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tv   Hannity  FOX News  February 27, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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>>d on out live he gotwe are you know, from fire from there so we're all good i think we're all good. >> you're going to have your big screen. you're going to have you're better than you. and they can have their ethos. how abouvet that, jim, thankat you so much. i don't even know what that word means. twordi don't even know what its me. >> i never know how to pronounce it. i just i there and i think i might have gotten it right. thank you so mucse: thh. all right. we're going to skip the window, bud, from rochester, new hampshire. someone needs to teld froml biden that talking to someone with sunglasses on is rude. it shoul bidd be eye to eye. som ross from ohioeo, the aviator is a recovering case. >> he nods off. i think everybod. froy that show nodded off mike from excuse me, cecicase hl from pine ville, tei my mother always told me that rich, whitene women were trouble. >> tell me about it. i'm waters. this is myrich world world. ann
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hi. we start tonight with the foxes leartartn is 9 p.m. on the east coast, 6 p.m. on the west coast and. all the polls in michigan are finally closed. we will continue monitor the results throughout the evening. but former president donald trump has built up a massive lead of more than 30 points. thus far over nikki haley in this republican primary. and whil e joe biden appears well on the way to winning the democratic primary, wellg sn in what is an alarming sign, tea 14 biden roughly 16% of voterse in the result we have so voted for the option of uncommitted. >> it's going to buncoe to watch tonight. in recent weeks, democrats, they have expressed their angera over joe biden's stance on the war in israelr in and mot notably squad member michigan congresswoman tulsi now in there calls for democrats to vote uncommitted as theye push for a ceasefire. while today, accordinguncommite to congresswoman to leave, she well, did just that take
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a look. >> we wantedey e to tweet us. i was proue d to walk in and pul a democratic ballot and vote uncommitted. we must protect our democracy. we must make sure that our government is about us, about thment ie people. 74% when 74% of democrats in michigan support a ceasefire. yet president biden is notis ish hearing us. this is the way we can use our democracy to say, listen, listen to michigan, listen to the families right now that have been directly impacted, but also listenjority to the majority of americans who are saying enough, no more wars, no more using our dollars to fund a , no♪ more. all right. this is a fox news word. we can now project that donald j. trump will easily beatd j. nikki haley in the michigan republican primary. and joe biden has won the democratic p primary.
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but we're watching the uncommitted numbers tonightg and is receiving now over 15%. right now. prominent democrats watching this. there sounding the alarm over this protest vote and what it could mean for. biden now, take a look at what perspective democratic strategist james carville and what he had to say. >> take a listen. o sa >> there is this push to have people in state fill in uncommitted to as a protest vote. t it's very hard to measure when you want to be super concerned about it, when it's a red flag . in 2012, there were 20,000 people who wrote in uncommitted for obama. what is the bar where you're going to think, oh my gosh, thi is a huge problem? >> well, i already know what happens. i know it's a huge problemproble and duncan great will do say that i will. >> by the way. circle back, circle back his back on tv. how interesting. well, anyway, apparently the sentiment is now being felt by team biden as well. according to a new report,
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the white house and his 2024 reelection campaign, they're, quote, freaking out that biden is bleeding support from arabm american voters in michigan. one of the groups that helpeterd elect him in the first place. joining us now to break down these numbert s is the host of special report right here on the fox news channel. pecialnow, you notice the used e the hannity big board, then the hammer, big board. >> nowre c, tonight, we're callt it the big board. but he's at that board tonight . >> big numbers tonight, bret. yeah. hey, sean, i'm just borrowing the board, just the ninth michigan primary. it's interesting, as you mentioned the former president winning. we'll take a look at the republican side. you know, there's 16 delegates tonight. there's 39 delegates at a state convention over the weekend. >> they had to split it up overe rules. two but as we dig in here to the numbers and there you see 12e about 12% in and 65 to 30. now, a lot of these counties have not filled in, but if you look down here in detroit, you know, they haven't even
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filed yet. but next door, this is a washtenad w. this is where university of michigan is, ann arbor. if nikki haley was going to have a big night, she had to have won right there. and you see the former president, that's 55% in if you look over here at grand rapids. again, not a lot 55 numbers yet.number >> this state has beens. reallyr interesting for republicans. if you think back to the last elections, 2016, this turnedrnet into trump country. all of thiums upper michigan part. and that's what makes it so interesting for the genera makei election. he he's going to win big. all the polls headin i wing in y him up significantly. but really how union. voters vote in the general election, if we're going to have this head to head againl . and how ab american voters vote. you mentione.d the democratic primary and the pushback against the policy of thee bide biden administration by arab americans, specifically led by congresswoman rashida tlaib. now, it's at 16.2%. but you look at some of these
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counties coming in.klan cod again, i pushed to oakland county that 14. if you go to again, ann arbor, look at this 23.8. >> you're going to see some of these numbers. ic some of the democratic experts on the ground think that the uncommittes d vote could get upt to about 100,000 votes.0 now, it depends on how many coull democrats vote, but that could be a significant signal to the forme sigr president. >> i want to take you back justt really quickly to the calendar. and what we have ahead. obviously, we're coming to the end of februarady right here. in the michigan primary. but if you go over to marc youh the next big contest is obviously tuesday, super tuesdabiy. and you've got 15 contests, 11 of them are open primaries. democrats and independents can vote in them , but a lotof of delegates at stake. and then if you go back, you could have a scenario whereby these big states start to add up delegates.
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the former president could start clinching the nomination . and that's what we're looking at, how long it takes, whether nikki haley stayt cos in or not after super tuesday. but tonight in the michigan primarstays r y, the former president is rolling and it's just a matter of how big the margin. brad, i think you're in the right to call it the big board. >> great analysis. just on the gist b of it, just to know what will get you here on big board. >> you've been around and i think you've earned it. all right, professor, special report. >> hannity: brk you, sir. all right. yesterday, joe biden embarked on a disastrou>>s trip to new york city. he joined seth meyers on his t jote nightri show for an extremely unfunny appearance. >> there shoulh myd have beenunu a layup for biden sitting for a pre-taped show with a liberal host who struggled, who struggles to get close to a million viewers a night. in fact, as the hollywood reporter pointed million viewert month, he wasn't even averaging 800,000 viewers a night.
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how does he survive on ts v? but during his appearance, biden tried to ease concerns over eas his age before laterwhy cargetting what year it was.ea you can't actually make this up. you decide. take a look. you are currently 81 years old.l >> who the hell told you that? yeahd?. that's classified. that's classified. all jokes aside, according fo to recent polling, this is a real concern for american voters. how do you addressameric that cr going forward as you come upd to the 2024 election? >> well, a couple of things. number one, you got to takeeleci ontogether guy who's about as od as i am. >> it's about how old your ideas are. look i mean, this is a guy who wants to take us back. he wants to take us back. and roe wade. he wants to take us back on a whole range of issues that are 50, 60 years that mean solid american positions. >> what you what do you want to do? what's your 2024 agenda? because i feel like we live in such crazy times that that is one of the things i feel we hear less about. >> look, the 2020 agenda is to finish the job. >> all right. after filming the show, >>e biden joined seth meyers
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for ice cream. remember his favorite flavor is. take a look.r >> what to do of like mr., ch chocolate chocolate chip cadbury or anything to be dropped. chocolate chocolate chip. m wow. and by the way, he broke some pretty major news while eating new his ice cream cone. >> take a look at this. you give us a sense of where you think thisa look a empire will start. well, i hope by the weekend, i mean the end of the weekendnae at least part in my mindcu as security adviser tells me that we're close. we're close to not done yet.e. my hope is by next monday, we'll have a ceasefire. >> okay. e.really?ve joe biden, you're going to announce to the world that toe in gaza may be around the corner. now, according to national security adviser, while eating
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an ice cream cone with a very unfunny late night host by the name of seth meyers, while unfud and failed againjoe bide to ease concerns over his age, more democrats, they are now sounding the alarm as former obama aides are noalarm,w expreg concerns over what they exl saying is a frai and mumbling biden. and add to that, by the way, his age a very real issue. obama aideverys have sounding kd of like me more and more every day. thanks for. anyway, here with reaction, former senior trump adviser stephen fox news contributor ari fleischer. good to see you both. ari, start with you. >> what do you make of the uncommitted number, michigan? this would be a very, importane state for donald trump to win if he wants to win the general election. real clear politics average now has him up by five thoughts. >> well, it's not unusual to have candidates get a certain percentage of the vote. >> it's happened previously in democratic primaries.
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bide's different now is it's joe biden and it's an expression of real expression that much in the democratic base is dissatisfied side with him. and so i would not look at this historically and say it's happened. i'd say it's another indication that biden is wounded and he's wounded himself. >> and the question here, though, sean, and this is what republicans to be sober about is, is this a protest vote and will come homet come in october? and my advice to republicans, i do think most of these hom w people are uncommitted now, will come home in october. this is going to be a closl e election in november. and republicans shouldn't assume because of all thesine which are legit real issues, that's going to be a cakewalk. it will not be either. either comlle home or maybe stal home. >> stephen miller. yeahk., well, i do think there's a very real concern on the part of the biden campaign and the democrat party that voters are so uninspired and soso worried about joe biden that
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they will stay home. and they add on top of that, o of course, the problem with error, voters in michigan who are demanding that joe biden push, a radicalradica left cease fire policy with the war in gaza, which of course unc would be unacceptable to most american voters. and so they're they're between mai the radical base and mainstream public opinion. but i do want to agree with ari when i say, well, this is the, party that dragged john fetterman over the finish line at a point in time when he couldn't even campaignh li through aggressive, robust ballot harvesting effortne s. >> the republican party needs to understand as they head into 2024, as joe biden calls into 2020 campaign, they need to understand how mischievous, how determined, how relentless d democrats are going to be in filling up every single drop box all around the country with mail in ballots. and they must have a strategy to counter the democrats in ballot machine, whichch is truly a leviathan i. nity >> well, stephen, let men, follow up on that, because
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i woulet md argue 2022, the reaa the big quote wave didn't happenrgue. par i would argue in large part it had to do with abortion. you mentioned pennsylvania. you had a top of the ticket. democrat doug mastriano, nice guy, but he didn't even have exceptions, , of the mother's life. he los t by, what, 15, 16 points. dr. oz was abl e to get, dou you know, double digit ticket switching. in other wordse digi, they voter a democrat for governor. but the republican odds in thigs case for the senate had mastriano not had that position. i would argue that that race would have been a lot closer and odds would be in the u.s. senate today. senai think this is a cautioe en retail for every republican. you see the reaction on the lefsee the t in this couy on the issue of the of ivf, in vitro fertilization, the alabama court decision and clearly republicans better message that in new york district three, almost every ad was about abortion
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and that the ad was that republicans going to take away a woman's right to choose and republicans better message better, because that's not the case. that is not what the dobbs decision, that it what said. >> well, i'll just say that the answer is yes. and bothn an absolutely. it hurt the republican party, the midterms to be portrayed as the party that doesn't even midtt for cases of , and the life of the mother. >> it is also true that democrats have mastered the art of hammering that message to a specific demographic of female voters aggressively, relentlessly with hundreds of millions of dollars in spend, and then sending workers unios in spen ws to their house, sending teachers unions to their house, sending canvassers their house to collect that mail in ballot. >> as the combination of that hyper focused messaging on specific issues to specificch subsets of voters with the ballot harvesting operatioe n
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that made them so effective in 2022. and it's essential that republicans understand the enormity of the machine. they wils unl be facing, no matr how decline, senile, incompetent embarrassing, humiliating and disgraceful joe biden is and remains eacracd every day. e >> well, i agree with you and i've been with singing from the same hymnal here. i've been warning republicansur you better overcome your reluctance and resistance towards early voting, voting b by mail. >> and i was really hopeful when i heard lara trump, who is looks like she's going to be at the rnc . they will and they will institute what is the largest legal ballot harve harvesting efforts we've ever seen. that is critical. republicans if they want to win. ari, i want you to weigh in on both the abortio n, the ivf issue and the issue of legal ballot harvesting. well, number one, you've got to play offense if you're running in this cycle, if you're running in any cyclee, ,but you need to play offense and put the democrat on the defensive about the borderon t defensi, about infla,
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about support for joe biden. these are the biggest issues. now, you also have to play smart defense and the smart defens e on. >> abortion is just to take it on directly and make your case to the voter s. most voters are right in the middle on abortion. midthey the democrat efforts to allow abortion right up to the day of birth. they also are opposed to ad oppe national ban on abortion. and republicans, in my opinion, need to be somewhere right in that zone whers e the american people are and make that clear. and that is what we are, pro-life is what and you're for the three exceptions, as you talked about, sean, but the mindseset of every candidate is play offense and make every democrat on the ballotcratic on the biden economy, the biden border, the biden inflation and all the message that joe biden has brought us. you win by playing offense- . >> yeah, i totally agree. what i would push gavin newsom on the issue of any restrictions on abortion, no mattern ne how many times i went back at it, he refused to answer. i that was the answer. all right, stephen, ari, thank you so much. both of you. ri
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here now with more reaction to tonight's breaking news, former speaker of the house news contributor newt gingrich. all right. let' nute s let's look first ate republican primary. one has to ask, especially after saturday nighty haletonight, why is nikki haley ranging around in this race? i think at some point there will be a lot of resentment among republicans that she is literally forcing donald trump, who will be the nominee and to spending money he otherwise could be using in a general election campaign. >> your reaction? >> well, first of all, i don't think she's goin g to force president trump to spend anything because he's going to beat her. and every single primary in the country, that's just to happen. second, the longer she staysn, in, the more she will alienate republicans. this theory that she's hanging around in case something happens to trump so she can then be the choice. >> no maga republican, no
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trump delegate is ever going to pick nikki haley. they will pick any of a dozen 50 republicans who are acceptable, but they aren'they t going to pick her. and you saw that in nevada where she lost by 2 to 1 by none of these candidates. i mean, when of these candidates beat you by 2 to 1, there's a there's a hint that maybe you're in the wrong game this year. >> i hopa e she'll drop out. i hope she'll become part of the effort to bea andt joe bn . i do not think it's helpful to have her out there saying nasty things about ther republican nominee. and as far aher tos i'm concern. donald trump tonight is theld tu republican nomineemp. er this is over. and the issues to focus. on the general election and why trump would be a dramatically better in 2025 than joe biden. >> i'd like you to weigh in on the issue of republicans reluctance to voting earlyting voting by mail and republican
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heretofore have not been very strong when it comes to the issue of illegal ballot harvesting. i would argue they better at match hopefully surpass democratic party effortsatch in swing states. >> well, we saw this happenng again in the special election speck when the democrats won the early vote. and then we haearld a snowstorm on election day. so that suppressed the normalction republican election day turnout. i'm very encouragedad mama trump is going to make a major part of her chairmanship building a case across the whole country for early voting and for getting those ballots in. i thinots in, k that's very, ver important. now, one of the places where, frankly, republican have been at least three election cycles behind were the democrats are if laura can do her jobra and get people around, she's very attractive, very intelligent, and i think very she goes across the country and convinces people, thisy yo
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is how you do it. we're going to be much stronger this fall in that very district. >> you're talking about my old district whe>> hann i once lived in new york. onces that we're running, almost 80% of them dealtlt with the issue of abortion. sion now we have the alabama decision on top of that. certainly, i see the democratic campaign as demagoguing trump, as evil, trump as evilng democracy in peril. january 6, demagoguing abortion now demagoguing ivf and saying that republicans are racist sexisexist and want dirty water and want to kill grandma and grandpa. now, that' dirtys narrative thay always come up with. how to republicans counter that ? >> well, first of all, president trump reacted exactly. right, came out in favore ou of in-vitro fertilization, as did speakerin johnson. and i think we can clear that issue out pretty quickly, almost all republicans
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are going to be in favor of in-vitro fertilization. >> second, if you look at the young lady who was killed, georgia, the university of georgia, by a venezuelan illegal immigrant, you can make a pretty good argument that the party that does not protect women, the party that is not not defend the innocent is the democratic party. >> and that in fact, d inno what they're doing with illegal immigration is aceis far danger to the average woman than anything republicansparty. are charged with. >> yeah, and by the way, reminder, i'll be with donald trump on the bordei'lle withron on thursday. i'm sure it's a mere coincidence, mr. speaker the, that joe biden, after three years of saying the borders closeds and secure and now blames republicans and saying, i've done everything possible, they won't help me. it's interesting. he'll be there the same day. he's welcome. n me a join me and donald trump and ted cruz and greg abbott. we'd love to have them, but we'll see if that. i wouldn't hold my breath.
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speaker gingrich, great to see s you. eeanyway, coming up, americans now are turning on biden over his border crisis. who can blame them? we'll break down the horrific numbere them, horrifi s for the administration. we'll get reaction. senator marco rubio, the great state of florida, straight ahead. what makes golden brand sheets so soft? >> we start with a raised cotton honor and use our signature. we that's designed to get softer with every wash.t? >> even if you can't see the difference, you'll feel ito, sleep better with bowl than branch wire force factor vitamins so popular at walmart, stacker uses the highest recomms to deliver powerful, healthy results from delicious and convenient supplementur potence factos. that's why friends and family recommend for rush to walmart throram. with more stacker i'm jonathan lawson. >> here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial insurance through the colonial penn program >> if you're aged 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance
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get a faster motor or five miles of steps per hour. the step counter, the smart mat and wireless remote call. >> now and tonight, a horrific new poll for the biden administration as the border crisis is raging out control. a brand new gallup survey shows immigration now the top concern for the american people being issue number two, the government itself by eight points. you have a separate monmouth university poll also showing a majority of respondents, 53%, now favor building a wall on our southern.
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this is the first time that a majority of you, the american people, support that policy. it is no surprise americans are up and we are now seeing what are deadly consequences of biden's border crisis like never before, the illegal immigrant was charged with killing. the georgia nursing student likened riley is now accused of, quote, most of this disfiguring her skull. this never should have happened. we have won not one, but two opportunities to deport this illegal immigrant from venezuela. well, anyone ask joe biden what he has to say to the family of this young woman. this is all directly connected to joe biden's disastrous policies that he lied about and denied for long years and not vetting nearly 10 million illegal immigrants he's allowed into this country. and of course, also you can put part of the blame on new york sanctuary city policies because they arrested this guy and,
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of course, let him go. if you beat up cops in times square, no worries, no bail, they'll let you go, too. then you can flip the double yo bird to the people in new york on your way out to the sanctuary state of california and get your free health care, education, food, housing ho and everything else you need. >> only noerythingw, all of this all of a sudden that joes biden that said there's the border is secure, the border is closed.ow. lamingr now all of a sudden he's blaming republicans, saying, i've don,e all that me.d i can and they won't help me. >> and now he's planninglle to visit the border on thursday by going to brownsvillxas, ae a, texas, a reliably blue city deep in south texas, where, by the way, a whopping only 12 w people apprehendedhere tryingnl2 to cross yesterday. aborder. s going to the border p the same day the president trump is going. but just like in his polic presy, h ohio, where he was a year late and a dollar short is what, three years and nearlyen
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10 million unvetted joe biden, illegal immigrantsgrants alloweo our country, coming from countries like iran and syria, egypt and afghanistan and china and russia. it is nothing. in the case of biden on thursdain they a cynical political stunt by the president an d frankly, it is beyond disgraceful. we will be at the border with president trump on thursday. his policies actually worked. here with reaction. his , floria senator marco rubio. senator, i've all my apologies for moving to your state. you're now officially me senator, but i will tak y you over chuck schumer any day of the week. and the people have been ov nothing but warm, gracious and welcoming to me. it's great to finalleople ha bet the choice to move down here. and i'm glad to here. h i love the state of florida. let's get your reactionate of biden showing up at then fina border. >> well,lly 6.2 million people later, that's what's he lastd in th three years since he's taken over. >> there's 6 to 6.2 million p country thisce he's
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illegally that he released. and so you take 6.2 millionnet people from anywhere on the planet or anywhere and you put them anyw and some percentage of them are going to be criminals. we're seeing that now. in particular, we'rem are seeing members of a vicious gang thatno left venezuelaw. in and they we terrorizing people in peru. they were terrorizing people in colombia. p ththey terrorizing people in ecuador. and now they start to make their way into the uniteterrorid states. in just the last week, just today, it was announced that a migran ss. and just here illegally released by biden, it's been has charges filed against them and the victim is 14 years old. you've highlightedan this horrible murder. and georgia, you've seen the crime on the streets in new york and in chicago, and it's only going to get worse. these people are committing crimes because their migrants are committing crimes because they're criminal s and they're just allowing them to release them right into the countrminal >> and then sometimes they're interacting with law enforcement, like in the case of the murdeinterawithr in geor he was actually arrested in new york and they released him. they let him go. >> there was a bench warrant out for him at the time of this murder. so the presidentt ou has to ansr
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for all of this and the fix the way he fixes is byinstalli reinstalling the trump policies that enforce the law. but he won't do it because it would require him to admit that trumphi right. and so we're going to continue with this mess. and god forbid joe biden is reelected. >> four more years of this. we're going to have ten, 12, we are 15 million people released into this country. >> this is not immigration. we've go5 t to stop calling it immigration. it's not immigration. th thiscountrs migration is an invasion of the country. no other country in the world would tolerate it. y. wand are paying the price fot right now in real time with real american victims. >> and we saw this again. we saw this with this young nursing student in georgia. imai i can only imagine how this girl's family feels.s you don't ever recover from something like that. but -- but there's an even greater danger. i mean, we've beenr chronicling all of the people coming from countries like iran, one state n sponsor of terror, their satellite, syria, egypt, the home of the muslim brotherhood, afghanistan, home
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of al qaida, are number one, number geopolitical foe, china, russia. we have tensruss and tens of thousands. you don't have to be a rocket scientis youhave to t, senator,e out that not all of them are coming from these hostile regimes because they want a better life for themselves and their family. >> you have to assume that among the nearly ten million when you add in all the doorways, etc., you've got to assume that many of them are not being vetted or part of radical have radical associations and they are in thissociatio country.e te and i would argue terrorist cells are being formed and have been forme d and they're plotting and planning and scheming what could be a/1 911 or worse. i'd like to think that i'm wor wronseg, but i know in my heart i am not wrong. and we're going to wake up one morning and we've got to realize that this president's policies resulte have resulted in the deaths of thousands of americans. how we stop that?do how do we find these people, vet them and depor t them?
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but the problem is you can't have them because it's dark. these people are coming. in some cases they're coming with fake documents and other cases. these documents are producedou a countries that will sell you a fake document without your real identity. >> that' docus fundamental problem. c when you allow people to come in like this. you're absolutely right. lookabsolu, i don't need to diss anything to tell you. common sense tells you this. isistell, qaeda, hezbollah all e desires to. >> i mean, we know, that the tn iranians are trying to assassinate former leaders in the trump administration in thites country right now. every one of them is aware that the largest migratoryor smuggling operation in the history of the world is operating right on the border of the united states. n oper theit's about 6 million . these people are aware of that. >> and the y aware that if the they send somebody here with a fake document oromebod with a document with a wrong name on it, because they bought some passport somewhernamee in, the western hemisphere, they're going to be able to get into the country and stae y thee and that and you're absolutely right, something terrible going to happen. it's just a matter of time. now, i hope that i'm wrong.
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i really, truly do for the sake of our country. but you can't let in six or 8 billion by the end of this year, probably 10 millione people or 9 million people into the country and not expect that among them theroplee going to be lots of criminals and lots of terrorist. unfortunately. >> and that's why we're rich and that's why you can't have mass migratio masn. and the worst part of all of it, it was three years,rst , the vice president, alejandro mayorkas p karine jean-pierrer jen psaki oh, the border secur e ,the borders closed. >> they flat out were lyin g to the american people and we were showing the images proving that they're lying and they kept up that charade. only now that it's a political issue in a in an election year. oh, joe will will make the trip down to the border. it is meaningless. but this that these are not the policies he really supports. if he wanted a secure border, de he could have brought back the policies that he got rid of in the first 100 days when he was in office with the stroke of at pen. he doesn't need the help of congress. he can reinstitute the policies
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that trump had that will working. he won't do it. well, he won't becausel he. bels >> he has a radical base in his party that believes in open borders and that believes inhumane to return anybody back. he has turned the exceptions of a lot into the rule and theru result is 6.2 million people and climbing every single day. and we're heading in a bad climi direction something bad is going to happen. it really is. and it's unfortunate and it'll be joe biden's t fault. >> and let me tell you,den' they have blood on their hands. let's just be let's say it's called for what it is. they have blood on their handsty . this is beyond a dereliction of duty. they've been aiding and abetting. and the lawbreaking and facilitating the lawbreaking the entire timeu . it's unconscionable. anyway, senator,scionabl good te you. thank you for being with us. now, when we come back, wow, firework back,ow ex in georgia,n wage divorce lawyer was forced to spill the beans on what he knew about the relationship with fani willis. well, we'll tell you what he said. also, hunter biden set to be deposed tomorrow willishunter b on capitolitol h hill. we'll get reaction from jonathan turley straight aheadil
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my vitality stamina are off the charts. just ask his wife live. ageless, ageless male backs available at these five retailers when you can watch. listen. get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm . anytime, anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. >> all right. tomorrow's the day many have been waiting for. hunter biden will appear before the house impeachment inquiry. investigators for a closed door deposition. this comes months after he defie closed that congressiot subpoena and said he would only testify in a public settinestifyg. however, after intense negotiations and of course, the threatnd of chargesing br of contempt being brought against him. well, hunter has finallyout agad to show up and answer some questions, or maybe not . a guess there's always a chance he could plead the fifth to everythin plead tg and i havo idea why the committee agreed to not videotape the depositiohn ,which is the normal practice. and meanwhile, it was a contentious day in a fulton a county, georgia, courtroom
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where terrance bradley, mall the former divorce attorney and the law partner of nathan wade, took stand again, facings about questions about what he knowse f about the timeline of fani willis and nathan wade's relationship. wasn't willing to share that much. and as that trump case appears ,danger of falling apart. well, up in the up in new york state, the trump hating attorney general, letitia james, seems to be taunting president trump by repeatedly posting how much he owes in the civil fraud judgment. >> it was reaction all of this fox news contributor, jonathan turley. you know, steve bannon, as far o as i know, he did not get a second chance to ask for a new subpoena. nor did peter navarro. and why did why did they accommodate that and why did they accommodate the request not to videotaped the deposition . i don't think there was any need to offer any concessions ay to hunter biden. >> your thoughtsd ? well, they have been accommodating to a degree that some people have
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questionedey have why he was in flagrant violation and contempt of congress and they could have proceeded along those lines. >>n pr i part of the reason that they were accommodating is that this is a targeton environment. there's virtually no answer that hunter give to some of these questions. i think that word extricate him from the situation. i mean, he's going to have this destrohe is going y intent posie he's he is going to insist that he wasn't just his father's name, that he was this globe trotting business genius. and at the same time, when he gets into trouble, he's likely to go back to thats argument that, well, during that period, i was effectivelyet a blacked out, you know,. i was i was i was addicted drugs and i can't remember much of it. those two narratives collideaddt because in one week he hasatives to site his addiction, the next . >> he has to claim that he was a draw for millions. but also some issues that io ci
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don't even have an how he'sendig going to get out of it. >> for example, sending a messag e to a businessmanying in china saying, my dad's sitting right next dad to me. send me money effectively, or he's not going to like it. >> i expect he's going to deny that his father was there. maybe even deny even remembering that message and blame it on his. but then he's got a lot of other things he has to be able to address. so i think that thbee the house committees just took the view that if he's not going to take the fifth, this is going to be a long and hard road to fors this witness. in ayou rightless.y pointed out in a really thoughtful article, i thought that one liar does not negate the fact that the joe biden livel repeatedly about never speaking to his son, brother or anybod repy about their foreign business deals. devon archer blew that out anyb, his testimonyr before the committees. >> it doesn't negateblue massive amount, the tens of millions
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of dollars m that then fami biden family took in from these companies. it doesn't negatlyk e you referd to the whatsapp message. and days after that thatmess message, millions of dollars, made its way int o one of thesethes quote llc or as james colmer them shell corporations that the bidens have. it doesn't negate the fact that ten biden family members have been identifiedn bide as bd paid with millions of dollars. it doesn't negate the fact that services no services appear. be rendered in anyf one of these cases. what did they do for this money ? what did the grandchildren do for this money? how did how did a huntern do addicted to drugs with no experience and energy make money from the ukrainian energy giant burisma and the chinese energy conglomerate cfc? >> you know, the one lying fbi informant that they swore was trustworthy? >> well, that doesn't negate any of that.
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right. and the point that you began is going to be something that i expect will come up early. hunter biden himself contradicted his father's denial of having no knowledge conts dealings, and i expect they're going to press him on that point. there's that famous call aftere his after a dinner where he wase prompted, according to a close associate, to makeer a call to washington. who was on that call? why was it madall?e? those are questions that he can expect. and we have no can idea what his answers may be. but i think that there's no way that he can support his father's claim, which i think is now thoroughly debunked, that he had no thowledge of these dealings. what is clear here is that this was influence peddling and massive. >> and it's also clear thate ped his father knew this wasssive. happening. it was in the newspapers. his father had to been told about this prep for it. >> so his denialo have b is in s
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and it's just in pieces right now. sed on >> and his sons are going to bea pressed on that point. le t me ask you quickly, we r don't have a lot of time. your reaction to the hearings? >> fani willis today. wow. i mean, it was a painful testimony to watch. it came a sort of a surgent in schmaltz defense that i know nothing, nothing, including stuff that i knew with clarity iny and did not go over well. >> is that case over in your view ? view? well, i can't imagine these two prosecutors have not removed themselves because i think there' thes a judge is n a tough position to keep both of them. there'in as a chance that they h could be disqualified. they have not helped themselvesd . they certainly have not helped the people of that state theor all right, jonathan turley, as always, thank you. straight ahead tonight, an turle trump easily defeated nikki haley in tonight's gop primary in the state of michigan. well, explain what tonight's election results
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mean comen november. we'll check in with senator tim scott next as weresu continultse copses back on fox nation. the only place to watch new episodes to watch is defenders of justice now take down criminal masterminds. i come from a long family of mistakes. you are going to jail. the day comes a new episode friday on fox nation. and coming soon, spring break down for spring break. please make this go away. now you guys are 21, right?ill u >> america is streaminnsg. >> hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? >> sure. um, who still runs marathons, right? sadly, notout to have anymore. wow. so sudden. n't ha we're novet about to have the we need life insurance conversation again. conversation again. >> are we know we're havin
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bundle. get a faster motor or five miles of step per hour. the step counter the smart mat and wireless remote all now right tonight, former president donald j. >> trump easily beat nikki hale donaly up by more than 35 s in the michigan gop primary. and on the left side of thepr , sle, the latest count says nearly 15% voted for% uncommitted in the democratic primary. will they go back to biden. comm november or they stay home? according to the real clear politics pollinge , trump is ahead of biden by five points in the battleground state of michigan. he was reaction south carolina senator friend tim scott is back. senator, great to have you back. enjoyetiscott,d time in south c.
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>> i love the people in yourur state salt of the earth and i if nikki haley loses iowa comesm in third in new hampshire by double digits. innevada 2 to 1. >> she loses to none of the above. and then loses her home stateg by by 21 points. and michigan tonight, by maybe by the end of the night, 35 or 40. >> why she's staying in. yes. there is no reason for her to stay in, john. the bottom lin stayie is this. >> this is a classic good old t fashioned, but withis ish them, you can't explain this away. >> you can't talk it away. s >> you can't talk about staying in the race. ra s is now a race between joe biden and our friend donald trump. >> this is a race between america's future and america's past. thisp. has become a race around the party of unity under donald trump and the party of division led by joe biden is kindjoe of simple. think about this instead
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of talking about nikkibiden. evy day she's in the race. someone somewhere on some s in racchannel is distracting. the america'som best future. from america's best future. amerhs the simple trut joe biden. his party is a party of division. thin division.k about this. they have racial preferences. they have religious preferences. they have gender preferences. what do we have in the gop under donald trump? well, we have a gue y who is committed to making sureack or that whether you're black or white, whether you're hispanic or asian whi, that our economy works for you. he's done it before. he'll do eco again. think about the fact that the strongest, most powerful forceic good is an optimistic spirit with a strong backbone. one. >> donald trump is our candidate. he will kick butt, take and we will win in november. but we need to start talkingut. joe biden, not nikki haley. the racest is over and it is tio for us to secure our border.
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i got to stop here. the number of americans who've lost their lives becauseause of this open border breaks my. it can be stopped short. we need a president who believes in america enough to close a freakin sg border. it has to stop. i'm tired of reading storiess to about two year olds in the d.c.a area being murderedid because illegal immigrants come in our country because joe biden is more concerned with finding future voters than protectingcas a now and never showing up after three years of lying and saying the border secure sae going to show up thursday, i'll be down at the border with president trump on thursday and it is, you know, beyond frankly it is is frankly repulsive politics. you know it's an election year conversion of ever there was one your name keeps getting mentioned and donald trump says that you campaigned harder for than you did for yourself. and i think i know the reason
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known you fori've know all these years. >> i was well aware you were gettining g years before anybody else. and we've been friends for a long time. and what's fascinating, paul, timeon, is that i think there's some truth, because i know how humble you are as a person. so my question is, if donald trump says. >> tim scott, i want you to run with me, your answer? well, listen, i will do whatever it takes to make sure that joe biden has no more years and donald trump has four more years. i've said it several times before, but john in southe carolina loves you, by the way, you should do your show from soutu h carolina. s th in my opinion. here's the truth. truth.whatever it takes we shoud get the job done. >> it doesn't matter whether d the vp or not. what i do care about, however, is making sure that the best is yet to come. >> and that takes four more years of donald trump. >> now, certainl yearsy the is e the economy on borders, on energy, more in europe,
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more in the middle east. it's a scary times. senator, thank you. when we come back, we'll tell you about more of my exclusivece with donald trump. this thursday, we will be at the borde r, except he actually means it, joe. >> that's just a show as we continuebo . moisturi your skin is ever changing.ur take care of it. ski with gold bondnss, healing formulations of seven moisturizers and three vitamins for all your skin's cold bond, the xfl and the usfl merged to create one powerful spring football league called the usa spring football is here to stay. usl season kicks off march 30th on fox and abc. what is circle circles appeal. you take black circles. lmart an the energy that gets you to the next level circle is whichdr
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12:00 am
final months that they're not alone. >> donald trump. sean hannity. an exclusive from our southern border. as the migrant crisis continues to spiral out of control, the former president is breaking down leadership failures and what america needs to do now. >> sean's exclusive from texas thursday only on. re w >> all right. before we go, a reminderin thi to tune in this thursday, we. will be at shelby park in eagle pass, texaelby pars, to intervie former president donald trump at the border. governor grewformerg abbott cenr and ted cruz will also join us. that's this thursdayursday 9 p.r eastern right here on fox news. unfortunatelews.y though that is all the time we have left this evening. please say dvr so you never, , ever miss it." episode of hannity. and as always, thank you foras watching this show. possible. let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld is next to put a smilrt be on youe trr face.s t >> t have a great nigh