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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 7, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) constant contact's advanced automation lets you send the right message at the right time, every time. ( ♪ ) constant contact. helping the small stand tall. >> ainsley: it is 8:00 a.m. on the east coast.
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it is thursday, march 7, this is "fox and friends." >> brian: the brother of laken riley murder suspect linked to a venezuelan gang. >> lawrence: and tonight's state of the union as public reset. former obama adviser david axelrod is not sure it is going to work. >> if you're sitting around your kitchen table and talking about the future of democracy, you are not paying a lot of attention or don't need to to the cost of food on your table. >> steve: bringing home the bacon to shell it out on a bacon cheeseburger. the online outrage over the cost of that order at five guys north of $24. >> brian: little fry $5.19. >> ainsley: final hour of "fox and friends" starts right now and remember, mornings are better with friends.
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>> steve: in exactly 13 hours, president biden is set to deliver his state of the union address tonight and his 2024 opponent, former president donald trump said he will closely be watching and live truthing. >> brian: we have live team coverage. lucas tomlinson is live in washington. we begin. lucas, we'll start with jacqui heinrich live at the white house. >> jacqui: president biden has to convince americans of two messages, that trump would threaten democracy and that biden has done a good job on things like the economy, despite the poor polling that reflects on him. he will also have to deliver his speech with enough vigor to convince voters he is electable for another four years at ripe old age of 81 years old. this speech is coming days before the special counsel
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robert hur is set to testify before congress after painting the president in mental decline in his report. we will hear the usual claims from the president about the republican agenda, gop wants to roll back abortion rights and abroad with growing isolation to ukraine aid. biden will likely hit the senate to address the border and deflect blame over the crisis to the other side. he will put most effort into convincing americans the economy is doing well, that he is creating jobs and he will paint greedy corporations as the boogieman responsible for less bang for your buck. he will try to connect with americans on the economy by marketing himself as scranton joe and his opponent as a wall street elite. the former president said on
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truth social, i'm pleased to inform you, we will be doing live play by play of crooked joe's address, i will correct any and all inaccurate statements. house speaker mike johnson is sharpening his attacks on biden's biggest liability, the border, pointing to migrants coming in illegally being on terror watch list, fentanyl, cartels. big question is whether biden will mention trump by name. typically state of the union addresses try to strike a unifying tone, it is a campaign message. with biden central campaign message painting trump as threat to american freedom, there is a chance he takes a darker approach. >> steve: in the last report you said the speaker told republican members don't heckle the president. i understand the white house is upset and worried that there is
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a pro-gaza outburst and apparently number of members of congress are bringing people who have of loed ones who were killed in that conflict right now. they are worried about joe biden yelling -- having guests of democrats yell at joe biden. >> jacqui: that is right. it is funny, the white house wants crowd engagement on things that could work for them. last year biden played up whether or not republicans wanted to cut social security, that was not true. biden made a deal getting them to agree to the thing they were going to do, protect social security. it played well for the president, the crowd engagement. they don't want crowd engagement with folks opposed to his handling of the war and the white house has been asked if he has reached out to rashida
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tlaib, palestinianian american who has been critical of the president and we got a generic answer from the white house. just he is constantly engaged with people. that is a concern. we see it in public and protesters showing up at his eventing. he will likely address it in his remarks. >> brian: looks like he'll have trouble doing his speech without being interrupted. tell that to adam schiff, same thing. some lawmakers are bringing families of hostages there and two police officers that were beat up by illegal immigrants in time square will be guests of a new york congressman. >> ainsley: i love that. >> lawrence: contrast of the guests, pro-hamas wing of democratic party bringing people that are anti of israeli guests talking about what happened on october 7. that shows dichotomy in the democratic party. >> ainsley: it is not open to
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the public, you have to be invited by members of congress. they are bringing mother-in-law of nicole ghi, one of those killed in afghanistan. >> steve: question is whether or not because we know he will talk about how bad things were during the trump years. the question is whether or not he actually names his campaign rival by name. long tradition is you never pick on a person by name. the other concern is whether or not he is going to use the word abortion. as a practicing catholic, he doesn't use abortion, he talks about reproductive right or right to choose and does not use it. it has been a potent weapon for democrats, there is a good possibility he will break with personal tradition and use the word abortion and call out
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donald trump. >> ainsley: he would be smart to talk about immigrant and closing the border. we heard people want to hear how they will close the border. if he's smart, he'll talk about that and the economy and he will talk about shrink-flation, and how many potato chips you have in the bag. people just need to be able to afford the potato chips or food on their table and david axelrod talked about that messaging. >> there is talk about the soul of the nation and future of democracy. if you are sitting around your kitchen table and talking about the future of democracy, you probably are not paying a lot of attention or don't need to to cost of food on your table and most americans have more immediate concern, biden has to address those tomorrow night and explain how he's fighting for them. >> lawrence: has to be willing to take the l and say, we failed
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on some things. he will not do it. he will talk about guns and he doesn't care about his son having a weapons charge because he was doing drugs. he will take on the rich and say the rich needs to pay their taxes. he will talk about the border and say donald trump broke the border and they would sign this bill. he will not discuss executive orders he undid on day one. there is an opportunity to do something different. i don't think he's prepared to do that. >> ainsley: if you have to reset after three years in, there is a problem. >> steve: they want to reset the polls is what they want to do. >> brian: the thing is, there is frustration among many in the media that all they are running down the president, chaos and unworthy and with all the law fare taking place, weren't you listening to me, how could he be
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beating the president in all four major polls, every battleground state, except pennsylvania, saying no one is listening to me. nikki haley would admit this, i thought would, they say trump brings chaos. i would like to do a study how many times trump brings cas on or how many times chaos comes to him and he fights back. the russia investigation, the impeachment and ukraine conversation. don't support rudy giuliani was doing and pandemic hit and president went front and center and that has not happened in generation and a half. if you looked at him and have same type of discerning attitude with him as you have with biden, might be a different story. to the chagrin of many, according to "new york times," 47% of american people think
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that trump has a better chance of peace and security in the next four years than joe biden. 30%. >> lawrence: he has a direct record to run on when there was peace, you had the abraham accord. >> brian: he was supposed to bring normalcy. >> lawrence: he didn't do it. we will see this again. the rematch is happening, this is what donald trump had to say on truth social. >> steve: after nikki haley dropped out. >> it is important joe biden not debate on issues vital to america and american people. i am calling for a debate any time, anywhere, any place. he's ready. this will be the longest general election, the question is, will joe biden agree? >> ainsley: he should. have we ever had a -- >> since '60. >> ainsley: you are saying we've always had debates.
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>> steve: republicans walked away from the commission on presidential debate. they have to figure it out, it doesn't sound like he will end up debating. >> ainsley: i don't think he can. >> steve: i think a lot of people upon watch tonight to determine if joe biden can get through the speech. there are no handlers, no explainers explaining what he was talking about, just him on the stage and elwoo be able to see him in realtime how he does. >> ainsley: this is a written speech prepared and written for him. in a debate -- >> steve: we have seen him have trouble with a teleprompter. >> ainsley: imagine a debate, he can't take flash cards or note cards. >> steve: that is why donald trump wants to debate. they said if donald trump is desperate to see donald trump in prime time, he can watch the state of the union. >> lawrence: such a dodge. >> steve: they will not debate.
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>> brian: can kjp comment on that, is that violation of the hatch act? >> lawrence: i don't think confirming if the president will debate, i don't think that is campaigning. >> brian: three days off to learn that speech. >> steve: any time question regarding election, she reverts to can't talk about it. >> lawrence: last thing i will say before we move on, part of the problem with rnc, there are people on the commission that were anti-trump. the president said i will deal with anyone, rnc is concerned, the people are making statements about trump. we deal with that with the media everyday. >> steve: i hope you are right, we would love to see it. >> lawrence: governor of alabama signing new law for
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federalization clinics and patients. >> steve: this iv f move comes after clinics suspended operation after a supreme court ruling that made everybody crazy. >> ainsley: lucas tomlinson is live with details. lucas. >> lucas: good morning. reset, alabama governor signed that bill after state supreme court decision led clinics to -- protect doctors from prosecution after court ruled frozen embryos are unborn children. alabama is proud. we are a pro-life, pro-family state. republicans face backlash after ruling, former president donald trump demand state lawmakers
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allow ivf. alabama fertility, one clinic that paused treatment last month said wednesday before the bill became law, it is ready to resume ivf treatment. sitting in the governor's box will be -- supreme court decision. >> brian: nobody in this country, sorry, lucas, sorry for yelling. nobody is anti-ivf >> nobody. don't make it up like they are grasping to make this a hobbs decision, it is not. >> lawrence: they need a moment, they knew they ran on roe v. wade last time and got some success from that. >> ainsley: i wonder what those women did when they had to pause for a little while, when you are
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preparing your body for ivf, you have to have injections, medicine everyday, i wonder if those women lost all that money and medicine, if they have to start over again? >> steve: great question. great the governor of alabama did that before the state of the union address. we know at 5:00 this morning, list came out, one of the first names listed is somebody with ivf, a guest in the first lady's box. >> lawrence: former president calls them miracle babies, i don't think this is a big divide. >> brian: i have the headline that said first test tube baby. we are pro-test tube baby, right? >> ainsley: we are pro-baby. >> steve: we'll find out in 12 hours and 46 minutes. fox news alert minutes away from opening statement in the trial of james crumbley, father of the
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guy who did the shooting at oxford high school. >> ainsley: he faces four counts of involuntary manslaughter, same charges his wife jennifer was convicted of last month. >> brian: live in pontiac, michigan, robin. >> you are right, we are just minutes from opening statements happening in pontiac, they are set to begin at 8:30 this morning. they are happening after jury selection, 15-person jury was seated yesterday and does include three alternates. those 15 people will decide fate of james crumbley, the father of the oxford high school shooter. he faces four counts of involuntary manslaughter stemming from the deadly shooting back in november of 2021. and that is when his son brought a gun to school and ended up
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killing four students and injuring seven others. james crumbley is accused of buying that gun for his son and then not properly storing it away so he could get his hands on it and then commit this crime. this jury will decide his face, they are made up of nine women, as well as six men and they were asked a number of questions before they were seated. they were asked their view on mental health and gun ownership and parental responsibility. 8:30 this morning, couple minutes from now, they will begin hearing opening statements, a roadmap to what they will see and hear over next several days. this trial is expected to last around two weeks. his wife, jennifer crumbley, she was found guilty on the same charges last month, the first parent to be convicted in a mass
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shooting committed by their child. again, everything will happen right around 8:30 this morning. we'll stay out here and continue to follow the developments throughout the day. reporting from pontiac. >> steve: everybody will be watching to see what happens. >> brian: ripple effect is titanic, we want these to stop and sadly they are not and we going to parents now? >> lawrence: i hope it is a wake-up call and you can't control everything your child does, there is investigation after and i covered school shootings where there were signs and proper reporting was not done to authorities. >> steve: look at adam lanesa. >> brian: killed his whole family first. >> steve: his mot got him the gun, that is the problem. carley joins us.
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>> carley: today marks three years since -- he had his freezer in parts of the cabin replaced. police could not get a search warranty before he sailed out. kansas city chiefs fans are facing -- negative four degree temperature. the director of a burn center saying the patients who had frost bite injuries along with chiefs game are just getting to the point now we are starting to discuss amputation that might be necessary. denver shutting down several of their migrant shelters and officials are asking property owners to house the newcomers who need a place to stay. the migrant crisis cost the city
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$58 million so far. terrifying video shows flames erupting from united airlines flight seconds after takeoff. fire seen just beneath left wing, after 15 minutes in the air, the plane landed in houston, no one was hurt and new aircraft took passengers to their final destination. social media outraged over $24 five guys receipt cost of burger, fries and drink with tax and tip. what do you think about the pricey total. steve says, i'll pass. teresa says her family of four can't eat there anymore because they cannot justify high prices. ginger argues five guys has fresh burgers and potatoes and she would be willing to pay more for good food. those are headlines. i don't think this is a story to
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knock five guys, this is inflation story. >> ainsley: they are raising their prices because it is so much to pay for materials. >> lawrence: i ordered three bacon cheese burgers, three large fries and two hot dogs and bottle of coke and it was $95 for that. >> steve: and you left a tip. >> ainsley: fast food? >> lawrence: five guys. >> ainsley: was it delivery? >> lawrence: i order so much, my delivery fee was zero. >> brian: the guy did not get a tip. >> lawrence: the tip is 20%, there you go. >> ainsley: that lady said for my family of four, it would be $100. >> brian: what about sizzling, would that be better? >> lawrence: no knock-off bacon. that is where i was going, i would do it again, they season them to perfection. >> steve: juicy and delicious.
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in your case, you were feeding five guys, it sounds like. >> ainsley: that was a big order. >> steve: i've got five guys. >> brian: does it come with paddles to bring your heart back? work on your diet. >> steve: worth it. >> lawrence: brian, in case you didn't notice. >> brian: dvr the show and find out if lawrence survives to the end. >> lawrence: you are my emergency contact. >> brian: he gave them my land line, i never pick up. congressman steve scalise on what he hopes to hear from the state of the union next. ♪you... can make it happen...♪ ♪ try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints.
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>> brian: welcome back. today congress set to vote on the laken riley act. it is legislation requires ice detain illegals charged with theft as riley's accused killer was arrested multiple times and released. president biden will deliver his state of the union. steve scalise back from cancer treatment is ready to go. first on your health, how you feeling? >> great to be with you.
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feeling great. god answers prayers, clean bill of health three weeks ago and came back to work and back to my normal schedule. in remission, very blessed. >> brian: back at baseball practice two hours ago playing second base. if that is not indication you are doing okay, i don't know what is. you want to talk about laken riley. i thought it was a no-brainer, people watching around the world, of course ice should try to get rid of illegal imm immigrants, that is not happening. will you get pushback on the laken riley bill? >> we will force everybody to take a side here. most americans think it is crazy we have wide open borders letting people in by the millions, let alone if someone here illegally is let out the next day. they are beating up cops and let
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out next day, committing theft and let out and the killer was laken riley was caught breaking laws and let out of jail so they could go commit murder. it is not isolated. this bill is named after laken riley because of the tragedy. they family should have to go through what laken riley's family is going through. joe biden opened the southern border and refuses to work to close it. we will push this issue and fight to get our border under control. >> brian: guess who is ush approximating for you? many people in chicago, philadelphia and bunch of people in new york, many of which vote democrat but understand their lives have been screwed by lack of cooperation by ice. despite people saying you have a fractured party, it seems like everyone is uniting around
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former president trump as mitch mcconnell said i'm in, joni ernst said, i'm in and governor of virginia said, i back donald trump. your thought where this party is right now? >> you are seeing colessens around donald trump. donald trump has built up unspired movement, people remember how good things were when donald trump was president. we had a healthy economy, secure and closed border, our friends around the world knew we had their backss and our enemies knew what would happen if they attacked us or our friends around the world. a lot of people have buyers remorse who voted for joe biden. you are seeing democrats, african americans, hispanics, his numbers, president trump's are growing and will continue to grow until november.
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people are fed up with the direction under joe biden and remember how good things were under donald trump and we need to get our country back on track and nobody can do that better than donald trump. >> brian: you want people to remember and democrats want people to remember how bad things were and you say i want people to remember how great things were for donald trump. maybe everyone will make their own decision. congressman steve scalise, thank you. you are back in action and ready to go. >> god bless you, thanks. >> brian: 29 before top of the hour. new york, washington, san francisco, oregon, all push new public safety policy, we'll discuss it. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand
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>> lawrence: so from coast to coast, soft on crime policy seeing pushback. kathy hochul announced plans to bring in the national guard to combat subway crime. and d.c. passed package including harsher punishment for gun possession to retail theft. san francisco passed two law and order measures so liberal cities waking up to the crime crisis? one guy that knows joining us now, former san francisco police officer joel elsworth. we were visiting there a year ago, it seemed like it was in utter decay. is this the turnaround we were praying for? >> it is great to see you. it feels like the pendulum is swinging. they have a large way to go.
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i mean, i was just in san francisco and we were at golden gate park and within 15 minutes my sister-in-law's car got broken into. i like these propositions. if you read between the lines, you know there is a lot of fluff in there and i worry this is a feel-good proposition and nothing will happen. >> lawrence: that is california for you. this is what the san francisco chronicle, the headline they put out. voters can make it clear san francisco can no longer be labeled a progressive city. what do you think about that? >> well, san francisco is literally the city of st. frances and will always be progressive because of leaders running it. that will never change. we are in a moment of time, things are swinging in the right direction. people are fed up.
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california, we were talking about prop 47 and they are actually looking at repealing that. i think we have come to a really, really good spot where people are waking up and they are sick and tired of being beaten down and crime being rampant. nobody wants to live in that cesspool. if you look at propositions, a lot of them are built in with fluff and buzz words and that is to attract words for the mayor trying to get re-elected. >> lawrence: the commander-in-chief, joe biden, will give state of the union today. do you think he should address crime in america since this is happening across the country? >> of course he should. he is not even addressing the border and he tells americans it is not a problem. why would he care, that is biggest crisis. he says there is no problem. what does he feel about city like san francisco or new york?
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>> lawrence: i guess i was too ambitious, one can hope and pray. thank you for joining the program. brother of laken riley murder suspect is linked to venezuelan gang. a gang violence expert is next. for any traveler you want to be. like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm, i... added the garnish. stay twice and get a free night when you book direct. >> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. >> tech: we're all set. >> woman: wow. that looks great. >> tech: schedule now at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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>> steve: this morning the brother of the illegal migrant accused of murdering laken riley is due in court on green card charges. he is tied to a venezuelan gang, same connected to the suspects on the attack of the new york city cops. former commanding officer of new york's police gang division joins us right now. kevin, good morning to you. devon archer morning. >> steve: as it turns out, a lot of guys coming over here have gang tattoos. when my daughter worked at the brooklyn d.a.'s office, they learned this tattoo belongs to that group. you would think if there is a gang tattoo, there would be a
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red flag. apparently that is not the case? >> kevin: like the genie out of the bottle. a lot of these people are in custody already. we are better at disseminating information. this is a relatively new gang in the united states. what happened in venezuela prompted mass exodus of this gang across the border and a lot of these were missed and are here. i think our federal partners are doing a better job identifying them at the border, the cat is out of the bag and in law enforcement we have to deal with it. >> steve: illegal migrants can't have guns, but one guy was seen on social media with guns and stuff like that. it is a mess. brian brought this up earlier, four people arrested in connection of body parts
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scattered across long island. they were released on bond and charged with concealment of hu human corpse and tampering with evidence. if you have body parts, generally there has been a murder, isn't there? >> kevin: there was a murder, we discovered two bodies scattered all over long island. there was a murder that took place. as result of bail reform issues, we were not able to hold these guys in. it is not unusual in case like this to have this be the first charge we're able to prove. in most civilized society, we're able to hold people based on the fact that people who dismember bodies and scatter them are danger to the public. we're outraged by this. members of suffolk police
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department have been doing a fabulous job in conjunction with the district attorney's office. i hope to put these people back where they belong. residents can rest assure suffolk county police department will ensure they cause no further harm while out on the street. >> steve: i know local officials will have a press conference to talk about how these guys are out because of bail reform laws. >> kevin: i want to let you know my county executive will be at that press conference and speaking about this issue. us and law enforcement, suffolk county, we are outraged. we are dealing with what we have to deal with and members of the department have done a phenomenal job and will continue to. >> steve: thank you very much. all right, ainsley has more.
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>> ainsley: thank you, steve. you are looking live at the courtroom, this is in pontiac, michigan, as opening statements are beginning right now in the james crumbley trial, he's charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, one for each student his son killed in 2021. james pleaded not guilty, jury is six men and nine women. his son ethan was sentenced to life in prison for killing four and injuries six. james' wife jennifer was found guilty on involuntary manslaughter charges last month. keep it here on fox for more updates. how much responsibility does a parent have when their child does this. all eyes on joe biden as he faces a critical test with
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voters in tonight's state of the union. ari fleischer on the message biden needs to send. let's check in with a different former white house press secretary dana perino. >> dana: thank you. president biden gives his state of the union tonight. will he say the country is all right? over 70% of united states disagree and 86% think he is too old for a second term, how will he make the sell. two illegal migrants in different courts this morning. and the democrats say crime is down and the governor of new york just sent troops to the subway and voters begging for a crackdown. paul mauro will be here. all this and more when we see you at 9:00.
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5:56 am
♪ ♪ >> brian: a couple of headlines for you. let's start in new york. nasa county executive suing the state attorney general letitia james over her order to repeal his transgender athlete band. he joined us earlier. >> you thought the attorney general would be supporting me and protecting women. women are a protected class under federal law. that is why i brought the federal action. when she saw dominic sends me
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the cease and desist order threatening me with legal action of my lawyers came to the conclusion she is violating federal law and what we are doing is appropriate classifications that are allowed under federal law and women and girls are a protected group. >> brian: game on, e.g. james sent cease and desist letter demanding to repeal the ban. the house expected to hear testimony on the federal government weaponization of the banking system here the biden administration accused of asking things to search private transactions for terms like maga, trump. banks were asked to flag items with cabela's, bass pro shops and takes good don't make sporting goods. those look at your headlines. now here is ainsley. >> ainsley: ahead of tonight's state union, president biden wasting no time to court those nikki haley voters but what message does he need to send to the nation tonight? fox news contributor and former white house press secretary, ari fleischer, hi. >> good morning, ainsley. >> ainsley: we will get to the
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nikki haley voters but what do you want to hear tonight? >> is a republican and my want to hear if joe biden has answers to the nation's biggest problems and that for me starts with inflation, goes to the border, goes to crime. of course, if you are joe biden he will talk about the issues for democrats and he wants to shows he has issues on abortion, climate change and those that motivate the democratic base. the poem is he doesn't have a big enough space to win the election. he needs people in the center. he needs people who can swing a vote. that is his problem appearance before let's talk about what jos campaign said yesterday to nikki haley voters. nikki haley was willing to speak the truth about trump and the chaos that follows him and his inability to see right from wrong. donald trump made it clear he does not want nikki haley supporters but i want to be clear there is a place for them in my campaign. there he goes, talking about the chaos which i would argue inflation, explosion of illegals, wars and the
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middle east and much of this chaos is because of its biden's policies. democrats are doing anything they can to cause chaos and donald trump's life. nikki haley aligns more with donald trump and his policies? >> i think nikki haley voters up for grabs. and actually that was a smart statement joe biden put out because he is speaking to nikki haley's voters and the language nikki haley's voter speak which is suburban group that doesn't like donald trump personally. and i've got to say, ainsley, when he put out his preemptive statement with nicky's withdrawal from the race, i pounded her. that is not smart. stop pounding her mussed up body slamming her and appealed to her come appealed to her supporters just as joe biden. but is going to be a close race in november and don't alienate anybody. i have to say that was a smart move by joe biden to put out a
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statement like that based on those policies to nikki haley's people. >> ainsley: great to see you, thank you so much for coming on. >> thank you. >> ainsley: you're welcome. >> brian: the great advice, don't you have got to be inclusive. >> steve: the end of the statement you reached out to thd of the statement and i invite you to be a part of this political movement. >> steve: joe biden to make his big speech tonight exactly 12 hours and let's see, 24 seconds from right now here could you get the best coverage on television and our state of the union address coverage starts 9:00 p.m. eastern with bret baier and martha. >> brian: we will get the postgame and pregame show appearance before we will talk about it tomorrow morning. >> brian: you can listen more on the radio 9:00 until 12:00. >> lawrence: we will see you tomorrow. >> steve: bye dies. >> dana: president biden in desperate need of a re


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