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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  March 4, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PST

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currently the all-time leading scorer in major women's college basketball history. today she attempts to become the all-time scorer among both men and women. coming into today, clark has 3,650 career points, just 18 points shy of pete mavavich. iowa hosts number two-ranked ohio state, 1 p.m. eastern on your local fox station. clark announced this week she will go pro after this season. that is it for today. thanks for joining us. i'm zahn nonbream. we'll see you for special coverage tuesday and thursday nights, and i'll see you back here for next "fox news sunday." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪. mark: hello america i am mark levin this is "life, liberty & levin" sunday. thank you for being here we have two great guest congressman chip roy who needs no introduction. we have his former boss senator ted cruz who needs no introduction. but before we get there let's talk about the border and immigration. when ways are typically not discussed you keep hearing this term hr two. hr two. ten months ago republicans in the house of representatives passed a bill. it walose a bill to secure the r it was called secure the border act real potential law passed by the house of representatives and sent to the united states senate. you know what the united states
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and it did with that? see this, they did that they killed 10 months ago. they could have had border security law which truly was the strictest, most aggressive border security law ever passed by either house of congress. rick could have put in place the republicans in the house did it because joe biden was not following the existing law which would also secure the border check schumer killed it. mitch mcconnell did virtually nothing to promote it. and that was that. thethe net past this thing or td to called a bipartisan bill. why is it bipartisan? because mitch mcconnell into the guy supported it. it was negotiated in secret. in fact he was kept secret for weeks. you and i did not know what wasn't it. most of the republicans did not know what wasn't it. most of the democrats did not know what wasn't it.
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is that how we do representative government, ladies and gentlemen? a secret deal? it becomes public is very long i'm one on one of the few that y read it. it has more loopholes in the internal revenue code and here's the bottom line. they talked about all the funding that was in the bill. why don't they tell you that funding did not take place until 2028. until 2028 and if joe biden is reelected would be out of office but why did they tell the 1300 border patrol agents to be specifically assigned to essentially desk work. not to securing the border and 1300. the borders 2000 miles long freight 1300 new agents, rubberstamping the processing of illegal aliens into the country. let's say they weren't. 1300 new border agents they are not working 24/7. at any given time you have a few working. it is all a joke.
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it is a fan dance they can keep saying we had a bipartisan bill that would secure the board about tborder butthe republicanr it. the great mitch mcconnell. that talking point for the democrats. they should have never negotiated it. and everett negotiated in secret because there was never going to be good faith on the side of the democrats. and biden created this anarchy, the situation. this massive slavery that is taking place on our border. the worst slavery we have seen in this country since the end of the civil war again the democrats. now what was in this hr too? nobody wants to discuss it so i will bring it up. this is of the democrats invited not want to vote on but requires a department of homeland security resume activities to construct a wall along the us-mexico border. we know biden killed that. provide statutory authorization for operation stone garden which provides grants to law enforcement agencies for certain border security operations.
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wow. prohibits dhs from processing the entry of non-us nationals. that's aliens under federal law arriving between ports of entry in other words it requires a manageable administrative process. these are the ports of entry you want to come in, you get a line on discuss it, we eventually make determinations there. not everywhere between the ports of entry so they said that is it is ports of entry or it is nothing. the democrats don't believe in that it limits asylum eligibility to non- u.s. nationals arrive in the u.s. states and a port of entry. it authorizes the removal of non- u.s. nationals to a country other than that individual's country of nationality or at last lawful habitual residence where it were as apparently thif removal may only be to a country has an agreement and the united states for such removal such an example venezuela run by a
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communist genocidal murderer has said we are not taking anybody back he is sending his criminals here. he is sending his gang members here. it's having an effect right now in our country the venezuelan criminals we've never seen this before that are hooking up with ms 13. he says were not taking any back. this loss is a fine they go back to the last place they came from. but they are not staying here. the democrats enough to vote on that the expansive types of crimes they make an individual us in such as a conviction for dui causing another person serious bodily injury or death. you do that, you are out authorizes dhs to suspend the introduction of certain non- u.s. nationals at international border. dhs determines the suspension is necessary to achieve operational control of the border. prohibits states from imposing licensing requirements on immigration detention facilities used to detain minors put a lot
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of democrat states this is what they do through the back door. authorizes immigration officers to permit unaccompanied alien child to withdraw their application for admission into the united states even if the child is unable to make an independent decision to withdraw the application, why? because kids are being used by coyotes and others. they are not after the children of the people who bring them and then there to their children tox slavery and pornography. if the kids at weighted myth that sent my parent and so forth with this lot would have done is said okay let's take that kid, let's address the issue we can infect send him back without a so-called adult or parent because that kid is in danger. the democrats sa democrat said . it poses additional penalties for overseeing a beast that requires dhs to create an electronic employment eligibility confirmation system modeled after the e-verify system requires all employees to use that system so you come here
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illegally you don't get a job and you are deported. that was past 10 months ago by the house of representatives only the republicans on a single democrat voted forward and went to the senate and died. why don't they bring that up for a vote? what essential biden asked for that? no he wants the phony bill. immigration in our time. what is the consequences of all of this? the justice department pretty much after 20,182,019 that's during the regime of a biden has stopped providing us with key statistics but when they used to this was from the department of justice that was revised and i t you to read this from the years that it mentions non-us citizens to make up 7% of the u.s. population accounted for a 15% of all federal arrests, 15% of prosecutions in u.s. district courts, non- immigration crimes in 2018. that's crimes unrelated to the fact they committed a crime to get here.
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the portion of total federal arrests that took place in the five judicial districts along the u.s./mexico border almost doubled from 1988, 33% to 201965%. what about 2020? we do not know. they're not very transparent at the department of justice what else? federal arrests of non-us citizens more than tripled from 1998 until 2018 racing 234% to what federal arrests of u.s. citizens rose 10% over the same. 234% versus 10%. i see. federal arrests of non-us citizens increased 73,002,017 to 125,000 in 2018 a one-year increase of 50000 buried 2018 non-us citizens accounted for 24% of all federal drug arrest 25% of all federal property arrests including 28% of all
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federal fraud arrests we are not even talking about local charges this is all federal. there were 21 federal criminal immigration arrests per 100 apprehensions by the u.s. border patrol in the southwest border patrol sectors in 2018 up from 12 per 102,017 federal arrests in the five judicial districts on the u.s./mexico border increased from 76000 in 2017 to 1,260,002,018, and one year again where's 2021, 2022 figures question we don't know they have not been released as part best as i can tell i look for them. number central american arrest in the five judicial districts along the u.s./mexico border almost tripled in one year 13527 to 30,000 seven and 2019. and in 2018 a quarter of all federal drug arrest took place the five judicial districts along the u.s./mexico border.
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suspects prosecute u.s. district court in 201857% u.s. citizens, 43% were non-us citizens. i guess everyone is not to say they're out there doing jobs americans want to do. immigration suspects prosecute in the u.s. district more than triple from 1998 until 2019 again i would love to give the new statistics which would be massively more. but they won't give them to us at least i cannot find them. 85000 unaccompanied minors are missing, or what? they're supposed to be tracked by the biden regime. they are missing. hhs has lost contact with more than 85000 migrant children in the past two years, where are they? we do not know. sex trafficking, pornography, two thirds of all uac unaccompanied minors that leave hhs care work illegal full-time
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jobs often in factories and hazardous conditions. we have slavery going on, laborers slavery of children going on. slavery like we have never seen before in this country since the end of the civil war under biden and the democrats. and they are fine with it. with their phony bipartisan bills and their phony press conferences, with their allies about the power of the president presidentto address this is sic. caseworkers with or are that is the office of refugee settlement claim hhs regularly ignored obvious signs of labor exploitation such as single sponsors sponsoring multiple children. hot spots in the country many uac unaccompanied minors their sponsors are not the children's parents. uac was significant direct reports of trafficking on and on and on in other words under the biden regime at dhs it is a disaster.
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or are director admitted slightly more than one third of unaccompanied children's end up with a parent in this fiscal year, which was last year. she set up with 37% of children and up with their parent meeting 63% don't. the inspector general to the whole review of this, 16% of children's case virus one or more required sponsors safety check lack any documentation that the checks were conducted for 19% of the children were released to sponsors with pending fbi fingerprint or state child abuse and neglect registry checks for children's case files were never updated, it goes on and on and on. these are children. these are unaccompanied minors be encouraged to come to the united states by biden an in the democrats and their bureaucracy. they are coming to the united states they're being sold into sex trafficking they're being sold into pornography. 85000 are missing they do not know where they are paid tens of thousands of them are working
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and slate conditions in factories without information known about them. we have slavery in the southern border going on and on and on joe biden shuffles down to that least trafficked part of the border. does not meet anyone of consequences not talk to anyone of consequence says if only the republicans would support his bipartisan bill if only donald trump had said let's do it, joe biden as a serial pathological liar he has spent his entire life in college and law school the senate has previous seat for president he is a pathological liar does in dormant damage to human beings in this country. that is exactly was going on on the border legs and gentlemen it will not be fixed until he is kicked out of office. it is that
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shuffling around. here is the problem fundamentally isn't it? the immorality, the complete lack of virtue. the pathological lying that takes place about everything. including what is going on on the border. the phony bipartisan bill that had more loopholes from the internal revenue code. the bill of yours, you folks passed hr two was a rocksolid bill that would have been forced current law among other things. he goes on there, he lies about the bill he lies about trump, he lies about maga meanwhile we have the biggest slave trade going on on the southern border since the end of the civil war on his watch on the democrat party watch and the media seems fine. what you make of him? works i could not agree more this is something i've been trying to point out since i've been in congress. tried to put the human face on the toll of what is going on with doing what we might generally repurchase open borders but it is much worse
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than that. it is a chordate scheme driven by the united nations international organizations radical perfect democrats trying to hide behind false compassion to use move people into the united states for political purposes to their benefit. that is what is going on pre-sought just yesterday but you saw mark going but trying to stop arizona from requiring proof of citizenship for voting. you saw with democratic congress who were saying they want these people to come into their districts to pad their numbers. they are admitting right in front of us what they are doing it in the process little girls get sold into sex trafficking trade. conventional pours into our communities. cartels get empowered. migrants get abused. fathers get held with a ransom for their wives and daughters that is happened in texas and fort worth were federal judge, a friend of mine held them to account that man is being held up for ransom while his daughter was being raped in a stash house in fort worth, texas that's
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happening on a daily basis. 1000 migrant side on the southern border the rio grande, 53 human beings cooked in a tractor-trailer in san antonio which i represent. now we have lincoln riley died as a consequence not open borders the specific abuse of parole. this individual is paroled out in violation of the law went to new york, committed crimes, it was athens, georgia and kill this young woman she is one example of dozens the blood is on the hands of yes president biden. it's the radical progressive democrats advancing it and i must say it is also republicans who continue to fund it. >> do you know do we have figures or figures kept on the number of women who have been raped on the border? do we have figures on the number of children who have raped? do we have figures on the number of women and children settled into sex slavery do we have figures in the number of
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migrants who are now basically labor slaves working under cover of night? it does not appear hhs is able to track any of it. >> and no, they cannot even keep up with the people they are supposed to have under their control permit hhs lose track of about 85000 children last year. that happened. we did not make that up we talked about in hearings. we do not have really good data. we do know for example in texas friends of ours who work in the human trafficking world that tell us there's up to 250 -- 300,000 people in texas who were under the thumb with what you would call it modern-day human trafficking which is sex trafficking and labor trafficking. that is what we are being told by the people who follow this up i do not know the exact numbers. but we know it is real. brought up the case of one father he was here illegally he was here in baltimore he was being held ransom for $22000 by bad individuals and fort worth. go to mom and daughter in a stash house the d.o.j. would not
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go after these people to the need to be gone after. we see all this happening in athens, georgia. the mayor there the sick aggressive democrats. this guy is trying to say it is a republicans fault not blaming the paroled policies of the biden administration and then trying to be worried about what are we going to say about that illegal aliens who are here? why don't we talk but the 2-year-old boy that was killed here what about the teenager who is found in a bathtub in texas murdered and a cheerleader son was killed by an illegal alien was released into the night stays by this administration the radical progressive democrats and again why are republicans finding the stuff without forcing them to the table to change it? mark: i do not understand when there's an article of impeachment against biter the democrats think they have an argument if you're not going to after biden why do you have going after mayorkas? my point is let's go after both the articles of impeachment are rocksolid they have nothing to
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do with policy. you would cite section after section of federal immigration law purposefully undermined and that is a high crime under the history of the impeachment clause the framers discussed. what is it about biden? what is it about the senate republicans who do not want to defend the constitution of the united states? and while i am at it let me add this. this is a guy who says i don't care what the supreme court rules on the student debt issue. i am defying it, stop me if you can. here is half a trillion dollars vote f
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i am jon scott and now back to "life, liberty & levin." thirty-six welcome back america. congressman chip roy quote from joe biden to give half a trillion dollars to your demographic sport base at that millennial's in student loans just like he defies federal immigration law. this guy is a lawless and is not held to account, why is that? what you are exactly right. the current president of the united states is count lawless regime where there is border or ignoring the student loans in the supreme court. he's doing it defiantly.
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republic is not holding him accountable. i made the case for impeaching mayorkas at the "high crimes and misdemeanors" with respect to cover my colleagues who got it wrong. to put americans in danger ignore your oath to the constitution. the buck stops with the president, the president on this the blood of people in this country are on his hands the blood of migrants and compassion is on his hands he is ignoring his dude he should be impeached for this. you don't need to go down the road of the hundred biden laptop and down sets and business dealing even though that's all crept to high heaven for this guy this president is ignoring his duty he should be impeached for a completely agree with you he's ignoring the law radical progressive democrats are destroying our country. he's been called into account.
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>> there's discussion in the senate we will dismiss this impeachment. we are not going to take this up. that has never been done in american history they defy the constitution they attacked the people who wrote the constitution they attack the peoattacked thepeople who ratife constitution. they claim they're defending a constitution. the idea the house of representatives to impeach a cabinet officer is subject to impeachment. for all the reasons you states. the senate may not take it up among them mitt romney. texas absolutely absurd. democratic regime had no problem going after trying to impeach donald trump for a phone call december 2019. but we on how to they look at the family in the eyes and said they're not going to impeach levin on a bed impeach biden for
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what they're doing great meanwhile radical progressive democrats will totally go after the former president who loves his country who reelected will try to secure the border of the united states. he will do and frankly we need to keep bu get busy pushing ourr two, even fetterman a democrats and apes of your ideas are not so crazy because they are seeing the consequences they are seeing dead americans. we have the ability to push an agenda if we will unite. it was the freedom caucus conservatives who mad meet hr to happen by fighting and working to do it. compromising where we need it we got it done. it's freedom caucus conservatives push limits and constrain the spending. for the first time in like a decade. set the stage for where we are now the speaker republicans would use the leverage to get border security and make sure we can go stand with israel the right way, defend hamas, d the
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things we ought to do will stand up united invites. the freedom caucus leading the way along with former president trump of the people of his administration who know what we need to do with got to unite and get that done they should because radical progressive democrats want to remake america. >> also we never talk about the massive redistribution of wealth for american citizens to illegal aliens. particularly in our poorest communities you see it in chicago and new york. you see it in philadelphia and l.a. citizens are being kicked out of their schools, their children are out of the parks and the recreation centers. people are being put up in five-star hotels for their getting food, cards, the getting telephones. they're getting public education for free. they got healthcare for free in california they want to get them all kinds of freebies. many towns with them to vote. they want them to vote they want to vote in federal elections complete unraveling of the civil
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society. complete unraveling of america's culture and america society, don't you agree? works until they agree one thing i'm going to be doing is introducing a bill federally to require proof of citizenship to vote in elections that affect federal elections generally break naturally that is important. they are decimating our society. decimating culture filling our jails are doing it intentionally. got supreme court opinions and other things that made that possible. we come in texas 12 and a billion dollars to secure the border. does not even touch look our law enforcement all the impact on our society but here is the reality. we had that young lady she did not die because our borders are broken she died because america is broken. america is broken because we are not following the rule of law. because we are logged radical progressive democrats to do that republicans are not pushing back hard enough. i'm going to keep fighting i'm going to keep pushing back and i'm not going to apologize i did not come here for second place. mark: a minute brother with a tack america they really mean to attack the american citizen.
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america, you, the people in america are being degraded they are being undermined your rule of law, your safety, your schools, your health care system are all under attack by the democrat party. chip roy i want to thank you my friend, keep it up god bless you for. >> god bless you mar why are force factor vitamins so popular at walmart? force factor uses the highest quality ingredients to deliver powerful, healthy results from delicious and convenient supplements. that's why friends and family recommend force factor. rush to walmart and unleash your potential with force factor.
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mark: welcome back america. we miss a conservative on the senate side. our good buddy ted cruz. mitch mcconnell says come november's had enough the longest leading server serving leader others and you and i've been critical of him. who might replace him is it important whom ever whomever is actually begin to reflect the conservative base of the republican party as opposed to hitting that base? >> we need a leader in the son
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who is a conservative it. we need a leader in the senate who will work hand-in-hand with the president trump. we need a leader committed to do what were doing. you look at the frustration across this country so many millions of us feel, it fundamentally comes down to the dishonesty of some of the elected officials say one thing on the campaign trail and do the opposite it's very important the next senate i hope majority leader will beat someone who is committed on our promises. morgan secure our border to curb government spending to defend the constitution if it is just lip service will be justified and be just as frustrated as they are right now.
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>> we have a republican leader whwho's just as strategic and outspoken as chuck schumer. why is it always the republicans go to chuck schumer with a bended knee and he gets 80% of what he wants. if the republicans are lucky they get 20%. >> the other side, the left for them politics is life and death. it's what they wake up doing it is their mission. and when they have a power that use it. what is so frustrating is a republican so often we treat politics like a game of croquet in the backyard. it's not terribly important. we are free to roll up our sleeves or do any hard work. back in 2018 we had a republican senator, republican house and republican white house i put together a 50 page presentation i presented to all the republican senators. it was called carpe diem, seize the day. they went through every time in
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the last 100 years that democrats had united control of government and republican said united control of government. democrats when they had control of government they pass the new deal. they pass the great society. they pass obamacare and dodd frank. we organize our nation. we have the majority and just do a little bit might pitch to my colleagues do not waste. we had them about five months left in 2008 team or do not waste it. let'let's pass the major reforms rain and the regulatory state and i've got to say republican leadership has zero interest in doing anything and we let that opportunity pass by. if we get the opportunity again in january we should not blow it this time we should deliver and at real and serious and you noted strategic way. mark: well said. mitch mcconnell's most un- popular republicans he's the most popular republican among
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the ruling class and establishment republicans that should tell you something right there. ted cruz, i want to move on to the use of the constitution and the law to commit political crimes i'll call them that. you look at donald trump. you look at the civil case in new york which is a complete abomination. the law is a complete joke and use the laws a complete joke. he is trying to turn up into federal fraud felonies you look at georgia ridiculous rico case. you look at washington d.c. they are using the ku klux klan lost so much for insurrection and sedition. you are talking about the espionage act which is never intended to be used against the
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president of the united states. it never has been using ansi secretary of state, vice president, former president the case of bill clinton putting classified tapes in his sock drawer. is this not the most horrendous war on our justice system on a candidate for president on a future president that has ever occurred in american history? >> there is no parallel like it anin all of american history. the left has lost their minds they hate donald trump they are abusing the justice system every one of these four sets of indictments is complete garbage it is brought by partisan democrats who hate donald trump they are going after him and understand the real target is not donald trump the real target is the voters. what they are trying to do is destroy him and leaves the justice system to stop the voters from electing him in november. the iron as they use the language of assault on democracy they are waging an assault on democracy right now.
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the left wing authoritarians want to stay in power by any means necessary. >> one 100% there simply no question about abiding is behind it he does statements to staff it put out to the "new york times" and other places the ponderosa judge the attorney general gets the message the indictments flow. he makes the speeches and public about effectively donald trump is a dictator in order to send the word to local das their democrats all over the country keep it up. i want to know what you think about it and what we can do abou to duckduckgo on all your devie
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mark: senator ted cruz, biden is using the federal bureaucracy federal taxes to try to get out the road pretty got this guy mark elias their hitman is in arizona. their lawyers are still spread out. they are using the bureaucracy. isn't this a violation of the hatch act who is to investigate as a biden resume going to investigate the biden regime? like they do not investigate themselves this is abuse of power to stay in power and it is brazen. i've got to say joe biden and harris and chuck schumer they
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ought to have an entire chapter in sigmund freud the projection they engage in is remarkable. we talked a minute ago about how they say they are defending democracy. while waging the greatest assault on democracy in the history of our country. they also say routinely donald trump as a dictator he is authoritarian. donald trump was present for four years he not only followed the law carefully but he ushered in policies that made an enormous difference in people's lives you look at the dictator joe biden is the one who does lalas act after lawless act after lalas acted. including trying to give a chilean dollars away for giving student loans i was completely illegal the supreme court had to slap him down including things like a covid vaccine mandate within the federal government that was blatantly illegal. the supreme court had to slap him down. this administration does not care the number one example is our southern border. joe biden is under constitutional obligation to
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take care of the laws are faithfully executed. he has defined federal immigration law he is aiding and abetting criminal cartels who are invading this country and i have got to say at the last two weeks as we have seen peoples whose lives have lost because of joe biden's lawlessness. whether it is lakin riley the beautiful woman in georgia or whether it is jeremy a 2-year-old boy both of whom were murdered by illegal aliens joe biden release. we have also seen a 14-year-old child who was raped in massachusetts we have seen a child under 14 who was raped in louisiana. again both by illegal aliens are joe biden has released for the consequences of this lawlessness are people are dying, our lives are in danger and the rule of law is being torn down by the zealots and authoritarian. mark: a very important point this is a war on the american
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citizen. the american citizen is suffering as a result of that whether it is the inner cities in chicago and new york and l.a. whether it's rural areas whether rural new york and other places in the northern border. the american people it's not just crime and the redistribution of wealth on the american citizen to illegal aliens. they are having their parks taken over. their hotels are taken over and all the rest. the best the democrats can do is come up with a phony bill and blame donald trump and people like you. isn't that part of the problem? he's got people who lack virtue people who live for a living, you have people who believe the ends justify the memes, which is the complete destruction of the existing status quo because it's a white dominant society. because now the democratic party is cobbled together the marxist, the islamic's and the other reprobates. and miscreants. now the whole country is going to alter its institutions and it
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society to accommodate the democrat party. this is a real revolution. >> it is exactly that. it's cultural marxism unfolding every day. democrat party has been taken over by radical every institution in america has been taken over by radicals. they are fighting for cultural marxism for government control over every aspect of your life. they point out the hypocrisy of it. people like george soros. he is pouring millions into the state of texas trying to take me out right now. soros and schumer. i've got a democrat opponent i'm running for reelection right now. my democrat opponent has already raised $22 million. they are coming after texas because they want to flip texas blue and they want to take me out. that is abuse of power. that is their priority. and by the light source is not a personal danger he has armed
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guards surrounding him he lives a life of opulence it is the little people whose children get killed by illegal aliens not the masters of the universe who were ushering in the lawlessness. mark: your mom is all this money pouring into take you out and to turn texas blue, what is your website? what's a website ted 10% organ i got to say every time you have me on it is amazing your listeners are incredible patriots they go online to ted to give 2550 or $100. that is what helps me fight back this onslaught of chuck schumer and george soros intend to spend more than $100 million this year coming after me trying to defeat me in texas. it's incredible patriots who watch your show would listen to on the radio who go to ted to make an enormous difference. it is how we win, how we turn the country around. >> just to be fair of chuck schubert would like to come on
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my show or your opponent like to come on my show for two full segments, get in here we would love to have in front of the camera. i have been chomping at the bit to do exactly that. >> mark i've got a request if you get schumer on the show let me come and sit there and eat popcorn. that, that would be destination tbi would pay to see that. mark: he is an open invitation as is your opponent. two segments on "life, liberty & levin." tread ted grissom to think if your patriotis
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>> back america have a question for nikki heavy, and her supporters, the writers of the ruling class of silence republicans and others. knowing what joe biden is doing to this country, how can you continue to try to undermine the obvious nominee of the republican party, donald trump,
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who is only what is going to be able to run the general election to take on joe biden, joe biden is now sided with the islamists, he asserted with a marxist, the bernie sanders types that is created unbelievable of slavery and humidity in the southern border, then inflation is out of control and are militaries underfunded, her police forces are defunded, crime is rapidly, and food and prices and energy prices, they are unbelievable, the nation is suffering were the brink is time to stop your petty politics, it is time to stop your chest beating in putting yourself on the head about how righteous you are and we need your help we need to defeat bided everything that he and his party stand for see you next time ♪ ♪


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