister is in a totally different place than the president is six hours. >> steve: hamas leaders to up and leave the area because of the pause right there. so, you have got hamas that are on their heels right now. it makes no sense to do a pause right now when they are trying to run away. >> brian: lock it up but allow a corridor for the palestinian innocent people to get out. get that corridor. maybe egypt could open up for a little bit that would help, and then you let them out. and then did you go in and go down into those tunnels and finish them off.
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>> steve: so joe is dealing with the israelis. he is dealing with the palestinians, and is he dealing with his progressive wing that is saying don't vote for joe until he changes his mind. >> ainsley: now is he finally going to the border. >> steve: yahoo. >> ainsley: coincidence donald trump will be down there on the same day. >> steve: on thursday. >> ainsley: authorities say the american couple disappeared in the caribbean ransacked their lot are likely dead. the husband and wife from virginia anyone issued in last week while their dock was docked on the island of grenade do. police say the suspects stole the vote and took it to saint vincent and likely tossed the couple's bodies overboards. the prisoners were recaptured on wednesday. another prisoner escaped in philadelphia. police are asking for your help to find the suspect who escaped yesterday from a local hospital. surveillance cameras captured them running from officers with his hands still cuffed behind his back. he was arrested on sunday after allegedly stealing a car from a
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delivery driver. last year pennsylvania had at least seven prisoners escape including a murder suspect who managed to evade police for two weeks. before being rearrested. remember that guy who climbed the wall right there. new overnight a wild police chase through los angeles ends when the driver crashes into the squad car. the officer was able to get out just moments before the suspect then ran off on foot. officers were eventually able to catch up to the driver and arrest them. the suspect is wanted for stealing a kia, a car. happening today, the big 4 congressional leaders are set to meet with president biden as they resumed talks over a potential aid package for ukraine israel and taiwan. this as biden tells reporters he believes there is hope for a cease-fire in gaza. >> would you give us a date when you think a cease-fire will start, sir? >> i hope by the beginning of the weekend -- i mean the end of the weekend. at least -- my national security tells me that we're close, we're
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close. not done yet. my hope is by next monday we will have a cease-fire. >> steve: today's meeting happening at the white house around 11:30 eastern. a hazmat responding to donald trump jr. after opening letter white substance. initial says the powder is not deadly it has been sent to a lab to determine exactly what it is. happening today in georgia fulton county d.a. fani willis could be facing disqualification special election case. prosecutor she hired continues at 2:00 p.m. eastern time. a judge ordering nathan wade's divorce attorney and former law partner to take the stand. the judge also planning to take issue with wade's cell phone records, showing thousands ever interactions with willis before he was hired. and before they testified when their relationship began. >> brian: somebody's lying.
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>> ainsley: later this hour, george washington university law professor and fox news contributor jonathan turley, he's going to join us to discuss all of this. and you can watch the trial again. >> brian: that's going to be great. >> ainsley: soap opera airs today at 2:00. >> steve: just a hearing. >> ainsley: not a soap opera. >> steve: not a trial. >> brian: hear friend and partner speak up about relationship in 2021. that means two people will corroborate showing lied if he says that. >> ainsley: same guy they tried to ask questions to the other day and he kept saying i plead the fifth. i'm not allowed to talk i will lose my bar license. >> brian: went 1 hour and 20 minutes behind closed doors you are going on television tomorrow on fox. >> steve: they narrowed down exactly what they can talk about. we will find out later this morning. >> brian: then i will text you about it 23,000 times. >> ainsley: didn't know each other, brian. >> brian: you are right. i was so wrong about that. >> steve: 6:16 here in the east and a fox weather alert.
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53 million americans across the midwest according primary voters in the swing state of michigan facing severe weather threats this morning throughout the afternoon. >> lawrence: check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for the forecast. >> janice: good morning. the worst of the weather is going to come actually after the dinnertime hour into the overnight. we are looking at the risk of severe storms for people who are going to be voting today. so that threat not only for michigan but down towards the ohio river valley, pa duke dude can a, kentucky up towards saginaw. here is the detroit forecast. again, get out there early. we think the rain is going to start in the evening. depending on where you live. you know, the northern part of the state you are going to get that rain but we are looking at the severe threat, the threat for even tornadoes later in the evening and into the overnight. so just keep that in mind. have a wait to get those watches and warnings. here is the storm system we are watching moving across the plain states in towards the northeast. that risk of severe weather today and tomorrow because we
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have got an artic cold front that is going to crash into above average temperatures. how above average? in some cases 40 degrees above where they normally are this type time of year. we are going to set dozens of records the next couple of days. look at dallas, l.j., 94 yesterday. sixth 90 day on record. breaks the old record of 90 degrees of course when was that? i don't know. >> steve: seems like yesterday. >> ainsley: still a broken record. >> janice: i don't know the exact date. i'm reading the graphic as we go along. the average first 90-degree day is april the 19th. and is going to come crashing down i think at least 30 degrees. watch this, boom! as we go into tomorrow. >> brian: okay, chris behrman. >> janice: who am i? >> brian: chris behrman from cnn. >> janice: by does he do that? boom? did i do it better. >> brian: boomer.
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>> janice: what about boomer esiason? >> brian: they both can have nicknames. one satch from. >> steve: crazy weather ahead today. in the meantime switch gears a vigil held yesterday in athens, georgia, for laken riley the nursing student murdered while out for a jog on the campus of the university of georgia. >> ainsley: white house is now issuing a statement days after the illegal immigrant from venezuela was charged in the killing. >> lawrence: took them long enough. brooke singman is here with the latest on that. hey, brook. >> yes. riley was a nursing student at augusta, university. she graduated from the university of georgia in 2024. hundreds of stiewnkts gathering for a vigil yesterday organized by sorority sisters at the university of georgia. watch. >> she showed -- best listener. allow you to many are aable on how your day was and life had been recently. if you see something, say something.
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that is the best way to honor these lives going forward. >> so sad, court documents showing the suspect who was illegal immigrant from venezuela is accused of, quote, disfiguring her skull. authorities have not said exactly how she was killed but confirmed her death was caused by blunt force trauma. the white house now issuing a statement days after the murder saying, quote: we would like to extend our deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of laken hope riley. people should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law if they're found to be guilty. given this is an active case, we would have to refer you to state law enforcement and ice. ice has confirmed that the suspect had been encountered by customs and border patrol in texas in september of 2022. he was arrested a year later in new york city and he was released. lawrence? >> lawrence: thanks so much. so according to california democrat, the murder of an innocent nursing student at the hands of a suspect here illegally should not make us rethink our border policies.
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watch. >> whenever we're dealing with violent crime, there is a sense of outrage of sadness and of loss. but i think the important thing to focus on is one instance shouldn't shape our overall immigration policy, which has so many different facets including economic. choices about what workers to allow in, thousand create prosperity in america. efforts to simply, quote: closed quote the border is not really solving the longer term problem. >> lawrence: what incident? what is she talking about? former cbp chief rodney scott joins us now to being are a. there is a lot of angel moms and dads. maybe we should schedule a meeting with the congresswoman to discuss this with them. >> yeah. except it would probably be a waste of time. statements like that are actually quite infuriating to me because they really mix this up. we are talking about illegal immigration here. not legal immigration. and women, individuals like that woman that was just on going to
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call her congresswoman insult legal immigrants by looping them all together. you know, you are not just going to let anybody in your home or shouldn't let anybody into our country. border security really does matter and it's nothing negative about making sure people come through our front door and come through legally. >> lawrence: you have been doing this for a long time. now we are seeing what is happening with these venezuelan migrants that are coming here illegally. and they are committing crime. they are not just out there wanting to be law abiding citizens, they are shooting at cops. they are -- just look at these headlines from all these other publications that showing exactly what's happening on the ground. there was already a warning from the fbi about the venezuelan gangs. >> yeah. it's not just the venezuelan gangs. remember, the first act that many of these people are dealing with when they come into the united states, is violating the law. they are cutting in front of legal immigrants. they are coming into the country illegally. venezuela specifically, they basically emptied their
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prisoners and there is all kinds of issues going down there, yes. but that doesn't mean we need to open up our country here without vetting people. and that's the second thing i want to talk about. you know, mayorkas kind of misleads america y all the time talks about we vet people before we release them. it's against an empty data base. there's no such thing as a global data base, of criminal records so, it actually involves face-to-face interviews to figure out what is their intent? what's their purpose? are they gang members? border patrol doesn't have time to do that anymore because this administration invited the world to just pour across our border in complete violation of the law. chaos kills and that's what you are seeing here today. >> lawrence: he knows that about the database, is he depending on the ignorance of those elected officials as really unfortunate. i can't wait for this impeachment trial to finally start. thanks so much, rodney scott. >> thank you. >> lawrence: all right, over to you guys. >> steve: you know, yesterday, we were talking about robots, very popular dances now. you gautereaux bottom in your
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house, it's your dvr. set it up so it records "fox & friends." >> ainsley: on 6 to 9. pretty easy to do. testimony in the fani willis case continues today. >> as you know, mr. wade is a southern gentleman. me, not so much. >> steve: the esteemed jonathan turley is coming up next on who is up next and what phone records could show.
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when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. ♪ >> carley: we are back with your headlines, body camera footage now giving us a firsthand look at off duty officers running towards danger to confront the woman who opened fire at joel osteen's mega church in texas earlier this month. >> approach. god be with us. give us mercy. come on. >> a tense moments there. the shooter identified as a 36-year-old mother was apparently threatening to blow up the house of worship. she was armed with an assault style rifle when police killed her. the motive remains unclear. the ex-fbi informant accused of lying about biden family business dealings will remain bind bars until his trial.
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alexander smirnov cannot be trusted to not fleet the jurisdiction. pleaded not guilty to lying to investigators. listen to this, 96-year-old widow unexpectedly receives $1 billion of berkshire hathaway stock and the long-time photographer is now using that money to cover students' tuition at bronx medical school. >> albert einstein college of medicine will be tuition free. [cheers and applause] >> carley: the tuition free education takes effect in the fall. and with a billion dollars donation, brian. it'sing about to last a long team. >> brian: that's fantastic. i still don't know how she got that by surprise but i guess we will find out later. >> carley: just a billion dollars? no big deal. >> carley: high five. >> brian: there you go. happening right today in georgia. get ready testimony in donald trump's election interference
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case could see fani willis disqualified over her relationship with the prosecutor she hired as the judge orders his former divorce attorney terrence bradley to take the stand. the judge expected to take issue with nathan wade's cell records. showing thousands of interactions with willis in 2021. not only the phone. you see the voice text. you see the texts. fox news contributor g.w. george washington university law professor jonathan turley joins us now. john thanks the law partner went behind closed doors for 1 hour and 20 minutes. when the judge emerged he said we will have to see this front and center. what do you think he was looking for and what do you think he found? >> well, the judge has been very cautious about privilege. this is a very odd profile for a witness. you know, he was the former partner and also the former lawyer for nathan wade in a divorce proceeding. and the judge wanted to make sure that he could speak to questions as an individual
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witness and not as counsel trip that was wired. he is apparently satisfied that he can now, the willis team kept on preventing questions from the opposing counsel. who is trying to show that it was, in fact, this attorney that supported their original motion. that this relationship began long before nathan wade was hired. now, whether we're going to finally see those questions answered is something we will be watching closely today, but, the case seems to be unraveling for willis and wade. in their testimony, there was a great deal of contradiction, particularly for mr. wade. some of his earlier sworn statements appear to be irreconcilable with the facts that he later testified. to say that's a nice way that saying people believe he may have lied. under t earlier sworn statement. that's pretty serious. because these two are
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prosecuting people for making false statements and falling false papers with courts. >> brian: we can go some different directions. real quick. bradley is his partner and divorce attorney if he comes out and tells the truth that this relationship started earlier that will corroborate with the former friend said when the relationship started which shows she put her boyfriend in charge of a case. and they may or may not used cash that she used to keep in her house because of what her dad told her or not, and it shows that this former person who did wills and car accidents was in charge of prosecuting the former president of the united states. so, i don't know, if i'm the president, former president, maybe i want these two -- these two let's say unskilled lawyers prosecuting me. maybe the next people to come in might be competent. >> well, the problem, brian, is that the original allegations are really fading away. because more serious problems are now mounting. if they committed perjury, if
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they filed false statements in court, they could face personal charges. they could be referred to the bar. i mean, the stakes are very high here and they, thus far have not been able to answer some those questions. >> brian: something totally different but get to you weigh in on this. editor at the "new york times" thought atlantic wrote this about what he was doing at the "new york times." he feels bad about it. our goal is supposed to be journalistic rather than activist. this i learned two years at the times is not the goal everyone shared. take the hunter biden laptop story. was it truly unsubstantiated on paper kept saying as many kept saying? many of my colleagues were clearly worried that lending credence to the laptop story could hurt the electoral prospects of joe biden and the democrats. so you talk about media being in the pocketed we assume it. now we are getting confirmation on it. and the story is really long in the atlantic and things compromised. but then the "new york times" advocate for joe biden, clearly. >> well, this is just the latest
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such article we have had previous editors talk about the bias at the "new york times" and how, it has become an effective state media outlet for the biden administration. the problem is that this is coming out of jay school. all of these journalism schools are teaching reporters that objectivity is no longer the foundation of journalism. that advocacy is. and you see that come out in his descriptions in these sort of communal meetings where he is even attacked because he said he liked chick-fil-a sandwiches and that resulted in just gasps in this thing. that's the sort of ridiculous point we have come to. but the media is sawing upon the branch upon which it is sitting by replicating this orthodoxy and bias in the media. >> brian: go get them jonathan turley look forward to your analysis post game show today and the afternoon in the georgia case. thank you. "fox & friends" exclusive coming
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your way. we go inside migrant encampments overwhelmed in arizona. rachel campos-duffy, three names, one person, spoke directly to migrants and joins you live near the border, next. >> rachel: trump or joe biden. >> joe biden. >> rachel: trump or joe biden. >> joe biden. >> rachel: trump or joe biden? >> joe biden. (sigh) if you struggle with cpap... you should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at this year, i got serious about my taxes. i met with a turbotax expert because i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming.
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♪ [speaking spanish] >> rachel: donald trump or joe biden? o. >> joe biden. >> rachel: joe biden. and trump or joe biden? >> joe biden. >> rachel: trump or joe biden? >> joe biden. >> rachel: trump or joe biden? >> joe biden. >> trump or joe biden? >> joe biden. >> rachel: we're asking for joe biden to help us to help us accomplish our dreams here and so we can get ahead. >> ainsley: migrants near the southern border in arizona
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revealing which presidential candidate they prefer when it comes to illegal immigration. as both trump and biden are heading to the border this week on thursday. "fox & friends weekend" co-host rachel campos-duffy talked to those migrants and is here with more from her exclusive reporting. >> rachel: we're on on an indian reservation at the border. this is a soft shelter. first stop for illegal immigrants and getting loaded on buses and taken to deportation centers to be processed. let's go in and see if we can talk to some of them. >> where are you coming from? [. >> mexico. >> what do you expect to do here in the united states? [inaudible] >> >> rachel: i'm looking for a safe place with children. she is afraid of the violence where she lives. [speak spanish ] >> rachel: i'm asking her what she can do she will find whatever work. >> why did you decide to do this way and not the official way? >> rachel: i feel like it's urgent to get of where i was at.
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[speaking spanish. [. >> rachel: my neighbor was killed: >> rachel: i did it for my children. i just [inaudible] >> rachel: she says the cartels are worse than ever now because so much corruption: you know, everyone i spoke to here is mexican. at least they say they are from mexico as far as we know. they all say the exact same thing. i'm escaping crime, i'm escaping threats to my life, criminal cartels, one man told us that, you know, the cartels have never been stronger. that corruption is sky high right now in mexico. obviously, this operation, this human traffic operation is fueling that. >> from guatemala, he is 18 years old. he plans to be a painter when he gets here. [speaking spanish] where are your parents. >> in guatemala.
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>> rachel: do you have other family here? [speaking spanish] >> rachel: i asked him if he is sad and he said yes. >> rachel: came from guatemala took me a month to get here. his wife is pregnant and his daughter. [speaking spanish. [. >> rachel: his daughter is 4 years old. they are going to florida. >> rachel: who is celebrating for new florida? [speaking spanish] >> rachel: his wife's uncle. he is going to florida. this is how he knows. he has got the phone number and how he knows. he was kidnapped in mexico. his wife is traumatized from what happened. they kidnapped him a week. they stole all of our money. he said when he was kidnapped, it was immigration. u.s. immigration that found him and they were able to escape that way. he was walking for about a month. he has come from i can't door. [speaking spanish] >> rachel: how much did you pay to be able to come here? [speaking spanish] >> rachel: about $3,000.
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did you have to pay anyone to come over? i have no idea if that's true. [speaking spanish] >> $5,000 sold the car to cross over. >> rachel: took me about a month to get here. [speaking spanish] >> rachel: i asked him why didn't you just go to el salvador which pretty safe safest in the western hemisphere he said well, he heard it was safe here, too. ♪ >> rachel: so, ainsley, yeah, many of the stories that they told me sound very much the same. they are clearly being coached by the cartels but they are also being coached by government, u.s. government paid ngos, and what i gathered from this trip, what really struck me the most is that these massive waves of immigrants coming through, it is impossible to process them without the help much these
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ngos, and these ngos have the added benefit of being able to operate in secret without the same kind of oversight that a government agency would have. and so, you know, look, everyone is making money. the ngos are making money. the hotels that they eventually end up in are at full capacity, charging 2 to 3 times the rate to the u.s. taxpayers. and then, of course, the democrat party, the u.s. government gets what they want, which is a new wave of immigrants, perhaps future voters. it's hard to see why they would want this. >> ainsley: when you see all the shelters set up and the buses and they say here's our chance, this is our chance to escape wherever we were originally from, and then you hear them say they support joe biden, i mean, it's obvious they see this as this is the time, they have, what nine more months until someone -- until donald trump could be back in office and this is the chance. and then, also, these other countries, why aren't they cleaning up their acts?
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they are having to sell cars and pay money, these cartels are in charge. there is so much corruption. it should be up to these other countries to clean up their own governments. thank you so much, rachel. have you done an amazing job. >> rachel: we have a welcome sign. >> ainsley: exactly. >> rachel: that's why they they are taking this opportunity. >> ainsley: thank you so much. perfect person to go down there. you speak spanish. you can understand it. thank you so much, rachel. still pulls at your heart strings. gosh, a lot of money we are paying for them as welling. the report is in. no burn to blame for lloyd austin's secret hospital visit. ♪
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>> steve: okay, two days from now. defense secretary lloyd austin will testify before a house panel about his january hospital stay that a lot of us didn't know about. this, as the pentagon releases its report and do you know what? it cleared him and everybody else of any wrongdoing. quote: nothing examined during this review demonstrated any indication of ill-intent or attempt to obfuscate. our next guest served as a direct report to secretary austin twice during his military career. retired u.s. army general -- brigadier general anthony tata joins us. good morning to you. >> good morning, team, how are you all? >> steve: we are doing okay.
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so, the president didn't know that his secretary of defense was in the hospital for five days. nobody knew who was running the pentagon and, in fact, it kind of looks like nobody was. and, now, his team has come out and said we didn't do anything wrong. do you buy that? >> no, no, no. come on, steve. you know, as you mentioned, i know secretary austin well. and i respect him, i respect his service. he knows that this is an inexcusable. his staff knows that this is inexcusable. this is a cya move before his testimony to get something on the record. you know, it was directed by the chief of staff, who was sort of at the center of all of this where she made a series of mistakes and not notifying people. having served as -- you know, and perform the duties of the undersecretary of defense for policy, number three job in the pentagon, there is no bigger deal in dod if your boss can't
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show up for work for five days. you smoke that out instantly. so this is just a cya move. >> steve: you would think the commander-in-chief would be steamed and there would be some repercussions. but, as we have heard from our white house team, joe biden is a very loyal guy. and now, you know, the report says oh, we didn't do anything wrong. although i see that the pentagon inspector general is going to take a close look. and i have a feeling that report is going to be different than this one. >> hey, steve, this administration in general has a history of not holding anybody accountable. think about afghanistan and all of the mistakes there and then this report comes out and it gets slid into the night right before christmas. you know, there is -- holding people accountable means breaking the narrative that everything is awesome. and so they can't do that. they will can't say look, the deputy was in puerto rico and she refused to come back from vacation even though she had
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just been handed the duties, right? so, the chief of staff was at home and she refused to, you know, make all the right calls. so, and the secretary refused to tell the president, so, they can't break that narrative. >> steve: a comedy offers. general, brand new book called fail languages code. motor roll la unrolling a new bendable phone that can you wrap around your wrist? tell me more. the phone is in the concept phase but the company says the screen is fully functional. even while bent. it also has a feature which can change your phone's background to match your outfit. oh, cool. fashion accessory and bendable phone. owners are charging $150 for a picture with their tum blefer. the new selfies with family
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trend comes as resalers try to sell hundreds of dollars over the past few months we have seen the craze sweep the nation sweeping through the stores to get one. everybody is hydrated and insane. >> steve: thank you very much. it's primary day in michigan. the polls open in four minutes. . [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs for the next anything. meet the traveling trio. the thrill seeker. the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase. woah, a lost card isn't keeping
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