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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  March 3, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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they there is super welcome to three -year-old baby rhino and saturday the and a half done white rhinoceros you are, is there was first female rhino, indoor will spend most were next few weeks interpersonal enclosure adapting to the new environment disciplines to have a second e-mail rhino, join her. and that is how fox reports, this sunday the third of march of 2024, john scott you for joining us this evening and we will see you next week, the big weekend show is next. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> hello everyone i'm charlie and michele and carly and julie jones, welcome to the big weekend show big story tonight, is the countdown is on december tuesday, in today's the voters went to the polls, and 15 states that a brand-new "fox news" paul, gives one the president truck, the edge of her president biden and hypothetical matchup and more and more republican say that it is time for nikki la, to drop out. >> when you think that she is actually being realistic and what she try to get on here, she is not what is that yes. >> is when be over budget tonight with super tuesday ballots come in. because there is no after victory for nikki haley. >> "fox news" special correspondent bill motion is in maine haley is campaigning tonight bill. >> really "fox news" paul, his shows potential trouble on the horizon joe biden venting look on the poll shows nikki haley beating him a point in
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head-to-head match up at also shows donald trump meeting him by two points in head-to-head match up and though that is within the margin of error which was to have points i think a lot of this money of nikki had a inversely in burlington vermont earlier today and she said is the polls show, she is the gop's best chance at beating joe biden to head-to-head match up in november injury is pretty recent endorsement from alaska senator lisa murkowski in maine senator susan collins some of his as i want to stay yet and she knows she has to deliver on super tuesday as of now, she's not committing to supporting the gop nominees listen. >> living will make would decision to make that is something that i'm thinking about. >> as for former president donald trump, the campaign last night in richmond virginia and is been sweeping this primary when he every state racking up analogous, and is urging his voters do not get complacently was a knockout blow is highly on tuesday night and he said, he has been mixing up in kelly's name nancy pelosi name, on
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purpose and take a listen. trump: i purposely makes up by getting like, birdbrain you know you know who that is nikki, with nancy pelosi and weatherman because were interchangeable and my mind and except, will have to say, i have to say will should not say this about the semi republican but i think pelosi is probably a little bit smarter actually sweetheart as upsetting i come here's what we stand of the delegate count, donald trump has tuner 44 delegates a nikki haley has just 24 any just over 1200 come to secure the nomination and 874 will be up for grabs on super tuesday, back to you. >> thank you will beginning the trying to burn it all down what appears to be the last days of her campaign told reporters during a campaign event on friday, the get by republicans are leaving the republican party
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because we were just of always about small government, and freedom and economic freedom, personal freedom and you do not see academic freedom, going from a republican self and she went on to say, i think that the republican party is better than this and i think we can do more than this and tonight new york post off ed so the attack on conservatives exposes were devised already in part, that she does not persuade enough of them, so she is blaming them for not being the right kind of republicans. she's out of step with the party and she wants to lead. could've set a better itself you know, you do seem like she's getting began is getting more started here and, maybe more desperate. that is it an effective strategy, to go after the voters that you're attacking and whenever. >> will no edits actually full numbers have declined in terms
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of favorability and she house, sent up the attacks not on don't the person with voters, that i've never understood why the mainstream media never troopers in the heart of some of the soft the public is a nikki had a, why the investment function of the time they've spent over donald trump learning his ways invited all of these people's of millions of the buffer troublesome and even more about this on what is ear housing barreling into some of the core constituencies of that impressed she also say things that are not true republicans are leaving the party actually were expanding it in the new york times poll this weekend, is remarkable showing the donald trump had about 5 percent of african-american voters, in 2020 the new york times: these daylight 23 percent, that is lights out for joe biden is out that if he can get percent among his hispanic males, it is over any can get more young people and more women than the data 70 does not need a majority of any of them and so was she is saying is not even true think that is
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because people resume the nikki headache been a unifier i consensus builder, maybe somebody who can reach into independence, who would've been democrats, but it also shows you that a lot of people she's relied upon for her anemic margins and are consecutive losses will continue to say, it just relying on the democrats is relying on people to participate because it only trump. in the last thing i'll say is you're seeing this in effect the tragedy oh back to doing what she did before which is sitting on corporate boards and making overly paid speeches. we been listening to her for free at out and nobody's going and i don't know who give her milli- dollars with a well. charlie: do you think that she is doing well election general election damage. >> yes all of the ads anything these never trump personally, she is providing on the daily heard about his ads nikki headache and i don't understand something about were for smaller government and economic freedom, the text of the job sector month
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espoused by all of the republicans in the house president donald trump, and blog by donald trump your darkness many during covid-19 any of the natural etc., and also i think that about nikki events of this before, with her now under like the fantasy of nikki come the actual nikki is fine as procreation renter like people just don't like trump and corporate guys were jealous of him because as i come the world and he make it of all of us feel beale in years, you're getting is on the front because easily ran as a connection with people who are billionaires but i will say this about her she somehow believes that she is sort of a close second and she's actually the only one left is so if it were desantis or chris christie but it would probably be the same margin these are not prone nikki voters c1 will katie in the near post it on the colonists went on to say, like haley year olds for the days when the gop was just so united chemical with losing and for
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trump, his ups no longer comfortable with losing i think that's probably true. katie: i think trump's taking a lot of positions that americans are thought about for a long time and wish that politicians and representatives would actually come out and say is why america versus been so successful the truth is the bottom line is the donald trump will be the republican nominee is going anywhere that is very professional campaign that he can meet joe biden november and yes people working in washington dc in america first policy institute for example you are ready to be plugged into the federal government should he went the willing to do the work and deliver the promises that he is making in this their campaign. he's more popular than ever as of the republican party. never underestimate the power of unfinished business is a campaign of unfinished business. eddie's been running away without is going to run with it on super tuesday nothing is going to change the letter felt much of the voters are shamed. charlie: as of the important thing here in the issues of this
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fox news pool they also went on to say that pretty favors of the people say control policies help them comparative 32 percent he said, they did not have them is winning the issues. the issues have never been a problem and personalities a problem for some people and things like wedo we responded to losing the election is a huge problem for some people heard those are the only problems he has though is policies the results of never been a problem is actually would swing of people over don't traditionally vote for republican donald trump maybe apples great, and 20, only few folks ago polls in the attic outcome of the conversation, wes will trump wind and there's a way he won't and i remember being in texas and talking to te folks they cannot believe the people to be were saying, trump is ongoing when or that he could not win, because in their minds, there was no choice between him and hillary clinton atlantico from the conversation that i was just in nashville for an opportunity to speak to folks i
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was just in texas, they never reminded me of a conversation i had with three folks they were independently in 2016, 2015 i went supported trump, when supported jeff busch, when supported rick. and then went to detail as to why they all three did the same thing the other think of any together, all three of them, is a no-brainer for trump today. that is the difference there is no question of nikki la i love the idea small government and republicans they really are going out of business of the really are going out of well there rare breed nikki headache is not small government, should spend a lot of money the next war. charlie: that's most important point in a really does all come down to the issues okay coming up, that is jampacked hour, big weekend joe, saturday night live actually bring some left disparity about brightest so-called closed-door energy. >> i was just with him, and behind closed doors and when he is i was just with them, behind closed reports, he's a dynamo.
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charlie: and plus, no papers, no problem, gavin newsom met dream homes to the list of illegal immigrant freebies, and forgive problems of actual criminals the mainstream media claims, the real problem with rising crime is her own sticky finger to society. straight ahead. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way.
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this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go. - i got the cabin for three days. it's gonna be sweet! what? i'm 12 hours short. - have a fun weekend. - ♪ unnecessary action hero! unnecessary. ♪ - was that necessary? - no. neither is a blown weekend. with paycom, employees do their own payroll so you can fix problems before they become problems. - hmm! get paycom and make the unnecessary, unnecessary. - see you down the line.
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>> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome back to the big we can show that some hello can joe possibly go to 58 percent of the voters disapproved of his job performance and brenda "fox news" balls, and a new low first presidency and fox news correspondent lucas thompson extend the numbers from the white house. >> that is right katie, we brenda "fox news" pulling, showing the president with less than passing marks as take a look at his job performance first, only 42 percent approve of the job he's doing and 58 percent disapprove about his approval rating is been underwater since the ac withdrawal from afghanistan it
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2021 at a majority of the voters disapproved of the presidents handling of the economy of china coming inflation, israeli hamas war, and immigration. sue sunday senator chris said, don't believe the ball. >> we have consistently as immigrants, over performed bowls this coming super tuesday, we had 20 percent or more, of the voters say they will never vote for former president trump about it because his 91 criminal counts that is facing because of the chaos that he created as a former president, because of his ongoing statements. reporter: earlier today by present, here is speaking in alabama, weighing in on the proposed six we six fire cease-fire in gaza she said this will give the hostages out and get it to giving amount of the den. >> even with the proposed cease-fire goes through that all of the hostages be really some gaza loss they still had to decide an ideal edge of oral many - main political ballot of
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rival of benjamin netanyahu will arrive you're the white house remains with vice president harris national security advisor, jake sullivan. katie: thank you lucas and in the meantime, saturday night live from his booth about impressive and invited it was actually pretty funny check it out. >> is just behind closed doors joe he is incredible to the crime is with him, and behind closed doors, is a whirlwind. >> was just with him and behind closed doors, he is a dynamo. >> i was just with him behind closed doors when he is strong, he is a involve monkey strength. >> he is 81 years old and is in the loop concerning to act we don't have the etc. to brett better. >> i'm not the face time him. unable betty's writing the middle of a bike ride. >> mr. president, hey although i'm just going to turn up the volume. i just gotta find the button there we go whoops. katie: charlie, what he thinks. charlie: will i guess that's a
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lobar some sort of like we've got to giving props for actually making a joke if it is illegal to make a joke media about your bided vault listening to five minutes of donald trump speaking in richmond last like my was like ruling in the four laughing like oh my gosh, that's genuinely funny but whatever, but the props well i do think it is interesting you know, like a minute ago we're just talking to chris coons on the quote from him, and you know when you text donald trump me talks about the chaos at the 91 indictments, and so he's admitting that they cannot really affect donald trump on any of the issues and i get it, they'll stuff is not good for joe biden but honestly, the left and right is would rather be making fun of joe biden about his health that actually talking about the issues that having 16 points underwater. katie: because the polling of the issues including a "fox
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news" pulling, shows that the economy 37 approve of the performances 2 percent disapprove on the issue of inflation which is the tax owner can 34 percent approve is 85 percent disapprove, and immigration illegal immigration 31 percent approve and 66 percent, disapprove and so killian is he correct when he said they press upper form the polls that everything is fine and you don't need to void by joe biden 65 disapproval and their key issues that affect owner can. >> some person add the fact that he could be president again i believe all, i believe he will be president joe biden is the present commitments on smart reasonable as say foolish things in such a because there on tape saying the fact is, i go back to the abc news poll, in wisconsin right before election day 2020 and joe biden is waiting wisconsin by 17 points and joe
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biden was ever waiting wisconsin like 17 points donald trump was ever waiting wisconsin by 17 points of that his wife is wisconsin, and trump one it, by times purpose percentage point bite what a bike seven - representative pointed 2020, so a public that's sure she'll even see the light of day hundred middleton civilly swimming was because of a 17 points of although they are always more favorable divide which is we katie these polls are so remarkable everybody's full say the same thing and you to show their disapproval ratings of the 60s and lives of the top issues everybody inflation economy order immigration, any disobey personal attributes either. dizzy of the energy, does he care about the middle place in casa atlanta division for the country to see fit to do the job and is he a good sense of humor, everything that people polite about say of the democratic process, his approval ratings will be jealous of all of the joe biden has not a thinkable among any major constituents. katie: will she brings in the question whether job biden is
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fit to do the job for a second term in the white house is physical last week to distract maybe away from other issues that were in the news not making what house position available to the press for parsing so that leaves us with the doctors outside the white house, for advice about your bided cognitive abilities and take a listen. >> doctor phil, do you think president biden is using a cognitive exam sooner people with nothing to hide public nothing summer not. katie: so. joey: what is in a slightly disagree because he asked me how many guns i have will take i have - action will be donated no stuff case pretty something from the government, this height and in plain sight just think about what we've done "fox news" okay, tentative faith political slate of a lot of are so special your opinion and chose of the evening that's fine but we just shattered it and ascending i live in bill bar as evidence, that the idea that karine
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jean-pierre and eric and said he passes it cognitive just everyday, that is so much of a purity, for the l was the folksk in step with evan policy and ideology are not believing it making fun of it. thinking of his approving putting they don't have to put up karine jean-pierre in order to. see her and show the ridiculousness of what she says biden says missus watch me because they're doing through every syria that he has other government said the same thing is always been gotta starting today with a phrase less of a long. the. that is all the shows you, just how much they think that they can spit in her face and adjust is not work anymore. katie: will begin seeing a chemical he may have for dodger blue but steve garvey in a garbage may be fueling as he takes 11 shift, the flip california's open senate seat, next.
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we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs.
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good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪
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>> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome back to the big we can show, he made for dodger steve garvey may be driving a red - in california "fox news" hoarsely on christina coleman is going to break down the new numbers and of the super tuesday from la tonight. >> doing super tuesday come they compete against one another november general election regardless of their party and new poll shows a former la dodger political become a republican see garvey is a statistical tie with democratic of richmond adam schiff insurance house only katie porter's drilling a third of the 27 candidates on the ballot and how even though i republican is in the lead heading into super tuesday, experts predicted this seat which once belonged to the late senator dianne feinstein, will ultimately see blue
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november and keep in mind, no republican is been elected to a statewide office in california as arnold schwarzenegger we governor and 2006 for deceive poll also shows shift really garvey by 50 voiced head-to-head match up in the general but the race between adam schiff and porter would be tells of both both poignant 30 poison adam schiff spent millions statewide ads that elevate republican candidate steve garvey in the race and even though porter uses a similar tactic, with another republican dinner, porter has criticized adam schiff's gsa has effectively downplayed her chances making the november valid. >> it is about taking the best qualified woman it in the race is been winning and they can win and of a rough love it and i don't think i is for somebody so styled defender of democracy like representative adam schiff should be doing. >> they tell "fox news" that she's campaign dads he worked as a date advantage and his chances of winning this race is probably
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the single most difficult seated america for conservative and bad but you know the path is built on common sense, compassion and consensus building to be for this is also the most expensive in the states history with giving spitting more than $65 million nearly triple what was spent in the last three california senate races, combined. joey: thank you and only katie was looking at the polls instead of all of your republicans have good news in the beginning you see that three - 3 percent but three of the full real quick this was 27 percent steve gordy entered garvey's lady adam schiff stupor semi had a look at this as a red 1980 percent of the 25 and should be a real gap but what about this good news for republicans in california. katie: will first i should say adam schiff believes he's titles in the sea because he kept beach don't advise a russian - which just george of the country for four years and he thinks that he deserves the sea because of the disease favor the party.
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but in terms of the republican will look of i would love to think about ronald reagan is the governor of california back in the day, ahead of you think that maybe republicans can make estate here, the republicans in california that try to get out of the sake of the way and when rick caruso ran as a republican after being lifelong democrat against care asked with all of crime he ended up losing the seat that's what i think i really realizing california essentially lost because is very difficult for republicans with her because of the machine that imparts have built. so admire evers run he said that's a seat in the country to go for i don't disagree but i thank you so appalling shows the reality is what's going on california see when you talk about california be lost because of the play right now, steve garvey's pitch was an morning future with maria right. >> could be the last 50 years people come here with dreams and they wanted to use our families and preschools for the kids any other dreams and you know one
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party state suppressant, sing the hard-working people of california and for them into the noise for the sole of cali california. joey: he's ready for the sole california come the frontispiece what give you talk about the abandonment of california on places, is a solo california if you are republican savable. >> will i believe it that is always as big fan of the board of electric la, i was telling people to think it would not be rubbing the people of their voice choice and one thing that equalizes that one choice and one-vote edits a crime worth doing because some point, something is going to change and shift and i just read an article yesterday about the republican registration roles, california and maybe that is modest but you have to build time indicate a scale in the best in the you have to go in baby steps garvey's pitch is pitch perfect
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you don't mind me saying that and that is it republican and chilly actually think we can get adam schiff on a month-to-month you make this the actual race, both of these donors who are sitting in the silence of the races, they come out as it we would've won adam schiff united states and after he lied in the country that i 91 of the city shows nobody's a girl, take into the bank and said, pressure collusion is hiding in plain sight there was a lie ever country to rebuff like this with you go there also just want to quickly sarah got here, dianne feinstein died and she was in her 90s for the 90 she had secret often gavin newsom, replaced dianne feinstein in the sea, somebody he knew as a placeholder she lives in maryland and he probably turned her at a dinner party hesitate with the seat difference so this and we got to this whenever 11 race, let's make the issue adam schiff see what okay there a couple of states charlie
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george's one of them, texas is one that they've made big headways on in this pro california, and virginia's one republicans on back you know a lot about that in his this a model that the republican should take up to him. charlie: well agree with kelly, that you have to fight these fights we cannot see the territory or evelyn and of course nothing says diversity like adam schiff especially with a history buff but the real problem here is still the same old terrible ideas and you have all the democrats and there's race believing in $20.1 of the blaze and $50 an hour minimum wage which is going to further destroy the economy there and they'll believe in free healthcare for illegal aliens see what we can leave it there the washington post, redefines the crime prices with a woke twist. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the virus that causes shingles is sleeping...
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>> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ katie: welcome back to the we've been a big week and so the washington post reporter, for a brand-new way to downplay crime article titled, is only cbs late capitalism horror story, the washington post reported 50 cbs2 somehow become a standard for all of that wrong with american cities and liberals, liberal democracy, and 2024 in america is a sticky finger donation is holy land and as moral panic is about shoplifting. this remarkable for the washington post, the style section the style getting watching to see ourselves very well you're here actually reads my family near the fact is that unity store shelves because photo americans are thinking figured other people know that they can rob with impunity
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nobody will treat them or something nobody will prosecute them. and even mayor - attic mayor dc came out and lower income neighborhoods need goods and services and hurting them. how local elected officials about to be recalled perhaps because crime. so you say to the one to a close when jesus is a moral panic, is a something that should be taken as moral as you well it is a moral issue not about to cbs2 write a greeting card agreement deodorant or bag of candy for example, there's a grocery store in washington dc the last grocery store in the neighborhood southeast dc is that summa shoplifting that there threatening to close the mayor is begging them to stay open because there no grocery store for the neighborhood people live there to have fresh food to go to the steward that they can afford to give their families many people people like us the washington post the site is a moral issue nobody's panicking just about cbs late at night will knows or two about people's livelihood
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and remember back in 2020 with the right seven in downtown minneapolis liver and everything got a woman got interviewed ands saying the money right everything will just disabling equity worlds that all the stores on the get what i need to live in my own as an independent person, or destroyed now and people to curb that. >> i played out all of the country including here in new york city differently, if you don't punish them, you think you're going to be punished now for charlie the washington post aside, affect the people stare crime in the face what is happening the southern border and face just call it for what it is beginning at the top of the white house, i think that's a big into silly stories like this is they've done enough reports about children as mortgages new black this is not the style section of the washington post. charlie: exactly this resume of the greatest left ideas they never come along this is what you get i thank you so proof that the left is completely bankrupt of ideas the rent out of everything i've tried them all of the week of the tribal in southeast washington dc and this
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is what the result of it all is and then it all happens in a moment where you have the internet here on the washington post which is ridiculous newspaper and nobody should read it, it is willing to publish anything as of the publish all of this nonsense and they don't even realize that is like they're mocking themselves show printed so ridiculous to enjoy read different the police and so many early retirement on putting the money went to the police somewhere else and in these crazy programs that do nothing for the public safety, give us the texas. joey: all of george and i never got to be texting because i did not live over 20 years but i was telling well is a book of this entire piece about dc and the stolen land was eludes to colonialism that is a big part of the underlying progressive movement come to this country and everything about it but he comes down to is these are people that the only thing they hate worse than getting themselves out of their current station into a better would like to be in the most prosperous
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individual liberty system of capitalism ever to be created, losing the hate worse than that is what it takes to do it, they hate it is existence there's no way they want to partake in and they would rather find some way to get just enough to survive close that includes an iphone and taylor swift take his son about lazy they just don't understand if you go to work harder than the person to left and right to make it no matter what your color or creed is. >> and coming up, the new freebie taste of the american dream come the movie coming soon to move legal immigrants in california. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪an ♪d ♪ c'mon! it's the story of your family - then and now. a story that made your name mean something. a story you're still writing. so discover your heritage.
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preserve your traditions. represent all that makes you, you. (♪)
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>> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ joey: welcome back to the big we can join california governor gavin newsom spent the weekend with a photo up in the border and is catching some heat for making it an exception to his fast food minimum wage law next month minimum wage will go up to $20 an hour from this reducing separate trees that make bread site they are exempt that includes panera bread bloomberg reports he pushed with a break among the main many of the
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beneficiaries in franklin, longtime use of donor especially when device with him and he is a california holdings included chosen for their bread locations and he comes as a making it illegal immigrants eligible for really nice homebuyer loan program anyone read this headline and quote request from the well this is from weekly this as applicant under the program shall not be disqualified, solely based on the applicant immigration status so that is from the article that is on the idea well sorry we get this confused that is my fault is why would ask you about this rescue by these immigrants illegally were visiting to just to get the somnolence over this means is that a researcher takes him into a slave and what it means is the program california institute of the basically loading you your down payment usually about to sell your house then you pay 20 percent average make off of it into there's a chance i don't get back at all
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and illegal immigrants can do it in this is that is so popular this laundry no so the californians are ready for this opportunity and other went through all the other illegal immigrants to resell it here new york, when the schoolchildren the american schoolchildren and clucked out of the season classrooms in new york city, to be replaced with migrant children are just the director this part of life be worse issue for joe biden is handling is the border and illegal immigration. i think that went evanescence away like that triple summa this i don't even know who will - is considered 20 of excessive civil cost of them across the election two and when they do this in arizona what they think about a. >> i don't think you would like that much but upset of everything like should never be just identify as a bakery now get out that tactual quick. joey: with the question is, what are the federal government would they put you up last in a hotel for month. >> well okay learning course okay guys we represent instagram
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joey: welcome back the big wecag about six illegal immigrants trying to cross into florida fox news national correspondent, griff jenkins has the latest on the investigation. >> leaving the border is been busy from coast-to-coast, turning remote area is san diego county city and in some sources confirmed evolved is that elite digit the border patrols unit shot and killed a car under criminal migrant who cross and was running other migrants who were sibling trying to keep to themselves over to be process you look about surveillance pictures posted by the border patrol to sewing a similar subvention separate is rubbing of the migrants were told the no border patrol agents were harmed and use of them across the country coming to jupiter, florida, this what you see here, agents apprehended six micro tri-state in the u.s. corporation and two were from the dominican republican look at this video pretty new at illegal
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best texas, and two groups of migrants, pressing needs are southwest border, to the beach sources tell fox that it was for the secondary more than 7000 total migrants in all of this joey, establish showing why immigration is among the top issue for voters there latest fox pulling shows the 41 percent of americans consider the situation of the border, to be an emergency joey. joey: okay. katie: so i'm now for the big part of picks for the story everybody be talking about this week, will go first and so oregon, is expected to end its experiment with drug decriminalization after skyrocketing debts in public use cabell the state legislature to reintroduce criminal things for possession to be split what happens are what you to be progressive or forward-looking decriminalize drugs another re- criminalized in his running for the governors cited hours
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misdemeanor without his expensive jewelry treatment is offered as alternative and i think thing is the police power to stop them from doing drugs and sidewalks in public parks is a huge problem to head to hate to be a police officer there. joey: waiting for the next one will it so oppressive and how dear you arrest somebody for breaking the law. >> is really felt. >> will also, continuation of the absolute this money left sees this the utopia that they been promising us is really terrible this is bad as you thought it would be. >> the residence in texas are outraged over police staffing shortages and no longer died when one call response times the aftermath to defend the department in 2020 of that year the department voted unanimously to get up to one or $50 million replacing budget, people percent of the current total and also punishment tweeted, at the time in the city council, we did it, also city council just reduced
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the police department's budget by over 100 billion and reinvest the resources into our community safety and well-being oxymoron, tens of thousands of you have cody miller testified, you made the impossible into a reality and essay, black lives matter this now in the u.s. congress city austin, just have the most violent year on record with ice markers and longtime mother quoted whether they were in a car crash in the movie reasonably starting emergency services such a article a lift and rideshare service to get his kids to the hospital you thank you so playing out everywhere charlie. charlie: it is and also this whole sort of this racialized gang the politicians are playing a game like today summa, get attorney general merrick garland, talking about how evil the voter id laws are. an african-american church in which of course is absolutely ludicrous while i was a this racist as opposed to saying that
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well every bit in the door should be able to know to their id mentally willing will literally take up any sort of issue like this and turn it into a racial wedge which is bad for everybody. >> you fail to use the resource for deeply respect for enforcement is where you quit what you get to a place to live 30 miles of austin so if anything i do going down to austin and out of dashed on their near the capitol right behind you, and about think about like maybe 16 years ago will the individual was a hippie scary thing is in the cowboys away this really cool element but itself la texas the defund the police they did something else which was probably even worse is the government of the than on basically with the called urban camping little these homeless people coming there and visited austin 2020 coming out i was arrested million and i'm in my hotel everything of have a wind and out the seven of us so bad that
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the nonconservative - in san antonio was buzzing a homeless tombstone because they had to let them do with it wouldn't in the incredible the back within where we put everybody so we talked about in the pacific northwest of texas cities are going back on these ridiculous things i think supported it impress on this, they endorse all of this lawlessness it will impact cities were generation become in washington dc is down by five and a police and offering 20000-dollar bonus to southern people don't want to sign up. >> it is why they are so desperate to doctor donald trump because if you did a test on just the issues, when when in a landslide so i don't know their bidding will talk about the stories we but i think that but he should be talking with the story this week about power speeding cars pulled into a stop to cleveland to police officers chased down to courses on the interstate, policing the horses and help skipper stables but
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after a wild chase with animals were eventually returned to their owner and nobody was hurt, but i don't know enemy well like to me back well is being in traffic, but this would make it all okay. >> is about climate change. >> exactly. >> will go ahead and get yourself a horse. >> will horses or where thing to me because there's other animal was bigger than we can advance forced to up my dear camera when time pretty was weird. >> whatever going wrong way. [laughter] >> this was important week so university of georgia wide receiver, had the scouts raving about his performance in the nfl, 24.39 and 40 - it is time for the third combine but this a guy who did not get recruited out of isolate one auburn university of georgia me know because he really was a star that area case from the tail next door were on from the group
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this family what it wanted to point, not just because he is will he just so well underestimated his whole group of university of georgia that there heartbroken for good reason as we can is really cool to see positive headline prison what underdog my hometown doing well. >> go dogs is always good to see people who maybe don't make the first time michael jordan for example until ready also and pretty made to the super bowl. >> a long list of the glory, that doesn't for us we will see you next week and become a wife, liberty you live in, starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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