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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 28, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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with the corruption in the biden family. because we know that joe biden's family was paid off by burisma and other ukrainian executives, et cetera. this is really important. the other thing i want to say is that smith's letter came out recently regarding joe biden and the cases of the classified documents. he said the two cases were very different. yeah, they are very different because joe biden took classified material that he was not legally allowed to. joe biden literally broke the law. both as a u.s. senator and as vice president. donald trump's case is very different. because he was president. he had the ability to declassify information that the vice president or a senator doesn't have. and so the cases are very different. and joe biden's mental capacity is far, far worse than anybody else in this country, too. >> todd: congresswoman nancy mace has a busy day. we appreciate her getting up. "fox & friends" begins right now. >> carley: have a great day, everybody. ♪ >> steve: thank you very much, todd and carley. good morning, everybody.
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it's 6:00 here in new york city. it is wednesday, february 28th, 2024. this is "fox & friends." >> brian: all right. another primary down and trump wins big. we'll go inside the numbers there. president biden also with a significant lead in michigan despite 13% and over 100,000 democrats voting uncommitted. >> ainsley: a fox weather wildfire alert out of control fires are ripping across texas' panhandle. we're talking to a city leader from one of the hardest hit communities in just a few minutes. >> steve: and mr. biden goes to washington, hunter biden that is today. miranda devine on what to expect from this morning's deposition. it won't be on tv but they will release the transcript. >> brian: hey, steve, while you were talking i was checking my watch. "fox & friends" does begin right now. important time to remember mornings are better with friends. >> brian: all right. we got a fox wildfire alert.
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look at this. six major wildfires tearing through the texas panhandle and southern oklahoma, scorching more than 370,000 acres. that's bigger than all of los angeles. >> ainsley: the governor of texas, greg abbott issuing a disaster declaration for 60 counties and evacuation orders. >> steve: and here's another scary part. the nation's main nuclear weapons plant is in texas. and they have suspended operations overnight as a precaution because of the wildfires. several agencies are working to contain the wind driven fires, but it is unclear exactly how long that will take. also, apparently, there are a number of towns in texas where people are -- were told evacuate but they couldn't because the roads were closed so they were told shelter in place. >> ainsley: they are shutting down the schools as well. let's bring in the interim city manager in texas where the wildfires have caused significant damages and evacuations. good morning to you, christina. thanks for joining us. what are you seeing?
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>> we are -- we're currently -- i just did a drive around with our chief, and we were looking to make sure there were no more fires that are currently active. there are still some hot spots everywhere. we're watching them really close, but right now we are just trying to, you know, wait for the sunlight. >> brian: how did it start? >> it started with a fire that happened just a couple of days ago. and then it just reignited on us. right when we had, you know, steady 60 mile-per-hour winds. >> steve: yeah. christina, i heard that apparently there have been power outages and water shortages. and i saw one news report this morning that apparently hundreds of people were sheltering at the celebration family church there in fritsche, texas. is that still accurate we did
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have citizens move down the road from us for other shelters that were there but the visibility was so bad, the road was closed but we were able to move some of them the fire is that a distance from that church? >> yes. they go by wind direction and how everything is going. we just watch it real close. the north side of our city was not evacuated because the fire had moved all the way around to the very south edge. so, you know, we were pretty secure in the fact that that is on the north side of the
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highway. >> ainsley: kristina, tell us about the evacuation plans, because, when you look at this, we are seeing this video of someone driving around. you can barely see. what do you do about the elderly or families that are in their houses? are you seeing houses being destroyed? schools being destroyed? >> we haven't had, thank goodness, any schools, big structures destroyed. but we did have a lot of homes in the hundreds on the south side of our community. our firefighters work diligently along with public works going even house to house just to make sure we sent out several notifications using text message and things like that to our citizens. but we also did go door to door. so we did everything in our power to make sure. we also had sirens, new sirens. so we sounded the sirens, and we're just praying everybody got out. >> brian: you know, i know you can go across texas a long ways
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and sometimes not see a house or a structure or a
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donald trump are nikki haley swing state. both candidates are looking ahead to super tuesday. she promises she will compete at least through then. >> ainsley: while president biden easily won the democratic primary. a large number of uncommitted votes shows the cause for concern at the white house. >> brian: how about over 100,000. lucas tomlinson is live in washington with the latest. lucas? >> good morning, guys. it's the fifth straight victory for donald trump in this primary season. for joe biden a state he won by just 3 points back in 2020 and where donald trump won in 2016 by less than a point, this is a
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critical background state. here is a member of the squad, rashida tlaib after voting uncommitted in that protest vote protesting biden's gaza policy. >> i was proud today to walk in and pull a democratic ballot and vote uncommitted. 74% of democrats in michigan support a cease-fire. president biden is not hearing us. this is the way we can use our democracy to say, listen. >> now, let's take a look at the results in michigan's republican primary. donald trump beat nikki haley by more than 40 points last night. haley has vowed to remain in the race until after super tuesday next week, steve, where in 11 of those 15 states voters do not have to be a registered republican. on the democratic side, biden earned more than 08% of the vote. but over -- 80% of the vote. over 13 pours marked uncommitted. biden received 200,000 more votes in the contested democratic primary back in 2020.
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a little enthusiasm gap there, guys. >> steve: lucas, last night, yesterday, they had the primary. they are going to have the state convention this saturday but they are going to actually be two state conventions because one person, who is ousted from the top job as state chairman does not recognize that as a legitimate movement and so it's unclear how many people are actually going to show up for the g.o.p. caucuses and convention on saturday, right? >> that's right. steve. and that's why super tuesday is going to be so critical with all those votes, all those states voting. you know, 11 of the 15 states, you don't have to be republican to vote and that's why nikki haley has vowed to remain in the race. certainly michigan, a critical swing state as we look at this election in 2024. >> brian: yeah. we will see what happens. we will have some numbers on saturday and confuse enough people to know g.o.p. is in chaos really in michigan. at least the management is. >> steve: it sealery will. >> brian: delegate count 119 to
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22 for donald trump. nikki haley getting 30% of the vote. she is doing well with suburban women again it seems. i think that's a learned moment for the president of the united states. when this is all done, we are used to contested primaries. for him i think his take away is find a way not to alienate and bring back in the haley supporters. and that's why he has been so smart two times. last night three of the four times. not bringing her up, anything negative about nikki haley because like his supporters, when you insult donald trump, his supporters take it personal. a lot of the nikki haley supporters feel the same way. the president wants to get her in and think about national election and november. that's what he focused on. for joe biden he has got to be really worried about the 101,000 people who said anybody but you, joey. maybe because 74% of democrats in michigan want a cease-fire in gaza. >> ainsley: they are hoping to get at least one delegate after 13.8% voted uncommitted. michigan is home to the largest
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percentage of arab americans in the united states. that's michigan. we go on next week. we are going to have a busy week. we have d.c. with 19 delegates up for grabs on the third of march. the 4th of march north dakota and super tuesday 5th of march. if trump wins the 922 delegates over the next week, he would have 1041 delegates. wouldn't be quite over. he needs more than 1200. >> steve: yeah,1250. >> ainsley: could be over in the month of march though. >> steve: what is interesting in what we saw last night in the great state of michigan, and this is why all eyes at the white house were on ann arbor. now, keep in mind no other state as as large arab american population as michigan. but naw ann arbor is a campus t. do you know how many people voted uncommitted there? a third. a third of the voters uncommitted. and so, there are a number of
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other swing states and swing areas that joe biden needs that have sizeable student populations. and so what they are needing to do now is joe needs to persuade some of those core constituents, particularly the young people, to come back. and if ann arbor is essentially a warning bell for joe biden, it would be, hey, you not only lost a lot of arab americans over gaza, you know, israel support, but you have lost a lot of the students, because they don't like what you are doing with a bunch of other stuff. >> ainsley: does that surprise you, the students are a little more liberal. >> steve: i'm surprised how big it is. a third uncommitted. >> ainsley: if you watch some of these college campuses that's where we with have seen all the protests people pro-palestinian. >> brian: that was great about vivek. he went right to the colleges and cities. if i'm the president of the united states, i know you are not going to get -- that is so
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liberal the university of michigan is out of control left. but, it would be interesting if-to-see if they can siphon a little bit. a lot of people wanting to stay home. put r.f.k. or cornel west or jill stein trump is already ahead 3 to 4 points in michigan over the current president of the united states. there -- that could be a five alarm fire for the dems. >> ainsley: the salvadorian migrant is facing murder charges for the death of a 2-year-old boy in maryland. earlier this month, police say a shootout erupted while the toddler and his mother were walking in a park. the child was caught in the crossfire. ice records show that the 25-year-old suspect who you see there was ordered to leave the united states two years ago. he is currently being held without bond. and in washington, republicans are now demanding for information on the venezuelan migrants charged in the murder of georgia nursing student laken riley. house judiciary chairman jim
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jordan and chairman mcclintock sending a letter now to homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas writing, quote: criminal aliens exploit vulnerabilities in our nation's immigration system. to the detriment of those in the united states. quadruple idaho murder suspect bryan kohberger is due back in court this afternoon as a judge is expected to decide where and when his trial will be held. earlier this year, kohbergerens defense team requested a change of venue citing concerns over a fair trial. and just last month, they asked for the trial to be pushed to next year despite prosecutors wanting it to happen next summer. if convicted kohberger could face the death penalty for the 2022 murders of four university of idaho students. kansas city chiefs coach andy reid addressing the kansas city shooting shooting that happened earlier this month after the super bowl parade. >> shout out to the gavin and
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lopez family for their loss with lisa and for the people of kansas city. a positive word on kansas city. that's not what kansas city is all about. >> ainsley: radio dj lopez was killed in the shooting. two adults and two minors were arrested inaction shooting. this just, in the funeral of russian opposition leader alexei navalny will be held this friday. a spokeswoman cessna value any will be buried in moscow. his wife speaking to european leaders just moments ago. >> the funeral will take place the day after tomorrow. and i'm not sure yet whether it will be peaceful or whether police will arrest those who have come to say goodbye to my husband. >> ainsley: the funeral plans come after a 12-day dispute between the family and russian authorities who were reluctant to lets the funeral proceed in case it became a protest rally.
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and now to the latest on the misconduct hearing in the fulton county -- this case cracks me up. all right, in this hearing fulton county in georgia the d.a. nathan willis, divorce attorney terrence bradley taking the stand yesterday. attorneys looking for more information on willis' relationship with wade who is a special prosecutor in the trump election subversion case. >> did you lie to ms. merchant when you told her facts about mr. wade and ms. willis' relationship? >> not that i recall. i don't recall i have testified to what i did know so i can't recall. >> ainsley: he didn't give much information. close argue. s are scheduled for friday. >> brian: he didn't know if he was lying in his text messages before either. >> ainsley: did i lie before? i don't know. >> brian: i might have lied in my text messages. >> steve: and is he a lawyer. >> brian: yeah. >> steve: just saying. >> brian: kicked out of his firm, i think, too.
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>> ainsley: at 10 :00 a.m. today hunter biden will testify under oath behind closed doors before the oversight and judiciary committees. >> brian: david spunt is live on capitol hill with a preview. david? >> david: good morning to you three. we expect this to be a long day not only for hunter biden but lawmakers, democratic and republican. this is a culmination of more than a year's worth of work for republicans who have been investigating not only hunter biden but the president. today is really a second chance for hunter biden to come to this deposition. he was subpoenaed in november to show up in december and technically, did he show up to capitol hill, although he didn't show up in the actual hearing room. he stood outside with the capitol dome behind him as he laid out his case for why he believes republicans are playing politics and trying to ruin him. house republicans want to ask hunter biden about his business deals, to see if and how they directly relate to his dad. the president, today's deposition part of that larger impeachment probe into the president. and hunter has been a large part
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of that probe. here's the head of the impeachment investigation, james comer from kentucky. >> i have never seen such hypocrisy on anything in politics. what the bidens are trying to say to please their left wing liberal base and what they were trying to do in the private sector to profit from the chinese communist party is daylight and dark. >> david: hunter's team is hoping the recent arrest of alexander smirnov the former fbi informant will only help his case. smirnov behind bars this morning in los angeles after a judge determined is he a flight risk. he was charged a couple weeks ago with lying to the fbi when he said that both joe and hunter biden received $5 million each in bribes from ukrainians, a talking point republicans use for months. democrats say it effectively ends the impeachment probe but republicans say wait a minute, we have also been focusing on connections to china. payments from romania, and the smirnov allegations are not by
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any means the entire impeachment probe. as you all mentioned, this will be behind closed doors at 10:00, expected to go most of the way. buff we will get a transcript in the coming days. and a little bit later in the show, miranda devine will break down a preview. back to you. >> steve: yep. she is going to be with us very shortly. david, thanks for getting up shortly and going over there today. in the meantime back to our lead story and back to the state of michigan where former president donald trump and current president joe biden both won their primaries easily. but a lot of democrats voted uncommitted as a protest against mr. biden. >> brian: former michigan gubernatorial candidate tudor dixon joins us now. great to see you. first off, your reaction for donald trump on the -- what do you think about his 60 -- he had 60% of the vote. do you think that's what he was expecting? >> i think it was a huge night for donald trump. if you look at those numbers, especially compared to joe biden, it was a big night, he got 755,000 votes.
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people came out big for him in counties that he may not have expected. so he must be incredibly happy with the results in michigan today. >> ainsley: you know, tudor, what does joe biden do going forward? when you look at what happened with the uncommitted vote in the state of michigan, how does he appeal to the arab americans as well as his israeli voters, the jewish votes important to the democratic party, too. how does he balance all of this and does it -- dose just -- i mean, there were a lot of people that voted uncommitted. but in the grand scheme of things, when you look at the entire country, that's not going to happen going forward. he still got 80% of the votes in michigan. >> right, but this was really a big loss for him. they had a massive get out the vote effort. gretchen whitmer did not want to see this happen. she did not want uncommitted to be a story. she was out there all weekend on the leftist media. also posting her own video of her phone banking herself. this was a big loss for the democrats. and, steve, i notice you pointed out ann arbor. >> that is a big deal because that would actually trend in
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universities across the country. so democrats are waking up today saying not only do we have a problem with the arab americans in michigan, but we potentially have a problem with students across the country. and they don't know how to fix this. this is a very sticky problem for joe biden, does he come out and say hey, guess what, i'm going to let these folks decide foreign policy and potentially take our only ally in the middle east and snub them to try to win the president or i do continue with foreign policy the way it should be? >> steve: because, tudor, in michigan, all the people who voted uncommitted, that particular movement, they said okay, we don't want to hurt joe in the prime -- rather, in the general, only we want to send a message in the primary. all right, fast-forward though, i think a lot of people are so steamed over, you know, his position on israel in michigan, that's going to be a real problem. when you boxcar the two between, you know, the college students and also the arab americans, you
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got to wonder about michigan as a swing state in the general. >> of course. we don't want to take this for granted as republicans i have said a million times, republicans do not rest on your laurels. go out and make sure you are getting the vote out. but, in michigan, rashida tlaib is very stubborn when she wants something. i don't think that she is going to back off the uncommitted. i suspect she will be our biggest asset come the general. >> ainsley: her sister is the one who is organizing. >> steve: other group was bernie sanders, but bernie sanders disavowed this movement. >> brian: the union vote is also something you got keep in mind. they are not happy with the electric car push and subsidies and big union vote there. >> steve: tudor, thank you very much. >> ainsley: thank you. >> thank you. >> brian: remember dvr the show in case you missed it it's just as good as night. biden border visits tomorrow. see the crisis as a critical threat. >> ainsley: miranda devine wrote
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the book on hunter biden. and she is next on his big interview today on capitol hill ♪ suspicious minds ♪ and we can't k. build our dream ♪ on suspicious minds ♪ ♪ be emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? ( ♪ )
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♪ >> ainsley: welcome back. president biden and former president trump are making trips to the southern border tomorrow. their visits come as violent crimes involving migrant suspects shock the nation. todd piro has the story. todd? >> todd: good morning. president biden will be making just his second trip to the border expected to meet with cbp officials, police and leaders in brownsville, texas. former president trump is going to be just 300 miles away in eagle pass. now, a new poll shows 55% of americans view illegal immigration as a, quote: critical threat to the u.s. just 14% view the issue as not important. their visits come as violent crime committed by migrants emerges as a major issue in the 2024 campaign. a venezuelan migrant charged in nursing student laken riley's murder in georgia entering the u.s. illegally back in 2022
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according to ice, in maryland a salvadorian migrant charged in the murder of a 2-year-old toddler and his mother were walking in the park with when they got caught in the crossfire of a shootout. that suspect currently being held without bond. and in louisiana, a honduran migrant accused of raping a 14-year-old at knife point. officials say this 19-year-old was also wanted for robbing a man and stabbing the victim in the face and back. now, many republicans say crimes like those are evidence that biden administration border policies paired with sanctuary city laws are a recipe for disaster. carley, over to you. >> carley: examples, todd, thank you so much. we have a fox news alert to get to. defense department and nasa are monitoring what they are describing as a, quote: close path between a u.s. spacecraft and russian satellite. nassau says, quote: although the spacecraft are expected to miss each other, a collision could result in significant debris generation. we are monitoring the situation
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and will bring you the latest as it comes in. whoa. this just in. president biden is set to sign an executive order later today designed to stop data brokers from selling americans' personal data to foreign countries. the order targets, quote. >> . countries of concern like russia and china. this action comes as security concerns grow over chinese-based apps like temu and tiktok. and women's soccer legend carli lloyd reacting after the u.s. women's national team lost 2-0 to mexico on monday night. the two-time world cup champion posting, quote: yes, the whole world was caught up. but i actually hate when people say that because the u.s. national women's team started to regress at 2020 olympics and has gone backwards. enough to they have to rebuild and claw and climb their way back up. #no one fears the u.s. women's team anymore. lloyd retired from professional soccer back in 2021.
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those are your headlines. brian, over to you. >> thank you very much, carley. meanwhile a live look at capitol hill where at 10:00 a.m. hunter biden will appear for a closed door interview finally facing republican lawmakers at a critical moment for the impeachment inquiry into president biden. here to react fox news contributor and i would argue she knows more about this case than anybody else for "the new york post." she a columnist miranda devine. miranda, your reaction and what do you think will happen when hunter biden does something he says he wasn't going to do and that is testify behind closed doors? >> hi, brian. look, i think people who have been following this will be very interested in the fact that hunter biden is going there and i'm sure he will turn it into an episode on his hunter goes to washington reality show. he will have his documentary crew following him. but, i'm not really expecting much more than a really sever-serving and sort of heart string tugging opening statement, which will be immediately linked by jamie raskin and the democrats for
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maximum effect. and then i don't think he will be answering any of those questions that we want him to answer inside about the millions of dollars that he and his uncle got from china and russia and kazakhstan, romania and ukraine. but, we have got a kind of a little preview of his opening statement the other day when he gave this interview to axios. and he basically said something i think is incredibly manipulative. he said that his father's re-election depends on his sobriety. so, i guess the entire country has to make sure that hunter doesn't fall off the wagon or otherwise, god forbid, donald trump. >> brian: his dad called in, went to dinner, got with his associate with every one of hunter's deals which shows when he looked in the camera i have no idea about my son's or brother's oversea's business dealings. he has to answer questions like what did i do to get $8 million
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from china? what did i do to get $6.5 million from ukraine? what did i do to get $3.5 million from entities in russia and 3 million from entities in romania? what was the product? what could he possibly answer to make investigators feel, okay, now i understand? >> well, he will plead the fifth. but you should be in there, brian, those are very good questions. look, he has got a battery of very expensive lawyers. they will all be in there trying to intimidate everybody. and, they won't let him answer anything. fair enough, he does actually have two cases, court cases, felony case on the run in delaware and in california. so, he would be silly to say anything that would incriminate himself. the tax case covers a lot of this. although he could talk about burisma because he was lucky enough that david weiss, the u.s. attorney in delaware just happened to let the statute of limitations run out on those most serious questions. so, but i think it will be a bit
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of an arm wrestle, he won't say much. but those questions will be important to get on the record, so that the american people can see when the transcript comes out that he has refused to answer the questions. >> brian: one thing is pretty clear, it's not over when hunter biden testifies. and we can know this for sure, jamie raskin come out and say nothing happened. this is over. nothing there and republicans lost. nread laptop from hellthat's wht an fbi informant on the book for 14 years that seems to have done the wrong thing. miranda, thank you so much. >> thanks, brian. >> brian: all right, fox wildfire alert. evacuations right now as wildfires tear through texas and oklahoma. america's child care industry on the brink. yep, we're going to explain. my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis held me back... now with skyrizi, i'm all in with clearer skin. ♪ things are getting clearer...♪ ( ♪ )
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>> steve: on this wednesday
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morning we have got a fox wildfire alert. look at these images, six major wildfires tearing through the texas panhandle and southern portions of -- rather western portions of oklahoma. governor greg abbott issuing a disaster declaration for 60 counties in texas. let's check in with fox weather meteorologist craig herrera. craig, perfect storm right now. it's dry and it's hot. >> yeah, steve, i will tell you what, those winds were gusting 60 to 70 miles per hour wind driven storm and the winds changed direction on top of that here's what we have got. 300,000 plus thousand acres already burned back in 2023 overall for texas burned oa little over 200,000 acres. they have gone over what they saw last year. >> this is the fifth widest burning wildfire for the state of texas. back in 2006 burned 900,000 square acres. an acre, just for comparison is about the size of a football field. so imagine 300,000 football fields on fire. that's what we're looking at this. is an interesting graphic here. take a look at the winds.
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during the afternoon they were coming in out of the southwest. 50, 60, 70 miles per hour. this front came through, a dry front, not a lot of rain with it. the winds shifted directions. so everything that was blowing down in the south all of a sudden started to blow in an opposite direction. today it is dry steve, i will tell you what, the forecast as we go through the days ahead we will get snow tomorrow. and then after that, friday it gets hot and more wind come saturday and sunday. they have got to get these wildfires contained and hopefully get a jump start on them today with the lack of wind. >> steve: all right. craig herrera with the update from texas. thank you very much. meanwhile, switching geergs. it has been five years since covid era federal funding ended for child care. and many child care providers are now fighting just to stay afloat. our next guest says after all her bills are paid, she barely breaks even. joining us right now is rebecca davis, who runs a day care center in her home in arkansas. rebecca, good morning to you. >> good morning.
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thank you for having me. >> steve: i'm sure you were disappointed last september when congress didn't say okay, child care in this country is a priority. we were going to figure a way to pay for it. but they didn't. and so now, your industry is on the brink. if you had to, rebecca, figure out at the end of the day, after you pay all of your child care educators, and you pay the lights, and you pay the insurance, and you pay for everything else, how much do you make an hour? >> well, it is very well below minimum wage. after paying payroll and supplies, food, materials, utilities, insurance, it's -- we do -- you do not get into the child care business to make money. >> steve: right. >> you get into child care to provide quality care for children and so the pay is very,
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very low. >> steve: well, i read somewhere that you felt that you were making about $2 an hour at the end of the day. >> yeah. pretty close to $2 an hour. >> steve: right. and you are in a catch-22 situation, rebecca. because you would love to be able to pay the people who work for you more but the parents, who bring their kids to you can't afford any more. and the dirty secret in this country right now there are some families living so close to going into the red, they really can't afford child care but they really need child care otherwise they cannot go to work. >> that's correct. because back years ago, families had an extended family, grandmothers, aunts, that could provide that care. then we have seen families be
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able to survive on one income paying, you know, paying the child care. now it's taking both parents to pay for the child care, plus they are having to work longer hours to make sure that they are taking care of their families on top of the child care, you know, tuition. >> steve: yeah. >> it's hurting everybody. >> steve: absolutely. clearly, child care has got to be a priority for this country. out of covid, you know we came out of covid. that was one thing that the federal government spent a lot of money on that was worth it. and now, you know, you painted a picture, it sounds like not only you, but a lot of other people in your business are right at the -- right at the edge of going under. >> yes. when march 2020 was here, my
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went from 16 children which i am licensed for in the state of arkansas down to 12 kids within hours. you know, the uncertainty of the -- our enrollment from day to day and then, you know, now, with the price of materials and food that ha that the cost of ls increased. struggling. >> steve: indeed. and now, a lot of people know about it because you told your story. rebecca davis joining us today from arkansas. i know you got a busy day. kids are come in. thank you for talking to us. >> they are going to get here. thank you. >> steve: you bet. all right. a quarter before the top of the hour straight ahead. at the forefront. savanna guthrie reveals her personal journey to seeing god and everything. she's next. ♪ the way that she moves ♪ how could anybody blame her
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♪ >> ainsley: putting faith forefront in a deeply personal way, savannah guthrie's new book entitled "mostly what god does, reflexes on seeking and finding
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his love wherever" we veels her journey of faith and how she chooses to see god in everything. and savannah guthrie joins us now. what a treat, savannah. >> good morning, ainsley. good to be here. >> ainsley: so happy for you. i loved your book. you're so real. let's talk first why it was important for you to share your faith. >> you know, i am the last person who ever thought i would be writing a book about anything, let alone my faiths. my faith is so important to me. it always has been since i was a little girl and all my family and friends and colleagues know that about me. but, it's so personal. you know, if you are talking about your faith, to me, you are talking about your heart. to kind of put that out there and especially somebody, you know, i'm the first i think have like a disclaimer basically at the beginning of the become. i'm not a thee lo january and biblical scholar and not holding up my life as an example to follow. i'm just a person who loves god and more importantly that god loved. that's what the book is called "mostly what god does" the rest
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of the sentence is mostly what god does is love you. i just felt like i had something good to tell people about god and i wanted to say it. >> ainsley: i have heard from so many people in my bible study who are reading the book, too. they loved it we have been sharing notes. we all said the common theme is the love of god and seeing god in everything, which is also in the title. explain that. >> yeah. i mean, i think -- i don't know how if everyone is like this but certainly over my life ups and downs there have been moments where i felt like i wonder what god thought of me. what does god think about my choices or who i am or, you know, have i ruined my life here? have i gotten off the path? and i read this bible verse, retranslation of this bible versa few years ago. the verse was watch what doss god does and you do it, too. like people who learn proper behavior from their parents. mostly what god does is love you. >> ainsley: yeah. >> when you ask those questions, where is god? what is he up to? what does he think about me? mostly what he is doing is loving you. i think it could feel like a throw away line.
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if you really think about it and absorb it and ingest it and touch your heart it's transformative from within. that's what i wanted to write about. >> ainsley: i love so many celebrities are now talking about christ and relationship withedded god. we have seen chris pratt and mark wahlberg talking about his new app. with jonathan roumie who plays jesus on the chosen. and this morning i'm scrolling through instagram and kid rock is posting mess soodges about god. i'm sure you have seen all these messages on instagram. why is it now we can talk about our faith on division or celebrities are feeling more comfortable? >> i don't know. what i have learned through this experience, which is so moving to me is that so many people from all walks of life, from every corner of the world, people want to talk about faith. they want to talk about the god they know. even if you don't have a lot of faith. even if you have a lot of doubt. even if you aren't sure, this is a conversation people want to have because it matters.
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and i think people are deeply craving connection and substance. and that just -- you know, it touches me. i love having those conversations. we as humans we so deeply crave connection. so i think it's wonderful. and i hope it keeps going. >> ainsley: one more question. you have your beautiful daughter and your son charlie. your husband who seems to be so involved in your family life. >> yeah. >> ainsley: and you lean on him so much or lean on each other. he is not a christian. is he jewish. >> yeah. >> ainsley: how does that work in your household to have interfaith. >> we are an interfaith family. that's something mike and i talked a lot about before we ever got married and ever had kids. he knew how important my faith is to me. and, of course, i know how important his jewish heritage is to him. >> ainsley: if you read the old testament it's fascinating and fun to hang out with our jewish friends during holidays and for them to be with us. >> so much in common. not just the common text but just i would argue a common god.
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so, you know, i think there is a lot of common ground to be found. and i think in our country right now we so want common ground. that's what we want and crave. so i hope this is a point of connection. >> ainsley: savannah, so great to talk to you, thank you for walking across the street. >> we are neighbors. i'm going to come knock on the window. >> ainsley: thank you so much. >> thank you. >> ainsley: thank you from one christian to another for sharing your message and being vulnerable. the name of her book is "mostly what god does" find it on bookstore or vietnam amazon. give it to someone who might be questioning their faith because she very honest in it. thank you, savannah. >> thankve♪ you. ♪ try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints.
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