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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  March 3, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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mcconnell who should replace them and we will talk about the debt because the interest on the debt the next few months will be larger than the entire defense budget and this is where the country is heading. a public service announcement. the reprobate of msnbc, cnn an and -- this is called the constitution of the united states. mike grabbed a copy of the declaration of a dependent. constitution is 444 words long so you should be able to read it. stop reading your talking points from the white house and educate yourself. you are humiliating yourselves. i'll see you next time my night on life, liberty and levin. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ o, say can you see by the dawn's early light -- ♪ what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous figh- ♪ or the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming. ♪ and the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air -- ♪ gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. ♪ o, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave --
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♪ o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave ♪ pete: love that last shot right there. rachel: that's so is pretty. pete: by the way, so we play the national anthem every morning. come on in, welcome to "fox & friends," it's warm in the studio. rachel: i like it today. [laughter] pete: i don't. will: i'm not. [laughter] pete: let's just get it going right now. holy cow, it's warm in here. we'll turn the temperature down a little bit. we just played the anthem, we love it, every saturday and sunday. guess what today is though? it's national anthem day. rachel: it is. pete: yes with. so watch other programs on other networks to see if they play the national anthem day. rachel: is national anthem day
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national pete day too? pete: no. rachel: pete loves the anthem -- pete: i do. rachel: he brought the national anthem back to the show. no p or i'm just going to say it, pete hegseth lobbied to make sure it came back, and so that's why i said that. will: yeah. it's your favorite song. pete: it's one of them, yes. [laughter] i mean, who doesn't love it? will: i mean, or yeah. pete: it's one of your favorite- will: i prefer if jesus loves the little children. pete: oh, really? if that's a good one. will: just trying to one-up you somehow. rachel: pete is the national anthem and hit me, baby, one more time. will: britney spears, francis scott key. who would you put number one? britney or -- pete: francis scott key. thank you. [laughter] so hot in here. rachel: or it's -- will: it really is hot. i don't usually bust out in a sweat -- pete: so you sweat in different places. i sweat right on my forehead,
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right here. will: all right. pete: let's get a fan. she's got a heater -- rachel: i don't have a heater -- will: do you remember that scene many jerry maguire, just when you think it's going wrong, i think we're getting somewhere? do you know what i'm talking about, they're in the bathroom? rachel: i just remember -- will: that's how i feel about the show. just when everybody else thinks it's going wrong, that's when i think we're -- pete: finally getting somewhere. [laughter] will: voters from 15 states are getting ready to hit the policy on super tuesday with a total of 874 delegates up for grabs. rachel: and former president donald trump securing ten times more delegates in primary races so far, that's a lot. pete: madeleine rivera joins us from washington with more. good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning. former president trump is heading into super tuesday with a fresh round of momentum. he swept the michigan gop convention and the missouri and idaho gop caucuses saturday.
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here's trump touting the his performance during a rally in georgia. -- in virginia. >> today it looks like we're winning close to 100% of both missouri -- [cheers and applause] and michigan, adding on to the last total. last tuesday michigan total was a record, but now we're add a adding -- adding on the rest. >> trump now has 10 times as many delegates as nikki haley. the latest tally at 224 for trump and 24 for haley. the former south carolina governor is still looking for her first win, but she's defending her primary performance. take michigan, for example, where she says she only campaigned for two days and yet received 30% of the vote. signaling trouble for trump in the general election. >> you can't threaten people. you can't push them out. because that is not a winning combination to win. and if you look at the early
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states, he may have won them, yes, but he didn't get 40% of the vote. that's no small number. >> reporter: haley's next chance to win delegates and perhaps her best opportunity to win any contest is right here in d.c. where the gop caucus is being held today. then there's a gop caucus in north dakota monday night, and then after that a we've got super tuesday where voters in at least 15 statement ises will head to the polls. more than a third of gop if delegates are up for grabs and most of the states award them by winner take all meaning the candidate who gets the majority of the vote is gets all the delegates making haley's path to the republican nomination much tighter. willing rachel and pete. pete: so it does look like nikki haley might win a state or a district. fittingly, the district of columbia. that's the one, if republican rally, or -- is it an open primary in d.c.? interesting. rachel: i don't know. pete: so there's one tomorrow. keep your eye on that one.
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rachel: there's a really interesting op-ed by michael goodwin in "the new york post" if today where he basically goes through -- so is her reaction after losing so badly is she's blaming republican voters. she's saying, what, you don't care about free markets mihm? she's angry. she's obviously running for, as he says, a party that no longer exists, one in her mind. and also she starts blaming the press. you know the things are starting to spiral when someone like nikki haley starts getting mad at the press who's been pretty favorable to her and her anger at the press is you guys are making it all about trump. that's why i'm not winning. and then also blaming the republican voters for not being sufficiently republican in her eyes of -- eyes. so it's very interesting. will: super tuesday it will all, in effect, it'll all but over. we're going to go off the wall in ate -- in a little bit and talk about super tuesday.
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it won't put trump over the top with the 1215 delegate, but it's going to put him suturer e close. your attention begins to move, appropriately, to the general election. and this right here would suggest those stories are about to get big. this is a poll from "the new york times". this shows a trump-biden head to head matchup, and, you know, i think we get kind of, like, slammed by polls, so row just kind of lose track. this is "the new york times," and that's a 5-point win for donald trump, and that's huge. let me just tell you this. right now, if you scroll through x, if you look at the way journal withists are talking, this is -- journalists are talking, this is massive bad news for biden. and the reason i say the democratic side of the ticket is if that's the way they think and talk, start the clock. start the clock for gretchen whitmer, for gavin newsom. you can't run him out. they won't run him out to lose. pete: we'll see. i thought you were saying it the
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other way, they can't run him out. they haven't been able to run him out yet, meaning run him out of the race. will: i'm talking about running joe out. pete: i understand that. they haven't been successful yet. but this headline in "the new york times," i think to your point, is meant to do that or at least the willingness to publishit. rachel: but how do you do that? i mean p clearly, biden wants in there, they have had all a these problems with hunter and jim coming out. joe biden doesn't want to leave. and so, yeah, they have better options, but the question is, it's gone this far and -- will: they've got a team of experts out there trying to figure it out -- pete: but they like being back there. so there's that part too. the freak ifout is -- freakout when you watch other networks, you add this poll to the delay in court proceedings, and they're freaking out. the court proceedings were supposed to take out trump, and these polls aren't supposed to look this way which means you may start to get movement, but with it hasn't happened yet. rachel: ray and that's why you
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start to see rachel maddow on msnbc saying, you know, if those court proceedings happen after trump is elected, he'll never leave office, you know, this has been her new thing. hale be a dictator for life because he knows if he -- pete: that absolutely is what they're saying. rachel: it sounds like a crazy thing i'm saying. it's literally i'm quoting them. will: this is to illustrate how bad it is for joe biden but good for donald trump, look at hispanic voters. rachel: yeah. will: this is the stunning. head to head matchup with haley -- [laughter] pete: head to head with superman,we want. will: look at this. this is hispanic voters, 46-40. if what was it, rachel, do you remember what it was in 2020? if it was way, way, way different. rachel: yeah. listen, i remember -- will: 66 to, like, 23 or something like that in 2020? rachel: i think he was in, i think he went over 25%,s a
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little over 25 -- pete: you're talking about trump. rachel: yeah. will: according to this poll, he's over 20% among black voters. good night. good night, joe. rachel: yeah, agree. what's interesting, think about the consultants. pete, you remember it wasn't long ago consultants were saying you can't talk about the border, you'll lose the hispanic vote forever. pete: sure. rachel: you know what? it's not even about the national security and the chaos and even the crime in those border states that have increased and upticked because of the open border. if you are in the working class, if you put on boots to go to work or a name tag to go to work, you intuitively understand that every person coming over the border is competing for your job. and they're going to drive your wages down. and the elites who came up with this policy just don't care about you. and i think that's really what's driving it. this is a working class revolt, and the hispanics just happen to be a big part of the working
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class american population. pete: it's a huge shift, and either they're going to, i meaning either they plow ahead with their guy or make a change soon. we'll see. speaking of people who wear boots for a living, we had a chance to see dueling vicinities to the border last week with joe biden and donald trump, both of which meant with -- i think they both met with border patrol and texas dps -- rachel: yes, they did. pete: maybe joe didn't. rachel: i think he met at least with the border patrol. pete: okay. at least with the border patrol. and the border patrol union, brandon judd and others tweeted beforehand don't use our name e when your talking. basically saying everything you're doing is putting our agentses at risk. rachel: they actually said e the same quote that will smith used, keep your name out of -- pete: keep our name out of your mouth. rachel: yeah. pete: you can imagine the amount of frustration if you're the border patrol union and your men and women are not allowed to do their job, the border's falling apart, your job is to keep the
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border together. joe comes for a dog and pony show to a place that's already secure or doesn't have a problem, you're pretty ticked off. here's what the border patrol union posted on x, on twitter, toward the commander -- commander in chief, their boss. and, again, or this is the union speaking on behalf of members saying this is joe's day aboard -- board air force one, take name wake up in place called brownsville, read large teleprompter or message, it's all trump's fault. board air force one, ask who people in gene -- green uniforms. express horror. take nap. wake up, call lilled, hit beach, take nap. will: the strap thing, that's whipping. rachel: you talk about the hispanic vote, that is a majority hispanic force, the border patrol. and they're so proud of the fact that they or you know, secure our border and they take care of
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their own families, you know, by securing that border because they live on the border. so that's another, that's another misunderstanding by the left. hispanics love the border patrol. they are the majority of the force of the border patrol. will: i forgot about that strap thing thing for a minute. that's just horrific. pete: yeah. by the way, they investigated it, they found there was no -- rachel: no apology. will: defamed them. pete: correct. rachel: no apology. pete: imagine the anger of border patrol union when he comes down there -- rachel: well,, they want to secure the border, and they're changing diapers and doing social work instead of doing the job. meanwhile, president trump rips into joe biden about the border. listen. >> among my if very first actions upon taking office will be quite simply to seal the border and stop the invasion of our country. [cheers and applause] two days ago i was with governor greg abbott at the texas border. he's doing a really good job
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with to witness the total devastation that crooked joe biden and his stupid policy of open borders, who would do this? who would do this? if no no country would do this. let there be no doubt, this is joe biden's invasion. this is the joe biden's destruction of our country. if you take the ten worst presidents in history and add 'em up and put 'em together, nobody has done the destruction to our country as this incompetent president that we have right now. pete: that's the case. will: what'd he say, take the ten worst and add them up? if. pete: no one comes close. rachel: ten jimmy carters are not as bad -- will: i don't think jimmy makes it. i did do this on the -- pete: he doesn't make the top ten? if. will: jimmy doesn't give the top
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five. you have to give credit to those who destroyed the vision of america. i'll just give you the -- pete: it's not an incompetence list. >> obama made the top five. rachel: oh, i like that list. [laughter] will: two is -- i'll tell you who one and two is. one is woodrow wilson. rachel: 100%. will: but two, he's got this place in people's minds -- pete: fdr. will: it's fd can r. i'm telling you, one of the worst presidents in american history. rachel: totally. but with the best pr machine. same with obama. at least give us the top five. will: i think that was two, lbj, four -- rachel: agree with that too. will: four, oh, you gotta go back to -- i think buchanan. not buchanan, right before the civil war, guys that doesn't do anything to keep us out -- pete: and then obama? rachel: i don't have of a lot of
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beef with buchanan. but obama -- pete: i see what you're saying. will: biden will make it, by the way. i think if this connells. i'm not trying to be partisanful i've already said that biden is -- can i did say biden is the worst president in my lifetime previously, but then i put obama ahead of him. if you give biden time, this will be -- i do think president trump is on to something there. if he continues, the level of incompetence combined with ideological destruction -- rachel: well, if you're also just talking about big mistakes, george bush should be up there because the iraq war. was he on your list? will: he was discussed. rachel: because you're from texas -- will: it's just hard -- [laughter] a ah e ray just saying. will: patriot act. rachel: totally. 100%. all right. we're going to have to do a podcast on this. pete: you already did. rachel: we just did. all right, chaos in times square yesterday as anti-israeli protesters block new york city
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police from responding to a call about a grenade found in the back of an uber. will: ashley strohmier has the details this morning. >> reporter: good morning. after dropping off a passenger at 42nd and seventh avenue in times square, the uber driver looked in his backseat to find what turned out to be an inert grenade. listen to this. >> reporter: when the nypd tried to respond, they were blocked by anti-israel protesters. you can see in police video a mob of protesters surrounding a police car. they were eventually able to push them back and block off vehicles and pedestrian if traffic on 42nd between sixth and seventh avenues. the nypd said upon arrival, they requested emergency service units along with a bomb squad to
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respond. a grenade device was found to be inert. the incident was closed at 17:29, no injury withs. as for the protesters marching up to times square for the millions march for palestine that blocked the nypd, they were arrested. the deputy commissioner saying those protesters will be spending time this jail. back to you. pete: thank you, ashley. we're going to turn now to a few additional headlines starting with this, arizona police are looking for two people who they say could be involved in an assault and abduction near a gar phoenix. a woman running toward a convenience store before a man got out of the suv, dragged her back in. police say they know nothing about the two, and they're asking the public for help. that's not good. and to a developing story, three passengers are suing alaska airlines and boeing after a door plug from a flight to
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portland, oregon, flew if off on their flight if in january. the trio claims both companies ignored warning signs and that the flight should have never taken off. they're looking for $1 billion. that that seems a little high. rachel: it does. pete: how many people on that flight were, like, now's my time to cash in? ly tirnls --ly sixer nature of the way we live now. they'll probably get something, that's the sad part. all right, australia's rugby team kicking off its season last night on fs1 as a part of a doubleheader. the manly sea eagles and sydney roosters, are they manly? are they manly because we say they're manly or is that part of their name? i don't know. securing victories in front of more than 40,000 fans. the two games are part of a 5-year deal bringing teams to las vegas, and those are your headlines.
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rachel: so i am predicting a big rugby comeback not just with because of what happened yesterday on the show, or we had that rugby team, but it is a very manly sport. i don't know if you guys saw, but ever since -- this is the a report or actually on my twitter account, ever since taylor swift has been with kelce travis or travis -- pete: kelce travis -- [laughter] rachel: stop. they say young gen-z women are now more attracted to masculine men and the trend sort of like that timothy call may girlty thing -- pete: do you have a study on this? rachel: well, the daily mail does. i thought it was interesting. will: the race to contain the largest wildfire in history continues this morning, how the weather is making it tougher.
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thanks for being here. >> good morning, thank you for having me. pete: what do you make of this report? is there a ceasefire on the horizon? >> there's not going to be a ceasefire that leaves the hostages in gaza or hamas in power, but we do want to see a temporary pause in the fighting to get those poor hostages out. we're talking about 13 if 4 people -- 134 people who have been drop thed in the a hamas if terror dun januaries for 149 days now -- dungeons. it's too late for 33 of them, they've already been killed in captivity. we want to see a pause in the fighting to get those poor hostages back to their families. pete: how many of those hostages would you get for that pause, and what kind of a pause are you talking about? >> i can't confirm any details. obviously, we want to get all of the hostages out and are doing everything we can. that is why israel is continuing to place unrelenting military pressure on hamas to release the hostages. that's how we got the last 105 hostages out during the temporary pause in november, and
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we want another pause to get all the others out too. pete: how is the military operation going for viewers here that sort of see snippets, they also watch the hair on fire criticism of the left and the international community, but from israel's perspective as far as eradicating hamas, how is it going? >> people said there was no military solution, or and the military campaign has been exceeding expectations. hamas started this war with 24 battalions and, essentially, only last 4 in rafah are still standing. we've managed to shatter hamas' military formationses, destroy its missile production capability. in tel aviv we haven't heard a rocket siren in two months already. we're continuing to move in on the hamas terror army to bring it to justice for 10/7. more importantly, to make sure that it can never perpetrate those atrocities again and again as it is threatening to do. pete: how do you feel about aid being dropped by the u.s.? is there any -- when you drop it that way, is there any way to control whether it goes to the civilian population or whether
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hamas tax it and leverages it? >> well, this is a way to try to get aid to civilians and make sure maas can't -- hamas can't steal the it. the question is how do you get aid to civilians who need it while making sure hamas can't steal it. and to date, hamas has been stealing aid, and the united nations has been covering it up. so the air a drops are one way that we are looking to getting aid straight to civilians who need it while making sure that the terror organization that started this war, that has brought ruin to the people of gaza by starting the 10 is/7 atrocities and triggering this war, that the people can get the aid and the terrorists can't get their hands on it. pete: is the u.s. putting too much pressure on at this point from the if outside? is there a sense in israel that from the prime minister on down you can't conduct the war you want to? >> no. president biden said right at the beginning of this war that if the 10/7 atrotsties had happened to the united states -- atrocities -- its response would be swift, decisive and overwhelming. and that's e what we've done.
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we've had full moral, military, diplomatic support not only from the administration, most importantly, from the american people as a well. the big harvard-harris poll this week showing 82% of americans support israel over hamas. we have a problem with the universities on the campuses, as you'll be aware of, but we know that the american people stand the firmly behind israel as we fight to bring those poor hostages home -- pete: well,ing you're certainly right about the american people. i know you can't say it about the white house, but hopefully they stay strong. we'll see if they do. eylon, thank you very much. >> thank you, pete. pete: all right. it's been four years sin oregon lawmakers decriminalize toed drugs, and now lawmakers are reversing course. a state senator push common sense legislation with us next. and the washington post warning bind he will lose if he doesn't address the border crisis. a former i.c.e. agent and congressional candidate says it's time for action, no more rhetoric. he joins us next.
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will: to a fox wildfire alert, high winds posing a problem for f/x if firefighters who continue to battle the largest wildfire in the state's history. officials now say the fire has been 15% contained. two people are dead, as many as 500 buildings have been destroyed. let's turn to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth. rick: seven days into this fire now, you might be in parts of the plains wondering if you're seeing some smoke. here's the wind direction generally, but we are seeing some smoke move in across parts of the central plains, could have some impacts if you have problems, you know, respiratory issues. we talk about wildfires generally, i think we often think of those as forest fires with big trees, maybe pine trees and such out west. this is a grassland fire, and this is pretty typical of when it does happen, in the winter and spring when that vegetation is more dry. want to show you kind of the
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difference here. this is what we're seeing across texas, just very high grassland. these are areas of the high plains, really strong winds there. this is a forest fire that we'll see more in the summertime. just people thinking, hey, what is the vegetation across this area of texas. here's where the fires are today, really low relative humidity. winds maybe up to 50 miles an hour. a little bit stronger today than we saw yesterday, and right here is where we've got this smokehouse creek fire, and it's right in the middle of this critical fair threat. this is going to be hard for the firefighters to do much with it today. things do improve a little bit tomorrow, maybe to get some of the combating of the air forces tomorrow. if rachel or, over to you. rachel: thank you so much, rick. and will. with the state of the union just days away, "the washington post" editorial board is issuing a dire warning to president biden urging him to address the border crisis head on both in his speech and in policy writing,
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quote: mr. biden will lose re-election if he doesn't address the southern border. he needs to convey that he understands that many see the millions of border crossings as a breakdown in one of the federal government's correspondents and outline how he will use executive authorities to stop it if congress won't. victor avila is a retired i.c.e. agent running for congress in texas, and he joins us to discuss. victor, thank you for joining us this morning. that washington post thing is -- i'm scratching my head a little bit because their advice is you need to talk about the border in your tate of the union address -- state of the union address because congress won't close the border when they admit that he ve reversed the trump era executive order. what can a president biden at the state of the union say when he's the one who reversed the order and still has the power to enact those policies and just won't even after visiting brownsville? >> and that's the issue, rachel, that we all know that he has the
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authority to do it because the one who actually undid it. and the american people are no longer buying this. they want the president, and he has the, at this point, he must address this critical issue, and that's border security, illegal immigration. it's not just the conservative people in the country. believe it -- it's the democrats that are asking for answers. rachel: but what can he say, victor? what can he say? he made it happen. so he's at the state of the union, what can he possibly say? >> well, this is the part where you have to have integrity. i don't know if it exists in the white house, but you have to say what the reality is at the border that we have been talking about for years that they have been ignoring. if they want to have a shot at this election, they're going to have to do it, and i think that's really the cause. they know that they're losing this election based on this number one issue in the country, and they'd better address it.
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rachel: all right. i want wrote you to see this poll. it says if the 2024 election were held today, who would you vote for? these are the hispanic numbers, victor. donald trump, 46%. joe biden, 40%. i don't know, 14%. this has to be very troubling for the democrats. i know the border is a big issue. what are the other issues turning hispanics who are traditionally democrat against the democrat party? >> well, i can tell you in my ticket that's if predominantly hispanic is the economy. of course, border security's top of mind, but it's the economy, it's public safety, it's national security. i mean, these are common sense issues that people are requesting that they feel abandoned, that they haven't gotten in the last three years, and they're desperate for representation that their government be present and if address their issues. there's some rural health care issues in my district as well which in 2024, or believe it or not, we're still having to deal
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with that. but really, really what people what it comes down to, they want to be safe in their own neighborhood. rachel: yeah. fair enough. victor, you are running in the primary on tuesday against tony gonzalez, republican, in your texas district. why are you running against tony? >> well, or i'll tell you, we need to restore accountability. i'm going to bring back integrity to the important position. but most of all, like i said before, people are wanting their representative to be present. tony if gonzalez has abandoned this destruct and has betrayed us because of his votes in congress. we're talking about votes for -- [inaudible] in the military, killing border security bills, voting for january 6th committee. this is not what he said, his own words, that he said he was going to bring conservative values to his district. and the people are going to hold him accountable. that's why we have this primary system. i'm going to bring my boots on the ground experience as a federal agent, as a subject mattering ebert in human
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trafficking investigations and especially any experience as a tip lo mat in mexico -- diplomat in mexico and europe. i'm going to join the new administration to bring solutions for the border. rachel: yep. you're a former i.c.e. agent, is that correct? >> former hsi, i.c.e. agent, yes. rachel: all right, victor. good luck on tuesday. we'll be watching that race and the hispanic vote in texas and across the country which is really, these numbers are as someone with used to say huge. so thank you, victor. appreciate it. [laughter] >> thank you, rachel. rachel: okay. another norfolk southern train derails spilling fuel, this time it's in pennsylvania. what we know about that investigation. we'll get you updated on that. plus, a failed experiment. oregon rethinks drug decriminalization after a surge of fentanyl deaths. a state senator says this is a turning point for the dangerous movement. he joins us next. subway. just buy any footlong in the app
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will: oregon lawmakers walking back their controversial drug leniency policy voting to recriminallize certain drugs after overdose delawares skyrocketed in the state. our next guest says the shocking policy never should have happened and made oregon look like a national dumpster fire. let's bring in senate minority leader, republican tim knot. thanks for being with us this morning. would you help us just
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understand what oregon did there? you know, in decriminalizing small amounts of -- what is it, tim, all a drugs right now? what led us to the point we are? >> yeah, pretty much. so what happened was the voters of oregon were sold a bill of goods through a initiative that was on the ballot, and it legalized -- essentially, legalized, decriminalized all hard drugs, so fentanyl if, heroin, cocaine, what have you, meth am pet mean. -- met amphetamine. so what happened was instead of treatment that the voters or thought they were going to get for their family and friends who were on drugs and and addicted, i think ended up getting unbride withinged drug use, drug sales all over our major cities across oregon. and it turned into a exponential
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increase in overdose deaths, and it's now about four oregonians a day are buying because of overdoses. so the legislature friday reversed that policy and voted to recriminallize drugs and end oregon's experiment with decriminalization of drugs. will: let's stay on the experiment for just a moment. we've seen the stats on the rise in overdose deaths. i'm just curious, from a quality of life perspective, at the point at which you decriminalize all these hard drugs -- and we should point out, that's different than legalization. it's not as though you had, you know, dispensaries pop up overnight. you're not prosecuted for certain amount of anything though, heroin, crack, whatever. so what happened to the streets of, say, portland once this law went into effect? >> well, what we had is more
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crime, open drug use, open drug sales and, i mean, you just -- you see people pretty much everywhere on drugs, and they were literally dying before our eyes on the streets of portland and eugene and salem and major cities cross oregon. it's been horrific. elle will and real quick, now the attempt is, as you point out, to rewind this, recriminallize these drugs. what does that prospect look like now in rewinding this position? >> well, the great news is oregonians, i think, won on friday with the state senate who voted by 21-8 to recriminallize hard drugs. the house had already voted on it, strong bipartisan votes in both chambers, and now it's going to the governor, and i'd urge her to sign it as soon as she possibly can.
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will: thanks for being with us on "fox & friends." best of luck. >> thank you. will: all right -- there she is. rachel: i'm here. thanks, will. we're going to turn now to your headlines. the national transportation safety board is investigating a norfolk southern train that derailed in eastern pennsylvania yesterday. multiple train cars rolling down into the river spilling diesel fuel and mast ific pell if its. the n tsb says there have been no reported injuries or leaks of hazardous materials as clean-up efforts are continuing. queen camilla now taking a step back from royal duties after filling in for king charles following his cancer diagnosis. she's expected to be spending more time with king charles during her break. his sibling, princess anne and prince edward, will be filling in for the time being. queen camilla will return on march 11th where she is expected to make an appearance at westminster abbey. fox weather meteorologist
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ian oliver taking an icy plunge into a minnesota lake to help raise money for a great cause, the special olympics. >> reporter: nobody told me, it's still really cold. like i said is, i can't feel my feet, most of my body at this point. [laughter] rachel: all part of fox weather's freeze in for a reason event which looks to raise $5 million. so proud that fox weather is doing that. and we love everyone at fox weather, so great job. those are your headlines. bringing if heat -- bringing the heat, the hot sauce industry is booming as more americans embrace healthy eating. we're going to talk to a company about how they're spicing up the market. ♪ ♪ simply irresistible ♪ ( bell ringing)
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customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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pete: as more americans embrace health and nutrition, hot cause companies are seeing a massive boom. the industry projected to grow over -- by over 2 billion by 2030. rachel: hot sauce company ed lock which started as a pandemic
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hobby -- a lot of those businesses out there -- it's now a booming business. will: darren thompkins is the creator and finder, and he joins us along with his wife and chief operating officer, stephanie hill. first, before we get to it -- by the way, we have your hot causes on the table, pandemic business. tell me about this. i'm really fascinated by it. start this business, how is it going? if. >> yeah, man, it's -- it was just a hobby, kind of making it, and i had some beer make being equipment that i wasn't drinking anymore. started making it at home, started giving it away to our friends and family. people said, hey, if you bottle this, we'll buy it. the web site was available, we wanted a cool, loud hematic which is an '80s pro wrestling, and everything clicked. now as we stated, stephanie, my wife with, is the numbers person. she can tell us business is way up, especially for, like you said is, pandemic hobbies that are turning into full-time
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careers. rachel: steph nicker i'm seeing a lot of carrots. that's a big part of this. i would have never thought carrots would be part of this. >> yeah, we -- carrots is have a nice if natural sugar, and it's very healthy, you know? we love our whole vegetables. in our sauce, this plant-based craze is great can. it's healthy. everybody seems to love it. pete: so, i mean, the reason there's this craze for hot sauce with healthy food is that healthy food doesn't taste good, right? if. [laughter] that's why you add your hot sauce. >> yeah. pete: nobody likes healthy food. rachel: it's really good. >> you're tasting it, they're not, like, super hot. they're meant to complement food rather than overpower. rachel: yeah. pete: they're good. will: darren, my guess was in order of heat, we have jalapeno lime, then your signature blend,
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habanero, the hottest. did i get it right? >> that's right. mostly -- [inaudible] hammer lock. of course, pro wrestling, the sue plex or there's only six degrees to the bottle because, like you said, the natural sugar kind of smooths the flavor out. pete: it's really good. rachel: i'm loving this jalapeno. it's really good. pete: well done. and veteran-owned and houston, texas, will. >> right. and fitness is a big part of it, that's part of our pose as an ex-all-american wrestlerring we're interviewing one of your own this week on our podcast and really excited. will: all right, we've got to run, but for more info, go to head lock had the thank you, darren and stephanie if. more "fox & friends" -- >> thank you, have a good day. there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early.
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