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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  February 29, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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and still black. but they were freedom fighters. >> bret: thelma sims dukes grew up in mississippi the site of a major civil war battle. she has long pushed for more recognition of black soldiers in the war including her great, great grandfather. now thanks to the effort of people like her, 13 previously unknown black soldiers buried in vicksburg have been identified. good story. tomorrow on "special report," former president trump is expected to appear in a florida courtroom to learn additional details about when his classified documents trial will begin. plus, join us for our special super tuesday coverage. it begins 7:00 p.m. eastern time. remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr 6:00 p.m. in the east, 3:00 p.m. in the west coast. we got you covered, fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is now. ♪ ♪
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>> laura: good evening this is the ingraham angle from washington. thank you for being with us. we got the transcript of hunter biden's depo on capitol hill yesterday. all right, we're going through it page by page. it's even dog eared highlighted the and tabbed. weave will bring you all the juicy details in moments. first, dueling border visits that's the focus of tonight's angle. ♪ bad, bad poll nuns. very bad poll numbers that's the reason and the only reason that the white house decided to send biden finally to the border after years of avoiding it like the plague. now, by traveling there today, the same day as trump's visit, biden hoped to kind of steal trump's thunder. but texas governor greg abbott set the crowd straight. >> we have president trump back in the state of texas literally on the border itself at the very same time we have president biden down in groupsville, texas, which was an obligatory
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visit by him. he had never been to the border. in fact, i don't think is he on the border itself right now i is in some kind of sanitized location it. goes to show biden does not care about either texas or the border and what's going on. >> laura: oof he has never been better than he was today. biden went to brownsville, not to tucson, not to the san diego sector where reported from. he didn't go there because he didn't want those visuals because there is no defending what's happening it's a stream of humanity, a lot of working age men lined up yesterday to be released into the united states now, only a few dozen illegals crossed near brownsville this month vs. where trump was. so, who won the border duel? >> it's real simple. it's time to act. it's long past time to act. i just received a briefing from the border patrol and they're all doing incredible work under really tough conditions.
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really tough conditions. they told me what -- what you already know and we already know. they desperately need more resources it's time to step up. it's time to step up. let's remember who we are. we are the united states of america. >> laura: weird. >> now, trump didn't need to pretend to be outraged because he has been on this issue for decades. >> last year almost half of all ice arrests were criminal aliens charged for more than 33,000 assaults, 3,000 robberies, 6,900 burglaries. 7,500 weapons crime. this is all migrant crime. 4300 sex crimes. 1600 kings and 1700 homicides and murders. just one week ago a beautiful 22-year-old nursing student from georgia was barbarically attacked almost unrecognizable while she was out on her morning
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run. i spoke to her parents yesterday. they are incredible people. they are devastated beyond belief. >> laura: in 2015 when trump announced his run for the presidency, when he came down that golden escalator, he talked about the crimes committed by illegals. when he did that the press went bananas. how dare he speak about that way about those poor people and here we are. what is it almost nine years later when horrific crimes are being committed by illegals against innocent americans. the press still doesn't care. >> all the data shows that the crimes committed by undocumented immigrants is much lower than crimes committed by others. but, there have been some high profile crime. you are going to continue to see donald trump seething on that from now until november. >> seizing on it because collateral damage. any crime committed by illegal against american should never have happened because they shouldn't be in this country. again, the press is not worried
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that too many illegals are coming to the united states, among them criminals. the press is worried that tough policies could stop more from coming. >> do you get a sense in speaking to migrants that policies here in the united states might actually alter their decision? i think it comes down to the level of desperation. they have to monitor the ocean at night for people who will be dropped off. that determination is fueled by the desperation. >> yeah, that desire for freedom and prosperity for so many migrants undeterred by policy. [laughter] >> laura: did you get what happened there? undeterred by policy. now, forget the hard-working americans hoping for prosperity. forget those people. they don't count. now, americans know that trump has credibility on the border. mumbling, stumbling biden has zero. and a hastily organized visit accomplishes nothing. neither did his lame attempt to resurrect that sham immigration
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bill that went up in flames. by the way, a talking point given to him by mitch mcconnell. >> this bill was in the united states senate. it was on its way to being passed. then it was derailed by rank and file -- rank partisan politics. conservative leaders supported this. and let's remember who we are. we are the united states of america! no, i mean this. think about this. there's nothing, nothing beyond our capacity, nothing. >> laura: border. why did you gut all of trump's executive orders day one? look, let's keep it simple. trump enforced the border and started building a wall. biden opened the border and stopped the wall's construction. >> joe biden lied to america when he told america that he needed congress to pass laws for him to be able to do something about the border. because there are three laws that congress has already passed that are on the books right now that biden could and should
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enforce. biden not only is not building any borders, biden is using every tool that he can to tear down the borders that texas is putting up in our stated. >> laura: legacy of joe biden isn't just dead americans killed by illegals. it's dead migrants who died during their crossings or children abused and trafficked. our next guest tweeted that just yesterday in eagle pass where trump was texas dps found five unaccompanied children traveling with 60 illegals all adults and the kids were ages 5 to 11. one had a torn piece of paper saying to go to new york. another a piece of paper listing a town in texas. and the biden campaign, it wants voters to believe that all of this, everything you have been seeing over the last many, many months and years, is the fault of house republicans and donald trump? good luck selling that story line. even with the help from the press.
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remember what we have always told you. the democrats' policy is to keep the border open, period that's what their donors demand. that's been their policy for years and that's what biden will do in his second term. the only time you are going to ever hear them touch on the issue of enforcement, pretend to care about enforcement, is when they are in political trouble and, boy, are they in political trouble. and biden's trip today proves that their focus groups and polls are telling the white house the same thing they are telling the rest of us. their open border policies could cost them the 2024 election. and that's the angle. joining me now is lieutenant chris olivares. texas department of public safety spokesman and texas lt. governor dan patrick. dan, let's start with you. it was a powerful contrast today. brownsville just a couple dozen
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illegal crossers vs. where trump was eagle pass several hundred every week and previously had been thousands before texas did what texas did. >> yeah. laura. when i hear the president and any of the democrats try to blame the republicans on that bill that it was a bipartisan bill, no it wasn't. it was about four idiot republican senators and all democrats. who wanted to pass the bill. that was it. republicans didn't sign off on that bill and the american public knows that having a bill that allows 5,000 people in a day is still close to 2 million a year. this is a joke. and, look, laura, you have republicans who watch. you have independence and democrats that watch. i'm telling you all, folks, you better pick a side or you are going to lose this country. and that next person that's killed by a drunk driver who is here illustrate llweleynly the next person that's murdered could be your wife, your husband, your child. this is going on all over the country. you better pick a side. you are either for a secure border and for this country or you're not. forget your labels of being an independent or democrat or a
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moderate republican. if donald trump does not win in november, and i believe he's going to handily, but, if he does not, this country, laura will be lost. we lose the country. >> laura: yeah. a few years ago, chris, the biden administration was bragging about their record on the border. watch. >> i would like to understand from you what trump era immigration policies have been banned, ended, reversed and if any investigations are underway by you. >> so, we have rescinded so many trump immigration policies it would take so much time to list them. >> laura: ha. lt. olivares, mayorkas said today there is no executive order that biden can put into place that would help the border. no executive order but you see mayorkas bragging about how they rescinded the executive orders.
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right, so you know there for a fact that's a blatant lie. they are lying to the american people. they have caused this border situation for the last three years that we have been dealing with in the state of texas. you see all the criminal activity that's taking place. of course, laken riley just that tragedy that took place at the hands of illegal immigrant that should have not been in the country in the first place. you look at the fentanyl crisis. the thousands of americans that have lost their lives every single year because of fentanyl poisoning. and, yet, they still refuse to acknowledge the fact that we have a border crisis. they continue to gaslight the situation. they continue to gaslight to the american people. and the state of texas stepping up for the last three years because of our leadership, governor abbott, the lt. governor, our legislature giving us the equipment, the funding, all the support we need to do our job officially. and i think it's been a testament to what we have done in texas. you look at brownsville. you look at eagle pass, those are areas that we have secured because of our efforts to the military and through our state troopers. the state of texas is leading the way as far as sciewrk the border. that is something that the
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federal government refuses to do. >> laura: i have never been more proud of texas than i am now because first sending those migrants to liberal enclaves that was brilliant and now taking the border seriously and doing the work that joe biden won't do. by the the way, dan, biden spoe today about the asylum process. watch. this for those arriving at our border today the process to get a decision on asylum claim takes five to seven years. y'all know it down here but the people around the country don't understand it. it's far too long to say well, okay. can you come into the country but come back in five to seven years. maybe as many as 8 years and you get a hearing from before a judge to determine whether can you stay. >> lawrks he doesn't have a clue what he is talking about. not a clue can. and was i asked the other day what three things should we do today, if texas was in charge? number one, we put back title 42. the trump policy that kept the asylum seekers in mexico.
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number two, like president trump, did you go mexico and you tell the president that if you don't stick the army, their marines on their side of the border and stop this, you are going to put a tariff on everything they sell. and, third, you take our great border patrol men and women and instead of treating them like hotel clerks, ushering people in the door you let them do their job of law enforcement. we have a senate bill 4 pushed back in court yesterday. it will win in the fifth circuit. it will go to the supreme court and allow texas, laura, texas to defend our own border. we will hire every one of these border patrol agents who want to come to work for us, we have got the money. they will come to work for us. we will tell joe biden and the federal government to get the hell out of the way and we will secure the border for america. we must stop. this people are dying every day at the hands of joe biden's policies just think what you have to spend that you shouldn't have to spend because of this? by the way, the white house released a statement today
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coining, giving a new nickname for illegal aliens. okay? the senate bill also includes 1.4 billion for cities and states who are providing a critical services to newcomers. okay. newcomers. so now, they have i don't know if illegal aliens to undocumented immigrants to undocumented citizens, to undocumented democrats. now they are just newcomers. lt. olivares, take it away. >> you know, laura, that's disgraceful. we don't need new laws there are already laws on the books. we he knee for a fact. we know the federal government can enact those policies that were effective and they can secure the border. we know that was working prior to 2021. we have seen that and we have seen what we have been able to do in texas. so the federal government has the ability. they can take executive action and close the border and secure it and prevent tragic crimes that are taking place across the country at the hands of illegal immigrants. they refuse to do that. they continue to play politics. but, of course, again as the
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lt. governor mentioned the state of texas we are going to continue sentencing up and we are not going to back down because we have leadership that is willing to take on the federal government. layer lawyer well, as i said in the angle, their policy is to maintain an open border. that is their policy. and every voter out there has to understand that lt. olivares, mr. lt. governor, thank you so much. now, were democrats caught lying about what hunter biden said yesterday? my team is still poring through the 229-page transcript. and they have all the details. we have them next. ♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals. and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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♪ >> hunter, how did it go? how did it go? >> great. >> laura: well, that was spin because now we have the transcript. now, the 200-plus page document about the 7 hour deposition that hunter did it contains all sorts of interesting nugget and juicy gems. first, hunter admitted that he put his dad joe on speaker phone with his business associates and then that he invited him to drop by his business lunches. remember this is international business. but is he adamant that his dad was never involved in his business dealings. try to figure that out. but what about that inconvenient
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email that referenced his family's business with china? remember it proposed that 10 be held by h. for the big guy. we all know who the big guy is, right? well, hunter couldn't make heads or tails of that one. he was asked by congressman matt gaetz why at that time he didn't take issue with that reference 10 for the big guy. hunter insisted that he never saw that email and said that if he did, i'm certain that what i would have done is i would have picked up the phone and said "you're out of your mind." joining me now is josh hawley, republican senator from missouri. senator, he had another convenient bo bout of amnesia or confusion about things i can't imagine most people who are sentient and i don't think he was always on drugs, was he, would have a decent recollection of. >> yeah he either had amnesia my
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favorite line about the deposition so far asked about certain text messages hugely incriticalating. i was high at the time or maybe drunk. he has amnesia. he's drunk. he is high and apparently he can't go anywhere without daddy but that's normal for a 40-something-year-old grown man that's what we are to believe this. is ridiculous. is he trying to play us for fools. everybody knows the truth here. he just confirmed it that biden participated in the lunches. he met with his business associates. he was selling access to his dad. i mean, it's clear as day. >> laura: well, his attorney, abbe lowell, who gets paid a pretty penny per hour. he said that republicans, this is just more fishing expedition. watch. >> the republican majority ends the day with where they started. they have produced no evidence that would do anything to support the notion that there was any financial transactions that involved hunter with his father, period. there is no evidence because there is no evidence and today only confirmed that.
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>> laura: senator, this is all they have as if we are expected a check to be written out by hunter to joe or by a chinese energy company to the former vice president saying notation line saying thanks for the help through via hunter. that's not how these things work. but, of course, that's all they really have. >> i can understand now why hunter's lawyer doesn't want him to testify in public or to answer any questions in public. because he just confirmed the core of the house's case. he just told them joe biden was in the meetings. he just told them joe biden was on the phone. these were the smoking guns that democrats earlier said oh, that's not true. that's all made up. hunter confirmed it all. say, i would love to see this guy under oath in front of committee in public. that needs to be the next step let's let the whole nation see the truth which looks to be that joe biden is a crook. >> laura: one particular meeting at the four seasons that hunter was asked about with the chinese
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energy i believe the ceo and, again, joe biden attended that meal at the four seasons but hunter just couldn't remember any of that. so, again, isn't that something that you would remember, the chinese energy ceo sits down with your father, the former vice president and, perhaps, future president if he had his way but you don't -- it might have happened, but right now, i don't have any independent recollection of that. senator hawley. >> yeah. and i guess that we are just to believe that joe biden goes to all of these meetings for the food? i mean, he is just bored sure, hunter. >> laura: he gets nothing out of it? >> he gets nothing out of it. it's a free meal. it's ridiculous. it's totally ridiculous. what hunter has done here is confirmed the core facts that joe biden participated, he was involved, i mean, there is only one way to read. this the guy was selling access to his dad and joe biden was a willing participant. i mean, if that isn't a key part of this case, i don't know what
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would be. >> laura: again, the question is how did the bidens get so rich? >> yeah, exactly. >> laura: the democrats are fine with how they got so rich. they don't have any problem with it. hunter was asked about the money he did get from china and he said the question was how many millions have you received from chinese companies? hunter said i don't know the exact amount. but i know that it was all completely legal and it was incredibly ethical. >> sure, of course. because since he is a biden there can never be any questioning of him. the press never questions him, right? never has to be accountable for anything. the truth is that we know he has been paid by foreign companies. he has confirmed he offered his father up to foreign investors at these meetings that his dad was on the phone. his dad went to the lunches. the whole family has gotten rich. and now it looks like just exactly what it is. it looks like a bribery scheme. a quid pro quo scheme selling influence involving the president of the united states. laura, this is serious, serious stuff. and i just hope the house keeps pressing and that they put
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hunter under oath in public and make him testify. >> laura: bought and paid for by china. there's nothing -- no problem with that senator, thank you. all right, what really happened to laken riley? a forensic investigator reacts to the arrest report's gruesome details, again, allegedly at the hands of an illegal alien. stay with us. ♪ i met with a turbotax expert because i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming. all on my own. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. i'm too tired to smile. make your moves count. intuit turbotax. let a full-service expert do your taxes for you, as soon as today. (♪) men tell us when they use just for men® to eliminate gray, there's a great “before and after”. then, there's the 'after the after' —
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georgia campus. she was already dead jose ibarra the illegal alien allegedly stopped her from finishing that call. we know a recording of the call exists police won't release it. we also know it could provide much needed insight into the final moments of laken riley's life and what this monster did to her. now, until we get that recording, many of the disturbing details arrest affidavit and in addition to riley's murder ibarra is charged with kidnapping, holding her against her will, is he charged with aggravated assault with intent to murder by causing great bodily harm with an object. what kind of object, we do not know. now the aggravated battery charge he is accused of, maliciously causing bodily harm was involved in the serious disfigurement of laken riley's
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skull there is absolutely tariffing. as a mother i think about how her smother possibly coping with just the shear terror of what their daughter was put through by the demon who did this to her. president trump spoke with the family yesterday. he touched on that a little bit today. joining us now with his perspective on what we have learned from this affidavit and further questions it all raises, joseph scott morgan, expert investigator, distinguished scholar of applied forensics at jacksonville state university. joseph, i want to go through this affidavit piece by piece with you starting that with that 911 call interference. what does that tell you? >> you know, laura; thanks for having me by the way. that bit is probably one of the most innocuous thing. it's a real tell here when you begin to think about this. she had -- it goes to her awareness, right? she had an awareness that this individual was coming at her.
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er go you have her facilitating a call at some point in time that call was seized. we don't know what the status of that phone is obviously she had one. there is a lake immediately adjacent to this path on or about one of these paths. i think many of us are wondering if that had been tossed in there, perhaps. the bigger picture is that if he was lying in wait for her. something gave him away so that they she had an awareness that she was about to be attacked and more importantly she was in fear at that moment in time. >> laura: in other words, she could have seen him following her or something didn't -- it could be as simple as that she saw him, he might have said something and it scared her. >> yeah. attempting to engage her, perhaps. again, this is all speculative. and, you know, one of my thoughts, laura, was the fact that this is kind of a densely wooded area immediately adjacent. you have got these paths or trails that students run on, this sort of thing. it would be very easy for him to
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kind of sequester himself in this environment and set up a hide where he watches for an opportunity to prey on a young woman that might be jogging by. i don't know at this point that she was necessarily targeted specifically. she may have just fit a type for him. and he sprung at that moment in time. i think that there could be forensics there if this was a hide. >> laura: women can't be running by themselves in the united states of america or hiking. >> it's terrifying. >> or hiking each during the day. it's being reported also that a neighbor of the man accused of killing laken riley said that he saw this individual throw bloody clothing and evidence in dumpsters around the apartment complex where he lived. the neighbor was telling news nation they caught it all on their ring doorbell camera. again, more guilty behavior.
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yeah and this goes to that other disturbing bit you had mentioned a moment ago that's this idea of disfigurement with this unknown object at this point in time. so, from a forensic standpoint the gbi, you know, we saw images of them out at the dumpster sites collecting items out of those trash cans. that could be contact trace evidence that were on his clothing, perhaps. we don't know the status of her clothing. but, if he had blood on his clothing, is he trying to put as much distance, perhaps, between himself and those clothing -- those items of clothing that would be very damning. and you know that goes to another part here where he -- it's not like he's necessarily out of his mind, he has an awareness of fear here. >> laura: you bet. >> he knows he needs to separate himself from this because that could potentially be damning evidence. >> laura: death penalty. joseph, thank you. now, coming up, california
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scream very bizarre brawl with medieval spiked bats shines a new disturbing light on gavin newsom's wonderful state. but, first, kamala reveals the administration's frightening new plan to fight crime, next. ♪ we needed to act quickly. because we had christian healthcare ministries. i went directly to the specialist i wanted. they took care of all our medical bills. over $60,000. joining christian healthcare ministries is one of the best decisions we've ever made. is one of the best decisions we've ever made. we're the suarez family, and this is our chm story. missed open enrollment? no problem! enroll anytime and begin your chm story today. at now.
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>> laura: hurt biden with former white house comms director is beginning to sound worried. >> people are frightened. i don't subscribe to the trump vision america is decaying wasteland where packs of people are running wild and committing crime. it is true that people across the country particularly in cities are concerned about crime. it is smart for democrats to be more aggressive about it, to be more responsive to what people are feeling. >> laura: one problem? their view of being responsive is celebrating the soros prosecutors who are keeping criminals on the streets. >> having progressive prosecutors, for example, who can show what is possible and then show that it works and show that, frankly, it's not contrary at all to public safety. in fact, it is a better way -- it is a very effective way among other ways to achieve public safety.
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>> laura: she just said the word way, way too often. i guess, kamala if this is what qualifies as better for public safety, remember now, those illegals who were arrested in that brutal attack against nypd officers were freed without bail, creative law enforcement. i guess d.a. bragg can brag about that. and does being aggressive on crime include what d.a. george gascon did in l.a.? he gave probation to a man convicted of attempted murder and that guy went on to kill three women. and is kamala style justice what we saw in austin, texas where d.a. jose garza gave a plea deal to a woman convicted in a murder for hire plot against her husband parents? her father-in-law was killed but her mother-in-law survived. gentleman's lynn alexa edison was given 10 years probation. no prison time. joining me now tulsi gabbard.
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how is your former party going to spin their way out of this mess? you heard what kamala said she sounded frighteningly ignorant especially on this issue where so many lives have been lost, needlessly, because of these policies? >> yeah, laura. you hit it right on the head there. you see how kamala harris and so many other people in the democrat elite, not only at the federal level but at the state level and in some of these cities are so grossly out of touch with reality and lacking basic common sense that the vast majority of americans have. we know that if you let criminals run free on the streets, there will be more crime. their lack of common sense and inability to listen and actually see what's going on in our communities is leading to such incredibly dangerous
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consequences. they are sitting in their ivory towers while people bike ms. riley murdered apprehended when he illegally came into our country and let free. was arrested shortly thereafter. and then let free. if our laws had been enforced in both of those cases ms. riley would be alive with her loved ones today. you pointed to the example of new york city's d.a. alvin bragg who said when he first entered offers that he wouldn't prosecute crimes against even some very violent criminals and, yet, he is choosing to pursue these political hit jobs against president donald trump and to continue to allow our laws to be broken and the people of his city having to live in fear of walking down the street in broad daylight. >> laura: well, you know, when you listen to the former white house comms director, she did kind of sounded athe alarm. they know it's hurting them. i don't subscribe to this idea there are roving bands of
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criminals. i'm thinking to myself has she not seen the video? just last night we played that horrific video out of vallejo, california where they had this thing called a side show. and these people attacked this man in his truck. just a guy trying to go about his business. he runs out of his truck. they follow him into a convenience store. they beat him up there. then they loot the convenience store as police, you know, a few police officers are trying to, you know, arrive at the scene. that was just one little community. okay? and these people we don't see things like that. we never see that what are we seeing on the screen right now? >> exactly. >> laura: with immunt pursuant, by the way. theft with impunity. >> completely brazen crime happening and no sconce sequences which is why they keep doing it over and over and over again. when you listen to biden's former communications director and her comments. she did not at all acknowledge how great of a problem this is in our country. and she did not say hey,
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democrats need to step up and actually solve this problem. enforce our laws. get these criminals off the street. she's talking about how do democrats win more votes. they can win more votes by making it look like they care about this problem without actually doing anything about it. so, even though she is recognizing that people are seeing how terrible the democrat elite are on actually keeping our communities safe, she, like kamala harris and all these other people, they are not actually interested in solving problems. all they care about is votes and how they can stay in heir ivory tower of power. >> laura: they are going to try to get more help from mark zuckerberg and election integrity projects and mail-in ballots. wherever they can get them. tulsi, thank you. all right, coming up. what's gavin having? we sliced up that $20 minimum wage bill and, guess what we found? we'll explain it, next. ♪
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>> laura: this is california under the left's leadership. a beach brawl featuring a woman in the buff, with a spiked club, in broad daylight. here now with all the details, senior national correspondent kevin corke. how did you get this duty, kevin? >> it's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it. ask anybody who's ever lived in the southland, the l.a. metro area, and they will tell you venice beach is about as close to a real-life "star wars" bar scene as you can get. you will never find a more wretched hive of and villainy. i offer this wild incident captured monday, a woman brimming with confidence and sporting only the outfit the lord gave her at birth, having, as the brits say, a go of it. mere steps from the sand and surf, battling another woman who had a spiked club. eventually she took it, by the way. if that weren't distracting enough, there was some guy standing there recording the
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whole thing. thankfully, avoiding every c-cup swing along the process. eventually the lady who clearly shopped at ross retreated while the horse-list lady godiva simply moved on, and my eyes may need a little while to recover, laura. >> laura: okay. >> [laughs] >> laura: i thought i had seen it all. i'm a member of the california bar, by the way. i thought i had seen it all in the mid-'80s, the '90s, the early 2000s. we have entered a whole new level of hell, haven't we? >> it continues each and every day. >> laura: how many videos you think were taken? >> more than you want to know. >> laura: you always great to see you. >> thanks very much, my friend. >> this is a big deal. $20 an hour. racial justice, social justice, economic justice >> laura: don't you feel like you need to take a shower every time you listen to him? he's bragging about his state's
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new $20 minimum wage for fast food workers, but there is a strange carved-out -- or should i cut a slice-out that he worked into it. any fast food restaurant that bakes and sells its own bread on-site is exempt from increasing its minimum wage. now, that is really kind of odd and specific and basically covers one chain, panera bread. i love it, everybody loves a good baguette, gently? but why is getting panera that exemption so important to governor hair gel? >> we went back and forth, and it was part of the negotiation. it's the nature of negotiation. there's a lot of component parts in the industry. it's not just jack in the box and mcdonald's. there's a lot of different players. this affects a lot of different franchisees. >> laura: that's not exactly true. it turns out the guy who runs panera, shocking to many of you, billionaire greg flynn, is a big time newsom donor.
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the author of "what's killing america," jason rantz, and charlie hurt, editor and fox news contributor. charlie, i know this is shocking to you that a democrat donor gets his own -- i'm going to call it a slice-out, because it is panera bread -- from the minimum wage. >> truly extraordinary. and when you step back and think about how damaging this is, they love to talk about how they care about workers and they want to help workers, and of course there's nothing in the world more damaging to workers than raising the minimum wage like this. because, of course, instead of having an $18 an hour job, they have no job at all. but then the real lie comes out to in a grease ball like gavin newsom comes out and makes a carve out for his multibillionaire friend so that his multibillionaire friend can keep a few more dollars in his pocket instead of giving it to those workers that gavin newsom
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claims he cares about and claims he wants to help, but it's not going to help anyway because they're just going to lose their jobs. >> laura: jason, lee received a statement from the governor's office. very nice of them. denying that panera was exempt from the minimum wage hike, saying the governor never met with flynn about this bill and the stories absurd. the legal team has reviewed it and it appears panera is not exempt from the law. jason, what are they reading? >> i guess we will find out very quickly. let's see what they are reading, because they literally are no other ways you can explain this carve out. they redefined bread to exclude croissants and bagels, which you can get at mcdonald's or jack in the box. it is only bread as a stand-alone item that is sold, and of course that would apply to panera. that's precisely what it is they do. so this whole idea, we've never actually met, we know how this works. you don't always meet directly with the person you are trying to -- >> laura: it's like hunter biden, his father not getting benefit.
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the same thing. >> let's look at some of these emails and what code words and codenames might be used. >> laura: it is really kind of like hunter, i think, charlie. "my father didn't get a check written to joe biden with a memo line saying "for all the help you gave hunter." that's not going to be how it works. but this is the "hair apparent" to joe see seven. that's a weak joke. >> the greasy hair apparent. it's better than plugs, i guess. the bigger thing here, even if you took gavin newsom at his word, and it's the sausage making, democrats claim the government is going to solve all of your problems. it almost never solves any of your problems, certainly not all of your problems. it usually causes more problems. the great thing about allowing free market forces to give
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everybody jobs and pay them as much as is possible is that they don't care about friends, they don't care who gavin newsom his buddies with, who he golfs with, he vacations with, who he goes to the french laundry for dinner with. free market forces just happen when you let government step in, it is inherent in it that it winds up being corrupt, and you wind up with somebody like joe biden and his family living in washington for 50 years, becoming huge millionaires, multimillionaires, on government salary. >> laura: how did they get so rich? that has to be the name of someone's book. because that's the only thing that really resonates with people. a new poll out, by the way, jason, this match up hypothetically trump and newsom has trump crushing gavin by ten points. so i guess plan b isn't as
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strong as they thought it was. it is a shock that california -- the rest of the nation likes the beach and likes a lot about california but doesn't like the policies. >> i looked at the video you played with the fighting. i feel like that is such an appealing look, we want that to happen everywhere across the country. why would anyone not want an egomaniac like gavin newsom? i can't believe it. >> laura: charlie, i'm praying gavin newsom -- that would be funny, right? going back to the video, kevin corke is still sitting at the table. maybe he can get back into the commentary. >> that's a reflection of right now. that's before you have a minute of campaigning between gavin newsom and donald trump. he came up with a new name today. "newscum." >> laura: thanks so much. jesse is next. >> jesse: welcome to


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