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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  March 4, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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>> bret: and finally tonight, a special day. >> this girl this is but we have got find out. i'm taking a rest in between. i'm going to take her down. >> bret: stevi is a dog who was reunited with her owner after being rescued from 1,000 feet up an hawaiian mountain. sergio discovered stevi on the edge of a mountain cliff during a training rub. >> found the dog down the mountain found the owner local pig hunter. took off on a pig trail. there you go reunited. tomorrow on "special report" full coverage. super tuesday races. please join us for the special coverage begin 7:00 p.m. eastern time. we got you covered. as always, fair, balanced and unafraid. "the ingraham angle" starts now. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle"
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from washington tonight. lawfare loses again. that's the focus of tonight's angle. ♪ >> laura: for years, they led themselves, their viewers, and all those suffering from tds, trump derangement syndrome, down the garden path. now, once they branded january 6th as insurrection. they believed they were off to the races. so it was multiple attacks against trump using the insurrection as a foundation. that would result in him losing or, in the colorado case, they thought he would never be on the ballot at all. >> he basically incited a violent insurrection of the united states capitol. >> donald trump incited this insurrection. he wanted did to happen. he wanted the electoral count to stop. >> we should read the constitution as it is written. instead, he should be removed from office trump for the 14th amendment. >> laura: today, their faces told the story. they will look like they had lost their best friends. and they sounded defeated. >> another body is -- i guests
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it's the same body, doesn't want to deal with the whole insurrection thing. doesn't want to deal with the extraordinary nature of what trump did. >> what's the motivation behind it all? what are the fears that block it? block us from holding this man accountable? it's just shows that some people are above the law. >> well, i don't think it was a big win for america. >> unfortunately for america, the court isn't necessarily wrong that this is the way the framers wanted it to be. >> laura: okay. the truth, of course, is these people don't trust the voters. and they don't much like the voters. at least not the 74 million who voted for trump. today we really saw it, their anger and their hatred consume them. and any shred of common sense they once possessed. >> the court in its two cases saying what can we do to help donald trump? we are going to make sure this
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will only be decided not in a court of law, but in a -- this e court of spin and disinformation where donald trump lives. and there will actually not be legal accountability. the court is removing that either in this decision or in its immunity decision because they basically are saying we are not hearing that and we are sitting on that so the chances of it going to court could be zero. >> laura: this was the second piece of bad news in one week that the left received from the supreme court. now first the court decided it was going to hear the presidential immunity case which indefinitely delays jack smith's election interference case and today the court's unanimous ruling that individual states can not bar candidates for federal office ballots. we had nine justices agree that states may disqualify persons holding or attempting to hold state office. but states have no power under the constitution to enforce section 3 with respect to federal offices, especially the
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presidency. now, if you watch the angle when this thing was going down originally, you knew it was obvious. did was obvious to anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of our constitution that this was going to go down this way. we even predicted it would be unanimous. and hoping for otherwise was just complete incompetence on their part from beginning to end. now, months ago i suggested that biden call off the goons and declare that he wanted trump on the ballot in an honest election to go forward. he should really call off the dogs and the doj and new york, georgia. use august the influence to do that it all has to stop. if democrats had a real president, capable of making his own big decisions and a real executive staff with any sense of professionalism or respect for the constitution, they would have nipped this in the bud from the beginning. and they say trump is the fanatic? who are the real fanatics here? >> this is the most pressing constitutional question of our
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times when it's decided by the supreme court it will be the single most constitutional decision in all of our history. yesterday's decision by the colorado supreme court was masterful. it was brilliant. >> the fact that this ruling prevents disqualified people from running for office is nothing new. >> laura: it was a loser argument then and had they not allowed their virulent anti-trump views to cloud their judgment, they would have seen that so now these once respected legal minds larry tribe, mike luttig look like total nincompoops. the decision to bar former president donald j. trump from colorado's presidential primary ballot flies in the face of due
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process. in my view, what transpired in this litigation fell woefully short of what due process demands. and now, since the lawfare may not pay off, well, the democrats are just expeditiously moving to plan b. win by any means necessary. including mucking up the vote by getting rid of voter i.d. in one word, cheating. >> right to vote is still under attack. and that is why the justice department is fighting back. that is why we are challenging efforts by states and jurisdictions to implement discriminatory, burden some and unnecessary restrictions on access to the ballot including those related to mail-in voting, the u.s. of drop boxes. >> laura: listening to merrick garland, it's entirely reasonable for people to conclude that democrats will set
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up this scenario that allows them to collect just enough votes days or weeks after the election, of course, mail-in ballots and then the big announcement biden pulls out a victory. it's entirely reasonable to surmise that the attorney general of the united states wants to make it easier for illegal immigrants to vote. i mean, there is literally no other reason to oppose voter i.d. now, everything they do from now until election day will be designed to make it harder for us to track who actually voted. now, why are they doing that? well, we know why. and while they do this, they will continue issuing their unhinged warnings about what's going to happen in a trump second term. >> i think we absolutely should believe former president trump and what he says he should do. >> right. >> he would break the systems that i think are the power of america. i think he would undermine intelligence such that we would lose the great strength that it
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represents. >> laura: now, remember, if he is a dictator in waiting. if he is an autocrat, they even called him hitler, they are going to justify doing anything to stop hitler to beat hitler. anything. now, the more i listen to these people, the more i think that the craziest among them are the old bush-cheney people. there will never be another election again e will put all his critics in jail. it's going to be four years of vengeance and retribution, right. we will find those wmd in iraq any day now. these globalists are august all workingthemselves into suchy can't see straight. the globalists have nothing to offer the middle class. check out new poll by cbs u gov. it shows nearly two thirds of registered voters said the economy under trump was good compared to about 38% who said the same for biden's economy. are all of those people
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insurrection sympathizers? are they all enabling hitler? of course not. it's all ludicrous. a piece in the new yorker called joe biden's last campaign told us a lot because from the reporting it's clear that biden's not going to change any of his disastrous policies to convince people to vote for him. instead, the campaign is going to double down on their so-called freedom agenda. it's actually the opposite of freedom. by november, one strategist said that the focus will become overwhelmingly on democracy. i buy the biggest images in people's minds are going to be of january 6th. yeah. they are going to show that individual overand over again. forget making your life better. how cynical is this? none of them actually believe anything. toe don't believe trump is hitler or have another election. if they did think trump would never hold another election again, my question to liz cheney and the whole gang are you planning on leaving america? i will tell you what they are going to do.
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if trump wins in november, the next day, newsom, pritzker and whitmer will all be announcing their intentions to run for the presidency in 2028. their campaign also start organizing themselves. and to any democrats out there who still care about this country, who care about preserving faith in the electoral process i'm telling you back away from this cliff. it's not trump who is doing damage to america. because the more you try to manipulate the vote count or extend voting for months before and days after the election, the more likely you are going to destroy the credibility of our elections. we'll be more of a global laughingstock than we are right now under biden. in the end, the supreme court saved us, at least for the moment. if they had been successful in striking trump from the ballot, the resulting chaos would have continued for years. maybe decades. and the far left, remember, was willing to risk that.
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now, that's disturbing. and that's the angle. joining us now is mike davis, founder and president of the article iii project and former gorsuch clerk and david schoen, former trump impeachment lawyer. david, let's start with you. i think all of us predicted this would be a 9-0 decision. we actually had these unhinged people who were once fairly respected legal minds, trying to get people to believe that this was their electoral anywhere vanna, trump was going to be off the ballot in all of these super tuesday states and a couple of others it's reckless. they are constitutionally tone deaf. i never thought i would say that about professor tribe, judge luttig. it's crazy. when the oral arguments were going on and saw the way the tide was running. well, the guy doing the argument
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is no good. neither side did particularly great job on the arguments. the court decided this case. the court came together. president trump gave a speech today in which he said he hopes this will bring the country together. i would hope so, too. it's a decision that fundamentally says let's decide a presidential race at the ballot box. and that's the way it should be. abe lincoln said people decide elections. and that's the way it should be. this case broke down in two parts basically, they said section 5 of 14th amendment requires congress to pass enabling legislation and that hasn't happened. well, jamie raskin already is talking about trying to pass a bill now. >> laura: i have that. >> too late too little too late. >> laura: i have that let me play this for mike because this was quite something. the supreme court is not going to stop them mike, watch. >> i am working with a number of my colleagues, including debbie wasserman schultz and eric swalwell to revive legislation that we had to set up a process by which we could determine that someone who committed
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insurrection is disqualified by section 3 of the 14th amendment. in the house of representatives already impeached donald trump for participating in insurrection by inciting it. >> laura: mike, whether it's trying to get rid of voter i.d. laws to protect the integrity of the vote or trying to nullify the supreme court's decision, they simply don't want a regular verified credible election at this point. it doesn't seem like it. >> yeah, this is absolutely insane that these democrats, after losing 9-0 in the supreme court they lost justice sotomayor, that's how bad their case was and now they think that they are just going to ignore the supreme court and have house democrats just disqualify president trump. nothing screams democracy like disregarding the will of american voters and disregarding a 9-0 decision of the supreme court. >> laura: the court also in per curiam decisions today wrote that the disruption would be all
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the more acute and could nullify the votes of millions and change the election results of section 3 enforcement were attempted after the nation has voted. nothing in the constitution requires that we endure such chaos arriving at any time or different times up to and perhaps beyond the inauguration. david, is this a warning to the states not to try anything -- seems like after the election. i was actually heartened by the court went that far by the fact that they went that far. >> i think it's very important that they did. and, for another particular reason, i disagreed with the trump team's argument that it's an accurate argument text tawl tale but i didn't think they should made it section 3 bars one from holding office not being on the ballot. we don't want to see after the election an effort by jamie raskin or whoever else to remove president trump from the ballot if he wins the election. i think it would be too little too late anyway.
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no, i think it was an important statement by the court. >> laura: now, mike, i want to go back to the merrick garland intreaty in that church over the weekend. where, again, he state idea laws. somewhere it was written somewhere on one of the publications online it was very patronizing and frankly insulting many people in attendance wait a minute he doesn't think we are intelligent enough to have a voter i.d.? it's cynical. >> imagine how -- i mean, just think about how racist that sounds that the attorney general of the united states goes into a black church and pretends like they don't have the wherewithal to get a voter i.d. in america like every other american? they are using black americans here this is state their ability to rig elections and steal
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elections. the states, the republican lawyers need to start filing lawsuits and getting injunctions right now on voter i.d. we don't have the election rigid again like it was in 2020. gafd, can you chime in on this. to me, it is essential that the vote is -- wraps up at the latest 24 hours after the polls close this idea that we're not going to learn, perhaps, for two weeks until whenever they decide they are going to close the big black box where all the votes are, that we are not going to learn about who wins until days or maybe weeks after the election? how is that america? >> no, i think you are absolutely right. you know, the whole landscape has changed. we do have the absentee ballots, the overseas ballot and servicemen. you are not talking about that. that generally doesn't make a difference. you mean election integrity. you mean counting the ballots that have been cast in a timely
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fashion so we know who won an election or if it has to be recount and there is going to be a recount? >> laura: we are not re-litigating 2020 egg rigged, not rigged we are focusing on 2024. they have got to get this straight. mike and david, thank you. all right, it's a giant disappearing acts for joe biden's political base. who are they turning to? we're going to examine it, next. ♪
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♪ >> president biden, number one, stop weaponization. fight your fight yourself. don't use prosecutors and judges to go after your opponent to try and damage your opponent so you can win an election. our country is much bigger than that. >> laura: that was his best moment tonight and i think for a few nights. unite the country. let's just have an election. maybe a few debates, it will all be okay. we'll unite and go on and grow the economy and make america stronger people want to hear that on the eve of super tuesday, we are learning that biden is merging support. this stunned even me, from the people who voted him into office. now, four years ago, it looked pretty good for biden but not now. and those votes are not going to any other democrat as we know because, according to a new poll by the "new york times" and siena college, trump is winning
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97% of those who voted for him in 2020 and virtually none of his past supporters said that they are going to be casting a ballot for biden and bidenomics. in contrast, biden is winning only 83% of his 2020 voters. with 10% saying they now back trump. joining me now ben dom nech, fox news contributor, editor-at-large at the spectator. and chris bedford senior contributor at "the federalist." ben, as you and i and all of us were mention during the break, i remember all of the caterwauling after january 6th and after biden was sworn into office republican party was blown up. bush-cheney types were coming back. what happened? >> a number of different things happened. one of the things we have to preach the about what is going on right now is that joe biden has been incapable, even with his progressive agenda, of holding on to the far left in
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his own party. that's how wacko they really are that's how crazy they really are we saw this in michigan with the protest vote that we had there. but it's really, you know, this push back that's coming from the progressives within his party coalition, who are not willing to basically have any kind of moderation, any kind of shift toward the middle in any real respect and because of that, i think that you see the dynamic that is current, you know, across the country right now where donald trump is holding on to his voters. is he going to continue to hold on to those voters. he just needs to expand a little bit in order to be able to have a path back to the white house. >> well, eric swalwell was asked about this stunning poll, chris, that 74% of the country thinks that the economy is fair or poor. that is a nightmare. now, he used the term breathing room, listen carefully. >> our economy is a comeback story. we have got to start telling that story. wage workers who may not have seen that 24% growth last year
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in the stock market, they want you to talk to the heart and to the gut and they are looking at a phrase that i hear all the time from friends and family which is breathing room. it. >> laura: they are on life support and they are talking about breathing room. what is that? they are running out of spin. >> for the entire time democrats have been focused on trying to change their messaging. they think if they tweak this people won't notice biden is old. message this way they won't realize thought grocery bills have skyrocketed. all of their bills have skyrocketed. less money in their pocket that dad can't find a job as easily as he could before, if at all. it's not a messaging problem. it's a policy problem. and, at the same time, they are messaging on donald trump seems to have failed. they painted him as hitler, as godzilla as anything. this monster. and people are looking back and saying with a little bit of a distance between them and the twitter fights and saying what exactly was the problem here? and that's why you are starting to see 10% of people voted for joe biden don't say they are not going to vote for him they say
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they are going to vote for donald trump. they try to make it a social conte john. an awful thing to be a trump supporter. more and more people. >> laura: if they think trump is hitler they never run. time for moving to the hill and passport get foreign property. the fact is none of them actually believe that. they lie about that every single time and pretend they are going to be running for the rils. the thing that is so crazy in retrospect about this is we were sold this idea that he was chaotic that he was, you know, that he was going to, you know, upset the apple cart, that nothing -- the last election was going to happen or something like that. instead, with as chris said, the distance of time, we actually see that this presidency is more chaotic, this presidency actually has more chaos and problems and, you know, a world that seems more tilting off of its access than anything that we experienced in the previous four years. and that's one of the big reasons that people are
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reassessing where they stand. >> laura: basic sense of fairness. i think people have -- it just feels wrong. everything that's going on, legally, against him, just feels like they are making him a target. it doesn't matter what the constitution says it. doesn't matter what the law requires. proof, any of that, they said he was insurrectionist and that's all it was. >> started as soon as he came into office. and at first i think the american people wanted to give the benefit of the doubt. >> when the fbi comes out and says well, i think there is a russian spy, wow, this must be really serious, it turns out it was all fraudulent. by the time they're raiding mar-a-lago and by the time their cases are collapsing in on themselves one at a time by the time the prosecutors are exposed as corrupt people who aren't even very good at the law. >> 9-0 at the supreme court. you can't argue on the optics on this. >> laura: they still tried today. ben and chris, great to see both of you on set tonight. all right, coming up, dead bodies out of control crime, and migrants invading his property. we are going to talk to an
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arizona rancher who has the details of what he deals with on almost a daily basis, next. ♪
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♪ >> laura: after two consecutive disappointments at the supreme court the biden administration apparently going for a third. it's now asking the supreme court to intervene on an emergency basis to block texas from enforcing a law allowing them to arrest illegals crossing the border. joining me now with an update live from eagle pass is fox's own griff jenkins. griff, what can you tell us? >> griff: hey, good evening, laura. and texans are watching what is happening. the high court has halted texas' law from taking effect until march 12th of next week after the fifth circuit of appeals upheld the law. this texas law made it illegal to cross into texas from mexico.
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it was a class b misdemeanor for first time offenders, punishable by up to six months in jail. a second degree felony for repeat offenders. punishable up to 20 years and it would require texas judges to return migrants to mexico if they were convicted. now, if you go and take a look at our drone in the sky, you can see it's all part of texas governor greg abbott's efforts to drop the numbers dramatically from crossing here. and that's exactly what the miles of this razor wire and these containers have done. eagle pass is part of the del rio sector it, laura. it is among t lowest. take a look at this video from earlier. some migrants are still getting through right here where we are standing, laura, a dozen migrants come through from venezuela and colombia. they got underneath a gate that's holding up the wire and they were taken into custody. but, that is because the numbers are low here. out west, it's the highest. we are learning tonight there were more than 12,000 migrant --
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21,000 migrant encounters in the last 72 hours that's 7,000 in the past three days. uptick for the spring and it is certainly one that is looking like it could be a record-breaking one. in fact, we are also learning in february of the 141,000 migrant encounters, 70% were out west in arizona. and in california. and san diego sector. and only 29 point 8% were in the texas area. this after biden's visit to the border in brownsville where he was accompanied by the current border patrol chief. but we're learning the previous border patrol chief raúl oar teese says he never once was contacted by president biden, listen here. >> i never had one conversation with the president or the vice president for that matter. i was the chief of the border patrol i commanded 21,000 people. that's a problem. >> that was after ortiz was on
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schiff. the horse whipping incident the end of title 42 the current chief owens, who of course gave the tour to biden on thursday last week in brownsville, that's the first time he had met president biden. laura? >> laura: wow. griff, thank you so much. now on to john lad. is he a fourth generation cattle rancher from arizona whose property spans 10 and a half miles along the u.s.-mexico border. and he joins me now. john, i have been reading some of your comments about what you come across on your own property with illegals crossing over your property every day of every week. is it true that you have actually found dead bodies and how many? >> well, we found 17 over the last 30 years. and thank you for having me. >> laura: what have you found since the biden folks have taken over the border? obviously completely different
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approach than donald trump had, which was to turn people back at the border. title 42. how bad have things gotten for people who own land along the border? >> well, this is the worst it's ever been. even though the numbers don't match what it was before donald trump, donald trump had the border figured out and the four years he was president, it was almost nonexistent for us. we got spoiled. as soon as biden took office, we had groups at the house again. we had cut fences. it's been a 24-hour nightmare with biden being president. >> laura: well, the thing that i have noticed and i noticed it when i was down in del rio, and in eagle pass, and it might seem like it's nothing to people because they are thinking it's a lot of hardship and obviously death and suffering of people. but the trash that you guys have had to pick up is stunning all
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these environmentalistst and this trash everywhere. >> yeah, the environmentalists don't even want to talk about it. the big thing that we have full camouflage and carpet shoes they don't want to get caught. two thirds of them down here are get aways because of what biden did to border patrol. and removing the agents off of the border to go process the illegals coming from other sectors. >> laura: you have also commented about something that a lot of people have read about but don't believe, which are rape trees. what is a rape tree. >> every woman that comes across the border gets raped and then the cartel people hang their underwear wear in the tree as a
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trophy status. every woman down here gets raped coming across the border. >> laura: have you seen the women's underwear on a tree on your property? >> well, that picture is -- yeah. it's pretty regular event. >> laura: i mean, women across the country, mothers across the country, i mean, this is not humane. this is being sold, john, as humane, letting people come into the country because they are seeking a better life. how is this humane. forget being fair to you as a cattle rancher. how is it humane? >> well, it isn't. that's the hypocrisy of what biden talks about. but, when the illegals gather up across the line, there's a border town mac senor are a. they get the package deal and camo and carpet shoes. well, the women, they -- it's
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already rearranged. they have a packet of birth control that they buy it. but it's a one-stop shop where you get everything you need to cross the border. >> laura: john, thank you for telling the story. we wish you the best of luck. it's brutal for the ranchers. we heard this story before but it never gets any easier to hear. thank you, john. a crisis that i have been warning about for years is here. find out if your neighborhood is affected, next. ♪
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous.
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>> laura: they will try to defund the police and then embolden criminals. the rise in crime comes as police funding is being cut. results speak for themselves. police forces are being hollowed out by lagging recruitment and early retirements. >> laura: well, the warning signs have been there for years and only got worse after the summer of love and george floyd. yet, nothing has been done to fix the police recruiting crisis across the country. it's getting worse. in pittsburgh, sometimes they don't even respond to 911 calls. some of them are handled by a telephone unit. whatever that means, instead of having police physically go to the location. and in houston, they just stopped investigating certain
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crimes. >> houston police now say 264,000 criminal cases were never investigated. accounting for roughly 10% of all incident reports filed with hpd in the past 8 years. >> laura: by the way, that includes 4,017 cases of alleged sexual assault. and in austin, after $150 million was cut from its budget during the defund the police era, there are new warnings that the city is on the brink of disaster. >> police are sounding the alarm, homicide rates hitting new highs over the last three years as their force grapples with a staffing crisis. things are so tight for a few hours on a recent saturday, an entire section of east austin had zero patrol officers on duty. >> laura: the no man's land out there. joining me now joe, vice president of the fraternal order of police. joe, we warned that this is exactly what would happen and
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now keep it weird in austin apparently means keep it dangerous. so this is going to effect real people and put real lives in jeopardy as it already is. >> yeah. the defund movement in austin has been unmitigated disaster. the defunding their department by $150 million. the next year they had their highest murder rate in recorded history. aggravated assaults are up 18%. car thefts up 77%. response time to emergencies are up to 10 minutes. there is no help coming on the way here, folks. they are down 600 officers. they have been hemorrhaging people. they can't recruit and do you really blame them? i mean, if you had a city council and a local congressman greg kosar who treat officers like scum why the hell would you take this job? this congressman, greg casar is a real peach. he loudly and proudly supported defunding the police. but here's the rub. when crime went up in his neighborhood, he wanted additional patrols there so he
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doesn't give a damn about you but he wants to make sure his family is taken care of. they are all hypocrites and they don't give a damn about the residents in austin. >> laura: now short-staffed police department in northern california has residents really worried so worried they may do something really drastic, watch. >> there is a lot of people wanting to sue for the lack of response. people are feeling like the stress and anxiety and danger they feel they are in so bad multiple individuals have indicated that they are intending to move because of the lack of response to calls for issues like domestic violence and restraining orders. >> laura: joe, if people aren't going out to the gun range to get trained up, armed up, they are trying to november place where their families are safe. that's common sense, isn't it at this point? >> yeah, of course, they want their families to be protected and just so you know, folks, if your community, if your city council if your elected officials don't support law
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enforcement. it's only going to get worse. recruitment is in the tank. new jersey applications are down 90% and illinois down 80%. retirements are up 45%. resignations are up 25%. so you are going to continue to see the erosion of services but you know where they are not having recruiting problems? where you have communities that actually support police officers. that don't treat their officers like crap who actually treat them fairly. defend your home and your property. at least move to a community that's going to support law enforcement because we will be there to protect you. >> laura: that's what ron desantis said in florida. move here. i went to the daytona. i think it was the daytona police academy. i was at one of the recruiting events. it was amazing. there were so many young people, it was awesome and people have to get that in their own communities. joe, you have a lot of energy. i love it. thank you. all right, teen crime, speaking of crime, spiraling out of control. where are the parents? where are the values? we are going to examine it, next. ♪
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this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine.
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have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday, and i had it today for breakfast. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. it breaks my heart to know that there are holocaust survivors who suffer to this very day. it's not only the painful memories of lost loved ones, but now with pensions of less than $2 per day, they live in some of the poorest conditions imaginable. i believe in god, but i
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sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story, and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one just f survival food box to a holocaust survivor eed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone.
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another case of out-of-control teams, violent, raging and posting it online. 20 mean lout with the details, of what we just saw over the weekend is fox news senior national correspondences. >> reporter: something, it's playing out increasingly right in front of our eyes by way of social media, for example a couple of teens in california breaking into an unfinished two billion-dollar nba arena middle of the night shooting hoops, all for the world to see by way of tiktok. sporting but dramas, they have been identified but they did not try to hide the identities. no word on charges, in the south on increasing number of teens using electronically -- key cloning device to steal chevy camaro's, so often in fact that car that's of camaro specifically are up 1000 percent compared to last year. this is feeling -- feeling something called street
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takeovers where the youngsters spin out and wild out intersections until the cop comes. and then they peel out. worse, a number of shooting incidents across the country involving teens of late, and the state of georgia that the opening of six plays march saturday by chaotic scene involving fights breaking out and then a shooting that injured a 15-year-old, cop say that they were fired at first the crowd leaving the park and the teen was hit in the returned fire. finally in texas a 15-year-old boy arrested in the shooting of an uber driver, the boy whose name is not been released because of his age bases capital murder charges in the death of a 25-year-old man who was shot while driving an uber. he crash the car after being injured and this is exactly what we talk about what we say something is happening in the families across the country and crime since 2020 is exploding everywhere chef. >> there's no accountability, no
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supervision and i don't know who is teaching them values, no accountability and they don't have fear, it the fact that they were dribbling the basketball and in their pyjamas and send me a memo when that ends and then they are fine. >> reporter: not afraid of anything happening and that is the real issue that is happening, not only in la but everywhere. >> laura: thank you so much. if you cannot tell the kids are not alright, children need consequences as we said, they need adults to step in and stop the nonsense and instead adults are validating and sometimes encouraging these is sick and twisted acts like in oklahoma were someone at deer creek high school signed off on this disturbing act. >> reporter: this video shows the high school students licking toes at a high fundraising event, we've blurred their faces to hide their identity. >> he is devouring them. >> laura: i don't know what to say at this point. time to signoff.
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the school says that this was all for a fundraiser. and that all the students volunteered. they even celebrate the success of the event calling it a momentous accomplishment. joining me now as abigail, author of bad therapy, abigail, again, adults who are themselves in fantasized want to stay as kids and be friends with their kids. do they encourage this? i don't even know, i'm without words right now. take it away. >> you know we have seen an undermining of parental authority like we have never seen before. they let all these experts in the door and some of these experts were mental health experts they have overdiagnosed and over treated entire generation and the kids are so focused on their own feelings that they are soaked is regulated and so focused inward that it's making them sadder, sicker and more afraid to grow up. >> laura: and the idea, i'm going to go back to the toe
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looking for a moment. the idea that any adult on earth would think that that was a good thing for kids. we were looking for parents to put on the show tonight, not that we don't love you, we do, a parent, i can't imagine that they're not parents out there saying what, what happens. we cannot find any parents. maybe they are all anonymous, i don't know. the point is, this is some twisted stuff. on top of that all the stuff that kevin just talked about in his report. wild out-of-control kids committing acts of violence and no consequences. we don't care. >> there is no substitute for parental authority and you know there's this fascinating finding that i think it's related which is that apparently hold the teen girls had the worst mental health, teen boys from liberal families had worse mental health and teen girls conservative families. and that is not social media,
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teen girls are on more social media, that is parental authority, teaching kids right from wrong, soaking send them outward not edward, things they can do in this world that is good for mental health. and were not doing enough of it. >> laura: this is an issue that the angle is going to stay on. the kids, parenting, we do politics but the culture, it all filters down from the culture, you've been on this for the beginning. thank you so much. people think i'm weird because kevin is still sitting here, my kids don't get phones until they are 15. you should see the looks i get. people think i'm an auto ball. i don't care. >> reporter: you are smart and protecting them because they are kids. they're not ready as people think. >> laura: a big waste of time. tomorrow is super tuesday coverage, you'll see me and it starts at 7:00 pm. but you'll see me throughout the night for political analysis. jesse is next. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime tonight. >> i think it's a big da


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