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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  March 1, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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vision changes, or eye pain occur. can't afford your medication? astrazeneca may be able to help. ask your doctor about breztri. [cheers and applause]. >> trace: thank you joe machi, todd piro, kat timpf, tyrus, and you, our studio audience. fox news at night with dreamy trace gallagher is next. i am tom shillue and on behalf of greg gutfeld, i love you america. [cheers and applause]. >> trace: good evening, i'm jonathan hunt in for trace gallagher. it's 11:00 p.m. on the east coast, 8:00 here in los angeles
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and this is america's late news, fox news at night. and breaking tonight, a crucial day in multiple courtrooms for donald trump. the former president attended proceedings in florida, where a judge is weighing when the federal documents case against him will go to trial. more on that in a moment. but first, it is now up to a judge in georgia to decide whether fani willis, the district attorney overseeing the election interference case against trump there, should be removed from the case over alleged impropriety. the senior national correspondent kevin corke is live in dc with more from the closing arguments and what, if anything, we can read from the tea leaves. anything but a tea party in georgia, good evening sdmooeven tea leaves indeed my friend. evening to you. after listening to three hours of legal arguments, judge scott mack any said he hoped to issue a ruling in the next couple of weeks. now the judge is now tasked with
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determining whether da fani willis and her office should be blocked from continuing to prosecute former president trump in the state's controversial election interference case. today's arguments capping a battle that has now lasted nearly two months over whether willis's romance with her special prosecutor nathan wade, amounted to a conflict of interest. >> the issue is that, they began this relationship in 2019. they were dating for two years, and then she awarded him a contract where public money, either from fulton county or the state of georgia, ended up in his pockets. that decision alone was improper. but what's even more improper is that then she and he used that money to go on personal vacations and trips. >> reporter: number of lavish trips, indeed. as for the da, the county's deputy told the court today, quote, the motion to disqualify should be denied and ms. willis, as the district attorney of
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fulton county, and mr. wade as the special prosecutor assigned to this case, should be allowed to remain on this case and continue to prosecute the case. and to keep this in mind, jonathan, defense attorneys have argued that judge mack any only needs to find an appearance of impropriety or conflict, for that matter, in order to disqualify willis and her office from the case. to be continued. jonathan. >> yeah we will all be watching very closely for that decision kevin thank you. as we mentioned at the top former president donald trump was back in a courtroom today this time in fort pierce florida as his lawyers urged judge aileen cannon to push back his trial for allegedly mishandling classified documents. they want it push back until after the november election. matt finn is here with the highlights of today's arguments from both sides. good evening to you, matt. >> reporter: good evening jonathan hard to keep up with all the trump indictments and court hearings. today's case in florida was
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about former president trump keeping classified documents at his mar-a-lago home. former president trump left the federal courthouse in fort pierce florida today after hours of arguments over when the trial should begin. judge aileen cannon originally scheduled this trial for may, but today both sides agreed to delaying the date. our fox team at the courthouse today reports special counsel jack smith was in the courtroom and agreed to july 8th. however trump's team argued that's unfair because july would be during the thick of the presidential campaign season. trump's team said the earliest date they could be ready is august 12th but both sides estimate they'll need five weeks to present their cases which means if the trial did start in august, it can go right into election day in november. now all this comes as the supreme court has put a pause on trump's other federal criminal case in washington, dc in which he's accused of trying to overturn the 2020 election. the justices are deciding whether trump has presidential immunity. >> if you don't have immunity
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for a president, and i'm not talking about only me. if you don't have immunity for a president, you will not be able to function properly. you will not be able to do the right thing for the country. >> reporter: now the prosecution argues this trial could take place in the fall insifting that it would not interfere with the presidential election jonathan. >> matt great to see you thank you. with us now former prosecutor turned criminal defense attorney david gelman. great to have you here david. let me get to that documents case first. it seems to me that we've got two sides here, one saying we've got to do this as soon as possible because we don't -- we want to get it done before an election that that other guy might win. and the other side saying let's put this off until after election because if we win we can make it go away. is that fair. >> hi jonathan. number one thank you very much for having me and you are exactly right. is that fair? of course it's not fair. it is exactly election interference at its finest.
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there's no reason to have this case go immediately. number one, if they did have this start going, this is going to take a long time. it's going to be months and months and months at its bestment you just heard matt finn. each case is going to take at least five to six weeks just to begin, and that doesn't even include closing arguments. so i don't even understand how this could possibly happen prior to the election. and then there's an unwritten rule where, about 60 days prior to the election, the president, or presidential candidates, have to be on the road campaigning nonstop. i don't know how this is possible. >> yeah. let's listen to both sides of the political debate about this. senator marco rubio and congressman adam schiff. listen here. >> it's like we have seen them unleash this cabal of lawyers, prosecutors and so forth all designed to achieve one thing and that is prevent donald trump from even being on the ballot
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even having a chance to get elected. that has no precedent in american history. >> once again donald trump trying to run out the clock. we have to hope and pray that voters reject him when they have a chance to vote this november, so that if the justice department and justice has not been served, that it will be served after the election. >> so what about the running out the clock allegation, david? it does seem at least some of these delays that would put these things into election season have been caused by donald trump's lawyers themselves. >> you know, that -- i don't want to buy that argument. the lawyers are doing their job. they're doing their due diligence. that's what an attorney's supposed to do. they're fighting for their client and they want to get the best possible resolution. so, you know, the democrats can say, oh, well, they're just running out the clock. that's not a good excuse. that's not a good argument. they are fighting for their client and they're doing the right job. if i was there, if i was
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president trump's attorney, that's exactly what i would be doing as well. >> let's go down to georgia, the soap opera, if you had a he like, that is playing out there, pretty extraordinary scenes in the courtroom. let's listen to a little bit of what has been happening down in georgia. >> there's been absolutely no evidence that district attorney has benefited financially at all. but benefited financially in conjunction with any outcome, whether it be now or ultimately as it relates to the prosecution of this case. >> she awarded him a contract where public money, either from fulton county or the state of georgia, ended up in his pockets. that decision alone was improper. but what's even more improper is that then she, she and he used that money to go on personal vacations and trips. >> so just quickly david as we wrap it up here, should the da fani willis be allowed to remain on this case?
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>> no. very simple, no. there is an appearance of impropriety and the judge, that's all he has to find is the appearance. he doesn't have to find that she lied or that nathan wade lied, just the appearance. and the defense attorneys today, i thought they did an excellent job at breaking it down so a 5-year-old could figure this out. and i did feel bad for the prosecutor's attorney here today. it looked like he was just a one l out of law school honestly, he was just a fish out of water. it was not a pretty sight but you know what? he didn't have a lot to play with. >> we'll see what the judge decides in that casement a lot to watch legally speaking. david great to have you with us this evening. thank you very much for being here. >> thanks for having me jonathan. >> meanwhile, family and friends said their final good-byes to laken riley in her home town today as the fallout continues
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with the murder of the student allegedly at the hands of an illegal immigrant from venezuela. ashley strohmier has the details tonight. good evening ashley. >> reporter: hi. hundreds gathered to mourn the loss of 22-year-old laken riley the nursing student murdered order the university of georgia campus one week ago. her family's pastor put out a statement today saying when in the world losses someone like laken whose light shined sobriety it seems much darker in hers absence laken was special. the private funeral sr. service likely the start of heart wrenching moments for her family. her suspected killer still has to stand trial. josé ibarra from vel swain a facing numerous charges, malice murder pfelony murderer kidnapping and hindering a 911 call. according to court sightings he has decided not to seek bond at this time. meantime athens clark district
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attorney has now appointed a special prosecutor to this case after facing mounting criticism about her ability to handle such a high-profile case. gonzalez said in a statement, quote, we will not allow this or any other case to be used for political gain. our top priority is the safety of every citizen and we are fully committed to ensuring that justice is served for the loss of every life. >> and, jon, than, this case is still getting a lot of national attention including from republican members of congress who are demanding the biden administration release more information on ibarra. they have given dhs a deadline of march 12th to respond to that request, jonathan. >> ashley, thank you. for more on the crisis of illegal immigration, let's bring in california congresswoman young king. congresswoman thank you very much for being here. i just want to play for our viewers what president trump said when he was at the border yesterday about this specific case. >> she was beautiful, just so beautiful in so many ways and
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brutally assaulted, horrifically beaten, kidnapped and savagely murdered. the monster that's charged in the death is an illegal alien migrant that was led into our country and released into the community by crooked joe biden. he's crooked. >> led into our country and released into our communities by president biden. is that fair? >> it is a fair statement, and probably we can say even more harsher words. look, this border crisis is worse than we know. it is all because of the biden administration's failed policy. first of all i want to offer my sincere condolences to the loved ones of laken riley because i'm a mom, i'm a grandma and my heart breaks because this could be anyone. look, last year alone, ice arrested nearly 75,000 illegal migrants, and, you know, they were charged with 300,000
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crimes. that's almost four per person. and, also, ice also apprehended 275 illegal migrants who are sex offenders just in the last two weeks, in the last month. these are the actual numbers that we're seeing. i want to bring you back to the -- more closer to my home. i represent south orange county area which is close to san diego. >> sure. >> just, you know, it's just a couple hours away and i work very closely with orange county san diego, you know, sheriff departments, too. they tell me the amount of fentanyl that we apprehended has gone up just in 2021 to 2023, by 4,000%. that's from 60,000 to 650,000 pills. and this is really alarming because we're trying to contain and go after chinese syndicates that are bringing it in going in
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to making fentanyl killing mention every day. >> no doubt a big problem of drug smuggling coming across the border as well. president biden has repeatedly said and the i woulds has said he needs the corporation of congress specifically republicans in congress to fix this. this is what he said when he was also down at the border yesterday. >> so here's what i would say to mr. trump. instead of playing politics this issue, instead of telling members of congress to block this legislation, join me or i'll join you in telling the congress to pass this bipartisan border security bill. we can do it together. >> so we can do it together. isn't he right at least to some extent, that this has been a problem for decades. yes, it may be getting worse but, yes, republicans have to work with democrats. his argument has been republicans like this is an election issue. >> well, where was he for the last three years. in the three years he's been he created this border crisis. he has the tools at his disposal
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only if he will reinstate the policies that worked. bring back the remain in mexico and title 42. i went down to the border four times. president biden reluctantly went down there twice. and i hope that he has actually met with the border patrol agents who gave him an earful about the challenges and the crises that we see every single day. and he has the tools. if he can bring -- exercise 60 executive orders he can certainly use another executive order to bring back these policies and stop the illegal migrants coming across the southern border. >> congresswoman always a pressure to have you on set thank you for being here this evening. >> thank you for having me. ♪ >> first up in tonight's real news roundup, new documents from the investigation into jeffrey epstein's abuse of underaged girls now expected to be released to the public later this year. grand jury transcripts will be
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available after florida governor ron desantis signed a law in what he said was a move made in the interests of judge us is the. these documents are from a deal that epstein cut with federal prosecutors in 2008 that allowed him to escape severe charges at the time. >> oprah winfrey is stepping down from the board of weight watchers after disclosing use of medication to lose weight. she's expected to donate her shares in the company worth about 12 million, to eliminate any perceived conflict of interest >> two st. louis missouri residents taking the city to court claiming officials ignored their request to remove a homeless encampment outside their homes. the residents say they went through three years of punkent odors and obscene actions and claim the mayor pa democrat, told the police to not intervene >> republican steve garvey and democrat adam schiff are now in a statistical tie to fill
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california's open senate seat, that's according to a new poll from uc berkeley's institute of governmental studies. the top 2 vote getters in next week's primary will advance to a runoff in november. let's bring in now one of the democratic candidates for senate here in california, christina pascucci and jess cas. good to have you here. christina to you first as we're talking about the senate race. top two go through doesn't look at the moment you're going to make the top two are you still confident. >> no, right now i'm tied for fifth. that's a whole different story, i've been shunned by even the democratic party i think i'm too moderate. what i want to bring attention to we need to sound the alarm bells because right now adam schiff's plan is working out and the irony people who don't want adam are celebrating with this poll. they think gaer psychiatry is leading in the race. but this is his plan.
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this is why he spent $11 million to boost steve garvey's name to show ads that actually appeal to republicans because he knows that if it's him versus gaer have you when it comes in november, he will beat garvey and adam schiff will be our next us senator. a vote for garvey is a vote for schiff. >> that seems fair in california jessica doesn't it? your candidate although he may make it through according to these polls doesn't really stand a chance in november does he. >> we're seeing quite a turn in california in fact voter registration numbers have been amazing in the last two reports while california republicans have picked up over a hundred thousand new republicans, democrats have lost about 70 thousand. yes, it's an uphill battle but you have a candidate like steve garvey who a outsider who isn't affiliated necessarily with the long standing republican party. he's affiliated with californians whether as a dodger or san diego padre or i was just in in the county today where a junior high is named after him,
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californians are identifying with someone like steve garvey because the democrats actually leading and have a chance to make it into the general election are talking about dc insider stuff. they're not talking about the crime or the homeless crisis. they're not talking about the expensiveness that it is here in california and that is because they have caused many of these problems. having an outsider like steve garvey has a shot. >> christina you've obviously talked to more voters than most of us during the campaign. do you get the sense that there is a move in any way towards the right in california as a state? among voters. >> i do think that voters are fed up with what they see in california but california as a whole is way too left to elect a republican in a state-wide race and the numbers show it. there is zero doubt in my mind on that front. it is extremely important to have a democrat, more of a jfk era democrat who believes in securing the border and fighting crime and being pro business
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things to like that that is what californians are craving and the only type of democrat that would stand a chance against adam schiff in november. >> we jessica are going to have in a few short minutes two leading candidates of george gascón if he cannot win a second term. they're both democrats. again, republicans don't seem to stand a chance in that race either. >> well, i think certainly, you know, what we've seen with democrats and what they've been serving up in deep blue cities like la, it's not workingment so if you want to continue to get what you've always get you're going to continue to vote for what you've been voting for. if you want something different you have to do something different. >> do you think they'll' do anything different? gascón in the moment in da's race is leading. >> yeah, he's leading but i think that that's because you have so many candidates right now 10-plus candidates in the das race dividing up the vote. ultimately i don't think gascón will be victorious in november, there's a huge shift away from
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that people saying enough is enough all these sub groups rising of moderate democrats independents even moderate republicans saying we don't like the direction california's going. i don't think it's enough to go red but it is -- the tide is changing to an extent. >> you're about to walk offset and see them for da. >> thankfully i don't have to vote in la county. >> christine averages i worked with john for a long time i respect all the candidates, honestly anyone but gascón would be better considering what we've seen in our county and city of los angeles but i did just publicly say that i support hatomi. >> to wrap it up no red wave in california any time soon. >> we have opportunities, we picked up five congressional seats in the last two cycles more than any other state in the nation and going on the offense in three additional ones so california will play a major roll deciding the house again. >> we shall see great to have you. thank you so much >> coming up as we just mentioned two of the leading candidates to replace la's
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district attorney george gascón join us live. we'll see what they have to say about gascón's claim that crime is on the decline. and later in the nightcap, have you ever seen someone pushing a stroller from far away and assumed there was a baby inside only to get closer and see it was their pet. what do you think about people taking their pets for walks in strollers and what is one thing you do to spoil your pet? by the way we're going to have a puppy on set. now you have to come back. let us know your thoughts on social media x and instagram on fox news night weigh in we'll read the responses in the nightcap. did i mention a puppy?ol coming up. ♪ with a 5g powered innovation hub to analyze player performance and expand coaching tools. take your business further with america's largest 5g network. tide is busting laundry's biggest myth... that cold water can't clean. cold water, on those stains?
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>> jonathan: no less than 11 challengers are taking on progressive and controversial
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los angeles county district attorney george gascón in tuesday's primary contest. matt finn is back here in our la studio with an election-day preview. matt good evening. >> reporter: good evening jonathan. recent poll shows that 51% of voters here in los angeles disapprove of la county da george gascón's performance. many are outraged over what they consider his soft on crime policies, which includes his policy that bars enhanced punishment for gang members. fox 11's alex michael son moderated a debate in beverly hills in which a mother confronted gascón about those policies. >> my child was killed by a gang member, and you had more sympathy for that gang member than my child who was killed in front of my home. can you explain to me? because i've been looking for you for four years. >> look, i'm broken hearted for your loss, okay. yes, i am. no, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and
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over again and expecting a different result. we, as a country, and we as a community, have been doing the same thing for generations. >> reporter: tonight there are 11 candidates challenging gascón and nearly all of them completely disagree with his progressive policies. >> when you say the definition of insanity is repeating something that didn't work, what are you talking about? when we look at violence about 70% of violence in our city occurs in a very small percentage of neighborhoods. when we lower violence levels in those neighborhoods, you know who are the beneficiaries? black men primarily. latinos primarily. because that's whose lives are actually saved when we do this. >> now gascón says violent crime has recently dropped but it is still above pre-pandemic levels. as you well know jonathan fox
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asked gascón for an interview but he declined. >> jonathan: we asked him again just this week, we asked him to join us this evening, tonight, thanks matt. two of the challengers who did say yes to our invitation are joining us right here in studio tonight. they are two of the top challengers, they're both running as democrats albeit fair to say from slightly different wings of the party. jonathan hatami and jeff chemerinsky. before we talk to them given mr. gascón would not join us tonight, let's hear from him anyway. >> we're in a much better place today than we were four years ago. we're dealing with violence and in fact violence has come down which clearly indicates that the work that we're doing is not necessarily -- doesn't cause crime to go up. >> jonathan: so let's start with you, john. you've been one of the most outspoken critics, i would say, of the district attorney for quite some time now. where has he gone wrong? >>' gone wrong in pretty much everything. we have so many victims and survivors and surviving family
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members who feel abandoned by george gascón's policies. he's failed to protect victims. he's failed to protect retail companies. he's failed to protect businesses. we have an increase in smash and grab burglaries. we have an increase in retail theft. we have an increase in restaurant burglaries and restaurant robberies. we have a major increase in hate crimes. there is nothing that george gascón has done good being the da in los angeles. he has pretty much failed everybody. he doesn't prioritize public safety. almost everyone feels unsafe in los angeles as a result of george gascón's three and a half years being the district attorney. >> jeff, it strikes me that, politically speaking, you are perhaps a little closer to the george gascón side of the democratic party. but you say, too, that he has failed la. how so in your view. >> well, first thank you so much for having me tonight jonathan. this is an incredibly important election and i appreciate your having me on tonight. i am a life-long democrat and i'm also a prosecutor.
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i spent the last nine and a half years as a federal prosecute at the united states attorney's office. most recently i was chief of the violent crimes section at the u.s. attorney's office overseeing all violent crime prosecutions for the federal government not just for la county but for a population of 19 million people total. i have both policy and leadership critiques of the way george gascón has gone about his job. i think he's failed with his policies, issued a series of abrupt and inflexible policies that weren't well thought out. in terms of his leadership he's largely become an isolated leader. what i saw at the u.s. attorney's office was that law enforcement didn't want to partner with him and would often bring me in the u.s. attorney's office their cases because they didn't believe in his leadership or partnership and that's really phillied the people of this county. >> jonathan: john, you've spoken about that as well and i think it's well known throughout la county that there has not been a good relationship between the da and law enforcement on many levels. is it, as jeff says, a failure of leadership op the d. a's part. >> i think there's a lot of differences between jeff and i.
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number one jeff's dad was on the transition team of george gascón. i don't have any family member who that has anything to do with george gascón with the exception we want him out of los angeles. i have 20 police officer associations who have endorsed my campaign. as of right now i know jeff doesn't have any police officer associations who have endorsed his campaign including the lapd who has indoorsed beverly hills has indorsed. george gascón has completely failed all of us. another if you torture or murder a child or assassinate a police officer i believe in seeking the ultimate punishment in that case. i know jeff doesn't believe in that as well. in addition to the fact we tried to recall george gascón on two separate occasions and i've been in the fight against him for the last three and a half years. i know jeff didn't support the recall. so there is some differences. i do believe this though, jeff is exactly correct. the leadership of george gascón is absolutely nothing. it's zero. i've spent 18 years in the district attorney's office. our morale is at the lowest. george gascón has never
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prosecuted one single case in the district attorney's office. need someone who will step up and step forward and be a leader and take charge and actually bring public safety back to los angeles. >> jonathan: jeff john offered a critique of you there, i have to give you the chance to respond to that. why are you the better candidate to be the next da. >> thank you i really appreciate it. what you're talking about is the dynamics of this race and we all start with the reel that george gascón is extremely unpopular. i think we just heard the numbers but also the reality that la county is a very blue county and if george gascón runs in a runoff against someone who is a republican or can be painted as a republican, george gascón will get reelected. that's simply the reality. and mr. hatami was previously a republican. he's had some extremely conservative things publicly and i think that trail will really hurt him if this becomes a mr. hatami versus mr. gascón runoff. >> jonathan: why are you the best candidate? >> so to be the district attorney we have to be the district attorney for everyone and i'm running for everyone. i'm running for republicans.
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i'm running for democrats. i'm running for independents. i fight for children who are tortured and murdered. children have no political party. i've also been doing this for 18 years. i've also spent seven years in the united states army as a veteran. people know me as a good person, as a person who's going to fight for justice and a person that's going to bring public safety to everyone. the district attorney is a non-partisan position and it's non-partisan because everybody deserves public safety. if you're a republican and your house gets broken into you deserve to be fought for. if you're a democrat and you get sexually assaulted you deserve to be fought for. and i think playing into that is playing into george gascón's play book and he used that to divide everyone. i am here to bring everyone together, republicans and democrats, and say we all deserve to be safe here in los angeles. >> jonathan: jeff. >> can i respond that? >> jonathan: please do. >> i would point rick caruso recently announced he was supporting my campaign and donated. >> jonathan: rick caruso who ran
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for mayor very wealthy developer so people know. >> that's right. he gave a public statement deciding why he was supporting my campaign and he gave two reasons, first on fox 11 news with alex michaelson and he said two reasons why he was supporting my campaign first he met with me and he was impressed with my experience and credentials to be the next district attorney and second he understood the dynamics of la politics and i was well suit adden situated to beat george gascón in a runoff and he gave that heavy wait supporting my campaign >> jonathan: john one issue here, does the immigration crisis feed into the crime crisis here? >> i don't think so. i think in general we have to look at public safety and the fact of the matter is is that you don't know exactly who's committing crime. it could be any individual. it could be people here legally, people here illegally but that plays no part in public safely. in addition to the fact if you're here lily or illegally as a victim you deserve that as
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well. i don't see that as a big part of public safety. our part of public safety is we have a da who's not prosecuting crime and we need a da who will stand up and do that. >> jonathan: lot of voters concerned about immigration jeff would you agree though it's not an issue here to play into this race. >> i agree. i don't really think it's the issue in this race. in this race the number one issue is george gascón's failed leadership and the question of who's best situated to beat george gascón and to be the next district attorney and i believe my vision in terms of being an experienced prosecutor and a lifelong democrat and someone who believes in criminal justice reform makes me the best personal to be the next distributing attorney. >> jonathan: jeff chemerinsky john hatami thank you both for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> jonathan: the owner of low boss boxing club eddie ar sole a shares his experience as an immigrant from columbia. why he says america needs to wake up. and still ahead an amazing rescue, look at that, after a
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♪ >> jonathan: back to america's ongoing struggle with the crisis over illegal immigration. our next guest has some unique insight. eddie arrazola was born in columbia and immigrateded to the u.s., legally settling here around high school age. he now owns his own thriving business here in la, low bows boxing club. and, eddie, i talked to you a couple of times about this and i'm fascinated by what you have said to me that this -- although this has been a problem for decades, illegal immigration, it's different now. you grew up with a lot of the kind of young men that we see coming across the border. what do you say america needs to know. >> it's a different level of
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crime that they're not used to. we have our certain level of crime in the u.s., it can be pad but there's a level of they don't care, they don't respect the law that we just aren't even able to process yet as americans. you saw there was a 15-year-old that shot a cop didn't flinch. some poor girl got murdered this week, like they're coming frp countries like venezuela that are so poor that they can't afford bullets. like they're going to come over here and this is going to be a free for all for them. they're not scared of the cops or getting in trouble. and i don't think americans are ready for that. >> we've seen that for instance with the time's square beating of the two police officers. >> if you would have asked a few years ago that kids like that would just beat up a cop in the middle of a crowded street like that you would be like absolutely not that would never happen. they don't care it's a different level and i don't think americans are ready for it. >> jonathan: i want to remind our viewers of something then candidate president donald trump said back in june of 2015.
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>> they're bringing drugs. they're bringing crime. they're rapists, and some, i assume, are good people. but i speak to border guards and they tell us what we're getting. and it only makes common sense. it only makes common sense. they're sending us not the right people. >> jonathan: now, president trump was criticized very heavily for those remarks, but, eddie, it is a statement of fact. it is a statement of absolute fact, that rapists and murderers have come across. now, that's among hundreds of thousands of good people, people who just want asylum, who genuinely want asylum. but as the family of laken riley would say, the university of georgia student murdered, one is too many. >> the problem is, how are you supposed to verify who's who, when there's absolutely no organization, there's no way of knowing what people are criminals, what people have asylum. most of the time you see it's a
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bunch of men coming over, 18-25 years old, criminal records, sex offenders, sex traffickers sometimes brought by the cartels. you have no idea who's coming and puts american citizens in a vulnerable state with criminals that have no fear of authority or getting in trouble. >> jonathan: where does the mindset come from, this, you know, the kids beating up up the cops in time's square. what drives that mindset. you have that unique insight because you grew up with some of those people. >> i think for the most part in united states you grow up with some level of respect or fear of getting in trouble, consequence. there is no consequence over there. like when i used to visit columbia or venezuela especially i had would visit friends and family in venezuela you get picked up in the airport with bottles of whiskey, cops don't care wa they do, they're driving drunk they can have guns in the car toon whatever they want. when they come here they bring
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the same attitude here that they had over there they're not going to change because they come to a new country. i don't think people understand that. i think people think they're going to come over here and assimilate and start following orders and it doesn't work like that. >> jonathan: so it's a simple respect for authority. >> respect for authority and i don't think people understand how bad venezuela is right now. like they were eating pets they don't have money for anything so when they get here they're going to go nuts because they haven't seen this much availability to pretty much do anything they want. they're not going to be scared of cops. >> jonathan: eddie great to see you. thank you. always good to get such unique insights into the kind of immigrants coming over the border at least in some measurement thank you eddie. >> thank you ♪ . >> jonathan: first of in tonight's viral videos watch this daring seen in louisville kentucky where rescuers repelled into action to save this semi truck driver after a crash left her and her truck dangling offer the side of the clark memorial bridge. look at that you can see the
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trailer of the truck wedged against the beams of the bridge. the only thing that stopped it from following into the ohio river. officials said a car collision caused the truck to cross lanes and ultimately crash through the guardrail. we're happy it ended well. speaking of crazy rescues watch this heart stopping moment when a snow mobiler realized he was about to get caught in an ave. language. while he did get stuck under the snow several minutes he was miraculously rescued and shared the tail with us. if you have a video to share hit us up on fox news night on social media. up next, did i mention puppies? would you take your pet for a walk in a stroller or is that a little too much. what is something you do for your pet that others would say is too much. the nightcap crew is here, and that puppy, that puppy, is going to be live in studio. i can't wait. ♪ more flexible way to move, with pods. save up to 20% now for a limited time.
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[♪ music playing ♪]
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump.
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too dangerous. ♪ >> jonathan: so would you do this? would you take murphy -- you would take murphy i know you would take murphy. but would you take murphy for a walk in a stroller? a lot of people are taking dogs for a walk in a stroller. this is in you are any the cutest. the nightcap crew, kevin corke is here ashley strobe mile eddie
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arrazola and matt finn are all here. and murphy. would you take this guy for a walk in a stroller kevin corke? >> reporter: okay, yes, your dog i might do that. that is the cutest dog ever. yes, i probably would take your dog but i would not take my own dog. >> jonathan: i can't hear kevin so let's ask matt finn who's rescued a lot of dogs in his time. would you take murphy in a stroller? >> i absolutely would. i completely understand anybody who thinks it's too much but i think it's great to protect them from the heat and the shade sometimes and you know when you want to go for a really long walk and your dog tires out but you want to keep going? throw them in the stroller. >> jonathan: i would rather murphy walked me in a stroller at my age. >> i would take murphy hunting he looks like a good hunting dog. >> jonathan: eddie by the way has the cutest dog, eleanor. >> eleanor. >> jonathan: getting older than murph.
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ashley strohmier what says you. >> look if it makes the dog happy i am all for it. i would do anything for my dog and if i wanted to a a walk and she couldn't walk as far as i wanted to go i would definitely put her in a stroller. i'll make no bones about it. >> jonathan: i would do anything for my little cali who's eight years old now and will need a stroller very soon and murphy you are just the best. this by the way is our producer jessica meadows new pup and really is the cutest thing on earth. kevin i didn't get to you but i know you love puppies and love strollers so the two together is your dream, i'm sure. >> reporter: i'll take it. >> jonathan: murphy can you say good night? good night everybody. bye. >> jonathan: thank you for being here and for watching america's late news fox news at night. i'm jonathan hunt in los angeles. murphy is right here, trace gallagher you'll be pleased to know.
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