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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  March 4, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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findings. >> we have millions of people smoking marijuana thinking that it may be less harmful for them than smoking traditional cigarettes and tobacco and other forms, other methods. the truth is and the data is showing us all the facts that it's just as harmful if not more harmful. >> this does not mean she says that pot is not beneficial for some people. but that patients must realize there's also risk. there's limitations to the study. it was self-reported. they weren't able to monitor many situations. >> still, 450,000 people is a significant number of people. the percentages, too, are striking. that's something that i think everybody needs to look at for the future considering how much widespread that is. thanks. appreciate it. thanks for joining us. i'm sandra smith. >> john: i'm john roberts. see you tomorrow. "the story" with martha starts
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right now. >> martha: thank you very much, guys. good afternoon. i'm martha maccallum on this monday. this is "the story." nikki haley will join us live on this day before super tuesday. lots to speak with her about today. also john kirby is here as the white house faces huge chal challenges electorally, israeli and the border. but first, former president trump celebrating the supreme court's unanimous decision rejecting state efforts to keep him off of the ballot. >> you cannot take somebody out of a race. the voters can take the person out of the race very quickly. but a court shouldn't be doing that. the supreme court saw that very well. i really do believe that will be a unifying factor. while most states were thrilled to have me, there were some that
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didn't. they didn't want that for political reasons. they didn't want that because of poll numbers. the poll numbers are very good. we're beating president biden in almost every poll. >> martha: okay. we'll talk about a lot of these polls. these are the numbers that he's been referring to beating president biden by 5 in "the new york times" sienna poll. very big numbers in this sienna poll that came out over the weekend. he's up by two in fox news polling. same at the "wall street journal." the last two results are within the margin of error on those two comparisons. the wall street journal james freeman is here and pollster lee carter standing by as well. big implications for 2024. first, let's go to republican west virginia attorney general patrick morrisey. he wrote the brief to the supreme court supporting the former president in this case. he's also running for the governor of west virginia. general, good to have you here.
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thanks for joining us today. tell me your reaction to this and tell me what pact your amicus brief may have had on the thinking of the supreme court. >> absolutely. so thank you, martha, for having me on. all along, we mad believed that the actions on the states to disqualify president trump from the ballot would always be found invalid because this was essentially a federal decision. we know that the states have been trying to put out some extra criteria. that's not included under the constitution. that's not part of the c categorical statistics. we thought in order for somebody to be vulnerable to being thrown off of the ballot, you needed to have a federal decision by congress. that obviously didn't occur. so we thought that we were going to be correct in our arguments
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that we put forth that the supreme court would say the states lack the power to do it. >> martha: we listened to this when the audio was played. you know, you heard some of the arguments that there's just no precedent for a state kicking someone off of the ballot. this is the leading contender for the gop nomination as we mentioned. so one of the interesting things here, one of the prominent things here, this was a unanimous 9-0 decision. so tell us what you think went into the thinking of, for example, justices kagan or jackson who may have been inclined to vote against this. >> well, i think if you heard the supreme court argument, you got a sense that even some of the more liberally-leaning judges were going to be sympathetic to trump's argument. they were asking about what might happen. i think all of the justices concluded that chaos would ensue
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if you could allow individual states to step out and rule that someone is disqualified. that would be the worst form of election interference. i think we started to get that sense during the oral argument. that makes sense, right? we're talking about a uniquely federal office, a national office. this is different than running for governor or statewide office. this is the presidency of the united states that have specific rules. if you're going to let a secretary of state who is unelected make that decision or a court in colorado without actually having a criminal finding of insurrection, that would be very problematic. >> martha: exactly. he's not been charged any counts with insurrection. these states decided he was guilty of it and kicked him off of the state ballot. seems like cooler heads have
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prevailed. thanks for joining us. let's bring in james freeman, fox news contributor and lee carter, pollster. your take on this and the impact on electoral politics. >> yeah, this kind of abuse of the legal system to try to get trump out of the race is part of why he's actually becoming a little more popular, which is a little weird because you think of him as someone people know well, they either love him or hate him. his negatives in the journal poll and some others are shrinking. i think people look at cases like this just an appalling abuse of our system. obviously the idea that a single state can decide who can run for a federal office was ridiculous. you mentioned no due process. he's never been convicted. even the dissenters on the colorado supreme court talking about look, this is a code meant to decide disputes like whether
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someone has met the residency requirement for a school board race. the idea you think you're going to intervene in the presidential race really outrageous. i hope it dissuades other states from poll lowing suit. >> martha: there's questions about post election in terms of the impact that this could have if they allowed him to be taken off the ballot and won anyway, what these states might have pursued in that. >> that does raise a question. this is where the justices did have a disagreement. they agreed a state can't do this. they disagreed on whether congress has to act to pass legislation to say here's how you disqualify someone. it does raise the spector of will they have didn't opinions if there's an effort at the federal level after the fact to intervene here. >> martha: lee, welcome. let's talk about some of these polls. they got a lot of attention over the weekend. some of the numbers in these
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polls are quite stunning. i just want to pull this one up. we show the headline number, this is black registered voters in this recent polling. 66% biden, 23% trump. now, going back to 2020, 91% for biden and 8% for trump. that is a huge move for black voters towards former president trump. >> it's a huge move. there's a huge move across a number of key segments that were traditionally hugely going for the democratic candidates. doesn't seem to be the case now. you see that with black voters, female that went by a huge margin to biden. the gap narrows. it's fascinating. if i were a democrat, i'd be very concerned. every place where they had that margin of error covered or the surge, they're not seeing it. also in the key swing states, the seven states that matter most, donald trump taking it
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away. no matter what the democrats are saying, it's a really big issue for them. >> martha: thanks very much, guys. lee carter and james freeman. coming up, we have john kirby live from the white house on the message president biden plans to deliver at this week's state of the union address to convince voters that he is fit for the job. we've seen the polling going against that category. we'll talk to john about that and much more. bzssssrzzzzzrrrooo what are you doing? sound effects. why are you doing that? why aren't you? gnnnarrrgnarrrr... eye care is healthcare. you deserve america's best. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) (♪) i've got to go. ok. bye.
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underway. the sexual violence may still be happening according to their investigation. here's what the leader of the group u.n. women had to say about the accusations of that right after this happened in early november. watch this. >> just to provide a little bit of context in terms of u.n. women's role, the u.n. womens provides and has extensive knowledge and provides support investigations as we do with all u.n. investigations. in this context, and within the u.n. system, it is the independent international commission of inquiry that has to investigate all alleged violations. it's important for the rights, for the needs, for the protection, for the dignity, for the survivors of violence to be
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supported throughout the process. that's why we work through these globally mandated mechanisms. that not withstanding, we understand and certainly we encourage and support national level efforts, the ones that you've heard about today. the civil commission in israeli, which has brought together women's organizations to document gender-based atrocities impartially. our work will be on the back side of the independent international commission. >> oh, boy. that was a lot. and that was in response to a question that she was asked directly about whether or not there were sexual rapes, atrocities happening to women on october 7th in israeli. so that was the extraordinarily long-winded answer which really didn't answer the question. but today breaking news, there's a report from the u.n. saying yes, we think that according to our deep investigation that these things did happen. so let's go live to tel aviv and get an update from our
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correspondent, trey yingst. >> good afternoon. we start with a disturbing and developing story out of the u.n. where the u.n.'s special representative on sexual violence in conflict has released the findings of her investigation. she found that hamas on october 7th systematically raped israeli women at at least three different locations across southern israeli. the findings are things that we already knew and have been reporting. it's what she confirmed though about the hostages that only add to this horrific story. take a listen. >> we found clear and convincing information that sexual violence including rape, cruel and inhuman and degrading treatment has been committed against captives. >> she says there's reasonable grounds to believe that some of that sexual violence may be ongoing against the women that
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are still held by hamas inside gaza. her findings come after reviewing more than 50 hours of footage, more than 5,000 hours of photoing and speaking with survivors speaking as part of a cease fire deal. what she's describing are war crimes. you can't expect israeli officials tomorrow and in the days ahead to say if you're outraged by the tragic civilian casualties taking place inside gaza, may you be outraged by the fact that the u.n. believes that israeli women may still be assaulted inside gaza as we speak. >> martha: many hostages still being held. we remember the video and the images that we all witnessed after october 7 and saw in your reporting extensively at that time. trey, thank you very much. trey yingst in tel aviv. so there are very high stakes for president biden at this week's state of the union address on thursday night. the age issue and other very big
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issues loom quite large for the president right now in terms of his quest for re-election. john kirby joins us next. >> i don't think president biden with all due respect has the wherewithal to do anything at all. i feel like if he was anybody else's relative, they would have him retire and maybe even be contacting adult protective services. because i feel like he's just being forced to do his job. he's not doing very well. it's so out of touch with what's going on in the united states. [ tense music ] one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic. just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. aleve. who do you take it for? and for fast topical pain relief, try alevex. you always got your mind on the green.
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>> martha: president biden has a big night thursday. the state of the union address. now biden 2020 voters, 61% says he is or may be too old to be president again. this is from "the new york times" polling that came out over the weekend. 60% of democrats say the same thing. 75% of independents say that. almost 2/3s of black voters and more than 70% of hispanics. those are huge numbers of different groups of voters who say that he is or may be too old to be an effective president. that coming out over the
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weekend. "new york times" sienna. john kirby standing by on that and other issues facing the president this week. let's go to peter doocy first. hi, peter. >> voters are concerned about president biden's age, there's nothing he can do to get any younger. but he can start to lean more heavily on younger members of his team. >> i'm going to be on the road even more. you'll see the president continuing to be on the road. we've also got to work with partners on the ground to help make sure that their residents connect the dots. >> and the white house coms director said they're working to reach out to show what side the president is on. there's lawmakers trying to prevent the state of the union from happening. >> it is unfathomable that we do not have a national security strategy from the president.
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for do we have his budget for the upcoming fiscal year. because of that, we want to stop him from actually delivering the state of the union. >> and there was reporting over the weekend by nbc news that the biden team hopes to limit his appearance in front of large groups because they worry about protesters interrupting him. he will have a huge crowd thursday night and it's not unprecedented for lawmakers to interrupt the state of the union in 2009. >> martha: thanks, peter. let's bring in john kirby, white house national security communications adviser. welcome back. thanks for being here today. your reaction to those very large numbers from the sienna poll of people that voted for him last time and black voters, hispanic voters, independent voters, large majorities say that he's too old to be an effective president. so how much is weighing on this big speech on thursday night to try to change those numbers?
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>> any state of the union, martha, is an important opportunity for the president, not just to communicate with congress but the american people. the president is working hard on that speech this afternoon and looking forward to that afternoon. he believes he has a strong case to make that the state of the union is better, stronger, the economy is roaring back to life. record levels of unemployment and infrastructure, billions being invested in roads and bridges and railroads. there's a lot of good stuff going on here. the president is looking forward to laying that out for the american people. >> martha: what about the state of the president? that's the issue that is cropping up in these polls, john. >> look, i can't speak for the polling numbers. i can tell you speaking for the president that he's 100% engaged in the job of being commander-in-chief and president of the united states. again, through his leadership, all of these domestic things have improved as well as our footing on the world stage. this is a president who is actively engaged every day. i've seen it myself.
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>> martha: let's get to that specifically. you said he's actively engaged. yet according to his former border patrol chief that speak out on "60 minutes", he never spoke with the president his entire time overseeing 21,000 agents or the vice president. given the fact this is the number 1 issue for voters, how is that possible? >> well, you saw the president down at brownsville last week, martha. the second visit to the border. he has a close relationship with secretary mayorkas and everybody at dhs. he had a chance to meet directly with border agents down there in bounceville. this is an issue that he knows is important to the american people and important to him. that's why it was so important for the senate to pass that bipartisan bill that included significant changes not only in border security but immigration policy. now it's languishing because the house won't take it up.
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the president is willing to negotiate and compromise and move forward. >> martha: how has he never spoken to -- we did some reporting on this earlier today. not only raul ortiz, the former chief of the border patrol but the current chief of the border patrol, chief owens, who you pointed out he did meet with in brownsville, but from what we can find out, they had never spoken before that. how is that possible? >> the president is engaged with dhs. he's engaged with leadership -- >> martha: why not the border patrol? >> he's engaged with the border patrol. he was just in brownsville -- >> martha: he never met with the former or current chief. he's been president for three years. just met him the other day. >> he again is engaged with everybody at dhs including border patrol down there in brownsville talking to them on the ground, hearing from them directly about what their concerns are. >> martha: okay. just to confirm that record.
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they never met before thursday, correct? or spoke? >> i don't have the president's daily calendar with me in terms of like who he's met specifically with. the idea that he's somehow disengaged from the border patrol flies in the face of the facts. >> martha: obviously this is a very important issue for his election. now what we're learning is 75% of the border crossings are happening in what people would consider to be blue states. new mexico, arizona, california. 75% of the border crossings. you can see the numbers. he's down against president trump by five nationally. obviously this is a very important issue. are we going to hear something new and different thursday night with regard to how he expected to turn that issue around, john? >> i think you'll hear the president talk about a whole range of issues that he knows are important to the american people. he understands that the border is important to the american people. it's important to him, too. that's why he was so eager to
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work with the senate on the bipartisan legislation and so gravely disappointed that the house and speaker johnson will refuse to take it up. they said they had to have border security to pass the supplemental for ukraine. they got border security in there and decided they weren't going to take it up. i can't speak to the politics in the election. i'm not allowed to do that. he's aware that this is an important issue for all americans. that's why he wants to work on immigration reform. >> martha: i want to squeeze in one more. trump leads biden by hispanic voters by 6%. biden beat trump by 28% with hispanic voters. if the idea was having -- allowing millions to come across the border from central america, south america was going to help, it's done actually absolutely the opposite. he's lost -- trump is up six after biden was ahead with hispanics by 28. what happened there? >> i can't speak to the poll numbers as you know, martha.
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i can't get into electoral politics and the polling that goes in to supporting that. all i can tell you speaker johnson has an opportunity to do the right thing, the same thing the senate did and get border legislation passed. we need additional legislative authorities. we want more border patrol agents down there. the president is serious about this. it's time for the speaker to be serious. >> martha: does the president agree there needs to be an immediate cease fire by israeli? as the vice president side. >> there's a deal on the table. hamas has to take it. it will get us a six-week cease fire to get the hostages out. we want that temporary cease fire in place right now. >> martha: thanks, john kirby. good to have you with us. spokesperson. thanks very much. all right. coming up, nikki haley ahead of her biggest test yet.
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super tuesday tomorrow. >> i think she can continue and she should continue just so the rest of us so somebody has somebody to vote for. we'll see. >> she has a lot in her favor. she's much younger. she's sane. she doesn't have any excess baggage. trump has enough baggage to ground that plane that he has. meet the traveling trio. the thrill seeker. the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase. woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours.
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next week. haley won her first contest in washington d.c. more than 850 will be up for grabs tomorrow night. we will have all evening coverage of that and as i said, 1 1215 is the magic number of the the nomination. nikki haley joins us now. good to have you with us. thanks for being here. >> thanks so much, martha. >> martha: is it fair to say -- you said the other day that you only thought as far as as super tuesday in terms of your campaign is. it fair to say that you'll make a decision on wednesday? >> what is fair to say is we've been in ten states in the past week. we just had a rally here in texas with well over 1,000 people just outside of houston. we'll be doing another rally tonight in fort worth. you know, we're running through the tape. we're touching as many people as we can. the crowds are passionate. they're fired up. they want a new generational leader and want to turn the page. we're excited about that. our goal has always been to stay
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competitive. as long as we're competitive, we'll run through the tape. >> martha: what does that mean? what states you think you have a crack at winning? what is staying competitive come wednesday morning? >> usually it's the media that defines what is competitive. we have internal numbers. that's what we're going to focus on. i won't share them today. our goal is to be competitive. we're blessed to live in america where everybody has the opportunity to show the power of their voice at the ballot box. we have 16 states and territories that will be voting tomorrow. this is an opportunity of do we go with more of the same or something different. whether it's here in texas where we just did the rally and thousands of people say that they want something different, that's our goal to make sure that we go back to what is normal. we go back to results for the american people. we go back to where we have fiscal responsibility and stop the wasteful spending and prevent war.
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those things matter. >> martha: so, you know, former president, donald trump, has come after you for not pledging to support the eventual nominee, which of course you had to pledge to support the eventual nominee to get the rnc permit to go on these early debate stages. now what do you say about that? you answered the question yesterday. so i'll ask you again, will you support the eventual nominee for the republican party? >> well, i think you should ask him if he should support the eventual nominee if it was me. nobody has asked him that. the convention is not till july. there's a lot of time. i have said very clearly how much i think joe biden is a problem, how i think he's dangerous for our country and how we need a different direction. but i don't think joe biden or donald trump should be president. millions of people will vote tomorrow. they will have their voices
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heard. this is not an anti trump movement. this is a pro america movement. people are upset that he put us $8 trillion in debt. they don't like the fact that there's not a border bill. this is about national security where we should be preventing war and trump says he will stand with putin about invading our allies. we want to see america go in a strong direction. people have the chance to vote tomorrow and it will be a great day. >> martha: you know, i know you ruled out running in any kind of third party and giving people another alternative. here's some folks that would like one. watch this. >> i'd vote third party. >> write in or third party? >> well, if nicki doesn't win, hopefully she will go third party. >> i'm dissatisfied with the current administration.
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i will say that. so i'm leaning towards trump. but honestly, at the end of the day, i'll write in a name. >> martha: your thoughts on that. would you consider giving those people a yes? >> i mean, 70% of americans don't want donald trump or joe biden. 60% say that they think joe biden and donald trump are too old. the fox poll that you're talking ant, trump beats biden by two points. i defeat biden by eight. this is about addition. this is not the fact that telling my supporters that they're barred from maga. i'm a conservative republican. i always will be. i won't do a third party. it's not anything i'm interested in. the voices can't be ignored. they're tired of the way republicans and democrats are spending and tired of the fact that donald trump put them in debt and tired of the fact that
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we're isolationists and not realizing the strength of our allies. they're tired of the chaos. they're thinking of the younger generation and worried whether they can afford a home, get a job, make ends meet. on top of that, they see the division and the anger in the country. everybody wants it to stop. that's what you see when you see the massive crowds. >> martha: we'll be covering all of it tomorrow throughout the whole day. super tuesday tomorrow night. big states at stake. and big decisions that we'll follow one way or the other. governor haley, thanks very much. good to have you with us. thanks for being here. >> thanks so much. get out and vote tomorrow. >> martha: bret baier joins us with a preview of the big night tomorrow night next.
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>> martha: hillary clinton reacting to the unanimous supreme court ruling keeping former president trump on the ballot in colorado. one of more than a dozen states voting on super tuesday tomorrow. watch. >> without talking about the opinion, which i haven't had a chance to read and study, i'm not surprised that this court would make that decision. and i'm not surprised that ultimately it's up to the american people to prevent him from getting near the oval office again. that's what we have to do. >> martha: let's bring in bret baier, me co-anchor for coverage tomorrow night. great to have you here. seems that as hard as these blue states try to keep the former president off the ballot, they seep to be just energizing his campaign time am time again. >> yeah, definitely, this supreme court ruling, while not a surprise, 9-0 is something
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significant. you know, the left-leaning justices making their feelings clear that states can't tell a candidate on a national level for a federal office whether they could be on or off of the ballot. that affects not only colorado, but obviously illinois, maine as well. it's been a string of victories, but there's a string of question marks for the former president as well legally coming up. >> martha: i just spoke with governor nikki haley moments ago. she obviously is in this through tomorrow. i asked her if she will make decisions wednesday. she didn't really want to get that far in terms of how far looking ahead she is. i was reading a piece by victor davis hanson saying what she needs to do is build bridges back to the former president and unify the party and help to do that. what do you expect tomorrow night, bret and what comes after that? >> you know, listen, as we look at the polls and all of those states, 15 in the u.s., 11 of
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the 15 have open primaries that independents and democrats can vote in. you'd think she would do better. right now the polls in those stateses, the ones that we see, have him leading. she's won in d.c. that's the only district in which she's won. you know, the prospect of a win tomorrow we'll see. i think there's a real question whether she's going to spend ads, keep campaigning after tomorrow night. that speech will be really interesting to listen to. >> martha: absolutely. we'll cover that. the other side of the fence with the current president, he's getting a lot of joke fodder over the weekend. here's a piece from "saturday night live" as karine jean-pierre as played by one of the folks at "saturday night live," tries to convince people that he's in amazing shape. watch. >> look at his schedule. 7:00 a.m., soul cycle class. i'm not talking about taking
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one. he leads it. 9:30 a.m., meet with joint chiefs more a military strategy meeting and push up contest. 10:02 a minute, wins contest. three to 11, train time. that's all before a lunch where he eat five whole chickens and a raw potato. >> martha: back to back here. let's look at bill maher. watch this. >> instead of trying to refutes all of the too old to be president slams, joe must embrace them. stop with the i'm sharper than ever. nobody is buying that. don't try to deny the age thing. lean in to it. lean in. lean in like you're eating soup and say yes, i'm bad with names and i walk like a toldler with a full diaper. >> martha: oh, boy. tough to take on a monday morning, bret, for the white house. >> yeah. that "new york times" sienna poll was an eye opener. it was. some of those numbers, there wasn't a positive thing in any
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of those numbers for president biden and his campaign. if you look at that and realize how big an issue the age issue is for the biden campaign and you look at it as he's 81, it's not going to get better as far as his ability to convince the american people that he's somehow different. he is who he is to bill maher's point. and if you look at those numbers, they're going to have to do something. drastic to change the trajectory. each matches poll numbers that we've seen across the board. >> martha: all right. we look forward to tomorrow night. great to have you here this afternoon. thanks very much. good to see you. >> sure. >> martha: so bret and i will be anchoring the special coverage of super tuesday results. we start tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. a lot of states to cover, a lot of numbers we'll get in, speeches by these candidates, all of that will be covered here live tomorrow night on fox news.
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texas scores a big win as it battles the biden administration to secure their border. republican congressman burgess owens joins me next. veteran homs need cash but worried you can't get a home loan because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you're more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. no one knows veterans like newday usa.
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♪ limu emu & doug ♪ ( bell ringing) customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo.
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libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> fox cameras capturing brand new video just moments ago. a group of migrants crossing the rio grande in eagle pass, texas. appearing very emotional after arriving on u.s. soil and right before they surrendered to border patrol. earlier today, a decision out of texas giving a potential big win to governor abbott as he continues to battle the biden administration over the border crisis. a federal court ruling that state law enforcement can arrest and prosecute people entering the country illegally. that will take effect this weekend. unless this new ruling is appealed by the supreme court. the news follows this stunning
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admission by former border patrol chief raul ortiz on "60 minutes." watch. >> i have never had one conversation with the president or the vice president for that matter. so i was the chief of the border patrol. i commanded 21,000 people. that's a problem. the cartels, the criminal organizations, that's who is winning in this. they're sitting back, reaping the benefits while they watch the state of texas and washington d.c. go at it. >> all right. with that, we bring in republican congressman from utah, burgess owens. he's visited the border several times. thanks for being here. what is your reaction? i just asked john kirby about this. we'll try to turn that around. you know, why hasn't the president had a conversation with either the former border patrol chief overseeing 21,000 agents or the current one? how is that even possible?
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>> well, you know, what is interesting, i think america is coming to the conclusion that many of us came through three years ago the first time we visited the border. we said this is on purpose. people continue accept the president of the united states would allow the death of so many americans, the hopelessness that is across our country, the idea that we can literally purposely bring misery to our country. that's what we're seeing. it's obvious. america is seeing we have states across the country sending their national guard because the president won't do. we'll stand back and thank the brave men and women on the border doing their best and the state of texas doing what the federal government should be doing. we'll have to hold these people accountable. i'll say this is traitors to me, to purposely do this to american people, to get power is not the way we have actually ever done it in our country. we'll have a chance to reflect back on this time and see what happened and why. we should hold people accountable when we get to that
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point. >> martha: here's what john kirby had to say. watch this, please. >> the president is engaged with dhs, engaged with leadership there -- >> martha: why not border patrol? >> he's engaged with the border patrol. he was just there meeting and talking to those folks -- >> martha: he never met with the former our current chief. the current chief has been president for three years and just melt him the other day. >> he's engaged with everybody at dhs including border patrol down there in brownsville talking to them on the ground. >> the only logical answer to that is that he didn't want to hear the reality that they might want to talk to him about and tell him about if he called them. >> the administration says this. don't believe your lying eyes. the american people are waking up. unfortunately because of the way our education system is going, we begin to have a nation which many people will have empathy. empathy happens when you deal with it personally.
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what is happening across our country because what they have done to invade our nation, every city, every state is dealing with it. empathy has been our strongest point and now it's part of what we're about. realizing at the border is happening every place else. the deaths, the fentanyl, the crime, the hopelessness. the ability to not have a home anymore. it's going through the list. our pain is coming because somebody decides that they would rather -- their interest is stronger than our interest. that does not fare well in our country. we'll come out stronger because of this. as a nation we're at war against our own federal government. never thought we would say that here we are. because we come together as a country and be strong at the end of the day because we might not agree on everything but we believe we should be looking at ourselves first. >> martha: i have about 30 seconds, if you can.
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the black vote and hispanic vote is trending very forcefully towards the former president, donald trump. quick thought on that, sir. >> because we want the same things everybody else. life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. i realized that 40 years ago that blacks, jews, the democratic party has never been for them and we're going to show that in 2024. i'm excited about that process. >> martha: thanks, congressman owens. thanks. hope to see you soon. thanks for being here. that's "the story" for this monday, march 4. the story goes on. see you tomorrow at 3:00. "your world" starts about now. >> neil: colorado cannot keep


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