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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  March 6, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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walked in and saw one of the rescue dogs named jehu. and at the front desk, he said, i got to have that dog. my daughter has been asking for a dog. he found this £65 pitbull mix. he took it home and everybody is living happily ever after. isn't that sweet? jesse also good cookies. >> the samoans. oh, remember the girl scouts? how could you forget another? the coconut. the coconut. the very good that. and you guys want to see a great white shark get eaten by a bigger shark? >> watch this. an orca. oh. takes it down like that. navy midshipmen. >> goodbye, great white. sorry about that. tonight rfk jr. and the guy who is going to win the nomination for the democrats, jason palmer, the samoan dragon. 8:00 says that's it for us. >> have a great night, everyone . welcome to jesse watters prime time tonight. we're going to win this electionters pri because we havc
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choice. if we lose the election, we're not going to have a countrause w y. >> donald trump wins votes. what's wrong with you people? mye time has now come to suspend my campaign. >> the superpaig tuesday scramb. rfk jr is here. >> you a >> no, just going to pretend that it wasn't over and over again. itit's oh man.what's g >> what's going on with the left? the man who beat biden laster night is here to tell us, hey, prime time's reading the new spending bill.l, even did senators have earmarks ? >> plus, what would they do like that? >> the people just it hasn'tit ' happened in over a century in running againsta presid
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a president in 1912 telescope. teddy roosevelt, who'd already been president, came out of political retirement and ra n under the bull moose party against republican incumbent willia moosem taft and democrat challenger woodrow wilson taftt and teddchalley split the base s and handed wilson the white house and overd handed 100 yearg voters will get to choose between two presidents againeto after donald trump swept 14 out1 of the 15 states on super tuesday, putting him a whisker away fro o m clinching. now these two men are officially on a collision course. >> they call it super tuesday for a reason. >> this is a big november fifth is going to go down as theth single most important day in the history of our country. we're going to take it and we're going to make it like it shoul likd be respected. je >> last night, nikki haley won vermont and dropped out and today came just shyme of endorsing donald.
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>> the time has now come to suspend my campaign. in all likelihood, donald trump will be thean n republican nominee when our party convention meets in jultyy. wis >> i congratulate him and wish him well. nikki will make a pilgrimagemagt to mar a lago and negotiate an endorsement. >> and she's got a little lever, so we'll see where she lands. >>wher but no one took super tuesday harder than the media. iai'm wearing funeral chic toda because i'm so devastated what we saw yesterday. >> if we let things play outay e along these lines, our democracy will fall and we will become a country that doesn't wil have electionsw anymore. >> what's wrong with you people? why do you hathat's wrong e ameu why do you vote for a guy that says america is terrible? a >> they're bitter about the democracy they say they're saving becausebo. they can't control it. >> you have the power and that kills them because power they dt understand you or the issues. >> i mean, if you look at some of these exit polls, i mean,n i live in virginia. >> immigrationvirgin, was the nr
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one issue. i mean, again, these could change and in virginia.. virginia does have a borderav with west virginia. y cont very can tell you what i mean. when i was in new hampshire,ew people were talking about the northern bordehampshirr as a tht because trump has indoctrinated people with this fear of people who do not like look like them t being a threat to them. >> two weeks ago, a venezuelan illegal was arrested two week for a little girl in virginia. mr . 13 controls large swaths of the commonwealth. >>s of migrant kids who don't sk english are packing into virginia schools. >> housing costs are up. virginia's allowed to caren just about more than just virginia. >> virginians are americans, too. re acans tthey don't want to sea the country invaded. >> they don't want to see why gia girls murderedhewant by biden's migrants either. >> why is that? hard to understandt harstand? >> virginia's watching new yorkr and chicago get overwhelmed. . they don't want to be next. not all of us live on an island
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like the vineyard where liberals deport migrants to military basee s 24 hours after they touched down. >> immigration is the top issue in the country. the media is mocking it. the they're mocking you and cal you racist for caring. >> republican voters don't vote that way. they don't vote base voted on economics or based on the benefits they're getting economically from the president . they're increasingly from the tea party on. they're voting on race. tee , votingthey're voting on tw of an invasion of brown people over the border. orthe idea that they can't geta whatever job they want, a black person got it. therefore, drive all the blacks out of the colleges. get rid of d-ii. that is what they're voting on.g >> just voting specificallyon,' on racias spl animus. >> avoiding strong borders is racist and chicago must be country because black americans have beeecausen screaming at politicians to sweep the migrants out.eric a >> jordadan says migrantsestroy are destroying the citiny.
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that's not racism. that's reality. but now that every republicansea have been declared racist, the media demands democrat sof nor storm the beaches of normandy and slay trump like hitler.. >> we were americans and we and were there to save europe fromwl hitler. and now, all of thesl er years later, we have to get together as a country and save the country fromropose the threat that donald trump proposes. >> jes what?e >> you're racist. trump's hitler and immigration is a jok, trump'e. i that's how the media is covering the election and they still won't cover trump. >> and we have no choice. yeah nd we ha. okay. you know, it's -- it's it is okay. i will say that it is awe decision that we revisit constantly rtantly i in terms oe balance between allowing somebody to knowingly lie on your air about things they've lied about before. and you can predict they're going to lie and you tht
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and so therefore, it is justo it's irresponsible to allow them to do's >> it's responsible to censor. f >> that's the argument. this is a preview of the next eight months. see stupid racists can't see their nominee talk about the nation's numbee tar one issue lt night. as graceful as he always gracefe trump appealed to the media's better angeletter ans. >> we need a fair and free>> w press. the prese need as has not been , nor has it been free. but maybe someda y they will be. they're being beaten up pretty badly. people aren't trustingople aren. they're not believing them. and really it's very importantot fact that the press used to be the policeman. w nobo it used to police our country. now nobody has confidencdye inee in them and we have to get that confidence back. it's so important fo nfidencer the success of our country. >>tuntry,e media doesn't wan a successful country. >> they want themselves to be successful, but they don'tlves e if the country goes down the drain because of it. >> the media the
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chooses the politicians for you, and if you don't go along with that, the next day you wake up and have a cup of coffee, scrambleif yous some eggs, turn on the tube, and they scream at you like they're a drill sergeant cf coffee. they s >> donald trump insults our men and women in uniform every day.d >> these young men anday womenye in uniform go their basic training. they kill themselves. they sacrifice their lives one committed to one thing protecting and defending, you, protecting and defending your rights, protectin defendig and defending the united states oof amerif america. and you trash them and you vote for a man who tries to sell. that is just an ex. >> that's a morning he >> he doesn't even say dy how trump's insults the military. it's just a hoax how trum. im just like they say, migrant crime's a hoax. they're going to hoax the wholxe
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election. their new hoax. you ready? biden's brillianelection t. >> start your tape right now, because i'm about to tell you the truth. and ifuth. you if you can't hane the truth, this version th biden intellect, surely analytically, is the best biden ever ever.. >> oh, i'm not really sure thisi is the best biden will evellr be is a good pitch. n is >> this version of biden is biden at his best . goden needs note cards to say good morning. it doesn't get any better than that binder was asked about it earlier. >> watch. why does the president rely so heavil.y on gift cards? >> you're upset because the president has no cards. you're you're asking me a question becauhas note about t president having no cards. >> why? the president has had a probably one of the most successful first three years of an administration than any modern o day president.
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he's done more in the first three years than most presidents. ts who >> we have two terms. you're asking me about no cards. all right, socrate you ares, wih cards. >> fdr without the wheelchair, his garage fdr wi is fort knox. his sons einstein, indistinguishable fromou david hasselhoff on the beach, a midnight hour, a workaholiahoc that no one can keep up with. how can it be that no one else feels this? >> look at california. e peop 14% of the people who voted today feel that their family el their. nt.eadle 14%. that's abysmal. thatyou tell people that the democracy issue, while existential, is more importantmr than that actual experiential th that people are facing, l which is they don't feel that they're living at only 45% of californians by this base are better off under him. >> and he's rambling on about snacks. >> in fact, some of the small snack companie os you want and think you won't even notice what they're doing when, wh
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they charge you just as much are the same sizthey chae bag o chips, only as a hell of a lot fewer chips in it. >> i'l l tell you what.l yo >> i'll tell you who did notice the cookie monster. he pointed out cookies are his cookies are getting smaller. cooki- hiplaying the same pric i was stunned when i found outst that it would actually happen. >> he's talking about missing chip s, the cookie monster. >> even democrats most loyal voters ride or die, have had it with this corn ball. >> i think the presidenthink pre canceled a dream that he couldn't accomplish his famouss quote was that for african-americans, you weren't black if you didn't vote for joe biden. >> the biden alliance, arf yo of politically correct sheep with coastal degrees, federal bureaucrats, the deep state androids and big tech and the media tribe, whosei greatest fear is social banishment are goingal to run this election like a military campaign. right now, as we speak,
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washington is erecting a fence around the capitolnticipat in anticipation of biden's state of the union tomorrow. statenot a fence around the bo, a fence around biden, who thinks he needs protectionon from you.he while he doesn't provide protection from.m fen now, this fence is a sinister symbol to stigmatize halces fn. the country's dangerous. to justify his crackdown, even though we outnumber them, they're powerful and will overue will new with shame. yoom now until november, they'll call you names, treat you like ogres, threaten you, threaten your jolike ogr yb, yo, your status. >> this will be an all out war by biden's alliance against the american people in the nam e of saving democracy, which is the most cynical part of thih iss. e yo >> they'll try to separater you from your senses, your instincts, your, fromyou kn your conscience. >> you know what's right and wrong. but they'lowt anl get in betweee you and your heart and they'll make you doubt it. makethis election will not be ab policy. >> that's the last thing
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they want it to be. >> it'll be a blood sport. the ugliest campaignill be in american history. >> now, usually it's the politician who gets destroyed. but now they're targeting you. soso prepare pre yourself and sy strong. >> presidential candidate robert f kennedy jr joins me now. >> so the presidenential ct of o united states has opened the border. >> there's over 10 millioncalls th he calls the newcomers in this country. dren. >> they're children. one of them just murdered anm ju american girl in georgia. is the president a national security threat? well, you know, is dismaying to see those shows on msnbc. joy reid and rachel maddow and james archy ridiculing middle class americans who are concerned about what'sng a happening at the border. what's happening at the border would be unsustainableth wou for and unacceptable that any country in the world we're
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watching and it's not racist mec to say that the mexican drug cartel should not c be controllingarte be u.s. borde policy. i've been down there twice horrd and it is absolutely horrendous. >> there's 7 millionthere's 7 ml people who've walked across the border and gotten free plane tickets, manhey of them ay destination they want. and as you pointed out,r mayor adams, new york city, i said this is an existentia lyork threat to new york city.he he was not exaggerating. new york city haggeratind to cud police budget by 5%. sanitationcent and budget for 5e it's education and health care budgets by 5% in order to pay for this influx of immigrants that have come into this city, there are no city.w encampments around the island which are on the playing field for new york's public schools. covio for two and a half years during covid, these kids, many of them on scholarshisepct, trajectory, could not play their sports. and it ruine not d many of them hop
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and ruined their hopes for a certain kind of life a. and today they can't play again because there is illegal immigrants encamped on this street and all the immigrant ene are being preyed upon. so humanitarian crisis for theme as well. ll >> i thought at the border they been exploited, extortei s many of them been, robbed, brutalized by the cartel rapeds. before they come across. they come here and theyhere can't legalln'y work. so they are they're preyed upond by unscrupulous employers who blame them. eight, nine, ten , $12 an hour. there's contractors in new york that are hiring them for the u.s., and then they're bidding against unionr s shops for jobs. jesse >> so it's hurting, at least crushing every holiday, every evy. shing it's crushing the safety of the streets, it's crushing bank stre. tsthf th it's kind of crushing just the overall fabric of theen society. >> when you overwhelm cities to this magnitude, overwhel people are
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panicking. rfk jr. that you're going to steal vote ils from them. i don't know what the game plan is. what'st th states you're going to be on if you're going to beif on every battleground state, what does that look like to you ? jersey i'll be on the ballot >> every state and the district of columbia. >> i mean, that's a key. jesse: i'm going to be competig with voters. >> they're going to be able to vote foor you. yeah, well, i'm already beating both president trumpt and president biden among independents, which is the largesbiden t cohort. independents are now 52% of thep american voting public. >> this is the first election in the history where independents outnumbers and de republicans and democrats. beating both president biden and president trump in young peopleum, people under 35 in bal the battleground states. i guess amonund statg all peoply 45, i'm tying president biden with hispanic voters and beatin tg president trump
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by ten points. and all of theseohor the only cohort where i'm on the losing on are baby boomersh and when we start reaching them with advertising, we're going to bring them around we will th. >> all right. and i'm sure you're going to mention the website because we would help with the advertiser. >> and you just add any 24 to br the fourth york juniore.. it >> i appreciate it. thank you. what's going on with aoc >> jesse? her husb >prshe and her husband, everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. super white teeth. >>over teeth they want that hold white smile. >> new sensodyne, clinical away rights to shades, whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protectio n . >> i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot it's going to help a lot of patientdes tools that hent >> there are some thingsd that work better together, like that work better together, like your workplacebenefi and retirement savings. will you provide tools that help you make the right
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to avoid soap injection, which can cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis. this is the best day of my life. >> the brand first state of the union president biden addresses to duckduckgo on all your devie
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duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. happens and you're going to be exceptionally stink free and smell as good as humanly possible. >> don't fall for the talk about a divided republican party. they'll get it together and son will when you preorder my book on amazon. troubling tales from preordarrive
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the liberal fringe will arrive on march 19th to your beautiful mailboh 19x, and then you will e said book and you will devour it lovinglvinglyy and cherish i. then drive to a book signing where i will. sig i wiljohn hancock it hug yd tell you what? dana perino really is like. th the democratic coalition is in shambles after 100,000 liberals in michigan voted against last week.ands thousands and thousands of them continue to votete uncom. nearly 30% of democrats in minnesota voted for someonejo besides joe. 20% of democratst in massachusetts voted against biden, almost 100,000 democrats in north carolina. >> key swing state didn't pick the president. hillary vaughn wondered, are democrats worried? >> i think the entire country is deeply concerned about the slaughter that's now taking place in gaza.ican peo the american people have got to come together and say to then president, say to the republicans in congress, we're not going to let that happen. sh do you think that president,t
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should be worried about november? ieouti think, look, iff yo you're talking about michigan, we're purple state. gi'm not worried. i know what we got to do. we got to roll up our sleeves and do our jobs. we got to get the votes. do our >> i think there's a very stark choice in november. adam schifd get ths f even enjoys vict his little victory party last night. he was shouted dowy lastn by abg democrats on three. i want to thank you all. aoc always on the side of the protesters. >> she wrote the whole point of protesting is to make people uncomfortable. >> how uncomfortable was she when pro-muslim protesters heckled her and her fianceestere after a sunday matinee? ? >> call it a .
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you're not actually against. why haven't you comeng t in and you're going to cut this and even clip this so that it's completelys so out of context?tt i already said that it was. and you're just goingsn't o to pretend that it wasn't over and over again. it's of people likelesson you. >> let this be a lesson to the left. not every protest is righteoustn . you've given your side a license to rage, respect and decorum aside. so when the tables are turned, consider how we gos ar t here. >> a lunatic with a gun flew across the country and waslock o arrested just a block from justice kavanaugh's house. >> so be carefulecavanaug what h for before it goes too far. >> and prime time doesn't --t involved in people's private lives. >> but in this case, we're going to make an exceptioneople consider this advice not justs i in aoc's fiancee, but to all men in a relationship with a woman. nship a womyou don't need to kk the protester out, but you need to d o more than what we just saw. what does this say about their relationshipoes ?
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i'm not going to speculate, but this is straight, bu to ask my favorite big latina. >> i love you. i see you're my favorite. >> it's official. biden lost his first primary last night. yican salked into super tuesda expecting a clean sweepam but lost american samoa to a candidate who bred there didn't even know. we just have a call now in american samoa. de president biden will lose to jason palmer, a self-described entrepreneur, u an investor. palmer beat biden byr 11 votes, making joe the first incumbent to lose a primary since carterte lost 12 states to ted kennedy in 1980. even though biden only lost by 11, he may be filing for a recount because the energy coming out of the palmer campaign appears to be unstoppable. >>er ca you can tell biden, smartings from the loss, he didn't even call palmer to congratulats.
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e him. >> and has president biden >> hto to congratulate jason palmer? >> we congratulate jason palmer ex his win last night in the prime time exclusive. democrat presidential candidate and samoa darkc horse jason jason palmer joins me now. jason, have you ever been to samoa? >> i actually have never been to american samoa, but i do think it's a very beautiful country and i look forward to going there in the future try an. >> well, that's a part of america, so i guess it's not really a country. how dia so is nod you campaign ? >> so we campaigned there in simplest of ways. we hired three local people who had worked on previous campaigns. and miracle and dorian did a fantastic jodorian fanb. and it just was virtualvirtua town halls, beach clean up, really talking to people about what their key issues were. and those key issues actually lined uy issues werd tm on my platform already. so more resources for
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education. so moremore focus on health car they only have one hospital in american samoe,a and it hasni been upgraded in a long time. a lot of people want to go into healthpl care as a career, but their college is only a community college. if i saying this wrong, is itg, samoa orit is it samoa? you know, it's actually pretty hard for people to get this sore sam-o. >> moe samoa. okay, so you hired a miracle and she worked one up for you. it is actually true. where do you live? s sah-so i live in baltimore,moe maryland, but i have lived and grew in upstaten up new york and went to the university of virginia. >> all right. upnew york you expect to win tes next? >> no, i did not expect to win texas, but we're going to compete vigorously in arizona , partly because s of what you were just showing earlier on your show. >> immigration r on you is the numberans an one concern for americans. and i'm about ready to come out with a com 12 page plan for howe can solve immigration, which i'd be happy to go into.s surg it involves surging border judges. >> and i'm really surprised nobody judge the surge.
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judge surge. s everybody needs a judge surge. who's going to be your vp? tis it going to be an american samoan? >> they're going to be three delegates that go to the convention from american samoa. but i'm not choosing my vp v today, although i did see rfk jr. on your show jus t a bit ago. sho i would love to challenge him to a debate now about beatintg a joe biden. it's time for rfk jr and i to get on the debate stageogeth. and they got me i will rela: i y the messagei to rfkss jr.accept we'll see if he accepts the debate challenge. bate cha be up there bec debating joe biden because that would definitelty be a sight to say. i would definitely take a debate with joe biden as well. taka de witi should tell you, y co-hosted a debate last week lia of two libertarian candidates and two green candidates. >> so co-hosting and you're cas and we'reoud of very proud of you. very, very proud. polmar thank you so much. tell yry proud everybody in bala i said hello. >> thanks, jesse. i appreciate it. nkappreciaprime time has read ti new spendingng bill.
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so unbelievably soft leather jackets find mongolian cashmere at a fair price. get free shipping on 365 day returns at queens .com. >> biden's borders covered in crime tape. and it's bringing us to our knees. us to ourmeet 33-year-old raul, santana country of origin, mexico. how long he's been in america? nobody knowshow s . opular but we do know. initainly popular in the jails ,he's built up quite the rap sheet. suspended licenses, marijuane t, possession, domestic violence, assault. >> but he's game the system just like other dreamers. and it's resulted in tragedylika over the weekend, raul smoked a ball, knocked back some servicesbowl, . coors court docs said he prefers coors light and got behind the wheed gol, going at least a hundred miles an hour. no headlightan hs on. >> here's the shoulder of the road like it was a nascar track. s andand raul's joyride ended in murder, smashing his suva
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in the 27-year-old washington state trooper. 27-yd washinr gad's patrol car.r >> dad was only on the job for two and a half years and leavesf behind his wife, cameron, and two year old daughter kaitlyne . iden's >> but according to biden's policies, drunk illegals like raul are welcome to stay. >> what exact changes would you bring to ice as an agency? >> i would hold i.c.e agents accountabl ie. ol >> in fact, they stepped over my executive order. you only arresle t for the purpose of dealing with a felony that's committeh d and i don't count drunken driving as a felony. >> believe it or notis a fel, ur current law, do you guys aren't included in the list of crimestt that trigger deportation t? tha. >> we're hoping to change that.i co-host of the five, judge jeanine pirro, joins me now. >> what's so frustrating is allo of these things are just preventable. first arrest. goodbyf thes aree. yeah, well, he hadep four arrests. one was for domestic violenc, w one was driving with a suspended license.
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one is for possession of marijuanad lice and the othes for failure to appear. this guy has been in this countr thiy a long time. we don't know how he came in when he came in, but we do, u always been arrested four times and twice in those four times. done, once you got a sentenceen of 90 daystenc, 85 days suspende which means he only serves five. >> second, only ser he got 90 days, 87 days suspended, which means you only stay in jail for three. look, illegals are the criminals who are privilegedlegb in this country, unfortunately. and when joe biden says,id i wiu fire an i.c.e. agent if you take over the port, someonef who hasn't convicted, hasn't been convicted of a felony, thenfelo he has indicated he doesn't care. and also he doesn't understand the lae doeshe laww because you be convicted of drunk driving as a felon conviy if you kill, y someone, if your blood alcohol level is a certain leveloud, if there's various kinds jo injuries or if maybe it's your second or third. joe biden doesn't know the law t . he doesn't understand this. and he has put these put
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americans at risk because and he gets out of ever having to answer foetr any of the crims that are committed by these migrants. that's why donald trump has already challenged him to debate the binder was. >> asked about this earlier. watch. now that the field is down to two is president, i'm going to commit to a debato e with donald trump. >> that's something for k to or weare goinea know a lot of debates are going to be. we w know where they're going to be. going too? to g you should speak to the campaign in 2020 once he goto down to one on one. joe biden saide on, i can hardly wait to debate him. >> how about now? ord, you >> i'm going to sound like a broken record. you should reach out to the campaign. do you believe that he can >> jait hardly wait to debate trump? tojoe is frightened of donald trump. biere is no way joe bidedonald n will debate him because he is incapable of debating him and th debbecause american peopn they understand the guy is in cognitive decline every dad thi
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he's worse than the day before. so this guy's afraid they're going to wra y willp in saran t wrap and say we're not going to allow him to debate donald trump because donald trump is lying. we don't know what he's lying about. we don't know if it's true or abou'st, but it's not going to happen. >> all right. i bet you want a dinne r that he debates. and if you lose, you have to bit e me much more than a dinner, by the way. >> that's the that's wager.. and it's on trade. that's to be clear. wepy, well, write it u afterwards. and you have a special. yes. a cocaine godmother. yes. griselda. blanco. >> griselda blanco is individually accountable fore the increase in miami's economy in the late seventies and early eighties. she's the first female cocaine g drug lord. she was vicious. she was a sociopath. she killedcious,as at the drop a and she started as a madam. >> she bring in herself from colombia, and then she would make undergarments and put cocaine kearments e in the unde. and then she learned like the big guys, you do it over s the water, a real sociopath. but you got to watch it.
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all righ hav t. >> we'll watch it. fox nation, judge jeanine, fox swhere the sociopath are and the stuff draws happy. are and the stuff draws happy. >> deaesse thursday on a wednesy ,there's a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50% dry. >> don power wash this spray. >> don power wash this spray. it removes and grime in half the time it cleans. so powerwash. multiple cleaning products. >> tried don power wash is feeling dry, tired, stressed get a boost of moisture with bio true hydration boost eyedrops for comfort throughout the day. >> they're preservative free, gentle and made with naturally inspired ingredients. stay bio true to your eyes. tax season is hunting season for identity thieves, which is why tax fraud was up 30% last year. mike lock alerts you and works to fix problems with a dedicated restoration agent. lifelock identity theft protection starts here.
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think you will too. i can feel the winds of change in the house.half a >> just passed the half a trillion dollar spending bill today. thousandn dolls spendings pagese >> no one had time to read it. we didn't even know about it.itu and we just opened it up. w and here'sha what we found. $850,000 for bus stop equityn in california. we don't know what that means. we don't know if they're going to put a bus stop in a to p sto a poorod ore neighborhood. but a bus stop is just a small thing that keeps stojust a dry n rain and a sign that says bus stop, 850 grand. what $1,000,000 for a solars fo sonel jail on an island in the south pacific,ut a jail that ony holds 180 people. and the solar panel will probably cost more than the entire jail itself. >> one hundred for an internet
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cafe in oregon. an internet cafe? >> what is this? germany in the nineties, awhn internet cafe. >> are they just giving moneyar to starbuckse th ? >> how about this? 15 million dollars to stri p ankle monitors on cows? how hard is it to keep track? 0o a cow. they're £1,000 in sloun and sw and fenced in the acp balti in baltimore is getting a half a million bucks for their headquarters d. >> they help democrats, so why l not send thepem a half a million dollars? fire marshal bowmados? n, the guy who pulled the alarm on capitol hill, wants a million and a half dollars to teach kindergartners teach about clime change. fetterman wants $1,000,000 forln a community center that hosts d fetish and parties. i think that's torture. when he got caught about it,s his office put out a statement saying he retracts the earmark. but no put out statemew fettermt
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and says he actually does support the fetisactuallyh parn museum and he doesn't know why. his staff denied it. dianne feinstein, who passed away in october, sadly, even has an earmark herself. now. we don't know how or when or why. feinstein has been dead a while, has an earmark in the latest bill, but there's 5 million bucks for a shootingn range with her name on it in california. >> didn't congress throw a mutiny because the last speaker was spending too mucbec what's going on here? none of thes?e people do what they're told. we're trying to bring down inflation. this we are is causing inflation. >> we don't need solar panels on jails or ankle monitors for cows. give us a border wall, a strong militarycows. wal, and fix the s and a g. ope >> if she is the ceo of open the books, adam, explain to meeh
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why a bus stop cost a milliones bucks when all the bus does is stop there. >> welop therel, it shouldn't. look, this bill is a bipartisan congressional spending. we took a look at the five states getting the most earmarkst of this bill. number one is california. no surprise there. se theretebut states two and the rock ribbed republican states, florida and texas. each of them are gettingm north of $700 million of earmarks out of this bill. number four is new york. that's schumer's democratic state. no surpris, e, but number five s maine. maine is ranke. d 42nd on population, jesse, but number five, on the receipt of earmarks because of republican us senatorrecausef susans wh collins, who partnered with her withdemocratic colleague to brig nearly a half billion dollars worth of earmarkais into maine.t >> and jesse, i can tellacks you tonight that the lumberjack acts in maine, they're celebrating. >>eywre getting a nethng.
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one women's museum in patten, maine. >> well, they said, i'd ratherdr have a lumberjack museum than a fetish museum. >> and that doesn' atnjoyin have anything to do with me not enjoying whatever it is they do. okay? they can do whatever they want. but here's the thing. we're trillions of dollarsbu thi in debt. um >> we don't need a fetish lumbe museum. we don't need a lumberjack museum. we don't need anr jackm any mors . >> we have enough museums. we need to get out of debt. yeah, noh. get, adam, we got to go. yeah, we'll be doing this on a is something we must have. >> happy diy thursday on asday wednesday. state but in state of the union, not t going to stop prime time from so celebrating its favorite daythee of the week. >> so in honor of reverend al, we're going to bring you the best storiesek about diversity, equity and inclusion. >> first up, march rsity, e second wasse national reading day. and that's a good thing because reading is fundamental, but instead of preordering, amt itpreord together on amazon.
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>> troubling tales from the liberal fringe, which you willom just absolutely havea fetish about. >> kansas city democrats read a kid's book called introducingt teddy a gentle story about gender and friendship. , it's about two teddy bears. one of them's tranon s. wrong, >> what's wrong, thomas? talk to me. if i tel t.l, use that thomas might not be my friend anymore. thomas is t bea i will always be your friend. thomas. thomas. the tedd i will ysy took a deep. >> i need to be myself in my in heart. i've always known that i'm a girl. teddmyearts y, not a boy. >> teddy. i wish my name was tillie, not thomas. >> if you haven't realized by now the demise of grits, let me jusreal that take you to sche specifically the university of virginia, whichto schoo spenf nearly $20 million a yearnd on d-i. open the books for you, the college and some of the staff members make more thanhe e the president. >> the global chief diversitsidy
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officer, martin davidson, is raking in $450,000 a year. that's nearly 600,000. you when you factor in his benefits . kevin mcdonald, the vp for d-ik, he makes over 400 grand. >> and then there's chief diversity and community, engagement officer tracy downs,w 400 gs. it's good work i youf you can get it. and no, by thursday or wednesday is complete without a victory. doritos fired spanish trans activist samantha hudson just two days after hiring him or her or whatever. >> samantha has quite the online history froming in describing in graphic detail what he'd like to do to kids, vm to making fun of victims of abuse. >> so we have this entirexuale public agenda is about . adicating western values >> you're a liberal and i advocate abolishing, destroying and annihilating the traditional monogamous nuclear. bea >> it's not like i'm going
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to beat up my parentparents. >> okay, doritos, good job. and then doritos deleted all of the videos of this guy or girl and the parent companystatm released a statement saying, we recently created a contenten ren series. samantha hudson, a local influencer. weinflue have ended the relatiop and stopped all related campaign. so doritos canceled samantha or sam, and they're still just ripping you off through shrinkflation and don'rougt you0 chips when they shoulds an be selling you 50 pickles and manhunts ahead want to know a secret more than just my armpit stink. >> that's why i use secret whole body deodorant everywhere. we're all human. t both it's okay to smell like one. i smell very humaner right now,p
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you like practicint yo dg name? i heard something about it. banderas. you and greg, you both have it wron u and gr. havg, but it's fine.>s >> okay. all right. talk about getting stuck in a picklese getting . there's a manhunt going on inrsy jersey after a prankster went bobbing for pickle afters. >> a convenience store. watch a pickle poacher peekingaa interest here in glassboro. a man is wanted for recordingan an apparent social media stunt. ial medithat simply went sour. it may not have been a big deal, but police say a what happened at this glassboro conveniencte store two weeks ag was, in fact a crime. if the brinya bandit wanted to go viral, well, he's going ac relish this while h. a video given to us shows him in action with a head down to the pickle barrel. >> but now that mr. pickle littoing public, maybe he bit off a little bit more than he can chew. >> bandera hs have you ever gone bobbing for pickles? i have not. i keepfor pick my face away from pickles. that's smart. it's very sour.
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what was going on with this t gentleman. well, he is a perfect example >> justsor youthhis absolutely so stupid. i mean, this is. he did this because he wanted to get socia causl media hits. he wanted to go viral. i hope he ends up in jail. it's not e ends a big that's vandalism. it's no big deal. disgusting is what idisgustit ie all right. woke official over. the department of veterans affairs, tried to put on this famous times square kiss photo. you know that one? bannin timquarg it from buildin. she claims it depictsa a nonconsensual act. the va secretary caught windthe of ivat and said, no, that stay. that lookdo non-consensuaeslm o to? >> you, julie? she doesn't seem to be fighting it. no. yeah bfightingt., no, it's fine. she looks into it. she's absolutely into h look at her it's like, limp down. she's like, take me downdsshe' and she was there when the soldiers were returning from war. dierre expect?id >> i mean, he's an american hero, and she's just paying the amerim back.>> jes it's the least. i bet you that not only she coh. id himack witse least >> i'm just saying.
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all right, julie, thank you so much. you're welcome. b >> jessee.let's do some texts. >> we got gary from nebraska. says joe biden seems to think the cookie monster is a registered votercookie. >>hn from new york, we put ankle monitors j on cows, but nt criminals. that sounds about right. bill from chesapeake, virginia for some reaso, virginn i this jason palmer guy palmer is exploding all over the scene. ralph from ohio was craig one of jason palmer's three hires in samoa. it was a miraclethree hire and s samoa. >> we think tony from colorado you cannot do diy thursday on a wednesday. >> this is against the rules. we make the rules here weinst. >> biden's state of the union address is preempted the thursday, so we'll have special coverage of that tomorrow w s. >> check it out. and always remember, i'm wars and this is my world world.


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