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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  March 1, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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point last year that saw a record crime surge. last year homicide increased 35% in the nation's capital. murders not seen in over 25 years. carjacking double. the man arrested in a valentine's day shooting of two police officer was an illegal immigrant. at the height of the black lives matter movement in 2020 the d.c. police force lost 1400 officers after they quit or retired. recall vice president harris provided a fund for the rioters. the d.c. police department is still 500 police officers short today and critics point to the lack of prosecution arrested in dc. three of ten. the d.c. city council plans to vote on a much tougher crime bill next wednesday. >> bill: three eggs are still in the necessary -- nest and see you later today.
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>> harris: fox news alert millions of americans, regardless of how they vote, are on edge over biden's border crisis. national polling shows illegal border crossers has become the number one concern for voters. and we covered it all live on fox. a pair of presidential visits to the border yesterday. as you know, previously biden has lit the border issue on fire. so what exactly did the president accomplish yesterday? we'll get into it. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." the tale of two men and two different borders towns. president joe biden in brownsville, texas. former president donald trump in eagle pass. >> it's allowing thousands and thousands of people to come in from china, iran, yemen, congo, syria, a lot of other nations. many nations are not friendly to us. he has transported the entire
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columns of fighting-age men. >> president biden: here is what i would say to mr. trump. instead of telling members of congress to block this legislation, join me. i'll join you in telling the congress to pass this bipartisan border security bill. we can do it together. let's remember who the heck we work for. we work for the american people not the democrat or republican party. >> harris: president biden found time during his short border stay to take a dig at climate change deniers. >> president biden: the idea there is no such thing as climate change. i love that, man. i love some of my neanderthal friends who think there is no climate change. my administration will keep building on the progress we've made fighting climate crisis. >> harris: again, he said all of that with brownsville, texas as the back drop. now in may of 2023 it was the epicenter. we covered all the millions of people trying to get in and that
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was one of the spots where hundreds of thousands did. but on monday of this week there were 0 illegal border crossings. the border there is taken care of in part by the dedication from a governor who puts up raise or wire and giant cargo containers against the border. national border control council president brandon judd was with trump in eagle pass. >> i want you to know your agent, my agents are mad as hell. absolutely mad that president biden went to brownsville, texas rather than going to arizona, rather than going to san diego, california, rather than come to eagle pass, texas, which has been the epicenter. your agents present are pissed. >> harris: kat cammack is standing by and we begin our coverage with bill melugin is san antonio, texas. bill. >> good morning to you. former president trump during
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his visit yesterday very quickly brought up the murder of laken riley saying he spoke with her parents. they're devastated and he put the blame for her violent death squarely on the shoulders of president biden as her alleged killer is an illegal alien from venezuela who was released into the u.s. under president biden. take a listen. >> what he is doing is just unbelievable. joe biden will never say laken riley's name but we will say it and we will remember. we won't forget her. it has been a horrible story that we've had to live with for the last few days. >> trump was specifically in eagle pass in the shelby park area. the high-profile area. he got a tour of that area with texas governor greg abbott himself. that area has been locked down by texas. they kicked the federal government out because they felt they were rolling out the red carpet for illegal immigrants. trump says texas is taking the right approach as opposed to
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other blue states who he feels give incentives for illegal immigration. listen. >> we had the most secure border and people weren't coming. they knew they weren't going to get in and we weren't promising free education, free medical, free everything. all the promises that are made no wonder they come. you look at what this governor new scum from california, isn't that his name, new scum? >> that was a new nickname right there. we heard from president trump there for governor gavin newsom of california who he is calling governor new scum. >> harris: we have breaking news now in connecticut. a verdict has been reached and is now being read in court. the connecticut mom who vanished and then was ruled dead, jennifer dulos, her body has never been found. she went missing in 2019.
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her estranged husband was charged with murder the following year and shortly after committed suicide. today a jury found his mistress, michelle traconis. they are reading it right now. >> is she guilty or not guilty on the fifth count for the charge of hindering prosecution in the second degree in violation of connecticut general statutes section 53.a, >> guilty. >> one moment, i'm sorry.
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the court will then accept the verdict. >> verdicts are accepted and recorded. >> the jury be polled, please. >> you have the polling document, madam clerk? >> i will call upon you one at a time and ask you to rise and are remain standing when called. is it your verdict that the defendant michelle traconis is guilty to the information of the charge of conspiracy to commit murder? >> yes. >> is it your verdict the defendant michelle traconis is guilty to the information on the charge of conspiracy to tampering with physical evidence? >> yes. >> is she guilty to the charge
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of tampering with physical evidence and your verdict that he she is guilty to permit tampering with physical evidence? >> yes. is she guilty to the information on the charge of tampering with physical evidence? >> yes. >> your verdict is guilty of the information on charge of hindering prosecution in the second degree? >> yes. >> is it your verdict that the defendant is guilty to the information on the charge of conspiracy to commit murder? >> yes. >> is it your verdict the defendant is guilty to the information on the charge of conspiracy to commit tamperinging with physical evidence? >> yes. >> is she guilty of the information on the charge of tampering with physical evidence? >> yes. >> is she guilty of the information on the charge of conspiracy to commit tampering with physical evidence? >> yes. >> is she guilty to the
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information on the charge of tampering with physical evidence? >> yes. >> is she guilt eye to the information on the charge of hindering prosecution in the second degree? >> yes. >> is it your verdict the defendant is guilty to the information on the charge of conspiracy to commit murder? >> yes. >> is it your verdict that the defendant is guilty to the information on the charge of con -- is she guilty to the information on the charge of tampering with physical evidence? >> yes. >> is she guilty >> harris: what we're watching right now is the connecticut superior court. they have just ruled -- the jury has just decided that the defendant was guilty of all charges related to the disappearance and death of a
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mom, jennifer dulos, 50 years old. her husband found guilty of her murder but he committed suicide. this was his lover. this was his mistress and at one point during all of this -- this was a major case. they've done several documentaries, a lifetime movie. and in fact her death brought in a law that broadened the definition of domestic violence in the state of connecticut. this was a big case. and at one point traconis has said she wanted -- she called jennifer dulos a blank at least twice around the time of the disappearance and should be buried with the family dog. it was a lot. it was a very tiny case in the beginning of disappearance and then it ballooned into this massive investigation and got nationwide attention because of the husband's case first and
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then all of the information that then as we know was corroborating about his mistress. i want to bring in -- we're fortunate to have him this early in the hour leo terrell attorney and fox news contributor. i say that because you were going to join me on other things later but i bring you early because in is a case we followed. leo. >> absolutely. you know, this woman obviously felt that she was basically beyond reach. this jury came back and said you were involved. not only hindering the evidence, not only conspiring with the husband to conceal the evidence, the sad part about this case is not ever going to be closure just jennifer has not been found yet and it is tragedy for the entire family and everyone associated. yet there is justice today but justice is still incomplete, harris. >> harris: leo, when they read all those charges you could hear somebody in the background. we didn't have a reversal shot.
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we can't control the live camera there. i'm thinking it might have been the defendant but someone was sobbing. this case has gone on for years. when you say she thought she had gotten away with it, it has gone on for so many years with a lot of national eyes on it as well. was any of this a shock or was the evidence pretty clear to you? >> i think the evidence was very clear. i tell you what they were hoping for. they were hoping for the fact that the body was never found that there would be a window that this case would never be resolved. once she was declared dead, they were able to proceed against the husband and against the girlfriend and what you saw here today was the judicial system working. >> harris: guilty of conspiracy and the conspirator is dead because he took his own life. how hard is it the prove a case like this when you mentioned what the evidence might have looked like but the other person in all of this is no longer
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alive? >> it makes it more difficult to the prosecution. they were able to tie her, michelle, to the case notwithstanding the easy or chicken way out of the husband who committed suicide. they were able to make this case and the jury looking at the evidence deliberated for at least a day and a half of hours of deliberation and came back with a unanimous verdict on a multitude of charges. this was a great day for justice. yet there is still not full closure because the body has not been found of this woman. >> harris: that's the breaking news and again glad to bring you in a little bit earlier. i want to hit the points that are happening right now also simultaneously some of them. it is not long from this moment that we'll hear live final argument in the charges against the district attorney in fulton county, georgia, fani willis and nathan wade. she is the d.a., he was the
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prosecutor she hired for trump's georgia election interfere answer case. attorneys claim willis and wade lied about the timeing of their romantic relationship and both should be removed from the case. some would argue it is bigger than that. the case has had so much confusion and perhaps maneuvering between these two this case will show potentially. i want to get your thoughts on it. does it have enough of all of that that would be negative for finding the case in a fair manner with donald trump to get the whole case disqualified, to get these two disqualified? >> yes, harris. you and i have been talking about these cases. again, the political nature of this case. i'm so glad the public saw what happened in georgia.
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this is a great day for having cameras in the courtroom. there is overwhelming evidence of this relationship starting before nathan wade was hired. may i submit the evidence to you. you have the roommate who admitted the evidence that she saw the personal relationship. you have the text message. you have terrence bradley who embarrassed the profession of lawyer you areing where he sent text messages admitting he was aware of the relationship and he is sweating saying i don't recall, i don't recall. those are prior inconsistent statements. he was unbelievable. this judge can rule on the actual conflict or the appearance. i believe there is actual conflict, harris. >> harris: i want to get to president -- former president trump now who is in a florida courtroom at this moment learning more about when his classified documents trial will actually begin. so what you are looking at on screen is fort pierce, florida where the courtroom is. special counsel jack smith filed
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a request to begin july 8th for the trial. and trump's team wants august 12th at the earliest but prefers it would move after the 2024 election in november. all of this comes after the u.s. supreme court on wednesday agreed to hear trump's immunity case. that could let trump delay most of his court cases. leo, your take. >> let me be as clear as possible on your show. this case will not take place on july 8th. i know jack smith wants a political trial. it will never happen. key is this. i would think this judge is going to wait until the supreme court makes a ruling on the immunity issues. so i think that will be a mandatory requirement. i also believe this, there is a selective prosecution argument that the trump team will file. what am i referring to? joe biden took classified documents. he gets off scot-free notwithstanding his incapability. president trump is being
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prosecuted. expect more motions being filed by the trump team. one final point. if this case is pushed back to august or september the department of justice manual says you do not prosecute a case or interfere with the election. it will run into the election. this case should be held, if held, next year. >> harris: it gives the trump team a better shot of pushing it into august or september. july is not that far away. what -- we'll cover it as it happens. always glad to have you for breaking news, thank you very much. >> thank you, harris. >> harris: biden's border crisis and he is playing the blame game. president biden and former president trump as you know both went to the border yesterday. of course they went to very different places. one man actually saw people potentially coming over and you see all the razor wire with that particular ex-president and then the current president down in the bottom went to brownsville where they had 0 crossings on monday of this week.
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voters say it is their number one issue. illegal immigration. congresswoman kat cammack in "focus" next. stay close. i hear it all the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900 to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochures. with rosland, there are no hassles, no gimmicks, and our shipping is fast and reliable. remember. keep it simple. make gold your new standard. call rosland capital today at 800-630-8900,
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>> harris: under president biden, the nation has watched as a horrible situation at our nation's southern border went from a crisis to a disaster. he and his white house team decided he should suddenly go to the border. certainly before the state of the union address he is set to give next week. the politics of the moment are forcing him to deal with his own disastrous mess. republican congresswoman kat cammack of the great state of florida. member of the house energy and agriculture committees is in "focus" with me now. the big question i had yesterday as i watched the president
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finish, walk away, what did he accomplish? >> good to see you, harris. i'm sure there is no ice cream left in brownsville after president biden's visit. let's be clear, biden's visit to the border was not about securing the border but securing votes. that is all that visit was because if he was truly interested in securing the border, he would rescind his executive orders that rolled back all of president trump's actions to secure the border. he would have been serious if he had gone to, say, del rio, el paso, tucson, san diego, any sector that has been seeing thousands of illegals crossing on any given day. but instead as i said, this was about securing the vote rick not securing the border. it is a joke and we all know it. >> harris: many of the citizens in brownsville. i was watching "fox & friends" yesterday and this morning and they were down there and i have to say they feel really insulted because when their part of the
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border was just in crisis mode every single day as others have been at the epicenter that was may of 2023. he didn't go then. by time he got ready to go he wanted another place that had been cleaned up like el paso was for his visit last year where you couldn't see anybody coming across. i do want to get to this. former president trump sat down with hannity last night in an exclusive interview and he pointed out the major perks for illegals coming into our country are this. >> veterans get nothing. for people that have been there for a long time and deserve something, citizens, they get nothing. but they give free healthcare if you come in illegally into our country, you get things and this is why they're coming. the incentive is so great. >> harris: and we know that senators blackburn and tuberville have put together legislation dealing with no access for illegals to the medical benefits meant for our
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veterans, military veterans. we know this is an issue. >> absolutely, harris. for the last three years, the biden white house has taken the $130 million program housed under fema for homeless veterans and used those funds to buy plane and bus tickets for illegals. we know that doctors and nurses at the v.a. have been sent to the border instead of staying in their own hometowns to take care of our veterans. it is absolutely a slap in the face to people who have put their life on the line for this country, who have given service to this country, and heck we're seeing it in all parts of the country, not just california that's wanting to do free healthcare. it is new york pushing kids out of schools, veterans out of living facilities and putting illegals in their place. it is the fact that people are getting $10,000 credit cards for being illegal. if you are here in this country legally and pay your taxes you are punished. the entire system is completely
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backwards. i feel like i am living in 1984. everything is backwards. we need to replace biden with donald trump. >> harris: you just had to look at two men at the two places. what in the world the president biden accomplish? my team scrolled by the free things illegal immigrants are getting when they come in. we had breaking news off the top and you stayed with us and appreciate your time. defense secretary lloyd austin facing tough questions at a tense hearing yesterday. austin again apologized for all that happened around keeping secrets when he was in the hospital. didn't want anybody to know it was happening. however, republicans want more answers. plus the murder of 22-year-old georgia nursing student laken
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rile' has ignited serious debate over sanctuary cities. >> if we don't listen to these great men and women working along our border. it annoys so many of us because we know that america deserves and can do better. >> harris: the issue is putting these democrat-led city policies under the microscope and sparking some backlash. marc thiessen is next. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. right now you can get a free footlong at subway. just buy any footlong in the app and get one free. just scan the qr code and enter promo code flbogo. it only works from the other side of the screen, buddy. you still got a land line in your house. order now in the subway app.
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but we will say it and we will remember. i spoke to her parents yesterday. they are incredible people. they are devastated beyond belief. this is a joe biden invasion. this is a biden invasion over the past three years. >> harris: white house press secretary karine jean-pierre pointed the finger at republicans. >> i want to offer our condolences to the family of laken. this is a horrific loss for any family obviously. we don't want to see anything happen like that again. here is the thing, we have done the work to make sure we are dealing with a broken immigration system. the republicans have gotten in the way. >> harris: lawmakers on the right side of the aisle were pretty angry over that. senator tom cotton said biden's white house is blaming anyone else but themselves. gonzalez said the administration refuses to hold themselves
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accountable. josh hawley with joe biden's open border is to blame. he was on this program saying it earlier this week. crimes committed by illegal immigrants are fueling scrutiny of sanctuary cities. mike pompeo in "focus" yesterday. >> this is a longstanding defendantist policy to ignore these very threats. when they caught somebody here illegally they refused to cooperate with ice. three accelerating and throwing gas on the fire and we'll have more of our young people killed through crimes like athens, georgia and the drugs moving along our country as well. we have to fix it. it is central to american national security to get it right. >> harris: it sounds like a national emergency. of course it is. marc thiessen. former white house speech writer and fox news contributor. first of all, heartbreaking as we say goodbye to laken riley as a nation today. >> it is. i am the father of two near
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college-age daughters. my heart breaks for that family. it could be any of our daughters that was killed. it is such a senseless murder. it didn't have to happen. he shouldn't have been in the country. that's something that every american, republican, democrat, whatever your positions are, we can all agree that we should not be allowing people into this country who violate our laws getting in the country and come and murder our children. that shouldn't be happening. unfortunately this administration has opened our border and is allowing anyone to come in. when you do that, tragedies happen. >> harris: you know, it does beg the question what kind of strategy is it for the white house now to blame republicans? >> it's ridiculous. first of all nobody believes it. they've seen that joe biden has broken the record for the most encounters at the southern border every year of his presidency. 2021, 2022, 2023. he breaks his own record. he has all the authorities that
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he needs to shut down the border. if you want proof. "fox & friends" just had jay johnson on yesterday, barack obama secured the border. barack obama was excoriated as the deporter in chief. the same laws are on the books today than thaw are on the books when barack obama was president. joe biden reversed barack obama's border policies. if we could go back to his policies they would be thrilled. >> harris: some are the ones that joe biden also is not enforcing at this point. the two men were very different as democrats. obama didn't need the votes as desperately as joe biden does now. this is definitely a vote-getting atmosphere that we're in for him because things are tight in the polling even now. the hot seat got pretty scorching yesterday for defense secretary lloyd austin. republicans on the house armed services committee had questions about his secret hospitalization
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in december. >> the big issue for me. either the president is that aloof or you are irrelevant. which one is it, mr. secretary? >> it's neither. the president is not aloof. >> why shouldn't you face some discipline? >> again i said that we didn't get the notification right. >> my teenage daughter knows to tell her supervisor if she is not going to work. truck drivers, bartenders need to tell their boss or they get fired. you have held yourself to a different standard and it is unacceptable. >> harris: you would think the president of the united states wouldn't go three days or more without knowing where his secretary of defense was, especially given all that is happening in the world that involves us. >> yeah. and our daughters and bartenders and other people aren't in the
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military chain of command. the secretary of defense is. i worked for the department of defense for several years. he was never to be out of the country or out of the city of washington at the same time as his deputy because he needed to preserve the military chain of command. the military chain of command goes from the president to the secretary of defense to the combat and commanders. no one else can give an order in the president's name. the national security advisor can't tell them to do something. white house chief of staff. when rumsfeld was secretary of defense he sent a memo to rice rice to understand. you are not in the military chain of command and can't give give orders. if the president didn't talk to the secretary of defense for three days, we have american troops under fire in the red sea, iraq, syria. we have two wars on two continents where the pentagon is supporting u.s. allies in combat
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and the secretary of defense and president didn't talk for that period and the president didn't know that he was incapacitated in the hospital? my god. >> harris: we know from the number of those attacks against our troops in the middle east they were happening over that period of time and now, of course, they aren't giving us the daily number as they had been but it was 170 in no time after the first of the year. good to see you, marc, thank you very much. the white house is sparking a different level now of outrage over biden's border crisis. we've seen this. he just went to 0 people crossed illegally because of what the governor has done in the state of texas why biden went but he did try to get there. this time with a cute new term the white house and president biden have for illegal immigrants. calling them newcomers. how does that sit with you? plus 100,000 people voted
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uncommitted in tuesday's michigan primary for democrats. mostly because of biden's position on the israel/hamas war. that uncommitted movement spells trouble for president in other states. the power panel next.
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>> harris: we started with this at the top of the hour. breaking news as the verdict was being read in the case that got a ton of attention including a lifetime movie special and several documentaries. michelle traconis was found guilty on all counts in connection with the disappearance and presumed death of connecticut mom jennifer dulos back in 2019. bryan llenas is here to fill in
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some of what we have not learned since but now know from the courtroom. >> that's right. michelle traconis found guilty on all six counts most seriously in terms of conspiring to commit murder. conspiring with her then boyfriend to kill jennifer dulos. she faces up to 50 years behind bars. if she pays the bound she will be on house arrest with electronic monitoring. she has already surrendered her passport. a big moment for the jennifer dulos families. the estrangeed husband at the time in 2019 going through a contentious divorce and he was charged with murder but he killed himself, died by suicide before he was able to see a courtroom. this is a moment of justice for that family. prosecutors say that michelle
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and fotis planned to kill jennifer and laid out a ton of evidence. a lot having to do with michelle riding in a vehicle with fotis dulos dropping off black bags full of evidence like blood stained bras, shirts, zip ties tied to jennifer's body. they also have video of her going back and forth between homes in which they say she lit three fires in a home fireplace in the middle of the warm memorial day weekend to burn evidence and help fotis and accompanied him to a car wash to have a car washed and detailed to cover evidence. ultimately michelle found guilty here facing up to 50 years behind bars, harris. >> harris: thank you so much for joining in and giving us more detail on that breaking news. appreciate it. president biden may have a major michigan problem. it looks like he does.
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he did win tuesday's primary in that battleground state. however, 100,000 voters sent him a message when they chose to vote uncommitted over him. far left congresswoman tlaib helped lead that uncommitted effort. >> don't stay home. one thing i know about staying home you make us more invisible. i want you to exercise your right to vote. i really mean this. but also think of the whole ballot. >> will you vote for president biden in november? >> harris: critics went after the president for relying on cards. >> he sticks to the cards. if you deviate from the cards he can't continue on. i respect the man for serving the country. i thank him for that service. he is not of the age that is best to be able to serve the presidency especially in the president he is going forward with what i have watched to serve again. >> harris: we were on the air when the white house suddenly
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issued this statement. pointing to reports of speaker mccarthy's own use of cards at public events saying they had some things they wanted to share. they did. they sent to the news media as well some links to those things. power panel now. t.w. shannon. former republican speaker of oklahoma's house and patrick murphy, former democratic congressman of pennsylvania. great to see you both. c.w. if you would hit what happened in michigan. you've been in politics. you have had tough races before. what are voters trying to tell biden and should biden be worried? >> listen, harris, biden should be worried. every american whether you are a democrat, republican, conservative or liberal are concerned about the cognitive ability and performance of joe biden. throb tlaib is a clear and
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present danger to democracy. american people see that joe biden is unable to lead this country. every time he takes the podium whether with cue cards or not he presents an america that looks as if we're a failing super power which falls right into the hands of the communist chinese party. those are their talking points. joe biden's ability to lead is in question not only his age but his inability to govern. >> harris: it seemed like an attempt to change the subject in late response to kevin mccarthy. i don't know why you would want that back and forth. he has time for that sort of thing now. they are supposed to be running the country. >> i want to -- >> harris: i have scripts and notes and everything here, too. i think people assume we come
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prepared as professionals. however, i don't stop in the mid sentence and exit off stage to go and figure out what i should be saying. >> i was only joking. 100,000 people that voted uncommitted is a protest vote. a protest vote because people are upset with what's going on in palestine and what happened on october 7th. let's be very clear. israel has an absolute right to self-defense. we have to destroy hamas. the problem is and what the protest vote is about, harris, there is innocent civilians in war being killed. it breaks all of our hearts. that's why we need a cease-fire. every time there is an innocent civilian being killed you radicalize 5 to ten other folks. i saw that in iraq and in afghanistan. we have to do right by the folks who are peace loving, innocent civilians and we have to follow the rules of law and what joe biden has done and what we need to continue to do.
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>> harris: wait a minute. are you saying israel is not following the rules of war? >> no. >> harris: those are interesting words if you want to debate that with netanyahu or anybody else. the reason that i bring that up is every war unfortunately, even the ones we fought in, innocents ditty. i don't know where you are going with that. >> we don't need a military solution. we need to destroy hamas. we need a political solution and hoping to get a cease-fire and it's great -- >> we need to bring home the american citizens who are still captive by hamas. the fact that joe biden is calling for a cease-fire before we freed every single american and others captured that to me is beyond the pale. >> we want to bring the americans back. >> we can't say that israel can't defend itself.
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we should absolutely be on the offensive against hamas. talking cease-fire before we bring home americans is not the answer. joe biden has done it time and time again that's what a cease-fire would do. >> harris: gentlemen, i want to move on quickly to this topic and that is the presidents at the border. what was accomplished yesterday by joe biden going to the border. >> i think he cares and a lot more work to do. we need -- we can do executive orders, some action but we need congress to step up to the plate. the senate bill passed or a new bill we need to make sure we have a state of the union this week. we need to make sure we get after it. we don't need another innocents to be killed. >> harris: you said the quiet part out loud. i know you care about the state of the union. that was most of the impetus and
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the quiet part out loud. he could have gone in may of 2023 when the world was on fire like it is in other epicenters now. >> my question is where has he been the last three years of this presidency? we have had more than 2 million people cross our border illegally bringing with them all sorts of crime, heinous activity and the president has not only been dismissive about it but almost been promoting it. the problem with the bill allegedly going to pass in the senate is no one trusts joe biden on the border. he has failed on the border. he and kamala harris have abandoned the border. the election is about security, personal and national security and about border security and financial security. all of which joe biden has failed us on. >> harris: great to see you both. please come back and debate greatly any time. "outnumbered" after the break. if you're living with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis or active psoriatic arthritis,
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