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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 29, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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making some waves. we will follow that. also development at the border. right now, "the five." ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello everybody i'm
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jesse watters along with judge jeanine wapirro, jessica tarlov .atie pavlich and greg gutfeld 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five" ♪ >> jesse: it's a tale of two border trips, joe biden and donald trump making dualing visits to the besieged border in texas and seeing two different realities. on the left, president biden wrapping up remarks in brownsvillmae after shuffling h way around ay sanitized versio of the border. the area he's in once saw 10,000 illegals a day but thanks to the texas razor wire he wants to removean crossings are at an all-time here's theid president. >> folks it's real simple. it's time to act long past time to act and they desperately neee more resources, more agents, more officers, more judges, more equipment in order to secure our border. folks it's time for us to move on this. we can't wait any longer. folks the bipartisan border security deal is a win for the
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american people. it's a win for the people of texas and it's fair for those who legitimately have a right tt come here to begin with. it's a win for the people of n brownsvillfoe and i believe tha. why the border patrol unit endorsed it. >> judge jeanine: and onol the right former president trump was touring eagle pass texas at the section of the border that's beenth bombarded by hoards of it illegals. a bi wg contrast to sleepy's . visit.thin within the last five days brow biden's brownsville has seen just 4 46 migrant encounters whe trump's eagle rock has been rocked by over 2,000 the former presidenrmt getting a tour from texas governor greg abbott and t letting itti rip. >> this is a joe biden invasion. this is a biden invasion. now the united states is being overrun by the biden migrant crime.e. it's a new form of vicious violation to our country. it's c migrant crime. joe biden will never say laken riley's name but we will say it and we wil, l remember it. we're not going to forget her. r and i'll say this, it's a
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military operation. i mean, we have -- this is like a war. >> jesse: so donald trump said her name. i don't believe joe biden said laken riley's name., but the wabuy he's making this into a military invasion really hits home with a lot of people and should be effective. >> judge jeanine: well, i think he was right on point, especially for this moment. because what america is seeing and hearing about are these horrific crimes and greg abbotte the governor of texas talked about it right after former president trump spoke and he talked about a 2-year-ol andd b shot in the face ta 14-year-old being stabbed at knife point another individual all illegals in this country stabbing a man had so much blood on him not counting n the blood of the man that he was stabbing. we a are at a very critical poi in this country where it almost isn't just about the border anymore. and essei still jesse don't
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understand why joe biden went tj brownsville and then he's vi claiming ollh we have to do something about the border.ab six people came acrossou yesterday. you know, he could have said, hey, i solved the border issue. but, okay, so he comes downen a he goes to a place in brownsville where six people i came throughn.e righsit now, the american peoplt arhre more concerned about who coming through. there is a person from el salvador who came into this country four times and there waa a red notice. a red notice means that the country of el salvador has issued a worldwide alert for this individual, they are that dangerous and this person has comed in and out of the united states four times. he was deported once and then came back fournc times. a red alert from el salvador f fromor an ms-13 gang member the killed to get into the gang. so what you've got today, almost like a tale of two cities.y one guy's standing there saying it's aboutow politics we have t
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come together and the other guy's saying guys you want to lk talk about an existential threae it's not climate change and it's not the nuclear war it is immigration that is impacting every person in this country by countries literally emptying their jails and mental institutions based not upon , discrimination but what we're seeing. >> jesse: jessica why doesn't joe biden justa, do something w executive power to just shut everything down? >> well, he has teased that he'e going to.ha t i also don't think it's possie to do that. you hear a lot about the 90 executive orders that he undiden a a lot would be perfect without that a lot was due to what was tied up in the court's decision and wasn't joe biden's decision anyway and b former dhs secreta jay johnson was on with the fox and friends crew this morning, i would recommend everyone watch it, it was a long 17-minute interview and he's talking about how, a, this is just what happens. like when donald trumpa, came io office he undid a lot of what
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obama had done and guess what president obama was the best keeping migrants out of the o country. he deported more undocumented people than george bush and donald trumpd . look. to learn there from him. >> jesse: just a tru little bit more. just a littl be bit more >> jessica: like what's your little bit? >> jesse : i'm talking hundreds of thousandsho per year >> jessica: that's nothing. >> jesse: pretty good. donald trump also deported ng hundreds of thousands per year as well >> jessica: okay. i wasndre going to start with because i didn't knoesw exactly what question you were going to give me is the base line that nothing joe biden was going to do today was going to be good o enough for yoube so that's the basis that i'm working fromment now i'll go to what secretary johnson was talking about. he was focused on the fact take there are 1900 miles of us/mexico border but also three hundred you know miles mexico and central raamerica, that's we we need to put pressure on, mexico needs to be doing more. i didn't know how much cooperation they got with sanctuaresy cities to work with the feds.ha that's something presidentt bidn should try to move back or bring back into action i should say.ab they were able to get people whe were violent criminals out ut
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people, committing the it terribleti --. >> judge jeanine: what are youo saying? are you saying>>ne that the big cities are cooperating with ice? >> jessica: they were in the obama siadministration. >> judge jeaninerati: just talk t joe biden.>> under joe biden. he went there today, what did he tell you? >> jessica: well he told me we need to pass the bipartisan t borderol deal. and you know why? because we need things like mor? border patrol agents. we neeold a higher threshold fo asylum? >> judge jeanine: to let mor e people in? why do we need more border patrol wembanyama to stop ou people. >> judge jeanine: you do the wall, do remain intalk mexico ao the title 42 >> jessica: i guess i was right that nothing joe biden could have said or i could have said would have stoppedco you guys fm doing this. these are real solutions. >> jesse: let's keep it moving. i love you but let's keep it moving >> jessicave: i'm not going to r it back to you. i just want to add that also john fetterman said today that he would be open to a grand bargain about hr 2. no, it's good, these are things that are good for you why don't you want me to get it out. >> jesse: you can get it out
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jessica but the point about the border bill is even if you sign this bipartisan border bill you didn't even probably read it. someone from el salvador still comes across and the border patrol, i don't care how many you guys hire, still catches and releases them according to thish bill. >> judge jeanine: we's don't kn. who they are. >> jesse: we have to get it to katie. >> katie: talking about the bilt when we should be talking about the fact that joe biden invited this problem. he literally stood up on the debate stagete and said all the people should come here and they followed his lead and all the said atic cities that trump was racist and therefore they weren't going to comply with ice detainers like they did under obama that creates the problem now with the violent criminals. biden gave a speech, i didn't hear him talking about deterrinc anyone from coming here all i heard him say is we have to pass this legislation in order to get more border patrol agents to process these people. he wants a bill that would pay for attorneys, which is also just another magnet for people to come here and he wants this l billl to pass because it gives
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billions of dollars to these leftist lingos part of this illegal immigration industrial complex which onlys allows mor, people to come into the country. don't hear him talking about do criminals, donald trump goesn' the border, talks about the criminals. he doesn't talank about illegal immigrants having dignity and needing to be part of the ngos and they need the asylum process and they should have court date and taxpayer funded lawyers. trump goes to the border and namea s a number of people who have bee bn victims of violent crimes. joe biden doesn't do and so when people are making he this choice about who they want to be president, president trump is looking out for americans, pr and joe bideesn goes to the borr and looks out for illegal immigrants. final thing, when you look at the photo or the visual of joe biden standing in front of these board patrol agents, we have smeared over and over again they look like they're being held hostage and now he has the nerve to say we don't want to w politicize this and goand bless the border patrol.d those guys he smeared for whipping haitians allegedly, that never happened. they've never gotten an apology and they still don't have their
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jobs back on their horsebacks so they're not patrolling the border. >> jesse: greg gutfeld. >> greg: well, yougott know, obviously this has been trump's signaturrde issue and joe is the because of trump. he's always playing catch up. he's always plagiarizing. like a co-worker who tries to credit for someone else's work because he didn't do the job. i think the contrast is very stark here between the capable and thhee incapable: it's the l difference between these two guys. you can hate trump all you want ansd you can't say he's incapable.yo and you can like joe all you want and realize he's incapable, he's a nice guy but can't get th the job done. trums p was on this turf years before he was running because it was patriotic and not politicalt took the rest of these lemmings to t catch up. so the only political animal here is joe who, you know, required a heinous murder to get him on a plane to el paso or else he wouldn't have been
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there. so trump's been right on the big issues, whether you like him or not. especially immigration. so thior is is why he has home d advantage. i think the dems and the media at large are just deeply offended that they even have to addres es this, right?dres to them trump's inelegant and honest phrasing on the issue is more offensive than the crimes that are caused by illegal immigration. and this is -- you know, this i isn't ans, exaggeration, the he amount of attention that is paid to trump's words far larger thao the attention paid to the rapes and the murders. it's like hamas, right? more outraged by the israeli response than the initial october 7th massacreit. what's interestingre here to mes this provides kind of a loose is mode pl for a debate. joe doesn't want to debate trump on the issues. anotd the media will protect hi. so why doesn't trump just go places that forces joe to debate
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him? next time go to a supermarket su chain showpe the prices are 20%p and pressure joe to show up at t supermarket. maybe hesh will. or go to a street where all the stores arel. closed down and th homeless are living on the y street maybe joebe will . acknowledge that. shame him intoe addressing the issues since he's too scared to debate. >> jesse: shame him. >> greg: shame him. >> jesse: shame, shame, shame >> jessica: shame on you all. >> jesse: shame on you jessica. >> greg: shame o youn you jessi. >> jesse: i don't even need toh hear thasst you love me because know love me e. >> jessica: you can feel it emanating. >> jesse: coming up liberals warn the apocalypse is here over the decision to hear trump's immunity case. ♪
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see? homequote explorer lets you easily compare home insurance options so you can get what you need without overpaying. yeah, we've spent a lot on this kitchen. oh, yeah, really high-end stuff. -sorry, that's our ghost. -yeah, okay. he's more annoying than anything. too bad there's mold behind the backsplash. [ sniffs ] yep, that's mold. well, then, let's see if we can save you some money with progressive. guess how much i originally paid for this fireplace? 23 bucks. materials and labor. just ignore him. you got bamboozled!
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♪ ♪ surprise surprise ♪ so you rub your eyes ♪ ♪ . >> greg: urban dance squad. one hit. grab all your loved ones and escape while you can, the media's once again warning that the trump apocalypse is upon us after the supreme court announced it will hear the former president's immunity case. >> the cravenness of the court is evident wa they are doing with the pacing here. >> it is frustrating with the idea the u.s. supreme court is going to delay this trial. >> it's a bad look for them. >> to take it. >> to have taken this. >> it is an unmistakable sign from the maga majority of the trump-created court that they are with him. >> there is a lot tonight to be pessimistic about. >> some of the justices simply want to assist donald trump in delaying the resolution of this case in hope of pushing his trial off past the election. >> i am beyond terrified, nicole, right now for our
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country. >> we can't put all of our hopes in the supreme court. the people need to be engaged and aroused at this point to demand that there be justice. >> greg: engaged and aroused. all right. anyway, roll back. don't worry about them the media found another way to get engaged and aroused last night after a radical judge kicked trump off the battle on in illinois, cook county judge tracy porter whose previous expertise was being a traffic judge like you jesse, ruling that the don can't appear on the state's ballot citing the 14th amendment insurrectionist ban and relying on the colorado's supreme court decision as precedent. katie why is the media so upset about this? is it because it ruins the timing? >> yeah. i mean, they claim this is all about saving democracy, protecting voters, saving america but they just exposed
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themselves because if they actually cared about about that they wouldn't care when the trial might be they would just agree the supreme court should take up the immunity question to see if president trump qualifies. instead they're very upset that they may delay the trial which means they're just again admitting this is really about trying to convict him before the election because polling shows if he were convicted that people wouldn't vote for him. so they just exposed themselves again showing that this is all about political gains and that they're trying to take down biden's top political opponent with the score system rather than just allowing people to vote for the sake of democracy. >> greg: i hate it when democrats expose themselves. that is the opposite of being engaged and aroused jesse. so katie brings up a good point. this is actually trying to compromise an election. >> jesse: so last night was election night for them and they lost, greg. you could see the emotion, because they have put all of their eggs in this basket of
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lawfare, and now they're realizing that the judges of the supreme court aren't on their schedule. and so they're realizing that joe biden might have to win this himself. that's what you saw last night. them realizing that this is going to be a free and fair election, to a certain extent, where it's going to be mano a mano and you're not going to have judges and lawyers screwing around with everything. because they've been trying to persuade a handful of judges instead of 150 million voters. that's what they do. that's why they get so hysterical when you have supreme court nominations. that's why they go to the mattresses for someone like kavanaugh. remember, that's how their agenda happens. it's all in the courts. it's very rarely legislatively. so when you have someone hike trump come in and beat hillary, those were hillary's three supreme court nominations. that would have changed the
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future of the country. that would have fundamentally transformed america. they don't have that now. and now they're freaking out about it. you saw that judge, traffic court judge want to give a fair shake, earl warren also wrote parking tickets as a judge. marshall, john j, some of the greatest justicess on supreme court used to write speeding tickets for buggies. you actually are believing what i'm saying. >> greg: i do. >> judge jeanine: don't believe it. >> greg: i know. >> judge jeanine: don't. >> greg: you just made all that up? >> jesse: i made it up greg. >> greg: this is why you're the number won name in news. and i made that up. judge comment on the traffic judge and also on the meltdown. when's behind all this? >> judge jeanine: you know, it's really amazing that a woman who was in traffic court two years ago and deciding municipal cases whether or not the police officer actually gave you the right traffic ticket is over here saying i'm going to decide on behalf of the people of
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illinois that donald trump cannot be on the ballot. i mean, these people, i'm so sick of their saying he's a threat to democracy when everything they do is a threat to democracy in preventing the people from engaging in the democratic process which is voting for the person that they want to be the president. wa are they so afraid of? they're afraid of the fact that he's going to win because he's got most of america behind him. they see the polls. they see what's going on. so you've got all these crazies at msnbc saying the supreme court is cravenly denying a review of the case. no are you stupid? they are not being cowardly they are actually expediting the case. the only thing they wanted the process, it goes through the dc circuit and then it goes to the united states supreme court. how dare the supreme court wait two weeks. really? the supreme court is involved in life and death issues every day. and they should stop everything to decide your political issue? no. and that's the problem with all of this.
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this is about politics. this is about their getting out theren a saying we don't want him on the ballot. supreme court is going to do what it wants to do and the process has to work and the truth is, the supreme court makes the decision in june, judge chucken, she's probably three months before they can actually go to trial because of all the motions practices that needs to be done and they're furious. they want him convicted and out. they hate him so much i worry about what's going to happen if he does appear on the ballot. >> greg: jessica, i yield the rest of the time to you. >> jessica: i'm glad the flashing red lights haven't already started, 30 seconds. i love days when you guys think that you're describing joe biden but you're actually describing donald trump. so the person who didn't want the american people to be able to speak in 2020 was donald trump and he had his team of crack pot lawyers fan out across the country to bring frivolous
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lawsuits when there had been recount after recount to make sure that the american public was disenfranchised and we wouldn't know how georgia voted and we wouldn't know how arizona voted. then he called up people to put pressure on them to find him 11,000-plus votes in georgia. we know he did it in michigan. ronna mcdaniel helped him out with that. that is a threat to democracy and that's what this case is about. and when we talk about this impeachment inquiry, which is obviously catastrophic disaster for jim comer and company, you guys say, well we need to know if joe biden is dirty. right? i don't want to go november 5th show up and say is this a guy who's making millions of dollars off of china and uzbekistan, whatever, pulling diamonds out of his hair whatever they say. >> judge jeanine: the laptop >> jessica: right the penis pictures that would decide america's future. >> greg: that's all it is. >> jessica: don't we deserve to know if one of the nominees for
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president is a felon? that's what this case is about and jack smith made a motion to have this expedited so the erin in people would get a chance to know who they're voting for and yes katie the fact take 30% of republicans say we're not going to vote for a felon matters, and also a moral level do you want to vote forte felon. >> katie: why not let the supreme court so the prosecutors can decide as well >> jessica: they should have done it on time. the dc court of appeals wrote a nearly 60-page opinion that was incredibly detailed they did take extra time for that which then, no one bee grudged them because of the content, and trump's lawyer actually argued that joe biden could order someone from seal team 6 to murder --. >> greg: we went through that. that was ridiculous. we have to go >> jessica: no, we don't have to go. >> greg: no we do actually >> jessica: well fine but --. >> greg: take a look at that >> jessica: 0 1, 02, 03, the
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thing is i'm not done. >> jesse: jessica, come on. we've got to go. >> jessica: i consider this a victory of epic proportionings and you may continue. >> greg: up next kamala heaping page on america's no bail bozos. ♪ bail bozos. ♪ ♪
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♪ i didn't know what i was getting into ♪ ♪ >> katie: kamala is giving out a big endorsement. the vice-president is now heaping praise on progressive prosecutors in liberal cities who refuse to lock up repeat offenders. >> having progressive prosecutors, for example, who can show what is possible, and then show that it works and show that frankly it's not contrary at all to public safety. in fact it is a better way, it
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is a very effective way among other ways to achieve public safety. it is in the best interest of everyone that the community can trust law enforcement. >> katie: kamala's love affair with soft on crime prosecutors isn't a total shock. we all remember how she encouraged donations to a bail fund for people who burned cities to the ground in 2020. also, greg, that bail fund was for alleged murderers and convicted rapists as well. >> greg: what world is she living in? i mean, you say the crime rate is down. is that because people are committing less crime? no. are there criminals being locked up? no. are there more police arresting more people? no. it's because you stopped calling something a crime or not reporting it as a crime. that's why the stats dropped. so don't puke on my shirt and call it rosato lady. by all means though i want you to go with this denial of observable reality. see how it works for you because people have had enough.
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when you deny the observable reality you affect every person a victim of a crime or lives in a community where there's crime or knows a victim of crime. that's all of us all you have to do is come out of your little world look at the closed businesses the empty sub ways in new york, the streets of our cities lined with homeless and syringes. we see it. but the strategy right now is, whether it's crime or the border or inflation, deny the observable reality that everyone feels and just hope they forget but we won't. >> katie: kamala's boss president joe biden was at the white house yesterday denying those things. let's take a listen. >> last year the united states had one of the lowest rates of all violent crime, of all violent crimes in more than 50 years. murder rape -- murder rape aggravated assault robbery dropped sharply along with burglary property crime and theft. and it matters. you know, since day one, my administration has been working
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with law enforcement, mayors and community leaders to do what we know works to keep people in communities safe. >> katie: so, judge, what about the stats here as greg points out. if you downgrade everything that's supposed to be a felony to a miscommonor or don't report crimes at all or let people out without prosecuting them then it seems like the data isn't accurate. >> judge jeanine: i heard him say that and i said to myself, this man is really on another planet. for him to come out and say that crime is at its lowest, violent crime is at its lowest rate in 50 years, the man has no idea what is going on in this nation that he sits at the helm of. that is an outrage. that is not only an untruth, that is an insult to americans impacted by crime as greg just said. look, is there a drop in crime? maybe. because police have been defunded so there are no police to arrest crimes. because progressive prosecutors are there and they're dropping charges and not prosecuting
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crime. liberal cities don't bother assigning police to make these arrestsment and there's a reduction of crime in new york city. it is violent. i don't even want to walk two blocks here. and yet what he's saying is, you know, they're saying we've got a 60% drop in crime. no we don't. people aren't calling when they have a been a victim of a i crime, police aren't responding, 911 doesn't have time to get there and alvin bragg is reducing 60% of felony crimes to either misdemeanors or no crimes at all. >> katie: the crimes are still happening, there's still a lot. >> judge jeanine: of course they're still happening. and you know what? dc where he lives has had the deadliest year in more than two decades. he lies. karine jean-pierre lied. and they're worried wind trump? >> katie: speaking of trump jesse yesterday when the white house put this fact sheet out they said during the previous administration america saw the largest increase in murders ever recorded in 2020. well what was happening in the summer of 2020 that the democratic party was endorsing.
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>> jesse: i'm not even sure that was true but yeah 2020 was a disaster and a lot of that was happening because people like joe and kamala bailed out rioters. so they committed more crimes. and if i was mayor, i would know how to reduce crime. just wouldn't from it. i can drop shoplifting to zero if i never prosecuted it. it's a numbers scan and people listen to this guy and believe him. now kamala's crazy because kamala's talking about das that are treating black americans differently than everybody else. she is talking about soros prosecutors that go in and see someone and say you know what he's had a heart life victim of white supremacy we're going to give him a second, third, fourth, five and sixth chance and then he goes out and recommits crimes. you heard people in soros funded da offices have people get arrested for rape, they get locked up and then they
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transition to a woman and then assault more people in prison. and then the da thinks it's funny. there's nothing to be proud of with soros funded das they're all radicals with blood on their hands jessica and if you say you love me that will make up for it >> jessica: hard no on the love. yeah, maybe by the end of the show. so i guess the idea is that we're not supposed to talk about actual facts. that we should only appeal to emotion on this. and two things can be true. it can be true that there are scary things going on on the subway. i take the subway to and from work every single day, that my deodorant is locked up at the cvs which is retailing annoying. >> greg: that explains it >> jessica: those are my pheromones it's the pregnancy, but the reality is the numbers he's talking about and the brennan center looked into the specifics of where the increases were and the decreases and found that it was equally spread across democratic and republican
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cities. these are national trends. that means that in rural america and in urban america we are seeing these drops and they are notable. violent crime down the cities with over a million people by 15%. that's -- it is a big teal because they were at 30-year highs that's like him saying bringing inflation down. inflation's down from a 30-year high >> jessica: okay. so they're also still remain republican-run cities where the mayors are republicans, your favorite, and they have much higher crime rates than we do here. >> judge jeanine: than in new york, chicago, baltimore, washington >> jessica: yes, new york a whole thing tommy tuberville embarrassing himself again talking about alabama than new york president. it's much safer to be walking around here than in alabama. >> jesse: i would walk down streets of alabama >> jessica: can you go? i will pay for your ticket first class. >> jesse: first class. >> judge jeanine: i will a go with you jesse. >> jesse: we'll do a show in alabama.
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we'll all be safe >> jessica: you go wa wear go pros and show me what's happening. >> jesse: i won't wear that. >> katie: up next, greasy gavin newsome earning his nickname, the governor just got busted giving a kickback to one of his biggest donors. ♪ rs. ♪ ♪ struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms with vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults. proven full-spectrum relief for all bipolar 1 symptoms. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening
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♪ ♪ last night we let the liquor talk ♪ i can't remember everything we said but we said it all ♪ >> this is a fox news alert. the transcript for hunter biden's deposition was just released. the first son admitted he put his father, joe biden, on speaker phone with his business associates and invited him to drop by business lunches. he also testified repeatedly that his father was not involved in his business dealings. we're digging through it all now and we'll bring you any big
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news. >> and now to this. california corruption from america's greasy governor. the state passing a law that requires fast food restaurants to start paying workers $20 per hour on april 1st. but panera bread is free from it thanks to gavin newsom pushing an unusual carve out that exempts chains debate bread and sell it as a stand alone item. and wouldn't you know it, greg flynn is a long-time buddy and big-time donor to newsom and happens to own a bunch of panera restaurants. the two going back as far as high school and has been involved in previous business dealings. of course, gavin forgot to mention any of this when pushing the law. >> it's a big deal. >> yeah. >> $20 an hour, 80% of the work force. there's a lot of mythology about fast food, you know, johnny used
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to learn the honor of hard work, worked a few hours in his first job. that's a not the case that's a row man sized world that doesn't exist. we have the ability to reward that contribution and reward that sacrifice and stabilize an industry intern. >> judge jeanine: fox news has reached out to the panera owner and governor. greg flynn says he played no role formulating the exemption and newsom's office quoting the governor never met with flynn about this bill and this story is and sashed. our legal team reviewed it and it appears panera is not exempt from the law. all right. so only restaurants that are making bread qualify for this exception. so is this cronyism jesse. >> jesse: you remember the obama scandal with the corn husker kickback and the louisiana purchase this is the panera bread bribe and it is how business is done sadly, judge,
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in politics sometimes these things happen. but he's claiming it's not true. so now i don't know what to think. did we get the story wrong or is gavin lying? i'm going with lying and i can't wait to impeach him when he's president for this scandal. but you have to be stupid to think that raising minimum wage for fast food to $20 an hour isn't going to just super charge inflation and then make the burgers and the bread everything cost twice as much and then no one goes to eat there and then those stores do badly and then they leave like every other store is leaving in san francisco. >> judge jeanine: you know, katie, newsom told reporters, on this in particular, that the exemption was part of political sausage making and it reminds me how in california he was cleaning house for xi jinping. you know, it's something everybody does. >> katie: did you catch what trump said today about his new nickname? >> judge jeanine: i loved it. >> katie: he called him gavin
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new excuse me today. so there's greasy good afternoon and gavin newexcuscum. and the question is why does he want the exemption it makes it too expensive and hurts the working class which gavin seems to be working up for because these companies run by billionaires, this guy is a billionaire, then buy a bunch of machines that they don't have to pay, don't have to hear them complain or protesting for higher wages and they put machines in these restaurants and so there's no workers anymore and that's how they get fast food. maybe people will be making bread but not serving customers the way they used to and that's why a lot of states have gone the opposite way not having the minimum wage mandates at the level because it kills off the business. >> judge jeanine: if you're a minimum wage worker why would you work at panera as opposed to mcdonald's >> jessica: i guess you wouldn't. there was another a quote in the pact from george flynn the businessman in question saying they're really struggling. so i think -- it's a tough time
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for fast food no matter what bread exemption or not. >> katie: because it's expensive >> jessica: it is expensive. >> katie: why is it expensive >> jessica: because joe biden is a monster. there's going to be an investigation into this, i'm sure that the governor's office welcomes that. you would want to know. but if this exemption does apply to multiple businesses, then that's what life is. that's fine. like the bakery would get it too, a stand alone item, all these places that sell bread. i don't see really the big deal. i was also waiting to be wowed by the amount of money this man gave to his campaign and it's over two elections and less than $200,000 which is not make or break aring gavin's future. >> judge jeanine: well, all right. greg, the new governor of california whenle gavin newsom leaves, if it's barbara lee, are the people going to be lining up from some of these other restaurants to get an exemption, too? >> greg: i don't know.
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i mean i'm still trying to figure out if panera is technically a bakery, right? what bakery serves double decker sandwiches and chili and mac and cheese and flatbread pizza. that's like calling a strip club a dance recital. there's so much more going on. even if the moves are similar. but shows you why some people get into politics or become pals with people in politics because you become exempt from the rules you enforce on others that's the only reason. but i'm obsessed with panera. it's such a weird place. it's like nobody ever says hey guys, i have a great idea, let's go to panera, i want to get the green goddess cobb salad. it's the place you go to where you quietly meet a friend from high school to tell them you're not going to invest in their novelty tie company or where you sell your used dodge dart. it's a place no one really wants to be there but they have to be there. >> jesse: you are dressed like
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panera. >> am i? >> jesse: look at your color scheme. >> i like the color scheme. >> greg: maybe i will a go there after work i like their big bread bowls i that's why they're exempt because of the bread bowls. >> jesse: mcdonald's should bake bread. >> judge jeanine: we should have panera on. >> jesse: come on producers. >> judge jeanine: up next medieval times in america, classroom sword fights and a naked lady fights with a spiked ♪ ♪ i am titanium ♪ ♪ complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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♪ she was right there moving and she was ♪ >> jessica: america has gone medieval. a buck naked woman randomly attacking people at venice beach in california until another lady confronted her armed with a spiked club. thankfully nobody was hurt. seemed impossible. judge, we all have the same reaction. >> judge jeanine: i want you to put her face up there. i want everyone to see her. >> greg: i do, too. and her phone number >> jessica: is she single? in amazing shape. >> judge jeanine: she is in great shape. >> greg: she's in amazing shape. i'm so tired of watching plus-size drunks beating the crap out of each other at arby's. this is the kind of fight i can get behind and i want to say
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this, i'm tired of the blurring people. >> judge jeanine: i want her face. >> greg: nudity is speech and blurring is censorship. >> judge jeanine: all right slap her face up there, okay? by the way she has to be on drugs, someone tell me. >> greg: why are you shaming her judge >> jessica: jesse do you have something sexist to say. >> jesse: how is it sexist to say she's has a great body. >> jesse: i consider that a challenge >> jessica: you have ten seconds. >> jesse: testimony wielding lady will be on primetime it's also not a maze it's called a morning star >> jessica: is that true? >> greg: are you lying again. >> jesse: a shaft with the ball with the spikes? >> jessica: are you lying. >> jesse: i'm absolutely not going to tell you if i'm lying. >> katie: careful if you google that something happening on california beaches last time i was there i saw a guy sucking his own toe i would say this activity is far more dangerous
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for men than women so i'm glad it's women fighting not men >> jessica: i loved everybody's points but we have to wrap it up. one more thing is up next. ♪ ♪ psycho killer ♪ ♪ i see inspiration right through my glass. so when my windshield cracked, it had to be fixed right. i scheduled with safelite autoglass. their experts replaced my windshield and recalibrated my car's advanced safety system. ♪ acoustic rock music ♪ >> woman: safelite is the one i trust. they focus on safety so i can focus on this view. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ people could rise up against unchecked power and heroes can shine. pilots are laser focused and determined to perform
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the most high profile and busy spots anywhere along the southern border. they are still very much an active wildfire fighting mode and around the world for possible cease fire deal in the middle east. >> jnly on fox news channel signed up for one more thing. >> judge o . >> okay. not only are stanley cups fireproof, they're apparently bulletprooyf. w proved to an ohio woman has claimed her stanley cup saved her life after a stray bullet shot through her home. jessica, it's violent and america, as you can see, the bullet came flying to the wall, ricocheted off the stanleeyy. d sitting in front of her, went to a perfume bottle before hitting the ground. >> that's crazy. she was there. that's the story there. get out of that apartment. personally , thank you for being a friend. check out this adorable toddlrgn who is wowing the internet with her golden girls inspiredit
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all 21 year old avalon's momh and grandmother. >> both hairstylists in dallas. they say the way babies hair grows is almost identical to the are same haircut you woud do on a betty white. y white.n. their inspiratio it's so cute. so, kyra, the hair is that do go, girl. go, girl. tonight, joke to veto michelle tafoya kat timpf entire >> gutfeld. actuonight, 10 p.m. what church would you guys actually not>> js think? that's all right? tonight, johnnse: johnny oy, ino of women's history month went out. >> not we do not have the johnny song there telling producers no panera bread, no johnny short. what is this place to watchth your show tonight? okay. yes. and we will have the nakede nak. access wielding roman. 8:00. havese: ay she wryan. >> i didn't think she would be appearing. we would have her. don't be up 21. >> that's it for us tonight. have a great night, everybody. >> welcome to jesse waters, prim


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