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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  March 5, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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social media. that is parental authority teaching kids right from wrong focusing at work not in word. things i can do in this world. that is called very, very good for mental health and we are not doing enough of it. >> laura: this is an issue that "the angle" will stay on. the kids, parenting, we do politics, but the culture, it all filters down from thes culture, abigail you have been on this from the beginning.hi thank you so much.nkvi people think this isn where because kevin is still here. my kids don't get phones until 15. >> you are smart. >> laura: people think i am an oddball.epor i don't care. >> you are smartr: y. you are protecting them because they are kids. they are not ready. a big waste ofs time. tomorrow super tuesday coverage. you will see me it will start at seven
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>> carley: the first polls are open in vermont on the biggest day of the presidential primary calendar. next polls open in virginia in an hour, east coast kicks off huge election day. delegates are up for grabs across 15 states in hunt for 1215 delegates needed to secure the gop nomination. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: 5:00 a.m. in vermont, early worm. i'll todd piro. former president trump leading nikki haley. on the democratic side, president biden looks to overcome the pesky line that made its way to today's contest. >> carley: madeleine rivera has the things you need to know,
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including other big races. good morning, madi. >> madeleine: a lot tawatch today. former president trump has a big night, he could become the presumptive nominee by middle of this month. he won north dakota with 84% of the vote after scoring major victory on monday prosecute scream court rejected colorado effort to kick him off the ballot. his opponent nikki haley has been crisscrossing the community. she has not committed on dropping out of the race. >> you cannot take somebody out of a race, voters can take somebody out of the race quickly. a court should not be doing that. >> tomorrow, you got a job to
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do. i need you to vote and i need you to take 10 people with you. >> president biden is not facing any formidable challenges. there is a push to vote uncommitted in protest of the war between israel and hamas. >> it is really overwhelming majority of democrats who believe that the president is on a very dark course. >>-- community low for biden, simple fact that he did not -- >> last time we were very happy with him, but he did not do anything for us. >> madeleine: the president and vice president are calling for a temporary ceasefire in the war. outside of the presidential contest, there are other key
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races to keep an eye on. in texas, democrats choose nominee to take on senator ted cruz and in california, three democratic representative and former baseball player vying for dianne feinstein's seat and closely watched race for governor in north carolina. one thing of note, voting will take place across different time zones. carley and todd. >> carley: madeleine rivera, thank you. bring in kaylee mcgee white, welcome to super tuesday. you follow politics on a deep level, what will you be watching for today. >> kaylee: there are several races you mentioned down ballot that are importance to keep an eye on. i'm interested to see what happens in california. newsom approval rating dropped
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lower than it has ever been. could that affect the senate race? it could. there is today's big race between donald trump and nikki haley on the republican side, that looks set in stone. nikki haley is not predicting victory in any of the states that head to polls today, but is cysting she'll stay in the race anyway. i remember last female politician who came along and belittled her opponent and that was hillary clinton. nikki haley could be despised like hillary clinton if she continues or drop out now and save her dignity. >> todd: why is she still in
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this race? she's vowed to stay so long as it is competitive, she says today will be competitive. will it be competitive and what is competition looking like to her? is it the smallest margin of victory that trump has? i don't know what that looks like or what competitive looks like today for nikki haley, do you? >> kaylee: only person who is not confused by nikki haley's strategy is nikki haley and she doesn't seem to know what she's doing anymore. she's not trying to win the republican primary by ordinary means. she knows she will not get enough delegates to beat donald trump. she is hoping something happened in the next several month says probably with one of the many court cases against him. here is the thing, i'm not sure
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why she thinks she would be the back-up candidate if something took donald trump out of the race. republican voters will remember everything she said about the president and not take kindly to that. >> carley: democratic side, there is an effort to vote uncommitted. we want to talk about the supreme court discussion that came down yesterday ending colorado's push to remove donald trump from the presidential ballot. reaction was hilarious, if i might be so bold. take a listen about plan b, let the voters decide, watch this. >> my larger reaction is disappointment. i believe states should be able to bar insurrectionists, leaving
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open authorizing legislation. we know that congress is nearly nonfunctioning body, so ultimately will be up to the american voters to save democracy in november. >> carley: what do you think about that? >> kaylee: it is up to voters to save democracy, never up to the colorado supreme court, never up to the maine secretary of state and that is what the supreme court made known. they cannot decide if a candidate is disqualified because they want to. only congress has that authority. this is one of several nails in the coffin against the former president, this comes after the supreme court said shea would take up trump's immunity cases. jack smith was hoping to have trial before the november
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election, doesn't look like that will happen. rely on their own voters, they are stuck with weak incumbent in president joe biden. >> todd: another -- is the thought process on law fare it is on its last legs? >> kaylee: it seems to be on way out, trump is facing a number of legal challenges that have yet to be resolved. i don't want to say he's in the clear yet, things are not working out for the democrats. you don't hear more local calls for biden to step down in light of abysmal showing in washington last week is they have been relying on this law fare to take trump out for them. that will not happen, it looks
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like before the november election. it will not surprise me if you hear more calls for biden to step down and get out of the way. >> carley: democrats threw a lot against the wall simultaneously sliding down right now. check out that washington examiner op-ed. thank you for joining us. exciting news, former president donald trump and nikki haley are joining "fox and friends" for live interviews as polls open. stick around for that. over to fox weather meteorologist adam klotz for super tuesday forecast. >> adam: good morning, guys, active weather across the country. may get in the way of folks getting out to vote. winter storm in northern california, pacific northwest and three weather system in eastern united states, pressure system across chicagoland,
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across the gulf of mexico and one up into new england as we speak that will bring heavy rain. heaviest rain today is across the southeast from alabama to georgia and running up toward carolinas. it is on the lower end. it will be really heavy rain folks are dealing with, otherwise here are super tuesday states and where you are looking at rain. you are seeing across portions of the southeast and new england and continuing to be one weather system where we have seen snow out west. that will be lingering. snow in alaska, as well. over to you. >> todd: weather has not been pro-democracy. stepped up to make it difficult for people to vote. we'll get democrats in congress. >> carley: democrats will blame trump. >> todd: yeah, for the weather. other major news, a major rally in georgia, residents are
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calling to make athens safe again after the murder of laken riley. an organizer joins us next. >> carley: plus a spring break up at the beach. >> do you remember what happened last march? >> that was a breaking point. so we're breaking up with you. >> carley: city coming out with a commercial telling spring breakers to stay away this year. cheryl casone has details, don't go anywhere. i can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about.
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a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more. >> todd: fox news alert, massive fire breaking out at industrial plant in michigan causing explosions and debris. one firefighter in the hooep from being hit with shrapnel. police are asking the public to stay inside, posting on facebook, we cannot stress the danger of what is burning and the effect on air. stay out of the area. frightening warning. >> todd: five people dead after a plane crashes in nashville
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last night. witnesses say the plane imploded on impact and there are no survivors. >> carley: considering the laken riley act named after the murdered georgia nursing students. the venezuelan migrant accused of killing riley has dui, shoplifting, endangering a child and was arrested and released several times. the bill will head to the house floor. and house republicans take aksz and residents in athens, georgia, are holding a rally to make athens safe again. the rally comes one week after a video went viral of a man
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confronting a mayor. >> who voted to make clark city a sanctuary? who? what is their name? you are fired, you need to go, sir. you are not defending us, sir. you are lawless, you are a criminal. >> carley: the organizers of rally is joining us. laury camp, good morning. goal of the rally is in the name, amake athens safe again. >> i hope people who are fearful of speaking their mind and truth, i hope they will come out today to show our local government we are tired of being s
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silenced. progressives want everybody to think the same as them or they shame us by calling us racists and bigots. today i was kicked out of a teacher's group because people did not want me in there anymore since i was not a teacher. that is what is happening in athens, people are scared to speak out. i've had lots of messages and phone calls thanking me for speaking out because they are too afraid to. i hope people will discover they have boldnessed in of them. >> carley: why would they be afraid to speak on an issue of public safety? >> they are afraid to speak out
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about anything different from what our local government thinks. for examples as a teacher in clark county, i never spoke politically and discussed what my stance was on anything. i knew i be scrutinized with the public and probably lost my job. now i am retired and feel free to speak out. so many others feel the same, they will be shamed and labeled as white supremacists. my son was in a class at his high school in clark county and a student asked students to apologize for their whiteness and my son chose not to participate and not to apologize. that is culture in athens, they
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want everybody to think the same or be labeled something not appealing. >> carley: residents like you and the resident that confronted the mayor in that press conference are speaking out there were questions about whether clark county is a sanctuary city. the mayors it is not a sanctuary city. who is right here? >> my personal knowledge we have, we have been told the d.a. will not prosecute, they will not detain and another example of corruptness going on, to get
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around no cash bond, they are giving 10 cent bond and $1 bond and letting them out and on the streets. >> carley: such a slap in the face to the victim. a lot needs to change. you are making your voice heard at make athens safe again rally. thank you for joining us. >> todd: i would add, what an education we are getting on this happening in georgia. athens pretty liberal, never would have expected prior to this horrific situation, in georgia. >> carley: we are all waking up to it and unfortunate that murder of an innocent young girl is something that would shake us to realize what
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is going on here. to texas, tony gonzales says the biden lied to his face. plus he is previewing his own gop primary race today. don't miss it.
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>> carley: voting is officially underway for super tuesday in parts of the east coast. main focus is on donald trump and nikki haley vying for gop presidential nomination. the former president brushed off another win in north dakota last night holding 273 delegates and his opponent just 43 delegates. >> todd: texas one of the biggest today and stakes are high i higher as the state faces the migrant crisis. tony gonzales is on the ballot. there are a lot of down ballot races. big prize is presidential primary. common thread is the border.
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is there an issue in texas bigger than the border right now. >> there is not, issue one, two, three is the border, whether you live on the border. i was in eagle pass yesterday or if you live in a big city three hours away, the border crisis is impacting everybody in texas in a negative way and we've had enough. i was in eagle pass yesterday and folks were telling me, we're tired and done with the chaos and done with biden not doing anything. we are ready for a change, that change is donald trump and policies that had secure border, these are things i'm hearing on the ground. >> todd: you face primary challengers who have called you out for breaking are republicans, that is what they say on gun control and border
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security. how do you distinguish yourself from the other candidate in this heated race with a lot of them saying you don't share with the republican bona fide needed to go forward. in politics, you better have tough skin, i'm retired navy master chief and i don't let critics slow me down. we've worked hard. nobody knew where eagle pass was three years ago. we've worked hard, hosted elon musk at the border. my district is massive, larger than 30 states, 29 counties. i will visit a dozen counties today.
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i grew up in edwards county and go from there to uvalde and del rio. it is a fun time to visit. when i grew up, i never met my congressman, to see folkless at the polls in small towns. i have made it a point to make sure nobody has been forgotten, i show up over and over again temperature is a huge day for the republican party. >> todd: we'll be watching. yesterday we reported on the "60 minutes" interview where the border chief says they never met with joe biden or kamala harris. you said you did meet with joe biden and he lied to your face, what did he say? >> sadly after the uvalde school shooting, i hosted the president
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of the us. he spoke out,is gave him recommendations, do not talk about guns, this is texas. we went to mass together. i said, now is not time or place, i would like to discuss how to secure the border. he calls an aide over, get tony in the white house. two years later, they have ghosted me. i'm done with president biden, i think a lot of americans are done with the double talk. we can't wait for someone to save the day. house republicans have to step up. let's label cartels as terrorist organizations. they control everything, what and when things go across the
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border. take the gloves off and label cartels as terrorists. >> todd: fact we have not done so is mind boggling. keeping close eye on the north carolina governor's race, the biggest and most expensive gubernatorial race in history. >> carley: wghp is live. hi, floriana. >> it is not just a presidential election, we'll see a brand new governor and lieutenant governor. there are eight running for governor and 11 for lieutenant governor. there are a long list of candidates and judges on the ballot this year. this is first time county and statewide in north carolina,
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where voters have to present a photo id. polls open in an hour and will be open until 7:30 tonight. you will need a photo id. back to you. >> todd: thank you. they need turnout in north carolina, we need turnout from you, the people who watch our show everyday. we want your name, where you are from, why you are up early and what you love about the show, e-mail friends first at >> carley: you nailed that. i said to todd, you could use a turnout tie into this. workshopping that area.
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>> todd: congresswoman aoc confronted by pro-palestinian protesters at the movie. >> your view is to call it genocide. >> i need you to understand it is not okay. it is not okay genocide happening. >> carley: tomi lahren will react to that exchange and tweet aoc posted four years ago that is coming back to bite her. ♪
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and illegal prices, taking on poultry, bulk billing by internet providers. president biden is fighting to lower prices. consumers should join this effort, not sure how. think about your cable bill, hotel bill, airline bill, etcetera. view from voters it different. new fox news poll show 26% view the economy as excellent orred go, 73% say fair or poor. along with immigration, issue of economy, a lot of republicans are struggling. personal savings rates have gone
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down. this just in this morning, we expect more details. we have heard from president biden, this is not first time i've heard him say corporate creed, meat processing industry, beef industry, it is their fault. here we go in an election year. >> todd: corporations would like to have lower prices. it will impact their profit, fact joe biden does not realize is shocking. >> todd: carley has asked i keep will smith's name out of my mouth. >> cheryl: i don't want to see slapping on the morning show this morning, that would be disturbing. i had to pick up on that. they were over it in miami beach. they posted this gem on x. spring break, we're over it. hashtag spring breakup. the city releasing this video,
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if it is not clear enough they are done with the college crowd. >> we need to talk. >> this is not working anymore. >> it is not us, it is you. have a good time is relaxing on the beach. you want to get drunk in public and ignore laws. >> do you remember what happened last march? that was our breaking point. so we're breaking up with you. >> don't try to apologize and come crawling back, this is not safe, we're done. >> cheryl: done and done. state of emergency declared, meaning this is over, are your fews, bars closing early, increased police presence, early beach closure and dui check points. two deadly shootings just over
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the weekend there. >> carley: last year 500 arrests and 100 guns ceased. they picked good-looking peep toll do it on the beach, i like the effort. >> cheryl: hats off to whoever put that video together, niepsly done. >> todd: see what happens there. and aoc confronted by pro-palestinian protesters and back and forth getting heated, watch. >> your view to call it genocide. >> i need you to understand it this is not okay. >> it is not okay that genocide is upon haing and you are not against it. >> you will cut this and clip this so it is out of context, i said it was and you are going to
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pretend it isn't over and over again. you are not helping them. >> carley: tomi lahren joins us now. i always think there is better way to get your point across than following politicians. after this video was posted. social media unearthed one of her tweets in 2020 saying, point of protesting is to make people uncomfortable. to folks who complain protests demand making people uncomfortable. you get what you ask for. >> tomi: yeah, you made your bed, now lie in it. chickens are coming home to roost. these people following her and antagonizing her are not maga republicans democrats like to talk about and demonize. those are her own constituents,
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i assume liberal voters, if you could not tell from the masks. i don't like when people are followed or shouted down. i also did not like several years ago when maxine waters wanted donald trump followed and chased down. aoc and this really brand of the left wing they have made into their base, they have run on this and have won on this and these are people demanding certain changes from them. they are not extreme enough. aoc get used to that, this will happen far more often. talk to your friend and squash member rashida tlaib, she has
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encouraged this. i feel not one bit of pain for aoc and cry not one tear for this woman. >> todd: that is the point, going forward, has aoc unleashed progressive forces that they can't control anymore? >> not at all and people are being fostered on college campuses and gone feral and have no decency, but this is what the left has created. you made this for yourself, enjoy the camera time. she loves social media. >> carley: socialists of america group officially endorse uncommitted vote? the presidential primary. could be big challenge for president biden. thank you for joining us. former president trump heads into super tuesday with new
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energy after supreme court's ruling. house democrats are hatching new plan to kick him off the ballot. mike huckabee will talk about that. >> todd: first brian kilmeade will talk about what is coming up on "fox and friends." good morning, brian. >> brian: good to see you two talking about your performance was a drag out battle of 2-2 draw. we move ahead temperature is upper zoo tuesday, 854 republican delegates are up for grabs. the music is meant to instill drama in your heart. i'll break down the contests next and former president trump and 2024 presidential candidate nikki haley join us live for their final pitch as they are going for the same thing and irony, exclamation point, governor gavin newsom posing for a photo op and slamming republicans to do more.
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kate monroe patched up holes herself in border walls she wants to take down and byron donalds and ralpartly cloudyh norman, bill hemmer could run for congress, harris faulkner will be here. i hope we get it all in. throw up the music and throw up the animation.
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>> carley: the supreme court handing trump a big win one day before super tuesday unanimously ruling against colorado kick him off the ballot. house democrats already cooking up another idea. >> i am working with a number of my colleagues, including debbie wasserman schultz and eric swalwell to revive legislation we had to set up a process by which we could determine that someone, who committed insurrection is disqualified by section 3 of the 14th amendment. > >> todd: mike hub bee the former governor of arkansas and the good governor joins us now. governor, your reaction to the unwavering democrat commitment from folks like jamie raskin to make sure your vote as an american, you know, that whole democracy thing -- does not count. >> what a brain trust. jamie raskin, eric swalwell and debbie wasserman schultz. if there was a tritrio to be called the political three stooges you got them right there.
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these are people who are lost their minds. they obviously they honestly think they should decide to ho gets to be on the ballot. they keep talking about insurrection. nobody has been charged with insurrection and nobody has been convicted. i don't know if jamie raskin has ever read the constitution. maybe he should brush up on it and find out there is a presumption of innocence and you have to be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt by a jury of your peers, none of which has ever happened to donald trump. each jack smith a deranged anti-trump hater, even he hasn't charged donald trump with insurrection for a simple reason, because donald trump didn't commit insurrection. that's why. they would have charged him if they thought they could. so, the whole thing is nonsense. but it really does show the depravity, the moral depravity of these people who honestly think that they are just a little better than the rest of us. >> carley: it is clear that democrats are trying take trump
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down with legal challenges because they feel like they have to do something especially when you look at the polls. this recent slate of polls, governor that, are brutal for president biden in swing states, among black and hispanic voters and even biden -- people who voted for biden in 2020 only 83% of them say that they're going to vote for him again in 2024. that's not a food number. good news about bad poll numbers is that they can go up. so, what is your exception here heading towards the general election for president biden when it comes to these poll numbers. >> i don't see how he gets better. his policies are still his policies and they are destroying the country poll when people were asked about biden's policies and the response was they actually believe that biden's policies hurt them. now, that's the most dangerous thing you can have in a political poll because it's one thing to say yeah, they really haven't helped me that much so there is a neutrality there. that's not what we are seeing in these polls.
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what we are seeing is voters, including younger voters, under the age of 30, by 451%, say they are voting for trump. voters who are hispanic, there has been like a 40% swing in hispanic voters from biden to trump. and african-american voters a huge swing. all of these are constituencies that joe biden should be able to take for granted and he can't. the reason is, the response to the poll is, his policies are hurting me. i mean, it's like you have got to be a political massakist to go out and say i'm going to vote for joe biden. i like pain. i want some more. i would like to have another slap right across the face voted for joe biden because i like to feel bad return of the clintons, new york magazine detailing how bill and hillary are helping out biden and harris ahead of the
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election. just quickly they spoke privately, talking about the modern democratic party and the role there hillary allegedly is helping out kamala harris. you have 30 seconds to react to all of that, governor. >> well, it's not hard, look, they are more 307 larr than joe biden and kamala harris. and i at this they are desperate to say anybody who can maybe provide for us a little bit of positive news, so let's bring the clintons back. hey, i would do it if i were joe biden and kamala harris. and i would put them front and center. >> carley: donald trump is not bringing the clintons back. i think he just gave joe biden hillary's old nickname. who cares if hillary is crooked she is irrelevant these days. have great super tuesday. it's always super when you are on the show have. a good one. >> todd: so nice. >> thank you. >> todd: super you are here too. have great day. "fox & friends" now. ♪ >> ainsley: it's officially th


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