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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  March 5, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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joe biden's plate could not -- it's amazing to me that any republican would have stood in favor of that. >> will: yeah and look, there was a lot of disappointment in that immigration answer. talking to greg a little bit earlier. david is an attorney and he's running for judge here in texas. and you can enforce the laws with your own power that exists right now. that's from allen, texas here on fox news. back to you in new york. >> ainsley: it is a big night tonight. you watch the special coverage. there's martha and bret. they'll be here and it starts at 7:00 tonight. >> brian: it's not going to be a quick exit. it's going to be long. >> we will have the big board tonight. >> steve: watch tonight on super tuesday and then join us tomorrow for what happened wednesday. >> brian: make sure i see you on the radio. >> ainsley: watching now. >> bill: thanks, guys. good morning. here we go now. the polls are open for super tuesday. it is the granddaddy of the race
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for the republican nomination. will donald trump virtually lock it in? or can nikki haley make a last stand? those are the fundamental questions as we say hello on this super, duper tuesday. i'm bill hemmer. good morning at home. and hope you have a super tuesday, dana. >> dana: i'm ready, are you? i'm ready. i'm dana perino. this is "america's newsroom." it's going to be a great day. i hope you stay with us through it all. it's a treasure trove for the nomination. 850 more delegates are up for grabs in 15 states and with so much at stake, both candidates taking a final shot at each other. >> well, there's no path for her to win. whether she likes hearing that or not, there's no path for her to win no matter what. now, today, i should win hopefully every state. i won north dakota last night in a landslide. 87 to practically nothing. there's no path. you just saw the vote in texas. that was a poll. that diner is a poll. everybody was 100% for trump. >> bill: the former president
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sailing with some wind at his back after that massive win from the u.s. supreme court yesterday 9-0. that ruling blocked nationwide efforts to keep him off the ballot and trump is looking out for a knockout blow maybe today, dana? >> dana: "the new york post" summoning it up best on the front page calling the race "a done deal." >> bill: clever. bret baier in studio has analysis. jackie on a rare interview from president biden. david on the next supreme court challenge. bill is with the haley camp and we're with the trump camp. that's where we begin on this super tuesday morning. good morning to you. >> good morning to you, bill and dana. this morning, the trump campaign is telling me that they hope to walk away with more than 1,000 delegates tonight. that includes the more than 200 that trump is walking into super tuesday with. and they're hoping to clinch this thing one week from today. trump, as you heard there, says nikki haley has absolutely no
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path ahead. here is how he's feeling ahead of the polls closing tonight. >> my focus is really at this point is on biden. we should win almost every state today. i think every state. last night, as you know, we won with 87% of the vote. we won north dakota. great state with a great governor, by the way. but we really look at biden. we think we'll be very well unified. i've never seen enthusiasm. >> yesterday, trump called that historic unanimous supreme court ruling a unifying decision for the country. but as you know, congress can step in here to enforce the 14th amendment and now there's reporting that democrat jamie rascan is working on legislation to allow the d.o.j. to keep anyone engaged in an insurrection from holding federal office. it wouldn't go anywhere. it's a messaging bill because, of course, house republicans have control of the chamber. here's trump responding to that. >> they're real losers.
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if they spent their time focusing on the country and making america great again, that would be a lot better than wasting their time. i've been going through it for years beating them for years. and it's the same voices, same faces. they never stop. they don't care about our country. >> and voters out here are telling us that they are excited for -- to get out into the polls and they want someone who can unite the republican party. bill, dana? >> bill: thank you. west palm beach, florida. thank you. dana? >> dana: former president trump campaigning for a victory in the polls today. but he may also need a win in the courts, if he wants the presidency. david live from the department of justice with more. he had a win yesterday. what else is on the board? >> he had a big win yesterday. now he's looking forward to another case the supreme court is going to hear the week of april 22nd. this deals with presidential immunity. and the president may not be as lucky. court watchers say they expect the court to be divided on this. and this could really derail
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some of his prosecutions going on with special counsel jack smith here at the department of justice. so the supreme court is going to take up this issue of presidential immunity. as i said, the week of april 22nd. can president trump be charged for his alleged actions before and following january 6th of 2021? he's been charged by special counsel jack smith with trying to obstruct. also, trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election. this could further put his trial on hold if the supreme court rules with the president. in fact, it could stop it all together. it was supposed to begin his trial here in washington, d.c. yesterday, dana. trump says all presidents, republicans or democrats, should be protected from prosecution by presidential immunity. here is his argument. watch. >> if a president doesn't have full immunity, you really don't have a president because nobody that is serving in that office
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will have the courage to make, in many cases, what would be the right decision or it could be the wrong decision. >> special counsel jack smith argues no one, not even a former president, can escape accountability for alleged criminal acts. smith says trump's actions were not related to his official duties but were purely political acts designed to stay in power subverting the constitution in the process. the justices are expected to be split on this decision and will take some time to debate this. we could find out this week when they will put it on the calendar. if the justices rule that trump is immune, remember it just takes five, they rule that he is immune from prosecution, the trial essentially goes away here in washington, d.c. if they disagree with him and they hand him a loss at the supreme court, we expect this trial, the motion to start moving possibly by late summer, fall, then you get into that tricky point where just a couple of months out from the election. it's going to be a big one. >> dana: we're eight months today from the election. thank you. >> bill: on to the board here, we'll be on this thing all night
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tonight. california closes at 11:00 eastern time. hang on, folks. we got a long day. 15 states on the board. you heard the president said he might go 15-15. we'll see about that. some of the big ones that stand out right now is california. closes at 11:00 eastern time. a whopping 169 delegates. that's winner take all. if you get 50% plus one of the votes in the golden state, big pile right there in california. also look at texas right now, about 161 delegates. that's the listing here. north carolina closes early in the night. 74 delegates. so we'll get a measure of north carolina around 7:30 east coast time. few others here. look at virginia, closes early, too, i believe 7:00 eastern time and 48 delegates as well. we'll see whether or not the president can close the deal and close it out. maybe tonight is the night. we shall see. if nikki haley is to do well tonight, you have to pick and choose a little bit. and a lot of the attention for the possibility of her picking up some delegates tonight really go to the bottom two on the
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list. i'd say vermont and virginia, both of them have the ability for democrats to vote in this primary here so the possibility should get some of those delegates but, jimmy, come over here. that's why they play the game to see how this is going to go with all super duper tuesday going here. bret, watch your back, buddy. good to see you. >> bret: good morning to you. >> bill: how do you see it right now as we sit here at 9:00 in the morning? >> bret: the former president is in the pole position, obviously. they're expecting to clinch mathematically by march 19th. there's drama here. virginia and vermont and how that splits in these open primaries. i think the big issue here is will all the disaffected republicans who have a problem with the former president, will they come home? if you look at the polls that we've seen in recent days, boy, it is overwhelming that they are. you know, they're saying we do
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not want president biden for x number of reasons, immigration, age, whatever, and that's the issue. >> dana: yeah. the other issue that we were setting up with david is this campaign courtroom calendar that president trump has to manage. if you pull up here and you look at the fact that he's got these decisions in two weeks about bonnie willis in georgia. you got the new york hush money case. you got classified documents case, january 6th election interference case. and then you have the supreme court weighing in. it's so interesting how you could watch president trump having a fight on all of these different fronts. and then you have somebody like evan of the new yorker who does this one-hour interview with the president. i don't know if it was an hour. and is like oh, yeah, he's running circles around everybody. he's a whirlwind behind the scenes. that's just not believable especially when you see how president trump is handling both the campaign and the legal issues. >> bret: right, i mean, you look at that "new york times" poll, 73% of democrats and republicans say the president, president biden is too old for the job.
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that's massive. and it's about 44% for former president trump. listen, i think that we don't know how all the legal cases are going to pan out as far as independents, suburban women at the end of the day. once we get to a general election. but we do know that there is this painting of the picture that they're coming after him. and if they're coming after him, they're coming after him for a reason. and for republicans, they're saying listen, there's a reason here, and they are for the most part saying this is a political effort. >> bill: on the haley front, what do you make of the reporting that no ads are scheduled past today? there might be an appearance or two scheduled, but i see a pretty empty calendar right now. >> bret: which is very telling. we saw this with florida governor desantis. once you get to that point, yeah, what is the path? why do you do it? what is the future? i think the biggest story tonight and the speech that former president trump gives
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whenever he gives it will be how he handles nikki haley and how he handles haley's supporters. trying to bring the party together is really the big issue. now, i don't know if she's going to be in the running for v.p. it doesn't seem like that. they've had some sharp elbows between the two of them. but bringing that home is part of the messaging tonight. >> dana: what also about president biden as he watches president trump. today, there was a report in axios that he wants to go harder at the president and use even sharper language than loser or whatever language he's using. do you think that is actually going to put a dent in president trump's support? >> bret: no, in fact, every time we've seen somebody go that way against former president trump, it's not worked well. remember the 2016 when marco rubio went down in the mud and kind of went after him on small hands and everything else. really doesn't work. now, the former president is
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going to do threat to democracy, he's really going to hit home january 6th. i'm hearing that's part of the closing argument. it's tough to say that's -- >> dana: part of biden's closing argument rather than the vision for the country for the next four years. >> bret: when you're staring at an immigration problem that every poll says is massive, that may not be the best close. but in 2022, we didn't think it was effective one either. and it turned out to be. >> bill: this whole thing about being magnamouous, they were asking him about that. he seemed to soften his language a little bit. maybe in his address tonight, he goes further. if he does, my sense is that 15% or 20% of republicans would be like give us more. >> bret: look, the republicans that watched him in the iowa town hall, iowa caucuses town hall were like wait, that guy. look at this guy. and then they saw him in new hampshire and they said wait, there's that guy. and i think that they're looking for the iowa caucus guy, the
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people who have skepticism about the former president. but honestly, every poll you look at, republicans seem to be coming home. >> dana: yeah. a long and great day ahead. we'll see, i guess, on "special report" for coverage. >> bill: 14 more hours. >> dana: got it. pace yourself. pace yourself indeed. thank you so much. >> bret: you bet. >> dana: and james freeman is my guest this week on "perino on politics" and you can listen to our conversation right now. it is posted wherever you stream your podcasts. >> texas has invoked the authority provided to us in article 1, section 10 of the united states constitution to declare an invasion and for texas to defend ourselves. >> bill: they are back at it now and a setback for border security. supreme court putting the lone star state's efforts to stop the surge of illegals on pause. how that decision could be a setback for the sheriffs in that state like our next guest coming up right here. dana? >> dana: harvard dumps hundreds of documents on its efforts to
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combat anti-semitism after a slew of on-campus protests that left some jewish students scared for their lives. >> bill: check this out. brand new tesla pickup truck crashes into the front of the famed beverly hills hotel. what elon musk is saying about that. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein.
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>> dana: empty polling places at the moment. things are under way. there's 15 states that are in the race for the republican nomination. and then depending on which state you're in, the rules might be a little different. so there are three types of contests that will be under way on super tuesday. four states have closed primaries or caucuses where
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voters can only cast a ballot with the party they are registered with. another four states have semi open primaries in these unaffiliated voters can pick which party's primary they want to vote in. and then finally, seven states have open primaries where voters of any affiliation can vote in any party's primary. beauty of our system. every state does it a little differently. check out your local listings to find out where you are supposed to go and vote today and how you can. bill covers our fox team coverage of super tuesday in charleston, south carolina. he's with nikki haley's campaign. what's the update there this morning, bill? >> bill: well, dana, we've been following nikki haley around for the last several days. and we asked her what are her expectations heading into tonight? she said to be competitive. we asked what does competitive mean? she says the media will define that. just a short time ago, she was on fox news where she was asked directly if tonight does not go well for her, will she drop out? will she endorse donald trump? here's what she said.
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>> i don't know why everybody is so adamant that they have to follow trump's lead to get me out of this race. you know, all of these people deserve to vote. 16 states want to have their voices heard. let's let their voices get heard. i haven't heard him pledge to me he would support me if i won. so i don't know why i have to go and pledge to him. >> bill: and here's where we stand as of this morning when it comes to the delegate count. donald trump with 273. nikki haley with only 43. you need just over 1,200 in order to secure the nomination. haley obviously has a lot of catching up to do as you head into super tuesday. take a look at this video. this is nikki haley campaigning in texas, this is the final campaign stop before super tuesday. she tells us she feels like she's been getting chunks of voters in these early states and she tells me those people aren't going anywhere if it doesn't work out. you know, trump doesn't own all of the republican party.
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she says she's not interested in a third party, no labels ticket. she says she's a conservative republican. and back out here live, we are here in charleston all day. nikki haley is going to be out here in charleston as well. however, she currently does not have any public events listed on this super tuesday here. >> dana: thank you for kicking us off. thank you, bill. >> bill: texas has hit another road block. it wanted its police to arrest illegals and the supreme court saying not so fast. the court's move will delay the law from taking effect for at least another week. greg abbott on x said this before the ruling. federal appeals court allows texas immigration law to take effect. law enforcement officers in texas are now authorized to arrest and jail any illegal immigrants crossing the border. well, thadeus cleveland is the sheriff east of big bend. good morning to you. you see our 54 miles of mexico as we were talking during the break there. what does this order do? and do you expect it to be just temporary, sir?
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>> hey, i'll tell you what, this bill is a good thing for texans, a good thing for americans. and we know that arizona tried this before and it was, unfortunately, shut down by the courts. but our governor, you know, he's put a lot of thought into it. really prepared for any battles they're going to have in court. let me tell you something else, you know, regardless who wins the presidency, we're hoping for trump, let me tell you, texas will always have a role in border security. they've had a role in border security for many, many years, many decades. >> bill: indeed they have. and so here are your encounters right now. fiscal year to date, talking five months, right, sheriff? you're at half a million already or just about that. fentanyl seizures talking about five months more than 6600 pounds. were you surprised what you heard from the former border patrol chief on the -- the other night?
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>> i watched interviews and listened to what he had to say. he grew up in a community right next to mine. the point he made about the president not talking to him, you know, it wouldn't have mattered. behind the scenes, the people that are really calling the shots, you know, the president and in most administrations, the presidents have people behind the scenes that are, you know, pointing them in what direction they want to go. it wouldn't have done anything for the border. behind the scenes. >> bill: let me roll it. get our audience up to speed and ask a specific question about that. watch. >> i've never had one conversation with the president or vice president, for that matter. so i was the chief of the border patrol. i commanded 21,000 people. that's a problem. >> bill: 21,000 people. lot of employees. he didn't just say the president, he said the vice president. i get it, you know, lot of people work for the president. i accept that in the comment that you just made there. but the vice president is the one who says she's going to get to the root causes here.
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never talked to her either. >> you know, she was actually, you know, nominated by the president to be the border czar and we have not seen anything again from this administration. and the point i'd like to make, i've made many times, the previous four administrations regardless of the way they run for the presidency, they've all contributed to border security. this administration has done absolutely nothing for our border. >> bill: yeah. last question, sheriff, if you could order your police throughout the state of texas to arrest and detain illegals, what would that do to the surge at the border? >> i'll tell you what, it would start making even a larger impact. what governor abbott has done with the state police here in texas, d.p.s. troopers and texas military forces, it's made an impact. it's made an impact here in my county. i see it every day because we work hand in hand with them. they work hand in hand with border patrol. again, going back to this law that was passed, i was able to
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go to austin and help testify to it and bring proposals. i think it's a good thing. it will have a positive impact. it has nothing to do with racism. it has no do with protecting our borders. >> bill: got it. see if you get your way eventually. in arizona to the west, the democratic governor there has shot down an idea to put people in jail for six months as you pointed out in your first answer. thank you for your time. great to have you back with us here on "america's newsroom." good luck! >> thanks for having me. >> bill: you bet. dana? >> dana: president joe biden is out with a new attack against his likely opponent. kayleigh mcenany on the war of words. she's next.
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>> dana: president joe biden is hitting back at former president donald trump calling him a
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loseer in a brand new interview. jackie is covering this from the white house. where did you get this info? >> good morning. key pillar of biden's campaign is reminding voters about former president trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election. they want to sear in people's minds images from january 6th because they are tracking a huge swath of voters who came out in the midterms and last year's state and local elections to vote against republicans but did not come out in 2020 to vote for biden. so they're trying to continue that momentum, drive that voter turnout in 2024 saying that if trump wins again, he could undermine democracy. and in a rare interview, biden even suggested that trump could take that approach if he doesn't win telling "the new yorker" losers who are losers are never graceful. i just think he'll do anything to try to win if and when i win, i think he'll contest it. no matter what the result is. for his first few years in office, president biden often avoided even calling trump by his name. he'd say things like the former
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guy. but that messaging shifted after the anniversary of january 6th when biden launched his new approach which aims to taunt trump as a loser because reportedly, it sends trump off the rails. biden's team thinks the risk to democracy supersedes voter concerns about his age and for them, the longer nikki haley stays in the race, the better. for instance, team biden looked at iowa as confirmation of their path to victory. only 110,000 people voted. the lowest turnout in the contested g.o.p. primary in a quarter century and of the people who did vote, nearly half chose someone other than trump. today, there's seven states voting that have an uncommitted option on the democratic primary ballot and that will be a good measure of biden's problems with the muslim and arab-american communities who are upset over israel's war on hamas. michigan was a cautionary tale for biden. around 100,000 people voted uncommitted there and that's a big number in a swing state that biden only won by 154,000 votes last cycle. so they're hoping to get better numbers today, dana. >> dana: all right, jackie at
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the white house, thank you. >> bill: instant reaction from that from kayleigh mcenany in studio. good morning to you. bit of a setup. what do you think of that right there from jackie? >> kayleigh: it's interesting, you have president biden who does these carefully crafted interviews in this case very carefully crafted. i haven't seen a transcript. i don't know if it exists. but the two takeaways i had from that "new yorker" piece that was written is number one, the president is described as having defiant confidence and a bit too much serenity. he seems to not acknowledge there's a problem in the polling with independents, with latinos, with nearly every single voting group. but number two, if you read this entire "new yorker" profile, what you find is someone who loves to engage in the maga attack lines calling the former president a dictator but not laying out a positive agenda. does that work? we'll see in time. but i think he would have a better go at it if he uses the state of union to create a positive narrative to move the country forward. >> dana: right, also because he doesn't realize, i don't know how they don't realize this, this was true about deplorables
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in 2016 that if he says you're a maga extremist and don't care about america. you're a loser. that trump supporters and voters think they're talking about them. so that affect them. plus jonathan who i think would probably want biden to win. he tweets that can biden himself make good decisions about the campaign if he doesn't have accurate information about what the state of the race actually is? and that was another part of "the new yorker" piece. does he know what's happening? >> kayleigh: this is the problem for any president. you have your bubble and you have your white house advisors and you rely on them to have an honest assessment for what they are. i wonder what those around him are showing him. one last point on the maga language, i found it interesting at the piece. at one point, he throws down a paper in front of the reporter. and it's a list of all the things trump has said, rhetoric that he didn't like attacks on him, taking away, destroying the constitution. it's just interesting to me that's a paper the president
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would have him on as a ready go to talking point. >> bill: the point that you made about the state of the union is very interesting. does he go there with the national audience of 40, 50 million americans watching? we'll see on that. meanwhile, tonight, all right, a little clip from nikki haley from last hour here on fox and whether or not there's going to be some sort of magnamamus handshake. how would you characterize it? >> dana: maybe not tonight. >> bill: here's nikki haley. >> 70% of americans say they don't want joe biden or donald trump. we're blessed in a country where we have elections. if they want to see something that goes back to the values that makes our country so great. >> bill: see how that goes tonight. here's donald trump from last hour as well, same topic. >> she will lose to biden. polls are saying that. when you add other candidates, she loses by even more. we are winning against biden in every single poll. look, she said she'd never run against me and she did.
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she said she beat ron desantis in iowa and she didn't. she ran up and she didn't. she misrepresents a lot of facts. she's not doing nearly well. >> bill: by all accounts, he's going to have a very good tonight. by all accounts, he's going to have a good week tonight after yesterday's court ruling and this evening. >> kayleigh: right, likely to cross that 1,000 delegate threshold. his campaign said even by the most conservative estimate for nikki haley he anticipates having a good night. the choice for nikki haley is that endorsement. i found it so interesting this morning, she mentioned the convention when asked if she would endorse the former president. the convention is summer. so is this a situation where if she doesn't prevail in the way she hopes tonight, she steps down at some point and doesn't endorse. the party does need to unite and come together and it's incumbent on the former president and nikki haley to do that. >> dana: what do you think is
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the tone and tenor? >> kayleigh: nikki haley says general election gives you a choice. i hope he looks in the camera, nikki haley, you'll have a choice. a choice where your daughter can go for a run and not fall victim to somebody who shouldn't be in this country. the choice of affording a home with sky-high interest rates. i hope he says come home to me. the choice is clear. >> bill: thanks. good to have you on. >> kayleigh: looking forward to it. >> bill: i'll see you on "outnumbered" and at 11:00 tonight, i do believe. >> dana: she'll be with us. >> bill: we'll have live coverage as the polls close starting at 7:00 eastern time. join us all. band should be here together as well. >> dana: right. >> bill: thank you, talk to you later. >> kayleigh: thank you. >> dana reads sports! >> dana: tensions flare on the field when the u.s. women's national soccer team takes on colombia. watch. >> catch me if you can. >> morgan drawing the penalty that lent to that first goal. and the chippiness continuing
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from morgan. >> dana: ok. u.s. player alex morgan confronting a player on the opposing team before trinity rodman steps in to defend and restrain her teammate. sunday's game was chippy from the start to finish with both teams getting yellow cards in the first 20 minutes. the u.s. going on to win with a final score of 3-0. so that's in soccer terms, bill, they smoked them! >> bill: that's right. and they face canada in the semifinals of the -->> bill: there you go. i think she gets punched. am i wrong here, right? right there in the stomach. that's what it looks like. there you go! that's what it looked like to me anyway. chippy. you know you're getting better at this, you know, that whole chippy thing. >> dana: i don't know. >> bill: chippy from the start. they were nipping at each other the whole time. >> dana: i figured that out from the context clues. >> bill: well done. horrifying video here's the moment after a plane crashes on the ground in the middle of an interstate, what we're learning today about the five people on board. so we've got that.
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plus there's this. roll it! >> it is a ruling that i will remind you no one has to follow because last week, i declared the supreme court unconstitutional. >> bill: let the meltdown begin. liberal media losing at supreme court rules that it cannot kick donald trump off the ballot. kennedy will take that on and more. coming up. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah want to save money and get cash? for veteran homeowners, it's easy as 1-2-3. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of
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additional side effects for vyvgart hytrulo may include injection site reactions. talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous.
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>> i have great respect for the supreme court. and i want to just thank them for working so quickly and so diligently and brilliantly. >> dana: former president trump yesterday after the supreme court unanimously rejected colorado's move to kick him off the ballot. the liberal media going into a
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tailspin. here now, kennedy, host of kennedy safes the world podcast and tom, take a look at it. you hate to see it. but you love to watch. it let's see it. >> doesn't just get the presidency thanks to the court trying to help him get it. >> the conservative majority supreme court that seems to be playing the game as if they are on team maga. >> what donald trump did on january 6th and what he did leading up to january 6th, and they just think he's getting let off the hook scot-free. >> supreme court handed trump a second gift on a constitutionality technicality. >> i don't like that we've normalized this man. it is really irritating the poo out of me. >> dana: when they say poo, she means it. >> kennedy: that's salty language that i wasn't expecting from miss goldberg, our nation's foremost supreme court analyst and i was delighted to see these emotional responses. it just goes to show you how
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irrational most people are in media. the supreme court is not there to hand you victories to soothe your feelings. they are there to interpret law and set precedence for future cases. now, if this were joe biden who was kept off the ballot in texas and florida, all of these exact same people would be cheering a 9-0 decision which was unanimous. but they're acting like it was a very slim 5-4 decision in this case, and it wasn't. >> dana: it wasn't expected and it was. >> kennedy: all you had to do was go back to the oral argument and you could pretty easily assess how they were going to decide on that. >> bill: at the end of june or july 1st when they ruled he does not have immunity. i guess they're going to do a 180 and praise the supreme court. here's the colorado secretary of state. i believe she's elected, ok. keep in mind, the supreme court in colorado is appointed. they're the ones who made this ruling. this is what she said.
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>> my larger reaction is disappointment. i do believe that states should be able under our constitution to bar oath breaking insurrectionists so ultimately, it will be up to the american voters to save our democracy in november. >> bill: there you have it. november it is. >> nice fern in the background there. she's got to work on the unzoom look. yeah, i think these people and the people in the media are, you know, you showed those clips of all the media folks. some of them are complete knuckleheads. some of them like rachel is not dumb. i think rachel knew what was coming down with this decision. it's the base, democrat base needs to hear this which shows you the democrats and the left in this country are so pro authoritarian. they have no -- they have no love for the separation of powers or the constitution at all. and they're yelling about trump the authoritarian, the real authoritarians are the left. >> dana: other thing is that you had keith olbermann and this is getting so much attention. here is his tweet.
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supreme court has betrayed democracy. its members including jackson, kagan and sotomayor have proved themselves inept of reading comprehension and the court has proven itself corrupt and illegitimate. it should be dissolved. >> kennedy: that's how it works. we should have two branches of government. boil it down to one. maybe we should have a totalitarian king and get rid of a branch that would give a little bit of issue to some of the other branches like the presidency. some argue it is too powerful. and that's what people are worried about, that trump will have too much power if he's president again. that means there's an imbalance which means we need the court more than ever. and the court is showing the world that they cannot be packed. it should stay at nine justices when they take these critical decisions and hand them over unanimously. >> bill: again, put these on the shelf until we get the next one. we'll see how it goes. paypal c.e.o., very rich man, is
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offering college students the opportunity to drop out of school. he'll give you $100,000 to start your own company. very intriguing idea here, ok? here's the average tuition fees, housing and food between 1980 and 1981. ok, got it. 9400. now it's $24,000 a year, tom, ok? >> more than that. >> bill: depending on the school that you choose. forget college, i'll give you the opportunity to start your own company and own idea. >> it's great. i think he's great. this is not something i would take advantage of. this is for high powered students. so this isn't just an option for people who don't think they can afford college. the people who are competing to get into this, they're the people who would go to harvard, who would go to yale, princeton, they're totally high powered. i don't want my kids to be high powered to be honest. i'm not joking when i say that. i don't want the fast track. i don't want people to, you know, know exactly what they want to do when they're coming out of high school. that's the kind of people that teal wants. you know, i want my kids to go
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and get an education. they'll figure things out later. >> dana: your kid is about to go to college. you have one in college. how do you see it? >> kennedy: the decision was hers and we had a lot of conversations about whether or not she wanted to go to college. if she wanted to defer and get into the workplace. she chose to go to college. but for a lot of kids who are self-starters who are motivated and have good ideas, not necessarily the ivy leaguers, i actually think that putting off college for a few years is not a bad idea because they get a four-year edge on all the people they're competing with and they get to put themselves into the work force. if they've got good ideas and they're natural entrepreneurs, i know it's fantastic. >> bill: is this a trend i wonder? ken coleman, all right, watch here. >> you got more and more big time companies that are saying we don't need the college degree and that's a big trend. we're also seeing 36% of americans now saying they trust college as the best way to prepare themselves or their kids for the future. that's a staggering number from
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a recent wall street journal study that they published. i mean, that's worse than joe biden's approval ratings. that's not very good! >> bill: 36% is a lower number than we've seen before. maybe you guys are on to something. >> yes. take a gap year. take a year off. i don't mean high powered. you don't have to change the world. work in a men's clothing store like i did. >> dana: no wonder you're such a sharp dresser. >> bill: the house committee wants answers from harvard about actions taken to discipline protesters who targeted jewish students and did lawmakers get what they needed in a harvard dump of documents yesterday? super tuesday out there, america. how will the state of economy shape voters' decisions? larry kudlow and steve hilton with more on that and a big senate race in california that could go down to the wire. of bringing textile manufacturing back to america.
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>> they have festered anti-semitism time and time again on their campus. they have refused to take any meaningful action. their hypocrisy, their double standard is so obvious, it's so hurtful, it's so offensesive. >> bill: that from the end of last week, students sounding off on pro palestinian protests. it has harvard in the hot seat with the house committee probing anti-semitism on campus and molly lyon back in cambridge, massachusetts reporting on that. good morning. >> good morning. there was a subpoena deadline, the subpoena issued, as you mentioned by the house education and workforce committee. that deadline passing yesterday. harvard did make a large submission and now the committee is reviewing that to see if it met the standards that they were looking for. essentially answered some of the questions and the demands for documents that were made in the subpoenas that were issued. unprecedented subpoenas, by the way, including seeking details on communication between harvard leaders and information on
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disciplinary action taken against those accused of targeting jewish students. committee chairwoman, republican representative virginia fox has previously expressed dissatisfaction with harvard's production of materials. a harvard spokesperson is defending this latest submission and harvard's overall efforts to combat anti-semitism writing "with an additional submission today," meaning yesterday "harvard has provided nearly 4,900 pages of information in 11 submissions since january including non-public information and internal communications along with public information the committee requested harvard to compile." we're awaiting reaction from the house education and workforce committee as to what is actually in these documents that were provided from harvard. it is worth noting there are a number of institutions that are also under investigation, m.i.t., columbia, for instance, it is just harvard that has received the first subpoenas. bill? >> bill: thank you, molly. we'll watch it. in cambridge, massachusetts, thank you. >> dana: in super tuesday, the
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polls are open coast to coast as voters cast their ballots on the biggest day of the presidential primary campaign so far. welcome to a brand new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. good morning to you. >> bill: how are you feeling? >> dana: it's eight months and a day until election. >> bill: you're correct. i'm bill hemmer. good morning to you at home. today's voting is expected to move former president trump closer to a rematch against president joe biden. as millions of americans go to the polls, there are 854 republican delegates up for grabs and this is a delegate game in the end in the race for the republican nomination. >> dana: immigration, border security and the economy are among the top issues voters are worried about. frontrunner donald trump and republican rival nikki haley making final pitches to voters earlier on fox. >> we're going to get rid of biden, the worst president ever. and we're going to close up our borders and we're going to drill, baby, drill, and we're going to have a great economy. i'm doing tax cuts. i have to win this election because ou


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