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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 6, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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[cough] honey... honey. nyquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu relief with a dreamy honey taste nyquil honey, thank you very much vehicle that will do it here. "the five" right now. ♪ ♪ [♪♪]an >> hello everyone, i'm dana perino along with
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jeanine pirro, jesse watters, greg gutfeld and herald. this is "the five". are you ready for thisdo equal?g donald trumpan dominating in sur tuesday states and setting the stage for a long anticipated 2024 rematch against president biden. trump's closest rival nikki haley bowing out after losingbu every stay put one, vermont yesterday. she is refusing to directly endorse the former presidente right now. she says it's up to him to win over her supporters. listen here. >> the time halis now come to suspend my campaign. cam it is now up to donald trump tos earn the votes of those in ourth party and beyond it who did not support him and i hope he does that. at it's best, politics is about bringing people into your cause, not turning them away. and our conservative cause badld needs more peopllye.
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this is now his time for choosing.oosi >> dana: and trump seems to be taking her up on thatti suggestion, inviting haley supporters to join the greatest movement in the history of ourni nation while stressing thatpr president biden is the enemy.r >> they call it super tuesday for a reason. this is a big one. we will do something thatab frankly nobody has been able to do for a long he's thesi worst president in te history of our country.s there's never been anything like what's happening to our country. we have to win this election because we have no choice. if we lose the election we won't have a country left. >> dana: has for that rematch, will they debate again? a gadonald trump is ready ands posting this on his truth social site saying it is important for the good of our country that joe biden and i debate issues that are so vital to america and thec american people,an therefore i calling foanr debate anytime anywhere any place at the whitee house is not too sure about thai >> it's possible there will be
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no joe biden donald trump debates. >> is that what you are excited about? is that what you want to see? you keep asking me in different ways. >> how would president biden doo in a debate? i'm not asking a question about a specific debate, just how would he do? >> and i just say something, you literally saw just last year i back in january 2023 at the last date of the union take onjanu republicans, having a major speech. he took them on as they were heckling him. >> dana: okay. let's take it around the table.t starting with you, craig. s >> she acthes like asking about the debate is some kind of petty question. it's the most important h question, is he going to face off against trump.o we why is trump doing so well? the democrats. that's why. they have bad policy and no a error correctionnd. because to correct an error inth their policy means that you have
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to admit to agreeing to something that the other side might have been pushing so you can't be for a strong border because you already said it wasw a moral evil so you've assigned to that belief, therefore you painted yourself into a corner. it's not just the border, it's crime, it's gender affirmation therapy, on every issue they have filled it with some kind of moral outrage so now they can'ta back away from it. also trump is excelling because of this message discipline. and how did that happen? the democrats. they gobbled up all of this extra free time that trump had with court filings and lawsuits. ninety-one indictments created the best political campaign going because it has narrowedec trumps focus andau it's forced m to stay on mission -- messages, because of time constraints so r thank you democrats for doing what republicans have beendo trying to do for years which is keep trump focused.
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the only thing that you knowthe about trump is everything.t no stone is left unturned. the most transparent, vetted,tt grilled candidate in history. the opposite is biden. the only thing you know about joe ist that he's not in charge. after that it's pretty much ay. mystery. they won't eve wonn tell you whh calling the shots. instead they laugh at your concerns as he hobbles around in a cloud of confusion hoping you won't notice. >> dana: what did you noticeit w from last night? >> a good night for donald trumr and i'm going to predict that in a couple of weeks you are goinga to see nikki haley down and mar-a-lago with her thumbs uphi because that's how this always ends. you do the pilgrimage, whether it's desantis, they always wind up at mar-a-lago standing next to the big guy and that's how you have to unify the country. what does nikki haley want is the question.e they have to unify so what does she want? she's going too? have to endors.
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the endorsement is not going to come for free. does shedo want to be on thehe ticket, to she want secretary of state, do you need to give her either of those things?th and soer you have to calculate o are nikki haley's voters. discard the democrats, discard the never trump so you are left with traditional republicans or you're more urban o college-educatedr republicans. you have to grab them. so does nikki haley's so dendorsement deliver thosepe voters? can cheese persuade thosoteer voters? i would just ask anyone who did not vote for donald trump andld who voted for nikki haley, joe biden is a security threat, you are going to vote for joe biden who has let our country be invaded because you don't like how donald trump makes you feel? people have to stop worrying so much about how they feel and figure out what the country is actually doing. donald trump did not hurt
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anybody for four years.he he hur ht their that's not a reason not to vote for him. she is not going to play spoiler and not endorse. if she wants a future in the party, she has to endorse. >> this morning she said i'veev never noert supported the nominb >> right but she has toto negotiate because sh ne has leverage right now. it's how she's going to use that leveragee th. donald trump, when he was running in 16, laid everybodyid out an ed then stopped on the graves. because he was running as an outsider. now he's running as a former incumbent,in he's going to haver bring nikki and with class. >> dana: what about the democrats providing what greg is saying which is the disciplineda donald trump you've seen thisth time around?is obviously there's lots of experience. i was thinking that 2020 is noto necessarily so much a rematch as it is between the two people. it feels more like 2016 and 2020 >> so good to be back with everybody. you did a great job last time. >> you did a great job.
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>> i differ slightly in this regard. let me tell you where i agree. >> what a surprise . >> first it was a great night for president trump. he was able to consolidate his support. he wast. able to squeeze out ths other person running in less4 than 24 hours in governor haleyh the enthusiasm gap fors ac republicans across the super tuesday states was noticeable. not to mention the fact thatbide president biden saw a lot of uncommitted votes. we saw thousands inds n a lot oh states where the margin was just that uncommitted vote so thee to democrats will have to figure out how you up the enthusiasm.ts and three, i thought last night his speech on one level was good for him.r decides that are challenging foh both of them.di we disagree last night in onein regard. upi think it's incumbent upono president trump to reach out vigourously to governor haleysu and her supporters. when you are the winner i think
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the magnanimous trump, the night he won iowa, was the best i sawf him afteter a win. he talked about governor haley, talked about governor desantisti and abous,t bringing his party together. you have to doha last night i thought you gaveon them great advice on the kind ou speech you would have written anhaved you think he might haven able to deliver, which is to look into the camera and ask about a debate and talk aboutnd black american es and hispanic americans, every american comins to his campaign. he did not quite do that. now we shift to tomorrow and tur it's biden's turn. it will be interesting to see what he does with therr opportunity. owi i think yothu laid a lot ofu out wellt, last night, talking. about the border, blaming republicans for things. i think hedo a will have to do t more. i think he's going to have to talk about signing an executive order. i think you should sign it before the speech not just because of the politics but because i think it would be great for the country., and then challenge congress tott do more.
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but gettinbeg backfo to trump,cs strong night b. governor haley is out of the race now but i think you have tou reach out more to her team ifse you want to see that party come together and you want the haley supporters, whether they are moderate republicans, whether they are traditional republicans who may not be able to stomache president trump, you have to reach out to them in anve aggressive way. >> i think our disagreement was just about who should call who.u haley should call trump or for. trump to call haley. i do think it should be -- >> i don't think anyone -- he should call, you should be calling her and not the other way around. >> dana: i disagree. >> but one of the things we've seen with democrats is they are always united no matter what. ui they are united to the point where they've lost their credibility by saying, you know, this guy is wonderful, he will b be greate as a president.s go again, so much energy, he's goto it all together. to the point where i think theyy hactually have lost their own
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credibility. that's how united they are. they will put their own leaveil ability on the line. among independence, onlyan twenties percent think that biden has unified the country. h right noasw donald trump has the opportunity to bring in those disappointed individuals who want a more unified country. as it relates to nikki haley, you know, i'm disappointed because i was very complimentarp of her in the beginning.i i thought she talked about issues that other people could w not articulate as well as she did and then all of a sudden shd became chris christie.beca all of a sudden she was just hitting trump anytime she could. and, you know, if you recall, i think it was in the 2020 election, mccain took a long i think the point was made that he took a long time to come out and endorse bush and that was one of the closest elections. i thinakk if she takes too longi think it's going to hurt her.he the question is, who reaches out? i honestly think that nikkit haley to me is like liz chaney.
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she's gone so far over the edge and destroying donald trump thaa i don't know that there's a lot of hope but with donald trumpe anything is possible and he knows what he has to do to win. and finally, only 26 percent of people think that joe biden has the mental capacity to serve another election.eedi and so feeding right into that is the necessity that thehe american people demand a debate because the only way he's going to show that he has the mental competence is to debate and he, can't doan it and they know he can't. w >> dana: we will see aftermo tomorrow's estate ofrr the union union performance how that goest coming up,, is the border criss funny? pundits at msnbc think so. pundits at msnbc think so. ♪ ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management knows it's easy to get lost in investment research. get help with j.p morgan personal advisors.
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♪ ♪ to jesse: it's all a big joke >> it's all a big joke to them.e the liberal media laughing anded mocking voters concerned about a border crisis that's caused carnage in america. thousands of fentanyl poisonings that cops assaulted an innocentd american lives snuffed out. she deserved to live her life and not be murdered by anjo illegal immigrant whe o joe bidn led in. but caring about thabut appareny pretty funny to msnbc. i >> if you look at the exit pol polls, i live in virginia, immigration was the number 1s th issue. i mean these could change. >> well virginia does have a border with west virginia. [ laughter ]than >> it gets worse. spearing millions of people in the country who vote republicant >> republican voters don't vote that way, they don't boast based
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on economics or the benefits they are getting economically from the president. they are increasingly from the tee party on voting on race, are voting on this idea of an invasion of brown people over the border, the idea that they cannot get whatever job they want, a black person got its ou therefore drive all the blackd people out of the colleges, getn rid of dei. that is what they are voting on , specifically on racial animus he.f >> jesse: when they were laughing about immigration it reminded me when they were laughing about the crime wave. >> i had a great dinner last do night, i didn't see any crime. it is strange to see so-called progressiv ce strong women who, you know, parade theiruper superiority on the backs of female victims.ra whether it'sti crime, immigrati, women's sports, gender surgery, they indulge militant activism and it's more important to the appease them then it is tocal protect actual biological womenr or just women, average the more wrong they are, the
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more entrenched they become in their wrongness. it's because they apply a moral context to the argument so you are no longer arguing over thefa facts. if you take an objective fact independent of morality, innocent people are victims of crimes due to unchecked illegal migration, that's just an objective fact. you don't even have to be emotional. but inject a moral stance and say that's a xena phobicic p position to take, then trying to solve that problem, have a corrective measure, is seen as immoral and this explains why there are no competing ideas on the shows. we will have competing ideas here and we are able to change our minds. cannot have a competing idea near them because that isr. immoral because it is actuallyfr coming from another side andliev they believe that's wrong.hi so this creates a climate of fear. you don't see at the table but no one on that set will dare speak up for fear of being called i
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there's somebody there on thatb table that's going like i think we went too far, we went too far, so instead they pare it each other's ideologies thatideo harm women.>> >> jesse: if there was the number 1 issue in the countryd and it was louitd and clear in your polls and you just dismissed it, maybe you would think it was you that was missing the big issue.>> j >> the amazing part of this isse that joe biden says he needs the billions to combat the problemoe at the border but msnbc says there is no problem with immigration and there is noo problem with any of this stuff,a that it's really a joke. well it's not a joke to the p family of people whose kids havt died as a result of fentanyl.op just today a state trooper was k killed allegedly by an illegal or violent crime in virginia against a minor, a sexual assault. i mean thesexuy sit on their hih horses and they looked down at
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the rest of us and say too bad your school afford to hireaf teachers who speak urdu and, you know, italian and chinese or whatever . they don't appreciate the problems of everyday americans.b they sitle on their high horse d they pontificate and the truth is we are living in a country without a border. this president is aiding andetti abetting the invasion of this country. we now fincod out that they are flying in illegals to 43 different airports in the country. they won't telorntl usry anythit about it. violent crimes are tin ogn the n by citizens from foreign countries who just want to be here. and it's as a joke to them.. and as it relates to joy, republicans aren't interested in economicicans, we are not makin- interested in making sure ourca families can eat and we cank? afford groceries this week, that we can afford to put gas in our cars? they are livincarsg in a delusil world that is all about hate and i'm tired of it. you can go to any 711, anyan
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dunkin' donuts, any supermarket, there are blacks and whites and brown people and yellow people who are all part of the same families, we all get along, butt they havhie to create this hate because if they don't create this hatee and race baiting, thy are not succeeding. will you know what, i think this is the year where it's going to come down to, just like it did in 2016, it will be a different election this year. >> jesse: harold ford junior. >> the commentators at msnbc were wrong. it's not funnywron.ll sometimes you tell a joke or say something and you may not have meant to say it. it might have been the momentum. you have to come back. i think the west virginia thingt there was some humor to that but there's not humor when you say this isn't a real this is something voters all a across the country are feeling regardless of the state they may live. whether you think border statese because they are on the southern border, should be the only onesa dealing with this, you can'talk tell voters that. we talk about the economic data,
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even some of the crime data suggesting that violent crime id coming down across the country, even in new york but i can tell you, my wife and i don't feely any safer than we did six months ago even though the numbers suggest. if you run on data and not people's feelings, you are going to lose. the same is true with the economy and economic factors impacting every day families. the foremost issue on the minds of voters regard this of where they live is border security.. i hope tomorrow night president bideden will say that he's signg an executive order to reinstate -- to reverse catch and release. that he will reserve -- reverse the executive order about staying in mexico and i hope heh says he's willing to negotiate with the republicans like john fetterman. a may not give you everything you want on the border wall but we are going to get something done because the american peoplese deserve itrv and if you want to call it the rielly act but let'e get something done.
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that would be the news tomorrow, to not only -- the politics will take care of itself but thei issue needs to be addressed and i think can be resolved with not only the president doing what he needs to do but congress as well >> but harold ford junior is not writing the president speech. >> you didn't write trumps lasti night eitherth. >> when was the last time democrats ran on data and not on people's feelings? 2016. it was like at the hillary are clinton campaign. we don't need to go to mission, the number -- michigan, the numbers look fine and thein campaign ig n michigan was sayig we are taking on water and we need help but they would not go to see them. if kamala harris was a newscast and laughing about an inappropriate issue, that's what you would have seen last night. in virginia specifically, the y governor has hadou five peoplepp diaper date -- die per day from
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fentanyl.e two bodiesfo were found in a kis park. right in virginia where you ared talking about. and i don'ond wht understand why don't want to help america'shelp mayors. who doesn't want to help thely mayors of chicago and philadelphia and boston and denver and new york we these ar. blue city mayors who are beggin the white house for help on immigration. finally, mocking suffering is always a bad look but what was joy read calling voters, calling them deplorable's. that is a stain they can't wash out. j >> one more thing, i think americans are also now just questioning data in general. they are not just buying this stuff. when your experience doesn't match the data, you don'te believe the datada. we are in a situation now where we don't believe it. we know that a lot of the crimeo
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data changes because they don't report crimes anymore that theyh downgrade them so they are not actually a reduction in action, they are a reduction in tabulating such events. >> you know what i don't believe >> my collar. >> how tall your collar is. can it go higher? >> just got 10 inches >> very cozy u. >> joe biden steamrolled in thet primary by some random guy. [♪♪] [♪♪] i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts.
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previously unknown democrat from baltimorpreve named jason palmev giving joe biden a surprising defeat there. and he's holding out hope that the president will step aside. >> he's running for president,'s goal is to accept the nominatioa but i hold out a small chance c that joe biden actually wants to be remembered like george washington, that he knew when it was time to pass the torch to the next generation. >> biden also getting embarrassed by that uncommitted protest vote after it drew votet away from him. to you, jesse, this guy jason palmer will be on your show tonight. what do you plan on asking him? >> jesse: my sources in wilmington tell me the biden campaign is terrified of palmer and the fact that michelle obama allegedly is no longer an option at the convention, he's now the second guy that they are considering replacing joe bideno
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with.s this guy is surging at a level we've never seen before. ripped through american samoa like a wildfire., apparently got 50 votes in any island of 40,000 so this guy is the limit for palmer and i will be asking him who he plans on making his vice president tonight. >> okay, dana, palmer hadn't even visited america samoa during the campaign. heca virtually campaigned by a zoom and still defeated biden. how embarrassing is this forbarr biden? >> it made me think that our campaign to make harold ford the mayor of new york city is absolutely going to work because we can do a lot more than that.m the most googled name yesterdayp had to have been palmer's because nobody had ever heard of him. even onset people were like whot is this a joke? but it's not a joke and he willa be on jesse show. the biden team is out with a los of swagger saying that nikki haley took all the votes awayth from trump. and there werees some of course but he's losing all of these
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other votes to uncommitted andve actually it's not just about -- it's about him being too old to run for office. and maybe we will see itwe w tomorrow night but what vision for a second term have you heard from president biden? none. >> none at all. and haroldrd fpr, 2020 michael bloomberg was victorious -- a victorious illn american samoa d we all know how that turned out for him.hink >> yeah, i think there were 91 people who voted. m i have more family members justd on my dad's side. [ laughter ] congratulations to the young fellow for winning but i think for biden, you touched on it,t, the uncommitted vote in michigai and minnesota and north caroline , this has to be a larger and legitimate concern. obviously i think you touched oe some of the polling numbers that show that ages a concern amongsc democrats as well. he can't changmocre that but i k
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one of the other issues is howon the war is being prosecuted in the middle east. roi think trying to find a longr term answer, longer-term solution there, obviously predicated upon hostages being released, i know they are focused on this but this clearli is an issue that rattles many in the party, particularly in a fei states as you great -- giggle there. >> i was giggling at greg. i wrap it >> first of all, we have to cut some slack jimmy carter. [ laughter ] >> just leave the guy, you know, he's so tired of being compared to joe biden.ji mmjimmy carter should be on moue rushmore when he's compared tobe joe biden, you know, let the guy have his golden years.wa i was curious about american samoa because why are they sam called american samoa? i don't know.turn turns out you can't own land if you are not a citizen ofa american samoa. that does not sound very
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american to me. i was looking at real estate. you can rent a four bedroom for 3800 per month. $ 34i was thinking about it.erri i was talking to the election desk, the decisions ask, theyk. are already calling it, they ari calling it for biden for november. [ laughter ] >> and where american samoas, goes, so goes the nation.oe i blams e extreme maga samoans. they probably have voter ids i is there another samoa? >> we split it with germany. >> we should take we should take all of samoa. time to gobble it up, take it all.
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do you know who is samoan? kelsey. also wasn't there a wrestler, the throw in samoan or the angry samoan? that was a punk banned. no, a samoan wrestler. >> wasn't he a baseball player?: >> jason momo? [ laughter ] >> they are telling me we've gotta up next...p [ laughter ] >> progressive policies going down in flames in liberal cities. l cities. ♪ ♪ ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ ( bell ringing) customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more?
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we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> greg: thanks for calling. >> thank you for calling.
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we areah meeting, tonight, same place. he's samoan and reminded me it was the wild samoans, a wrestling tag team. a lot of large samoans out ther. in american samoa and we salute these large people. they are a wonderful people.ral liberal voters delivering a bigo blow tfto soft on crime policie. san francisco residents sidingdg with the cops on law and orderr for a change after passing two anti-crime measures. one lets officers pursue suspectsrime in for felonies and misdemeanors and the other threquires those on welfare to e checked before requiring assistance. also dc passing a crime billl, that would allow police to collect suspects dna before conviction andt declaresu druge zones. and new york will be deploying hundreds of national guard members to fight crime in the
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subway. the plan will ramp up bag checks and metal detectors. all right harold, i thoughtnt crime was going down just a few segments ago but it seems likesi all the democrats are now enacting all of this new crime legislation after 25 year high in homicides, you must feel very small right now, harold, i can barely see you. >> and you always talk like that look, i think that you made my people don't feel like they aree so i give them a lot of credithi for having the ability and courage and bravery to say we were wrong and we have toto reverse this r. if anybody should be excited t this revelation and is rev going the other way, it should n be many around the table because many around this table have beee saying these kinds of policies have to change. they should never have gone in the direction they did but they didn't know they are back so i'm
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thrilled and i'm thrilled thatc. even the mayor in dc who i thinn at the right intentions, wantin to help kids, but you can't help kids who were using guns, you have to enforce the law and you have to be tougher with the law so i'm excited about this. i take the win and just like at the beginning of the segmentment about nikki haley and donald trump coming together, evenng though bad things have been saio by both, we should accept thisay and say more cities should dos o this to make those cities safer. >> look at that, they hate you, harold. listen to >> okay, you knoenw what haroldi love you, but enough of this.s. they finally came to our side. they put in policies that hurt the american people. some of them, one of the firstah to say defund the police and now that numbers are historically low,nts they want to make sureab police have the ability to fight crime, that we have more of them. joe biden, how many people have been killed?d. we have lost our sovereignty asr a nationei.
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now he wants to protect the border after he's flying in hundreds of thousands from other countries. i don't want to here we shouldsh applaud them, they figured ity out. they were stupidgure to do it ie first place, they should beth challenged for it and theyan should be out of office. it's about time there were consequences to actions. o aci still love you, harold, bt this is >> when should woue forgive the> >> i don't want to forgive them because too many people have died and been hurt. london, what did she know about crime. was she a law enforcement expert? no, she waexpes a protégé of wie brown. sh ne knew nothing about anythit and law force meant and she decided she was going to put a whole city in danger.o i don't want to talk about howso many people suffered because of her. it's time for her to lose. >> you have to forgive to lovele and heal. [ laughter ]ould >> we all wish things would happen sooner but i guess wet it just have to be grateful that happens at all. will this end of the drug tourism, you know, people comin> to cities? >> the san francisco chronicledh
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declared that san francisco can no longer be called all progressive cityed. i mean that's saying quite an, t bit. i don't think that's true but could we be honest that it's sort of strange that you have to pass -- that you have to have ae election to tell people that wel should actually enforce the law and make sure that kids have to do math? you have to ask the voters, should we do this?ly y obviously, yes, you should do this. fighting crime is cool again. every mayor in the state of california is on board with repealing 47.ur esi bet that gets done.ets but why does it have to take tho voters to tell the governor actually we don't want people th be able to shoplift like thishe after $950 are pop in ndc two cy council members facing seriousis recall campaigns and this is because they have to pass a bill to enforce metro pairs andarre arrest criminals doing obvious crimes and help police do their jobs. i'm sorry, . >> crazy.y. should fox take a portion of
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your salary to purchase billboards in the cities saying the five was right? >> how much is a billboard? j >> i don't know. >> well we arell, going to neeo know. t i ughter ] but i like what we are thinking. when cathy said she was gonnas put the guard and the subways i thought that's great, it's about time. i found out what she was going to be doing with the guard is going through bags. so she just made the guard a tsa agent. it's going to slow us down. we are trying to get to work, trying to get home and she's going to check innocent civilians purses and pocketbooks? no.ili go after the bad people, don't . hassle me. that's why the line is so long at the airport and can we remember one of my favorite a anthems from the nineties the humpty dance.ev harold, you know it. samoans. one of the famous lines of thato song, samoans
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>> do you know the group? >> digital underground. [ simultaneous talking ]rgro [ laughter ] the >> still love you, harold but you can't dance. >> we really didn't take anything. >> we didn'thing. >> up next one of the most iconic world war ii photos in history. disgusting. [♪♪] [♪♪] ♪ ♪ i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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♪ ♪ >> harold: some major s afroversy over the departm >> major controversy after an official at veterans affairsfici band the iconic time square kiss photo from agency buildings last s sqnight -- month saying the wd war ii image depicts aonse "nonconsensual act." imm the plans were immediately reversed when it was said, let me be clear, this image is not banned from va facilities and we will keep it in va facilities. jesse, what are your thoughts? >> how do they know that's nonconsensual. to me itl. looks like that woman wants it and she wants it bad. >> dana? permission to interrupt? [ laughter ]
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>> jesse stopped talking into the humpty humble i talk about this. i was thinking today, these radical leftists embedded in the bureaucracy are biden's deep state and they are intent on getting as many bad ideas out there as possible. they are the uncommitted that t are causing biden problems and i bet you will see more of this nonsense.>> >> thank god for h his secretar, highest appointed person at the department. >>ed but you know why he revers? it never would have happened without x.d wi the idiot who banned the photo would have gotten away with it if her boss had not seen the story. and it was posted.woke it's weird how x is now becoming a report card on woke idiocy. before you could intercept card. before your parents see it but instead it's grabbed and we see -- i'm hoping this is a return to common sense that, you know, now people aren't scared of correcting this idiocy. before you go my god, they are going to accuse me of being pro-
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rape if i say i like this picture. no, we are just common sense and i think you can thank elon musk for this. he opened the door. look at doritos. did you see what happened? the moment the flashlight was on doritos for what they did, they scurried.r >> the amazing part of thisrt thing is that people want to deep six that. they sleep every sle weekend win someone they met at a bar three minutes ago who is virtually a stranger. >> i wish.ried >> and they are worried abouts this guy. he just won world war ii. get over it. >> well, that's us. one more thing is up next. ♪ hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks!
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remember that today is my favorite day. >> it's national oreo cookie day. to celebrate, we have a wide variety of oreo cookies at the table for everyone. some some some fun facts about all 50% of oreo customers pull the cookies apart before eating them. the number of oreo cookies made the year would wrap around the world five times. it is the most popular cookie of the 21st century, and it takes 2 hours to make and bake one oreo cookie, which i'm going to eat now. >> um. okay. you want to dig in? yeah. i'm going to take this one here and i'll go with my thing. >> so being in space didn't stop two astronauts from participating in super tuesday . nasa astronauts jasmine mock belly. and forgive me if i pronounce your name incorrectly, neural o'hara cast their votes in aboard the international space station while the duo fulfill their celestial civic duty. they weren't the first to do the voting. the that title belongs to us astronaut david wolf, who voted from the russian space station mir in 1997.
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congratulations. and you guys go keep america safe up. >> there you go. space. okay, great. you got space tonight. oh, what a what a lineup we got. charlie. heard aaron perrine cat tip tires. >> that's going to be an all timer. let's do this. >> greg's drunk kangaroo news. not a lot of people know that there's an australian pub in times square called the dirty koala. and at last call when they when the when the kangaroos empty out their drunk and violent, take a look at this pair squaring up. they didn't know what was going on. one of them thought that he had taken the other guy's car keys and they're like trying to beat each other, just wasted. >> it's just terrible. and you know what? it's probably what started by female kangaroo kids around there. yeah, there's kids and stuff and there's a baby. >> see, this time square's going to , i tell you, you know . anyway, come. i'll be at the dirty koala 9 to 11. do it to chelsea. >> well, i want to talk about something sweet. alan moncayo was out delivering food, and he happened to have a stop at an animal shelter in virginia where he was
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delivering an order and he walked in and saw one of the rescue dogs named jehu. and at the front desk, he said, i got to have that dog. my daughter has been asking for a dog. he found this £65 pitbull mix. he took it home and everybody is living happily ever after. isn't that sweet? jesse also good cookies. >> the samoans. oh, remember the girl scouts? how could you forget another? the coconut. the coconut. the very good that. and you guys want to see a great white shark get eaten by a bigger shark? >> watch this. an orca. oh. takes it down like that. navy midshipmen. >> goodbye, great white. sorry about that. tonight rfk jr. and the guy who is going to win the nomination for the democrats, jason palmer, the samoan dragon. 8:00 says that's it for us. >> have a great night, everyone . welcome to jesse watters prime time tonight. we're going to win this


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