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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 5, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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>> neil: do you think nikki haley if she doesn't do tonight she should quit and bow out? >> i'm not sure that she fully recognizes what is happening with her candidacy and how it is causing division at a time when people really need to unite behind a candidate because we are talking about whether this country moves in one direction or another. it may not be possible to reverse the direction. >> neil: but if you advised her, yes or no, you would tell her to quit? >> i would say quit and get behind who is actually going to be the candidate. we all combine our efforts. because the country is at stake. i can't emphasize that strongly enough. >> neil: ben carson, thank you. that will do it. ♪ ♪
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>> : hello, everybody. jesse watters along with judge jeanine pirro judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, dana perino, and bill hemmer. it is 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ the big moment finally here. we are just two hours away from the first super tuesday polls closing. millions of voters in 16 states and one territory casting their ballots in the biggest primary day of the year. that could set the stage for november. trump looking to land that knockout punch, seize control of the nomination, and take the fight to biden. but nikki haley will not go quietly. she hopes tonight she can change the momentum and keep her campaign alive. trump and haley getting the final jabs in at each other with the former president saying it is time for nikki to pack it up. >> there is no path for her to win. whether she likes hearing that or not, there is no path for her to win, no matter what. now today, i should win hopefully every state.
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i wish nikki the best but she stood up many, many times that i would never run against our president, he was a great president, i would never run -- and then she ran. our party has to come together because we have to beat the democrats and they play dirty. i have beaten biden in every poll taken for the last three months. she loses to biden in the polls. >> jesse: but nikki haley says she is ready to make her final stand. >> this is not personal. this is about the fact that we have to win. we want to change the country all day long, but if we can't win an election, we can't do any of that. you know, i know he is in denial about the fact that we win general elections come i don't know why everybody is so adamant they have to follow trump's lead to get me out of this race. all of people deserve to vote. >> jesse: judge jeanine pirro, after tonight, what is nikki's
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strategy? >> jeanine: i don't know that she has a strategy. and in fact, i would think she would be terribly disillusioned after all of this. and what is amazing, if she just said, you know, that trump can't beat biden, which is amazing because yesterday we talked about the poll from "the wall street journal," fox, cbs, and "the new york times" saying that trump was beating biden. and the truth is, when you think about it, six months ago, right, donald trump is under four indictments, everybody said oh, it is over, it is not going to happen. here we are on super tuesday. it looks like he is going to take the night. you have nikki haley, who lost in her own state, she seems to be delusional, saying i don't know why everybody is so adamant that you have to follow trump's lead to get me out of the race. no, nikki, the truth is, the people don't want you in the race because you are not winning anything. you lost your own state. i think she also lost uncommitted in one of the states or caucuses. but the truth is that trump is on his way to lead. he had a huge victory yesterday and the supreme court. and he beat her in her own home
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state. it is now a two-person race. it is trump and biden. and all of the momentum right now is on trump's side. >> jesse: are you looking for anything in particular, as a democrat, tonight on super tuesday jessica? >> jessica: yeah, a few things that stand out as being interesting, i certainly think this will be another big night for donald trump. iowa, new hampshire, nevada, south carolina. it will be the same here. but what everybody is paying attention to from democrats to donald trump supporters is what are the nikki haley voters going to do? they exist. they are coming out in primaries. and a lot of them are saying, we won't be happy if donald trump is the nominee. and the question, this will apply to both parties, who is coming home in the biggest ratios? right, what democrats right now are saying biden is too old, i'm not into it, and voting uncommitted, et cetera, are they going to come home and then these affluent college-educated suburbanites, look at virginia,p hasn't performed particularly
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well, obviously in the 16 and 20, but people like that going to come home because maybe they like his policies better, because four years of biden, et cetera, but there is also down ballot races that are super interesting and ballot initiatives. there is one, judge, i think you would find very interesting, in san francisco, mayor london breed, supportive of this, to put surveillance cameras outside of stores, the police can do this, use facial recognition technology. george gascon, the d.a. in los angeles, has 11 challengers up against him. a lot of the conversations that we are having about crime in the country will be on the ballot and i think that will be interesting to look at. >> jesse: the republican party needs to consolidate eventually pure how graceful do you think the former president has been so far? >> dana: well, i think you saw one moment in iowa being very conciliatory and get along and everything is great in the new hampshire, she is absolutely the worst at a total loser.
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>> jessica: in that dress. >> dana: the election is eight months today so there is time. i do think after tonight it is not without question that we will likely be saying that donald trump is the presumptive nominee, which is something that has not happened until after super tuesday. that is a foregone conclusion. he says she can't beat biden in the polls. that's not what those same polls say. she could. she is not going to be the nominee. so then what do you look at? i think it is very interesting to think about, will a third party challenge or come forward and actually be viable? rfk jr. takes a little from biden and a little from trump. is that actually going to be an option for people? i don't know. my gut says no. but i also think that it is eight months from today, so whatever we are dealing with today is not going to be the same exact set of circumstances and news and everything we are dealing with an eight months. i am happy to let it play out.
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i love election time. i am not in a rush to get november appeared i want to see how it goes. >> jesse: only one person around this table likes election time more than you. bill, were you looking for? >> bill: good to be with all of you and i agree with everything you are saying and i hope greg is having his cocktail wherever he is at the moment. i always think elections have a way of clarifying things that crystallize the moment, whether the candidate or issue or actual race itself. judge, to your point, that is what is going to happen tonight. the next time you're at the barbershop or the bar, where the gas station, or jesse's filling up his tesla, and waiting for it to charge, and a guy turns to you and says come on we really going to see trump-biden again? yes, you are. nikki haley, the end of the road come i don't know how she dismounts but we will see how that goes. at least according to last night, she has no events past today. and she has no ads planned past
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today, either. donald trump has had another good week, whether in the court or on the stump. he has had another good week. next week is georgia. we heard today that both trump and joe biden will be campaigning next week in georgia. >> jesse: in terms of mome momentum, donald trump has had a lot of good breaks in the courts. he has had some fortunate news when it comes to joe biden. do you think he has been able to capitalize on that momentum and still spend a large sum of money paying lawyers? >> jeanine: donald trump is the original entertainer. he is the guy who understands how to get people attracted to him. he knows what he has got to say and what he has got to do. he has to pay lawyers, clearly, but at the same time, he is willing to go out there. you see him doing rallies, you see him doing interviews, you see him after the supreme court decision that comes out. he is out there at mar-a-lago and making a statement.
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joe biden, the guy can't -- he doesn't come out, he doesn't do interviews. so donald trump has a lot of earned media. the media is attracted to him. and he is using that to his advantage. >> jesse: excuse me, jessica. and i'm not saying this in a sarcastic way, but we do want to get to bill about the big board. there is something you wanted to show us. >> bill: i did. i guess i will just get up out of thin air or draw it on a piece of paper. >> jesse: they were telling me you had something that you needed to tell the audience about the big board because you were going to be showing -- >> bill: excellent, i can riff on that -- >> jessica: you're very fancy way of cutting me off. [laughter] >> bill: you have to watch at 7:00 tonight. that is my best answer. the one thing i left out is how elections crystallize moments, right, in candidates. there is going to be a lot of parsing of the numbers on the
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democratic side. whether it is in turn out in certain parts of the state or country, or within certain states themselves. i don't think tonight will have the full picture of that. but over the next 24 and 48 hours, we are going to be looking really deep into that data and we will know some things. >> dana: i think the other thing is when president trump comes out tonight, whatever the tone is, people bake that income of that is what it is. i think he should challenge joe biden to four debates. >> jeanine: yep. >> dana: we can do that however you want, give you as much time to prepare, we will do it without a moderator, but i will see you, sir. i will see you, mr. president. we should debate the issues, to spend 20 minutes talking about social security, let's do that, because biden probably will not respond. he will dismiss it, talk to the coalition and figure it out. or the commission. and all of the media is going to have to cover that trump has
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offered to do these debates and biden won't do it. >> jesse: jessica? >> jessica: i think you should debate. we are going to talk about that more in the next block, voters came out to support him in droves in 2020, they like the guy and hiding them away doesn't make sense. if he can't do the job, i would rather the american public knew. i want to say something about this good week for donald trump. he always hundreds of millions of dollars in court settlements. that's not good for anyone. it is not just the lawyers fees. they have been other polls, which we will talk about, where he is down. but the third-party thing that dana brought up is really important because there are at least if nikki haley -- she says she is not going no labels, and there is the ticket you need to be on because that the ballot access that rfk jr. doce, there are things called sore loser laws all around the country, i think in eight states, that would prohibit her from being on the ticket and doing it that way. it doesn't mean there isn't some
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work around. lawyers are very good at these things. but when she comes out and says "i'm a republican and i do have to work for a democrat, with a democrat" -- >> dana: she said she is not doing that. >> jessica: she says a lot of things. >> dana: i think she is pretty consistent. >> jessica: she has flip-flopped on what she says about donald trump about 50 times. >> dana: three jesse come i was thinking i can draw something over here. >> jesse: to be blocked, we will do a rendition of the country, for he had. i want to clarify, i do not own a tesla. >> dana: noted. >> bill: 7:00 eastern, super tuesday coverage. let the smack talk begin. joe biden wants to go for trump's jugular. ♪ ♪
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump.
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too dangerous. ♪ ♪ >> dana: so, apparently things are about to get nasty and what looks like a 2024 rematch. president biden vowing to take it up a notch in his final battle against donald trump. his new strategy: go for trump's jugular, as if they haven't already been trying to do that. they want to goad the former president into going "haywire in public." so what does going for the jugular look like? repeatedly calling trump a loser, biden telling the new yorker, "losers who are losers are never graceful," but if anyone is losing come apparently it is president biden, trailing in a spate of new polls and is quick to dismiss them. speak on my poll numbers, the last five polls, i am winning f, five in a row.
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you guys only look at "the new york times." they are a great paper. >> dana: the president is brushing off the poles but they show him losing on the big issues. 71% say biden has mostly failed on border security. that is the number one issue now. 61% say the same for the economy. former president trump is also going for the jugular. watch here. >> biden is the worst president in history. there has never been a worse president. our borders are an embarrassment all over the world. we have millions and millions of people coming in from jails, from mental institutions. nobody has ever seen it -- nobody has ever seen nothing like this. i believe that november 5th is the most important day, perhaps, in our country's history. because november 5th, we are going to hopefully get biden out. >> dana: jesse, in order to go for the jugular, you cannot have come alike, staff do it. right, you cannot have them say, wow, the president is such a whirlwind behind the scenes.
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the president himself, biden, would have to land the punch. can biden actually land the punch? >> jesse: call him a dogface pony soldier? >> dana: something like that. >> jesse: dana, if this turns into a name-calling competition, fox wins. but the country loses. this country does not want to see these two men get in the gutter. this country is already rolling their eyes that they don't want to have to even choose between these two candidates. and if this becomes a bunch of mudslinging, there just for him to say, oh, my god, they might even vote for rfk just as a protest vote. but it might lower turnout, which in that case helps trump because his voters are so passionate. biden may try to ignite the trump hate wing of the party, which is enormous, but then he turns off independents and is always getting shellacked by independents, so i'm not sure this works, if trump does get attacked personally, i would recommend the counterpunch combination. you can't just go back and forth like that.
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you have to insult back. then hit him on policy. then say, what your policy is going to be. biden is trying to lure him away from policy. trump has to stay on policy. but what the trouble is, if biden gets into a meme war, he is toast. do you ever see these things when he mixed up the president of mexico and the leader of gaza and trump had the map on the screen, mexico and israel. that stuff sizzles. that is the stuff in the group chat you send your friends and family and everybody laughs at. that will get traction. biden has no shot there. >> dana: jab cross jab is the way to do that. >> jesse: sure. >> dana: what do you think about biden thinking that he can get under trump skin. >> bill: kind of interesting some of the commentary that he offered. maybe. maybe trump can get under his skin, too. i was thinking about the issues, if that is what you want to talk about here. >> reporter: that came out on sunday morning, biden's approval
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rating was 42%. at this same time for george bush 43, he was at 53% and won reelection. obama was at 45% and he won reelection, trump at 45% and he lost. biden is a 42%. on the issues, you got eight months from today. economy/inflation, immigration, ukraine, middle east, why am i missing? those of the four major. how many of those issues can you make better in the next eight months? that will go a long way to determining -- >> dana: it's interesting biden wants to play on trump's turf. why not find your own turf and make a difference? if you are fighting model model with trump in a war of words, you are likely going to lose. >> jeanine: this is the strategy of a president of the united states. i'm going to get under trump's s
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going to be totally unnerved by me. when the truth is we already know based on the lying, pony faced soldier, whatever that w was, fighting with another voter saying, you know, you are a liar, lets do push-ups, and then we hear about him blowing up and exploding at people on his staff. biden is the one with the te temper. and the idea that joe biden is going to rattle donald trump is really hysterical. here you have a guy who has been indicted four times on 90 counts. you got a crazy judge and an attorney general who has basically taken almost half a billion dollars away from him. you've got -- most people come he has been sued civilly -- most people would be hiding under there desk or in a straitjacket. donald trump is fighting harder than ever come out front, and joe biden thinks he is going to get under donald trump's skin? that's a strategy? it's never going to happen. to be honest with you, the best thing that can happen is what
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you said, dana. if they have to go model model on the issues and joe biden, they keep telling us behind closed doors he is a great talker and can ride a bicycle and all that other stuff but let's see him do a little or some of the stuff in public and might have a chance. >> dana: what you think about biden's strategy? it does come from the top. staff can recommend a lot of things but if biden says this is how i'm going to beat president trump, my guess we are going to see that? >> jessica: yeah, i think we are going to see it. i think that was really the crux of the big "the new yorker" peace. him taking control of his candidacy. eight months left to go, i am being criticized right, left, and center are not being prominent enough, here you go. your thousands of words in my own voice. the thing that radiated the loudest was "i've beaten him before, and i'm going to beat him again." that's what democrats want to hear. whether you like him or you don't -- i think the younger candidate you want to win.
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but republican supporters of donald trump have been saying since 2016 and 2017, certainly, when he won the presidency and moved to the white house, just talk about policy come he would be great, but the man can't do it for more than a few minutes. his conciliatory tone has a 62nd expiration date on it and we talked about this, when he is gs away and suddenly migrants are poisoning the country, and you say, if it's a meme war, you're going to lose. why is joe biden flush with c cash, more than even obama was at this point? the rnc has no money, it is in the toilet, and donald trump is spending his money -- >> jesse: you are arresting him, jessica. was he supposed to not pay lawyers? >> jessica: he shouldn't pay lawyers with his supporters money. >> jesse: what is he supposed to do? >> jessica: i had not had the pleasure, personally, arresting him. he is getting indicted by juries of his peers.
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>> jesse: democrat prosecutors are prosecuting. >> jessica: don't commit crimes and liberal places if you don't want to see liberals. on the polling front -- >> jesse: exactly appeared >> jeanine: don't go to liberal places, you will be a victim of crime. >> jessica: that's also not true. on the polling front, this is a point of frustration for the president, there are four polls in the last two days that have biden either up or tied and they get very little coverage, morning console, t.i. pp, the ap poll come and i get it, i love certainly our own poll. i was fascinated by "the new york times" sienna paul, something like that happens would up and electoral history for decades and decades and decades. there is good news for joe biden and he really doesn't feel like his campaign is getting out there. >> bill: seven states in the end that matter. >> jessica: do you have a picture of the board? >> bill: not at the moment. i thought the most truthful thing in the entire piece, a time he doubted he would run
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again, he said no. dana and i have talked about this for months. only once our lifetimes has a one-term president decided to leave office at the end of his first term. biden is not going to do it regardless of age. he is in it. >> dana: that's was also very frustrating to most democrats, 46% of "the new york times" poll democrats did not want him to run again because he said in 2020 that he would be a transitional president. if he runs and loses to trump, what are the history books -- >> bill: you said michelle obama was going to run. >> jessica: not happening. >> dana: jesse and i are going -- >> jesse: she didn't say she wouldn't -- >> bill: it's not going to happen. >> dana: when i saw that -- just keep telling your friends that michelle obama is running. that's really fun to knock it down every day. all right, head, democrats are not backing down on their efforts to kick trump off the ballot.
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baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> bill: that is a great tune there. what is the best line of that song, judge? >> jeanine: "when you ain't got nothing you got nothing to lose." >> bill: if at first you don't succeed, house democrats looking at other ways to boot donald trump off the ballot after the supreme smack down and you may unanimous 9-zero ruling. take a listen to what jamie raskin, democrat of maryland, is wanting. >> it is up to congress to act. i am working with a number of my colleagues, including debbie wasserman schultz and eric swalwell to revive a conversation we had to set up a
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process by which we could determine that someone that committed insurrection is disqualified by section three of the 14th amendment. >> bill: the ink was not even dry wind that came out. some of the media not taking the ruling well, calling for the court to be dissolved to be of other pundits are melting down. >> unfortunately for america, the court isn't necessarily wrong. they are not doing their job on a lot of these big issues. >> he is now once again been given a robert to put on and walk through -- yes, yes. you heard me. >> it goes against what our judicial system should be about. i can't make heads or tails, frankly come out of the concurring opinions any more than heads or tails out of majority opinions. shoddy needlework all around by the justices. >> bill: there you have it, judge.
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i wonder what maine and colorado tell us tonight, if anything, after this ruling. >> jeanine: it'll be interesting to look at the numbers in maine and colorado. >> bill: we'll see. >> jeanine: i think it will show people in this country are used to democracy. they are not used to people trying to suppress votes, which was an actual quote from one of those states, i think maine or illinois. and they are not used to people in congress who have been elected by them saying to them, we want to make sure that you don't vote for this man. i mean, they are even creating a disservice. that is the irony of it all, to the people that voted for them, talking about raskin, wasserman schultz and eric swalwell. debbie wasserman schultz had to give up the dnc.
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2022, but you have all of these people who have problems and now saying, look, we don't want this guy on the ballot so what we are going to do is bypass section three of article 13 -- 14, and we are going to say, passed a law in congress to say that donald trump, we are going to say is not allowed to be on the ballot. but the problem is there is no underlying conviction for insurrection. they had a chance after january 6th, to do it, and they did not do it. >> bill: this case is overcome agree with you on that. dana, you and i were on air when this happened yesterday. look at the outline, 12:06 eastern time. an hour in 5 minutes after the ruling -- >> dana: will they call this fill in the blank activism, they were ready to go. harold ford jr. said this would be a waste of time, yesterday on our show. democrats want to run on trump is trying to destroy our institutions and our democracy.
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they are actually saying, let's just blow up all of the institutions and the democracy. remember senator kyrsten sinema of arizona, very bravely, courageously, saved the filibuster in the senate, and how did she pay for it? the democrats ran her out of town, announced today she will not run for reelection. there will be a three-way race in arizona that makes jessica tarlov very happy as she sits there and smiles over there because it gives the democrats may be a better chance of winning that see if they's the vote. >> bill: jesse, there are three liberal justices on the court. they voted with their coll colleagues. >> jesse: jackson didn't know what a woman was, didn't care, but now she knows what the 14th amendment is and they are mad, it doesn't make any sense to me, bill. i remember at one point i was upset with the supreme court decision when they wouldn't take trump's challenge to the 2020 election. as a self-appointed constitutional scholar, i
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thought trump had standing. but when the decision came down, i accepted it because that was the end of the line. this apparently isn't the end of the line. keith olbermann wants to dissolve the court like he dissolved his own career. you cannot say you are going to save democracy over and over and over again, blow up the court, and then like raskin, try to create a rule that if trump wins, he is not allowed to take the oval. he is in the minority, bill. he can't even get anything out of committee. there is nothing going on. he is peacocking to make his stupid base think there is some silver bullet that has something besides to do with the votes. this is going to be about boats instead of judges this election and the left is terrified. >> bill: a ruling on immunity that i predict will come on julr pretty close to that. mccarthy tells me that is a tough case for trump to win. i don't know if mccarthy has ever been wrong but we will see this time, maybe we need to save the date, jessica, and roll it back for all those who believe
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the court should be vacated. >> jessica: keith olbermann does not speak for the party. >> dana: he does. >> jessica: michael moore does, too, don't see him until every four years and he comes out and says terrible things about democrats and then disappears and comes out again. what i am confused about, and i have been consistent on this, roll the tape, i want trump on the ballot because you want it to be as democratic as possible. that doesn't mean, necessarily, that the colorado supreme court didn't have a case, right, to consider that their ruling doesn't mean anything. but i obviously want people to -- well, there are people who disagree. they had a bench trial. i understand the supreme court is the highest court in the land. i am just saying there was a bench trial and it went to the supreme court and colorado, it was a 4-3 decision there. it wasn't like a unanimous -- anyway. what jamie raskin is doing is
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what the justices asked him to do. they said, this is congress that makes the decision. that is what is going to happen. this argument that democrats are relying on the courts to win is so bizarre to me, considering what happened in 2020. i hate to rehash -- i don't really hate to rehash, i love to rehash this. donald trump called for recounts everywhere, got his recons, and continued -- stop it, they are not comparable. >> jeanine: so did a lot of democrats. >> jessica: you are telling me what donald trump and rudy giuliani and sidney powell and everyone else -- >> bill: we shan't relitigate -- >> jessica: disenfranchising voters, which donald trump was going to do. >> jeanine: the court just said that congress has the power -- >> jessica: is jamie raskin not in congress? >> jeanine: not even getting out of committee. in addition to that, section three was drafted to ensure an
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enduring union, not to separate us, and they still need to have the ability to decide whether or not there has been an insurrection. donald trump has never been charged nor convicted of insurrection. so we are going to do two things, neither of which will happen before this thing can be issued. >> bill: i have court stuff to get to come if you will allow me. the president is recruiting the cookie monster. he is going to wage his war on shrinkflation and you are about to hear about that when we come back. ♪ ♪ the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day.
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that's 800-630-8900.
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all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. ♪ ♪ [laughter] >> jeanine: joe biden is walking his dog, what was the name, major? >> dana: commander. two dogs. >> jeanine: taking his obsession with shrinkflation to
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ridiculous new levels, forming a strike force to go after price gouging companies he blames for shrinking his bag of fritos. and it looks like sleepy joe has found the first member of his strike force. >> i tell you who didn't notice: the cookie monster. [laughter] he pointed out cookies -- his cookies are getting smaller. paying the same price. [laughs] i was stunned when i found out that happened. >> jeanine: president biden is now using the cookie monster to sell his shrinkflation narrative after the "sesame street" character tweeted this, "me hate shrinkflation. me cookies are getting smaller." discussion. dana? >> dana: it's embarrassing to read that. i know what you're talking about. this is a brainless decision. you cannot allow the communications people to run economic policy at the white house. believe me, i tried, it doesn't work, i don't know what i'm talking about. the market is the strike force. but if biden is interested in doing this, look at all of the issues we are talking about in terms of where he is pulling
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badly. why is there no strike force to go after the border? do we have a strike force to bring home hostages who are being held in gaza? what about a strike force on fixing covid learning loss? we could go on and on. there's a lot of things he could do. basically he is taking a page out of the liz warren pay book and apparently going to didn't know my dedicated significant portion of his state of the union to this. remember when joe biden one to super tuesday four years ago, there was a complete repudiation of the liz warren, bernie sanders wing of the democratic party. he puts all of these people who were for bernie and liz into his administration and then you have the policies, and remember steve ratner and larry summers told them, don't try to pass these big spending bills, you are going to cause more of a problem, hence we have this issue. on the cookie monster front, two things beer in one, i want to know this: who runs the cookie monster account? who is being political with the
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cookie monster account? "sesame street" is public television and i want to know, jessica waters, nobody is answering questions about who is behind the actual cookie monster account. bob casey, the senator from pennsylvania and a tough race, he actually responds to cookie monster. it is so cringe, the cookie monster then hid the reply, because you can do that. there is some weird things going on on the cookie monster account and i think jesse is a kind of buy they can get to the bottom of it. >> jeanine: no more questions, just hit it. >> jesse: the president is talking about snacks, judge. state of the unit and is on thursday. talking about snacks. snacks. pay a dollar for fritos, supposed to get 20 and you get 16. strike force for four missing fritos? you have to be kidding me. i am from the northeast, where people complain for a living. i have never ever heard anybody complain about missing fritos.
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got a strike force for missing frito? i am all on board with companies ripping us off, okay? but the country is ripping us off. we are not getting what we pay for. we get a record amount of tax revenue to this government. they spend it all and then another trillion. there is potholes everywhere. don't know where to put the lunatics? we give this country everything, half of what we make, and there is nothing to show for it! give me a strike force on that. >> jeanine: not just half of what you make, most of that at this point -- not most of it -- but to all of the illegals who are coming in about who we know -- >> bill: come and get it, that's right. from last year's state of the union address, junk fees. this year, cookie monster the only thing we remember. you want to talk about junk fees, why don't you start with the cab there in new york city? have you seen what is happening here? congestion fees, overtime fees, and on and on and on they go. >> jeanine: what do you want
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to say, jessica? >> jessica: i want to say that this kind of rhetoric, which is the little guy is getting gouged by the big rich guy, is very effective. i'm not saying cookie monster -- >> bill: i don't disagree with you. >> jesse: not with snacks. >> jessica: i didn't say cookie monster was necessarily the right vessel for those. at bernie sanders and donald trump talked a lot alike on the 2016 trail. and this was the kind of stuff that they were talking about. when you say junk fees is what we remember, the american public remembers that it has saved them $650 per household because he got rid of -- no. >> jesse: jessica, you can't buy a house. >> jessica: credit cards -- >> jesse: talking about snacks. >> jessica: i guess $650 it doesn't matter to people. it's a lot of money. >> jeanine: okay. up next. charles barkley is now threatening to punch a black trump supporters in the face. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jessica: nba legend charles barkley vowing to punch any black person wearing trump's mug shot. watch this. >> up i see a black person walking around with trump, i'm going to punch him in the face.
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>> you really can't say that. >> jessica: judge, i'm old enough to remember i think last week where we had a whole segment about how much everyone loves charles barkley. have you changed your mind now? >> jeanine: no, you know why? isn't he the one who said if they had that all-star game or whatever it was, you have to wear a kevlar vest if he wanted it to be in los angeles because it is so dangerous because of biden and the democrats and newsome. but i will stop there. you know what i would like? i would like congress to put on a donald trump shirt and i would like to see barkley knocked out tyrus. ain't going to happen. >> bill: i like barkley -- >> jessica: everybody likes barkley. >> bill: just looking for ratings because i don't know anyone watching cnn on a saturday night. brand-new show, i'm not so sure -- >> jeanine: nobody is watching it because they don't like what they are seeing. >> dana: i think charles needs to start holding gayle's hand
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when he is about to say something that is a problem. >> jessica: the jesse method? >> jesse: sure. every time i see a white biden supporter with a biden hat i want to punch them in the face but i never see anybody wearing biden stuff. [laughter] >> jessica: same with black people wearing trump's mug shot, so you are even. >> jesse: oh, i've seen about three of them. gave them a high five. >> jessica: okay. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ is personalized based on your goals, whatever they may be. all that planning has paid off. looks like you can make this work. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice... i can make this work. that seems to be universal. i can make this work. i can make this work. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 clients . worth ta
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: time now for "one more thing." [laughter] >> jesse: jessica, would you like to take us away? >> jessica: i would. what a crappy flight. a delta pilot went above and beyond to free a traveler who was stuck in airplane bathroom 35 minutes. my worst nightmare from salt lake city to new york to new orleans.
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he expressed gratitude from the help he received from the crew but only got 2,000 delta sky miles. >> that's nothing. >> jessica: 35 minutes for 2,00. you get stuck down the toilet. >> jesse: not going to plug my book again get it together. becoming untasteful. so instead i will do a 71-year-old convenient store worker just minding her own business when this happened. there she is, just waiting for the store to open. oops. [laughter] how about that. vets jess sorry, lady. >> tyrus: that is good come and get me. winter is magical time in south lake tahoe. look at these dogs were siberian huskies, blizzard and all the glory, 10 feet of snow bill hemmer did you know that? >> a lot of snow. >> okay.
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it's time for -- ♪ ♪ talk about tampering with crime scene. lakewood police department in colorado got caught in a crappy situation when they responded to a call regarding poop. >> bill: again? >> judge jeanine: the burglary suspect needed to make a pit stop during his crime ultimately leading to his demise. >> dana: did he wipe? >> bill: i'm obsessed with jack imi and shadow big bear country in colorado. my sister ann caught life last night on her own iphone, roll it. if you look very carefully. she says there's the evidence. the scientists are telling her she is wrong. >> jesse: it's a girl. have great night. >> bret: jesse, i will stick around for the next egg if you want to do another egg


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