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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  March 2, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PST

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>> good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. evere angle. thanks, as always, for joiningen us. the fear across women acrossd la the country are heightenedke ths week after 22-year-old lincoln riley was murdered while she was on a morning run.g se >> tonight, two of the world's frading self-defense experts from the legendary brazilian jiu jitsu gracie family will be here to teach you how to defend yourself. , famed l.a. dodgers first baseman steve garvey wants help lead a california turnaround. he wants to take down adamefor schiff. boy, he could really get in the hall of fame for that. that's s prim of course, right before tuesday's primary in california . and he'll be right here on the angle. but first, jack gets smacked. >> that's the focuss of tonight's angle. >> it's been a wild a week and lawfare a land to get trump express may be headed for a derailmente . first, the supreme court
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announced it was taking the trump appeal presidential immunity at the end of april. >> and you wouldn'on pntiat kno, but guess what? those who claim that these cases will protect the legitimacy of election, the legitimacy of institutions are now attacking legitimacyon. of the high court for its decision to absolutism. this is garbage. this is an absolut disgue abuse of power. >> you're putting nine weeksfora of days and they are burning them for donald trump in donald trump's interests so as to protect donald trump from the possibilittoy of being held to account. everyone needs to understand that is what they are doing. his is b.s. this is b.s. you ar. >> this is a dilatory tactic to help your political, , your political friend, your partisan patron. that's disturbinefutureg about e legitimacy of the court. aning rachel's role when the court doesn't go our wayhe, her way,ln it's illegitimate. they're flailingg. . >> once again, donald trump trying to run out
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wee ank. but we have to hope and pray a ch whenrs reject him they have a chance to vote this november so that if the justice department injustice has not been served,served a that it wie served after the election. >> adam, still>> laura, that tht mueller report didn't go his way and the news getting worse for the democracy defenders at a morning hearing in the classifiednders. docs case agait president trump, federal judge aileen cannon that jack e triasuggested july a trial date would be a no go because the trial time frame for all the motion work that has to be done would be far too compressed. that totalld that makes sense. of course, trump's lawyers want this travest by to be postponedu until after the election orbide i have an idea. how about holding off untilrg and unlesses joe is brought up on charges for his own concealment of government record ment recordss? >> all right. meanwhile, not a good idea to keep diggine alreadg g. when
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>> you're already sinking. but that's what smith's office did when associate intimatedg qc that the judge wasn't moving tee quickly enough. >> to which she tersely replield ,i can assure you that in thisf building, there's a goodjudi of judicial work going on. dav >>id now, our reporters, david spot and jake gibson are reporting that i thef they d to choose a date for the federal appeal, trump's dougust 12 do august cours 12th to avoid running right up into the election. >>e,a tria of if a trial takes,s say, six weeks which is what pro their projects in keeping trump in a courtroom. thethat's the ultimate in elecn interference, isn't itgu? dispe but this guy just doesn't care. the , illing to dispense with the doj manual that highly discourages bringing casest ca against candidates that would impact the election because it'sg. timin it's a so-called 60 day rule, even though it doesn't mention 60 days. of cours office sayse, smith's s that they're in compliance,
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but really, they're willing to skirt the recommendations because aftealwaysr all, there's always a trump exemption. now, regardlesetrial s when thel starts, trump's legal team has played smartly so far.on's con >> and judge cannon's concern about unfairness of a rush schedule, when you look at that calendar, u really, i mean, youn really see what the judge was feferring to, which is i jack smith tries to find a path for the federal cases, it's a v very narrow path. everything has to go exactly right. nyincan't be any wins that more and more, of course. ear. now, keep this in mind. smith brought the indictments lastbu year. but judge can and chuck cans. control their own calendars. the doj manual doesn't coverat in their scheduling final decisions at all. >> and merrick garland will become, i think, pressuresd to push these trials off until after the election. if it turnarllins they're rolli over into the campaign. thbut how twisted this all is,
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they wage a multi-front campaign of lawfare against a leading presidential candidate interfering with the election because, again alleg allege he interfered in thefor 2020 election. >> now americans are seeing this forwht is, what it is, whi is why trump's numbers remain strong through this multi-layered legal charade. he's still up over biden byt's six points. >> and that's the angle. not w, it's not just the timinga of the federal trials that's up in the air. >>king a loa they may be takingd off permanently as in removing fani willis from the case she brought in fulton countygainst against trump for election interference. closing arguments places took i today, and lawyers for ths, well, i-defendant i think they trounced this. >> willis is telling everyonn tf in that church and everyone that's going to hear that in the media afterwards that theserovert defendants are guilty. the uncontroverted evidenced eve
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shows that mr. wade lavishly wii spent on ms.. willis. the uncontroverted evidence showending os that the money thn was spending on miss willis came from thistrere is. this i there is a direct financial benefit that ms.. willis receivee haved from this. i believe we've shown an actual conflict, that conflics not is t just financial. it can be an ty conflict that impairs your independent, professional judgmenthat's rt ta really embedded in the prosecutor's oath to act impartially. w. that's the original sin from seich all of the other problems flowed. there is no boyfriend exception. think of the message wer that wd be sent if they were not t disqualified. if thi get mos is tolerated, we will get more of it. lauge is a global laughingstock because of their conduct. that's an understatement. i love the. there's no boyfriendo ex exception line. that could have been my favorite. all righ the of georgt.
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course. the state of georgia rejected the idea that fani williwillisse is conduct with mr. wade or her church tirade amountedn di to any ethical breach. they even dismissesmd the idea that 12,000 i saw this 12,000.n who has that much to say of text calls between her and mr. red wade was in any way significandet in indicating the depth of their relationshipt . >> the judge said that he would try to have a decision about the disqualifylificati, ag within two weeks. >> joining me now is sol, former deputy independent counsel. >> fox news contributoand miker and mike davis, founder and president of the article three project and former law clerk justice gorsuch. w so let's start with this. get the load get. fannie saga is fairly falling. oh, the puns so bad tonight. >> i'm sorry. they're just it's friday. you know, this is what you you are you going to like? are you going to apologize obertsonn, the othertt members of the band? >> that's that's pretty good. that's a pretty that's a pretty
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good one. yeah. i think it's been a very bad ver week for the trump bashers to get trump crowd, and it wasuo a very bad day for them. the parts that i saw in they courtroom there in georgia. >> and i thought that argumentht by, harry mcdougal there, that you had the end was just, a very, very good, very strong. >> so i don't see how sheh i mean, even assuming that she isn't kicked off the case, i think she should be the b damage is to her has really is really been severe. and to her case. yo mike, why do you think the judge is taking so long to decide whether miss willis should be disqualified? but i'm saying but isn't a delay just more good news for trump? in any eventtion. . there >> it's a very good question. fo's going to he said he wouldir rule in two weeks. there is a deadline over the next two weeks on filing to run for the fulton county superior court judgeship for afte 202r the election in 2024.
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i don't know if that haslook anything to do with it. >> but look, i would say to the democrats, you should probablyee pick better democrat operatives to run your lawfare next timofe instead of people likean alvin bragg and jack smith and fani williwillis as tish ja, this whole house of cards is collapsin on g on the democrs . i just wanted the closing arguments to include these arguo has people are trying to take down-- the guy who's 74 million people voting for him, and all these people.peop i mean, it just thisle is america. this is insane that these defen people even anywhere near a courtroom. >> but by the way, one of the defense attorneys sol, laid out in part, i watched this devastating argument for the conflictdevastats do exist. >> watch. there are six different factualh conflicts of interest in this case. alread first, the financial conflict that's already been covered. and secondlycovered., ambition,r political ambition.
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d,re's athird, there is a dovetr complementary pattern of deceit and concealment of the relationshipof and the money. fourth, the speech at the. >> fifth, the motion for protective order that the d.a. filed. sixth, the way the state has conducted the defense. ferent >> so i mean, six different ways you could see this conflict in six different ways that fani willis acted in, conducted herself. what do you think should happen here? i think i think the office should be taken off of the case. ougalland that was one of the ps harry mcdougald was making there, that how of the members of the d.a.'s office there signed off statements and pleadings that they had the no were not accurate. >> i think he was i think he was devastatethere.d
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you know, laura, i no offense ct my many friends who've done good work in state prosecution offices, but i expechis kindt td of stuff from elected partisan days like fani willis and likeng alvin. >> what's really shocking to me is is what jack smityhe ma is getting away with because he's doing things i mean, he's making filingkiat s that sy you've got to we must have this case decided beforjuste electio. >> just appalling that somebody from the department of justicesn be doing this and nobody is reining hi in.n re and to that point, the againig, the nonbinding but usually laura: followed 60 day rule ane do, j manual. smith just waves that off and the left has been pushing this rule to not apply to trump for two two or three years at this point. >> but just waves it off and say, no, this is this doesn't apply to us. >> what's your respons responsee said?
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>> again, it's not a binding law. it's not a hard, fast rule. but what of that? soiden jus biden, justice depar, including jack smith and these democrat , waited 30 months to bring these bogus charges,um four different criminal charges against president. and they timed these trials back to back back to interfere in the presidential election. this is about election interference and warfare because these democrat prosecutrse don't trust american voters when they see the polls. all right. so if i were talkingre about ths the other night, i mean, the if the polls weren't lookine lookg they're looking i mean, i don't -- youi don't this would be suce you know, in a four alarm fire for them. but they're really, really worried, even though the bettinh g odds still has ha biden winning small in my great to see you both. thank you. all right. up next, i'm going to expose eebies f
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i can feel the winds of changeba . >> joe biden wants you tou to ey the fantastic economy his policies created. >> wel lll a majority of americans
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are living paycheck to paycheck . >> consumers are doing so well, they cut their spendingving in february joe and i don't even have the savings to cover $1,000 emergency or unexpectedt expensane. but it's not just anxiety about their finances. more peopln e are living in feai for their personal safety with criminals fre free to commr horrific crimes. and while many americans arebief struggling, our leaders are handing out freebiesor for the newcomers. well, newcomers is how the bid biden administration prefers to refer to illegal aliens. don't even call them illegal immigrants. but newcomer if theys, as if the a right to be here. i should be welcome with yousomn know, a cake or something.n and the several million qu 15 millionear are getting quite the warm sex welcome. free health care and cash strapped california, by the way. it hotels changest hotel rooms and meals in cities acrosss, united states, free ree
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and others. and as illegals get catered to, americans, get shafted in new yorkyo, where $53 million is being spent on prepaid debit cards for illegals, 23% of residents are reportedly living in poverty. in chicago, one democrat leaderl says schools were closed due to lack of fundinge . e school but now illegals are livingin in those schools. >> and in denver, city officials are cutting some workers hours dow' hourwnnl in order to get more funding to support illegals. sorry newcomers. >> but the biden campaign wants you to know this is all a net dp plus. >> it is impossiblore to deport. every undocumented person in this countrly arey. there simply are not the resources, nor is it advantageous to us.e that ac has been immigrant labor, the immigrant workforce that has actually propped up our economy. >> it's all good. j
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joining me now, jessicesa, chicago community organizer. jessic hhaa, you heard that. and also governor pritzker in your state announced $250 million in taxpayer fundingprov is coming to chicago to house feed and provideidices other ses to illegals living in your city. but now they're just calling them newcomers. your reaction, all this? >> well, they've been using that term newcomers for a while nonow. the phrase goes from migrantso u to asylum seekers to refugeest' to newcomers. and the reality isou, is groupye of people that are coming to the country illegally fordifr whatever this is. >> the picture is a negativeen o will be result. >> what that may be to just a lot of money and to take awaya from the americanslr that are already here working hard, like
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you say, a little bit from paycheck to paycheck in a lo lot instances, holding on to i t ano and onlyth being that we hear from one day to another is the e millions dollars that are just pouring down to go for illegal immigrants. >> jessica, a member of biden's ,had a comment about the newcomers. gr watch this. immigranant crime narrativet hee is racist. it's not true. donald s trump is out here sayig that we're poisoning the blood of this countre facty and facts actually don't bear that out. immigrants, by and large, are committing ae. crime. i so whenever this narrative i comes forward, you know, ee s just it's just an untru narrative. y ar >> so now they're just immigrants. they're not illegal. they're not even not ev illegalre immigrants, jessica. >> but they're always jumpin asg to the defense of people who came here, violatedr wh
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our laws and claimed asylum, fo% r which 98% of them aren't entitled. well, that's absolutely true. >> and the only reason why they can say if the numbers are downey can is because there's not as many illegal immigrants in the country as it is the overall population. co you look at it that way, of course, they would say that the numbers are down, but the ree is it's not. they're bringing their share of crime . >> just witness it. last week i went to home depot, all 87 of the day and right here, very popularry popul depog you have a lot of illegal immigrants that hang know b to pick up work. >> it was applied to store some but somehow we get out that about 100 illegal immigrants guard beat up a secuh guard that works over there. >>ings you know, a lot of things are going on that don't make them that don't. >> the news, jessica, you just
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brought me news that i thoughtrd i read everything about this type of crime. you just told meything a this tg i hadn't seen. >> and i hope we can find videno of that. jessica. e in thank you so much for speaking out. there are good people in chicag worko working really hard. they can't even save money for an emergency. and this is what pritzker wants to spend money on. jessica, w e an awakening in this country. >> thank you. a daring rescue on camera. . fox is senior national correspondent kevin corkee is here with all the details. kevin, we're not in the same studio tonight, sy .o sad, but what are the details? >> i miss you, my friend, but quite e a and i want to just say this, laura, for the folkse at home, inot sef you have not n this video today. >> take a moment and come lookao at the television and take a look. we're talking about a crash involvinokn g four vehicles tott sending a semi tractor traileral careenin.g over the edge of ae bridge with a person stuck inside the cab. nothw, this all happened in louisville, kentucky, this afternoon. >> the truck wase truc left danl
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from the side of the clark memorial second street afteroffl a crash involving several vehicles. officials tonighy at leastt, att one person has life threatening injuries. now, rescuer able s were able te the driver, a woman, out of the truck after about 40 minutes. and here's how they did it. they rappelledr a rescuer down and then the two of them were pulled by a rope and pulley mobile fire, said the woman military veteran was grateful, relieved to be back onn ground and while shaken, seemed to be okay, she held it together amazingly. >> i got to tell you, it was obviously was shaken up. obviously, she was scared. a firefighte r in to the amazing job of keeping her calm. she held it together like, a champ. >> all right. now, i don't book this show, but i'm tellin g you. i want to get that guy on your show, laura. he just did such a didn amazingve t job. >> by the way, there is a bit of bad news i have to sharo shae you tonight. yes. we have the dramatic and great rescue.
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bridge carrir. er buis bridge carries about 24,000 vehicles each and every day, which means quite the traffic nightmare. t, allsbut listen, all things considered, it could have been a lot worse. and all's, well, tonight, for most involved and for that, we can all be very thankful laura,d kevin, you do such great reports, number one. greatnumber two, don't ever lee hanging. nome, i will, not such a bad hanging. >> you got it. and no laura: dangling partici. >> okay. thve to.reat see you. t have a great weekend. oh, aren't we terrible tonight? t americright.dl the liberal push to get america hooked on pot could deadly consequences. dr. marc siegel takes on a psychedeliychedelic educator. >> oh, boy, i can't wait for that one. next, the first to document covid's origin exposing human trafficking on border and central from its source for daring to tell the truth we've been censored, demonetized and attacked.
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>> you've heard of weed whackers. well, these people are weed wackos. >> i grow cannabis because backer love it.o cons i like to consume it. i like to be around it. it's somethingumi that providen my being consciousness with tremendous love and support. be proud of cannabiss use. d of use and being part of this community definitely has that layer of bennabis proud ofr cannabis consumption. >> there are zero deaths attributed to natura l use. some would argue that getting high every day is potentially safer than getting drunk every day. s numb i heard that before. well, that's false. unless you want everyone to be m numb and dumb as you are, because is misery loves company, so does stupidity. because the evidence mountingpso not only is violent psychosisis thd schizophrenia more likely among regular pot users, especially the young, is your likelihood of early death. a new study published ind in ths journal of the american heart association shows that marijuanaof use increases
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your risk of heart attack or stroke. it doesn't matteear. you you smoke it or you eat it, or if you do it as infrequently as once a month. it could kill you. >> joining me now is dr. marca o siegel, professor of medicinx ne at nyu and a fox news contributor. also with mes ashley is troxel,a a psychedelic educator and a joinl joining us from denver. ashley, now, you still maintain after all of this evidence is coming out that cannabis is a health plus for your fellow americans. thank you so much for having me on tonight, laura. ralso read that study and was very alarmed as a cannabis consumer. w but reading the study i sat isw that it's based on self-reported user data whi, which does not prove causation only correlation. those cannabis users might engage might in other riskyan e behaviors, like eating an entire bag of doritos in onensid setting. external factors must be
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considered like th like the fact that during the period of the stududy americans increased their overweight. increased overweight is by 5%. hmm. just a quickou question. did you use before you came on? i did not know. you are a part. you didn't. okay. well, i was thinking you want to relax for a while of television. i mean, at that poinpoint,t, ih. you know, dr. segal, 25% higher likelihood of heart attacks,of 42% higher risk of strokes. >> but actually point no t bad one, right? it's correlation, not causation. otherbut are a lot of other psychological disorders that have been documente, d, harvard researchers, international researchers. >> but the reflexive defense to lt's not as bad alcohol. dr. siegel first of all, i'm not going to let her offe sw the hook on the heart. there's been multiple studies in the past that hav oe toxicity of marijuana on the heart. we're talking about.
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we're talking about carbon monoxide. we're talking about thc itself,s which increases heart rate and she knows this and it increases stress on the heart. this study looke,000d at 430,000 people, maura, and you could say it's observational, but ith follows several studies, includinwag one out of baltimore that was not observational. this to th drug is tied to the , period. even if you took out the part we know target for is toxic to the heart. we know carbon monoxid e is we know it's toxic to the lungs. we know it causes lung cance causesr. we know that it's correlated with emphysema. had by the way, what ashley' wis doing with all good intentions is doing what's already happening in the societypp i,? people think, oh, it's becoming legal. it's good for you. it's finat i'mtalkine. l so the awareness of what i'm talking about now, developmental delays, children affects on pregnant women, early term birth, psychologih. c damage, all of that is being obscured. oh, it's legal. it must ber you.the id good for. and the idea you just said, one
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well, other things are bad for you, so why why not? this wouldn't be legal since alcohol wall, laurs. but legal? well, laura, alcohol is legal because i can't stop itht. but that's like saying let's make central legal, right? why don't we make centra l legal while we're making marijuana legal? why don't we make no speed limi? t all?. >> let's go and go 100 miles an, hour while smoking. we well, actually, i havening to say, one of the more concerning things when i'm in a place like denver or o washington, d.c. or miami or ay, yo wherever, you on most today, you're driving on the highway and you literally smelln marijuana in your car. sosoe the person somewhererett in front of you is driving. oftentimes you see it prettyg mi high. >> rates of speed while smoking marijuanjuana. alsa. >> do you also endorse that or. oh, absolutely not. weving have against driving undr the influence of cannabis or alcohol and what this conversation is dismissing
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are the many potential benefits of cannabis like relieving to help people avoid opiates. okay laura: . where where is it? where is the study? and maybe i'm wrong about is there any real study that showsf any documented benefit of regular use. ashley so i'm not regular marijuana use. i am promoting the use of a intoxicant as opposed joint to alcohol. i much prefer to smoke a joint the end of a very stressful day. and data showst that's that thad a healthier decision. thata 2010 lancet study showed that cannabis is less harmful alcohol or tobacco. and i all for the freedom to make that choice. well, i think that emergency you
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rooms across the country of young people flooding them for psychosis and other violen . ,destructive behavior speaks volumes. but actually ashley, w we really appreciate you coming on, dr. siegel. thank you. and by the way, we lookewestor dls that story mentioned by our previous guest, about 100 been illegals attacking a security guards near chicago where we haven't been able to confirmab t . but if we do, we'll bring it to you. now, coming up, shifty chef, rel a statistical tie with a, republican, steve garveythe ma,n who could disrupt that gop down the senate run. >> that's next. welcome to fox nation, where history is held sacred. in one night, they showed the world that free people could rise up against power. and heroes can shine. pilots are laser focused and determined to perform without excuses. a place where we look to the future. i was determined to be out there and toast to our past a history of the world in six classes. this is fox nation, where
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a spotless house for $19. when i first saw california, southern california forac the first time in the mid 1980s, it looked like it was like what? >> the beachboys roa boys wrotet surfin usa. >> the people were happy , hen. streets were clean and the stores were bustling. >> but thaanaftet was then and i many years of progressive, pro-criminal policiecis. >> this is now. break in io smasn san fernandoht smashing through the window, crashing the display stand. e evenngfour suspects, one eveng cocking a handgun became more trash mask, gloveske and everything and they completely destroyed the story, hit the store, drive off, and then they come back. >> minutes later to steal even
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more. >> it's turning into a wall of those last somethings like definitely to change and change it might. a new poll>> laut mi ahead o ahs primary to fill the late dianne feinstein senatiannee ses in a statistical tie. republican steve garvetiy yeah that's steve garvey of l.a. dodgers fame is leading democratssman ad adam schiff by. but that doesn't if garvey wins on tuesday that his ca california has a nonpartisayn and primary system. so whicheveret two candidates get the most votes tuesday move inf in november. d >> and joining me now, steve garvey, a former dodgers the first baseman. businessman, republican candidate for the u.s. senats. astron e in, c. >> steve, have we reached tipping point? because i'm still lookinorriblgr at 19% for that horrible katy porter and 8% for the anarchisth barbara lee. a and then you're at 27 and shifts at 25. can you find a way to win this? >> laura, it's honored to be with you. we are finding a pathway a
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and this is in. s co this isn't, you know, this countrright.y. . you were right. i came here 50 years ago foram o dodger uniform.spent my dream came true. i got to the starting line. spent 20 years of entertaining the people of california, put this country back where it was the heartbeat of america. countrit's not the heartbeat non but it can be because weow we d have to look in the people's eyes and talk to them directly, non ton to them like fine. our career politicians are doing, telling the m california's fine. >> you should be honored to be is you pay more taxes. you shouldpt crime accept crimee streets. >> high inflation. oh just look at the homeless. n >> they'll be fine. they'll be gone again. and we're not doinot pg providig a common sense kind of campaign with compassion, buildingd on consensus. but it's also founded on grace and civility. we have to get back to that. we'vo e to get back to to we, the people telling washington what to do. and now listening to me. the polls in less than5 to
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five months, we've gone from 0to to 27, six points in the and a partial term. and people saying to me, steve, thank you for running. god bless you. well, i you're going to stand up and restart wings. >> laurabouti, i was thinking a you know, you're, you know, a little bit of a little bit older than 70. >> you could have you could justut ocali kinfod of hanging o >> you could have moved out of california like a lotor of people have gone to florida or tennessee or somewhertennese with no taxes. >> but, man, you decided i have a huge amount of respect for. you. you decided to stay and figh up a for the state you love. and i love california. i told trump he shouldof campain up and down the coast to california, if not in a courtroo m, because we cannot wemy got to save that state. >> wel voil, that's my voice. for all those that feelat that this one's great state cane bring back the vibranc ay, it cn make a difference not only in the west, but back east in washingtoo n.
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>> and that's what i intend to do. sure. or you're right. wonderful life, lif, great family,e mo love of my life. by the way, when i woke up ago five months ago and looked at the tv and it was a dysfunctionaa l the snark,is and i said to myself, you know, i'm better than than this. and i tapped her on the shoulder and i said, honey, let's run for the senateet'sn f >> and like a good wife, she turned she said, by now, i'm jokingid.said bye. don >> and then she look, shee looked back at me, laura, and she don't you think you're a little young? and it reminded me of ronald reagan . i think i can overcome my youth and inexperience, and that's of t now that peoplet are thinking. >> great momentum,momentum stevr watching this. >> we're watching this closely. the medidesperata desperate to w to tear you down. but we're going to be toy. thank is closele look we look forward to covering this all the way through to november. thank you so muc h. all right. up next, women living in fear after the brutal murder of lake hoy. ile so how do you protect yourself? two of the world's leading self-defense experts from the famed brazilian jiu jitsu family are here to show stay
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fire deal in the middle east. >> only on fox news channel. nursing student laken reilly was laid to rest today. g studeneight days after her hoc murder. an illegaler her alien in the cy courtesy of biden's open border policies is in jail, chargedd wh in her homicide. fox news oe. correspondent dana marie mcnichol is live from atlanta with all the details. >> danh all th a. >> laura, it was a somber day in woodstock. that's the hometown of lincoln. riley. we saw hundreds of people gatheriley, celebrate the life of that passionate 22-year-old nursing student. now, lincoln riley's obituar y says her smile was infectious and true. spread joy everywhere she went. now, this tragedy deeplyis affected community of athens.ry >> she did everything right.thin i guess it just really is a tragic situation. and i hope that we maket so some effective changes that something like this doesn't occur again in the future this . >> now, today, the lead pastord at woodstock city churchpast
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that she was a gift to anyone who knew her smart, kind, compassionw and thoughtfult ev doesn't even begin to scratchen the surface. now, there was a go fund me created for lake and riley. riley thit has raised 178,000 and growing. has rthat's five times the amot of their original goal. the page. t a foun that's all going to help start a foundation, the lake and hope riley foundation to drive homicide awareness and safety for women. >> something got out of something tragic. >> and mary, thank you. now, in jo e biden's america, more of you are afraid and ford good reasofon. thugs commit crimes, then they're released. suadd to that, the millions of illegals that biden led in most unvettefd, which meanscrim more crime. imagine the terrore. that lincon riley felt. >> she had an awareness that this individual was coming after her. if he was lying in wait forg ga her, something gave him away soe that she had an awarenesareness
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that she was about to be attacked. and more importantly, she was in feaatey she r at that moment. >> when lincoln riley murdered, she was enjoying her usual morning ruhe n and at some point dange she said she was in danger. she tried to calr.shl for help,w but it was too late. the animal was on heasher.r. so what can any of us do to stay safe, especially young e women and other people who are vulnerable? how do you protect yourself? rajoining me now are heather and eve gracie, self-defense expertfenss from the famed grace family of brazilian jiu jitsu. o jiu jitsu. henner, it's great to see you tonight. thank you fo shtr. coming on tonight. what's the most common way that women are attacked and howd can they fight? on >> well, first of all, thanks for having us on, laura. when it comes to sel f defense, a problem well understood truly. is a problem half solved. and for that reason, every woma eason start by understanding
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the four phases of an assault. >> phase one is to identify an unsuspecting target face it, to subdue and isolate the target. isolate targetphase three is to and exhaust the target. thand then phase four is to cara out the assault itself. >> about phasetalkul one, identify an unsuspecting target. specting targe, laura, to catchs you off guard. and what that means is we have to be vigilant, aware we d of our surroundings. and most importantly, we have to trust our intuitio a n the a with the attacker. >> once, if she was minding her business, what the attacker creep off get asstis t close as possible undetected and even go hands on undefended so they can carry out the assault with the lowest level of resistanc thee we want to avoid at all costs one person moving in each direction there. okay. >> if you get back, i know bill clinton got she all right. okay. okay. we're good tback up. we are o go. so what happened right there is preemptive. boundary setting. laura, the first boundary wattie clear. stop right there. the second boundary with her hands up was confident. she doubled downcondars she . tha and the third one was crazy. at that moment, i knew she wast willing to go to war.the
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>> and for me, the potentialpo attacker, i realized that she'sy not the easy target i anticipated she would be. >> srget i ao this point, i have two options. i either retreat or i ambush and i attackusk furthe further. and at this point, ifkn d by attacking, she doesn't know what to do, she's going to be wit at end of my punches. so i'm striking at her. she's hit the full range of my e they havewer. the most power? and this is very problematic because she could be knocked out. be knockso instead, when eve's g up with her hands up, if i ambush her, she's goin ig to step in and closelose the distance. >> completely counterintuitive, but nothe distw she lands in whs called the quick. she's wrapping my waist, her head is buried in my chest. and here's i what wild. laura is from here. even though i can reach her, i have no power i haver these pl so i can't knock her out. so stay here until she feelse ex the next opportunityit. >> then she pushes off. tha and the best part is that exit is on her timing. i can't control that. so it's going to catch me off guard. of course, there's wil also the possibility that during the scuffle, we fall to the ground, which is worstg thlcalld scenario. >> right? and if i land in the top position, this is called the mount. thhy this is so bad is she can't reach me, laura. but i can reach her. i can strikei her. is >> i can strangle her.bu
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and if she's bumping ofg pushing up, she's burnin energy in the process, exhausting all her resources without any effective escape. we don't want that. so check this out instead. as soon as i ste p water, shehe does. does want to beautiful. and now distraction strikes. she's got to do it again because it was too fast. eve is back down. this is called the mou mount lauren. >> the technique to trap and roll. as soon as i mount, sh as soones my body, as soon as i mount, check this out. then the results crazy. it looksof famil kind of famili. i'm sure it's the same as that we did standing up. she's doing it from the ground becausground e a fight, laura whoever manages the distance managess the damage that can be done. >> she pulled me down.s me she claims that she trapped my arm, trapped my foot over there. and now she's breaking rules in that directios inn so that in not stop from falling. backhe strikes, she gets ud p and able to disengage and get back to her knees and all of this. wol laura is derived from the wn in power program, a 20 lessonba program that is based on brazilian jujitsu that my family hason juj working on now for 100 years and of course, is perfect for women.
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it's amazing for smaller and weaker individuals against larger opponents and has to be t said, laura, exact situation like this whenua a womanever is attacked, it's never her fault. women should be able to wear whatever they want, drink whatever they want, justth wherever they want. and the only person to blameeyer is the criminal who perpetrated the crime againsatnst her.t. >> and in this sense, in a profanity. one other moment with nothing to d o another move for. yes. well, i'm sorry to interrupt you. so what about an hour out now? we're going to havcheck e to tae one mind, one other technique shorter than a move to check this out. ch inside the legs right here check this out and someone is strangling you from the outside do., you nt know what to do. watch. all she does is she changes her angle right here and she's ifle to breae and shk heart outl hyperextension. >> s i ao if i'm strangling. >> even though this is worst case scenario during a potential sexual assault. pote at this with my hands or her neck. >> if you just pivot 90 degrees, laura, and put your leglegs s my head, give itbite a bite. smooth and hip hop and break fro
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the person's elbow from here. so this is what possible jujitsu even though you're on the bed pretty good, even though it looks like a bad situation. the reality is if you know how to use your legs and the rest of your bodknow howthy you're good to go. and for this reason, anyone who wants to learn more self-defense empowered is taught at hundreds of certified training centers all over the worldr and for anyone who wants to work at home, it's fantastic. ynline at gracie universit .com and what we've done for the next 48. all right unlockrs t the prograe for anyone who wants to take that next step with us. well henner and eve, when we have you back, we want to see the come from behind moveavorit because that's one of my favorites. i learned that in krav maga, which useses. lot of jiu jitsu, krav maga. so we're going to do that nextps time you come on. but thank you for these tips. women across the country d prot you can defend yourself. you can protect yourself. don't be afraid. yourselfn' here be strong. have a great weekend. jessi's next


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