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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  February 27, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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medical, financial, many others. are search results are the best we know how to produce, unbiased and objective. google has been accused of bias, musk and trump reupped those accusations. if leadership is infusing the product with their own values. a leaked video to 2017 showing founders lamenting trump's win and i just want you to listen to this clip. folks are worried this is really inherent in this a.i. listen. >> what this is doing is laying bare for the american people to see that the political ideology that permeates silicon valley is finding its way to algorithms. we have to step in and put guardrails in place. >> the stock lost 90 billion yesterday. it is flat right now. investors are worried what it means for a.i. >> an awful product launch. i don't know how long it takes to get it right.
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apparently a.i. computers talk to computers. the questions for google what computers did you have it talking to? >> what people is the thing. who is coding that? >> aishah: inputting. >> bill: we'll see how take two goes when it goes. last night late night. >> president biden: i don't know it for a fact but told trump was picking up the phone calling the speaker of the house saying don't let it pass. why? not because he doesn't think it's good but it will benefit biden. thats no way to run a country and deal. he said that will help biden. help biden. it's not about biden but about the united states of america and look, it just -- i don't want to get started. [laughter] [applause] >> bill: america has been waiting three years and three years denying any crisis at the southern border. president biden now saying it is all trump's fault trying to put
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blame for illegal immigration onto his predecessor as the crisis reaches a danger zone in every corner of the country. a new hour begins now. i'm bill hemmer. dana has the day can off. >> aishah: i'm aishah hosni in for dana. democrats want to look the other way in an election year while millions of illegal immigrants pour across the border. look at this. fox cameras capturing this video yesterday afternoon. hundreds of migrants lining up to be processed in jacumba, california at the exact time president biden was sitting down for a hard hitting interview comedian seth meyers. >> bill: 7.3 million migrant encounters reported since president biden took office. many with criminal records. that's not counting all the gotaways. under president trump about 1.7 million in total. team fox coverage, bret baier on
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the political repercussions. mike emanuel reports on another case involving an illegal im grant. >> aishah: we have dramatic new video from the southern border with alexis. >> good morning from the southern border. the chaos continues on a daily basis with more crossings continuing. i will take a live look now from our drone team in eagle pass, texas seeing what we're seeing from above. the rio grande and lots of razor wire. former president donald trump will be here in just a matter of days. the smugglings continue here. this time texas dps finding dozens of migrants packed into a truck in texas. watch this. >> do you have people in there? [speaking spanish]
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>> that human smuggling bust happened in laredo, texas. video shared with fox news is one of at least four human smuggling busts just this month alone. five smugglers, at least 36 migrants were arrested in the case. you can see the smugglers on the ground part of operation lone star led by texas governor greg abbott leading to more than 40,000 criminal arrests since he began in 2021. the surge shows no sign of slowing down. check this out. at least 30 migrants who crossed illegally into the u.s. taken into custody by border patrol agents just yesterday. razor wire and fencing block the border crossing in eagle pass, cameras captured migrants swimming across the river trying to desperately make it into the united states. a woman found in the water just before she was taken into custody. live in eagle pass, texas, the southern border is in the national spotlight.
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president joe biden will be here this week as well as former president donald trump. here in eagle pass this is what he will see. the texas national guard, razor wire, fencing, you name it has all been put in place by the governor to stop the surge. it is working at this park. the smuggling continues across the county here. texas governor is building a 2300 bed military base right here this park. really changed a lot in eagle pass. >> aishah: alexis live for us at the border. next to mike emanuel live in washington with the latest on another illegal migrant who has committed a crime in that area. mike. >> good morning. this incident happening in the lynchburg, virginia area 180 miles outside washington, d.c. the man is being held at the detention center there. suspect expected to appear on march 25th in court. former customs and border protection chief says it's part of a machine bigger problem.
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>> not just the venezuelan gangs. they are violating the law cutting in front of legal immigrants and coming into the country illegally. venezuela specifically emptied their prisons. >> youngkin saying we pray for the victim and thank the campbell county sheriff's department. prosecution must be to the fullest extent of the law. this news just days after 22-year-old nursing student was brutally murdered on the university of georgia campus. the suspect there is an illegal immigrant from venezuela. for families of violent crime victims there is an empty feeling. >> i don't see no girl power. our women are being killed, murdered raped and nobody is doing anything. nobody is standing up and doing anything. i am trying to do what i can to bring awareness and to keep this
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from happening and to let government officials know something has to be done. >> part of the pain for victims' families come from the fact these suspects were arrested and then released into this country. aishah. >> aishah: thank you very much. >> bill: for more on this want to bring in special report host bret baier. good morning. thank you for your time. this thing will be tossed around like the political football for sometime. it already has. this is a democratic congresswoman from southern california katie porter and she was referring to this tragedy in athens, georgia as it relates to the overall debate on immigration. here is how she framed it in her answer. >> i think the important thing to focus on is any one instance shouldn't shape our overall immigration policy. which has so many different facets including economic. choices about what workers to allow in, how to create prosperity in america. the situation is tragic and it is a loss and it is important to acknowledge that but also to
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recognize all the other -- how are all the other parts of immigration policy fitting together? >> bill: do you hear it as spin or a good explanation. that's what she went with. >> a good explanation if you don't want to focus on that specific incident. it is telling that it is indicative of concerns about who is getting through the border. there are thousands and thousands and thousands from countries we don't even know. 40,000 from china. and i think that there are real questions about what that means. this issue is going to come to a head this thursday as the former president and the president both travel to the border and do their own pitches. i think you heard some of that with president biden last night with seth meyers saying he will focus on the senate bill that was -- is languishing in the house. not going anywhere. he will blame former president trump. former president trump will turn around and say you could do something right now with executive orders.
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there are 94 actions that he took to reverse trump policies that could be changed automatically. so that back and forth is going to happen. how it falls out i think people are really concerned about immigration. every state we go to. michigan will be the same tonight. >> aishah: we just had a couple of guests from michigan and i do want to get you one more on the border. the dueling remarks are coming on thursday. president biden making this stunning visit. this was a bunch of democrats not too long ago on these border visits basically calling them a photo op. we don't have it now but you had senator sinema and karine jean-pierre and other people saying going down to the border as a lot of republicans have in the last year, last two years, is just a big gimmick and now we have the president doing exactly that. why now? and do you see really anything coming out of this other than maybe a few executive orders?
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>> you know, they are saying he won't even do the executive orders thursday. see what comes of that. i think the reason it's happening is because every approval poll we see has immigration at the bottom for president biden. the latest has him at 26% with 71% disapproval. 26%. that's really, really bad for an incumbent president on an issue that people are caring about in every state that we go to. not just republican states or border states, sanctuary states and blue states, which is really rising to a new level. >> bill: we'll see what the union vote does tonight and the democratic vote goes with the uncommitted. some people think it could be as high as 10%. last hour we talked to two union workers. the union in their family, capital u for both these guys. this is brian who has been in the industry 40 years. he is voting trump and here is why. >> all of biden's policies have
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basically hurt auto workers. he showed up for 15 minutes to walk on a picket line and get his picture taken. nothing more than a photo op. donald trump walks the walk. he doesn't walk the picket line for the photo op and then leave. >> biden has repeatedly lied to my community. they took our votes for granted within my community. not only within the arab american community but in the metro detroit area. >> bill: that was michael, the second gentleman there. the issues are obvious. what does the arab american community do. he will vote donald trump and what are the union workers going to do. >> that will be a big story line tonight. uncommitted is on the ballot as oppose to the write in campaign for cease-fire in new hampshire that didn't materialize. you had gretchen whitner, the governor of michigan saying it
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could be higher than 10,000 votes. i think that my bellwether for michigan is always democratic congresswoman debbie dingle. back in 2016 she sent up some alerts. some flares to the democratic party saying hillary clinton could lose this state. and she thought that bernie sanders could win the primary. he did. she thought donald trump could win the state. he did. i think that she is sending up the flares again that there is a real vulnerability not only in union workers but the added arab american factor. >> aishah: you cannot underestimate the muslim vote in that state. i'm talking with muslim-americans in the midwest. they're angry and will show it in the polls. >> bill: you have the hemmer bug, hang tough. >> it's both of us. >> bill: it's going around. we'll talk soon, thanks. >> president biden: national security advisor tells me we're
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close. it's not done yet. my hope is by next monday. >> aishah: president biden expressing optimism on a deal to release the hostages held by hamas. the terror group says it is news to them. former secretary of state mike pompeo is on that with us next. >> bill: this prisoner has a long rap sheet and now escaped from a hospital. the search is on to put him back behind bars. we'll get to that coming up. >> aishah: congressional leaders meeting at the white house next hour. can they prevent a potential government shutdown? or will the lights go out? we'll tell you. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up.
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>> aishah: police in philadelphia stepping up the search for this man. an escaped prisoner who took off in handcuffs while being
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discharged from the hospital. he was there getting treatment after complaining of pain during processing yesterday. nate foye is live here in new york city with more on this. >> the manhunt for escaped prisoner borden is on day two. he ran away from two officers with hands cuffed behind his back. he ran away from a philadelphia hospital yesterday. he runs through a gas station right here. police say they also saw him on camera six streets away from the hospital. schools in the area briefly locked down because of this. philadelphia police say he has a criminal history. >> he actually has a prior in a county for escape. that incident was an assault of some sort. he does have some firearm violations, most recent three arrests appear to be auto theft. >> police arrested borden sunday when they found him sleeping in a car he is accused of stealing from a delivery driver and also scheduled to stand trial in may for an aggravated assault
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charge. now philadelphia police can't guarantee that he is still wearing handcuffs. >> i'm not sure. i don't think i would be able to get them off. i'm sure there will be ways he could try to get them off. he may not be handcuffed anymore. that's something that people got to realize. >> remember this? five months ago about an hour drive away from here convicted murderer escaped a chester county prison after crab walking up the wall. that manhunt lasted for two weeks. police hope this manhunt will end sooner than that. anyone who sees borden, call them. he was taken to the hospital after complaining of pain after being arrested. deputy commissioner says it is department policy to take anyone in custody to the hospital if they complain of pain. he promised a full investigation of the escape. send it back to you. >> aishah: nate, thank you very much. >> bill: the ultimate weapon
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coming closer to reality in the country of iran. u.n.'s nuclear watchdog tehran is boosting its overall stockpile of uranium and keeping the nuclear program away from the eyes of the seasoned inspectors. fox news contributor mike pompeo. good morning to you. the three head lienls. inspectors are not given access. stockpile of uranium is higher and enriched you're uranium based on 60% purity. you do it simply to get to 90% once you are at 60%. they're close. >> good morning. they're close. you are right. it doesn't take long. you spin centrifuges. they have the equipment to do that. all of this has been enabled by the decision made early on by the biden administration to allow them to continue to build these programs up by getting out of the jcpoa and not enforcing the sanctions which denied them
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the money they needed to build their nuclear capabilities. it is very concerning. imagine sitting in the same context with what happened on october 7th with a nuclear armed iran. dynamics would be very different. more difficult than they are today. this administration has not nothing to stop iran from continuing to build its program and the poor ida is shut out. >> bill: interesting scenario. how -- say tehran comes out with the alert a month or six months from now. how does the region change in your view immediately? >> i think it changes two very important ways. first is i think the israelis would understand they have to take action that is even more serious, more concerted and focused than they've taken to date. i don't think israel can allow iran to have a nuclear weapon. the gulf arab states will feel compelled to head down the same path. they'll then have multiple
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nuclear armed nations in the middle east. this proliferation is a terrible risk and one of the reasons we worked to build the abraham accords was to prevent this kind of activity from taking place. >> bill: another topic. i don't know if we get a deal with hamas or not. joe biden in new york yesterday when he was asked about it. >> president biden: well, i hope by the beginning of the weekend -- i mean the end of the weekend. at least my national security advisor tells me we're close, we're close. not done yet. my hope is by next monday. >> bill: i don't know what your read is on that. the whole thing about referring to jake sullivan, fine. he is the commander-in-chief and owns the decision, does he not, as opposed to jake sullivan? >> he does. biden in ice cream is how you communicate your hostage poll cismd an enormous mistake of the administration to put so much
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pressure on israel to stand down. the israeli people can't be sold out by the american administration. they have to complete this task. they cannot allow hamas to continue to have weapons and capabilities on the border in the south and west of the country and they will finish the task. i don't know what president biden is thinking or why he would sell out israel in this way. israel needs to complete this task. not only in israel's best interest it is the gulf arab states and america's best interests as well. hamas guys are an extended arm of the iranians we are speaking about. that's the task at hand. the president should not be hindering them but encouraging them to finish the task quickly. >> bill: netanyahu says i think we're there. hamas said to biden's comments. the u.s. president's comments and prospects of a halt in gaza are premature and don't match the situation on the ground and still big gaps that need to be bridgeed before a truce. i tell you what, you get hostages out of their alive it will be an amazing,
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extraordinary moment for the world. let's hope and pray it does happen. mike pompeo, thank you for your time. we'll hold onto hope. thank you for coming on today. >> yes, sir. >> what the bidens are trying to say to please their left wing liberal base and what they were trying to do in the private sector to profit from the chinese communist party is daylight and dark. >> aishah: hunter biden is set to be deposed before congress tomorrow. this as a new report details his motivation, bill, to stay sober. why is he doing it? to help dad get reelected. plus this. >> you are currently 81 years old. >> president biden: who the hell told you that? that's classified. >> aishah: it was quite a hard hitting interview with the comedian last night. the late night laughs and much more next. ♪
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>> bill: one hour from now president biden will host the top four congressional leaders at the white house trying to avert a partial government shutdown. in attendance house speaker mike johnson, hakeem jeffries. senate side chuck schumer and mitch mcconnell. we'll see whether or not washington with the clock ticking can -- what do you think? >> aishah: there is so much. can they do it all? >> bill: what's the smart money say? we'll find out. >> documents recently leaked, classified documents and this isn't a gotcha show. it says you were currently 81 years old. >> president biden: who the hell told you that? >> this is a real concern according to recent polling. >> president biden: look at the other guy. it's how old your ideas are. this is a guy who wants to take us back in roe v. wade. >> aishah: that's president
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biden sitting down for a softball interview on late night with seth meyers last night. poking fun at his age and making fun of the former president, too. joe, what did you think of last night? did you laugh? >> not the ha ha. look. this was absolutely rehearsed. all questions were given to the president in advance. the reason why we know this is because when joe biden was asked about the dark brandon meme he had the sunglasses at the ready and put them on and said he loves it. you will hear the argument that late night comedy is not supposed to have hard hitting questions. but if you watch kimmel or seth meyers or stephen colbert you can't tell the difference between them. they are serious with a prison fight talking about politics. i would have liked to have seen a couple more questions regarding this but the bottom line is that this doesn't move the needle in any way, shape or
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form. this president has not done an interview since october. donald trump in his final year in office did 35 solo press conferences. you can't win the presidency by pleading the fifth. >> bill: youth vote number one and three. fox news voter analysis from 2020 youth voters 18 to 29 joe biden got 61%. donald trump 36. axios now more recent survey 18 to 34 biden at 52, trump at 48. those are different numbers if they play out that way. what do you think? >> if you are joe biden everybody is the youth vote. that's where he is at. i don't know what the appeal to joe biden is to say somebody 22 years old. what is he advocating for that would be good for them? i don't see it. the magic of donald trump is his ability to communicate with people outside of the people you
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would normally think. he does amazing things like going to world federation fights that doesn't come naturally for joe biden. >> aishah: hunter biden is set to be deposed tomorrow by house republicans on the hill. he gave an interview beforehand to axios talking about his sobriety and said this is why he needs to stay sober. i often think of the profound consequences of failure here. i have something much bigger than even myself at stake. we're in the middle of a fight for the future of democracy. what does democracy have to do with your well-being and health? >> if you don't smoke crack or drink you'll save democracy. making himself the story and victim to a certain extent. i wish him luck as far as staying sober. we all know somebody who is addicted. in this case hunter biden needs to stop talking to the press in general. it only hurts, not help.
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>> everybody can show a little compassion about somebody fighting a serious addiction problem. the heart of the story did he collude with his father to make money for the bidens and lean on his father on a regular -- to put money in the bidens' pockets. the chairman of the committee that i used to share showed there are millions of dollars that flowed into the bidens' bank account. >> bill: he does his deposition thursday behind closed doors. how much can we expect to get from it? >> transcribed interviews are voluntary. this is a deposition. you are under oath. you have to do it and have to answer the questions. you can plead the fifth. how many of these 800 or so questions that republicans are going to ask is he ever going to plead the fifth. it is his constitutional right to do so.
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he needs to sit there and actually do that. i think the follow-up after that will be a public hearing. you do the deposition first. >> aishah: he is setting up his defense saying my father kept calling me to check in on me because of the struggle. >> that happened to be perhaps during a board meeting. so that's the question. >> aishah: always. >> bill: thank you both. speaking of the first son now gearing up for this deposition later in the week. it will be tomorrow. republican lawmakers set to grill him about the foreign business dealings and impeachment inquiry. he could fire back strongly in his own defense. we'll see when the time comes. david spunt has the preview in new york and he is live in d.c. >> a second chance for hunter biden to come in and sit for a formal deposition under oath. remember in december he technically did show to capitol hill just not inside the hearing room. instead he stood outside with the capitol dome behind him
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laying out his case why he believes republicans are playing politics. house republicans as you just heard want to ask hunter about his business deals to see how and if they directly relate to his father. tomorrow's deposition is part of the impeachment investigation into the president of the united states and hunter has been a large part of the investigation. hunter's team has recently proudly been citing the arrest of alexander smirnov, the former f.b.i. informant behind bars today after a judge determined he is a flight risk. charged with lying to the f.b.i. when he said that both joe and hunter biden received $5 million each in bribes from ukrainians. a talking point republicans used for months. >> a highly credible f.b.i. source alleges that joe biden received $5 million in exchange for pressuring for the firing of the ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating the ukrainian natural gas firm that hunter biden was on the board of,
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burisma. >> that was back in september. republicans insist they are looking at chinese connections to hunter and their investigation is much more than allegations from alexander smirnov. hunter biden will appear at 10:00 a.m. closed doors. there will be a transcript that will be released eventually that we all want to read. >> bill: maybe tomorrow afternoon. >> i doubt it. not that quick. >> bill: thank you, david spunt in d.c. t. swifty's dad accused of tussling with a photographer. he hit a member of the paparazzi in sydney, australia while he and his daughter were getting off a yacht. her team says two individuals were aggressively pushing their way towards taylor grabbing at her security personnel and threatening to throw a female staff member into the water, end quote. so dad fought back apparently. >> aishah: good for dad but --
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[inaudible] >> bill: that would be an interesting twist, would it not? there you go from down under. >> aishah: still to come spring break a rite of passage for every college student. this year you better watch out says the state department. what to look out for and where to go. schools shut down during covid turned out to be disastrous for so many students. so many of our kids. dr. phil is still fired up about this and he is not mincing his words. >> they knew that when they shut the schools down. you pull out the support system and as well as pulling out the support system, you disrupt -- when you pull out the support system you disrupt their education, social and emotional development. best. america's best. they have one of the nation's largest groups of optometrists! oh, you're ... very welcome. america's best. because eye care is healthcare - and you deserve the best. it ain't my dad's razor, dad. ay watch it!
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous.
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>> aishah: did you see this? dr. phil going off on "the view" talking kids' mental health and smartphones had a horrible impact and the crisis reached critical mass during the lockdowns. >> we saw the biggest spike and the highest levels of depression, anxiety, loneliness and suicide since records have ever been kept. and then covid hits ten years later and the same agencies that knew that are the agencies that shut down the schools for two years. >> are you saying no school children died of covid? >> i'm saying it was the safest group. they were the less vulnerable group and they suffered and will suffer more from the mismanagement of covid than they will from the exposure to covid and that's not an opinion, that's a fact. >> aishah: common sense there. bill has a closer look at what dr. phil talked about. >> similar to jesse watters last night. the point he is making these are
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math scores, 3rd through 8th grade. six years. you go to 2017 they hold. 2018, then 2019. then we get the pandemic. watch what the bar does here as the bottom falls out all the way to 2022. after a pandemic the kids start emerging. you can see how far behind they are. in 2023 alone we're into a new year, 2023 they were a half year behind. a quarter year behind. reporting on the educational opportunity project. you see on this graph dr. phil's point is very well taken. look how far we must go to get back to the average where we were in 2019. >> aishah: spring breakers beware. state department is warning travelers about violent crime in mexico. apparently it is spreading to tourist destinations like cancun. gillian turner whats the story
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from the state department. good morning. >> good morning. resorts in mexico that are hugely popular with americans for vacationing are effectively turning into war zones suddenly prompting the state department to issue a new urgent travel warning specifically for spring breakers. nft last two weeks alone one california woman was killed in crossfire near the tulum beach are gangs are fighting for dominance. a new york man was abducted and dumped in a jungle. four cartels are fighting over an 80 mile strip of resorts. drug lords are looking to open up drug corridors and tap into tourism revenue. the cartels see american tourists in one of two ways, as potential customers or victims. >> a few miles away in cancun you had five men hacked to death
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with machetes. they caught the people. to us it is horrifying. to the people in mexico, it's a tuesday. >> in the past tourist resorts were off limits to the cartels. that has changed with the u.s. mission in mexico saying crime, including violent crime, can occur anywhere in mexico including popular tourist destinations. the state department's travel advisor says violent crime homicide, kidnapping, murder and robbery is common in mexico. state officials are advising americans going to mexico not to travel in between cities at night. not to ever travel alone. not to hail cabs on city streets. most importantly they are saying americans should not travel from the u.s./mexico border to the interior of the country at any time by car. back to you. >> aishah: stark warning there. gillian, good to see you.
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>> bill: you probably knows these companies well. kroger and albertsons. the biden administration is suing what would be the largest supermarket merger in american history. it argues it would lead to higher prices. is it true? we'll have a closer look for you when we roll on. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi
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the d.a. senator tim scott, steve hilton, tom dupree. "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> bill: see you in a couple of minutes. inflation taking another bite from your food budget. wendy's plans uber-style surge pricing. get this now. you order the burger and fries and charge the customers more money at a busier time. starts sometime next year. "new york post" with another sharp headline slappy meals. how about that? slap a higher price on it. we'll see how that goes for the company out of columbus, ohio. >> aishah: the biden administration is shutting down the largest supermarket merger in u.s. history claiming kroger's plan to acquire albertson's would spike prices at grocery stores across america. inflation is already changing the way americans shop. fed up with high prices they are ditching name-brand items for store-brand at the grocery
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store. stu leonard is president of food stores. it impacts all of our viewers. good to have you. what do you make of this? the administration is not really keen on a lot of mergers but do you buy their excuse that this would raise food prices when prices are pretty high already? >> well, the two great huge major -- those are the big elephants in the food business. albertson's and kroger's. i think it is a more price competitive issue than the government is weighing in on. at our level we're just relatively, we of eight stores in connecticut, new york and new jersey. we're in a competitive market. we have the regional chains and they feel that the competitive pricing will evaporate a little bit if this merger occurs. >> aishah: would this be good or bad for you? >> i don't think it would affect
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us. we don't have a lot of albertson's or kroger eva's around us in the new york area here. >> aishah: the administration is touting the economy for some time that inflings is coming down. grocery store prices continue to be pretty high for the average american. this is from the usda. americans spending more than 11% of their disposable income on eating. just food to survive. that is in 2022. the highest percentage since 1991. so if it's not inflation, what else is causing this? it has to be inflation. >> well, i think there are a couple of things that are driving this. for instance, labor. three years ago we used to be at $17 an hour our average pay. we went to $18, 19, 20, now $21
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an hour average pay to get premium good workers. we give good benefits. labor is factored in. i can't go to somebody saying we're cutting you back on what you are making every week. so we gave 4% raises out again this year, which is the highest we've ever given out in five years as far as the percentage. so the labor costs are going up across the country. i hear it from our farmers. they are all talking labor and they have to pay to get great people. so that's increased a lot of the food costs. the other thing, look at the weather patterns across the country. when you say crazy weather things, that affects the crops. it impacts prices. a lot of this is supply and demand also. we're seeing -- our store we don't have that big center
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grocery consumer products in there and those you have seen tremendous price increases in that. >> aishah: we have to go. appreciate your time. >> one thing, even as tight as everything is, you know what's selling really well? these big tomahawk steaks. so people are -- there you go. cook one up for you. >> aishah: i'll be right over. >> bill: well done. look at that. one hour from now president biden will host the top four congressional leaders at the white house. the meeting happens at 11:30 eastern time as they try to avert a partial government shutdown. a lot on the table as you know from covering it. mike johnson, hakeem jeffries, chuck schumer, mitch mcconnell. see whether or not they can make headway at the white house today. before we go, you and i have been talking about this all morning.
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i think it's kind of cool. i want to share it with virus at home. check it out. this is a live camera in big bear valley, california. that's the san bernardino mountains. i believe that's jackie. her mate is shadow. jackie laid three eggs at the end of january. >> aishah: which is rare. >> bill: usually it's two. so starting february 29th, leap day is the window where we could see the hatch. >> aishah: you can look at this live cam every day. your mom was looking at it. hi, mama hemmer. >> bill: if you want to go to friends of big bear you can watch that. a beautiful live look. >> aishah: what will we name them? you'll be an uncle. >> bill: we'll come up with a


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