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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  March 6, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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they've heard all these allegations? >> steve: indeed. all right. that's going to start in about a minute. you'll see parts of it here on the channel. listen, shannon, thank you very much. we'll watch "fox news sunday" 2:00 p.m. sunday with you. thank you. >> shannon: thanks, steve. >> steve: all right. and by the way, before we go, i've got to point out this is the rundown at 6:00, this is what we started with. when nikki haley announced she was going to suspend the operation in "the wall street journal", it completely got shredded and hats off to our producers who rebuilt a three-hour show in literally three minutes. >> ainsley: you just pulled a nancy pelosi. >> steve: i should have waited until tomorrow night, state of the union. >> brian: right, only this time we saw it all happen. more great coverage on radio. that's my unbiassed opinion, on your app. >> lawrence: big speech 10:00 eastern time. >> brian: stay within yourself. >> bill: thanks, good morning, everybody. 9:00 here in new york. then there was one. nikki haley plans to drop out in
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one hour. she will leave the republican presidential race leaving that field for one man standing and that's donald j. trump. her remarks are set for one hour, 10:00 a.m. eastern time out of south carolina. we'll have them live. that's the headline of the moment. coming off the big night from last night, so good morning. couple of hours of sleep, back at it. i'm bill hemmer in new york. >> dana: i got 5 1/2. i'm dana perino. this is "america's newsroom." glad to be with you this morning. big news day. we'll have nikki haley at 10:00. right now, let's talk about donald trump. banner day for him because georgia's state senate is investigating the actions of fulton county district attorney fani willis and her romance with trump special prosecutor nathan wade. we are monitoring that. we are also awaiting word from trump on haley's decision. but last night, trump was fired up and in his element putting his victory in historical terms. >> they call it super tuesday for a reason. this is a big one. and they tell me the pundits and
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otherwise that there's never been one like this. there's never been anything so conclusive. >> bill: now, we are all over it. guy benson, james freeman have analysis. the news out of fulton county, geo georgia. the trump team is where we begin in west palm beach for this hour. brian, i imagine the news is rather positive there in florida now. hello and good morning. >> brian: bill, good morning. that's right, it is rather positive here in palm beach. we are still awaiting former president trump's reaction to news that nikki haley will drop out of this race. now, we have received some initial reaction from his super pac, make america great again, that released a statement congratulating trump on "vanquishing his opponents" saying that this same movement will power him to a general election win. now, trump did not mention haley at all last night in his super tuesday victory speech, that was about 20 minutes long. he instead concentrated on
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president biden. making it a general election speech. he said that this is the time for the republican party and the country to unite. >> we have a great republican party with tremendous talent, and we want to have unity and we're going to have unity. and it's going to happen very quickly, and i've been saying lately success will bring unity to our country. >> trump won 14 out of 15 states on super tuesday last night. he now has 995 delegates compared to haley's 89. the former president could reach the 1,215 delegates needed to officially secure the republican nomination as early as march 19th. now, polls have shown haley fares well with suburban and moderate voters. trump's comments last night about unity echo the kind of message some republicans have said trump needs to hit home to bring these voters over to him in a general election. the latest fox news poll,
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though, has trump two points ahead of president biden in a rematch. "the new york times" is also now reporting that trump met with billionaire elon musk and other wealthy donors here in palm beach on sunday to try to raise more cash for this general election. president biden and the d.n.c. have $80 million cash on hand. that's double the cash that the trump campaign and the r.n.c. have. former president trump and president biden will have duelling rallies in georgia on saturday. trump will be in rome, georgia. the president will be in atlanta as this general election kicks off. bill? >> bill: bryan leading our cover -- coverage in florida. i want to show you a recap from sea to shining sea, you can say. you see a common theme here? every county swept the tar heel state last night. come here to texas, right, eight years ago, this was cruz country. look where it is now. every county in texas is red for
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donald trump last night. go out to california, all right? they're still counting them. they might be counting them for days. if you remember back to the midterms of 2022. donald trump won every county. eight years ago, that was quite impressive for him. that came in june. california jumped the calendar to matter this year and matter they did. you only have about half the vote counted right now. and donald trump is going to be an easy winner there in california, entire state. look at that. on the democratic side, just want to point this out because democrats and the white house already have said that donald trump has got problems in the general election. that may or may not be the case. we'll dissect all those issues over the next eight months and get all to it. but on the democratic side, joe biden has got some problems, too, if you look inside these numbers on the democratic side, i'll just take you up to minnesota. all right? this is -- this is hardly contested, and you've got almost 19% of the vote in minnesota in
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a democratic primary. almost 46,000 raw votes were uncommitted. that's minnesota, ok? let me come down here to north carolina, all right. we're moving way down here to north carolina. there's no one on the ballot but joe biden. and no preference got almost 13% of the vote. 88,000 raw votes. 88,000 democrats in north carolina chose no preference over joe biden. so we'll watch how that moves through here. now, we do want to get to this, ok, because our power rankings are now out and this is how we see the state of the race as it is now, what do we say, eight months from yesterday. so we're seven months and 29 days, can we say, this is our current forecast. 270 to win. we got biden at 241 electoral votes. trump at 251. we've got 46 up here in the tossup area and that will change as we move through the next eight months. seven months and 29 days. these are four states to think about.
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there will be others. some of them will come into this pile. some of them will leave. but right now, arizona, big tossup. nevada, the same. wisconsin, the upper midwest, and pennsylvania here in the northeast. that's how we see our power rankings as of today. bill now joins us live in charleston, south carolina. we are, what, about 54 minutes away, bill, from seeing nikki haley. good morning. >> bill: yeah, bill, good morning to you. fox news can confirm nikki haley will be dropping out of this race this morning set to deliver remarks, as you just said, a little over 50 minutes in the charleston area in the building directly behind us right now. we are told she is not going to be endorsing donald trump during this speech. instead, she is going to urge him to try to gain the support of both republicans and independents who do not support him right now. we're also told she is going to highlight the fact that she felt she was giving republican primary voters a serious other choice to look at. a non-trump voice to look at.
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and she feels that is a voice that is warranted right now. her campaign points out that in some of these early states, she's been getting a decent chunk of the vote. sometimes between 30% to 40%. she won vermont last night. her campaign and nikki herself say those people aren't going anywhere. so the question will become, where are they going to go once she dips out of this race? they're going to have to go somewhere. can donald trump bring them under his umbrella? i can tell you, we've been following nikki haley's campaign on the trail the last several days. a lot of the voters that plan to vote for her that we talked to told us they would never vote for donald trump. there was a woman in maine, a maine primary voter who was snowbirding out here in south carolina. we talked to her yesterday. she said she already voted for nikki haley. i asked her if nikki haley drops out, will you support trump? she said no. i said what if nikki haley endorses trump? she said i still won't. are you going to vote for biden then? she said no. what are you going to do? i'm probably going to write nikki haley in.
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fox news talked to other voters in minnesota yesterday who said the same thing. some of them saying they would never vote for donald trump. and that is something that the trump camp should be concerned about and will have to figure out. once nikki speaks today, we've been told, she is not going to endorse trump but will that happen at some point in the future? she has already slammed the door shut on talk she would potentially want to be his v.p. and slammed the door shut on any talk about her wanting a third party no labels run. but look, heading into the night last night, we were starting to get some smoke signals that, perhaps, this might come today. her campaign went dark for about four hours. the last we heard from them was before the polls closed. they said they were having a private watch party with staffers and that they were in a good mood. there were no public remarks last night. there was no public event last night. nikki haley didn't tweet for hours during the election and then we got word this morning that she was going to be delivering these remarks here at 10:00 east coast time.
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we had asked nikki over -- excuse me, nikki haley over the weekend in north carolina, what would you consider a good night on super tuesday? and she said to be competitive. we asked what does competitive mean? she said the media will decide that. you look at all the states she crisscrossed in the last week or so, some of those states were called very early in the night. we'll send it back to you. >> bill: all right, bill, thanks. bill on standby there in south carolina. thank you. >> dana: and james freeman and guy benson are here now. guy, can we get your take from last night as you wake up this morning to the news that nikki haley has said, all right, enough is enough. >> well, i'm not really surprised because she had telegraphed in previous election speeches that she wasn't going anywhere. in iowa and new hampshire and beyond saying we're going to go to this place next. we're spending money here and we're going to keep fighting. there was none of that rhetoric ahead of last night really and certainly that silence that bill just talked about, i think, spoke volumes and now, we have this expected result.
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look, she fought hard. she represented a lot of voters. not nearly enough. but a lot of them. and she put up a valiant effort. she won a couple of primaries. some thought she would win zero. hats off to her. now this is going to become a very long and in some ways excruciating general election. and last night, my biggest takeaway, dana, was watching the speech from president trump. it was exclusively a general election speech. his main messages, the country was better off. you were better off when i was president across these various metrics and issue sets. and a lot of voters, not even just his base agree with that. on the other side, joe biden, no speech, no event, a prewritten statement. they hit send basically around 10:00 p.m. eastern time when the candidate might have been asleep by that point. just saying donald trump is unacceptable. we got to save democracy. these are the themes we're going to hear for the next eight months. >> bill: ok, guy, thank you for that.
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james? >> the people in the republican party spoke pretty loudly. they want trump to be the nominee. as you said, he's kind of pivoted to the general election campaign and unfortunately, the statement from joe biden was largely an attack on donald trump, and i think this is a moment -- people have been talking about what donald trump needs to hear from voters. i think joe biden would do himself and the country a world of good by now saying let's call off the law fare against president trump. we'll let voters decide. he should tell his attorney general merrick garland enough of these cases some of which i'm obviously guilty of as well. it would, i think, be a wonderful moment to heal the country and also good for biden. this is not a prediction -->> bill: do you think that's possible? >> part of the reason that we're here today implausibly, perhaps, with donald trump as the nominee again is people look at him and they see flaws but they say the abuses of his opponents are
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worse. and i think all of these court cases target him has a lot it do with him cruising to, barring a weird event the nomination in a few weeks. >> dana: one of the things that biden said in his statement was that are we really going to go back to the days where we're in chaos because of donald trump? i actually think voters are trying to signal to the pollsters and all of us that they feel like it's chaos now. like they don't feel secure. they don't feel steady. and there were some warning signs for president biden even in places like texas where the democrats have been trying to make certain gains over the years with hispanic voters. what do the democrats take away from last night? >> well, i think that's such an important point because yes, a lot of american voters associate chaos with trump. that's part of his personality. it was certainly one of the words that characterized his four years as president, but you look around. look at the border. look at the middle east.
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look at ukraine. look at people's pocketbooks and inflation. look at crime in some of our major cities. chaos very much reigns in a lot of ways under president biden. so i think just saying the other side are chaos agents, i'm not sure that's going to really fly. in that same statement that biden and his team put out, they were talking about some of their achievements and accomplishments. they'll give lip service to that. most voters aren't buying it as we've seen in a lot of the polling. they're deeply dissatisfied with the incumbent's performance. make no mistake. the next eight months will be the biden campaign saying the other guy is totally unacceptable. and the trump campaign basically making the mirror argument. so it's going to be a brutally negative campaign. and yeah, the democrats should be nervous about some elements of their base that appear to be unhappy or maybe not terribly excited about joe biden, and in some cases, maybe peeling off back to trump as we saw in that "new york times" poll this week. >> bill: ralph norman is a
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republican from south carolina. he was, i think, the only elected official in the entire state that did not get behind donald trump. everybody else did. on this whole nikki haley point, a lot of people think the nerves right now are raw. this stuff can heal easily. and norman made that point that, you know, she's going to fall in line. maybe the best example is just how rancorous it got with hillary clinton and barack obama. they seemed to do ok in the end, right? she became a cabinet member. coming up here, 45 minutes from now, what would you expect from nikki haley? >> well, i guess i'm not expecting it, but i'm hoping that if she wants to have a future in the republican party, if she wants to influence the party this year and ultimately be a presidential candidate in a future year, i think she should endorse donald trump. maybe that doesn't happen today. maybe it happens later. if she's ruling out a third
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party run which she seems to be doing, i think to your point, there is an argument as she has talked about reasonably the need for unity and reaching out to different voters who don't necessarily love donald trump. i think she might set an example as well because, you know, there was a message to her as well last night. we can talk about the sort of phrase in the coalition for trump. but the message was pretty clear to her in a lot of states that they prefer trump this time. >> dana: there's -- throughout the campaign, i thought she had a real clarity of purpose. and she was one of the first to bring up that this election really is about going against kamala harris. and it was something, i think, that a lot of people picked up on and maybe you'll hear a little bit more of that from her today. but clarity of purpose from the campaign up until today when she's going to suspend. >> bill: gentlemen, thank you. nice to see you both, guy benson and james freeman, stick around, ok, plenty to talk about next hour. we're also watching atlanta, georgia. the state senate special committee on investigations
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there is hearing testimony in the misconduct allegations against the fulton county d.a. fani willis. so will this take another turn today? stand by. >> dana: plus remember, of course, this iconic photo from the end of world war ii. there's new controversy surrounding it more than 75 years later, you are not going to believe it. >> bill: the polling shows us that the border and immigration is issue number one in just about state after state as you look at eagle pass from over the weekend. some, however, are finding time to make fun of that. choice. >> if you look at some of these exit polls, i live in virginia. immigration was the number one issue. again, these could change, in virginia. >> virginia does have a border with west virginia, doesn't it?
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>> bill: reminder, watching the clock, 38 minutes to go until nikki haley steps to that microphone, charleston, south carolina. we'll be there. i got word from the wall street journal reporter that broke the story that the comments might be brief. can't confirm that just yet. we will watch together when it happens, 10:00 eastern time there in the palmetto state. >> dana: you know i got to bring in my favorite story. romance between fulton county district attorney fannie will and is the special prosecutor she hired in the trump election case is on full display. state senate committee is investigating their relationship and if willis benefited from the government salary. what's the latest, jonathan? >> hi there, dana. well, after fani willis' love life was scrutinized in the fulton county courthouse, it's now playing out here in the georgia statehouse. as we speak, georgia senate committee is investigating whether the district attorney's romantic relationship with her special prosecutor nathan wade
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created a conflict of interest and whether it rises to the level of misuse of public funds. lawmakers are hearing testimony right now from ashley merchant, she's an attorney, a defense attorney representing former trump campaign aide mike roman. roman who is a former co-defendant of trump filed a motion to have the d.a. removed from the case. a judge is expected to rule on that by mid march. willis and wade have testified they did not become romantically involved until after she hired him to help investigate the trump case in november of 2021. in court last month, wade's former law partner and divorce attorney terrance bradley was unable to recall details when attorney merchant asked him when the affair began. but in a series of earlier text messages, merchant asks bradley, do you think it started before she hired him? bradley replies absolutely. it started when she left the d.a.'s office and was judge in
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south fulton. that was back in 2019 that fani willis became the chief magistrate judge in the nearby city of south fulton. she ran successfully for fulton county district attorney the following year. dana? >> dana: all right. thank you so much. >> bill: good morning to you, here is jonathan turley's analysis of what we're watching going down in fulton county. roll it. >> this is getting worse by the day. so this new filing has another attorney, an officer of the court saying look, i heard that testimony. i was shocked because i did hear with absolute clarity the opposite of what was being stated to the court. wade and willis is undermining their case. undermining their office and they have put their interests before that of the public. >> bill: some of these attorneys in that case have argued exactly that. you're an attorney. what do you think, is this the end? >> it should be the end.
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i think ultimately, this is going to boil down to an interesting question, bill, for the judge as he analyzes all of this evidence. does he decide that there has to be an actual conflict in which case i think there is ample evidence that there was an actual conflict. but it's at least a little bit of an uncertain outcome whereas if he adopts this standard of there is the appearance of an impropriety, there's zero doubt at all there's appearance of an impropriety so which standard he decides to apply in this particular case, the judge reviewing it, will determine, i think, what his potential decision is going to be in this case. but to me, this is beyond a shadow of a doubt. a clearcut case. both of these individuals should be removed. i think fani willis should actually be stripped of her d.a. standing and also both these people, i believe, should face criminal charges because i think there's a strong chance that they committed perjury if you
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analyze what they said under oath which is why i think ultimately, fani willis' team did not want her to sit down and raise her right hand and testify under oath. and i think certainly nathan wade shouldn't have done it either. it was their own hubuorous potentially that have put them in this situation. i think the chance of being a prosecution of donald trump in atlanta, georgia is low and looking at the larger landscape, i think this takes georgia off the map. i think donald trump is going to win the state of georgia very comfortably in 2024 and i think a lot of democrats, as you sit here eight months out, are slowly acknowledging that fact because this has been such a kangaroo court and such a mess, it's played right into donald trump's hands. remember, unlike in florida, unlike in washington, d.c., unlike in new york, the other jurisdictions where trump is facing criminal charges, those are already, i believe, decided states. we know trump is going to win
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florida. we know d.c. and new york are both going to go for joe biden. georgia is the tossup state. it's the one that arguably matters the most on the electoral map. and i think this has all played into donald trump's hands. >> bill: quickly want to put this on the screen. this is the timeline that some lawyers who are going against fani willis say this relationship began in september of 2021. bottom right-hand corner, you see that date, february to april of 2022, that's the time frame that willis claims their relationship started. so put your finger on it, you know, when did it begin and did they lie about it? clay, thanks for your time. nice to see you. had to keep it brief. got a lot going on. talk to you real soon. clay travis. >> understood. have a good morning. >> bill: you, too, thank you. >> dana: keep it moving with this. we are awaiting nikki haley to step up to the podium. her remarks coming a short time from now. i can't do the -- i can. 32 minutes to go. >> bill: bam! >> dana: you're better at it than i am. stay with us. we'll have that for you as soon as she starts. ran wife, homeowner, and the family bookkeeper,
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>> bill: now the stage is set quite literally there in south carolina. we have seen the flags draped in the background and there's the podium where nikki haley will be in 27 minutes. >> dana: sharp looking flags right there. that looks good. >> bill: all lined up and ready to go. so we'll have it for you. don't move. full analysis as well to follow based on what she says. so that's that. headline of the day. dana? >> dana: getting ready for the sequel. joe biden and donald trump gearing up for a repeat of the 2020 election following their big super tuesday wins. and with nikki haley formally dropping out of the republican race in just about 27 minutes from now. let's bring in jason miller, senior advisor for the trump campaign and welcome to you. >> good morning. good to be with you. >> bill: has donald trump and nikki haley spoken and if not, when will they speak? >> well, really, bill, this isn't about nikki haley. this is about president trump and the absolute dominant performance he put on last night, texas, california, tennessee, alabama, even looking
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at states that have open primaries such as virginia. president trump dominated, bill, in a way that no one ever has in a contested primary. this was a complete wipeout. so at this point, this is about do you want to beat joe biden or do you want to help joe biden get re-elected? that's the only choice at this point. we're seeing president trump already beating joe biden in the general, whether it be nationally, the battleground states, independents, young voters, latino voters, across the board, voters are sick and tired of joe biden. they want president trump back. >> bill: i understand your answer there. do you expect her to call him? >> again, it's meaningless at this point. we have seen her folks already uniting behind president trump. in fact, i got a call this morning from a titan in the investor community that says he wants to get on board with president trump and he wants to bring his friends. we've seen other folks that previously have run against president trump whether it be ron desantis, tim scott, doug bergrum get behind president trump. when you look at those numbers
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in the general election, president trump is doing so much better with republicans than joe biden is with democrats because they want president trump's policies back. and again, bill, nobody has ever dominated a contested primary like this before. >> dana: jason, i want to ask you about something that happened last night on msnbc. we know that immigration has risen to the number one issue across the country. see that in poll after poll. the reasons for that are because people see with their own eyes what's happening and they feel what's happening in their communities. that's not what the panel at msnbc took away last night. watch here. >> look at some of these exit polls. i live in virginia. immigration was the number one issue, again, these could change in virginia. >> well, virginia does have a border with west virginia. very contested area. build a wall! >> dana: president trump's instincts on this issue were right from the beginning. what do you think happens for the democrats and biden if they don't take this issue seriously like last night? >> well, this is why democrats are going to lose in the general
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election and when i saw that clip last night on the msnbc panel, i was sickened really, that's the word. sickened. i would like to see those panelists go look the parents of lincoln riley in the eye and say that same thing. say that to them. say that to the people who have been hurt by this joe biden crisis that he's created of his own doing at the southern border, the people that can't make ends meet because of inflation. the people who are dead in ukraine, people who are dead in israel because of joe biden's weakness. that's why we have to get president trump back. it's such a disconnect from reality what we saw and it was disgusting. that's all i can say. >> bill: we had a statement last night from nikki haley's team, came in late. just want to read one or two of the lines, ok, want to know as a campaign, how you're going to address this now that it's one-on-one. today in state after state, there remains a large block of republican primary voters who are expressing deep concerns about donald trump. it continues. that is not the unity our party
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needs for success. just among your team down there and what the former president has to say about that. how will you go about tackling that issue with seven months and 29 days to go? >> well, it's just plain wrong, as i said before, president trump is doing better with republicans than joe biden is doing with democrats in the general election. president trump is winning in most of the states you see between "new york times" and bloomberg, between about four and 14 points with regard to independent voters. the people who have swung both ways, maybe they went with president trump in 2016 and maybe went with joe biden in 2020, they're back with president trump now and everyone says they were better off with trump. whether it be the economy, whether it be the southern border. so that statement last night is just quite frankly fake. >> dana: we have president biden vs. trump on enthusiasm. and i'm curious what the white house and the biden campaign took away from last night because across the board on these numbers, it's not just on terms of dominating the
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republican nomination. on some of these numbers like enthusiastic to vote at 48%. think about minnesota where you had over 20% of democrats not wanting to vote for biden yesterday. what kind of a campaign will president trump be running? will he go to places like minnesota that might have seemed out of reach for republicans before, does he plan sort of as laura ingram described it last night a 50-state campaign strategy? >> yeah, you bring up a really good question and also, i'd follow up with the fact that minnesota and virginia are both going to be in play in the general election. if we listen to president trump and made that one extra trip to minnesota in 2017, i think we would have flipped the state. i think we would have been able to do it. as it was, it was a little less than 50,000 votes. we'll be putting certain states into play that haven't been for a long time. those are two of the big ones that i'm looking at. again, when you see in these democratic primaries whether it's michigan, we had over 100,000 voters vote against joe
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biden. these are folks who are not going to come back to him. this is different. a protest vote of that magnitude for a state that was decided by less than 10,000 votes in 2016, that's a big deal. you see it happen in minnesota. and dana, you know this from being at the white house, they have a candidate problem right now. if they put him out there too much, people realize the gaps in the cognitive decline and all that. if they hide him, the press corps jumps all over them. in contrast with president trump, we'll take him on the road. we'll be in georgia on saturday and get this thing locked down. >> bill: speaking of the road, if i could, i think it was last week when donald trump said he'd like to have a rally at madison square garden in new york. he wants to go to places and put them in play. can you tell us today what could be the most surprising location he will visit during this campaign this? >> so my third campaign of working for president trump, one of the things i've learned is never go and break any news that he could break. so i'm going to let him go and do that on his own.
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there's going to be some good surprises, some pretty exciting things that are going to show it's not just lip service. we are going to put states in play. and you guys are there in new york. you see what the democrats have done with that once great city, with that once great state, it's terrible. completely destroyed it. walk around, the crime on the street, the filth, the out of control prosecutorial people, we're going to go and put a lot of states in play. and it's going to surprise people. >> dana: we'll let you get away with that answer. if you go to wilmington, delaware, call me first. i'd love to break the story. great to have you here. thanks so much. >> bill: thank you. >> dana: the attorney for one of the trump co-defendants now testifying before a georgia senate committee as the romance between the fulton county d.a. and the special prosecutor threatens to derail the whole case. of the blue, but i was wondering if you might pray with me real quick. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you.
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pass, texas, where just a few moments ago, our drone caught a video of some people trying to cross there. but it's difficult with the razor wire, of course, that's been put up. but lots going on at the border. lot of migrant crossings, number one issue across the country is immigration. >> bill: that it is. a controversial biden administration program is flying tens of thousands of migrants into the u.s. every month and we're not quite sure where they're going. alexis mcadams joins us with that part of the story today. alexis, good morning. >> good morning. this is a wild story a lot of people are talking about. it's not just migrants as we talk about flooding into the united states on foot pretty much every day. they're also arriving at airports across the country. and the biden administration has flown more than 350,000 migrants into the country using a controversial program to grant them humanitarian parole. >> today was just announced before i came out, it was unbelievable. i said that must be a mistake. they flew 325,000 migrants, flew them in over the borders into
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our country. >> hot topic on the campaign trail. customs and border patrol data showing that 357,000 migrants have been flown into the u.s. from cuba, haiti, nicaragua, and venezuela. that's just through the end of january. it's all part of a special program called the program that grants migrants two years of humanitarian parole. so they denied a request to the named airports when migrants arrived filed by the center for immigration studies. they told them, in part, if disclosed it would reveal operational vulnerabilities that could be exploited by bad actors. so no answer on where these people were going. while we see massive groups of migrants crossing illegally at the southern border every day, the migrants in this program are able to apply for asylum. how? they use a cell phone app to do it. there are strict eligibility requirements for this program including having a supporter in the united states, undergoing security vetting and then once the two years are up, they must
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apply for renewal or leave the country. so we'll see how that plays out. republicans arguing that the migrants using biden's parole program will end up staying here illegally in several g.o.p. states have sued the biden administration over the legality of this program. we're still waiting on a ruling on that. >> bill: more to come on this. thank you here in studio. dana? >> dana: want to bring in the texas department of public safety lieutenant and let's look here, the border patrol encounters of nonu.s. citizens in the biden administration fiscal year, it goes up and up and up and during the trump administration fiscal years, the numbers are like very starkly different. what else are you seeing right now? and i understand you saw some drug smuggling happening right at the border? >> right, good morning, great to be with you. of course, talking about these flights, there's a lot of unanswered questions. of course, this has been happening for the last three years. i believe, you know, fox news actually broke that news when there were secret flights at the dead of night being transporting illegal immigrants throughout the country.
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this has been going on, not just flying and bussing illegal immigrants into the country but, of course, a lot of criticism when governor abbott started bussing illegal immigrants to the sanctuary cities. it shed light on the problem and forced the issue and forced some of these governors and some of these mayors in these sanctuary cities to actually talk about the issue, actually force the federal government to actually do something. so a lot of unanswered questions as far as who is coming into the country on these flights? but, of course, we talk about the public safety, national security threats, drugs, criminals, perspective terrorists. that's still happening and that's a reality of the current situation on the border and we've been experiencing it the last three years and still today, those are some of the issues that we're facing in texas. >> dana: tell me about some of these pictures that you had about drug smugglers there at the border? >> so there's always been this argument or this dispute that drugs only come across, you know, through the ports of entry and vehicles and so forth. a lot of these drugs are being smuggled between the ports of entry. we know that for a fact. our state troopers in the last
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three years, because of governor abbott's decisive action on the border have seized over 468 lethal doses of fentanyl. these are drugs that have made it past ports of entry and if not for our troopers stopping these cars and seizing these drugs, they would make it into the interior. all these drug smugglers and cartels are well aware of the vulnerabilities along the boarder and they exploit that not only at the ports of entry but between the ports of entry. we have drug smugglers backpacking drugs between the ports of entry. >> dana: how do your troopers deal with the back and forth between the federal government and the state of texas as they struggle back and forth in the courts trying to get to a final resolution? >> you know, that's been a challenge for the last three years. everything that we've been doing, our efforts in texas and, of course, you're well aware of that. there's always been this constant battle not only that we're having to battle and go against the criminal organizations, the cartels and the smugglers and criminals, but our own federal government is trying to stop us in our efforts. they've been trying to stop
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governor abbott for the last three years whether it's physical barriers and enforcing the laws. most recently a new law that will allow texas law enforcement to arrest illegal immigrants across the board of entry, there's these constant challenges. we're trying to do our efforts of trying to secure the border and protect our state and the country. one thing that i can tell you, though, that we have a tremendous work force, our troopers are doing a tremendous job working with the soldiers and working with border patrol and we're focusing on going after those criminals and focusing on the threats to public safety and national security. we're seeing this crime that's taking place in the cities throughout the state and some of these illegal immigrants have no reason to be in the country. but it's all because of the abuse of the parole system. >> dana: understood. >> that's why we need some consequences. that's what we'll do moving forward. >> dana: consequences and clarity. thank you, we'll be in touch. >> thank you. >> bill: back on the countdown for nikki haley. we believe just about nine minutes away now we'll see her in front of that microphone about her plans of dropping out
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of the presidential race. full analysis coming up with our team loaded and ready to go momentarily here. also, a government agency's plan to ditch this iconic photo. kiss it good-bye? >> dana: how dare they! >> bill: that's the suggestion. why would that be we ask today? i won't let me moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms define me... emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that.
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>> dana: get this, the famous times square kiss photo marking the end of world war ii will remain on display at v.a. health care facilities. the v.a. secretary reversing plans to take down the iconic picture in a move criticized as political correctness run amok. and i would say so. lucas tomlinson is live in washington to tell us more. lucas? >> dana, in an about-face veterans affairs secretary says that iconic photo will remain. a photo many americans think about with nostalgia, end of
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world war ii and victory over japan. dennis mcdonogah quoting let me be clear, this image is not banned from v.a. facilities and we'll keep it in v.a. facilities. in a memo late last month to all hands, the v.a.'s assistant undersecretary health for operations rema ann nelson recently ordered the photo taken down from all v.a. buildings immediately. "this memorandum requests the removal of the v.j. day in times square photograph from all veterans health administration facilities in alignment with the department of veterans affairs commitment to maintaining a safe, respectful and trauma informed environment. the actions promoted by the recognition that the photograph this depicts a nonconsensual act is inconsistent with the v.a.'s no tolerance policy towards harassment and assault." the move sparking outrage on social media including lawmakers such as one that posted "v.j. day in times square is one of the most iconic photos in history and celebrates total victory in world war ii.
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the fact that v.a. would even consider removing it demonstrates the overly politicized rot within our bureaucracy. we should be proud to be americans." the decision to remove the photo apparently blindsided mcdonagh who once served as president obama's chief of chaff. >> dana: indeed. that's an incredible story. glad the photo remains. we are moments away from nikki haley announcing her exit from the republican primary contest setting the stage for donald j. trump to become the presumptive republican nominee for president. welcome to a brand new hour of "america's newsroom" i'm dana perino. good morning again. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer and good morning. we await the news from nikki haley. well run campaign and fighter along the way as well. she will drop out of the republican race after donald trump dominated the field on super tuesday. this paves the way for a presidential rem


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