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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 4, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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spend, spend, spend. it is not something the biden administration would consider in the future? >> do you think more spending is the answer? >> in 2021, 2022, we had significant deficit reduction. it is the opposite of what you are suggesting. that is what the fiscal -- you are think we are over the worst of it? >> if you look at every forecast for where inflation is headed, it has a handle by the
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>> it is a very big day for liberty and it is a great day for this country. >> donald trump celebrating his 9-0 victory at the supreme court. supreme court. they rejected colorado's attempt to keep him off the ballot.
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the decision following months of debate over whether he was in violation of the insurrectionist clause of the 14th amendment. despite him never being charged with insurrection and this is quite the reversal. now that it has failed, she says it is up to voters to save democracy. >> my larger reaction is disappointment. i believe states should be able to bar oath breaking. it will be up to americans. democracy remains very much under attack and under that threat. this upcoming election will be crucial. >> the ruling impacting over 30 states. i am supposed to inform all of you we are in this temporary studio so we can get ready to
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soup the lack -- get ready for coverage. the supreme court justice eight no humble pie today. >> she is a trump hater and that is what this is about. when you get the supreme court to agree that it is inconceivable and incongruous to assume someone that hold state office can throw someone or disqualify someone who is a candidate for federal office, the whole thing -- if you read the text of the section three of the 14th amendment, it is clear it does not apply to the states. this has happened as a result of mainstream media and nancy pelosi's docudrama, convincing people there was an insurrection and donald trump was an insurrectionist when he has not been charged or
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convicted. colorado's highest court should be able to bar him and the illinois -- i think she was a traffic court judge in illinois. she think she should have the power to decide a national, federal election. these people are so obsessed and consumed with hatred they don't care what the constitution says. to them it is about we have to stop him at all costs. they talk about threats to democracy when they use language like we have to suppress the votes in their decision and they are trying to prevent americans from voting. this is a group that is so intimidated and fearful that donald trump is ahead of joe biden they will use every means they can and in the end, this is an interesting case. the supreme court realized it was important to decide it today even though the court wasn't meeting at 10:00 a.m., they
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issued the decision and they did that because they did not want anyone to vote on super tuesday and not think their vote was going to matter. that is saving democracy, not al make sure colorado -- that means people are disenfranchised from voting in a federal election. it is all lunacy and trump eight and the supreme court knocked it down. >> does this help democrats deal with reality so they stop thinking the litigation is going to stop and maybe he won't be on the ballot and start to think we have to get serious about trying to figure out a way to make this election? >> the secretary of state is further out over her skis than the average democrat. even if they thought there was merit to the decision, they
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still would have rather he be on the ballot because of what that means for the future. there would have been another january 6, but a lot of people who would claim we did not get a chance to exercise our constitutional rights. we think this is the appropriate decision but we would rather his name be there. you heard that when the main decision was coming down because that was unilateral. that was one woman deciding. it was a sobering weekend. we are going to talk about the polls that came out in the next block. the insurrection clause doesn't say insurrectionist. the supreme court was unified. there were "the five"
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conservatives who said congress decides and jamie raskin has talked about they were writing a bill to have him barred. >> which is a huge waste of time. >> i am just saying that is the effect. you had "the five" conservatives and then you had the four ot others. the three liberal justices who objected to how broad the decision was in terms of what wt the conservatives said with congress saying the colorado case doesn't work but it doesn't mean congress is the only body that should decide this and you had amy tony barrett, it is essentially 5-4 who went against this and she said i don't agree with everything the liberal female justices said, but i want to make it known that it is too soon to say congress is the only deliberating body who can do this. >> she said she doesn't like the
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fact that this is settling a politically charged issue in a volatile presidential season and why didn't you turn down the national temperature are not up. that is what the three liberal justices were doing. >> when you take a shot at a politician and you fail, it usually makes that politician stronger. >> these are the days i enjoy doing "the five." you look at your phone and you see 9-0 and you can't wait to sit next to jessica. we can all just bask in the glory of the supreme court's decision, unanimous, 9-0. you can get into the weeds and talk about the lady caucus, i would rather just look at 9-0. so many people gave the country false hope. these people went to law school. even i cannot read -- even i can
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read the 14th amendment that this was not going to go the way the democrats thought it was going to go. these people, they call them judicial pundits at the networks and on cable, came out strongly saying this case had a shot. now, the same people are saying, we knew it was going to be a unanimous decision. they are lying to you. everyone has been lying to you. they are getting everyone's hopes up. they are they are all of a sudden having to grapple with the fact that this is -- this is a direct quote, we are going to have to win this at the ballot box. they are admitting this was the strategy. they are admitting they have nothing except lawyers and judges. they want to persuade a few judges, not the american people. if you look at the polls, the american people have not been persuaded and it doesn't look
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like they will be persuaded. every time he is indicted, he is stronger. every time he beats these silly wraps, he is stronger. you can see the georgia case, the jack smith decision, even the brad case. every time they have created a monster and they are overriding hate for this man. it is weird. he had a nice four years. no one was thrown in prison, we didn't have any wars, the economy was hot, the stock market was hot. there were problems like we are dealing with now. >> one thing i notice, there are all of these attacks against clarence thomas today. it was a 9-0 decision. they just wanted to attack clarence thomas? >> because he is black.
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>> no, because his wife. >> jessica, i agree. we need to do something about this maggot supreme court. 9-0. i heard, this is a rumor that soto meyer justice kagan were listening to toby keith twirling their red hats. this is why we need to get more justices into the supreme court, so we can balance this extreme nine. it is a bummer that it is up to the voters. elections seem so old-fashioned when you can rely on liberal traffic judges, liberal prosecutors nda to circumvent the will of the people and law fare is what democrats do instead of debating and campaigning. imagine you have the
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world series and instead of the team playing, the owners investigate the star players of each team, trying to get them out before the game is played. you can take this as a victory, but this is part of a bigger strategy. they are doing it already. they get love from the media. the reason these judges are doing this is because it is incentivized. you can go from security in colorado or illinois and you get a warm bath until the stunt falls apart. the big play, the goal is to label trump as a felon. they will try to pretend this is a moral mission but it is not. it is directed by polling. they saw a poll that voters would be less likely to vote for trump if he were a felon and they start there and work
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backwards. they don't care if he is guilty or is he needs to pay. they want to circumvent the voter by using law fair based on polling. >> don't miss our coverage tomorrow. up next, panic time for the democrats. donald trump dominating joe biden in four separate polls. ♪ ♪
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>> the democrats are sweating
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bullets again. joe biden is getting crushed by an avalanche of terrible, no good polling. survey showed biden's trailing trump, including a fox news poll that has biden down by two points nationally. "the new york times" has trump leading biden 48% to 43%. the times is pointing out how biden's 2020 voters say he is too old to be effective and here is the kicker. the president is winning only 83% of his 2020 voters with 10% of them going to trump. his defenders are in the media and putting on a brave face and trying to cheer biden up. >> democrats, when it comes to messaging, we are at our worst when we try to speak to the head and try to get cerebral. >> the president is a compelling figure. >> he has been remarkable on the economy. the economy is doing better.
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>> this is a president who has done more in his three years as president than most presidents have done in their two terms. >> joe biden exercises every day, you look at how fit. >> biden remains defiant, saying quote, i will beat him again. you know things are bad when "snl" is finally mocking democrats over the ridiculous defense of his age. >> joe is incredible. >> pleasure to be with you to talk about the most vigorous man i have ever known, joe biden. i was just with him and behind closed doors, he is a whirlwind. >> i am exhausted. he wiped me out. he is a dynamo. >> four polls, "new york times,"
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fox, "wall street journal," cbs, they all have biden losing. is he still the best candidate in 2024 for the democrats? >> this is a two-week streak of talking about this and people coming out and pushing back against that. it is complicated and there is a risk you are taking of putting someone in who is untested and democrats are in a bind about it and people are concerned and there are people who believe he did it before, he will do it again and people will come home. there were a few things that stuck out to me in the polls as mind-bending. in the dobbs era, the pole had him tied with trump at 46. biden 157% of women and 2020 before roe v. wade was taken away and before we had seven or
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eight referendums on reproductive choice and women would become the angriest coalition of voters and now they are tied. that makes no sense. donald trump thinks black people like him more but do you think he is going to get 20% plus of the black vote? it upends electoral history. the hispanic vote, only 3% of their interviews were done in spanish. that seems like it is not representative and then the gen z vote, the idea that donald trump is appealing to a generation that cares about the things he cares about the least on the planet like reproductive choice, climate change, gun safety, and dean phillips tweeted he is getting 12% representation in one of the polls. only 5% know who i am and he gets about a percentage point
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and these caucuses. something as funky. it doesn't mean there is a problem. donald trump could win but you think women, the black vote, the latino vote, the youth vote while trump is trumping all over. >> americans just want a happy life, get a job, have a happy life. people, regardless, want the same things. >> i am trying to give dana a chance to get in here. his advantage is coming from groups that they have predicted belong to the democrats. that is the hispanics, the young people, suburban women, blacks, and i have felt joe biden earned those low numbers but this is a new constituency and like greg, i believe people want what trump is selling. >> let me add blue collared citizens to that. he says the democrats might go
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back to the drawing board and rethink their coalition, scrap everything, start over. they asked primary voters what they asked jessica, should he be the democratic nominee and only 40% said he should. the interview takes place on january 17th and it is only coming out now. he makes no news for two months and then says the president was great, everything was fine. he asked joe biden, did you think i'm not running and he says absolutely not. that would be news to the voters who said he will be a transformational president. they took that as a one-term situation. they continue to keep him in the oval office so he stops painting himself into a corner. the reason "snl" and jon stewart
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are finally ridiculing all of them is because they cannot show what they are saying. joe biden is a world when only behind the scenes, come on. >> one of the interesting things is trump is beating biden by huge numbers and immigration. the state of the union is coming up and do you expect biden is going to switch gears to say i am going to take care of the border now? >> he can't do anything that is going to change this. jessica named every single group in the country. >> not white men. >> you left out evil white men. you just did what i did. i am here for you if you need
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anything. this is what happens. now, the democrats are saying he should just scare people into voting against trump. he should run on the economy and they should say he is too old or should lean into the wisdom or he is really young. the latest thing i saw in this piece, they said they are going to close on january 6th. that is their closing message. in october and november, joe biden's closing argument is going to be january 6? that is crazy. that is nuts. the worst thing about this, 10% of people that voted for joe biden in 2020, they are not going to not vote for joe biden. they are switching. 8 million, you take off the tally for joe biden and add that to donald trump.
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that is an enormous swing. >> do we still get all the dead people? >> not as many this year because we are onto it. you haven't been ahead on a pole since halloween. you guys are in real trouble. >> i have trouble listening to these people who come out and say, no, joe is great and he is terrific behind closed doors. do they believe that or do they believe we are suckers and stupid? >> the people that are pushing this bad news, they are the smart ones because i am not going to fall for this. i am not falling for this bad news. i would advise republicans not to rest on their pudgy laurels. we are putting too much confidence in misleading equations and early polls. let me address the republican side of this. the republicans have to focus on something they don't want to
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talk about. trump trounces haley, haley trounces biden. b is greater than cna is greater than b than a is greater than c. you have to think that is going to grow. it is the only advice i would ever give. that would be to take inventory of the things that alienate people on the fence and do less of that. i don't know what it is. you have the diehards. see what is pushing other people towards you and pushing people away and figure out, it might be tiny tweaks. the things pushing people toward him are the issues and policies of the biden administration, so sit back and watch the chaos do the work for you. it speaks for itself.
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you may not have to add any anything. getting back to a country that is united, the message that biden -- that lied to us, you provide the real thing. that is something -- i feel like there should be a trump blowout given all of these numbers. that is why i don't trust it. >> you should trust it because republicans are always so beaten down and demoralized into thinking you are a minority and you see a pole like this. women, hispanics, blacks, people agree with the policies that donald trump pushes. that should make all republicans and americans happy because they were successful. >> up next, joe and kamala harris' dereliction of duty at the border. ♪ ♪ my dad
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>> they ghosted the chief, causing migrant mischief to unleash. the head of the u.s. border patrol, raul ortiz is now speaking out about his tenure on the job. he said he never heard a peep from joe. >> i have never had one conversation with the president or vice president. i was chief of the border patrol. patrol. i commanded 21,000 people. that is a problem. >> jesse, he said if only he had been trans, they might have met with him. >> he would have been invited to the easter egg roll. >> there is no photo op with that guy. >> the best part about being
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president is you have 3 million people working for you. 3 million johnnies who you can call any time at any hour and you say the president is on the phone. yes, mr. president, and you can tell them to do whatever you want. you can say do this, i will have this over easy and to have that power and not use it is ridiculous. he can call this guy and say, what are you doing down there. you are making me look bad. that is all you have to say. make me look less bad. maybe if you are smart and you know how to deal with people, any advice for me? you have been at this job your whole career. what do you know that i don't know? >> this guy has been in washington for 40 years. you would think he would know how to orchestrate federal bureaucracy and it turns out he
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does not. >> there lies your answer. they don't want information from people on the ground because they hear the truth and if you hear the truth, you have to act on it. if you don't hear it, you don't have to do anything. >> where have we heard this before? remember when the baby formula crisis was going on and biden was like -- no one told me anything. we had allies, we never heard from him. he was so detached. we have places where migrants are coming from and saying we have never heard from her. if you look at the pole since the beginning, people have said he doesn't care about the issues i care about and he doesn't utilize power. i want to learn more about this issue, whatever issue it might be, call them up, ask for a briefing, they show up and 20 minutes later, you have it. >> it is hard to ask when you
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think you know everything. >> joe already knows but he forgot what he already knows but he has not admitted that to himself. you have joe biden in the white house and for three years he doesn't talk to this guy and then kamala harris is named the border czar and there are three months before he leaves. you think she would want to do an exit interview. let me talk to the outgoing. , the real border czar. they don't do that because they are not into working. this feeds into the narrative we are already working in. it is not that he is disengaged, he is not running things. every time he said something, people would come out with a cleaning crew and come out and say he didn't mean it, the one china policy he said he didn't know anything about, or the
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defense secretary isn't in charge and nobody knows any anything. when our soldiers are being hit and bombed and when biden admits the border isn't secure, hasn't been secure for ten years, they asked -- but he doesn't talk to them either. they are not in the business of running the government. may arcus -- he says there is nothing more than threats to public safety when asked about the killing of riley. kamala harris is a waste. her whole thing is don't come, don't, and as soon as they come, we give them a house, education, a credit card in new york city, a worker's permit, and a license. >> jessica, you get the last
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word and it must rhyme with cantaloupe. >> are there antelopes? the white house is pushing back very firmly against this story and they say ortiz was invited last january when biden went to eagle pass to tour and he declined the invitation. the current border chief was with biden in brownsville and road and the beast with him and spent the whole day with him. the white house directly contradicts. >> if he invited the guy -- you guys are incredible. i am going to soak up this antelope win. >> coming up, the liberal media justifies looting because america was built on stolen land.
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>> the liberal "washington post" mocking concerns over the shop listing academic is something being hyped up, being called a late capitalism horror story. they are shrugging off mass thefts, no biggie. she brings up colonialism, saying america is a pinky finger nation built on stolen land and the current panic is about shoplifting. we stole the land from the native american so why should we care if people steal shampoo? >> are they the same outfits that ridicule and go after corporations for shutting their doors because they can't make
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money and their employees are unsafe and they are in places where they have a lot of crime and stop lifting? i have a friend and a guy is trying to steal something in the security guys trying to stop them, there is a scuffle, a gun falls out of his pocket and it has become a normal situation. shoplifting is very real but did you see the atlantic piece last week. not just "the washington post," a lot of reporters are trying to say crime is not a big deal. you will probably hear president biden thursday night saying they want to tell you crime is bad. it is not bad. they will whisper and it will be so annoying. >> that is because you don't prosecute crimes. that is when you stop referring to it as crime, it no longer exists. this woman is the perfect example of what they call the
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awful. affluent white female liberals and they virtue signal on the back of the suffering of others. it doesn't matter that other people are being hurt in crime. we deserve the crime until she gets mugged and she probably will. the all souls will march side-by-side with pro-hamas cretans, who would brutalize them if they were in a remote location. here they are, the white savior. how does that happen. she is arguing on behalf of the poor, knowing she is undermining the benefits to the marginalized. these are things people need but this is not her whole foods, not
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her starbucks, not her private security at her building. they will defend to the death a defense they hold dear until it is not theirs and then they will write about food deserts. what happened to the stores. where did all the white people go? >> it is going to be fun when trump is reelected and he can throw reporters like this in prison. >> not a chance. is that a question? >> what are they trying to accomplish? >> they are just arrogant. >> it doesn't matter that every employee is going to lose their job that the person who owns their building is going to lose a tenant or that the you can
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just break the whole thing down and it doesn't matter that poor people and patience are going to lose access because we are all bad white people. the shame of it is, there are certain neighborhoods that suffer disproportionately and she does not care. i am taking away your halo. >> are you an awful? >> you are not an awful. >> michael likes me. there are denominations of awful's. i know a lot of awful's and i am this kind of awful myself that i can and awful. there are two tiers. the
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>> and they probably sell oils. >> oils are helpful and have a lot of benefits. >> awful is a great term. ahead, global warming knocked out. a climate change protester gets thrown like a rag doll after cursing out joe mansion. ♪ ♪ liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment.
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eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous.
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♪ ♪ >> a climate change protester getting a brutal smack down after cursing out joe manchin at harvard university. watch this. [bleep] >> how dare you. >> i think joe manchin looks good there. >> i would do this for you. you know how strong i can be when i need to be. it is interesting this group was like look how strong and tough we are and then when coverage
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came out, they said they were the victims. >> they said we held firm. you did not. you got knocked on your. i love that joe manchin set up. >> the staff are present in his boss from hitting him. >> can you roll this one more time? if it was a bottomless pit on the other side of the door, and went all the way down with spikes at the bottom, a bottomless pit with spikes at the bottom. >> or an ocean of puranas. >> the end of the video, they dump him into a recycling bin. >> they do not. >> he got recycled. >> "the five" makes light of violence. >> call me awful, i think it is funny, to bang. "one more thing" is up next.
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♪ >> dana: time now for "one more thing." i want to say thanks to key west, florida a place i have never been and spent a few days last week. that is a wonderful place. i was at hemmingway's house and some great people. paul and dan -- paula and dan barr, thank you for putting up with me peter, a friend of a friend. we had a great time, great place. don't miss the latest podcast i put out tonight it. just posted. it's with james freeman from the "wall street journal" available now. >> judge jeanine: we love james freeman. >> dana: okay, judge. >> judge jeanine: today the fox nation show dropped the cocaine godmother. i narrate the show. it's incredible story about a woman who came from colombia and she started as a madam but then she realized that for all the young women that she flew in from col colombia to miami creae
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undergarments put cocaine and drugs in them. then she became a drug lord who literally single-handedly ended up improving the economy of miami. this was in the late 1970s and early 1980s. she was brutal. she was a sociopath. she would kill at the drop of the hat. if she didn't like you, she would kill you. and she was a ghost. they couldn't find her for a decade. she was an incredible sociopath, war lord, columbian drug lord. why could you deep showing. >> dana: excellent pitch. >> judge jeanine: great. you got to see it. >> greg: you go girl. we thought drug dealing was just for men. >> dana: you go, greg. >> greg: tonight great show emily compagno, jeff dye, kat timpf, michael loftus. i'm so tired of these protesters blocking traffic. take a look at these guys going the wrong way down the traffic. do you know what they were protesting the glue factories
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popping up everywhere. and they have had it. they slowed traffic cleveland on i 90 to a stand still. and you know what? they are just raising awareness. are there still glue factories? is that an urban legend? >> judge jeanine: i love horses. >> dana: this is a family show we don't discuss. >> jesse: another titillating excerpt get it together tales from the liberal fringe let me wet your appetite. hector says his mom used to have trouble sleeping. saw a shaman. threw up a scorpion sleeps like a baby. get it together march 19th. >> dana: jessica? >> jessica: no time for me but i will go first tomorrow. that's my announcement. >> dana: don't miss a very special episode of "jesse watters primetime" tonight. you are not going going to want to miss it. greg. that does it for us, happy monday, bret. >> dana: feels like tuesday. >> bret: see you tomorrow. you go g


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