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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  February 27, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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declining rapidly. they are losing resources. this has become a multi-billion dollar issue for many locations that don't have the money. now he needs to act and be brave and he needs to look at the left flank, the aoc's of the world and say enough is enough. i will support the american people and not your liberal ideology. will that happen? i doubt it. >> harris: we'll see what happens and how far republicans are willing to take this and cover every moment of it. thank you for being with me for the breaking news. the president in the white house today with the big four, house and senate leaders from each party. and can they reach a deal by friday? gianno blessing to >> harris: courtroom drama surrounding fani willis and her prosecutor paramour as i call
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him nathan wade, continues two hours from now. this could unravel the entire case against the former president in the state of georgia. the judge called back nathan wade's former law partner in a sign he could challenge sworn testimony of both wade and willis, which could mean somebody was not telling the truth on the stand. welcome, this is "outnumbered," harris faulkner here with kayleigh mcenany and emily compagno. and host of kennedy, kennedy. and host of doug collins podcast, >> douglas: here. we begin with steve harrigan with details on this case. we were talking last hour, it is a surprise, but what is coming up, that is what we want to know. >> steve: we do want to know, we
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want to know if he will come out and say nathan wade and fani willis are lying. he was nathan wade's old divorce attorney and said everything was atto attorney-client privilege. the judge took him behind closed doors and now will he say he's a liar under oath? if so, there could be trouble for the d.a.'s office. >> i want to be clear, my credibility is being evaluated. we were friends, we hung out. in november of 2021, i hired him. i do not consider to our relationship to become romantic until 2022. >> when did this relationship become romantic and were the two lying under oath? the judge will decide to accept
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phone records that sho thousands of calls and texts before they ever said they were an item. >> harris: itemized deduction if they were an item. emily, i'm coming to you first. how important to know when this started this relationship? >> emily: for two reasons. number one, that both nathan wade and fani willis have stanchly denied ever being together before they began their professional relationship prosecuting donald trump and number two, just that, when it started, if it started before she appointed him, it calls into question conflict of interest. there is twofold interest. one a criminal color for them and criminal color for donald trump and i have po point out something interesting. nathan wade's divorce attorney tried to claim attorney-client privilege and the judge said you have not met that burden. talk about the details in this
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case, for example, nathan wade saying cell records are wrong, they pinged -- >> harris: thousands of them? >> emily: exactly. a lot of minutia. think how the justice system works, we hope. it does away with details and says, privilege does not apply here, we need to know are you in a relationship and when did it start? any element of conflict of interest here? that goes to a question you asked a while ago, really good question. if everyone is involved in the prosecution of trump and other 18 defendants, aren't they all conflicted? how many did know about the relationship? how many weighed in on counsel, this is my advice to you. a bunch of attorneys and defendants. at heart is whether justice in purity can be served, only if judge sees forest for the trees.
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>> harris: it gives me sunlight and sunshine, that you see value in my legal question. >> emily: it was a good one. >> harris: i put my mind to it. i got a b plus. is this worse than if bradley, terrence bradley had taken the stand and said what he xu. attorneys were able to potentially catch them in a lie. >> emily: cell phone records are damning. 12,000 interactions, that is a lot. the bar the judge sets here, it is high bar to disqualify. you have to prove there was a relationship and two, there was financial benefit involved. high bar.
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he indicated previously, threshold might be appearance of conflict of interest. to the american public, there appears to be a conflict. the facts are damning. this is a star witness, if he corroborates what robin yeartie said, three data points. >> harris: as a journalist, if you have three sources. >> kennedy: you have yourself a story and a stool. trying to get text messages admitted in the case and the judge disallowed that. this judge seems to be not terribly politicized, but task oriented and organized. he is looking and weighing everything as a jurorist is
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supposed to do. one of the few, it appears is making thoughtful decisions and will come down on the side of justice. you asked her, was the little interim between when bradley will testify, did that give defense attorneys room? they knew they were together and were physically together in 2021 and had both lied so they looked for another metric and cell phone data proved that. this could be -- >> harris: we didn't know about the messages, they likely would have known. >> kennedy: of course they knew about the messages. remember strzok? >> harris: i remember perry mason. talk about the politics of this. will this when american voters look at this, many of them are angry over a lot of things
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happening irrespective of party. this is another case of donald trump being messed with. doug /* >> doug: this case has gotten more interesting and i will layout a couple things. the hearing on friday about cell phone messages, we know them to be fact, they were published in a filing before the court. the court has not taken it as evident yet. >> harris: what does that mean? >> doug: he has to rule if that will be allowed, he will do that on friday. it is interesting he allowed after an hour and a half yesterday, no, you will have to go back out. he said, i think you have messed up understanding of what privilege is. something is wrong here.
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he went out and made this case and has to come back and testify this afternoon. go back to the attorney who made this with wade on the stand. he asked about, if there were cell phone records, would they be wrong? again, wade said, yes, they would be wrong. as an attorney, what are you doing? how many times we sit on the couch and talk about cases, it has been crazy, setting up for what he would do on impeachment. >> harris: people think they can get away with stuff. >> doug: so easy, going to set him up on impeachment. when fani willis decided to testify, she came in and took questions and we will not get into how messed up that was. >> harris: the dress. >> kayleigh: on backwards. >> doug: she did come back and her side did not ask her a question, she was done.
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they did not ask some of the questions. >> doug: defense attorneys did not want other attorneys to have another chance. >> harris: her father loved her to pieces and wanted to help her out. >> doug: i agree. bigger question. if he decides willis and wade can't proceed, the case does not go away. it will go to prosecuting counsel to find another attorney to do it. it could be over for career of willis and wade. >> emily: is there a possibility upon referral could it be declined and dropped, over because prosecutor said there isn't anything here. >> doug: i just talked to a d.a. before i got on today, they could say this is not a case
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we'll take or change the charge, a lot can be done here. nowhere close to being over. >> harris: wow, you need to write an oped. i want what you just said and print it old school. chilling detailings on the brutal murder of 22-year-old laken riley. democratic congresswoman is warning us not to make too much of her tragic death. that is what i'm repeating she said. unreal. next. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) ♪ zyrtec! ♪ works hard at hour 1 and twice as hard when you take it again the next day. so betty can be the... barcode beat conductor. ♪ let's be more than our allergies! and for fast allergy relief with a powerful decongestant,
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>> emily: we are learning sick details about the murder of laken riley. police report reveals the
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22-year-old was beaten to death with a mystery object, beaten so badly she suffered a disfigured skull and her body dragged to a secluded area. the suspect in this crime is a venezuelan illegal immigrant who crossed the border in 2022. republicans are call riley's death result of lax policy. porter is defending the president and says it is important we don't make too much of this girl's murder. >> what a horrible tragedy like this happens, when dealing with violent crime, there is a sense of outrage, sadness and loss, any one instance shouldn't shape our overall immigration policy.
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choices about what workers to allow in, the situation is tragic and a loss and important to acknowledge that and recognize all the other parts of immigration policy fit together. >> emily: i note chad prather's comments, shaped a lot of policy after george floyd died, laken riley's murder is reason to shape immigration policy especially when caused by policy. porter would change her tune if it happened to her. >> kennedy: what does she lack more, empathy or competence? race to the bottom with themselves like that. she is from the same political cauldron kamala harris is and these politicians are unserious about identifying and solving immigration and border security
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issues. immigration and border security, two different things. the president is willing to give 500,000 venezuelans protected status and this murderer would have fallen under that umbrella. think about how our country vets people and instead of welfare state, maybe a better system so you keep bad people like this out. if someone like this commits a crime, send them back to where they are from. hard-working people are welcome, people who are willing to hurt and kill innocent americans, not welcome and should have been sent back before in that position to kill her. >> emily: congresswoman porter is running for senate and claims she is smart and tough and f
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fearless and when it comes to protecting california families, does not back down. what about georgia families? >> doug: porter will no longer be in congress in a few months and that is a good thing. i thought i could only be offended by joe biden eating ice cream. i didn't think i could get more disgusted until i saw porter. this is what we're talking about, people in new hampshire and iowa and everybody, immigration top concern because it is front and center in their lives, whether drugs, it is front and center. in new york, immigration issue, moped bandits, and joe biden can't get away with it. now democrats and liberals are saying we thought this was down
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where we didn't have to see it. now i have to see it here. it is infuriating. as a dad who had two sons who went to university of georgia, this is intolerable. >> emily: somehow a death needs to be tamped down somehow has to mean less to ration it. >> harris: i'm praying they are not watching much, i'm praying for this family and wondering as i hear kennedy. we are yolked on the issue get rid of these people. kick them out before they break more laws. when they break the law, why spend our tax dollars and call them suspects. they don't enjoy our rights, they are not american citizens. do we say they are innocent until proven guilty? it is the human way, but they are not americans, send them
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back when they break the law. i think what is best for this family for closure? and i have that now in my calculus. do they want to see this adjudicated? it is not up to them, but if we have this failure from the top down, do we spend more money trying to hold their feet to the fire or do we ship them back and how long will it take for them to figure out how to come back here. because the border is open. >> emily: and interestingly, kayleigh, congressman porter is from iowa, where mollie tibbetts was murdered by an illegal immigrant in 2018. how many innocent girls have to die under her watch or just americans to have empathy as to
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policy or enforcement. >> kayleigh: 22-year-old died, laken riley is her name. as a person with basic humanity, she did acknowledge it was a tragedy, as she should have. basic communication of human empathy, there is never a but, but this is one case. this is a tragedy and needs to be fixed, one story. tone of white house and porter, we would like to extend deepest cone dolenses to the family of laken riley. they said given this is active case, we refer you to state law enforcement and ice. there should not be a but or given, especially when federal policy is reason this is happening. this man was paroled in september of 22 under joe biden. this is a federal issue that you
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need to deal with. finally, i would say this, nbc reporting source familiar says they are considering national emergency on the border, biden white house. abcs they do not plan to announce executive action. don't go to the border and stand in the chaos you caused and don't give us a deliverable. no point to have you stand amid the fire you created. >> emily: our prayers remain with the riley family. and revealing now vulnerable the biden campaign is come national election. stay with us. many are over 22%, near 30% if you pay late. why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you pay off your credit cards and car loans with one easy monthly payment.
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>> kayleigh: to michigan, president biden facing biggest reelection test yet. he is trailing president trump in polls in critical swing
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states, now arab americans are out raged over his policy on the israel and hamas war. they are expected to pick uncommitted instead of the president. gretchen whitmer is worried. >> how many uncommitted votes do you think we'll see on tuesday? how worried are you? >> well, i'm not sure what we're going to see on tuesday, to tell you the truth. it is important not to lose fact of the sight that any vote not cast for joe biden supports a second trump term. a second trump term would be devastating, cast an affirmative vote for joe biden. >> kayleigh: one camp says we're done with him and there is an uncommitted line. they set goal of 10,000 votes, this is margin trump won michigan by in 2016.
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i question that expectation, 2012, michigan democrats caucus north of 20,000 votes, double victory. in 2020, i don't think 10,000 is sufficient. double-digit percentage would say something. >> doug: i agree, percentage issue will be bigger from perspective of they have seen in the past, 20,000 and 19,000. if they get 10,000, or 15,000, look at this. they are trying to push him left and will remind him left put you in office, you have to listen to us. this is their first opportunity to do it. no other choice come november. here is what trump campaign and others look at. if they can peel off one or
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2 percent or keep them home, that is important. >> kayleigh: biden has done a few radio interviews and sent out a major message while eating ice cream. >> harris: i'm done. >>-- will start, sir? >> i hope by end of the weekend. my national security adviser tells me we're close, not done yet. my hope is by next monday -- >> kayleigh: likes to talk about the russia war while shopping for a mug for kamala's face. flash back. >> i made it clear early on to president putin if he were to move into ukraine that there would be severe consequences, including economic sanctions and i feel obliged to beef up our
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presence and nato presence. >> kayleigh: he had a mug in his hand with kamala's face. talk about war from the oval. >> harris: also ice cream on that trip. i don't care what he has in his diet. my mom taught me not to talk with food in my mouth when i was one. we are anxious to hear from this president, he wouldn't even do a sits down at the super bowl. we want to know what he's going to do. my question with michigan and other places where they have large or larger than average arab americans muslim communities, you have wisconsin, minnesota, what will be enough? if this is just a pressure move and leverage move, what does the president flex at this point? does he through mumbled
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festivities say there will be ceasefire this weekend and then same time not call for a ceasefire? what will be enough for them? maybe this is not just a play. we consider fact maybe these people will sit down as american citizens who say, we throw in the towel, we don't see a difference in you now. at least we were secure then. >> kayleigh: they are out wardly playing it cool, white house is freaking out about uncommitted voters, kennedy. >> kennedy: this is no garden variety primary, this is michigan. it will be close every election year, particularly now, but when you look at muslim and arab americans peeling off, that is part of the biden coalition. we've seen young people, hispanic voters, african american voters, college educated women, peeling from
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biden because his policies are not working for them. that was the play at the ice cream shop down the street as he is saying this to trick michigan voters into voting for him. it is okay, he will deliver a ceasefire by the weekend. i don't know if it is appropriate to talk about in that context and don't know if i believe him. >> kayleigh: trump wins more of his own party in head-to-head match up than biden does in michigan. >> emily: that goes to in part, doug said progressives put him in office, moderates common sense will keep him there and establishments will keep him there and progressive left and many people dissatisfied with his policy and revolted by his lack of support for israel. when they do the calculation, seems to me he is now being
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distracted by the shiny student object by progressives on the far left, discrediting the middle we saw supporting nikki haley, we saw for example stepping away from democratic party. final quick point to the unkooth cooth environment. his strategy white house communication team has no control over him. not that he wants to talk to the war here, that is when he responds to reporters he refuses to sit down or get biden a lectern, he decides to answer and we get records on tape. >> kayleigh: we need the white house easter bunny to jump up and pull him away. president biden brushing off concerns about his age in a rare
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interview with comedian seth myers, that is not stopping critics from cracking jokes at his expense. ♪ (♪) we come from a long line of cowboys. (♪) when i see all of us out here on this ranch, i see how far our legacy can go. (♪) [♪] your skin is ever-changing, take care of it with gold bond's age renew formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond.
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oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah >> emily: president biden sat down for a rare one-on-one interview last night with nbc host seth miss yers. >> documents recently leaked, classified documents that says you are currently 81 years old.
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>> president biden: who the hell told you that, that is classified, the other guy is old as i am, he can't remember his wife's name. it is how your ideas are, this guy wants to take us back. >> emily: president biden may be cracking jokes, he's become the joke to critics around the globe. this is from an italian tv show. >> president biden, president good evening, mr. president, not president -- >> oh, oh. [laughter] >> emily: bravo, as they say. kayleigh, your thoughts on the interview. >> kayleigh: this was an attempt to help his likeability. trump is up and actually under water by double digits. this is smart communication
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strategy. he seemed old and to fit into the stereotype he's been given. this is carefully curated trip out of the metaphor of the attic and white house basement. i would like to know how careful ly prepped he was, he had a great answer to this taylor swift question. did seth myers give him prep for this? i would like to know. >> harris: i would like to know why he is not prepped for a sitdown with a journalist? if he is getting ready to change border policy, it is time. what is not going to happen in termings of executive order, what will that look like?
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whomever he would like to sit down with, a national journalist, ask questions about where did you wait so long? why didn't you look at hr 2 when the republican house sent that over? what have you been doing with the relationship with iran. what is your goal? what is your foreign doctrine? nobody can ever answer that. what is your policy going to look like? we don't get that and don't get enough of it and wait for ice cream shop moments and seth myers and who can't answer a taylor swift question? she weared rhinestone crusted boots. >> emily: everyone is laughing at the commander-in-chief, they are mocking us. >> doug: it is satirists and the
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court gesture says what no one else can say. they used to serve as a reminder and represented a different opinion, a punching bag, if you would. this is not reality. this was practiced and prepped and only thing he did was upset new yorkers, we had to go around because he is sitting inside in his aviators. give me a break. he had them in there because they practiced it. >> kayleigh: that is dark brandon. >> doug: you would not have asked that question unless you prepped it. >> harris: he might want the glasses. >> emily: we have our gutfeld show. americans deserve to hear the truth, they will not hear it around where biden is if the
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world keeps mocking -- >> kennedy: i would love the president to come to fox and sat with any of two dozen people for a challenging and respectful discussion and debate about this country. we are in serious and dire time from immigration to inflation, people are very concerned and like yuking it up with the president does not make it better and they buried him on an unfunny and unuch waed show with seth myers. if they wanted to showcase his talent, they would have gone along for the ride during the super bowl. has to be carefully constricted and poke him when they want him to speak. >> doug: wake up. >> emily: only show that pokes fun of him is global, besides gutfeld. none of them will do it.
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terrence bradley will take the stand. we'll have the action from the courtroom for you. nothing from president biden on the murder of laken riley. he's going to the border on thursday. dan patrick will join us. will there be a ceasefire? president biden hopes see, general keith kellogg give his thoughts on what lies ahead and debbie dingell is here. join sandra and me at the top of the hour for "america reports." >> kayleigh: former opinion editor at "new york times" speaking out approximate shocking work experience at the
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paper. adam ruben stein remembered having to share his favorite sandwich and was -- for it. we don't do that here, they hate gay people. people started snapping their fingers in acclimation, not the politics of chicken i said, it was too late, i sat down ashamed. it is bad as we think at "new york times." >> kennedy: it is terrible, voices like barry weiss, they have left. if you are right of center, you are subjected to more editing, it is harder to get your pieces
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published. it is a climate of group thing, that is not journalism and not what they claim to be at the "new york times." there was an interview talking about how they love angering the white house and white house is upset with fair coverage of biden. i don't think their newsroom and editorial desk is fair at all when it comes to conservative voices. >> emily: i realize conservative voices agree with liberal line and it was clear right of center submissions faced higher bar for entry and greater involvement of higher ups. he edited the to the tom cotton piece that got pulled down. >> emily: this tells us what we know, "new york times" is treated as gospel by everyone there. it is disqualifier to those
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people if you eat at chick-fil-a, if you think for yourself or go to church. i was wearing my cross as always in seattle, and the server was from ireland and said, i never see them anywhere here, i'm grateful to see a cross around someone's neck. if a metropolitan city of millions, you have someone explaining the rare sighting of a cross around someone's neck. i don't want to shame any christian there, why is it so shameful he likes chick-fil-a and gets lambasted for it? that is how people treat it, as gospel. all facts printed by "new york times," facts, i say loosely, it must be true. they eat up gas lighting. >> emily: this was an hr
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representative. to the white house. >> my many meetings in the oval office, four of us led first person to speak was leader mcconnell, five of us, president, vice president, leader mcconnell, leader hakeem jeffries and myself. made it so clear how vital this was to the united states. this was so, so important. and we couldn't afford to wait a month, two months, three months because we would in all likelihood lose the war, nato would be fractured at best, allies would turn from the united states and boldest leaders and auto accurate accurates of the year, putin, xis north korea.
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i like the governor of north carolina. president of north korea and iran embolden thinking the u.s. was a soft, fat country that lost its way and would take advantage. we said to the speaker, get it done. i told him, this is one of the moments. i've been around a long time, maybe four or five times histories looking over your shoulder. if you don't do the right thing, whatever the immediate politics are, you will regret it. i told him two years from now and every year after that, it is in his hands. in his hands. we told him how important it was, it was passionate. i talked about my trip to ukraine. i met soldiers who had russian artillery in range with drones they had and had no ammunition to fire at.
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we talked about brigades who are ready to go, ukrainian, no arms and how serious lack of arms was and consensus in the room, zelenskyy and ukraine will lose the war if we don't get them arms and get them quickly. the speaker brought up the border. we made it clear we want to do something on the border and we democrats support a border bill that conservative groups including border patrol agents, "wall street journal" editorial page and chamber of commerce were for. but said to holdup ukraine, which is he admitted was a national imperative, you can't do something else, we all should work on was a nosek wetter. we want to solve it, we have to do ukraine right now, get that
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done quickly, that has brought bipartisan concernsus and the border takes more work. >> thank president biden for convening us for this very important discussion to address important challenges that are confronting the american people. it was an intense, honest meeting and productive meeting. we discussed three issues. the need to avoid a government shutdown and to fund the government so we can address the needs of the american people in terms of their health, their safety and their economic well-being. we are making real progress on the appropriations bills that are scheduled to lapse on march 1st. and i'm cautiously optimistic that we can do what is necessary
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within the next day or so to close down these bills and avoid a government shutdown. at the same time, it may be important to come to an agreement that's bipartisan and anchored in common sense to extend the pending expiration of the eight additional bills that are scheduled to lapse on march 8th so that good faith, tough negotiations can continue in the absence of a government shutdown. second, we discussed the urgent national security priorities of the american people as captured in the bipartisan comprehensive senate-passed legislation. this is an existential moment for the free world as it relates to being there for our democratic allies in ukraine, in israel, and in the indo-pacific, and also at the same period of
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time making sure that we provide humanitarian assistance to palestinian civilians who are in harm's way in gaza, or in other theaters of war through no fault of their own. third, as leader schumer indicated, we had an open and honest and a candid firm discussion about the border. we all agree that we have a broken immigration system and there is a need to address the challenges at the border. in a thoughtful, bipartisan way. as democrats we support a safe, a strong, a secure and a humane border. we just need our house republican colleagues not to play politics and engage in political stunts relative to the border, but to sit down as was done in the senate and enter into good faith discussions
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about fixing our broken immigration system, as democrats we stand willing to do just that. >> what made this meeting one of the most intense you've ever had. >> urgency of supporting ukraine and the consequences to the people of america, to america's strength, if we don't do anything and don't do anything soon. i was so, so shaken by what i saw is he border. i was strengthened by the strength of zelenskyy and the ukrainian people and the ukrainian soldiers, but shaken that here they are, fighting without arms against a brutal dictator who will just do anything to kill them. and the intensity in that room was surprising to me. but because of the passion of the president, the vice president, leader jeffries, speaker -- leader mcconnell and myself, it was, you know, johnson tried to answer and made clear he wants to do something on the border but we made it clear to him, we can't tarry or
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the war could be lost, and second, we wanted to do border and have a tough secure border plan as we showed, we democrats showed in the senate, but he can't say it won't do ukraine until we get border, he's tried to do border six months and could not come up with a second democratic vote. that's enough, next one, yes, yes, yes. >> a part of the discussions, is there a legislative discussion as part of this, or still the republican position that it has to be done through the white house? >> let me make it clear. overwhelming sentiment we have to do ukraine now, and other issues including border we should address but not now and there was a discussion in the room that could you do border just by administrative action. i think biden won that argument because he said you can't do it. we all said, without personnel and you need legislation for personnel and even the republicans in t


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