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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 6, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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ors, the garcía's, love working with you. because the advice we give is personalized, -hey, john reese, jr. -how's your father doing? to help reach your goals with confidence. my sister's told me so much about you. that's why it's more than advice worth listening to. it's advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial. lowe's knows you don't just want a low price... you want the lowe's-est price. did you say lowest, or lowe's-est price? it's basically the same thing. if you find a better price somewhere else, we'll match it. get the lowe's-est price, with our lowest price guarantee. you got this. we got you. >> ainsley: a fox news alert. in about two hours, nikki haley set to suspend her presidential campaign after winning only one
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state yesterday on super tuesday. >> brian: so bill melugin is live outside the headquarters in south carolina, where she is expected to speak. i thought it was telling when you said there is no eventing before super tuesday and now there is a big event at 10:00 today. what can you tell us? >> we can confirm that nikki haley is going to be dropping out of this presidential race, delivering remarks in the charleston area around 10:00 a.m. we are told she is not going to endorse donald trump, she will call for him to earn support of republicans and independents not supporting him right now and saying she gave voters in the republican primary a serious choice in a fractured party. she has been getting consistent
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chunks. she won vermont last night. she says those voters are not going anywhere. we interviewed nikki haley saturday, she said she may not be winning right out, but there are factions voting for her and the question becomes after she delivers this etch spoo, if not endorsing donald trump yet, where will those voters go? a lot of nikki haley voters have been telling us they will not vote for donald trump under any circumstance. we met a voteser in maine who voted in the maine primary for nikki haley and asked her, will you support donald trump if nikki gets out of the race? i said, will you support joe biden? she said, i will write nikki
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haley's name in. fox talked to other voters who said the same thing, they will never support donald trump. others said they would. yes, donald trump has been sweeping this primary other than vermont, nikki haley has been garnering serious chunks of the party and donald trump needs every voter under the republican umbrella and bring in independents to beat joe biden in november. we remember how razor thin the election was, you need every vote you can get in key swing states. information we have, nikki haley going to deliver remarks in two hours, where she will officially drop out. again not expected to endorse donald trump. we were getting smoke signals last night. the campaign went dark for four
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hours. they had no events scheduled last night or today. nikki haley went hours without tweeting. you know there was disappointment. they had been going to minnesota, virginia, states she felt she had a better chance and those states were called for donald trump. that is likely demoralizing to a campaign, they probably started seeing the writing on the wall. before super tuesday, we asked nikki haley, what do you consider a good night? what are you expecting? she said to be competitive. i said, what does competitive mean? she said media will decide that. she decided it was not enough. >> ainsley: is it open to
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public? where is she speaking in downtown charleston? voters say they voted for nikki haley, will never vote for trump, trump needs some of her voters, we'll figure that out. would they vote for him if nikki is chosen as vp? >> bill: that is a question we'll have to start asking her supporters, that is not something we asked before because nikki haley slammed the door shut saying no to third label, no to independent run and i asked her face-to-face on saturday, can you slams -- we asked her previously if she would be interested in donald trump's vp and she said absolutely not. that is something ron desantis said. she said, you can ask trump if he wants to be my vp.
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she is speaking in a residential area, we don't know if it is open to the public, we just know invites went out to the media. >> steve: there were no eventing, you had time to be watching x. in fact, you responded to this sound bite yesterday last night after determined, you mentioned virginia, according to exit polls, number one issues with voters in commonwealth of virginia was migration and abortion and that prompted this conversation. >> i live in virginia, immigration was number one issue. again, these could change, west
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okay, that's uncalled for. >> lawrence: the border remains one of the top issues this election. a man on terror watch list crossed right before trump and biden's visit last week. griff jenkins is there. this is crazy, what are you learning? >> griff: it is. it is a top issue, american people see an alarming number of dangerous criminal migrants coming across the border. start with the drone in the sky
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at shelby park. one day and one week february 21st, prior to trump's visit, a colombian national was apprehended by dps and matched terror screening watch list. we are hoping to get more on that. consider there have been 59 total terrorists so far that crossed our border, 58 across the southern border. go to washington state, ice confirming this mexican nationally charged with vehicular homicide in bathe of a washington state trooper, christopher dad, husband and father of a two-year-old. he has a prior number of charges that is quite alarming. he is charged with domestic violence, marijuana, and
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offenses back 10 years. drive-by shooting of a 27-year-old woman who is in critical condition. >> lawrence: will this happen every week now? crazy stuff that has happened. thank you. in florida, human trafficking leading to arrest of 128 people. sheriff blaming the crisis on biden saying shame on politicians for not stopping it. polk county sheriff grady judge is joining us. what is the president doing and what is the democratic party doing to fix this crisis? >> they are not doing anything. people are being victimized all across this country. fentanyl is killing children,
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thousands. to illegal immigrant crossing and prostituting and endenturing people. human traffickering en indenture them. every friday, we pay $3000 a piece and keep anything left over. they were in yonkers, new york. how did you get to new york? the government. how did you get there? we flew. they say they didn't pay, this is a permit from the federal government to prostitute and ultimately victims of human trafficking. they are sent with a handler
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that makes sure they pay and show on friday. tip of t the iceberg. look at the president, they are allowing us to be victimized because they play politics over public safety. >> lawrence: what is your message? he will run on this in the next election and blame republicans. >> certainly he's already blaming republicans. reality is, they want to limit it to average of 5000 people on average a week coming into the country or 5000 per day. think for a second. if you can cut it down to 5000, you can cut it down to zero. what games are they playing? playing games with american lives and people are dying in this country. >> lawrence: unbelievable. you are on ground zero because a lot of these illegals are coming
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to your county and you have to keep your people safe. thank you for joining the program. >> thank you. stay on it. we've got to protect the american people. >> lawrence: fox news alert, nikki haley expected to suspend her campaign in an hour. shannon bream is next.
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president trump, the more the base of the party said to her that's not what we want. this may not be the party of nikki haley. certainly the vote shows us that. when we talk about, ok, will these voters who said i'm going with nikki haley 30%, 40%, will they come home to president trump? we keep telling folks and you keep reminding them, these in many of the states were open primaries meaning a lot of these folks may not have the g.o.p. to come home to. that wasn't their home in the first place. >> steve: exactly. coming up, that's going to happen at 10:00 eastern. we'll have it live on the channel. at 9:00 eastern, in georgia, the state senate, the republicans are going to have this special investigation into fani willis and they're bringing in some explosive characters to testify, aren't they? >> shannon: they said they want to hear from whistle blowers, one of the first people they'll come up has a subpoena. ashley merchant one of the attorneys we've seen arguing about the case about the disqualification and the fact is this state senate committee has subpoena power. the question is do they subpoena
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fani willis herself? is she going to have come in now that we have a lot more testimony and evidence and give a more detailed explanation of the timelines and remember, just a couple of days ago, we had another witness come forward to say, hey, i've got evidence as well this thing started way before they're telling you it did. does that person get subpoenaed as well? >> steve: exactly. and i know when they had the last witness in the judge's courtroom, he said ok, i'm going to take a little while to think about this. speaking of timelines. but from your legal standpoint, where you sit, it just doesn't look good. >> shannon: and the thing is, there are so many different ways this could go. if fani willis orn nathan wade s disqualified, her whole team is, there is an agency that would pick a different d.a. to pick this thing up. even if she stays on the case, many of the co-defendants have signalled they'll press for a new trial or try another tact. there's also this issue of picking a jury. they've heard a lot now and how
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do you do that cleanly when they've heard all these allegations? >> steve: indeed. all right. that's going to start in about a minute. you'll see parts of it here on the channel. listen, shannon, thank you very much. we'll watch "fox news sunday" 2:00 p.m. sunday with you. thank you. >> shannon: thanks, steve. >> steve: all right. and by the way, before we go, i've got to point out this is the rundown at 6:00, this is what we started with. when nikki haley announced she was going to suspend the operation in "the wall street journal", it completely got shredded and hats off to our producers who rebuilt a three-hour show in literally three minutes. >> ainsley: you just pulled a nancy pelosi. >> steve: i should have waited until tomorrow night, state of the union. >> brian: right, only this time we saw it all happen. more great coverage on radio. that's my unbiassed opinion, on your app. >> lawrence: big speech 10:00 eastern time. >> brian: stay within yourself. >> bill: thanks, good morning, everybody. 9:00 here in new york. then there was one. nikki haley plans to drop
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contested area. what? >> so then bill, you're nodding your head, you jumped on x and
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said, i'll read it only because you can't see it. two weeks ago in virginia, an illegal from venezuela was arrested and charged with assaulting a 14-year-old girl in virginia. he crossed into texas in september, released by the u.s. government after that. >> bill: yeah, talk about out of touch, listening to them laugh and talk about they have a border with west virginia. it is out of touch. this issue has taken over the entire country, no longer arizona, texas, california, look at sanctuary cities and what happened since governor abbott started bussing them around. ask laken riley if this is something to giggle about. shows massive out of touch moment to be giggling. that 14-year-old girl if she's laughing about the fact an illegal alien in venezuela who
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crossed illegally and released into the country and allegedly sexually assaulted her, ask that girl if she thinks it is funny. exit polls -- >> lawrence: number one issue. >> bill: yeah, it is the number one issue, more than the economy. laugh at it at your own risk, voters will have their say in november. >> brian: they are not just hosts, one was joe biden's press secretary. for her to think it is okay to giggle, it shows huge detachment. what i noticed about president biden's speech, he did not bring up the crime issue of illegal aliens. that is happening in new york, like the laken riley murder. final thought? >> bill: last night fox news confirmed illegal alien is charged in vehicular homicide of washington state trooper in the
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seattle area. that is another one to the list. last 10 days or so, just a list of crimes involving illegal aliens who got in the u.s. and released into the u.s. or entered as a gotaways. now involved in high-profile, vile crimes. 1.8 million gotaways, statistical sernt they are going to be bad apples. are all of them? absolutely not. we meet a lot of great people, when you have 1.8 million eva evading, you will have bad mixed in. >> brian: and those bad people -- >> bill: to joke about voter concerns is out of touch. >> brian: it is all prevent annual. >> ainsley: it will get worse if
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joe biden gets another four years. >> brian: by the way, they cut away from donald trump, they go that is not true. really? >> ainsley: rachel maddow -- rachel maddow says what he's saying is lies. >> lawrence: don't want voters to hear what is going on. bring in martha maccallum. nikki haley is set to drop out of the race at 10:00 a.m. what does this mean for the republican party, martha? >> martha: good morning, great coverage this morning, obviously a huge story. maybe if they listened on the other channels, they would not be laughing about immigration issue. maybe they be clued in.
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nikki haley ran a very strong campaign, she should feel very good about what she accomplished today. no woman in the republican party has ever made it as far in the presidential process as she did. she likes to say, you know, a lot of fellas fell by the waste side, while she was in this process. she inspired a lot of people and should feel strong about what she did. other hand, we are still in the midst of a very strong trump era and we saw that last night, there is a hunger, i think, among conservatives and republicans for boldness they think is required and that has been created by a vacuum and biden administration and created by indictments and legal cases
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and constitutional challenges that he's not backed down to. he has this super human quality to take incoming that would have ended careers of 99.9% of people in the business of politics. put those things together and see extraordinary political history moment in donald trump. she does have a constituency and you will hear her embrace she has 25 to 40% support. it is a mix of people tired of the biden administration. i think if she doesn't endorse this morning, there will be more questions. she says she will not seek a
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third party. she has cards in her hand, we'll see what she does with them. >> steve: sure. i'm sure you heard bill melugin's report and she picked up yesterday 25 to 30, 40% in some instances, "new york times" exit polling shows voters are voting for her to vote against trump. a number of people bill melugin spoke to in south carolina said i don't care if he's the nominee, i will not vote for trump, they may stay home. going forward, donald trump has to figure out how to win over some democrats and independents and republicans. >> as we always say, politics is a game of addition and donald
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trump is a smart business man. he knows that. he's had impressive polling, "new york times" sienna poll. the rest plus two. how does he bring those people in. last night it was an opportunity that was missed for him to speak to that. to embrace people and maybe he was waiting for nikki haley to suspend her campaign, which will happen shortly and maybe that conversation comes after that. i listened to ralph normal this morning, big supporter of nikki haley, he said, of course he will support donald trump and he hopes she will, too. a lot of water under the bridge. there are insults people can get past. insulting your husband, more difficult. we have seen history with the mccain family.
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other hand, people get past things to seek higher purpose of the work they are doing and future they want for the country. interesting to see. >> brian: he did not mention her last night in his acceptance speech and talked about coming together in the interview yesterday. biden strategy, axios talking about bipartisan gun legislation or inflation reduction act, this is the battle plan for joe biden against donald trump. and that is go for the jugular. president biden is pushing for trump's jugular. biden thinks trump is wobbly intellectually and wobbly and will explode if biden gigs and goats him. biden would be making contest as much about trump as his own
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accomplishments. your thoughts about that. >> i mean, you know, coming from a person who takes daily incoming in many stories about being wobbly, no surprise to me he's trying to turn that argument back on his opponent, he's saying, i'm the tough guy. he could have come it is out last night, he needs to be shown speaking off the cuff, he could have been at the white house, biggest bully pulpit. instead they put out an e-mail saying he was glad he won. interesting to see how he does this and whether or not he can run a vigorous campaign in a margin of error race. donald trump losing it or popping off, his temper americans are used to. some don't like it, some like it
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a lot. i think he'll have to really prove to people he is more r resilient and able. >> brian: attacking donald trump is usually focus of cnn and msnbc. >> ainsley: excellent point, joe biden put out an e-mail and donald trump got out with the people. >> steve: big story is nikki haley is dropping out after a lot of disappointment for her on super tuesday. >> lawrence: schiff and -- advancing to the general election.
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>> brian: matt flynn is live. >> "new york times" calling this the most competitive in a generation. two candidates with most votes go to general election regardless of party. a republican has not even advanced in two of the past elections. garvey and schiff are advancing, looking to fill the seat left by dianne feinstein. >> the second game will be like a super bowl over the fourth quarter or eight innings. it should be exciting, it is actual competition now. >> it looks like we're going to the general, ladies and gentlemen. you helped us build biggest grassroots campaign in california history and i cannot thank you enough. >> at schiff's victory rally,
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pro-palestinian protesters interrupted with chants of ceasefire now that took over the room. >> ceasefire now. ceasefire now. [chanting "ceasefire now."] >> in los angeles county unpopular progressive george gascon is in the lead with little more than 50% of the vote in. nathan hockman campaigned on the slogan "george gascon must go." north carolina governor race mark robinson, favorite among evangelicals has won, becoming
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first black gubernatorial nominee in north carolina. he will face state attorney general josh stein. in north carolina, junior wyatt gable beat state representative george cleave know land. >> brian: and kyrsten sinema dropping out yesterday. >> lawrence: that is huge. >> ainsley: she said the country is so divided. >> lawrence: first democrat to win there. >> steve: she said compromise is a dirty word, how many moderates left? >> brian: joe manchin, kyrsten sinema gone. >> ainsley: carley has headlines. >> carley: first story has to do with california. voters in san francisco giving okay to pair of law and order
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ballot measures, one expands police surveillance and other is for -- mayor says we can't give people money to overdose and die on the street, we have to do more. georgia state senator moving forward with investigation into fani willis's relationship with special prosecutor nathan wade. the move could lead to more subpoenas in this case. the defense attorney wanting to remove willis from the election inte interference case is expected to testify today. bob menendez and his wife are facing new bribery charges for telling investigators they thought payments on a car and home were loans when prosecutors say the payments were bribes.
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the senator and wife pleaded not guilty earlier this year to bribery charges they are accused of receiving lavish gifts in return for helping foreign business interest. >> lawrence: there was a bipartisan push to get rid of santos, why not for menendez? >> ainsley: we are used to that, he's a democrat. >> lawrence: they don't want to do it. >> brian: democratic governor, they would mutt another democrat in there. sheik thank you very much. folks, we say it once a day. set your dvr. >> ainsley: don't do what i did i was setting it for 6:00 a.m. iun waed to watch your trump interview, it did an hour. do six, seven or eight.
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>> steve: or the whole program. have your daughter show you how to do that. >> ainsley: i figured it out. >> brian: if you want tapes of my work, come by the office. >> ainsley: first time i've gone back to watch an interview. just kidding. >> steve: fox news alert, just waking up, nikki haley will s suspend her campaign at 10:00 a.m. we will continue to follow that story. >> ainsley: and congress moves forward with the laken riley act. >> brian: build a wall. congressman mike collins introduced the bill and he is n next. the military does provide help. and as americans, we can do so much more. i started the comfort, peace and freedom foundation to help veterans define their personal vision and to build a future of success. a lot of them aren't looking to what life after the military looks like until it's time,
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this is someone's life that was lost, i want to acknowledge and extend deepest condolences. >> ainsley: our next guest is introducing the laken riley act in congress, georgia congressman mike collins joins us. good morning. such an important issue after seeing what happened in georgia. tell us more about this act. >> it is, this is a trajectory that did not have to happen and what we're going to do with this act is address some immigration policy and make sure local law enforcement have ability to contact ice and add theft to criminal activity reported so they can come and detain them, pick these people up and hopeful
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ly return them. he packs up and comes to another sanctuary city in athens, georgia. home of university of georgia, and commits a heinous murder after being arrested few days earlier for shop lifting. >> ainsley: was ice notified? the governor does not allow any sanctuary city in the state of georgia. >> athens, georgia, has been acting like a sanctuary city. i've been calling on the mayor to resign. he's enacted laws unlawfully, we are right, we don't allow sanctuary cities in georgia. athens is listed as a sanctuary
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city. the sheriff of clark county admitted he will not cooperate with ice. this puts teeth into it and gives state ability to take homeland security to court if they don't pick these people up and a federal judge can require ice to do their job. we're afraid of homeland security and mayorkas. >> ainsley: what will happen? what about the mayor and d.a.? you have called for them to resign, these poor parents. when they hear your story and know if the guy had been deported in new york and after shoplifting their daughter would be alive right now. you have mayor and d.a. staying in office, are they apologizing? will anyone get rid of these individuals?
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>> we have heard excuse after excuse and finger pointing to donald trump is the real problem. the people of athens are keeping pressure on athens. if they had an ounce of honor, they would have resigned and moved on. we have to fix this problem, i guarantee you 90% of folks they did not realize this city was a sanctuary city or it would come into play with where they send their child. >> ainsley: i know a lot of friends that go to uga. i was shocked to see this happening there. laken riley murder has not come out of the mouth of our president, he should be inviting her parents on thursday night.
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you heard karine jean-pierre. thank you for coming on, wish you the best, i hope this is passed. we'll get it through the house and send it to the senate. >> ainsley: do not let her die in vein. dana perino reacting to nikki haley's exit and likely trump-biden rematch. that is next. we believe that th best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts this is a product that can be passed on. it could be a family heirloom. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20.
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best-selling author. >> dana: i was running here to get here. you should have seen me then. >> brian: an hour and 15 minutes nikki haley will give a short speech. there is report she will not endorse donald trump yet. what would you say to her? >> you have to look at what she's accomplished and say, well done former ambassador and former governor. she got this to a two-person race. she was one of the original teaparty people. if people think she is a bush republican, that is not how i see it. does she appeal to part of the party donald trump will need? yes. desantis did not endorse immediately. had a concession speech and then did the endorsement quickly.
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republicans typically say well done to their competitor, i wish you the best, we have to beat the opponent, this time joe biden and kamala harris. that would be typical. we have reporting the speech will be three or four minutes. perhaps saying joe biden and kamala harris need to be beaten, i don't think she will give an endorsement today, but maybe they have not spoken yet. >> brian: unlike donald trump to pick up the phone first. last night you said, he won, she should call him. >> dana: usually the person who loses, you come out and say, i just talked to donald trump, he won, congratulations to him.
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donald trump had such an amazing, commanding lead, it was sort of a foregone conclusion and i think nikki haley had made peace with the fact she would not win super tuesday. i don't know if she uses that to compel her forward or join on, i'm not sure. >> brian: trump won, she doesn't feel like a loser, she was inspirational. trump spoke in front of a thousand people and joe biden did nothing. >> dana: last month, president biden took a pass on doing the super bowl interview with 100 million watching. last night, i don't know how many are watching, millions, he decides not to speak. he does a paper statement. donald trump took the stage and showed command, vigor, defended
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his record and talked about what he will do going forward and president biden did nothing. >> brian: yep. interesting, i don't know if doing nothing wins. it is good on seinfeld. you will haves brian brenberg and leo terrell this morning. >> dana: and bill hemmer will be there, too. great to be with our colleagues, our coverage was excellent. >> brian: i enjoyed every moment of it. straight ahead, the border on the ballot in november, griff jenkins is in texas where a terror watch list suspect was arrested right before trump and biden visited. getting clearer...♪ ( ♪ ) ♪ i feel free... ♪ ♪ to bear my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪
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9:14 am
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unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session.


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