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tv   Democracy 2024  FOX News  March 5, 2024 4:00pm-8:00pm PST

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>> brit: nikki haley insists she is the only one that can beat joe biden. >> thank you so much. look at the chaos that is happening under joe biden and donald trump. >> brit: when the president looks to dispel any doubts about its had strength. >> america's democracy at risk -- was at risk and we saved it. are you with me? [applause] >> brit: our super tuesday election coverage starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> martha: it is 7:00 p.m. on the east coast and the first polls of super tuesday are closed. welcome to the biggest night in
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the primary campaign in the election season. unlike we have ever seen before. good evening, everybody, i'm martha mccallum. >> bret: i'm bret baier. it is super tuesday. the most states, the most delegates. the most votes on the line as both parties march towards a 2020 rematch it looks like. at this hour polls are closed in virginia and vermont. vermont could be nikki haley's best chance to win a state tonight, thanks to moderate northeast republican voters and an open primary system. >> martha: virginia is also holding an open primary and she could do well in the suburban areas near d.c. both states also host democratic presidential primaries tonight where biden is widely expected to win. >> bret: those are just the first prizes of the night. 16 states and one territory heading to the polls today, including the two biggest states, texas and california. a lot of delegates there. >> martha: indeed, on the republican side there are 854 delegates up for grabs tonight. that is more than 70% of what is
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needed to clinch the nomination. >> bret: former president donald trump hopes to sweep them all, all 15 states on the republican side and set up a showdown with joe biden in the fall. he steam rolled through the early contests and tonight he is hoping for a knockout blow. >> martha: challenger nikki haley footing tooth and nail to stay in the race. the math does not look like it is in her favor. she has no clear path at this moment to the nomination. >> bret: on the democrat side president joe biden wants another four years. he has marched through the early nominating states despite his party remaining deeply divided about the prospect of him returning to the white house, concerned about age, his mental fitness, other things. >> martha: buckle up, everybody. we have reporters all over the country covering the candidates, the issues, the mood of the electorate in america. our great panel is here all night. we kick things off with our man at the billboard mr. bill hemmer. hi, bill.
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>> bill: good evening to you. buckle up. i think we are going to be here a while. nice to see you all. a introduction of what we are looking at on super tuesday as we get kicking off. come back to this area in a moment. talk about the early poll closing. think about vermont. think about virginia. think about those areas that 8 years ago were kind of soft for john kasich and sort of favorable to marco rubio. that's the areas we are kind of looking at so far tonight. let's get this thing going here. this is vermont right now nothing is on the board. if you went back eight years, you would see where john kasich did real well around the capital city and points to the west over there bump on down to virginia. yeah, give me a shot here. there we go. so nothing in just yet. we said it was early. right? i mean with a capital e. 8 years ago this is what we saw in virginia. we saw marco rubio in this sort of blue teal color here doing really well in the outskirts of washington, d.c. there's a big counties, big population. 1, 2, and 3 throughout the entire commonwealth located right here.
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we also did very well around richmond, too suburbs and charlottesville off to the west. those pockets could be -- they could be right for nikki haley tonight to go ahead and get in there and get some delegates and maybe put up a bit of a challenge right now to taking the state of virginia. the reason why we are doing this. if you go back to south carolina, just, you know, the last time we were together on that saturday night, we tried to figure out where rubio did well and maybe where nikki haley could do well also. that was her home state, okay? and here's how it turned out. she won the capital city of colombia in rich land county. she won her hometown of charleston and also the county just to the south of her. and if you went back 8 years ago. look what marco rubio did. this is kind of our benchmark that we're using on that saturday night to give you sort of a relationship to how we're judging how the candidates are doing. in the end, rubio only won two counties and then nikki haley won three this time. so she did a little better than we were back in 2016. hence the reason why we look at
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places like virginia tonight and also vermont to see maybe get an idea about which way they are going to go. now, here's the thing. about all these states? they all got different rules, okay? so, pop out here to california. 169 delegates. well, california has never gone this early in the process before, ever. it was always in june. and they came at the end. and they felt insignificant. well, this year, whole different approach. close late into the tonight, 11:00 eastern time. our time. senate primary race out there as well. in california. we will see how it goes. you see this tab right up here at stake? 69 delegate69 -- 169 delegates. rule book. majority take all. think about that amount of delegates now. if you get 50% plus one you get all 169 delegates. so, trump, haley gunning for that utah very similar as well. i just want to hit the rule book
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here. at stake majority take all. all right, of the 40 delegates there in utah. come over here to tennessee, this is where i want to make the point here, okay? in tennessee, you go ahead and try to figure this one out, okay? this is like calculus or algebra. 31 statewide delegates, two thirds take all. if no candidate gets two thirds it goes proportional. all of this stuff. each different state has its rules. some are similar. some are just -- they seem like off the page for some of us. as we kick off the night at 7:05 we are now ruling. >> bret: 6, 7 carry the knot. >> bill: help me with that or get karl on the line. >> bret: point out bottom of the screens all the results coming in saw iowa. that's because there was a mail-in for democrats in iowa. president biden winning that and you see virginia there over aaron williamson. millions of americans heading to the polls this super tuesday.
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the trump campaign is expecting to wins a we said an avalanche of delegates. aishah hasnie is at campaign headquarters at mar-a-lago. it seems they are going to pack them in there, aishah. >> hey, guys, if you can't tell there is a huge party underway behind me here in mar-a-lago. the doors are officially open. and we are seeing a lot of folks streaming in now. the feeling is electric here as the campaign expects up to 1,000 supporters here tonight in this ballroom. it really feels like a general election party. and quite so because tonight, super tuesday could really launch the former president towards that magic number of 1215. very, very close to the campaign telling me they expect to sweep about more than a thousand delegates tonight, including the ones they are walking in with tonight getting closer to that magic number. trump, very much so wants to pivot hard to the general election. he certainly does not think that nikki haley has any sort of path
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forward here. he believes he is going to win. every single state tonight. but, whether or not he is going to ask her to step down tonight, "fox & friends" host lawrence jones asked about that this morning. and he wouldn't quite answer that question. so we'll have to wait and see how the night goes. he is, though, accusing her of dividing the g.o.p. by just staying in this race. now, he would much rather be talking about the issues, the border. the economy. he would much rather be talking about president biden and he will get to do that again, bret and martha. in dueling remarks, again, this weekend, saturday in georgia, when trump and both president joe biden will be campaigning just about 60 miles apart. back here in mar-a-lago, again, the party getting underway. just about 200 people i would say here already. there is no open bar. and there is a soda bar, a pop bar if you want to call it if you are from the midwest. no free alcohol at least tonight
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here in mar-a-lago. back to you guys. >> bret: thanks for that update. >> martha: going to be a short party. [laughter] >> brit: will they get to 1,000 without an open bar? >> bret: i don't know. it's a good question. time to bring in the panel if you haven't noticed. brit hume, laura ingraham. dana perino, and harold ford jr. laura, what do you think of tonight? >> laura: well, this is -- this is a big night. even if they don't have the booze at mar-a-lago flowing. [laughter] >> laura: this is going to be a big night obviously for donald trump. is he cruising to the nomination. nikki haley, look, she has given it her all. she has crisscrossed the country. she has raised a huge amount of money. i think for the last year she is pretty much represented the more kind of is establishment -- old bush wing of the party better than anyone. and she is attractive, articulate and very smart. try to go at trump. i don't know how you could have done it any better than she did it. i don't think there's a big audience for that there is some audience but not enough, clearly
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to really motivate the people to turn out to vote in the way she needs it it's a populist party and right now it's donald trump's party. >> martha: brit, what do you think will happen tonight? >> brit: see what donald trump says tonight and interested in what joe biden will say on thursday night at the state of the union address. i think those are the two big things worth watching. whether trump will be conciliatory and generous and reaching out to do what he says he wants done, the uniting of the party. as for biden we will see if he doesn't fall off the rostrum. [laughter] >> martha: we saw he was very bitter toward nikki haley up in new hampshire and then conciliatory but to the point not mentioning her really in south carolina. he had moved onto the general election race. so we will see very good point. >> bret: dana, we talk about polls we usually don't talk about them going. in iowa has already happened. there is a new poll out in iowa des moines register ann sellser very well respected with her polling unit and shows that former president trump head to
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head has a 15-point lead on president biden if you look inside that poll, the approval ratings for the current president, down to 29%. this is iowa, a place that was getting purplish and just in the iowa caucuses did not look like this head to head. these polls are moving across the board. >> dana: didn't you hear the president say today all the polls show is he fine and everything is just great. i guest a little bit will pots over the weekend terrible for the president and consistent. six months ago "the washington post"-abc poll came out and it had trump 8 or 10 points ahead. the pollsters themselves said this possibly can't be true. this is an outlier. >> it was the canary in the coal mine. because now, what has biden gotten tonight at the end of tonight when president trump is the presumptive nominee and it won't be too big of a stretch to say that at the end of tonight, biden got his man, he wants to take on president trump. he says he wants to go for the
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jugular, he thinks that he knows president trump's weak spot. but they can't have the staff deliver the blows. president biden himself will have to show that he can actually throw a punch and land a punch and i don't know if we have actually seen him being able to do that in the last several months. >> martha: harold, that may become the question after tonight. what is a head-to-head race between these two look like at this point? >> harold: so, i think two things. first, the polls also shows that most americans don't want a rematch but we find ourselves thrust into -- looks like we will get the final blow this evening. two, i think the american people find it more and more difficult to withstand one another if they agree with one another the way the politics is litigated. listen to both sides. the hatefulness and viciousness a little under toe of that in politics. the campaigns are organized around name calling. organized around reminding people the worst of people if
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you believe that during the campaign your voters have every right to wonder why after the campaign why would you try to go do political business with people so bad and so evil and so unamerican? i will be doing what brit said at the out set. he showed me an ability, he being donald trump to be mcunanimous in iowa. seems like a different direction. thinks that's what is what going to get governor haley out of the race and begin consolidation. the first time i saw him being magnanimous was yesterday when the supreme court decided what they decided they talked about uniting his party and presumably uniting the country. let me be clear i'm not for him as president. i'm for my country. if he is elected president, we got to find a way for people to want to do business be it politics and everything else. i have will be looking at most closely at that this evening. >> martha: okay. we have a call to make here. the fox news decision desk can now project the first call of the night that president biden will win virginia's democratic primary.
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no big surprise hidden in that one. >> bret: not a big surprise. there is, laura, these different races on the democratic side. we saw in michigan the uncommitted vote got a number of people turn out more than 100,000 in michigan. you see that he needs 1967 to clinch the nomination. he will do it but, yet, there is still this angst in the democratic party about. >> the question is whether the hatred of trump is really enough to drive everyone they need to the polls maybe it is, maybe it isn't. right now they have a problem with the far left. the far left is very unhappy with what is happening in gaza. they are trailing around aoc, all the video you guys showed on "special report" tonight. that's an uncomfortable moment for them. the question is all those people really going to stay home?
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if they could close race. might be. could turn it for joe biden. they are not they think biden is not left wing enough. that shows you the danger that they initially embarked upon by making this deal with the far left. biden wasn't that way. and he became that way. >> brit: if you look at the overall polling it suggests that trump basically stands about where he did four years ago. he hasn't lost ground. biden has lost ground. and in part is because of what laura is talking about. it's also, i think, in part because voters of have had a taste of his governance and mad at him about immigration. mad at him about inflation. >> they are disappointed in him in a multitude of ways began with the pullout from afghanistan from which he has never really fully recovered. he has a lot of ground make up with the voters who were with him four years ago and who at the moment at least do not appear to be with him now. >> bret: the israel-gaza part of
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the state of the union speech about be interesting to watch. just because what he says about it, how he says, if progressives in that chamber react. >> bret: will he go against the grain of many in his own party, not only on israel but also on ukraine? >> martha: he has yet to really articulate his argument and the biden doctrine for why the country should go along with him on spending that additional money. >> brit: worth discussing because when you think about it we have all this vast panoply of programs too deal with all sorts of issues. what is job number of the federal government? job one is national security and defense, foreign policy. it is the only institution we have to deal with that. the states don't do it. private business doesn't do that. that's the federal government's chief job and we now spend a fraction of what we did on defense during the cold war, a fraction. >> laura: one other point though in the cities where you had abbott and, obviously, desantis
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sending all these migrants to the cities, i think you are going to see some modest pull back from democrats. maybe, again, they won't turn out for trump but they might not vote for biden. brilliant move to spread the pain of illegal immigration to the rest of the country. big effect number one issue in at love these states. >> martha: trump said last night that he wanted to reach out to democrat mayors. >> laura: work with them. >> martha: fix the cities and work with them. that's going to be interesting to watch. >> bret: he wants to do a rally here in new york. we are going to make another call the fox news decision desk predict that biden will win vermont's primary. something tells me this is a trend. the president is going to win these states easily and we can make those calls. can you see on the bottom of the screen have all the states have the raw vote total coming in and put those up for you and when we can make a call on the republican side, we definitely will do that we are just getting started on this super tuesday. we have a lot to go. we have just started all of
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these countdowns. the next set of polls closing. a big lineup throughout the evening as the results come in. jesse watters, sean hannity on deck as our special coverage continues here on fox news channel, next. ♪ ♪ but i got jesus here, and we were wondering if you might want to pray with us. well, not the actual jesus. obviously, but let's spend some time with the real one. lord jesus. we take this moment today to simply be with you. we are lost. we are broken. but we are not alone. help us to grow closer to you. this lent, jesus name we pray. amen. join us in prayer. this lent on hallow.
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♪ >> martha: former governor and ambassador nikki haley looks to exceed expectations tonight. she has said that herself that she hopes to prevent a huge trump blowout this evening. bill melugin is following her campaign tonight in charleston, south carolina. hi, bill. >> bill: hey, martha, good evening to you. nikki haley's campaign tells us she is here in the charleston area tonight but is not making any public remarks nor does she have any public events tonight. we're told she is going to have a private watch party with her staff, food, music, and we're told the mood there is, quote: jubilant. so we asked the campaign what are their expectations heading into this super tuesday? they told us to be competitive. we asked well, what does competitive mean? they said it's up for the media to decide that they point out nikki haley has been getting chunks of voters in these early states. they feel there is an appetite for a non-trump vote out there. , however, the bottom line is if she wants to get past donald trump she has got to start winning some states outright.
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so we asked the campaign are there any states they feel particularly good about tonight on this super tuesday where they feel they have got better chances? they told us kind of wink, wink. take a look at the state she has been campaigning in this recent days. take a look at this graphic right here. this is a map of where nikki haley has been in the last week or so. she has been crisscrossing the country 15 different rallies in all these different states. some of the states you probably want to keep an eye on tonight are virginia, vermont, and minnesota when it comes to her chances. we will be in touch with the campaign. watching some of these early returns come in. and keep you posted based off what we hear. send it back to you. >> bret: bill, do you know if there an open bar there. >> bill: no open bar but nice pier behind us and bar and fishing. >> bret: nikki's party? >> bill: no, no. we don't know. we will put in a request and find out. see if it's like aishah's event. >> bret: investigative reporter. bill, that's good. thank you. let's bring in our panel laura
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ingraham, brit hume, harold ford jr. and dana perino. what do you think looking at tonight. obviously particular through and get these wins. there will be protest vote out there. and getting ready for the state of the union on thursday. >> you said it best at the end and brit said it earlier too. the state of the union is where he thinks is he going to reset and restart this campaign. a lot of ways presidents have tried to do that when they stumbled a bit and had a difficulty conveying their message. it's interesting when you think about democrats and think about the far left and we talked about how that's where the challenge is for democrats to bring that group back. the challenge with republicans interestingly is bush republican. it's the moderate republican. each side has its challenge in trying to bring people back, too. if you are president biden. seven of the last 8 presidential races democrats have won the popular vote. they have won five of the last 8 when you take electoral college. seven of 8 relevant take of congressional races. california and new york, deliberate republicans the majority in the house this last
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cycle in 2022. you are going to have tough races. i'm looking at california. not just the senate race, but who are the democrats that emerge in these -- you know, they have open primaries. some call them jungle primaries where everybody can get in top two vote gertz. moderate or liberal democrats that face off against some of those incumbent republicans? these are the things underneath that i think are going to inform a little bit about how these races turn out and even how this presidential race turns out when we get this head to head. >> martha: president biden has -- trump has a plus 45 edge on improving border security. this week we learned that he had not spoken to -- that biden hadn't spoken to his border chief, raúl ortiz and nor the current one. chief owens until he went down there on thursday to brownsville. what does he need to say to convince people on thursday night because, obviously, is he going to have to address what is he doing on this issue.
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>> martha: what he is going to say and a lot of media will amplify it this problem wouldn't be so bad if republicans would just work with me to help me pass more money and they are the ones that killed the bill because president trump told them to and they are afraid of him. that's what he is going to say. now, that will ignore three years of history and rich lowry had a piece in the national review this week that said president biden's policy on the border started in february of 2021. he started with the executive orders. he wanted to dismantle everything president trump had done. and, in fact, if you remember, at this point during the democratic primary right before super tuesday, president biden and all the nominees for the democrats raised their hand and said they would be for decriminalizing crossing the border. if they want to try to ignore three years of history, they will attempt to do it. now, republicans have a challenge. they always have a communications challenge. they start at a deficit and they
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have to work their way up. but the fact that immigration is the number one issue surpassing the economy in 2024 as an issue means that this is a deep seeded issue. people are seeing it where -- the pictures, i was surprised that bill melugin didn't say look right behind me there is more people coming across. every time you go to bill melugin there is people there no matter where he is. so you have a crime issue. you have an economy issue. people in america want a legal system that works, we want immigrants to come here. but president biden, i believe, is going to try to demonize all republicans. he likes to tag all republicans with that maga line and i don't think it will work in the end. but watch him try. >> bret: bill melugin has a condo in eagle pass, i'm not sure. brit, really quickly, making u.s. safer improving border security with independents, this president is completely under water. i'm talking 20 to 75.
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>> brit: he is try to stay in the state of the union address to address the issue. make the very claims he cited about the bill came out of the senate that was a bipartisan bill and did have a lot of things that for example the border patrol union wanted to see passed, in fact, they endorsed the bill and the republicans ultimately rejected it. and i think he will argue that point endlessly. and it -- look, there is some truth in that. at least gives him something to say. i don't think it's going to overcome three years of what people have witnessed with the streaming people across the border. un -- almost senilingly unchecked. so, i think it's a tough issue for him. but he at least at this moment, has something to say. >> bret: republicans obviously point to h.r. 2. executive orders, they can do a lot of things. >> laura: yeah. i have been fighting this issue of the border since 196. bill clinton did operation gate keeper and was actually really good on the border in san diego. my first report ever was on the border. so, it's an issue i think i know
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something about. and the fact of the matter is people have gotten really smart on this issue. they knew that the so-called bipartisan bill didn't include anyone with real credibility on immigration. if they were really serious, they would have brought in mike johnson, the speaker of the house and said, look, we got to get something done. sit down with us. what do you need? we want to get this ukraine funding. we got to get this funding for ukraine. what do you need? they never did that that showed me from the beginning they weren't serious. they didn't really want a border bill. they wanted the issue politically. and i would submit tonight that mitch mcconnell handed it to them on a silver platter. this was not a serious effort from day one regardless of the big pr build up. >> martha: bill clinton in state of the union address we are a nation of immigrants. he got applause on all sides. >> laura: criminal aliens. >> martha: ache a quick break. a live look across the country as voters make their voices heard on this night of super tuesday. more from our fox decision desk as we get more results in.
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>> bret: fox news decision desk can now predict that former president donald trump will win
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virginia's republican primary. this was former governor nikki haley's really best chance to win a state other than vermont. significant delegates at stake. so, with this, he goes on to this first win tonight. is he predicting that could be 15 wins tonight. the former are president is. as you look at the border. we'll see if that holds up. speaking of the border. >> martha: go to bill hemmer. >> bill: looks like a tale of two states really. break this down for you in virginia. remember the population centers in the northern part of the state up around washington, d.c. this is loudoun county right here, okay? it ranked fourth out of 133. so, you know, that's where the people live. right? about 5% state population. you see where trump did so well. this might be part of the reason why you make such an early call. okay? so that's impressive for the trump team. down here around richmond, let me pop in here for a second. let me see if i can nail it right here. come on, henrico county. only 12% counted.
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that's impressive number there about 60%. the reason i say that is because of what rubio did 8 years ago. let me come back to that moment. i want to show you what trump's secret sauce is. in virginia, you will likely see it in north carolina and see it in tennessee and see it in alabama. see it in arkansas. all across the country tonight. and that is the rurals. right down here along the border with north carolina. let me go tapping around here, okay? keep your eye on this number here. almost 79% here. hop on over to halifax, you are at 89% there jump back over here, brunswick county. 83%. let me go down here toward the border with kentucky and find out who we have got. all right? you are at -- 87%. a little closer here. 94%. wow, i mean, this -- he just is running up the score, guys, 92.5% and on and on it goes in the rurals there in the state of virginia. hence the reason why it's been called for trump tonight. the haley team thought hey, if
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there is a chance we can win a state tonight. might be vermont or virginia. right now virginia is off the table. let me, while i got you, let me see what is happening in vermont. i haven't checked for some time here. too soon to call. a slight lead about 9% of the vote being tabulated so far. so we got a ways to go. we will come back to -- yeah, we will come back to vermont in a second. >> bret: go over to north carolina? >> bill: do that right here with 74 delegates in north carolina. because of the polls just closed in north carolina about 7 or 8 minutes ago. what haley is going to try to do, again, population centers, remember? this is raleigh, this is wake county it rates population wise 1 out of 100. zero votes in right now at least being reported there in wake county. this is mecklenburg down in charlotte, this is 2 out of 100, nikki haley has a slight lead there. again, just talking about 500, 400, about 1,000 votes so far in charlotte. the pattern i just showed you guys here in virginia rurals pop
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on down here to north carolina. similar numbers. expect here along the border tennessee. also here along the atlantic ocean and the eastern side of north carolina. that is trump's secret sauce. that is where he wins. tonight he is going to do it again and we will see it state by state. >> martha: go to mark meredith as we just mentioned north carolina the polls are closed. waiting for more results there. he is on the ground in rally. hi, mark. >> martha, good evening to you. we are watching two major contests here in north carolina the first the one that you and bill were just talking about. the presidential primary nikki haley and donald trump both making stops in t in the tar hel state trying to get out the vote in the final days. the second and one the country going to be talking about by november the race to be north carolina's next governor. here's why. you are likely going to see the two candidates for this democratic and republican challenge both come at each
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other from the extremes of their party. at least that's how they are going to try to portray each other. republicans going in tonight. we are looking likely to back mark robinson the state's lt. governor. trump endorsed him over the weekend even calling him at one point martin luther king on steroids while robinson appears to be a rising star within the republican party, is he still quite controversial. he has made a lot of controversial comments in the past on things like guns and gay rights. and democrats in the state will try to weaponize those words against him if he proves to be victorious tonight. democrats also having a number of different candidates to choose from for governor. their incumbent democratic governor is he term limited. he threw his support behind the attorney general josh stein, a 57-year-old vowing to campaign on climate change as well as the economy. but north carolina, martha, certainly a state a lot of people are going to be talking about between now and november. martha? >> martha: thank you very much. >> bret: meanwhile talking women congratulation but also crime is a top concern for voters all across the country.
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alexis mcadams has a closer look at that good evening, alexis. >> hey, bret, when you are out on the campaign trail as you know you talk to people and they speak about everything from violent crime to migrant crime. it's incidents like this that have people all across the country on edge from smash and grab robberies in virginia to brutal beat downs out in california. these crimes you are looking at there on the screen. you can see the guy waving the gun and the beat down there in the corner. those are just in the 16 super tuesday states. although the fbi says crime in almost every single category has gone down across the country in 2023. one of those stats really mean to people who have been victimss, not much, right? this election migrant crime is sitting in the national spotlight here. check out these mug shots with recent cases of migrants accused of committing violent crime including the tragic case of laken riley the 22-year-old nursing student was murdered while out on a run in georgia. now jose ibarra getting arrested who crossed illegal i into the
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u.s. from venezuela and previously been arrested is charged with her murder. voters say they want change here when it comes to immigration and crime across the country. so now, the white house has called for sanctuary cities across the u.s. to cooperate with ice but people say more needs to be done. >> martha: alexis, thank you very much. so the fox news decision desk can now project that president joe biden will win the north carolina democratic primary. again, no big surprise on that front. let's bring back in our panel and harold ford, obviously, good to win, no doubt. the president is happy with how this is going but not a lot of surprises in there. >> harold: i don't think anybody can is going to be surprised at these numbers. some democrats will look to some of the battleground states and see what the uncommitted number is if indeed marianne williamson andean phillips add up. to say it doesn't look like they're adding up more than 10 points combined. look back historically with democrats or incumbent had a challenge. the real issues are the issues
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raised about the polling data. you and bret raised that the upside down nature of some of the critical issues with the economy. incumbent presidents win oftentimes if not every time when the economy is good and people feel it. people didn't feel like they were doing well there at home. there are a number of people say crime numbers are coming down statistics are coming down if you don't feel safe, stats don't mean a thing. we got -- democrats have to figure out how they not only craft a message but how they go about making sure the best practices around the country are fighting crime and reducing homicide rates and reducing theft. they are able to bring some of those ideas to cities where people don't feel as safe as the numbers suggest they should. >> bret: laura, what about that, the issue of how people feel? when you are sitting at the kitchen table and doing the budget on the back of an envelope, people feel it. right now credit card debt is on the rise. east coast though some of these numbers, the numbers talk about pretty good in the big picture.
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>> laura: bottom line new york or d.c. where i live. and they also feel unsafe economically. unsteady, insecure. and just little things like buying chicken for your family for dinner. going per pound what it costs now versus what it costs 3 or 4 years ago. it is staggering. 21% increase is an enormous amount for an american family of the things they buy every week. that makes a big difference. so, when they say oh, well things are better. well, they are better for maybe the top, top income earners but it is not better for the middle class and for good reason. >> brit: this is the political problem posed by inflation. not just that the people can't afford it feel it people who can afford it feel it. they don't like it. what has happened is we had a significant jump up in inflation that went on for several years. the fact that it has calmed down now is fine but remember what it
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means it. means overall the prices are still rising just not as fast. so it's an issue that i think this administration campaign, this biden campaign is going to have trouble working around because it's there and it's -- between now and election day, people's sentiments about it i don't think are going to change. >> martha: today the president blamed greedy corporations for giving ceos big bonuses that's the problem. that's why you have so much inflation. every will see a lot of that in the state of the union address. >> bret: junk fees. >> martha: so remember last year we were there. one of the most memorable thing junk fees. apparently they are going to say that every american has saved $650 on junk fees. okay. but that doesn't -- you are not dealing with the junk fees every day. you are dealing with the grocery store every day. and this is what is really hurting people. and i think that he does have some things to talk, about right? like president biden talk about insulin and the cost figuring out a way to get that under control for a lot of people that have to buy that is he going to tout something that i don't really like but the prescription
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drug medicare negotiations with the companies is i i'm taking it to those companies. again, go back to when he won, he was the person who was like i am the regular democrat, i am not the left wing of the party. and then having beaten bernie sanders and elizabeth warren he tooks all sorts of staffers that worked for him and placed them in his administration which led to a lot of the policies that steve rattner, larry summers, other democrats saying woe, guys, this is going to cause inflation and they turned out to be right. >> harold: a guy who i know well who should not be worried about these things about i asked him what do you worry about the most? my refrigerator breaking. i got a big one i'm not sure can i afford the jolt. this is a guy i would have thought four years ago not have said these things. hitting not just people we think we look at the numbers and income. it's hitting a a lot more peope than we think. >> laura: just one thing, the emergency fund that people have, like regular people have emergency funds, they don't have
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an emergency fund. like 50% of the country can't afford $1,000 unexpected bill. that's terrifying to live that way. >> bret: it is a super tuesday unlike any other. in part because of the pivotal role the supreme court is playing in this election. our legal panel tackles that plus more results across the country as our super coverage continues here on fox. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> you cannot take somebody out of a race. the voters can take the person out of the race very quickly. but, a court shouldn't be doing that and the supreme court saw that. >> bret: former president trump hail ago supreme court decision preventing colorado and other states from kicking him off their ballots. it's one of the many legal challenges colliding with his white house campaign. shannon bream is in washington with our legal eagles. andy mccarthy and jonathan turley. shannon? >> shannon: good evening bret and martha if only we had something to talk about. nonstop legal talk going on here. talk about yesterday colorado winning argument for the trump teen. he immunity case. he loved the supreme court yesterday. i'm not sure he is going to feel the same way this summer.
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>> the problem with sequels they don't always go with what you hoped for. the odds are the odds are against the president on immunity. once you get into that high grass of presidential immunity, you often don't know where you will come out because some of the justices may be concerned less with the result as they are with the rationale that the d.c. circuit itself was sweeping. it's not just trump's arguments that are sweeping. and that may have given pause for some of these justices to say we need a little more delineation. but, there's a very good chance in my view that they could end up sending the mandate back to the trial court in june, as with most likely. then that would restart the trial and they would have to get through pre-trial motions. if it goes back in june. it's possible that you could have a trial before the election. and it certainly -- in this case, the special counsel has said that he does not feel that he is bound by the longstanding policy doj to avoid trials before an election.
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>> shannon: too close to the election. before we get there, andy, the matter of the new york trial that you have got to get through. the trump team has sent a blistering letter to alvin bragg saying you are proceeding with all of these trials and things like allen weisselberg being in court again with a plea deal this week. in your words you are allowing people with brutal attacks on law enforcement and murderers to roam the city free. >> look, he is in a political battle as much as a legal one and he is fighting it that way. and he has got a lot of ammunition with alvin bragg who is the paragon progressive prosecutor. and who does have a well-deserved reputation in new york for minimizing the number of cases they take and then taking the cases they have and pleading them down. contrast this with the 76-year-old nonviolent weisselberg who he has now prosecuted twice in 18 months and is about to put, i guess, refresh my recollection island for another five months.
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>> shannon: jury selection starts we think on the 25th. jonathan, how well do you think that is go going to go for the former president who has not found the court system to be very friendly to him. >> not very friendly and night mnightmarish jury poll. special counsel. the fact is that even the hung jury in new york is quite an effort for the defense in the case like this. but, bragg is continuing to just pull out the stops. we just saw that in this case, with the objections in the letter that you get the feeling that he case, with the objections, you get the feeling that he is running out and shooting the wounded before he gets to trump, the question is, at what point does a modicum of restraint kick in on this? i think the bragg prosecution is the most flawed of all of the cases, and i would be surprised if it could withstand that. speak out much more to discuss,
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thank you, bret and martha, back to you. >> new results coming in from five states, jesse watters joins us to react as our special coverage of super tuesday continues! we'll be right back. ♪ ♪
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>> martha: fox news alert, the fox news decision desk can predict that former president trump will win north carolina in the republican primary tonight, another big win, so far all the states that we have been able to call have gone performer president trump. >> bret: if he runs the table tonight, he will come just short, probably 1100, we will see how it goes. in california, winner-take-all at 169. if that happens, the trump campaign says it might be ma
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march 12, might be march 19, that he can mathematically clinch it. it is 8:00 p.m., all the polls have closed in five more states, too early to call. of these, alabama, you see,, maa and tennessee. former president trump editing virginia, as we said, to his scorecard earlier this evening. bill hemmer is at the board, looking at vermont, you say it is interesting. >> bill: said we would have an interesting drama, going to find that drama. there is a story in vermont. i find it very interesting, too early to call, 15% of the vote reporting. donald trump is that 50.3%. by is that important. at state, 17 delegates, our rulebook will tell us this, majority to go, you need 50% +1% practice thing we are calling right now, vermont, donald trump would take all these
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delegates, nikki haley, she was above that, dropped down, if you don't get the majority, then it goes by proportion, at minimum 20% throughout the state of vermont. now, bret, do not ask me to do this for every stage. i am going to need an encyclopedia, calculator, no, i am going to need ai. dial that sucker in. north carolina, we have called this race now. the numbers aren't big but we called the race with 3% reporting. the reason you do that, you have been in the field, you know how the voters are thinking and reacting. i told her she had to do well in two areas, it seems like earlier on it she is, that is in this county in charlotte. paltry numbers but a slight majority, in the county where raleigh is located, a lot of places of higher education where nikki haley seemed to have an appeal.
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we will see how this goes, it's super early, 845 votes in the tabulation. if we come back out, a lot on the board, just hit 8:00, maine just closed, so did tennessee, making the point in these rural counties in virginia, donald trump running up the numbers, expect to see the same in places like north carolina, also here in tennessee. a gray slate at the moment, but it will fill in throughout the night. let me try and track this in north carolina, and see if he is getting some of the numbers i talked about there, along this virginia border, i would expect it to be the case, pop over here, well over 80% there, another county, rocking him county. small numbers, 58% and 12%. up 60% over here, the tennessee
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border, that is early, and two-point edge that they are along the tennessee. we are off and going. i will kick it back to you. just for it -- all right, vermont, back to 51.0%. could be a critical number. >> bret: we will head back and moments. >> martha: thank you, bill, 8: 03, good evening, jesse, what do you make up what you have seen so far? >> jesse: brit hume gave me some advice, he said, jesse, don't make any predictions. with dana's permission, i would like to make an analogy. donald trump is like political helium, and keeps rising and rising and rising but he is also combustible and everyone is worried about, when is he going to pop? is it going to be sabotaged? prosecutors? his big mouth? so far he has risen above
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ron desantis, haley, beating the pants off of biotin in the polls since halloween, a few reasons, american people don't like dirty cops, and joe biden's gang of lawyers jumped donald trump, it was six on one, kicking, hitting, fines, mug shots, americans don't like that, they want to see a fair fight. can sense that injustice. the american people have been impressed with how donald trump has not only held his own but has given it right back to him. strength has been impressive. number two, donald trump is running against joe biden, the oldest, probably the most unpopular president that we have ever seen, and he needs to get it together. that is not a bundle, you can preorder it on amazon if you wish, now experiencing the worst stretch of his presidency since afghanistan. had his own justice department say he is too senile to stand
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trial. immigration has been dominant. you have biden migrants murdering american women. the stench of his son is wafting into the west wing. and get one and i to fight harder, the other to stop fighting, it is just too expensive and it is too dangerous in this country. now donald trump is harvesting voters from joe biden's orchards. plucking out black burlesque, hispanics , young people, put it in the basket of deplorables. if you policy, the contrast is so stark compared to what it was a couple of years ago. i went out to get jesse jr. a birthday present. i wanted to get him a play gym. i looked at the price tag of the play gym, bret, and i passed out. when they picked me up off the floor, they said plastic and lumber prices have tripled in
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the last couple of years. now i am basically paying for a second home, all it is as a slide and a swing set. going to maybe buy, a stick and tell him it is magic. too expensive, too dangerous, the republican party is now more unified than the democratic party. the democrats are the one on defense having to answer for joe biden, having to answer about the border. they are trying to give the guy advice and tell him he might have to drop out. the republican party, for the first time i've seen in many, many years is not constantly having to defend trump controversies, unifying the party, if they can stay unified, i think they have a good shot at winning the white house white house. >> bret: jesse, you have spent time talking about the president and his party having trouble with his age, mental fitness, upside them with independence on the border, on crime, the
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economy. we heard from michelle obama's staff today that she unofficially is not running for president. she is supporting president biden and, here is. you said maybe there is another shoe to drop in the democratic party. you still think that is true? >> jesse: i'm so glad you asked me that question, bret, if you read between the lines, she's not saying she wouldn't agree to be drafted at the convention. she is saying she is not running for president. so that is a chance. and i am not just saying that to titillate the audience -- or maybe i am. >> bret: [laughs] >> jesse: if i was michelle obama, i would not want to go anywhere near it, i wouldn't want barack telling me what to do. >> martha: well, you know, i think -- -- >> jesse: wow is right. >> martha: wow, wow, wow.
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wisdom losing out. what do you think the plan would be, you look at these numbers that are extraordinary, as bret just pointed out, biden down 47 points, 25 points -- these are with independents. down 43 points in the unifying the country. is there any suggestion that they are genuinely looking for a plan b when they look at the way trump is rolling up these states and they look at the national polls that we got from "new york times"? >> jesse: there aren't any party elders that can come in and tell joe it is time to go. joe is the only party elder left. and you know, you reach a certain age, you are stubborn. you are not going to just do what someone tells you to do. his wife is in it to win it, and his son, he feels
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>> you go into someone's house and try to adjust their thermostat and its world war iii nothing can change. he's decided he's going to stick with it and if he loses, it's probably better for the democratic party to lose with joe biden than to switch things out in a chaotic convention, leapfrog kamala harris and install a straight white male, avenue some, that could get licked by trump himself, when he could just keep his powder dry for four years and run in an open primary. >> jesse, we appreciate the commentary and the use of the 8:00 hour. >> it's my gift to you, don't abuse it. [ laughter ] >> final predictions for tonight? is former president trump going to rack up all of these states? fifteen anna-rose, and when do you think he would
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mathematically clinch that? >> that would go against the advice so i'm going to zip my mouth and say good luck. >> all right, good luck with the playground. >> thank you, we need all the help we can get, thank you. >> well listen, we've got some calls. first of all president biden is going to win in can not former president trump will win the alabama republican primary. >> in the fox news decision desk and project that president biden -- he's also going to win alabama, did we mention that? we can also project that former president trump will win tennessee's republican contest tonight as well. >> we are getting there, there it is. alabama, 82%. it's early on but we will call that. the fox news decision desk will say that former president trump in win tennessee and president biden -- you know what, they are
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winning a lot of different states. tennessee, there you go, and then president biden with alabama. we are going down, taking it one by one but there are no surprises here in either of these calls. alabama, tennessee, biden and trump. and what's setting up is a general election battle that we expect to see. we are adding a new panel though. >> it's just like magic, we have swapped out our panel and we have some big stars and wonderful brains to speak with you. it's great to have all of you with us this evening. larry, let me start with you if i may, when you look at this situation across the country, this young woman lost her life in georgia, there's a bill that is being moved through the house to work to make the country safer essentially from the infusion of violent criminals
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who are carrying out the crimes like the one -- how powerful do you think for people as they look forward to this election? >> i think it's an explosive story. the larger issue isn't an explosive issue and may become the most important issue ahead of the economy and inflation. a very good chance of that. i think at this particular moment in time it could well be. it's showing up in some of the polls. i think the death of those beautiful woman is an equally explosive issue and an infuriating issue and one that has made many americans angry who don't understand why even at this point nothing is done to close the border. i want to make a point. we've done the research on this, there are several congressional laws signed by prior presidents, going back to bill clinton, that gives any president the authority people at the
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border and to deport criminals back to wherever they came from. the fact that president biden has been unable to do this, he has been unable to take any actions in the light of what has happened to this beautiful woman, and many others also, is to me baffling, infuriating and an explosive issue, the number 1 issue. and trump has a good record on this, a very good record on this i didn't undid the record. this is not going to go away anytime soon. >> you both worked for the former president. what are you looking for tonight? >> i think trump has had a good a3 or four day period as he has in any time. beginning with four consecutive polls from different outlets over the weekend showing the dominance against joe biden head-to-head but really who do you trust to handle the -- handle the issues and who has improved the economic situation versus hurt it for a sitting president, joe biden, to have only 18% of those poles, saying
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that he's helped them financially, is pretty remarkable. it means there's try partisan support. all saying it's either the same or in most cases gets hurt. monday you have a unanimous supreme court decision, then today he's going to have a sweep of super tuesday. i think trump looks unflappable and the swing states look unflappable. and i think it brings us to a couple of questions which is when you look at all of the poll results so far, people made up their mind last year and that is pretty remarkable. you have people who have said from the beginning, it's going to be biden and trump and i'm going to focus on that now and it means he's able to speak with general election parlance on most things. this is not donald trump 2015 elevating into the national concept of consciousness. this is him saying eight and a half million people have just walked in. sentinel is the number 1 killer of 18-20 fibres old. chinese nationals, who are they,
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what are they doing, why are they here. the border has become a proxy for american voters who live thousands of miles away from the southern border, for the economy, for fairness, for sovereignty and for security. >> bret: we will not hear from president biden tonight, he has the spotlight thursday for the state of the union address. do you think the warning bells are loud and clear for democrats and in the biden campaign about what kellyanne is saying here on immigration and on these numbers? >> absolutely. i think the last three weeks or so have been bullhorn level alarm bells that have gone off, really starting with ezra klein's essay about why he thinks that joe biden should retire a hero and that we should find somebody else. i happened to not think that that is this a way to go with this because you are going to end up nominating someone who hasn't been battle tested. but you can see how seriously joe biden is taking it in the conversation he had for the new yorker piece, a huge profile on him, where he's defending him
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saying in the race, not only does he say no i never considered getting out, he says point-blank, i'm the only one that's beaten him and i will be the one to do it again. that is what democrats want to here from him but having been now with you very fine people for a few primaries and a caucus , i really hope that the biden campaign is looking at the results, especially the exits on the republican side as a roadmap for what the campaign has to look like because the biden coalition is very different from the obama coalition. it has changed. it's more back to what it looked like in the nineties for bill clinton when you brought together moderate republicans and independents and liberals. he does not have to be as concerned about lefty progressives, i don't believe that i hope for everyone's sake that the hostages are returned out of gaza and we don't even have to think about what's going on in israel like we do right now, but i'm not that worried about far lefties. maybe a few sit it out but they won't switch over for donald trump. i'm concerned about nikki haley's voters. you look at the exits for gop
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voters tonight who won't guarantee their vote for the nominee. north carolina, 35%, virginia 36%, california 33%. that has been consistent, 30-50% of people who don't want donald trump but identify as republican or are voting in that primary. how can joe biden and his team make the case and talk about some of the things you talk about on your show, about the economy, to up those optimism numbers, there's always a lag from results how you feel about it, to talk about immigration. clearly he wants to do that, bipartisan -- bipartisan border deal will be a big deal and other nonpartisan democratic issues. >> you are from south carolina, nikki haley will have decisions to make. she could potentially forge some kind of arrangement with president trump to help bring those voters to him.
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how do you see this playing out? if indeed she drops out, which we don't know if she will. >> the speed with which she drops out determines what kind of conversation the former president would have with her. i mean the talk has been pretty vitriolic even by political standards. the comments about dresses and your supporters need not apply. the first thing i thought of of all thing -- things in the world to think about -- your first major cabinet position, you would tell us, you would admit you botched so if we are moving to the general election, to your point, what do we do to get people who are apprehensive about president trump to come home? so when you are winning, act like you are winning. don't comment on what people have on, don't call people bird brain. the other thing i would say is look, you are worried about
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chaos? don't worry about chaos in my second term, this is what my cabinet would look like. if i'm president trump, i'm magnanimous, like when the supreme court unanimously ruled his way. he said look, use the ballot, not ballot bands. use the people, not prosecutors. that was a conciliatory -- conciliatory general election speech. if they can keep doing that, i think he's got a real shot. >> we need to unify the party, and among independents biden is seen as unifying the country, 20% mostly day, 75% monthly fail. trump saying he hopes he can unify the party. >> to look -- look, the new york times had a pole, of those who voted in 2020 for trump, 97% intend to support him this year. ninety-seven%. what's left over there is i don't know, and liz chaney, mitt romney, john mccain kind of thing.
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when you look at the democratic side of those who voted for joe biden in 2020, only 83% intend to vote for him, according to the poll. so i would suggest that mr biden has a bigger problem unifying his party that mr trump does and as trump goes into this working-class coalition, which is african-americans, hispanics, asians, even women, even young people now, i think he's the one that is encroaching into democratic territory. >> ten% want to support trump. >> we will make some calls. we cannot predict that president trouble win the oklahoma republican primary. >> in the fox news decision desk projects that resident biden will win the oklahoma democratic primary. >> bret: there we go, and also president biden wins maine. this is a theme here, we are going to keep turning. president biden wins massachusetts. >> martha: and we are counting down to a new set of pull
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closings that are coming up including several states hit hard to the migrant crisis. how that issue could impact the boat. sean hannity and that and more as our special coverage continues. [♪♪] [♪♪] i'm patriotic kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda on tiktok. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? pretty sad. and i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy. within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok. my name is marie. i'm 49 years old and i'm a business owner. i own a lemonade and ice cream shop in florida, so i can feel and see that my lines have gotten deeper
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[♪♪] [♪♪] >> more super tuesday news, the decision desk and project that attorney general josh stein will be the democratic candidate for governor in north carolina. >> not yet. lieutenant governor mark robinson will be the republican candidate. mark meredith following this story and others in north carolina. >> year old stomping grounds. we are about to see the kick off of what is likely to be the most consequential governor's race this cycle and as you and martha were talking about, we now know who will be leading on the dummett -- democratic and tickets. lieutenant governor mark robinson was the person that trump endorsed in the race. he backed him over the weekend and robinson was already considered the favorite today but this is a candidate that is relatively new to the state political scene, only popped up within the last five years or so and already we see the democrats
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try to label him as an extremist based off comments he's made in the past about gay rights as well as abortion. democrats eager to make abortion a big issue in the state. they attorney general will campaign on that now we will see between now and november. >> bret: market, thank you. it's the top issue when voters are asked about their biggest concerns, immigration. at the polls are about to close at ground zero for border crisis texas a state with a huge delegate hall. rich ed sent reporting at laredo, texas. >> reporter: good evening, the texas primary is tonight but what's going on behind me at the rio grande river at the border has a national political consequences. that's because you'd had historic highs of border crossings under the biden administration and with that you've now had immigration and border issues ranking among the top concerns among american voters in a series of polls. republican said former president trump say president biden should
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reverse his executive orders, upending trump order policies. biden says he needs congress to act in trump is preventing republicans from compromising to help his election chances. trump's republican challenger nikki haley has also ripped the former president for opposing that bipartisan senate deal on the border. both trump and biden visited the border last week, both on the same day. democrats also trying to unseat republican incumbent ted cruz. about ten democrats running in the primary, some of the polls are closed. they are also a little bit open on the western end of the state. closing soon there. biggest delegate hall among any state for texas, only california has more delegates to offer. >> bret: rich edson live in laredo, thank you. >> martha: a lot of discussion obviously tonight about donald trump, nikki haley, the republican nomination. we see how strong the former president is obviously tonight and then there will be a lot of questions about what happens next for nikki haley. she won't speak tonight.
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but kellyanne, your thoughts on what takes shape when this nomination is wrapped up? >> nikki haley ran as a republican so i would hope that she's willing to step up and attack joe biden with the alacrity and ambitious and is she's been attacking donald trump. i know it can happen and i'm fairly confident that he can bring her back in because he did this in 2016. you have to bring everybody back. those who ran against him were put in the cabinet. ted cruz, scott walker, crute -- chris christie certainly. all ran against him, real allies of hours really on the daily policy wise and in the case of kristi, a personal friend of the trumps all that time. i'm faxed and perplexed by what's happened with nikki haley because she's a close personal friend. they posted pictures publicly visiting her in the summer of 2021. there were people in the white
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house trying to kick mike pence off the ticket in 2020, a foolish idea that trump never supported but those were trying to do that. i don't want people to be fooled that nikki haley and donald trump weren't allies before all of this happened. i think one on important thing to note for nikki haley who did have a big event sponsored by jared's father at his beach house where she will -- and now she will be the first female president. i'm sure they met sometime down the road. but when i not look at nikki haley, the more she attacks trump the more her unfavorable's have climbed. she was seen as middle-of-the-road, unifier, consensus builder, great negotiator, generally interested in what the other side thinks and how to come to a deal and i think the nikki i know has been going in the opposite direction. i'm hoping very soon she will come back. i'd love to see her talking to president trump, figuring out a way to bring voters back in the fold but if you are a close personal friend i would think
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that you are not too far afield from coming back in. >> for the former president, you both worked with him, is he in that mindset do you think? >> look, you could be. i think he will be. he's a very smart guy, a very good negotiator, he understands how important it is to unify the party and then some because he's -- but the mistake that nikki haley is making besides the ones that kellyanne mentioned, she's after blaming the republican party. she's now running against the republican party. the republican party is donald trump's party. as i said earlier, it's not the party of college professors and elites and silicon valley billionaires, it's a party of working folks and he's building this broad-based coalition around that theme and they want to have better economy, safer streets and a safer border and restore america overseas. she can't just run against the entire republican party and then hope to be brought back into the
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fold. that's a mistake she's made in the last six weeks. cannot be patched up? of course again. i am a certain age to remember john f. kennedy got back with lyndon johnson and i've seen even weirder things. i used to be a democrat by the way. i've seen even weirder things in the republican party. >> ronald reagan and george w. bush. our fox decision desk getting ready to make some new calls is the super tuesday polls close. our special coverage continues live from new york, next. [♪♪] [♪♪] there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers. >> ready to make another call now and we can project that former president trump will win means republican primary tonight >> the fox news decision desk believes we do have a very close race in vermont. nikki haley is performing well in suburban areas as expected. the former president dominating rurally. haley has a chance to win her first date of the primaries. she won the district of columbia over the weekend. this is a barnburner. >> indeed it is. we did the keys of this race right now but with the 17 delegates -- delegates.
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if you get majority take all. if you get 50% plus one, you get all 17 delegates. the last time we checked in on this, donald trump had a slight lead but look what nikki haley is doing now. it's about 134 votes, margin of just prince 0.6% right now in the state of vermont. you scan the country tonight on this super tuesday, a lot of people thought nikki haley had a chance at virginia, that has not happened. a chance in vermont is possible right now if she hangs onto this slight edge that she would get some delegates and also get a state victory so as we come out here, this is everything we are doing on super tuesday and it might be vermont, might be her best chance to win a state during this primary season. standby, more coming up. >> bret: definitely and we are tracking delegates as well. let's bring in karl rove now. super tuesday, you've been through a lot, what are your
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thoughts? >> strong night for donald trump. we've got the big enchiladas yet to come in the form of texas and california but i would not be surprised if given what he's doing and the rest of the country he did not take california where if you get 50% plus one you take all of the delegates. a very good night for him and it's likely they will win the majority of the delegates by either the -- the 19th at the latest is probably accurate. having said that, the high command of team trump ought to be concerned about unifying the republican party because as we see in these states, one third of the vote in virginia, 43% of the vote in massachusetts going to nikki haley, one quarter of the vote in north carolina. maine is now dropping down to about one quarter but it was 31% for nikki haley, vermont 48%. there's work to be done to unify the republican party and that's
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going to depend a lot on his tone tonight and whether or not he stops doing things like calling her bird brain and threatening that if you give money to her campaign you will be permanently banned and we will see how he does tonight. he did well in iowa with his victory statement, unified, humble, gracious. not so good in new hampshire and tonight will be the big night and he's going to set an important tone for either a unified republican party or a divided republican party. >> martha: i remember the night that ron santos dropped out and he endorsed former president trump and quickly i spoke with the former president that night in new hampshire and he said you know what, i'm glad to here it, i'm glad for the endorsement. can you mend fences? probably. we all see a lot of very dirty political language that flies around and is may be more sewn now than ever in the past but what do you think he needs to do
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to unify the party besides, you know, giving a nice speech? i mean literally and terms of where he goes and who he says he will work with, how does that look? >> yeah, well first of all, stop the bad language because you are right, ron desantis offered him his endorsement. president trump had kind -- kind words to say. then there was a leaked report of supposedly ron desantis saying things in a private meeting that were disparaging to the former president and the president's co- campaign manager , a terrific guy, personal friend of mine, went out and said all we will remember about governor desantis' chicken fingers and putting lips. that's just not the way to go about doing it. jd vance, one of the former presidents big surrogates put out a statement saying, if you are not being supportive of trump and his endorsement -- and the candidates he endorses, don't bother showing up on my doorstep and asking me to help you on legislation, i have a
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long memory. that's the kind of thuggish thing that most politicians, even if they believe in keeping enemies lists, they don't say it in a tweet and yet that was one of the presidents -- former presidents strong supporters, the junior senator from ohio. that stuff has to stop. the presidential candidate sets the tone for good or for ill. it's up to him to be the one who's gracious, the adult, who does everything he can to unify because in 2020, one out of every ten republicans broke for joe biden and donald trump lost by 7 million votes. if 20% or 15% or 12% of republicans break, that is not going to be helpful in the fall. he has to set the tone and the best way to do that is to start out tonight. >> bret: really quickly, this is a primary, there's still an opponent here, a candidate in the race. when you get to a general election, obviously you know, there are two candidates and it's a choice and in
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independence, president biden is to down on helping the working class, improving the u.s. world image, handling the economy, improving border security, unifying the country. i'm not talking just down, he's upside down by about three quarters. do you mean to tell me that all of those voters are saying that they will not come home even though this is a primary? you don't think those republicans are going to come home and vote either for president trump but not for president biden? >> probably not. but remember in 2020 the libertarian votes in arizona, georgia and wisconsin, the nominee of the libertarians got more vote than donald trump lost by so the best thing to do is bring everybody home earlier rather than later. the way that you do that is by setting the tone and following it consistently through the balance of the spring and into the fall and convention. it's not easy. having been through this, there were a lot of hurt feelings in 2000 on the john mccain side and
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it's hard to do but you have to do it if you want to win. >> bret: karl rove, as always, thank you. the fox news decision desk can project of former president trump will win the arkansas republican primary and also the decision desk canal project that president biden will win the arkansas democratic primary. >> martha: we are just a short time away now from our next set of poles closing on this super tuesday. sanders smith is standing by with a closer look at the issue that the presidency often hinges on, the united states economy. our special coverage continues next. [♪♪] [♪♪]
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>> super tuesday results are rolling in and the economy as always is a key issue. sanders smith has a closer look at this. good evening sandra. >> i'm calling at the tale of two economies because it something we are talking about every day. we are on the super tuesday and we will into general election. if there's the economy the administration likes to tout and there's the economy every day voters are feeling. this is what you hear from the administration, they tout the unemployment rate coming down, more people getting into the
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workforce. it's a promising sign. jobs at it, 15 million, ten% since biden took office, wages are moving up 15%, another promising sign. the stock market hitting record highs and new-home sales prices. for most americans this is the largest asset they will ever own if you owned a home when biden took office and you still own it today, you are seeing a appreciation of that asset. however, so many americans are feeling it today, where people don't feel good about the economic environment right now. those prices are up 17%, food prices, you see it at the grocery store, gas prices since biden took office. up 40%. home sales, larry will tell you about what he writes about the affordability crisis. home sales are down 26% over three years and real wages, this is when you account for inflation, they are down 2 percent. i will finish with this one,
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46%, this is credit card debt, bret and martha. this is a big warning sign to a lot of wall street economists who are looking at the economy and warning. a trillion dollars in credit card debt. more and more americans are rocking this up. it something to watch as we head towards november. >> bret: rate stuff, thank you. >> martha: let's bring in larry on that note and kellyanne is with us, jessica tarlov. you look at this economy, you look at how expensive everything is. we've talked about it. instead of addressing it from the white house as we understand you are still in the throes of this and we want to show you how we are getting you out, they kind of just tell people that the things they are feeling isn't real. >> i think that's a communications problem but i think the point that sandra made is the affordability crisis issue, average weekly earnings adjusted for inflation, average
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weekly earnings. stay with me on this okay. when he came into office, $399.88, today $380 and 44 cents. that's a drop of a little over . that's a killer. it means you are getting a pay cut. that's essentially what happened here. the trump numbers are much better. no matter how you slice it. significantly better. that's not the only thing going on in the world. you've had very good technology movements, the ai revolution is a possibility. corporate profits. joe biden does not like corporate profits, he setting up a task force to go into business is once again but anyway business profits are helping the stock market stay afloat. that's a good thing. from 135 million americans. business profits help -- help the economy but the affordability issue hits you right in the gut and that is where donald trump hits the hardest. i mean he's learned how to do that and he got that back in 2016 and he's going to do it
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again right now. inflation took it's toll and even though it has simmered, it is still taking it's toll. >> bret: we are going to here a lot about this in the state of the union address, we will hear a lot about the positive economic numbers. but to larry's point, when you sit at home, how it feels is a different thing and we are seeing that disconnect and some of the polls. >> definitely. it's not a sexy slogan to say we have the best recovery of the g7. it doesn't mean a lot to people except for us who can talk about, you know, break it down and talk about the jobs numbers on the unemployment on the record oil production and those things, but that won't resonate in the same way and i'm part of the elder millenial sect of america that could not by an apartment when we were ready to or we thought that we work. we were really proud of what was in our savings account and then with the interest rates in the mortgage rates, it became
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unaffordable for us to do it this year. i'm not complaining, we do well and i can luckily afford to keep renting in the city, but that's astronomical because of inventory problems. this is real life to people who support republicans and who support democrats and who are independent but it definitely has to be messaged better and that's something that i've been really concerned with because i feel like the messaging has only been tailored to a certain group of people who agree with you on everything. not people who might be open to somebody else or someone who's hanging in the middle saying really make your case today. but i do think there is something important going on tonight and obviously the story is more interesting on the republican side because there's a real challenger in that. but joe biden is cruising through this thing tonight. i mean we are seeing numbers, 90%, 91, 92, 93. i'm old enough to remember when we thought dean phillips was a thing or we were tracking how many uncommitted voters who had. the democratic party is showing up and saying joe biden is our
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guy and we are good with it and that does not square with the numbers we saw in the new york times poll for instance. i'm not someone who is going to sit here and question the methodology of it but it does make you think, if it's november 5th, all those people that are showing up in arkansas and across the country for biden and those numbers, sending a clear message, we are with biden on this and that will not change. >> bret: we will see where that goes. i mean it's really -- you think about how long this general election is going to be, it's pretty staggering. eight months. >> eight munce's like 50 years. [ laughter ] >> about the time it takes to have a baby. >> that also feels like 50 years. >> bret: president trump is racking up the wins tonight. we can check and with the mar-a-lago watch party and can report that he is going to speak. we don't know exactly when but we do know that sean hannity is here and he's going to speak as our special coverage continuesme
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>> martha: we're back with a fox news alert in texas as we project former president donald trump will win the primary in the state of texas. president biden will win the democratic primary and texas has the second-highest numbers of delegates for both parties tonight so a huge haul for biden and trump. >> bret: in massachusetts of the former president will win this state and we are watching closely the story out of vermont which is too close to call still the decision desk believes we have a close race there as the seed flipped it to the former president here is the state of the race on the republican side tonight the delegate count 297-43 as you can see all the states of the former president has taken so far as well as the district of columbia for nikki haley. we know go towards palm beach at
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mar-a-lago and it seems like they're ready to hear the former president. >> reporter: they heard the crowd cheering as you announced a former state taken by the former president every time we see that the crowd goes wild so the room is quite nice. definitely several hundred are here tonight. i have seen congressman byron donald's, marjorie taylor green some staffers from the state legislature. many different types of trump supporters are here really supporting the president. the crowd is a jubilant and that there they go again, very crowded. i guess they are cheering for us. i was able to ask if there is
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alcohol here and there is. there is a cash bar and i was able to ask at the campaign if they would pop champagne later tonight and they said they would get back to me. >> bret: that's good. at least they are watching the right channel. >> martha: a lot to celebrate tonight as we wait for more states to come and let's bring in sean hannity good to have you with us. on super tuesday when you look back over the last several years and all the times many, many people looked at the situation and didn't see the incredible resilience of donald trump of this political figure and his extraordinary commitment to doing this over again despite the fact that every arrow in the quiver was thrown and fired at him over and over again. >> sean: the term i use and i
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repeat myself but it bears repeating his we're really watching watching history. let me start there. donald trump defies all conventional political gravity. none of the rules we thought would apply to a presidential candidate seemed to apply it to him and we see that as he gets a mug shot his pull numbers go up, the more they attack him the more he seems to galvanize support around the country. what's fascinating as i know you've gone over a lot of poles tonight 1 that stood out to me was 10% of joe biden voters are now voting for donald trump. the new york times bowl, the fox news poll, cbs he beat the threshold and gallup has some 30% an approval rating record low freight incumbent president difficult to overcome.
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the abc poll has 86% of americans thinking he's not strong enough cognitively to be president and being too old which shows up in every pole. historically when you look at election years it's what drives elections and people to the polls. usually it's peace and prosperity well, how do things look around the world? war in europe, the middle east, a president seemingly in conflict with our number 1 ally in the middle east being israel. on the other side he's done whatever he can to turn a blind eye to iranians selling oil over a billion dollars worth and offering $6 billion in a trade for hostages and the payment for 10,000 which is insanity to me. going to the economic front we live in a america where 60% of our fellow americans and i was
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there early in my adult life where it's not a fun place to be , live paycheck to paycheck and many but bare necessities on high interest credit cards. it's a tough time. for the many months of biden's economics and we suspect as we hear leaks that the president will talk about corporate greed and shrink inflation in his state of the union address they have tried that message and he is upside down on the economy 4 years ago. there is so much anecdotal evidence that really points to an opportunity for president trump to make history -- former president trump to make history and 274 days. it will be fascinating so fro if you poles if you don't mind i will put my glasses on. looking at climate change, most
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americans overwhelming majority think his policies have failed. americans don't want electric vehicles thrown at them and want their yes powered vehicles tech don't want their stoves or refrigerators taken away for their air-conditioner taken away. if you look demographically what do we see. african-americans, hispanic americans, young people, suburban women in larger numbers all of these demographics comprise a large part of the democratic coalition or democratic bass. donald trump as of right now today, 244 days out is doing well with those constituencies. look at donald trump with african-americans. all demographics, he is at 28% with african-americans which is massive. looking further, working class americans 58% believe the joe
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biden policies have failed. did he improve image on the world stage, 61% of americans give him a failed grade. 61% give joe biden and after grade. do you feel more and secure, 63% think his policies have failed. unifying the country, 69% think he's failed and on the number 1 issue we have all covered from iowa onwards seems to be immigration with a whopping 71% of americans who didn't buy the 3 years of lying that the border is secure and the border is closed. this is now a new race this is president trump you will win the root republican nomination and have an opportunity to become the 47th president of the united states and i believe these are the policies and issues that will define what happens 244 days from now.
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>> bret: a couple of things they talked about how the party needs to come together and unify and he brought out his whiteboard and all the people voting for nikki haley some had a problem with donald trump i pushed back that in a general election which happens soon whether he clinches march 12th or march 19th you will be republican nominee. then it is a binary choice and to your point how people felt in the trump administration about the economy and border and world affairs do you think those people voting for nikki haley as republicans will come home in a general election when it's a binary choice? >> i think most will, not all but let's go back to a number which popped out to me which was 10% of 2020 joe biden voters say publicly to pollsters they are
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going to vote for donald trump in 2024 which is how dissatisfied they are. that presents a challenge to the president and i would say the magnanimous in victory tonight as running for president is very hard over the years i've done this and i love nights like tonight. don't you guys love these nights? i will be up at 3:00 in the morning watching the coverage and its or -- if it's a replay i will watch that is well. it's a fascinating process is on the other side of the coin some of the demographics part of the democratic coalition some will go home if donald trump can hold 20% of that number that he shows now with an increase that would be enough to be a significant win come november 5th. to the other side the
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presidencies as an opportunity to unite the party and the message has to be there are more things which unite us then divide us. we agree on law and order and degree on energy dependence and agree on peace through strength and we believe joe biden's policies are failed and that the american people deserve better and that the president at some point will reach out to his primary opponents and invite them to join him and help him even to the extent that they are willing for the sake of the american people unite around in agenda to help our economy and help america on the world stage and bring us more prosperity and bring peace around the world making america safe and secure borders. please get the budget under control we can't spend like this
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and can't have tens of thousands from china, russia, iran, syria and afghanistan coming into the country without being invaded. this is the biggest national security threat we have faced. >> martha: real quickly as it looks right now donald trump is the nominee for the gop. how does that galvanize just watching some of the other coverage earlier tonight people very unhappy and upset that this is where we are. 4 years later so how much does that energize and galvanize an opposition which is come after this former president nonstop for so many years? >> at this point i don't think there's anything left the fro at the guy. they have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at him and he is still standing and still
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standing strong. i have a lot of things to say about his primary opponents and i respect all of them and those who step into the arena it's a blood sport as step into the octagon as it is very hard and didn't nobody suspects they will lose. however, it comes a point why do you get into the race if you believe in the dream that is america it's our duty and obligation to hand off the country better than we inherited it as it's a galvanizing force which can transcend all politics and urge everybody ran they don't have to be best friends but they can agree on the fundamentals reverse the downward trend and by the way i
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don't think he even knows today is tuesday and that's a problem for this country they don't say that flippantly. biden has not had if you observe like we do what we would call a clean event in months. he's not mumbling your bumbling or stumbling and not knowing where the exit stage left over stage right teams of people let them go up the baby steers because he can physically get up the big boy stairs. we have a real problem. china and russia are watching, iran is watching, north korea is watching. is a dangerous place in the world and its going to get out of control we don't change course. >> bret: ahead of the midterms we looked at polls where we thought this is going to potentially be a blowout for republicans looking at the issue of immigration and the economy. but then the democrats went with a threat to democracy and played
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on the issue of abortion heavily in races across the country he said he can't remember polls this chick upside down on a lot of issues for the current president. should we have the caveat clearly they are going with threat to democracy and abortion heavily as we look at the polls today and fast-forward to the general election. >> sean: you're both asking great questions i have to give you credit. we know what the democratic playbook will be which is democracy and the people doing that are the very people unilaterally allowing 1 politician the ticket candidate off the ballot as it's never been something tried with as it's never been a case brought on it nevermind convicted of it talking about a threat to
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democracy i would argue that is a threat to democracy to your broader point i will tell you they will run on democracy, january 6, the issue of abortion. i would argue and i think i am correct in 22 republicans were not prepared for how they would demagogue the issue of abortion and they understand people are very strong convictions looking at it from a political point of view i believe in the sanctity of life politically the country is probably where dobbs was at 15 weeks. republicans have to understand that if they pick somebody like they did in 22 like other people he made no exceptions that's a mistake. they need in answer for the millions of dollars spent on
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adds about abortion. i was glad to see president trump come out quickly on the issue of ibf with a strong statement supporting it and republicans it's the other player -- playbook that republicans are racist, xena phobic, islam a phobic, trans phobic and so on. that's the playbook that is all they have because they cannot run on are you better off than you were 4 years ago. >> bret: as always we appreciate it sean thank you for the coverage. >> sean: by the way is he not great at that big board? >> bret: he is, he is. let's make a couple of calls first. >> martha: so latest call we got from her fox news decision desk shows trump will win the colorado primary for the republicans and president of
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biden wins on the democratic side in colorado once again no big surprises there but with these numbers it can get pretty interesting as we look around the country as we go to the big board. 's before we start in vermont is the race was called talking about the 50% mark earlier nikki haley had a slight lead donald trump at an advantage of 800 rural votes in his head to a half percentage points which is better than the last time we checked in the state of vermont which was seen as the state that in nikki haley could win tonight. colorado was called a moment to go with donald trump picking up a victory in colorado. heading to minnesota to see what is happening now, too early to call so we will see how this changes. going down to texas we will show you what trump has done now in 8
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years. the state was called in texas here's where the party was 8 years ago going back in time here everything you see which is blue is a county ted cruz book. it was his home state but nonetheless impressive 8 years ago for ted cruz and impressive what trump is done 8 years later. oklahoma border state to the north here is where was 8 years ago all ted cruz and now this is donald trump's party his nomination the question is when does he get there. let's just try to get you to a delegate tracker here. this is partially behind based on the congressional district and all the votes haven't been tabulated yet but here is where we are shy of 300 delegates for donald trump comes at 12:15 might not happen tonight should for sure happen 2 weeks from tonight this is where we are guys back to you.
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a live look at trump campaign headquarters at mar-a-lago as they are excited. we are covering that and we expect to hear from former president donald trump who is a big winner tonight coming up shortly we will take you there live. [ ♪♪ ] and i'm erica. cody: and we're first generation ranchers from central texas. erica: and because of tiktok, we're able to show people from all over the world where their food and fiber come from. 's hav
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[ ♪♪ ] a fox news alert we are looking live at mar-a-lago in palm beach, florida where we expect the president -- former president donald trump to accept what are a number of victories and maybe all of them before the night's fruit we will see if the race is taken up as we look at vermont the tightest of type 2 but right now 48% in the former president leads 48.5 to 47% there winning a number of races already this evening. >> martha: he took virginia in an area where nikki haley felt she had a chance after winning dc the other day but that is gone to former president trump currently he also got illegal for victory in colorado when the supreme court 9-0 unanimously rejected the effort to kick him
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off the states ballot. here is more from denver tonight. >> reporter: you have to imagine for former president trump's victory must be extra sweet when you consider early yesterday there was a question of whether or not votes for him would even be counted because of deadlines at the colorado secretary of state had to issue ballots which contained his name but came with the warning that said if the supreme court doesn't decide his way those votes wouldn't be counted of course the colorado secretary of state democrat had expressed deep deep regret at the disappoint -- and disappointment for that decision of the supreme court to allow former president trump on the colorado ballot but did add all votes would be counted. what's interesting is we also heard from supporters of nikki
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haley and supporters of president biden who said they also believe former president trump should be on the ballot. they didn't support him but did they support his right to be on the ballot, yes. 1 more note as if there was 1 woman who said she believed the supreme court would make the right decision that wasn't her concern but the fact we got to this point for her was simply sad. back to you. >> bret: next we have the legal panel in washington dc shannon gotha -- a part paris of legal issues to talk about. >> next is georgia so this is another place where president trump's legal team feels bullish we are waiting to see whether the judge kicks off, disqualifies her away from the case as we wait what do you think we. >> bret: i think there's a good chance not only will he be kicked off the case but her
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office will be taken off the case and to me that is the interesting thing because if the whole case goes to a different prosecutor who isn't as invested in this erie that she brought in the case then it is a very different prosecution. >> they have the closing arguments last friday but this person says if you are willing to take more evidence of the case we know more about what happened here. >> bret: a series of jump ship -- jump scares in the proceedings every day somebody stands up and says i have testimony to give what's interesting is it's another prosecutor who first of all says that i heard the witness say the relationship began way before they were hired. the judge could easily say we have that in the bag. we already know that the testimony contradicted what they told council and it is clear in
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his text he didn't have problem with his memory talking to council. >> when he was asked in the back and forth texts if it started earlier he said the word absolutely. >> yes. what's more troubling for the court is there is a secondary calendar which says the prosecutor heard him say that you should not -- you should not give information about the relationship. if she actually heard them say that over speaker phone or in person that could be viewed as influencing a witness. keep in mind that you are already accused of filing false statements with the court. they are prosecuting people for the alleged crime accused of influencing a witness in that case it's also 1 of the counts in this case.
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at some point it's untenable to be accused of the same conduct you are prosecuting people for. the question is before you get to what the judge does is what are they doing in this case. they are putting their personal interest ahead of their case. >> bret: if they are booted before the case you think it's tried before the election? >> i don't think it's tried before the election as conceived because the only thing they've done together is get indicted. she doesn't have a conspiracy and doesn't have 1 with this. >> we wait for the decision from the judge and we go back to bret and martha. >> martha: between the legal cases in the election is now playing out in realtime tonight on super tuesday there is more from our decision desk as we monitor the white house and to mar-a-lago where they are watching this very closely. we expect to hear from former president trump at the podium as
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you see on the right-hand side of your screen shortly when super tuesday special coverage continues next. [ ♪♪ ] undeniably there is 1 influential book which shapes the way we measure, create and change. the bible impact is around you. discover how it satile utility vehicles, museum of the bible. and owner experience.
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there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go. >> bret: to the fox news decision desk and is projected donald trump will win minnesota.
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president biden will also win minnesota but the former president is going to in the state of minnesota as you see only 12% in but based on the raw total and from surveys we can make the call tonight in minnesota. so delicate numbers are taking up 1 by 1. >> martha: looking at the breakdown of minnesota for biden as well 1 area where they looked at the uncommitted vote as a potentially interesting story we will get more numbers on that and that story but at mar-a-lago tonight they are waiting for the president, president -- the former president donald trump waiting to come out he's got a good crowd there's let's talk with the panel about what's going on tonight. we have the former press secretary of the white house in the bunch of members of our panel. [ laughter ]
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>> we have so many people on this panel. we ran out of room and the prompter. >> bret: we should have the open bar for that. >> martha: exactly. over to you mr payne what are your thoughts tonight? >> tonight has gone more or less is expected and watching from an economic angle it's interesting. there are 3 things former president trump has going for him and 2 wildcards going into play. goldman sachs put together a report of recent elections and said the number 1 indicator of who will win is consumer spending in the weeks before the election and right now where biden is all presidents before him accept obama all lost. job growth where biden is all the ones with greater growth 1 and all those with less growth or similar growth loss.
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inflation as well not coming down fast enough to other wildcards or gasoline prices starting to turn up. they are starting to build momentum and then there is the federal reserve. interestingly the federal reserve 4 out of 5 times they cut rates in a election-year a democrat 1. 5 out of 5 times they've hiked rates a republican got a victory. now they believe rate cuts will come later this year and those can't come soon enough for joe biden. >> bret: you've been through super tuesday when john mccain was running having to bring a party together at the end of everything. that's not easy to do especially as emotions flayer and people are upset. what is there to do on-the-job former president trump in mar-a-lago. >> it didn't heal as soon as
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bush was declared republican primary states mccain remained angry at bush. bush made peace with mccain eventually but it was unsteady. people argue that her george bush without close it was in the fall of 2000. in a race that close everything matters. going forward the way you heal a party is by speaking in healing language and tone. do you want to crush your opponents or beat them and welcomed them back in. would you rather have them with you are with joe biden and that is where trump's remarks are important tonight. the republican party is a changing party and trump accelerated those changes. it some more blue-collar working-class party, less educated party and lower income party but these changes started under reagan. he got 62% of the vote.
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when bush ran he got 51% of the college vote. trump got 43% of college-educated voters. suburbs, reagan took 20% of the suburbs. george w. bush god by 5 and trump lost by 2. these are long-standing trends trump accelerated and we are at the tipping point. >> martha: looking at the group of republicans and conservatives in the suburbs and places were the highly educated voter he typically is done well with over the primaries so far. can the trump coalition win the presidential election without those people win the election? >> a look if i am president trump i am thrilled i lead with hispanic voters and 10% of 2020 biden voters are coming to the tent and thrilled i am rising in the black community but i want to registered republicans tried and true voters to come home to
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me and not take any risks. 1 thing he can say is you can gently prod nikki haley who is backpedaled on the endorsement language if he exceeds 1000 he can say something great saying she is the first republican woman to win a primary the most successful woman in republican politics he can even be tongue in cheek about it. but nikki haley has a choice as she said today general elections or choices for all intensive purposes i'm the republican you have a choice we can afford a home and i encourage nikki haley and her voters to make the choice. 1 thing to say i don't think the problem is with enthusiasm or just on the trump side looking right now at north carolina 72% reporting there are 60,000 no preference voters against joe biden that is not a small number with more than 10,000 in massachusetts with less than 10% reporting that could be a mutiny
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on the democratic side i would take that as an issue for joe biden. >> bret: as we get ready to see biden in the spotlight on thursday what are you seeing? >> that's what i'm looking at its the kick off. looking at the numbers everybody can see a clear direction it is biden against trump and you see that at the moment i think they are still in the grips of the trump show. everything is about donald trump and everybody is arguing about donald trump and everybody has an attitude about donald trump and how he will handle nikki haley. how will he handle the legal issues? he's a fascinating character and defines the era of american politics we are in. looking at this moment though i think that leads to distortion because you aren't looking at november and you aren't looking at the money and believe me the biden team has a money advantage right now so not looking at the changes taking place by
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november. 1 thing discussed tonight as i heard in the decision is people coming home. republicans will come home with democrats also coming home and why do i say that? look at the polling numbers they say they are so concerned about the age of biden and republicans natural critics of the democrats but there are many democrats saying maybe we would like somebody else we are worried about his age. the cliché is the bed wetters. but they come home as well. >> bret: to that point i like the bed wetter analogy. but we just had a call now from american samoa that president biden will actually lose to jason palmer a self-described entrepreneur and investor was going to win the america and samoa caucus marking biden's first loss in the primaries
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taking 4 delegates while biden takes 2. uncommitted more than 100,000 votes in michigan i don't even know who jason palmer is. >> martha: biden has spent time in american samoa as well. sort of. a. >> bret: just about the unity question there's focus on unity on the republican side but looking at the israel hamas and gaza issue talking about immigration, talking about crime in big cities there is a unity issue on the democratic side. look at the numbers and look at the polls. when you start diving into it let's take the arab community in michigan. so that -- heading forward to november where you going. either you vote or biden or you stay home and the risk for biden's you stay home it's not the case that you say we are going to go for trump the guy who had the muslim ban, a guy
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who moved the capital to jerusalem and those in the arab community with see that as discontent. but also the abraham accords you talk to people there in america that's not what they are talking about. there's discontent and you see that and that is why it's a matter of stay at home or vote for biden. that's their choice. your point is important. dissent among democrats and we see this in the minority numbers , the black vote and hispanic vote particularly coming back to the big ticket items as we had to november going to abortion to the economy and you come back to the idea people are saying gosh i remember why we didn't vote for trump in 2020. that will be hammered home by the biden team and we've heard from a long time there were people who don't want to match up to be what it clearly is but
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also that both of these individuals who is that incumbent end kweh zion come but so it's no surprise they are winning nominations but what comes after that when it starts to play out we will continue this conversation as we get back and wait for more comments from former president trump who is having a huge night and the big celebration about to be had in mar-a-lago we will take you there live next it was just a regular monday... -hey! -when suddenly... can you get this board to tony hawk? fedex presents tall tales of true deliveries. i needed a miracle... so i went straight to where miracles happen... social media. hey did someone say miracle? let me see that. so, i got the board to tony... and he even sent one back. but in the future, i'm gonna need an address and a zip code. if this is what we did for a skateboard, see what we can do for your business. fedex.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> bret: >> martha: 9:50 on the east coast where former president donald trump will deliver his super tuesday speech at around 10:15 we are told this evening so we will keep a close eye on that. >> bret: maybe we get there earlier. >> martha: in the meantime must bring in former speaker of the house kevin mccarthy, good to have you with us. welcome. >> thank you. >> bret: what are your thoughts tonight, what do you think about this as there's talk about unifying the party. >> it's clear what they thought throughout the campaign as
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there's a lot of personalities there but it's really about issues. the top 3 issues are the border, economy and foreign policy what's unique is both men had different positions and contrast. so what i would look at is in the last election in 2020 president trump got 298,000 votes from winning but what were the pole numbers then? trump a similar poll numbers but here's the interesting part. biden was a plus 10 favourability and now is -21°. he's a bad place where it's a report card on you. what trump needs to do it's about addition not subtraction not just to unite the party but bring democrats and independents in. it needs to be about rebuilding, restoring and renewing america.
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i watched trump bring people back to us at some of the meanest things about them and welcomed them into the. he's done it before and in that case he could have a big night in november and win the senate expands in the house. as ill be the first you'll be sitting behind the president holding your facial expressions 1 way or another. if you were still speaker would you have brought forward that immigration bill that came over from the senate because you know thursday we will hear from president biden a lot as it's a bipartisan piece of legislation that comes through. >> i would've negotiated directly with the president because in the bill it gives preference to a decision whether he can change a law which it
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never has. as when we negotiated the debt ceiling we got welfare reform, $20 billion cut from the irs. as we negotiated directly with the president if you're speaker don't give your power to the senate use the majority for greater strength. you can do things different so the question is not what i allowed the senate to bring something we would've actually had it passed the house when i was speaker and make him question that. >> bret: talk -- >> martha: talk about nikki haley as vermont is tight that's not a huge surprise she campaign there a lot and is in the state 17-20 i for an 25% even 30% in some places what do you think
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happens next with her saying she won't come out and make a speech tonight first time this is happened what did it tell you? >> tells me that her campaign is going to come to a close but not a close for nikki haley she did a great campaign and is standing getting 30% in most places meaning she is a big voice in the party and this republican party wants to be a big tent the party i know it to be. nikki haley is a bright future because either 1 of the 2 men up for nomination this time to win they can only have 1 term. as with the demonstration she did a great job at the union. as they can help unite this party and i think would be upon her and find common ground.
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i watched bernie sanders and harris who said some of the meanest things about joe biden and sat down with him as well. as i watched president trump open up this party further when he picked mike pence to be his vp he will didn't even endorse trump 2 months prior seized needs to prove he can open up the party again. >> bret: kevin mccarthy thank you for being with us. former president trump out to address supporters at mar-a-lago we will bring you there live asw super tuesdaity coverage continues. her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks.
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>> bret: 10:00 pm in the east on super tuesday this is where
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the republican party stands right now. as nikki haley has 43, donald trump as 453 it's 12:15 to get the republican nomination we will see where the former president lands tonight we'll see if he can close it on march 12th or 19th keeping an eye on vermont at this hour no doubt they are watching closely in the nikki haley camp this evening as it could be a potential win in the second state if she were to win their around 60% of the vote there obviously it's 59% in vermont and nikki haley trails there about 1 point away from trump there.
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>> martha: here is some coverage live at the white house. and a member from the trump campaign had court is where we are waiting no potential here for the former president we are following tim haley in south carolina. bill let's start with you. >> quite from the haley campaign for 3 hours a as everybody who is in a good mood as they spent lots of time in recent days as wednesday choosing spec that have a better shot and as vermont is too close to call she had campaign event in burlington sunday as we reach out see if that comments to the neck and neck race in vermont we have not
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heard back yet as nikki haley is chasing a state when she got the district of columbia will she be able to take vermont we will see we do not expect to hear from nikki haley tonight and doesn't have public events on the schedule today or tomorrow. as we are live in palm beach we expect trump to speak in 13 minutes according to the campaign this is quite something the political comeback in the big picture if you think about where we were a couple of years ago it's pretty remarkable. absolutely remarkable. as these are your rider dies, hard court trump supporters and some folks like rhonda santos i
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talked with staffers with the legislature i never imagined him as the next president. i want to give you some ideas here. as we are looking at the remarks are now as we don't know if there are no -- notable candidates with them as it's really a gametime decision and will see what will be interesting tonight he has not given a straight answer to this is whether he would get onstage and ask nikki haley and call on her to step down tonight especially if this is a clean sweep.
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which is the way it's going right now. people are so energized it really is electric and feels like an election watch party in mar-a-lago. as he continues to record delegates on the super tuesday as we have our representative there. want to hear from what you are hearing a trump headquarters is massachusetts and north carolina have around 10% of no preference voters. and the democrat races in both of those states. some breaking news hear something we didn't expect to say on super tuesday a few dozen yards away from where biden sits tonight. there's reaction about the defeat as from jason palmer his
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website is down now probably crashed with interest in him so we don't note on about him or his platform but he took american samoa. as its summit unique politics there as biden did not win america samoa in 2020, michael bloomberg did we don't think palmer spent $500 million on adds the rest of the night is gone pretty well for biden everyone we talked to as they focus what they are seeing not about rivals as with haley supporters as we don't seep --
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expect to see president biden on camera the season if you are in the president or his campaign that has you underwater on all the major issues what are you saying 8 months away from the general election? >> we're the only ones who been to the area of american samoa together. but joe biden is the most unpopular president in history disapproval double what donald trump's level was at the same time in 2020 so he is incredibly vulnerable. this is when trump turns around and pivots to the general election reaching out and trying to bring them into coalition. as voters will turn around with
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donald trump as a problem in a lot of workers hurt by his ev policy as he pulled back on ev as those people can vote for donald trump. as he spring the haley voters is and is problem it's not trump voters info from into a 6 intertwined 20 is problem is not trump again voters voters who are open to his policies who might have voted for them before or considered voting for them who liked his presidency but didn't like how he behaves in her unhappy of joe biden. and they're not say the can of it for donald trump and if he does needs not going to win he lost the election by 42,000 votes in 3 straight -- 3 states if a handful of voters decide to stay home he needs to pivot and
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not just feed the base in it but expand the bass. as they discuss bringing them back as are trying to gain delegates they through insults towards an as they are ready to go the trump campaign with what happened last time around and americans have a fresh memory in the way it is unique in the situation as they remember what their lives were like as they don't have to look at a set of republican policies they can directly compare what they are getting down.
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as it's in a deep hole doesn't have a ladder yet as the question on the uncommitted voters as its it's led by congresswoman so who will biden catered to to bring michigan into the fold as finally the issues matter of joe biden given the state of the union later this week for democrats it is abortion. number 2 is the economy and americans believe the cost could go up under biden and down under trump so we will see if they hone in on that message. >> bret: we're hearing the state of the union the different types of numbers as you deal on your show all the time as folks talk but what the good numbers are we been talking about how
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people feel as the environment politically with modern monetary erie as they see no basic suffer the government prints money as there is this game they use as a water the pores over the sink's inflation they say if you reelect president biden we do it right this time because we did the greatest experiment that lasts $1 trillion don't pay your debt or renter school bills. we had trillions of dollars cascading into the economy 10:00 felt great, midnight was fantastic but 2 days later it was what the hell did we drink. if you reelect him we will take a little bit of the water out my
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taxes and tax the rich and therefore you have your cake and eat it too. the other side is pull yourself up by the boot straps. as theirs adjusted numbers as they feel the real numbers it looks fantastic as and 15 bucks for 1 big compared to $12 a year ago you can't make it much further. so that's where the american public is as as to the point of insulting them how dumb can you be saying you're doing fantastic and people are saying they aren't.
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>> bret: you look at the stunning numbers of black voters and hispanic voters 23 points moved with hispanic voters towards trump. president biden has about 60% of the black vote so why is that? >> why is former president trump increasing it. as i think a lot of it has to do with this everything's about trump and for people as charles are coming out discontent a lot of energy is put into joe biden and we hoped and think change radically ever seen an increase in wages or whatever as hillary clinton got 90% of the black vote while biden is at 63
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according to the latest number so that's more than just a show going on. >> 1 thing looking at it the wrong way i think. look at particularly young black men are coming from. it's not the same black voter that voted for hillary clinton which was older black women who are predominantly in the democratic damp. for guys lick my son i've listen to rap music the last 20 years you hear the transformation they i have a gold watch to i robbed a liquor company to iona a liquor company there talking about prosperity as it they're looking for generational wealth. you can't get my vote if you don't promise a higher minimum wage not if you public progeny larger public housing you can get my vote anymore i want to know economic backdrop where if i pull myself up maybe 1 day i will have a private jet and have
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generational wealth. >> i think there are people like that i don't think that is what we are talking about. i don't think it represents the vote in america we talk about increases for trump we talk about those like his gangster style as he can't promise that more wealth and get their vote as if you're watching the state of the union later this week as there is a lot of talk among experts it would be a recession as for former president trump as it's the democratic primary is here the numbers is around 81% reporting uncommitted at double
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digits which is north carolina that's a swing state right. that could be in play come november. massachusetts northeast liberal state rate 20% of the vote counted just shy of 10% for uncommitted in massachusetts as well heading to minnesota some people think it could be a battleground state and we will see but 22% reported just shy of 15% for uncommitted so goes to the conversation had if i can let's go to the state of vermont here nikki haley took a lead over donald trump and made the prediction earlier today at 8:05 had a chance to do that while vermont stands in his way. >> bret: former president donald trump at mar-a-lago choosing the blue striped tie in the ballroom there. several hundred people there and
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if i had to bet proud to be an american? [ laughter ] >> martha: i know i'm proud to be an american as is everyone else on the table. but that could be the walk of song. >> bret: why isn't joe biden speaking tonight he's having a big win across america. let's ask peter if the lights were on i don't know if they were over there. >> bret: it's interesting you could give big speeches if you can. >> martha: for the former president you don't get many big moments like this yet the supreme court ruling a big moment the audience he has tonight could be 1 of the biggest of the election. the presidential debate, the convention these are big moments to materialize. >> bret: like neck. >> martha: let's go to mar-a-lago is the president will start speaking. >> they call it super tuesday for a reason is this is a big
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win. and they tell me the pundits as there is never been anything so conclusive, this is an amazing night and an amazing day it's been an incredible period of time in a country's history it's been said in so many ways but it will be inspiring because we will do something to quite frankly nobody has been able to do for a long time. [ cheering and applause ] we've watched a country to get great beating over the last 3 years and nobody thought a thing like this would be possible. we wouldn't have russia attacking ukraine, israel being attacked, i ran as you know is broke when i was running things, they were broke didn't have money for hamas or any of these terrorist groups. no inflation, inflation is
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destroying the middle class and everything. if you look back over the history of hundreds of years back, inflation is called a country buster and that's what it's doing to our country. what's happened with inflation is unbelievable and a lot of people say and experts have said the stock market is the only thing doing well which is because our pole numbers are higher then joe biden's. [ cheering and applause ] he is the worst president in the history of our country there is never been anything like what is happening to our country. today it was announced that 325,000 people were flown in from parts unknown, migrants were flown in not going for borders not going for the great
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texas barrier where i was with the governor of texas grade at it earlier today but in the meantime they pour into california and arizona as those governors aren't doing anything there they are doing nothing but it was announced before i came out unbelievable saying that must be a mistake, they flew 300,000 migrants over the borders into our country. so that tells you where they are coming from they want to open borders and open borders will destroy our country. we need borders and free and fare elections otherwise we don't have a country. it's a incredible group of people, so many celebrities it won't introduce because i would get myself in trouble if i do because i believe that most of you but this is a room chock-full of incredible talented people like some of the guy standing right in front of me, right, big futures, a big
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fat beautiful futures. i would love to be your age, i would pay you a lot of money to be your age. but we have some tremendously talented people in this room including tremendously talented political people who helped me from the beginning. we had the safest border in the history of our country, building 571 miles of wall, mexico supplied us with 28,000 soldiers because we wanted them which is why they said they wouldn't do that and eyes said they would and in the end they did. pretty easy negotiation but we had the safest and best border we've ever had and now we have the worst numbers in the history of the world. it is sad to see what is happening to our cities as if they are overrun with migrant crime which is a new category of crime and is violent standing in
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the middle of the streets and have fistfights with police officers if they did then their countries from where they came they would be killed instantly. they wouldn't do that. so the world is laughing at us and taking advantage of us. 3 years ago we were at a level of being energy independent and energy development and today we get oil from then is weigh a lot, can you believe it and we are doing numbers on the oil. what we do and we refined oil, a refinery i call it tar, it's not oil compared to what we have but we refined it -- riff in it in houston so environmentalists look at that because that tar goes up into the atmosphere. but it's the only planted that that doesn't the only refining plant to take tar and make it into oil and that's what it is. it's a shame. we were energy independent we
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will be energy dominant supplying oil to europe and all over the world and a tragic thing happened during the election it was a tragedy because you wouldn't think of it. all the problem is you have today i don't thank you would've had any of them. you would only have success and that is what will unify the country and unify the party. we have a great republican party with tremendous talent and we want to have a unity and we are going to have the unity and it will happen very quickly i've been saying lately, success will bring unity to the country we had the best economy the country is ever had and people were calling me and said it would never happen. they wanted to get together, african-american, asian-american , hispanic american, women, men, people with diplomas for the best schools in the world and people
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didn't graduate from high school. every single group was doing better than ever before and it was a beautiful thing. the country was coming together. the country was coming together and we have a very divided country as a person uses weaponization against his political opponent never happened here happens in other countries, furred world countries and we're a third world country in a way at our borders and a third world country at our elections we have to stop that. we need a fair and free press the process was not fair nor free but maybe someday they will be. they are beaten up badly people aren't trusting or believing them and that is a factor. policeman used to police the
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country now nobody has confidence we need to get the confidence back as it's important for the success of the country, so important. so this has been a day where trump is laid it -- waiting for it like to thank my family for being here we have a great family they've had it easy since ice decided to run for politics they say thank you dad we appreciate it but they are strong and very capable people love the country as they appreciate it may want to thank everybody and my staff, susie and chris. at an incredible job done here.
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i read an article yesterday saying 1 of the finest campaigns anybody has ever seen. that's pretty good we have no choice because november 5th is around the corner, november 5th will go down as the single most important day in the history of our country. [ applause ] [ cheering ] >> usa, usa, usa! >> we are going to take it and we are going to make it like it should be, respected right now as we aren't our country is seen as a joke. other leaders who i speak to other leaders can't believe what happened to us. 3 years ago we were the most
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respected country anywhere in the world by far doing things that nobody could believe this china paid us billions and billions of dollars. and 25 years they paid us nothing, we were getting billions of dollars and they were about as happy as you can be about it. maybe there is for these things having happened but they were not so happy with certain things based on things that took place but weaver getting along with everybody getting along and were respected by everybody remember when we had no wars? i had the debate of hillary clinton said look at him, look at the personality he will cause wars. i said my personality would keep us out of wars which is what happened.
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for 20 years they were fighting isis, i defeated isis in 4 weeks 100% of the isis caliphate and we had no wars and we stopped wars. we weren't getting along with a lot of countries all of a sudden north korea which is a serious nuclear power, north korea came along kim jong-un got along very well with him as well as china as there are concerns with that 1. we made a trade deal with china i don't talk about, 50 billion they bought from our farmers and manufacturers. they used to buy 10 and then 50 then covid-19 i don't even talk about that. such a horrible thing starting in the wuhan lab and it came out
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through incompetence some people think it wasn't but i believe it was regardless costed 60 trillion worth of damage and death in the world. we did a fantastic job on that never got credit for that. unbelievable job on that we came up with things nobody thought possible when it came in nobody had an idea what it was. they didn't even use the word pandemic nobody had an idea we did a thinned is to jab and a lot of credit for the economy and credit for foreign policy credit like a very few people have gotten. the press gave us high marks on the abraham accords in so many different things we did. we never got the do that we should have as the chinese
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virus, the china virus which is more accurate 1 is a term. despite that the stock market as it was higher as it was an amazing thing we did an amazing job in so many people worked on that with scientists there as there's never been in administration with more success in different elements with the largest tax cuts and largest regulation cuts. we rebuilt the military and what happened we rebuilt our entire military and it was beautiful. we had jet fighters 53 years old and we got all brand-new jet fighters and after this other
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group of people they didn't know what they were doing took over and we had a horrible surrender in afghanistan where we took the soldiers out first. i dealt with the leaders of the taliban in afghanistan the ones causing the trouble the press was angry because they said why are you calling them and i said that's because that's where the problem is. often times they asked jesse james why do you rob banks he said because that is where the money is. and i said that's where the problem is with the taliban i spoke to the leader there was still the leader is really the leader of afghanistan but he's the leader of the taliban they said don't ever shoot her soldiers again very interesting what happened is we during the obama administration previously we were shooting soldiers and i
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said don't let that ever happen i said in a nasty fashion we won't go into that tonight. for 18 months we lost nobody in afghanistan and then we had that horrible horrible withdrawal losing 13 soldiers, 38 horribly wounded left americans behind we've americans still left behind call them hostages leaving 85 billion dollars worth of brand-new equipment with tanks with the goggle being used to fight as now they have better goggles and we have. is led to a lot of bad things with the bad things happening now which is unthinkable and they are unthinkable at the border with millions of people
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invading the country it's an invasion the worst invasion probably we've never had anything like it. no country is had anything like it the number today could be 15 million people coming from rough places and dangerous places with a going so beautifully heading to the beach when joe biden at sid beach because his staff thinks he looks good in a bathing suit until he can't get his feet out of the sand or lift the chair which weighs about 9 ounces. joe biden if he left everything alone he would've had tremendous success at the border and elsewhere so we will take back our country and make sure we're going to do it right and have
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the greatest economy ever in the history of the country and top what we did. we will be an energy centre of the world ready to be energy dominant and based off of that we will be energy dominant, pay off debt and do thanks nobody thought possible. things in the second phase of tax cuts. as we took in much more revenues after cutting taxes doing the regulation cuts as everybody was happy the country and we will win the election because we have no choice if we lose the election there won't be a country left. as thank you very much.
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we love you as well. as they called it an experiment as it's a magnificent place in the magnificent country it's sad to see how far it's come with that. when you look at the deaths we can't let that happen we will straighten it out and close the borders, at drill baby drill, you get the inflation down and make our country greater than ever before. we will do it quickly and go fast. we need to get the criminals out if many who have entered the country coming from such a bad place having to get them out.
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getting deposited into the country as if people coming into the country you shouldn't be here that many and i say many come through the caravans for many different ways sending them and it's crazy as they come into the country closing the borders for a lot of bad people because their countries can't live like this as cities are choking to death our states are dying and frankly our country is dying making america great again better than ever before. thank you very much it's been a big night, thank you very much. >> bret: former president donald trump at mar-a-lago a softly delivered speech but hit the main theme is it on the campaign trail saying it's a big
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night for him as of right now winning 11 states so far waiting on a few more including vermont which is tied at this hour. california the big delegate whole closes at 11:00 pm eastern time getting the main points about drilling and energy specifically afghanistan as it was a big big problem as he sees as his duty the tray and bring the country back from the precipice that he believes president biden and his in administration will take them to. >> martha: similar things we've heard from president trump not the overarching message some people might have anticipated tonight so let's bring the panel back in we bring back our panel now so let's start with lori here was this the message that meets the moment tonight?
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>> the moment is the result of tonight which is overwhelmingly for trump i always want something i don't hear from all these candidates i wanted all to be about tomorrow. talk about your record sure but everybody knows trump's record i like him to say what he wants to do moving forward and you could hear the applause were more when he was doing in this wasting in the future than the past but it's a overwhelming rebuke of the old establishment. people don't want to hear it but there's no other conclusion that may be vermont. right now i think it's nikki haley opportunity to reach towards the party which is moved in a much more populous direction. trump could've reached out to her tonight but at this point it's probably if she wants to be in the party it is her time to reach out to him. >> bret: it's interesting the former president does this a lot he doesn't use a teleprompter sometimes he just goes out and
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speaks off the we don't see from president biden he's very scripted on a teleprompter. >> and a good thing to. >> bret: at this moment do you think the point you wanted to hear something different at this moment or was this a perfect message and his style? >> big night, big winner he's going to get the nomination people knew that going into tonight. so what was the opportunity afforded by tonight? it was to take people not prepared to vote for him to say you know, i can vote for this guy he's okay. he's a better guy than people think. what he did was mostly brag about his record which he does of the case. here's the question. did he add anybody by his talk that wasn't there before that is the question. >> in 1 way he wins not just of the vote but he wins for can
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medication as he's the only 1 speaking tonight so far. president biden decided not to take an opportunity to speak nikki haley hasn't spoke tonight although there are better reasons for that i don't know when she will speak we will probably hear from her in the next couple days as she soaks it in and says what she will do so there is that. he wins the night for that. i don't think there was a great soundbite from tonight. i think he could've looked into the camera and said mr president i will see you on the debate stage or i will meet you anyway you want to do it we can have a moderator or not 15 minutes, we can do a whole debate just on the economy. i'm ready to meet you because the american a caught those people deserve to know what we will do for them in the future and put it on them. then the story in the paper is
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donald trump challenges biden to debate's and that is a question you put the ball in their court. >> martha: 100% what you think the president would say to that. he had a big win he put out a statement which we all got if donald trump returns to the white house, all progress is at risk driven by grievance and grip focused on his own revenge and retribution as it goes on but it's a paper statement essentially. >> the stakes are incredibly high definitely as we've said it's the longest election race we are going to see ever. i've never seen anything like it. to the point that the 2 of them are making. what you do when you get a victory. how do you take a victory and translated to showing the american people to stabilize and secure the country. thinking about the great breaches in the country with the
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education system and foreign-policy no mention there he mentioned afghanistan but no mention of israel hamas since october 7th no funding for ukraine, no funding for israel and you mentioned a border but these breaches are real and maybe we'll get to a point where we talk about that. i think he might have missed at the moment tonight. to your point the supporters probably need to reach out but if you are the 1 that wins you reach out. with hispanic voters with the polling data and i don't disbelieve it. it suggests reaching out to people there with a teleprompter writing a speech for me. you don't think he should call their she should call him and say congratulations on the move on from there? >> if i am trying to heal a breach in my party and there's a breach we need to be clear 30%
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say they wanted somebody else. what does he lives not reaching out to her. i don't disagree i would've reached out to her personally. >> i think he has done different types of speeches in hampshire was different than this. but to your point it could've been on a teleprompter tonight he is on the cusp of being only the fifth american politician and modern party era to receive a nomination 3 or more times. richard nixon, william jennings bryan i mean histories in in the making here so to his point doesn't meet the moment and his pitch? >> needs to tell voters how to he will collect -- correct the problem is they feel. it's a tale of 2 economies into his point is a record to run on looking at the trump economy there's lots to boast about their but now you have american saddled with debt 47% higher
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debt than 3 years ago racking up credit card debt to pay for skyhigh inflation there was an opportunity to detail how he will crack those problem as it leaves the window new york times recently published a report saying trump policies will lead to higher inflation he needs to get out there in detail to voters he's trying to woo to come over and vote for him that he can correct those problem's as you look at the polling out there it's democrats who feel this. they are not optimistic about the future when it comes to the economy being in bad condition needs to reach out to independents who feel the same and perhaps there is a missed opportunity but he is a record to come on when it comes to the economy. >> there's a potential reagan ask mandate november the issues are there border economy status in the world change stage gel and from tennessee already something i saw the little differently he was nuanced that
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which isn't always. when a sample is the press. is that we need to referee in this society which is fair who could disagree with that he would point to the back and said and said they are the enemy of the state in do that tonight. he said we need a 3 fair bold press but be fair about it. it was as conciliatory and nuanced as he could be. the issues are on his side if he can message effectively he could have a mandate november. >> bret: a decision desk call is the fox news decision desk projects former governor nikki haley will win the vermont republican primary or second primary contest to win following the district of columbia as you can see 83% in bill hemmer the big areas just came like mont peltier came through for her. >> the call was with nikki haley
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up 3% keep in mind it's an open primary. if you are a vermont voter you can walk into a primary location today and choose the ballot you want and it doesn't automatically register you with the party so at 3-point 8% it translates the 2511 people in the state of vermont and in this case it worked out for nikki haley and win in washington dc the other day other than that it's been a shadow in donald trump still doing well. so hitting 50% in vermont? >> if she does hit 50 she gets the majority take all for the 17 delegates. under their it goes proportional and don't ask me to get you those numbers but 50% that 17% is divided by 2 so 50.1 right now technically to get all 17
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delegates short of that you take 17 divided by 2 and that's your answer california's can go to trump probably we'll see the outcome there. 's important but the bigger question is jesters broadly speaking because while trump leads in the polls now some more than others have at hiers so he likes to be in good shape for november the doesn't mean november 5th is gonna be the biggest event in the history of the country but it's a day we are pointing towards in just a day he would be wise to count on it being a close election and reach for all votes he can get his hands on. it's coming from unlikely places coming from urban america a little bit, 3 or 5% coming from
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working-class people a lot of the nikki haley voters are protest voters who won't ever vote for trump. i don't think she has much sway over them so i don't know what her bargaining chip is we should look at the people proclaiming donald trump's political death. donald trump is finally finished november 2020. a trump come back into a 24 is never going to happen according to politico. it could be the greatest comeback story of all time maybe you can remember something better than this but if he pulls this off november and that's and if but even to get to this moment. he much everybody was declaring him dead on arrival. what does that say about all of us? maybe we need to spend more time with the american people are at least idea because i had my doubts various times. and it says something about him as a politician and as an individual he has a lot of pull with a lot of people across the
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country. >> who could've imagined he would be able to stand there and point to the failures of an in administration as drastic as these have been issue after issue after issue. he predicted it though. he said he would open the border and drive up inflation entire campaign pretty much all he said about biden came true. >> bret: and notes a binary choice. we will wrap up and come back does everybody know what they will be for halloween? the races after halloween. a big night for former president trump not yet over. tim scott is here with reaction or special coverage of super tuesday continues after this. [ ♪♪ ] at work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals. and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis
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otherwise there is never been anything so conclusive. >> martha: big night for president donald trump wanting to be president again really taking all the states except for vermont as we wait for california to close later in the evening joining us is senator tim scott republican of south carolina being a supporter of former president trump good to have you here tonight. it's great to have you with us as we look at the results as would they look at the speech as a potential moment to bring the country together and potentially reach out to the only person who is left in the race nikki haley from their home state with a no well. to the expect anybody to hear some thing like that as a president ran the table across the country being excited about
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as the race over is the contrast between joe biden as a filled this with joe biden and public safety as as a great record on the border and economy and safety as nikki haley ran a spirited race and i believe the president spoke to voters across the country talking but the greatest economy and the history of lifetime. talking about the next iteration of tax cuts talking about doing things that they know growing the economy without inflation is 2019 it's revenue to the federal government going up with more taxes as president trump took taxes by $2 trillion border crossing in december 10 times higher than the last year
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president trump was in the office. around 10,000 a day. are border was secure also seeing safety across the country because we were refunding the police not defunding the police. president trump spoke to voters today across the country republicans, democrats and independents about the future going back to the future 201720201 more time. what is the message to get the governor and her supporters tonight we as many critics of president trump former president trump would say states where he gets 2040 percent that tells you something about voters. some toll -- tell them they won't vote for former president trump. what do you say to her and her supporters tonight. let's speak specifically to her thank you for running they've
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been strong and tenacious joining the future the country by fusing your voters with trump voters and beating joe biden. it's no longer about any other candidate then donald trump. voters spoke across the country speaking clearly and the 1 message or they are sending to all politicians is it's not about the person in the mirror it's about the american people and their kids and their future. it's about having safe streets and neighbourhoods where i grew up. it's the fact that every child in every zip code deserves quality education. only 1 candidate can provide quality education which is donald trump. 1 candidate in the race provides for public safety in a way where kids can walk to and from school safely that's donald trump. to voters who supported nikki haley thank you for voting but
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it is time to coalesce around the future of america which is best represented by donald trump. senator we appreciate your time tonight talking to you thank you very much. let's get around the panel there as we can start with sandra. >> thanks martha to the senators point interesting message at the end as the nikki haley suburban voter, moms concerned about the drops and report cards happening over the country. the public education system is failed many children post covid-19 they are worried about grocery store braces safety, talk to those voters. they want to be heard and they will show up in november. >> it's a 50 state campaign my
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first vote for ronald reagan and no state should be left behind no city should be left behind these are great american cities. the most beautiful places like san francisco, chicago, new york and baltimore we need to rebuild the city's knee says i will work with these democrats and rebuild these beautiful places that is music to americans ears that's the message you will hear from him and he will campaign on that. >> martha: that will be heard in chicago, new york city where people in cities stand up at town haul meetings and are angry. >> martha: mic. >> bret: that speech is the 1 to begin the process not amazing but we have 8 months. >> i'd echo what harold said. the tim scott message went 1 step further than trump did and being gracious towards nikki haley of course he was prompted by questions but you guys but nonetheless look it's not so much that he needs nikki haley
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to come around or that he needs her vote but there are countless voters around the country who have doubts about donald trump because he has a extravagant overpowering personality that people don't like. he needs to mellow out a little bit and make it easier for them. >> martha: president biden campaigned in 2020 saying help is on the way. today follows 4 days of poles showing americans wanting them to stop helping them and trump has an opportunity to do a 50 state campaign and bring it home. [ laughter ] >> bret: that does it for us tonight. more of this super tuesday election night coming up. poles in california closing moments. [ ♪♪ ] >> martha: coverage continues [♪♪] [♪♪


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