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tv   America Reports  FOX News  February 29, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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speaker, former speaker mccarthy had said, that even in like very small meeting settings president biden has to have notes and he can't be distracted and can't sway from that or stray from that. here is this from the white house now. perhaps speaker mccarthy should make a note of the following reporting on his own card so he doesn't forget it again. and then what they have done, the white house deputy press secretary, andrew bates, has then provided some links, one is kevin mccarthy who talks from notes and this is huffington post and separately the "new york times," privately mccarthy has told allies he found mr. biden to be mentally sharp. they went through and tried -- don't know the dates on those things, we have not had a chance to drill down, this is just happening. but kevin mccarthy struck a nerve with the white house and the white house is fighting back. we have a border crisis. focus, people. "america reports" now.
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>> i would in fact make sure that there is, we immediately surge to the border all those people are seeking asylum. >> he has no understanding of immigration of the laws. catch and release is a disaster. >> do you believe the border wall works? >> no. >> four years ago i told you that if crooked joe biden got to the white house our borders would be abolished. >> he would rather weaponize the issue than actually solve it. >> we are going to straighten things out the border is the worst it's ever been. >> planning to go thursday. what i didn't know is my good friend apparently is going. >> john: any moment now, former president trump is set to arrive at the hot spot of the border biden crisis just as his successor and leading political rival makes his own visit 300 miles away, where nothing is happening. >> jacqui: jacqui heinrich in for sandra smith, this is "america reports". the competing trips may indicate
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both candidates will think immigration will decide the race for the white house but the back drops could not be any more different. >> john: biden is visiting one of the least busy areas in brownsville, and trump is going to eagle pass. >> jacqui: focus on the border communities, outrage is boiling in democrat-run sanctuary cities where numerous people have been arrested for committing heinous crimes against americans. >> john: disgust with the mayor of athens who played down the sanctuary policies despite an illegal immigrant charged with murdering nursing student laken riley. >> jacqui: first, bill melugin in eagle pass, texas, we just got word of a court ruling with texas' border law. how will that affect things there? >> breaking news in the last
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hour, a federal judge has blocked texas' sp4, state border security law from taking effect. it was set to go into effect next week. it would have allowed the state of texas to arrest, jail and potentially deport illegal immigrants, but the judge said states can't conduct their own immigration system, that is up to the federal government. now we wait to see if the state of texas appeals. in the meantime, we are talking about the competing visits between biden and trump coming in very different parts of the border. visualize that for you. take a look at the graphic, internal data showing border patrol apprehensions in both spots over the last five days. here in eagle pass, hundreds every day, more than 2000 here in the last five days. brownsville has had only 46 in the last five days. look at monday in particular. it had 563 compared to 0 for brownsville. remarkable numbers there.
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what's been happening here in eagle pass, just yesterday, border patrol and texas dps apprehending a group of five unaccompanied migrant children, ages 5 to 11, came across, they were from honduras and guatemala, had notes with addresses in new york and texas. they see this often, they will go to hhs to be resettled. listen to this. more than 400,000 of these unaccompanied minors have arrived at the border under biden. the video from eagle pass back in december. we talk about how it has been a hot spot along the border. fox news has done hundreds of live shots over the years. what it looked like in december, upwards of 4,000 illegal crossings here every day in eagle pass for a few-day window. we remember these viral images, it was carnage out here. and texas came in and locked everything down. a short time ago, the president of the border patrol union. he told me the white house never
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reached out to the union recording president biden's trip to brownsville, take a listen. >> president biden going to brownsville, did the border patrol union get outreach or invitation about the visit? >> not at all, i didn't expect it. he's not going to listen to voices of reason or people to tell him what he needs to secure the border. programs, operations, policies, if he would have invited me that's what i would have said. >> and the border patrol union tells me they expect president biden to reference the union today because the union, remember, supported the now failed bipartisan senate border deal and the union took a shot at president biden on twitter a short time ago, excuse me, x now, posting "attention president biden, keep your name out of your mouth today." back to you. >> jacqui: yikes. all right, bill melugin, thank
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you. >> you are a liar, you are guilty, you have blood on your hands for this murder, sir. >> new policies have created sanctuary city status in athens. >> you need to resign. >> john: georgia resident shouting down athens' democratic mayor and urging him to resign after the murder of nursing student laken riley. and fox can now confirm that she did in fact call 911 at some point during her encounter with respected killer and illegal migrant jose ibarra. our next guest is teaming up with another georgia lawmaker to push an immigration bill in response to the incident. joining us now is the georgia state representative houston gaines. good to have you on the program. i'll get into your legislation in a second, but laken riley and her memory for a moment. at the white house the press secretary was asked if president biden has reached out to laken riley's family.
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listen to what she said in response. >> i do want to extend our deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of laken hope riley. given this is an active case i'll be really careful about speaking to that case more specifically. would have to refer anything specific to that case to law enforcement and obviously i.c.e. and the president, i don't have anything regarding to the president speaking to the family. >> john: she says given this is an active case, i'm going to have to be really careful about speaking to it. the white house speaks forcefully on plenty of cases that are under active investigation. but this case speaks to what critics call an abject failure of policy and so the white house appears to be clamming up. your thoughts, representative? >> well, you are right, john. to see what has happened in this white house, our southern border is a disaster and first and foremost our prayers and
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thoughts and athens community with laken riley's family, friends, the university of georgia community. what happened last week was an awful tragedy and sick to my stomach knowing it could have been avoided had we had the right policies in place with the federal government, if they did its job and closed the border. and locally, we have challenges that we have to address at the local level and the federal level and here this afternoon at the georgia state capitol we are going to pass some important legislation to address that, which i know you said we'll get into shortly. there were so many failures in this case, it's just awful and the number one priority is lifting up laken riley's friends, family and loved ones. >> john: this goes all the way to the very top. let's remind folks at home what the president said about these policies. this was back in 2020. flashback, listen here. >> two undocumented immigrants
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arrested by police be turned over to immigration officials? >> no. >> john: he says undocument immigrants should not be turned over to immigration officials. >> representative jesse petry has worked overtime on this issue for years in georgia and recognize his leadership on making sure that our sheriffs, our local governments are complying with our federal i.c.e., any requests from i.c.e. for putting detainers on inmates and making sure that our sheriffs are reporting to the federal government we have somebody in our jails who is here illegally. right now we have seen some sheriffs, there's very few but there are sheriffs who tried to go down the path of a sanctuary type policy made the communities less safe. but an individual in the jails, in this country illegally, i.c.e. needs to be notified and if detainer is placed it needs to be honored.
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and that's what the legislation will do with extremely stiff penalties for violating what we are trying to do here at the state level. we have policies in place to prevent sanctuary cities. we have seen local governments, including athens, gone down policy paths of sanctuary-like activity and what we are doing with the legislation, stop in its tracks with extremely stiff penalties, including removing allstate and state-directed federal funding from those local governments and those local sheriffs offices if they don't comply. >> john: to your point there, this goes from the top here in washington, d.c., all the way down to the sheriff at the local level. the sheriff there is john williams, athens, clark county. what he said when he was running for office back in 2020 about whether he would cooperate with i.c.e. in terms of honoring detainers, listen to this. >> it's not my intention when elected sheriff to cooperate with the detainers.
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i see it as the sheriff's responsibility, any law enforcement to protect and serve the community. we can't help with the culture of fear in the community and expect the citizens to respond and help us in situations. >> john: talks about a culture of fear in the community. what's the culture right now in athens in the wake of what happened to laken riley? >> well, we have a lot of folks who are concerned about the policies of our local government and a lot of issues, obviously, we have talked about the federal level, but there are a lot of concerns in our community. you saw at the press conference yesterday you had a lot of folks in athens who showed up to express their displeasure of the path that athens has gone down. this has been years in the making, we have had extremely progressive candidates elected to local government and we have to address it. >> john: understood, representative. but are people scared? >> i think people are very worried. you know, what we needed to hear
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from our local leaders was there was going to be a change in policy, that there is going to be compliance with federal immigration law, that they were going to adhere to state law. well, what we are going to do today on the house floor in the georgia general assembly pass legislation to make dang sure the government is doing the job and enforcing the law. >> john: representative houston gaines from great state of georgia, appreciate it. i'm -- you live there every day, 1600 pennsylvania avenue. are you surprised, shocked or not the fact that the words laken riley, the name laken riley has not escaped the lips of the president? >> jacqui: i'm not surprised, this blows back to his border policies and the policies of sanctuary cities and states. i think they are edging closer to kinds of admitting that some action needs to be taken, not just going to the border but yesterday you saw the call for local states and cities that have sanctuary laws to comply to
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i.c.e. >> john: eric adams led the charge on that. a lot of buyers remorse across the country right now. >> jacqui: plenty of it. devastating fires ripping through texas, leaving at least one person dead, scorching millions of acres, and the biggest wildfire is exploding in size, covering an area larger than the entire state of rhode island. casey stegall in dallas, are they going to get some relief today? >> jacqui, they are, a bit of relief today and also yesterday in the form of cooler temperatures, lower wind speeds, and even some precipitation. we want to get you brand-new video shot by fox, not terribly long ago. look at this, snow falling across much of the region up to an inch, according to the national weather service in some
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places. but unfortunately forecasters are saying it is not enough moisture to extinguish the flames. now one of the four blazes burning in the texas panhandle has grown to become the largest wildfire in state history, over 1 million acres at just 3% containment. dozens and dozens of homes have been lost. >> it came up very fast, i saw the neighbor's house starting to burn and i called 911, and the fire trucks got here but it just started really fast. by the time we got back there was nothing left. >> some of the displaced residents and even pets have sought help at local shelters that have been set up. investigators are still looking into what started these fires. however, the situation remains fluid and officials say the dynamics are constantly shifting. >> but frankly right now, counting the number of homes burned has not been our priority.
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evacuating people that are in harm's way, fighting fire and saving lives have been our priority. >> a disaster has been declared in 60 texas counties and unfortunately the warmer weather and the higher winds return over the weekend. so they are keeping a close eye on the upcoming forecast. jacqui. >> jacqui: hope they get a handle on it. thanks for that. >> john: we are awaiting president biden and former president trump to arrive at the southern border. will they be received differently by border agents and the hard-hit communities? what do you think? >> jacqui: probably. illinois the third state to kick the likely republican nominee off the presidential ballot. the political panel on whether the democrats' effort to stop americans from voting for trump may backfire this fall. >> most judges have said we are waiting for the supreme court. there was no reason for this court to issue this opinion. welcome to ameriprise. i'm sam morrison. my brother max recommended you.
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plus, get an eligible 5g phone on us. switch to xfinity mobile today! >> jacqui: former president trump has been removed from the primary ballot of yet another state, this time in illinois after a judge ruled he could be kicked off the ballot over his alleged role in the january 6th insurrection. so, how will voters react to this in november? bring in our political panel. david avella, the chairman of go pac, and jonathan, i want to start with you. broadly, isn't that kind of not well thought out? democrats think the best chance of winning in november after all is if trump is on the ballot? >> sure, i think this is what's happening, some states, you know, some judges and states have decided they are going to take up this case and have decided he did, you know,
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partake in an insurrection as somebody stuck in my office on january 6th because people were storming the capitol and didn't know whether they were going to knock down the doors and kill us, i think he has some legal responsibility for it and if it takes to the supreme court and the supreme court decides, illinois will have him on the ballot but i think it's the rights of each state and the judiciary to go through with the process. >> john: all right, so you were there, you obviously went through it, it was probably a traumatizing event for you, i'm sure, it was a horrible thing, should never happen again but for a judge to unilaterally decide a person not even charged with insurrection, let alone convicted of it in her mind is guilty of insurrection, and she makes a unilateral decision he's run afoul of the 14th amendment and needs to be kicked off the ballot would not seem to be very democrat. >> you think about the fact the supreme court has said they are going to take up the case because of colorado and so as we have talked about on this show
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before, it needs to be 9-0 whichever which they go, clear the direction. longer term impact to the issue, though, and that is now it gives the trump campaign another issue to run on, we need a republican president with a republican senate to put more folks on the supreme court who are going to be constitutionallists, and we need to fill the federal courts with men and women who are constitutionallists. so, once again we are battling over who is going to nominate folks to the supreme court and the judgeships if the trump campaign is smart. >> jacqui: haven't we been seeing, though, a lot of democrats, specially elected democrats distance themselves from this effort. they are not saying it outright, but it benefits them if trump stays on the ballot, they see this as their best strategy in november. where do you, in your circles, hear the discussion landing?
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>> nobody talks about these cases in colorado, illinois, or maine. democrats want to run against donald trump. they love the idea of the one-on-one comparison between joe biden's record and the insanity of the trump administration and then like the criminal activity of the last four years. i mean, a lot of people say we don't want a rematch between the two of them. democrats would love a rematch because it's not the same two people. joe biden has had three of the most successful years of any democratic president or any president, legislatively and donald trump has been spewing conspiracy theories and in and out of court and selling gold sneakers, so we are very happy for that. i would love donald trump to be on the ballot, especially for the down ballot races. he's toxics for all of those and we have seen it in 2018, 2020, 2022, 2023. >> john: cook county circuit judge traci porter did not either get it or read the memo. >> she's probably not on our text chain, we'll add her.
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>> john: so jonathan turley the same mind of you, david, saying wait a second, it's before the supreme court, what is judge porter doing. >> what is odd about the illinois decision, most judges are waiting to hear from the supreme court. expectation from us is the court will reject this claim, reject this theory. and yet this judge decided to break from the other judges and say no, no, i want to go on record. it's like paddling to get on the titanic before it sinks to be on the list of those lost at sea. >> john: he has way with words. >> he does. it's also interesting we don't see democrats saying that bob menendez should be taken off the ballot, he's up for a case he allegedly helped a foreign government. gosh, what better -- what better example of someone trying to undo the u.s. than to work for a foreign government, right. but yet we are going to allow, no democrats calling for him to
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be taken off the ballot. >> jacqui: only helps if the decision is far-reaching, it does not leave room for ambiguity, i don't think anyone wants question marks leading into election. >> i agree with david, it should be 9-0 and states should wait to see what the supreme court decides. if the supreme court decides he can be kicked off the ballot, there's a lot of states that kick him off the ballot. we can wait until then. >> john: maybe you should add judge porter. >> i will do that today. >> john: donald trump will land any moment now in texas, we will bring you remarks when it happens. >> jacqui: vladimir putin stepping up warnings against nato nations. what he threatens to do if western troops enter the fight in ukraine. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief
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>> john: russian president vladimir putin issuing a stern warning to the west, in his state of the nation, he threatened nuclear war if western countries put boots on the ground in ukraine. he claimed nuclear forces are in full readiness and said some of the weapons are already being tested. lieutenant general keith kellogg, and just back from israel as well. general, great to see you. >> good to be here. >> john: emmanuel macron suggested maybe troops would have to go back to save the nation, putin fired this, we remember the fate of those who sent their troop contingents to the territory of our country, not mentioning napoleon and hitler, now the consequences will be far more tragic, and we have the weapons to strike weapons on their territory and suggesting and scaring the world with all that raises the real
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threat of a nuclear conflict. so far his conflicts have been bluster. you thought he may fire a small tactical nuke but this is another level. >> biden should have come back right away and say it's not military or economic, this is political. that's an irresponsible comment. in their doctrine they do intend to use possible, what we call tactical nuclear weapons, we don't have any more, and that responsibility as well. we need to say that to them. they need to back off from that. we came out -- >> john: say it to putin. >> macron, in the white house when we were there, president trump talked to macron, treated him like a younger brother and said knock off on your comments. these are comments need to be made behind the curtain. we walked away in 2019, away
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from the capacity to use weapons between 300 miles and 3,000 miles, that affects the european continent and they were cheating, bottom line, and they developed a whole series of weapons systems. russian has modernized their arsenal. we are trying to put the sentinel online, we have not done. they have a missile online now, new icbm so they have upgraded the arsenal. it's a very serious threat but you can't use language like that. it is -- it's irresponsible and biden needs to call him out immediately. >> jacqui: this is something that other nato countries, idea of putting boots on the ground in ukraine pretty quickly distanced themselves from, including the u.s., because we have been reticent to appear like we are trying to encourage what would be, what would amount to a war with a nuclear power. but, you have russia already, according to intelligence,
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planning for conflict with nato. estonia thwarting a russian hybrid attack a week and a half ago and putin planning to double the number of troops along the borders of the baltic states and finland. so, how important is it that the u.s. respond in a way that includes, you know, awareness that we might actually have troops there and if he's talking about using nuclear weapons, this is not an impossibility that we would have to send our armed services to europe because of article 5. >> when it comes down to it, there are probably foreign services in there, intelligence services like we did that were done before, you vet u.s. special forces into the cia, title 50, and that's probably happening. i would not be surprised if we didn't see the brits with the 22nd special service or some french, and that may be the time you need to do it. but you need to push back on putin. you need to draw the line.
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ok, walk not street and have a dance we have to do it and i think we are reaching that point. we keep kind of just not doing much about it. when all these problems we have throughout the world, this one is getting ready to come to a head. i think the big one is the middle east, that's where it's coming to a head, this is close behind. >> john: we have not heard anything from biden in response to putin but john kirby responded to macron. >> we'll let president macron speak for his military and what he is or is not willing to did with his troops. the president has been clear. he does not support u.s. troops involved in this conflict in ukraine and i'll leave it at that. >> john: not again responding to putin, not saying don't be talking about nuclear, but what's macron's game here? i know he wants to be the big dog in europe, he talked about the creation of a european military force outside of nato. is he just trying to look like again the big dog on the block?
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>> trying to look like it but does not have the dogs to play in the fight. the french military is a good military but it's not a big military. admiral kirby, putin blows everybody else off. macron wants to be the leader, he tried to do it in our administration, leader of europe and does not have the capacity, military capacity to really back that up. >> jacqui: we are out of time, you know, putin in the same state of the nation address denied plans to put a nuclear anti-satellite system in space. but are you at all concerned that what they are moving toward is actually a way to get the u.s. to encourage ukraine to accept a peace deal where they relinquish their territory? >> two parts, jacqui. no on the second part. the big thing to be concerned about, clear violation of the treaty if you put nuclear in space. if you put that in space, you have created electromagnetic
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pulse weapon, one megaton up there at 60,000 feet and kill an area 1,000 miles below it, that's my worry. it violates the treaty and goes further. don't go there. just not good. >> john: good to get your thoughts, general. welcome back from the middle east. >> jacqui: florida's governor, ron desantis, signing a law to allow the release of some secret grand jury testimony in florida clearing the way for evidence to be made public in the 2006 sexual abuse case against the late billionaire jeffrey epstein who died in prison. nate, when are we expecting to see the grand jury testimony? >> the law takes effect on july 1st but records could be released sooner, part of a lawsuit brought by the palm beach post. if jeffrey epstein received preferential treatment by
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investigators during 2006 investigation. >> justice delayed is justice denied. needs to be a mechanism people can get the truth and try to pursue justice. >> this new law states grand jury testimony in florida can now be shared if the subject of an investigation is dead or if it's related to sexual crimes against children. two of epstein's victim joined the governor. here is one of them talking about what this law means to her. >> i can't express the gratitude i have for this bill. sorry: i just am trying to put pieces together, the final pieces of this puzzle to help me move on. >> jacqui, nearly two decades ago, a florida grand jury charged epstein with just one count of soliciting prostitution but did not charge him with child sex crimes even though the victim was under 18 years old. palm beach police took evidence
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to federal prosecutors, and later u.s. labor secretary, alex acosta, struck a deal with epstein, 18 month prison sentence but allowed him to spend much of it at his office through a work release program. governor desantis says president joe biden should release all federal records related to epstein investigations. epstein died in a new york jail cell in 2018 while awaiting trial for separate sex trafficking charges. >> jacqui: thank you so much. john. >> john: former president donald trump expected to arrive shortly in del rio, texas on the way to eagle pass. >> jacqui: we await president biden's arrival in brownsville, texas. what will come of the visits. >> who was better for the border, donald trump or joe biden? >> donald trump all the way. >> mr. trump was far, far better.
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>> definitely donald trump.
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>> jacqui: we are expecting former president trump's arrival at del rio international airport for his visit to the southern border in eagle pass, texas shortly before president biden arrives for a briefing on the border in brownsville, texas, where crossings have dropped dramatically since governor abbott launched his border crackdown. folks in brownsville telling lawrence jones they don't think biden's visit is going to fix anything. >> why is he coming now? >> he's too late. >> great disappointment for those of us who live and work here. >> what do you think about him coming to the border? >> about time. >> you think he's going to fix the problem?
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>> i don't think is. i don't think by coming here. >> jacqui: joins now, richard hitchcox who lives in brownsville. thanks for making time, appreciate it. >> yes, ma'am. >> jacqui: i was talking to the white house yesterday about why the president chose to go to brownsville when you've had such -- so little crossings there compared to the other busier sectors. pull up on the screen, eagle pass had 511 apprehensions on monday, 481 at ajo station, and 473 santa theresa, and brownsville 12. so this is not a busy area for crossings and the president is really going there not to engage with border patrol but to have a background so that he can message to folks and put pressure on republicans to pass this bill. what's the community going to do? what are they going to say? how is he going to be received
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today? >> i think he's going to get a mixed reaction because there is a trump train thing going on that i'm aware of. i don't really get into the politics, though. i just -- it's going to interfere -- today is the first day of a big charo day event here and the president coming on the first day of it, they release students from school at noon today and they are going to have parades and things in brownsville and the president's visit kind of takes away from that, i think. >> jacqui: charo days i believe celebrates mexican heritage, is that right? >> yes, and it's something between brownsville and matamoros. >> jacqui: the president is basically having a photo op during a festival that's completely unrelated. but you do an important job in
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your community. you pull trash out of these areas that have been flooded by migrants. tell us what it looks like after you see a surge come through. >> the photos you have there i provided. they were of -- we did a clean-up in september, 21,240 pounds of trash, and that we collected there. it was a national event organized by john rourke and the we fund the blue foundation. however, we were the local organizers and the local coordinators and got 138 volunteers out, and you see the dumpster from emr, they donated the use of the two roll-out dumpsters and disposed of the garbage for us at no charge and gave us weight slips that showed the exact part. and if you see this photo i'm seeing pop up, we had a republican constable, a democrat
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city commissioner, it was a non-partisan event. the city, like the mayor -- and the county took no part in it other than the constable's office from port isabelle, it wasn't his area but he has constables who are engaged with operation stone garden on the border. >> jacqui: does the federal government, though, do anything to help address the environmental hazard? >> oh, no, ma'am, it's just left there. not to put words in her mouth, but i spoke with gloria chavez, who is the border patrol sector chief here, and she was very happy and very thankful that we were out there cleaning this up because her people have to be in that area and deal with the trash that's there. >> jacqui: we appreciate what you've done and i'm sure your community does even more. appreciate your time with us, richard hitchcox, hope to see you again soon, sir.
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>> john: thank you for your service. hundreds of newly obtained text messages could contradict what a star witness had to say on the stand in the fani willis misconduct hearing. phil holloway joins us next on the impact this could have on the case. >> if hunter biden could be impeached, they would have done that by now. we are here on the impeachment of joe biden, that's what this inquiry is about and again, there is no evidence. >> jacqui: democrats calling for an end to the gop impeachment inquiry saying there's no there there after hunter biden testifies on capitol hill. but miranda devine sees just the opposite. she'll tell us why coming up.
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...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous.
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>> john: new developments in the fani willis and nathan wade saga. text messages appear to contradict some of bradley's testimony regarding the timeline and recollection of willis and wade's romance. phil holloway, this is the key email, or text message, i guess, between ashley merchant and nathan wade. i've got them all here, it's quite a tale that they tell. i mean, they were friends, so it
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was interesting to see him so adversarial on the witness stand. but this one, from january 5, 2024, they had been texting back and forth about fani willis and nathan wade's relationship. ashley merchant texts do you think it started before she hired him, terrence bradley, absolutely. terrence bradley says it started when she left the d.a.'s office and was a judge in south fulton. then into the part, phil, where ashley merchant was talking about this in court. texted back to say is this accurate, upon information and belief willis and wade met while both were serving as magistrate judges and began relationship at that time. bradley wrote back and said no, municipal court. but you can't put where they met because not many people know that. he was on the stand, phil, saying i can't recall, i can't
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recall, i can't recall. it's right here in green and black and white. >> great to be with you, john. this shows really a different picture of a person who is actively assisting ashleigh merchant in her effort to investigate the facts and circumstances regarding this issue on behalf of her client. almost a collegial type conversation as i say it. contrast to what we saw on the witness stand and these texts are recent, they go through january and i think even february of this year. something recently has changed but it's obvious that mr. bradley didn't want to be there, he didn't want to be having to provide this testimony. these text messages, many of which were used in court the last time he was on the stand which i think was tuesday. and it's called a prior inconsistent statement and under georgia law, a private inconsistent statement can be
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used not only to contradict a witness that's called impeachment by contradiction. these prior inconsistent statements, these text messages in this case are also considered substantive evidence, so it's like a picture of a crime scene or murder weapon, it's something the fact finder, in this case the judge, can hang his hat on if he wants to rule against fani willis. he can say i don't know the testimony i heard from the witness stand. i choose to believe what i see in these text messages as substantive evidence. and let's not forget, john, these text messages corroborate what we saw from witness robin yearti. it was mr. bradley that helped ashleigh merchant identify miss yearti who came to court the last time and said under oath the affair started as early as 2019. she has personal knowledge, she says she saw them kissing and hugging and acting like a romantic item and let's not also
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forget this also is consistent with the cell phone data information that was offered by the trump team that purports to show that nathan wade's cell phone was travelling to and from the, what we call the yearti condo, which is in hapeville, georgia to visit miss willis in the overnight hours. so, all of this together adds up to a very dangerous set of circumstances for miss willis if the judge believes she has perpetrated a fraud on the court or lied under oath, the consequences for her could be very, very severe. >> john: by the way, he says the two of them met, this is nathan wade and fani willis at the municipal court conference. put this up on the screen, this speaks to the relationship that ashleigh merchant and terrence bradley had. january 8th, she says i am nervous. this is huge. terrence bradley writes you are huge. you will be fine. you are one of the best lawyers
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i know. go be great. yet he couldn't remember any of that on the stand. phil, great to talk to you, thank you. >> always happy to be here. take care. >> jacqui: any moment now former president trump will touch down at the southern border and president biden making his own stop 300 miles away. how will the hard hit communities react to their visits. live at the border next. ill hav♪ ♪you... can make it happen...♪ ♪ try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints. life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day.
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