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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  March 1, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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it is a shock that california, the rest of the nation likes the beach and a lot about california but doesn't like the policies.i. >> i looked at the video you played with a fighting. that is such an appealing and we want that to happen everywhere across the country. why woul notd everyone not liken egomaniac like gavin newsom? i can't believe it. >> laura: charlie, i am praying gavin newsom -- i mean>, that would be funny, to go back to the video and kevin corke is still at the table. >> yeah, but that poll is a>> t reflection of right now. that is before a minute of campaigning between gavin newsom and donald trump who just came up with a new nickname today, newscom. >> laura: next.
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>> carley: you are watching "fox and friends first" on friday morning, i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. migrant crime is in the spotlight and topic of discussion when president biden made visits to the southern border. ashley strohmier has more. >> laid to rest today at home surrounded by friends and family. laken riley was killed by jose antonio ibarra in what they describe as a crime of opportunity and he did not even know riley. georgia students spoke about how they don't feel safe on uga's campus. >> it is a scary time for uga students. >> you think a spot like that on
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campus is safe for a person to run. >> it is disgusting that he felt he was above everyone else, above the law and god. >> she had a lot more life to live, gone too soon. >> carley: ice released more information about jose antonio ibarra's brother who entried in 2023. he was returned to mexico same day by mexico and reentered less than 30 days later and he was arrested. two weeks later he was released and arrested several other times by the athens police department. biden ignored questions about the nursing student's death during his visit to brownsville, a once hot spot to enter into the u.s., trump was in eagle pass blaming the president for riley's death. >> what he's doing is
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unbelievable. joe biden will never say laken riley's name. we will say it and remember her. we will not forget had her. >> do you bear responsibility for laken riley's death? >> former president trump said if he wins presidential election, he will conduct the largest deportation in american history, back to you. >> carley: ashley, thank you. georgia state representative jess petrea. there will be a funeral later today. that is a parent's worst nightmare to be nationally known for how they died, that is what the riley family is going through right now. how are you processing this? >> it is terrible. good morning, carley. it is a terrible tragedy, an avoidable tragedy, as i said last night on the floor of the
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house as we passed bill 1105. all of us are morning this unnecessary and tragic loss. i'm trying to complete the measure that began a year ago or before. certainly a year ago, i drafted this bill we passed last night long before the loss of laken riley that deals with law enforcement and making sure, requiring that local law enforcement across this state is working fully and cooperating fully with our immigration authorities in our state and all jailers in this state are reporting to ice and honoring ice detainers. this is something that should be simple for all of us to recognize in the interest of public safety, sadly it was a party line vote last night and i
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was disappointed in that, but pleased we got it passed. >> carley: the suspect, jose antonio ibarra, was in this country illegally. he was also arrested in new york city before traveling to georgia, where he was cited for shoplifting in athens before he killed laken riley. that begs the question, how was he allowed to be in this country legally and if 1105 passes that you brought up before laken riley's death becomes law, would it prevent somebody like him from staying in this country? >> well, yes, ma'am, i believe it absolutely can and should, as long as federal authorities are doing their job. again, what we can do in georgia is ensure that when we have somebody who is a foreign national in our jails and they are here illegally, we can
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ensure we are reporting them through the federal database to federal authorities and when they issue ice detainers because they believe someone is dangerous to society, that we hold them. we will do everything in georgia that we can do to ensure that our community is safe and to protect public safety. sadly, as we're seeing all over this country today, the federal authorities have to come through with their jurisdiction. our ice detainers are down 69% since joe biden took office. there will be frustration federally, to the degree that we can deal with this issue in georgia, yes, we're going to do that and it will absolutely help us to that end. >> carley: i want to get your thoughts on dueling visits yesterday.
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former president trump mentioned laken riley and said he spoke to her parents. president biden did not address her death, but said trump is preventing him from securing the border and said to join him passing the security bill. what do you think about that? >> that is most absurd comment i've heard. anyone who studies this issue knows well the president of the united states by proclamation has full authority to protect the border of this country. everyone knows that this president, the day he took office, passed a multitude of executive orders to halt just that. listen, i told folks on the floor here yesterday, barack obama issued more ice detainers during his administration than trump did. never regardless of party,
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democrats or republican, we didn't have these discussions and arguments about whether or not border security was important. >> carley: it used to be national security and president biden for years said the border is secure and now shifted to former president trump is preventing me from securing it. biden administration debuted new title for illegal immigrant, calling them newcomers. thank you for joining us. turning to a -- fox wildfire alert. two people are dead as the wildfires go through texas and oklahoma. smokehouse creek fire is now the largest fire in texas history, torching a million acres of land
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in just four days. last night it was only 3% contained. >> todd: mother nature is sweeping in with an assist. a bizarre snow storm is helping with the blaze. meteorologist adam klotz has the forecast. some measure of good news. >> adam: it snowed on the wildfire yesterday, which is hard to imagine. the weather will turn again and conditions will make it better for this thing to spread and it is already massive. everything in red is smokehouse creek wildfire, largest in texas history, it is 90 miles wide. this is how it stacks up over the other fires go back to 1988. this one over a million acres, 5% contained this morning. across the texas panhandle, number of wildfires have popped up, least contained is the
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smokehouse creek wildfire. the forecast for next couple days. yesterday snow and temperatures colder, not the case for the weekend. breezy with winds 20 to 30 mile per hour in the orange, including the area where smokehouse creek fire is. as i run you into sunday, conditions are even worse. critical weather for wildfire. the air is really dry and breezy, really opposite type of conditions you want to contain something like this. >> carley: adam klotz, thank you. talking about wildfires in texas. back to the border crisis in texas. president biden and former president trump striking different tones during their dueling visits to the texas border. >> crooked joe is the victims,
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so many stories to tell. three years ago, we had most secure border in history. >> no idea thing as climate control. i love my neandrathal friends. >> todd: wife of former dea agent just killed by cartels in a popular mexican tourist destination. that former agent joins us with hi sous story right after this. meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals aren't what they're cracked up to be, try one where you know what you'll get.
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>> come to texas, this is now a war zone. they view it as a war zone and mexico is doing nothing to help us. they have 28,000 from china, all fighting age. you don't see women or men much older than that, 18 to 25 or 26 years old. and they are coming from yemen, that we are bombing, from congo, prosecute prisons in the congo. it makes our prisoners look like nice people. >> carley: former president trump bashing president biden's border visit. texas governor greg abbott joined trump in eagle pass and said the governor was on his vp
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short list. >> he said, i would like to endorse you, you did a good job. he's done a great job, he would certainly be somebody i would very much consider. >> todd: 325 miles away in brownsville, texas, president biden bashed republicans for failing to pass a bill to secure the border, taking an opportunity to push his climate agenda as fires scorch the state. >> president biden: it is a win for the american people and win for the people of texas and fair for those who have a right to come here. it is time to move on this. you can't wait any longer. my first day as president, i introduced a bill, comprehensive plan to fix the broken immigration system and secure the border, no action was taken. the idea there is no such thing as climate change, i love some of my neanderthal friends who think there is no climate
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change. my administration will keep building on progress we've made fighting climate crisis. >> todd: constructive to name call. bring in supervisor of yuma county arizona, expert on the border. if you are undecided voter and you watched both of those men at the border, which one are you voting for to solve our border crisis? >> good morning. and there is a clear delineation between somebody who has addressed the border challenges, whose numbers were extremely low and that would be former president trump. we have invited president biden to the border several times to come see the challenges associated with an open border policy. he blames it on people across the aisle, however, under his administration, for example, in september before last election, border patrol issued decree that
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they should no longer do d.n.a. testing for children coming across with adults. that is one area and expedited processing, instead of looking to see who was coming across our border, we have expedited process and people continue to be processed rapidly into this country without deep background tracks. i appreciate what trump did. we continue to see challenges surrounding leadership or lack of leadership from president biden continue to have a force multiplier against border communities and throughout every community in this great country. >> todd: the white house is not referring to illegal immigrants as illegal migrants or people doing something wrong, they are
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referring to them as newcomers, interesting word. how can we trust joe biden takes this crisis seriously when his administration uses long like newcomers, placing these migrants on same footing as those who come here legally? 30 seconds to you. we've had a lot of complaints from people who have migrated legally, waited in line and paid their dues. they are frustrated here in arizona. this president has delegated and relegated control to the cartel, we do not have national security or boush security. >> todd: if i'm a legal migrant and i see him calling these people newcomers after everything i went through to come here, that is a slap in the face to me. wonder if voters will take it
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out on him. carley, over to you. >> carley: wife of former dea agent is dead after she was hit by a straight bullet during a cartel shootout in mexico. she and her husband had moved to cancun from los angeles after seeing rise in crime there. her husband carl joins me now. so sorry for your loss and grief you are going through. a beach club is supposed to be a safe place, that is why tourists go there. can you tell us what happened? >> sure. thank you for the time this, mo. nico was there with our dog enjoying the sunset on the beach and basically one drug dealer saw another drug dealer, i guess competing drug dealers and shot that person inside the restaurant.
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that person was injured and ran from the crowd to the beach. the other drug dealer was chasing the person that was injured and chasing and shooting at that pern and two stray rounds hit nico and she died. >> carley: she was a victim of crime in los angeles, a man chased her with a knife there. she became a victim of drug cartel crime there. as a former dea agent, you know about mexican drug cartels than the average person. can you characterize the situation now, this has always been a problem in mexico. would you say cartelses are embolden, how would you describe it? >> absolutely. before, i can't give a t timeframe, crime has been on the
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uptick with drug cartels in mexico. years ago, they respected areas, they didn't operate in public tourist areas and didn't conduct violence there. that is bad business for them, as well. now they are embroiled and doing activities, including violent activity in public spaces and some of the crimes involve tourists andure too tourists are innocent bystanders or collateral damage. >> carley: why, karl, why the change? >> great question, public safety in tourist areas across the globe need to be studied, just like in american cities. any urban area, hard to argue crime is not on the uptick,
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especially violent crime. it is less perhaps we need more police, we need more technology and perhaps we need more private security. >> carley: your wife was beautiful. you were married for 15 years, you say she was a positive, vib vibrant, caring person. beautiful inside and out, so sorry for your loss. >> thank you, carley. >> carley: you are welcome, god bless you. moving to major day in court for d.a. fani willis and we have everything you need to know before today's final argument and her misconduct case, it keeps going. >> todd: lighten up the news for a moment, college basketball phenomenon caitlin clark just made a big announcement, looking to brace all-time ncaa scoring record this weekend, not just for the girls, for boys, too.
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>> william from florida in the united states, i'm up early for "fox and friends first" because i teach english to over 470 students in 92 different countries around the world and they want to know what is going on with carley and todd on "fox and friends first." i let them know what they can't see. take care.
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>> todd: fox news alert, a fulton county judge will hear final arguments today. defense attorneys say fani willis had inappropriate relationship with nathan wade, the man appointed to be special prosecutor in the case and lied about it. a constitutional law attorney joins me now. all attention being paid to text messages between wade's former attorney terrence bradley and defense counsel ashleigh merchant. do you think the relationship started before she hired him? absolutely, but this
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contradicted what bradley testified on the stand. he was hemming and hawing there. what do you make of the text messages between one of the witnesses and defense attorney? >> his denials are incredible. there is mounting evidence this relationship began sooner than willis and wade admitted and the relationship was never the problem, it was always about the lies. at this point, i think the judge has evidence to support disqualification. >> todd: i want to prepare people for something that may happen today, defense counsel ashleigh merchant is a lawyer, her text messages have to be admitted into evidence, do you see her being called as a witness? >> it is possible she could be
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put on the stand to talk about that. certainly that is possible. attorneys don't like to be on the stand and it hasn't been going well for the attorneys. i think for ashleigh merchant, it is cut and dry. >> todd: not normal to call them to the stand. you see this in soap opera, not usually in a court of law. it will come down to fani willis, does the judge believe her? he's making the decisions in this case, there is no jury in this part. here is what fani willis said. >> i want to be clear, my credibility is being evaluated. we were friends and hung out prior to 2021. in november of 2021, i hired him, i do not consider our relationship romantic until 2022. >> todd: based on the evidence, if the judge determines fani willis lied under oath, what
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happens to the trump prosecution and what happens to her career in this county where she is prosecutor? >> there are several different issues, fani willis has her own issue as an attorney if she perjuries herself. that would undercut the entire case. whether he dismisses the case, that is another decision. every attorney at fani willis's office would be disqualified. would another prosecutor's office pick it up? that would severely delay it. for fani willis's purposes, she will face investigation by the state bar in terms of re-electability. many things to be determined. >> todd: peep kel lie on the stand and have differing views, texts don't lie and timing doesn't lie.
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there are 12,000 communications in 2021 between wade and willis. does the judge admit all of them today into evidence? >> it is possible. i think he will go with what is relevant. digital is damning in so many cases. judge will admit what is relevant and defense will say they are relevant here. >> todd: i said 9000 and said that was exaggeration and realized there were more. >> carley: their thumbs must be on fire. college basketball star caitlin clark on her way to the wnba, she will enter the draft and forego her final year at iowa. she said this year is far from over, it will be my last at
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iowa. i'm excited to enter the 2024 wnba draft, she is looking to become the highest scoring player in all of nba history this weekend against ohio state and just needs 18 points held by pistol pete. watch her this sunday 1 p.m. eastern time on fox. fox news alert, looking live at a cemetery where alexei navalny will be laid to rest today. his funeral service could be delayed, we'll tell you why and what we know about this. and ilhan omar and pramila jayapal just returned from co communist cuba. the daughter of a cuban immigrant is not buying it and she is here next.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> todd: georgia nursing student
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laken riley will be laid to rest today. >> carley: live from the church ahead of today's services, good morning, mark. >> going to be a tough day for everyone here in georgia. this is suburb 30 miles northwest of atlanta, a pretty close-knit community that is grieving today. laken riley tragically and brutally murdered while running on the university of georgia campus. the 22-year-old nursing student. basically they are going to have visitation from noon to 2:00 at woodstock city church and afterwards, a funeral immediately from 2 to 3:00. laken riley grew up in this community and attended uga, and
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transferred to go after her dream of becoming a nurse, which was tragically cut short last week. her family is accepting money hoping to set up a foundation to work on homicide awareness and safety for women. laken riley is missed by so many in this small community. reporting from woodstock, georgia, fox news. >> carley: thank you. fox news alert, you are looking live at moscow cemetery where alexei navalny will be laid to rest today, thons of people are lining up outside the church where his funeral will take place to pay respects. a hearse is transporting navalny's body after it was handed over to his family just moments ago. we'll see if they are able to stay on time, after a short delay this morning.
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>> todd: progressive democrats, pramila jayapal and ilhan omar facing backlash over a secret trip to cuba to discuss human rights with cuban officials. here is ilhan omar on the house floor. >> i met with many ambassadors from close partners of the united states in cuba and they were opposed to the state sponsor designation. trump and mike pompeo created this designation knowing it has no merit and it was a trap for the biden administration. i call on president biden to step out of that trap and stop this policy. he should remove the state sponsor designation today. >> carley: nicole malliotakis joins us this morning. congressman, good morning. as congressman, trips you take say a lot about your priorities. what do you think about this trip to cuba?
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>> these are anti-american members of congress, communist sympathizers and they go to cuba and side with our adversaries. they are in bed with iran, north korea, communist china, russia, they allow them to operate spy bases 90 miles from our shores, harbored fugitives and terrorists and these members are congress are trying to appease the government of cuba and go under the guise of human rights? do they know people of cuba, including my relatives, they earn $15 a months. they come to the united states preaching about fair wages and everyone should make a living wage and they support a government that pays their people $15. it is a farce because every single one of these members
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voted against resolution, standing with cuban people in 2021, when they were on the streets fighting for freedom, the socialist squad and pramila jayapal voted no to stand against the people and with the cuban regime. >> carley: they both voted against the release of detained cuban citizens. how could you vote against that? that happened. >> todd: your colleague got fired up when asked about this, listen to what he had to say. i'm offended, my parents brought me here when i was six years old. if those members think it is cool in cuba, ask the cubans that risk their lives crossing the florida straits or now are crossing the southern border,
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leaving that communist island. >> todd: you are daughter of a cuban immigrant, when you hear carlos gimenez, doesn't that underscore how pramila jayapal and ilhan omar are totally missing the mark. >> that is right, carlos is a good friend and we share a similar story. my mother fled cuba in 1959, she never saw her father again. they destroy families. they make their people flee and risk their lives. so many people go on a make-shift raft to escape the island and these members stand against the united states congress when we have a resolution on the floor to condemn what they are doing when they treat people like slaves, they have no medicine, the hospital is horrible conditions,
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the people are starving, we have to send aspirin and little things like that, they do not have basic necessities. they jail children. young people on the streets peacefully protesting are put in jail and tortured and many killed. this is a murderous regime, communist cuban regime. nobody in congress should side with the communist regime that tortures people. >> carley: congressman michael waltz says hamas caucus getting refresher on communism. someone responded i'm less mad they went than that they came back. i am sure you agree with those messages. >> i agree, they should stay there. >> todd: thank you. >> carley: we appreciate you. mark your calendars for tomorrow night. todd and i join brian kilmeade, you know him, on one nation
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saturday, phenomenal show. he's putting us through the ringer in co-host quiz. here is a sneak peek. what is the most annoying -- >> cracking his knuckles, for sure. >> brian: gargling -- first five minutes before going on the air. >> carley: todd gargles water, cracks knuckles and doesn't talk to me before a block, i don't know why you do that. >> todd: if you view that out of context, sounds like i'm a monster. >> carley: i love you, but i hate you during those moments. >> todd: don't miss us tomorrow night. >> carley: who wins? >> todd: it was fun. we like each other. >> carley: we love each other. i also hate you sometimes. that was fun, don't miss it on saturday, set your dvr's or watch live.
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transcript from hunter biden's deposition is public. >> todd: how the media is reacting to it with joe concha, perfectly turned, next. >> good morning, todd and from new jersey, much like i know you guys are from new jersey. i watch you every morning, we have new jersey connection. i'm also happy for you, carley, having your first baby brock, he's adorable. (bridget) with thyroid eye disease i hid from the camera. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza
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>> todd: we're getting a look at the transcript deposition behind closed doors with lawmakers. testifying he was drunk and probably high when he sent a business text claiming he was sitting here next to my father. >> madeleine rivera is live in washington with more. hi, maddy. >> good morning, carley and todd. more than 6 hour testimony hunter biden maintained his father president biden was not involved in his business dealings but he admitted to putting his father on speaker phone with his associates and inviting him to drop by on business lunches. one of the most notable moments hunter biden addressed that infamous 2017 email from a business associate james gilliar suggesting that 10% be set aside for the big guy. hunter says he never called his father the big guy. adding i truly don't know what james was talking about. the agreement didn't have
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anything to do with my father. my father has never been involved with my business. hunter, like you mentioned, todd, brought up his addiction and cited it as the reason why he sent a controversial whatsapp message to a chinese business associate in 2017 saying he was sitting next to his father. hunter saying i made like an idiot and i was drunk and probably high, sent this ridiculous message to henry zel. hunter's testimony has failed to reveal evidence of wrongdoing say the democrats by the president brushing it off as a smear campaign. several republicans say otherwise. >> i can understand why hunter's lawyer doesn't want he do just told them joe biden was on in the meetings and on the phone. these are the smoking guns democrats said earlier that's not true. that's made up. hunter confirmed it all. >> house oversight committee
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chair james comer says the next step is a public hearing but he has not mentioned a date. carley and todd? >> todd: madeleine rivera, thank you. let's bring in fox news contributor joe con challenge. great to see you here on a friday. here is some of the previous headlines bee smirching the hunter investigations that's a good word bee smirch and al headline from the guardian republicans struggle to provide proof of wrongdoing at biden impeachment inquiry. "new york times" for biden the trouble of his sons are personal and politically painful. too bad for them, joe, that hunter under oath just confirmed the core of the house production' case, joe was in the meetings. joe was on the phone and joe joe? >> joe: i did love i was in new york city this is a quote having lunch with some of my business associates and i said hey, dad, want to come by for lunch?
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who wouldn't do that? >> carley: raise your hands if you wouldn't do that. all the hands are. in. >> joe: in my late 40's i always called my dad to come by with shady russian chinese associates to come by for lunch then he said he just had a coca-cola and bowl of speaghtd and didn't talk about anything whatsoever. please, guys, look. you have who have expected yeah, that's the ticket after every answer. he went full george santos. i hope we have a public hearing then the american people can see, at least on this network, i'm sure others won't carry it or will tell you what happened without actually seeing it verbatim what this is all about, clearly hunter biden profited off of his family's name and question is is the sitting president of the united states now compromised as the a result of his participation in these business dealings. >> mark levin is going to be on "fox & friends" in the 8:00 hour to talk more about this. be sure to tune in to that. one of the things we learned in this transcript is that he
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testified he secured all of these jobs with companies overseas based on skill and merit because he was the right man for the job. had nothing to do with his family. then, at the same time he testified that he was quote out of his mind and drunk and probably hi when he sent that what's of a. stating he was sitting with his father so which is it? >> joe: i don't want to laugh about anybody's addiction because we all somebody addicted to alcohol and drugs. you can't have it both ways. you can't say i was drunk and high and probably didn't know i made this phone call or did this and then orient. >> carley: highly functioning person. >> joe: yes and completely qualified to work for ukrainian energy companies when i have no experience in energy painful to watch and unpack. you can't play i'm a higher
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moral pedestal than donald trump anymore. i believe donald trump, in fact, changed the nickname of joe biden yesterday now calls him croocket joe biden. says he borrowed it from hillary because hillary is irrelevant and said that eagle pass yesterday. >> todd: eagle pass, the two gentleman were down there, you wrote an op-ed about it. you have 20 seconds to give us thesis statement, joe? >> joe: my thesis statement is that you had joe biden in brownsville no apprehensions, basically, and donald trump was in eagle pass where there is more than 2,000 apprehensions in the past week alone and joe biden would not say the name of laken riley, the face of this crisis right now. >> carley: current president is picking a border battle with the former president whose slogan was build the wall. who going to win that one? >> todd: joe gave us the thesis statement. joe concha have a great weekend. "fox & friends" right now. great weekend to all of you as well. you made it,


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