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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 2, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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i'm jesse waters, along with katie, whic h jessica tarlov, jillian turner and tyrutie pavls. it's 5:00 in new york city. and this is the five, another jam packed day of trump legal tornadoes ripping across courtrooms in. america, the former president showing up at a florida court on thipssno classified documents case. there was no ruling there yet, l but the real action was in georgia. >> where is part one season finale for furious family and lover boy? a judge sayss pa will decide the y her fate in about two weeks. >> will she get the final and stay on the trump case or rs will she be disqualified? >> have to pack your bags. the star crossed lovers showing up fore to pack closing argumens and getting literally seated. >> one person away fromway fr one another. >> kind of awkwardom one. today, the defense doubling down that the relationship between willise de wade began
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in 2019, which contradictsn sworn testimony by the loverst that it started in 2022. earlier this week, nathan wade's forme nathar partner and divorce attorney terrence bradley, testified a about knowledge of the relationship, and his memory was a loshipt like biden's.>> d >> i do see that message, but i do not recall. you don't recall texting this? i don't recall any anyon't rec c dates? i do not recall. i do not recall how it came up.. i can't recall what the conversation was. hat. i don't recall that at this time. i don't recall. >> no, i don't recall. but there a key text message. ms he didn't seem to recall. do you think it started beforeuh she hired you?ed you see that right, dan?>> jes >> that se text message could be game over terrence bradley
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blowing up the nathan by texting. absolutely. when asked if the relationshipbe began before willis hired wadein in november 20, 21, bradley says he was just speculating. but today trump's lawyer disagreed. >> the most obvious indication that willis and wade were notde truthful on the point of timing and that bradley this works and says, do you think it started before hired him?e mr. bradley says, absolutely. now, absolutely is not a speculative. that's not speculation. that's how you defins aethat his statemen it. dang, tyra's dad, god, thank god. i mean don it's a horrible way,! man. worst wingman in the history of the game. >> sorry i had to tell her sot w bad, but i honestly don't want to watch any more of this. i'm goinat o f thisg to wait for
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the reenactment. you know, jesse, back when we were kids, w k whene stayed home fromwhen w school. the rare times when we weren't diligently trying to get th where we weren'tto get te ar. there was a there was this great show that came on and it wasat it was actors in divorce court. it was like a divorce court thing. and it was like all the dramae and excitement. this had none of thadrama and t like not this is the worst i thing that anyone wants to see when it has to do with lawyers who are seeking justice. their corrupt. their. their sleazy. all the thingsey are that you wouldn't want to see someone who pursuing that. isthe fight for justice is so corrupted. it's like can't even get to court without this. without this junk like thi s. americ it doesn't help the american people. we're all dumber for seeing this. it's wastingan r seeing our day.issed we missed, like 20 minutes cavuto that's so you know how hard that is for me. hard so just get to the point. the judge is going to takethme two weeks. make up your mind. were they inappropriate or not? looks like they werer move on. are we going to see the case? that's the real issue. the americans on people, we want
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to we want to get out and get ready to vote. you know, i'm saying and like, you're o get on with if you're going to if you're going to go after him, come get him. but at leastaf get some people with some integrity. >> i'm going to put you on the hot seat, jillian. okaywith intut. >> does the.! in a way, it doesn't really matter because here's the deal. she might go down in flames. she might get taken off thistere case dea, but it's likely,of according not according to me, but according to the case, legal experts, that it's likely this aliscase, some form is going toy forward anyway. trump's going to have to face maybe the samep will h charges. basically, what's going to happen if she does get pulled from this.y, if sh gg right. the state of georgia is going to reassign it to some othergoin attorney and then it'll be up to them. they'll likelihood , again, according to all the legal experts, is that they're going to push these charges forward in somh e. so the trial's going to happen. all of this as tyr happen,a sai is really a salacious sideshow. the other problesam, where
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on earth are you going to find a jury now that's not going to be tainteg to find, all this salacious stuff, it reminded me you feel like if fani willis does move this case forward, mov it's like when you go to a movie and like the leaied thd is going through some like horrible to worse than the tabloidsinthroug and feel le you know too much about them and you can't get into the role. you know, you can't a distraction. >> it's a big distraction. everyone is tainted. how tainte . se: everd do you feel,a ta jessica? >> tara was just all the way up here in new york. i knowrlov? the taint can travel c across state lines. >> do you believravee that this will get callendar favorably to the president if is the accused and pushed back? >> well, there's been a development on what back?t fay to the president means today. and that happened in florida. judge cannon had jack smith's team down ther e and jack smith jack has advised her thatsmrule actually that 60 day rules. the idea is that if it's too close to an election -, you brig a case, right? because then that would count as election interferencecase doesn't actually apply to this
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because he's already been indictedn't actuappl. >> the case would have already started being litigated. so that really rsc the scope of what we are talking about with the d.c. trial. so the supreme court will take that up april 22nd. maybe they'll wait until the end of their ntil right and we t won't get something until the end of june. but then there's a chanche e, but te that you get your 88 days. that's what judge chutkan ha8 s said the trump team will get and then takes about three months to do this. so that puts the trump twent gei of campaign season sitting in a courtroom. he's goingn a to show up for it. and then the ruling coming around the election and thndee same could be true in florida. so that has reallyd the sa scra. all of this. >> the trump team is totallyllyh right. they're throwing stuff at the wall just trying to get delays on everything he's asked for after the election. and every circumstances that hec can get. it doesn't look like he's going to gete het. it. "i and that the argument over why is he out on the campaign trailg falling on deaf ears? because it's not really a good enough excus oarse. you've gone through an
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indictment process and that's what's most importanyohrough ame fani willis and nathan wade situation. >> what they did, wherewhos they texted from and whose burner phone hooked up to whos e cell phone tower doesn't change the content of the indictment. >> well. well, it doesn't, because even if you show a, quote, conflictei interest, either the semblance or the appearancf e, impropriety are a direct one. and i don't think now that we found out that they were staying at the doubletreedouble in napa, remember, we're talking about caviar. they went back to a doubletreeto . >> is that the lifestyles of the rich and famous paid for the hotetree.ofl and she paid f the wine tasting. >> you don't know. doesn't have to be the other way for. >> this to have worked out the way that the trump team is saying that she's claiming that she paid cash for the seasons in cash. right. so it's going to bpay ate in the lobby of the four seasons e lobby going to ifpe you're going to indict people,eg you for breaking the law, you should not be breaking the law yourself. and throughout t you shot be brs
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of the digging up the dirt dit that we'veis a b seen, there's a big questions about whetheher they were tellis the truth under oath. you also in this text that says just date him, don't hire him. m fani willis ended up giving this guy money inappropriatelyrt in violation of the law because mi the way that thelveviolatioen campaign funds were mixed. so if you're going to take the moraxef you'rel high groundy that donald trump is the most corrupt ever and we have to do something to sto p, maybe s you shouldn't be corrupt in yourself, in your own behaviorho ourself . d that, but i'm disappointed that throughout this whole thing, they were smart enoug thh not to take those cruz pictures and post them becauseyt enoughee have been really nice to have those in evidence. >> just don't know that to be true. we don'tavin evide don't have t. >> but i'm just saying they were in evidence to see nathan katie: way concrete evi. >> i just wanted jesse somebodyw if there was something because this was whatever you think a ch jump the lawyerst knew that this was just a chance for them to make money, that there was no real case herd e eal casee. because if i was trying to beat you, i'd be bringing the best and brightest. br in i would've had.
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to bring in i'd bring in thethis kids. you got to file for daddy because this, jesse, why? this thing's going to make us a and, and i'll paynd prote you each a wonderful salary. and of course, i'll protect it for you to get older becauser 'a what good parents do. so what i'm just saying is it's starting to feelart go is like this isn't much of a case, but we can make some money and get famousus. so she's bringing in other people closer because it doesn't make sense to me. you wantitto me. to be supposedy the the orange dragon and say like, this would be huge. this court victory would w be monstrous forould i would u be trying to target trying to declare every government employee she's not making anye e more money. >> sometimes the heart wants what the heart wantsarwhat you. >> i know everybody about the judges and the pressure on the judge. he is appointed by the governor, brian kempe', and he has to get reelected. and he is in fulton county, fani willis is very popular. and given the way the left explodes and riots againstagains decisions they don't like, there's a lot of pressure himep to keep it on the good.
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people of county wouldn't riot. >> i'm notof sayin fg i'm speake . that is a high bar, even for the people of fulton countpey. >> a high bar? yeah. i don't think we're going to be seeing january 6, 440, or maybe summer 20, 20, for example. let's everybody stay calm. and fulton staying except: nathan. way you go. the settling on those duelinge t border visits. nenald trump slamming biden for turning it into a war zone in my mind room with black curtain is the stage no show. >> so would you get to nashville? hot tenders in three mandarin orange tenders? i would get you three classic tenders for butterfly shrimp for comedy. >> i win. looks like somebody needs a new hand. un i'm not the buffet guys. a sore throat.
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welcome back to battle forilli. >> the white house headed south this week, the u.s. border with mexico. president biden, donals week ado trump visiting two sectors, wildly different migrant apprehension rates. amid ongoing crisis now, afternt surveying a crossing point that's becoming really the hearng reallt of the crisis with some top texas officials, trump then blasted biden, allowing things, as he put it, to really get out of control. listen r. >> it's the worst border ever in the history of the world. there's never been a borderwher where 15, 16, maybe 18 million people have already crossed. and i think nobody has any idea what the number is. you know, they got away. they don't know what they got awayways are. we have millions and millions of people and they come from jails and prisony comes. they come from mental institutions. you come to a wa >> this is now a war and they view it as a war zone. >> and mexico is doing nothing to help us. despiting nothto helpe spate oft migrant crime this week, president biden did not address the murder of nursing studentken ri lincoln riley while he was at the border. riley wales laid to rest earlier today in georgia. police there charging an
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undocumented georg venezuelan mn with killing her while she was jogging last week in athenwas. republicans, meanwhile, are accusing democrats of trying to divert attentioanse away from the border with this argument. this immigrant crime narrative is racist. it's not truime. donald trump is out here saying that we're poisoning the blood of this countrt wey and the facs actually don't bear that out. >> well, this invasion is just i absolutely disgusting. it's xenophobic, it's racist. go to ukraine. you see what an actual invasion looks. >> so right now, really, forr t the first time, the polls for the genera l election are starting to reflect that. the border crisis. immigration is gearing up to be maybe the number one issue for t some election voters. do you think biden's trip yesterdahiy hurt him or helped more? >> i think it hurt becauser . >> he's down 35 points on the issue, which is the number issue in this country,
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according to gallup, immigration. >> and if you're the president and you're getting hammered by this etting h big an advantage and then you go downyo to the border and you draw attention to the border, he broke every news camera in the country to the border, and everybody just reminds it about how he's blown to smithereens, the way the presidenhereens.t one talks about this in military terms is smart becausery it's trojanye horse. you're getting tens of thousands of chinese national getting s. spies >> you know, they're deputized as spies by the ccp. thisby thing is being run by drg cartels. >> the funneling, the human smugglin g trafficking. >> you're bringing in massive amounts of fentanyl. not to mention just the criminal element. >> you're bringing in people that are kids. >> they're killing women, they're assaulting cops, flipping us the bird. and to say that there is no between migration and crime is pretty dumb because we don'tv know the relationship between migration and crimin
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e, because sanctuary cities hide it. if you're an illegal alien and you get poties hidt anything iny sanctuary city, the sanctuary cities don't telou al. at the the fbi. so at the end of the year, whenh you look at all of the statisticse yeall thistics theyp in the statistics. meanwhile, all these guys look the new comer as they're calling them, who murdered blak"thee riley when she was out in the jog is classified as white in the police report. . so it's obfuscating the entire issue. >> the fact that they're calling them newcomers, they're going from illegal aliens. gone fromngnsive asylu seekers. now. we're newcomers. lag the language war here. >> they're going to start calling them lovers. prettyo st. n and they're going to say republicans hate lovers. s hate lnow, this is what they t is it's not brothers. >> i'm good. >> i'm so. jessica, republicans have been goviously hammerinbrothersg president for not going to the border. not going to border. now, he went to the borderso heh right. >> they are critical of the sector. he decided to visit.
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they sayctorisit. that he brought upg thin the wrong things in his speech yesterday. >> climategsn hi change. he left out the wrong things. lincoln riley, is there. he could have done to avoide some of that criticism or the books were cookeicism?d tham getting a message from the republican oracle. sly mi he should go. but you obviously missed the show yesterdayss when i forgive you. i watch. i watch the show every night. and whene je you're talking about the lies where i said there is nothing. yon do that wouldhat appease the republicans. it's impossible. it has to do with election season. it also has to do do wito with h hatred for the man and that it destroys their narrative if deif hs anything that's evenreme remotely a gesture towards their prioritiesly a, like a big bipartisan border deal, which donald trump told our own laura. >> ingram of course, i'm not going to support that. it helps the other guyler ingrn jesse is right that there are a bunch of people for whom immigration is the number one issue but they all identify
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as republicar isn and the latest quinnipiac poll, for instance, has the number one issue for nfe democrats as preserving democracmoy, something that joeo biden talks about a lot and obviously has a great casetd against donald trump. >> talk about americans in the latest gallup poll,americ all americans identify immigration. the latest gn, the brdowan who i'm talking about,ea americans, jessica jesse: , we' red and blue. no, there are some democrats that also care >>e somen. ratiod blue >> yes. but ranking it as the number one issue and saying this election hasefine failed for republicans repeatedly. fail2018 after trump won on immigration. >> i'm about 2018 and 2020 whenm we had these caravans. they right. remember way up there. and that's right. they they because also it was glike tsion that we were havin a mass invasion and people didn't like that kind of language. that doesn't mean that ind of li affecting liberal cities. now, this operation lone star, whicbe,h is what governor abbott has done in terms of shipping migrants is obviously made a oft
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impact but we are not relyingn on the fbi data about migranfbt to say that areas that have fromn the most migrants operation lonestar have lower crime rates. ra have city dat a and that's what nbc news did a big investigation into that and found that be the yes so yes. lincoln riley it's a terrible tragedy, but it doesn't mean, la that these are all bad hombres that are coming across. and he says that there bad womey in the country. what are they here for to work? what are millions of singlare pe military age men from china, from countries where they don't have any kind of documentation, where their hotspots from all around the world? what do you think they're here for? k that they're not chinese, they're not working. >> they're getting debit cards from the mayor of new york, that they're they're taking over hotels in washingtos.n. >> they've taken over a homeless shelter. this this gang of illegal thisnts have come in and completely taken the street over. >> i mean, they're they're wielding a i've seen them. they're dealing drugs. they're getting arrested. it's not jus theyting arrt like in riley. i can give you dozens of examples of people that are
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f s. e 2-yecrime over the past week, you had a two year old who was killed by an illegal immigranar killet, maryland. you had a young woman, 14 years old, by an illegald, in louisiana. the list goes on and on and on. you have illeg people hiding alf this in the community because they're undocumented this. the women who are in these situations, you have no voice when it comeve ns what's happening? back to the visit from yesterday with president joe biden and then former president donald trump. donald trump was meeting presidr with texas dps and the texas national guard who are actually doing somethingdps inhs to stop this from happening to stop these people that joe biden invite from hapd into the country from hurting young women and children in every city across the country. joe biden was meeting with political officials s meo he and border patrol agents who he has given orders to work againsorders tt texas. you just had the standoff in the park where they were allowing people to com the thee in while joe biden stands up and demands more money from the american taxpayer notfrom c to stop dangerous people from coming into their cities, but to processom more of
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that's what he wants and that's what he wants republicans to give him. there's togives also, this probg well, it's a problem, as i seeii ty. terrace jesse touched on it for a second, which is there is thi forthat thes narrative ft that it is racist and incorrect to in any connect or even talk about illegal immigration and crime. well, the problem is that that then by extensionle means that people aren't even allowed to in reporting the leak and riley story mentioned that the man who's accused of killing her wasn thao undocumented because that becomes racist. >> that's when you decide that to denybecausomes rac. u that's when you need to decide how popular you need to be on social media that week. popular i'll say it, the man wase man wa a minority. he was an invasive, illegas a lz who killed an american citizen. and even one's too maneny. and we need to say that.s now, let's just say that.ta let's just take their talking points wheke a n. somebody's missteps and mis diagnosis, somebody's gender, or gets their name wrong. there will be somebody that'll come and be like, this affectsy.
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everyone. this affects the whole community. everyone's affects the w because jesse sad dang to tigres the day after black history month, you know, and we've just stretch it out from there. and i was triggereand thatd, rit so then they would have a wholea campaign teaching everybody in this office s of to not say dang around tigres. so with that mindset, ifound tis was killed by an illegal invader. killed b that they'd come out w and make sure that everyone understood what to look for shoube moree shoul alert on the border and we all should be better because we need to protecneedt. him and his community from apparently a giant phobic murderers. no, they don't. it only works on their side of the street. it only works on simplmurderernk ex that that you can fix. it don't matter. anyone that comes into this countr mattene that coy, we we't people immigrating. we're agains t coming in the wrong way. and if you don't and people who want to saho want y racist e it hasn't hit them yet, wait until somebody hurt your family member. wait. you get robbed and you ask what happene robbed d to a guy?
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well, he's a this that, whatever they need. the president down there. and here's the other side of it. just at this point, just be reas point,l us. you're fine. you got an office. you took office, all every one . the executive orders. you went like that. you open the door, say thisy are is what we want. so we're breaking a few eggs. we're going to figure it outbr e we like this open it's working. our constituents likes it. we'r be not changing anything. you don't like it. republicans. toug not h vote. just be like be li don't go in there and be like, hey, let's talk about climate change. no. >> but first of all, i was talking about the texas wildfires. >> jessii'm thinking first resp, which he was in the local area. >> so that made sensand thine wn they argue, if you look at the argument for the bipartisan borderer. deal, though, that no. yes. you know, one of the things i want want one bill. i want one bill. got one. all right. what do you want now? cool. for- >> i'm not i'm not paying for ukraine. what is your guys? i'm getting harassed. we>> gillian: g ssed. got to go. i got to go. we got to get out of here. but stay with us, because coming up nextnext, isaway, is t a giveaway or a solution to the homeless crisis? you get to decide. democratic congresswoman rashida tlaib as a new plan is to dole out cash homeless
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hearing problems which may be permanenteer photos. now i'm ready to be seen again. visit my two peza .com to find a teddy specialist and to see before and after photos. >> my hero always cowboy. well, it's a squad cash giveaway. michigan congresswoman rashida tlaib proposinway.g, a socialis style pilot program to pay homeless people. it would give 1400 dollars perh month for three years to people under the age of 30 to leave claims the bill, if passed,lp could help end homelessness in america. melessnebut is left-wing fantase already been tried out in a democratic city. washington, dc. a loou can imagine, it was a disaster. a low income mom wasw income gin $10,000 and spent six grand on a luxury trip given. xury tri miami and even san francisco is pulling back on their handouts to city is set
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to pass a law that would force welfare recipients to pass a drug test. so, jesse, haven't west contribute d billions of dollarso th to this homeless issue in taxpayer dollars, whethers the federal or local level already and now they just want to hand out more o f your cash? >> pop quiz.quiz katy, how many homelesse in people in the united states in 1990? i'll answer foe united star it . that number has tripled in 300 r years. we've spent billions and we've triple ond the homeless what's population. so what's happening is we're spending moneyhappenin, create homelessness, and create an industry that profits, ness. homelessness. >> everybody knows it's a drug thing. it's a mental thing. c >> it's the fact that you can't even get arrested for sleeping on the sidewalks anymore. >> if we bring back mental institutionsymor and, we incentivize the tax code to keep families togethe tr andr maybe throw some people in prison so they hit rock bottom. g at so they're not just lounging at loch bottom, but with free
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needles and free r.i. tents and everything else that they want. >> i'm glad you asked me this question, because in my new book, which you cae rein on amazon, get it together like i did yesterday, a homeleson, b thank you, tyrus. let cyrus be an exampl-- thanke all of you out there, and he explains how his family was so dysfunctional. elvis impersonators. he was out on long island. he started with marijuanout inan it led to methamphetamine, and then all of a sudden he's mentally ill gettin by p kicked out of the subway by police at 4 a.m. and he skips out on his drug rehab. >> this is what happens when you become such a permissive society. you'll learn more about that in my boo societk so i read the book and you don't even have a discount code for people. that's good. a that's just unspeakable price to tyrants. it caught my eye about. her proposal the most outside of the money, obviously, is that it's for t people under 30 years old that couldn't b, go to work.he probl
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>> that's the age where you should be. here's the problem with free money. it doesn't matter what? it's free money. and it never works when you give somebody something th. haven'tbodyomething i don't care. it just doesn't work. dopeciallyf you a give i lump sum of money to somebody who's struggling, not dealing thth moneyt dealin their first , they get into the wrong mindset and giving it. no, it's you need the incentiveg is to get ouet outt and. the way to get out is hard times. even if i lifetime welfare recipient is garbage. five yearsage., three years i've always been a big like you need that you will help everybody-- i but it's help. it's not home and this just you. you're your i'm just going to get money. we start in the pandemic thth how many people we new millionaires during the pandemic. and then they were broke when d comingy stoppehey were broke in because they were going on vacations and trips ivacatio. all goes back to one thing we need to re look at our needatioeed to ln system becaust needs to start. then it needs to start. we need to get our parentst our back. we need grandma and grandpa back in the schools. we need we need we to start building from the front. and jesse, your thousand
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percent right? stntal institutionyos, all that stuff. save the free money, put it into a buildinuff.g to, get them help. because every time you give somebody free money,every ti g y never pay it back into. it never goes to what is most l well >> and also it seems like its ta needs to start in the home. and maybe if you get a $10,000 check from the local government, you shouldn' t spend it on a $6,000 trip in miami. maybe you should use that money fo $10,000r a college fund or sg else like that, or six months ts rent, right? totally. and to that point, there: actually a study out of vancouver, something to project,lled tasesica: to which is a charitable organization. they found a group of 115that r homeless people that were thantified by local. you have to be homeless forpl less than two years. so people newer to the system, d they gave each of them 70 $500. and they also had a group and w that got coaching and workshops, but without the money. so everyonorout the, the advicew to get a job, how to dress for success, you know, etc. and the group that got the coaching, the money all spent the money in ways that youthe deemood, o
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appropriate on food, on rent. and then it enderentd actually t they were able to find secure housing and savingion near the organization nearly $1,000 per annum becaus dollarse of th >> so that is the combination and how this can work. sure ras we're sure to leave we'll flesh out the proposal more, but we have seen success in vancouveren succe of giving n quote, free money. but it working to get people back with training. >> but it's i think katie's point there has to be training iss is the most salientg the because it's who you're giving the money to that matteratto tse ,right? peo >> it's young, very young people in this countryple in any old people who are the most vulnerable to becomingho are t e likely to be homeless. >> these are the people who need financial helthese arp, not people who are 18 to 30 years old, who are the likeliest t to be ableas a to find work in this country. so using that as a model to me doesn't make any sense, no matter what district in the country you're in. it definitelistrict hey doesn't incentivize you to work for most of your liftoste.
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all right. coming up, dramatic video of a semi-truck hanging off of a bridge truck h how it ended. >> up next, my cholesterol is borderline. >> i figure i can worry about it or do something about it. garlic helps maintain healthy cholesterol safely and naturally it's odor(♪ and taste free with guaranteed potency. i'm taking charge of my cholesterol with garlic. grace didn't believe in magic, but her daughter was happy to prove her wrong. you were made to dream about it for years. we were made help him because he needed it. >> i know. think we can't afford it. but we need life insurance. the right life can change quickly. that's why selectquote makes easy to get the life insurance coverage you need to protect family for less than a dollar a day. >> selectquote family
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the other hand, i never take two lumps before dinner ruins the appetite they have. >> do you always feel like lecture? can i give you some feedback as a bartender you in it? yeah. welcome back. it's time for the fast first. go t a terrifying scene in in louisville, kentucky. a semi truck hanging off a bridge after crashing into the guardrail looking like it coulguard raild fall into the rr at any moment. brave first responders rescuin bravg the she is safe. the firefighter who performed the incredible rescue firemede g out. >> thank god. that's all she kept saying. thaying,k. tak and i told her, i said, just take a deep breath and then here's what i need you to do , becaus because i need her to assist and, you know, move in certain ways to be able to get s to gets on right.r and once we did that, we got s her free of the seatbelt my ss on my system. so i knew that we wereo good from there.
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we just needed to bring her on out. it was a teaher upm. >> without everybody doing their job, we wouldn't be able to have successful rescu been aa >> and right as we speak, the cab of the semi-truck is literallyt eak, the still da. but again, everyone is safe. yr tyreese i get off at five, i can't pick the truck up to ate least check out this great work. i can't get over last 630, so just hang in. >> hang in there man. to give this is every time you just want to give up and say it's a it's a big world to run like everything is terrible. a hero stands among us andday. comes in and saves the day and he gets a positive dang. . so we turn we took the ugliness dang and we've turned it around because dang, ladies . d gentlemen, that's a hero >> i mean, yeah, we could, we could sit in anyone. yeah, i don't really know what to say. that's like my worst nightmare that i never. knew i had ore han i think all the terrible. >> i do think it would be worse to be hanging there like that if, you know, not be rescued, to actually have your vehicle fall in the
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water. >> oh, what i would i would rather hang definitely whereo ge right and try to get out of the truck if that goes in the water. >>t your so it was a femalewed. driver, is that what i knowhat h i was going to say you're justas out driver just asking because i want to know from the females at the table who driver was feml rescued by, that heroic, strapping young man. >> do you think she hasg feelingsman, d for him now?? >> what did you say you hurt d romantic feelings? questionid i've ever heard of.ef you think if you're dangling in this man as you danglin likes around and he's saving your life, do you think you might develop feelings you l >> i think it's very cool.sica yes. the producers are actually trying to save your jog : b. i've got to move on. w up next, who in their right mind works out of four in the morning? >> this gu the y working at central park and also triceps already burned down. so really focusing a lot of effort on pectoralis major. this is one of the toughest exercises.
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>> simple. he makes it look easy. this good, huh? mark wahlberg showing off, his ripped physique grinding in the gym forberg sho. a.m >> his daily 4 a.m. workout session. in a video posted, he starts his day with a cold plunge, sitting in ae sittin 35 degree d of water and ice. >> i'm very interested ice in cd function. i do try it. you have got it. i'veth>>like done them.d then yep. what's it like? where do you get in bed? it's a not yorri it's like horrible. and then you get used to it. but how long do you sitting there? re?>> k3 minutes. >> that's a 40 degrees or little. what ares. the 3 minutes for that's actually sitting there. >> i mean they do their interviews , right? you know, you do it. what is it good for sure. okay, i might stop tyrus: for everything. it will change your life. it's the difference betweer lin success and failure. you have to do the cold plunge ,even if you have to getf in the water. and a team of guys not afraid to get hit notafraid. you dumped the ice once you get in there, but you have to do it. it's great for your joints. those guys coming to work well, you got to have friends and katie, you got to have. i don't have a team.
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yeah. how do you do it? you got to have a teamteam s. nline, what is their style? you can even buy stuff online. you get special towels, but basically bag ice and some water. you should be fine. >>y it later. adding exercise. all right, weljohn thel done.yo not except if you go 20 minutes. at that degrees, you're going to get frostbite. >> so please you do it at 45 for degrees for three and a half minutes and. >> it couldn't change you on the conservative side. yeahconserva , i find out real quick if she's got a mouth or not, when she hits that cold water, she going to let us knowld wat exacy the issue of five to go now because the truth would be saying if she was in a coma, she doesn't need it she knew the only one in the cold was going, this is fine. >> i know he got stuck right?ex. >> you guys are weak. okay. female brad is up next day whenn
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what is the most fun thingha everyone should have in their backyard? go. can i pass? >> yes. go trampoline. i was going to do trampoline . then i'll say grow. i like that we got a dog. yes, that's a good answer. i agree that your children grow up in question too. what is the funniest wrong.ronur number? call or text you ever received? i can't say it on tvl or tex. ne >> go jets. oh yeah, i think i called my mom and i was supposed to be my wife and it was bad. b >> oh, really bad. i'll stop there. . ah, just i haven't had that that much, but i've had people call . w we had all sequential numbers. call my dad instead of callinger me. ng any. oh, nice. yeah. that keeps happening to me. to people. keep calling to buy land for i don't have any land. >> so therhe willl to buy ve an yeah, i got a missed call fromyr gutfeld and i ended up herus: i so there we go. all right.
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what type of guest are you at a part y? judging by your other answers, i think i know where this is going. typas arei'm the best one. okay. at a party, jesse, you can finoa by the bar, i'm, like, a little annoying, like, elp? only how can i help? can i have? but it's because of my social anxiety. like, i don't want to talk people. you're saying you're annoying at a party, all right. yeah, that's what i'm saying. arg. >> katn >> really i'm the life of the party. of the party. i'm usuall y paying for thefor damages. all right. what? what everyday animal are youthm of a grasshopper? >> squirrel rats, cockroaches.:i co everything else knows notrr to worry. rats and cockroaches. i don't. i don't like. i don't like my catsckhes? tyrus like cats who sit on people's laps. what is the best surprise you gavee ? oh, my god. i'm a puzzle. : my hus my husband lost his wedding band, and i replaced that nice . i gave my parents me. oh, my god. i'm going to suppor you. >> surprised? that was my four children. all right.
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i wonder what tv show pastorst present has the best intro song. >> ooh, wow. oh, my god. i'm bombing out. i'm sorry, jesse, cuz i can't do it. oh, you stole answer. okay, katie, the friends, friends, friendse an. right. three's company. a orwould you rather have rewind button in your life? >> cause i'm going to be one that has rewind. >> must be what sound lulls you to sleep man when that keeps you up. as mulls me to sleep is my kee daughter keeps me up as my daughter keeps me up snorings mu not alone.p, we makes me go to sleep oh, the wind, uh, the sound. i'm adjusted to my d daughter suzanneau has beenchin. asleep. an airplane. awesom e no, the other one ismetion a lot of put you to sleep. rain keeps me up. wife's asking me questions when i pressure. we have done iwe havt.
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the southern border. they are still very much an active wildfire fighting mode and around the world, a possible cease fire deal. dlea >> the middle east only onst fox news channel. >> time now for one more thing. an airplane window battle. is this allowed? if you are not bat really seated next to someone's window on the plane, do have the authority. >> some call it the audacity to knock it down. >> well, this guy went to wary t with probabl ty what looks likee a nine year ol yd and one>> jes jesse watters from time tonight, a very special show. soseme eciaan't we can't give it away. >> but it is special and it's at 8:00. jessic't give it away,a, are yoi a good guess as we speak? nakeink it might be the naked with the mess. >> you said they sent you that extra videthe messt o. >> that has something to do with it. oh, all right. hinga firefighte it.r now.der now. >> okay. one more thing. you go, girl. yo. go o
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>> okay. caitlin clark has officially declared the wnba draft.a draf the iowa basketball start. announced her fourth season with the hawkeyes will be her last, even though she has another year of willy. lither four her career has been chock fullrr of accomplishments from winnin g all five national player of the year awards last year to nowal being only 18 points from passing. pistol pete maravich is ncaabetm fore s scoring record for both men and women before sayinn andg goodbye to the hawkeyes at the end of the season, she hopes to help lead her team to the championshipp awkeyes she hope. you go, girl. you go, girl. yeah. all righitle rl.t tyrus what it is.. >> all right. ever wonder how the u.s. navus: its aircraft lot system? i do all the time. ft lock they massive £80,000 baf a catapults on a super carrier's an ow at speeds topping 150 mils per hour. tofore they saw in the aird and splashed into a river. that looks like a good time right, skip? say it's like a city that's getting its eye skipping a triple skip. and if you want to, speaking a
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of ski tp, you can just skipt that and come check out my nuff said comedy tourthat and. or be sure to pick up a copy of my new book. so there's a bunch of dates. cae ymen you pronounce some of thoso cities and states? >> yeah, i will print out some during your time. >> aill pron you. i warned you. we will. our friendship is done. it's done. okay, got this. illinois. we were always. it was there.linois illinois. illinois ieally? corrected me ol tv. the only reason why is because.? ed for i know that the world still has a need for water. i'll takere you when it's over. when it's up, i'm coming for you. like deathit on winner. >> all right, so we'rer a family. it's got my name right today. it had to tryou.y really>> l ha but he did practice. okay, so take a look at this. it's safe to say this missourima trooper does not miss flag day. he's single handedlye troope mod the table out of the roadway and maybe tires. and an have few tears. >> maybe that was for the hail the hay bale is attended to way7 between 1217 hundred pounds, which is insan h
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e that's almost a ton. >> and he did all by himself. so look at that. that you go, boy. don't know. that's a grown man., boyou go bright you go grown, m? >> i don't thinkou've go they're supposed to be that big . never seen the hay bale that big that's taller than i, man. ve neverthat big they get here out there, maybe the brassica big bam, missouri. look at this. this fabulous, bigger australianmi at thisous, big. he was caught red handed, devouring all of his owners groceriered hands. oh, no >> oh, the owner is jack. he came back and realized he c dog had eaten ann entire rotisserie chicken while he was gone. gettin the dog eaten ag bag of t there. there he is, the dog. he looking very guiltyheba grocn you can't put a bag of groceries next to that. you can't put a chicken next to youofext to tnextr dog chick. he's just so cute looking i will finicd ouken t he probaba really healthy. he probably got sick, man, prob'sblrelaxed. ♪


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